KRAVEN TRAILER_ Sony's Spider-Man Changes, The Rhino & Things You Missed

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KRAVEN TRAILER_ Sony's Spider-Man Changes, The Rhino & Things You Missed
00:00My son. We are hunters. The greatest the world has ever known.
00:10Hunters are fairy tales.
00:19There are no fairy tales, really.
00:39A hunter. A killer.
00:44And I heard a voice.
00:48And behold.
00:52Hell followed with him.
00:55There's a man going round taking names.
00:58My son.
00:59And he decides who to free and who to blame.
01:02He is an animal.
01:03Stronger than you can imagine.
01:05The hands on your arm will stand up.
01:08Tell me about this hunter.
01:12Once you're on his list, there's only one way off.
01:17When the man comes around.
01:22When the man comes around.
01:31Whoever is unjust.
01:33You think you have some kind of honor.
01:36Some kind of code.
01:40You're just another man.
01:44Hunting for entropy.
01:48Just like our father.
01:52When the man comes around.
01:55When the man comes around.
01:58Embrace who you really are, son.
02:04When the man comes around.
02:10And you will become a legend.
02:12When the man comes around.
02:15Welcome back, it's Kraven time.
02:17That's right, we finally got a new Kraven trailer.
02:19It's only been about a year.
02:21Like it has been a minute since we've gotten anything from the Kraven movie.
02:24Sony didn't forget about it.
02:26Like they didn't put on a shelf and just completely forget about it.
02:29Since jumped over Venom the last dance and is now releasing in November.
02:34Venom the last dance is releasing a little bit earlier.
02:36The way that Sony explained the reason why they did that.
02:39Why they made such a big delay is so that the director could just polish the movie.
02:43So that it was more on the level of Venom the last dance.
02:46I guess they feel like Venom the last dance is going to be way more banger than the other movies they've released.
02:50Mostly dot dot dot Madam Web.
02:53That is right.
02:54Sony was so worried about what happened with Madam Web.
02:57They didn't want it to be Kraven time the way it was Web in time.
03:01So we will see if their delays their efforts did pay off.
03:05And even though there is a lot a lot of footage in this trailer.
03:09I am 99.9% sure the only thing people are going to be talking about is this version of the Rhino.
03:16Like we get a full on look at the Rhino and it is crazy.
03:20I will talk more about this later in the video.
03:22But I'm a little surprised that this is the way they're visualizing his actual face.
03:26The actual trailer song they play during this is Johnny Cash's when the man comes around.
03:32It was actually one of the last songs that he wrote before he died it wound up on his last album.
03:36It heavily references the book of revelations, which is all about the biblical reckoning God's wrath.
03:42The four horsemen of death showing up in the trailer there using it as a metaphor for Kraven being that horseman of death.
03:48Going around killing all the people that seems like are part of his father's organization.
03:53They're kind of doing the same thing with Kraven that they did with the Venom character turning him into more of an anti-hero.
03:58His father from the comics is played by Russell Crowe.
04:01So within the context of the movie he was born into this lifestyle of the hunt.
04:06And when we talk about the horseman of death because we're talking about the Marvel universe.
04:09Fun coincidence during X-Men 97 season 2 the horseman of death is essentially going to be Gambit the return Gambit.
04:16Because at the end of season one they basically tease that apocalypse was going to resurrect him as his horseman of death.
04:21How you like them apples things looking really good for Gambit the last couple years between X-Men 97 and Channing Tatum's version of Gambit during Deadpool and Wolverine.
04:29I'm about to make a name for myself here.
04:32I'm about to make a name for myself here.
04:34But just starting at the beginning of this brand-new trailer we see him at a prison in some cold environment here.
04:40I don't know if this is Siberia like somewhere in a really terrible environment.
04:43We get the voiceover from his father played by Russell Crowe.
04:47Like I said saying that they are hunters.
04:49Like he's basically telling about the lineage of his family that he's born into.
04:53You're meant to be a predator in a world of prey.
04:56Not totally sure, but I believe this guard here is speaking Russian to him as he pulls the knife out of the lion's mouth here.
05:02Bit of a fun wink of the lion's mane that he wears around his shoulders.
05:06This seems like just part of a grand prison break that he pulls here.
05:10He's got some mad fighting skills.
05:12It seems like he has some low-level superpowers.
05:14The way they explain this in the last trailer, it's almost like he got his own version of a spider bite, but from lion's blood.
05:20Like something about the animal's DNA bonded with his DNA.
05:24So it was a bit of a Spider-Man origin story situation.
05:27He does have a measure of enhanced strength, speed, regeneration, agility.
05:31If you couldn't tell from the brutal takedown here, it is meant to be a rated R movie.
05:36Kind of a bummer that Venom The Last Dance was not also rated R.
05:39Really hoping for like a rated R Venom movie.
05:42He rips his way out of prison, which I now do think is in Siberia.
05:46This woman who says, who's next, is from a much different part in the movie.
05:50Like much, much later after he's escaped.
05:52She's playing Calypso, who's meant to be his love interest during the movie.
05:56In the comic, she was a voodoo priestess.
05:58I do not know if that's going to be the case during this actual movie.
06:01Because they're treating it in more of a real world kind of way.
06:03Or as real world as you can get with getting powers from lion's blood.
06:07She might have also had some sort of association with his father's organization too.
06:11Like I don't know if she's just some random person that he runs into.
06:14Like she has some association with their group before this.
06:17But it does seem like she's helping him throughout the movie.
06:20Then we see him in his full Kraven comic book gear with the lion's mane around his neck.
06:25Like this is meant to be his full comic book look.
06:27It looks like here he's using the boat to just go after different people.
06:31Him hunting people in this jungle here actually reminds me of the beginning of the Spider-Man 2 game.
06:36There was a little while where we almost got those two things in the same year before they delayed the Kraven movie.
06:41Like no no no, we want to make this a little bit better.
06:44There were a couple Easter eggs like Black Cat showed up in that Spider-Man No Way Home ending scene.
06:48Where all the characters from the multiverse almost wound up on planet Earth.
06:51Like all the silhouettes you see, Black Cat was one of them.
06:54Part of the idea is that you see comic book accurate versions of the characters.
06:57And that's meant to tease some of the movies that they're working on.
07:00Like the Rhino, the comic book accurate Rhino shows up in that too.
07:03This is also meant to be a comic book accurate Kraven.
07:05Now we're seeing the Kraven movie with that character on screen with another version of the Rhino.
07:10Calypso calls his father out as a gangster, which explains why he might want him dead.
07:15Not exactly sure who he's having killed inside this club here.
07:19Probably just rivals of his.
07:20Not totally sure why Russell Crowe signed on to this movie after being in Thor Love and Thunder.
07:25Like that was meant to be more like a funny one-off thing for him.
07:28I'm not expecting him to come back.
07:30But it's always possible that he comes back because they did pay him a dumb truck of money.
07:33But I'm also assuming that's probably the reason why he did this movie too.
07:37Like, oh, dumb truck of money.
07:38Yes, I will take this role.
07:40They challenge each other.
07:41I think this is meant to be a battle of dominance within their family.
07:44My early prediction is that he does wind up killing his father and kind of replacing him in his organization.
07:50Then using his father's organization to his own ends.
07:53I believe the tooth that he's wearing around the necklace is from the lion that actually gave him his powers when he was a boy.
08:00This seems like it's happening earlier in the movie.
08:02But it's also one of the many brutal takedowns where he goes after his father's men.
08:06He absolutely wrecks a bunch of them.
08:08Some of these takedowns are actually pretty badass.
08:11Notice the yellow glow in his eye.
08:13That's part of his powers manifesting.
08:16Then we get a much better look at the rhino in the movie.
08:19And it's a biological powered rhino as opposed to Amazing Spider-Man 2 with the mechanical rhino.
08:25If you don't remember the last trailer, I think the way they were positioning this guy is that he was meant to be his father's right-hand man.
08:31He was also there when he got his powers as a boy.
08:34Not totally sure what's going on with the serum that he injects himself with.
08:38But it just seems like something that his father's organization has cooked up.
08:41Maybe it also has something to do with the reason why Kraven himself got powers.
08:45When he says, tell me about this hunter, it seems like there's a portion of the movie where they don't actually know that it's Kraven who's coming after his father's organization.
08:54Like, oh wait a minute, the call is coming from inside the room.
08:57It's also not totally clear why he was in that Russian prison either.
09:01Love the Daredevil style hallway fight scene, but with Kraven powers.
09:05Speaking of which, I just did a Daredevil born again trailer video from D23.
09:09It looks amazing.
09:11And Charlie Cox said they're gonna have one of the craziest wonder fight scenes that you've ever seen during that.
09:17These are more scenes of him escaping from that Russian prison from earlier in the trailer.
09:21Just running across the snowy landscape.
09:23The person questioning if he has honor, if he has some kind of code that he's following here where he's going after all these people,
09:29I think is meant to be his brother, aka the chameleon from the comics.
09:33I don't know if he's gonna have any kind of chameleon abilities during the actual movie though.
09:38When he challenges Kraven saying that you're just another man searching for more trophies,
09:42he's basically trying to say that you're just like our father, like you're no better than our father.
09:46You're going after all these people, you're killing all these people just because you enjoy it.
09:50I think it's just meant to tease his darker side.
09:52Like I think part of the grand plan that Sony had a while ago,
09:55like this is pre-Madame Webbe before their entire Spider-Man universe without Spider-Man in it completely imploded.
10:02But before all that, they were meant to cross over in some sort of big sinister six-style team-up movie.
10:07This also included Morbius.
10:09Yes, it was Morbin time for a brief second before the Morbius movie actually came out.
10:14So now it's anybody's guess as to what happens with the Kraven character.
10:18Like what are their plans beyond this movie?
10:20Will they just make Kraven sequels if it does well enough?
10:23Will they actually try to cross him over with the Venom character eventually?
10:26Because even though Tom Hardy is doing Venom 3 as his last Venom solo movie,
10:31he'll still continue to be the Venom character.
10:33He'll just appear in other people's movies.
10:35But that honor does not extend to all the other Sony spin-off Spider-Man movies
10:40that they've been trying to make the last couple of years.
10:42That's mostly built on the success of those individual movies.
10:45So for instance, I'm not really expecting most of like 99% of the Madame Webbe characters to come back.
10:52Sidney Sweeney, I think, is probably one of the only ones that they will bring back.
10:55We get another shot of Calypso during a different part of the trailer.
10:58Not exactly sure what she's doing here.
11:00She looks a little bit sinister herself.
11:02Here's another message from his father.
11:04Embrace who you are as basically we lead into like one of our big final fights
11:08with the Rhino going into full Rhino transformation mode.
11:11And here we go.
11:12This is a full frontal shot of the Rhino.
11:14You guys can let me know what you think of this CG here.
11:16We're only getting a taste for it.
11:18And obviously this is a very different vibe because it's rated R from Amazing Spider-Man 2's version of the Rhino,
11:23which is meant to be way more comedic, way more over the top, but on purpose.
11:27Fun fact too, way back in the day before Sony imploded with the hack
11:31and they made the big sharing arrangement with Marvel for Tom Holland's version of Spider-Man
11:35or what became Tom Holland's Spider-Man.
11:37Because of the stuff that was leaked from the hack, like all the email messages,
11:41we found out that Amy Pascal asked Kevin Feige to give notes on Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie.
11:48And one of the notes that he gave is why were they doing this crazy version of the Rhino?
11:53Like he's way over the top and kind of pulling the movie in a completely different direction.
11:57In the notes, Kevin Feige was a really big fan of Jamie Foxx's Electro
12:01and the stuff that he was doing with that character.
12:03But like when it came to the Rhino, he just felt like that was way too much.
12:06Paul Giamatti, fantastic actor when he's playing the right role though.
12:10Since that all went down, people ask him about playing that crazy version of the Rhino in interviews.
12:15He takes it like a chant though, like he gives some really funny interviews about it.
12:18Pretty easy to assume that he will eventually defeat that version of the Rhino.
12:22But get that voiceover from his father at the end where he says that you will eventually become legend.
12:27I'm sure Sony winds up hoping the box office for this movie winds up being legendary as well.
12:31To its credit though, it looks like they only spent between 100 and 130 million dollars making it.
12:37Meaning that it doesn't have to make nearly as much money as say like a traditional Marvel movie
12:42which usually cost more like 200 million dollars.
12:45Those movies need to do at least like 500, 600 million dollars just to break even.
12:49But when you're only spending like 100 million dollars making a movie,
12:52it really doesn't need to make more than like 300 million to actually break even.
12:56Usually winds up being about three times the budget.
12:58But a couple notable absences from this trailer.
13:01Like notice the things that they removed that were in the previous trailer
13:04and one of them was a lot, a lot of Spider-Man specific references.
13:08Because if you remember what happened to Madame Web,
13:11they might have done something similar with the Kraven movie
13:14where they basically pull all the Spider-Man references out
13:17just to avoid undue association with Spider-Man specifically.
13:21There are actually a couple reasons for them pulling all the Spider-Man references out of Madame Web though.
13:26Like it wasn't just any one particular reason.
13:28Like they messed up a lot of stuff behind the scenes.
13:30It was really chaotic and a lot of the stars were criticizing the movie
13:34for just being a complete disaster because it was made by committee.
13:38The way they've been marketing the Kraven movie though
13:40is they say it's taken much more of an auteur vision with the director having way more control over it
13:45than the director of the Madame Web movie had over that movie.
13:48So hopefully that is to its benefit.
13:50Personally, I think they just saw the writing on the wallet.
13:53They saw what happened with Madame Web.
13:54So they're like no, no, no.
13:55We need to take like a little more time.
13:57Let's back up a couple steps and fix what we can fix with this movie.
14:00But because Sony's plans for like this interconnected universe of Spider-Man characters
14:05completely imploded earlier this year.
14:08I think currently Kraven's long-term plans are to be determined
14:12based on the success or failure of this movie.
14:15So if it does well enough, you will see Aaron Taylor-Johnson come back as the Kraven character.
14:20If it does terribly, like if it does more than time numbers,
14:23then you will probably never see him again.
14:25Kind of like we never saw him again after Avengers Age of Ultron,
14:28which was a huge bummer.
14:30I would love to see him come back as his version of Quicksilver in Secret Wars
14:33even if it was only for just like a little bit.
14:35We got the Ralph Boner joke with the Evan Peters version of Quicksilver during WandaVision,
14:39but that was more of a joke one-off kind of thing.
14:42Probably going to be a while before we see a whole bunch of X-Men specific stuff inside the MCU.
14:47We got a Quicksilver reference though during Deadpool and Wolverine,
14:51and that was meant to be the Evan Peters version of Quicksilver
14:54just because they were referencing all the Fox Marvel characters during that from those X-Men movies.
14:58But if you spotted any other easter eggs or references in this trailer
15:01that I didn't talk about in the video, write them below in the comments.
15:04Or if I didn't talk about them in the last trailer,
15:06I'll post my video for that in the description below
15:09so you can check the differences between the last trailer and this trailer
15:12because there are a couple big differences.
15:14One of the other reasons why I think they pulled back so much on the Spider-Man stuff
15:17is because they were banking a couple years ago that they would have a version of Spider-Man
15:22in some of these movies at some point like a post-credit scene referencing one of the versions of Spider-Man
15:27either Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield or even Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man
15:31and that just has not worked out.
15:33Speaking of Spider-Man, everybody wondering what's happening with Spider-Man 4.
15:36Apparently, like the news recently is they pushed that movie to July 2026
15:41and now that might take place on battle world like between Avengers 5 and Avengers 6.
15:47And if you didn't see my Robert Downey Jr. Doctor Doom Comic Con video a couple weeks ago,
15:51the Russo brothers is part of the big teaser for his Doctor Doom reveal
15:55revealed that Avengers 5 Doomsday would basically be based on the time runs out storyline
16:01which leads into secret wars in the comics.
16:04So essentially they were doing the comic book story from the more recent version of secret wars
16:08which did involve battle world.
16:10So it is very possible that we get a Spider-Man movie that set on battle world in some way.
16:15We'll see how they figure that one out.
16:17Does that mean crazy multiverse Spider-Man movie again?
16:21Or are they gonna find some other way of explaining why it's not as crazy in multiverse.
16:25Sony has done crazier things, but because it's a Spider-Man mainstream movie
16:30Marvel basically is in charge of all the creative that so it's really on Marvel not on Sony.
16:35I'm going to remain optimistic for now, but will get a couple more trailers before it actually comes out.
16:39So hopefully find out a little bit more about what's going on with the actual story
16:42and learn maybe if they've changed some large portions of the film how they've changed it.
16:47Speaking of which, this addresses nothing of Venom the last dance like there are so many questions about that
16:52so many crazy Easter eggs like you expect in all the different Sony movies.
16:56Like who made this trailer? What are all these references? What does this mean?
17:00I did a much longer video about that.
17:02Click here to watch that and click here for all my other D23 trailer videos like
17:07Daredevil born again, the Thunderbolts trailer. There's a bunch more that I'm working on right now too.
17:12Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys the next one!
