Welcome to Plathville Season 6 Episode 5

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Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 5 - You're Like a Stranger to Me Now
00:00What would you like?
00:02Um, I'll get a cup of coffee.
00:04Sure. For you.
00:06He told me he doesn't mind drinking when he's just out being social.
00:11Apparently I'm not.
00:13Somebody who wants to be social.
00:18I really feel like the right thing for me to do is to just apologize for what I know I did wrong.
00:28You talking about like with Olivia?
00:32I texted her to meet up and talk things through.
00:39The little girls told me that you didn't get your girlfriend anything for her birthday.
00:44So this year, maybe step it up a little?
00:48Right now I'm living with my girlfriend.
00:50She's an incredible woman.
00:52She's the one that took my heart and pulled me down to South Florida.
00:56But living with someone is very close to marriage and it's a lot.
01:04I really just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how I handled everything and how I treated you last year.
01:12I hope you know I really did love your brother.
01:16I guess I learned that sometimes love is not enough.
01:22But it doesn't mean it never existed.
01:26I love you.
01:44The girls have been with Barry this past week and so Mike is bringing them to do taekwondo.
01:49Good to see you.
01:52So this is where you guys practice, huh?
01:55Mom, she sent dog mismatched shoes for me.
02:00I guess I didn't compare.
02:02Things like this happen all the time.
02:04I'll think I have something at one property, but I really don't.
02:06And I'm like, wait, I'm missing it or something like that happens all the time.
02:08You just get used to it.
02:10So you came to watch?
02:13You're in for a treat.
02:15I'm getting used to seeing Ken around the little girls as an adult male in their life that they look up to.
02:20From what I've seen, he treats them really well.
02:22So that's very good.
02:24You guys look like little doctors now.
02:28All right, girls, good to see you.
02:29Ready for our awesome class today?
02:32So let's go ahead and get lined up.
02:34Let's just go and start warming up with some jumping jacks, okay?
02:37I have a bunch of stuff going on in my life right now.
02:40I started teaching gymnastics.
02:42I turned 15 and I'm going to be getting my permit soon.
02:45Then like the change of like being in two separate households.
02:48But I feel like when I go to taekwondo, I kind of like forget about it and just focus.
02:51Which really helps.
02:52So today we're going to really be focusing on our punch defense.
02:56Let's just say this person like just kind of swings at your head, okay?
03:00That's all we're going to do.
03:02We're going to practice that real quick.
03:04All right?
03:07This is smart to teach the kids how to beat each other up.
03:15Percy's pretty tough.
03:17Don't you think, Micah?
03:21I'm really happy that my younger sisters get to do all these classes and activities outside of the house
03:26that, you know, I wasn't really allowed to do growing up.
03:28Cass, you ready?
03:29When I think of where I could be at in something if I had started it when I was that age,
03:34there's no telling where I would be at now.
03:37I think I could have been a professional athlete.
03:40Way to go, Amber.
03:42So the next thing we're going to work on today is going to be a little bit of the sports sparring.
03:47So let's go ahead and put your pads on, okay?
03:52And go.
03:59I would love to give, you know, have given all of my children everything,
04:02but when Micah was young, we had nine children from teenager down to infant,
04:07and I physically couldn't go cart them off all over the place for lessons.
04:12Micah didn't get taekwondo lessons, but the girls, you know, didn't get growing up on a farm,
04:18knowing how to garden, take care of animals.
04:20They all got a different childhood.
04:24And time.
04:27Outstanding work.
04:28Give your partner a high five because that was great.
04:30Awesome job.
04:31Does anybody have any questions for me today?
04:33Can I beat up my brother?
04:39When my mom first started dating Ken, it was a little bit of concern, but it's wearing off.
04:44He does seem like a good guy.
04:45All right, so girls, great job.
04:47Hands in the middle real quick.
04:48But I think some of the older siblings are a little more skeptical of Ken.
04:51I feel like Ethan is, but I don't have anything against him.
04:55But I think it's just a little bit of, it's hard to get over that he's dating my mom.
05:00Okay, you girls ready?
05:03Good job.
05:18Ryan and Lydia are coming over today and see me for a little bit before they head back to Georgia.
05:24I've enjoyed having Ryan and Lydia here.
05:26I enjoy any time my siblings come up this way.
05:33Hey, you guys are some slowpokes.
05:47You guys are some slow walkers.
05:48Well, I've had to deal with her.
05:50I know.
05:51I'm sorry.
05:52She's having a rough morning.
05:53How are you?
05:54I'm good.
05:55How are you?
05:56I'm good.
05:57This has been one of the best trips for me for, like, to see family.
06:00And it's been a lot of memories, been a lot of good times.
06:04Make your confession.
06:05What did she do now?
06:07She spilled her coffee on my new shirt.
06:12It's okay.
06:13I spill stuff on me all the time.
06:15I did have a conversation with Olivia yesterday, and it went well.
06:18And I'd like to tell Ethan a little bit about that,
06:21but I just want to be careful with Ethan's emotions and feelings
06:24because I know he's in a tricky spot.
06:27You have a T-shirt.
06:28Yeah, I mean, I could give you a T-shirt.
06:30One thing I've loved seeing over the last several years is
06:33even when each one of my family members go through different hard things,
06:37someone always shows up, expected or unexpected,
06:40to mourn with them, laugh with them, whatever's needed.
06:42And I just hope Miranda can maybe bring a little sunshine in his day.
06:45When my outfit is ruined, my day is ruined.
06:48I can go get you another coffee.
06:50I mean, I could go for a coffee.
06:52All right. I'll be back.
06:56There went Arnold Schwarzenegger.
06:58I'll be back.
07:00Hold on, I have a joke. Hold on.
07:03I'm going to go to school to become a magician.
07:05So you can disappear?
07:06No, so I can...
07:08Yeah, that's a good idea. That's better than my idea.
07:12Oh, crap.
07:14What was your idea?
07:15You don't want to know.
07:17If I became a magician, I would disappear.
07:20Nobody would be able to find me.
07:24I mean, Ethan's one of the first people I go to when I need advice
07:27because he always gives such good advice
07:29and he really knows how to encourage me and cheer me up
07:32and help me move forward with things.
07:35And I wish so bad that I could do that for him.
07:37He's working through the healing process
07:40and I don't want Ethan to hold everything in.
07:43I do pray for Ethan.
07:45Life is hard.
07:47It's hard to do it alone.
07:53Those were Olivia's Christmas gifts last year.
08:01I did see Olivia yesterday.
08:03We had a conversation and it went good.
08:06Okay, that's good.
08:09I don't know, going into it, I just was, like...
08:13wanted to really make sure that I'm not trying to, like...
08:18defend myself or anything.
08:20Like, it was just really, like, that doesn't do any good.
08:24We see things the way we see things
08:26and I messed up in these areas and I'm sorry for that.
08:31It is sad.
08:32Like, I hate that it took me this long to get to this place,
08:35but I'm happy I got here.
08:39I'm happy for Mariah that she talked with Olivia
08:42and they had a good conversation.
08:44I'm very happy that Mariah did what she felt like
08:47she needed to do to clear her chest.
08:49I have not seen Olivia on this trip yet,
08:52but I guess I'll see her soon.
08:56Me and Olivia are, I guess, gonna go through everything here
08:59and figure out what she wants and is taking
09:02and what I'm taking
09:04and I'll be out of this damn place in a month.
09:08That's a cute apartment, but I don't like it here.
09:10Mm-hm. Yeah.
09:12Just cos, you know, we were here together,
09:15so I don't want to... I don't want to be here.
09:18I get that.
09:22I'm out of here.
09:24If it means anything, I think you're really strong.
09:34Coffee. Oh, damn.
09:38I love my sisters and I appreciate them
09:40trying to cheer me up,
09:43but there's just nothing that can be said or done
09:47to really change anything.
09:49Well, Mariah and I should get to the airport.
09:54Later this week, Olivia's coming by to pack up a lot of her stuff
09:58and finalised divorce paperwork.
10:00All right, well, fly safe.
10:02OK. I love you.
10:04Love you too.
10:06Call me any time.
10:08OK. All right.
10:10Bye. Bye.
10:18I've struggled a lot anytime I've seen Olivia
10:21after we separated and I dread talking to her.
10:33I love the cherry oak floors.
10:35Oh, yeah.
10:37Nothing's finalised with the divorce, but if I had my way,
10:39I would be moving here.
10:41I get a lot of people messaging me on social media
10:43wanting me to set them up with you.
10:46Um, what about anything like pictures?
10:48Do you want those?
10:51Do you?
10:53I knew it.
10:55She's always been like that.
10:56Like, when she cuts something out of her life,
10:58she's gone and she never looks back.
11:00I don't know if she can do that with her own family,
11:02and I don't stand a chance.
11:19It's been a while since I've been here.
11:21It's been, like, years, right?
11:23I think so. Looks the same, though.
11:26Mike and I are coming to one of our properties that we own.
11:29This was purchased as a rental property in a fixer-upper,
11:32and, you know, nothing's finalised with the divorce,
11:35but if I had my way, the main house would be sold,
11:38and I would be moving here.
11:40This would be a fresh start.
11:42I've got some things I want to do in here, potentially.
11:45Yeah, this could be a nice kitchen if you renovate it.
11:47Kim and I, we're in the land of marriage limbo.
11:50The final agreement is not signed yet.
11:53I love the cherry oak floors.
11:55Oh, yeah.
11:57I know it won't always be like this,
11:59but it seems like it'll always be like this,
12:01but I don't know.
12:03This is a nice old house.
12:07It's got charm.
12:09Maybe I'll end up here, but I don't know.
12:11We just, we're at an impasse.
12:14I think my dad's just excited to have closure
12:18in one chapter of his life and step into the next,
12:21and he does like this house, so I think it would be a good move.
12:25So what's going on?
12:27I have a really good thing going in Florida right now.
12:29Working towards opening, starting my own fencing company
12:32and hopefully landscape company as well.
12:34And you've been doing that for a number of months,
12:37and now you're in a committed relationship
12:39and everything's going good.
12:41Girlfriend's doing good. Progressed rather rapidly.
12:43Yeah. But it's good.
12:45So I met my girlfriend a year and a half ago.
12:48For the first few months of our relationship,
12:51it was long distance.
12:53We'd just talk on the phone all the time.
12:55I think that's how our relationship developed so rapidly
12:59is because we knew everything about each other
13:02just from talking all the time.
13:04Do you think she'll go on camera at some point?
13:06Is that possible?
13:08Who knows? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
13:12But, you know, the big thing,
13:14the big thing you're going to have to do
13:16is make that decision to commit fully.
13:19That's what's coming.
13:21One thing about my dad that I noticed
13:23is his unwavering of what he believes in.
13:26I feel like his views on, you know, marriage
13:30haven't even changed.
13:32The way my parents did a relationship into marriage
13:35was, I guess, the courting style.
13:37That's what they saw as the way to go,
13:39and, you know, they kind of pushed us to do the same thing.
13:42And I think the elephant in the room is
13:44my parents got divorced in the end, so...
13:48I don't think there is a one right way to do something.
13:51I still think about, like, am I ready to settle down?
13:55It's just questions like, what career do I want to choose?
13:59Do I want to have my own company
14:02and do landscaping and stuff like that?
14:04Or do I want to go down another road of, like,
14:07if I wanted to still get into acting?
14:09There's just a lot of options, but I think right now
14:12I see myself gearing down and working towards my future,
14:16potentially our future.
14:18Well, there's still a little hesitation in your voice about,
14:21well, could I be doing other things,
14:23or should I take another path?
14:25Yeah, I guess there is a little bit of that still.
14:28I try not to, but I can't really help it.
14:31What about you up here?
14:33Once your divorce is finalized
14:35and you're settled into a routine,
14:37do you see yourself dating ever?
14:39I don't really know.
14:41You know, I'm not going to date given my setup,
14:43the way, you know, the situation is as it is.
14:45But, OK, say that changes,
14:47I have no clue what that looks like.
14:50I will say this, though.
14:52I get a lot of people messaging me on social media
14:54wanting me to set them up with you.
14:57I've never experienced a DM.
15:00I don't know when I will experience a DM, right,
15:03because I don't have social media presence.
15:05It's a little daunting to think about.
15:07What do you do?
15:09If you were going to, like, put a profile out there,
15:12a dating profile or whatever,
15:14you'd want some good pictures,
15:16you'd want a profile that will help weed people out.
15:19Yeah, I know.
15:21Or there's the option of you could just Google,
15:23how do I get Riz?
15:25And what is that?
15:28It's when you basically know exactly what to say
15:31and how to act to make a woman fall for you.
15:36All these kids have these new words.
15:38Yeah, you're so dope, man.
15:40I don't think they say that anymore.
15:43That's old?
15:45I think so.
15:46Dope is come and gone?
15:47I don't think so.
15:48But that's sick. Sick is still in, right?
15:50Kind of.
15:51If I were to create a social media profile,
15:53I want to just have something catchy,
15:55like he's got the ABCs down,
15:57he's adventurous, brave, and creative.
15:59Ha ha ha!
16:01Barry's got his ABCs down.
16:03I can't really imagine him dating
16:05because I've never thought of that.
16:08But he's a good-looking dude for his age and very fit,
16:12and everyone knows he's quirky.
16:14He's unique.
16:16I feel like you have a pretty good idea of what you want
16:19and how to get it.
16:21I'll help you whenever something comes up.
16:23Someone who makes me laugh.
16:25I can make her laugh, she can make me laugh.
16:28Someone who is somewhat athletic, that would be great.
16:33Yeah, there you go.
16:35But nothing's happening in that realm.
16:37It's all quiet on that front.
16:39Don't downplay it. You do think about it sometimes.
16:42Completely natural.
16:44Yeah, it's natural, right?
17:02I'm back in the apartment I used to live in
17:05to get the rest of my things moved out.
17:09I still have the keys,
17:11and Ethan told me to go ahead and get started without him.
17:13And I thought it would not be good for him
17:15to just sit there and watch me.
17:17I feel like being back here, it's brutal to feel it all.
17:20I feel like all the wounds that were healing
17:22are now kind of being torn back open,
17:24and I don't really want to have more conversations.
17:26I want to be able to peacefully move on,
17:28so I'm just paying attention to what needs to get done.
17:31The other thing is, I do need Ethan to sign divorce papers.
17:34Last time I tried, it did not go well,
17:37and I'm hoping that today we can actually get this done.
17:40I swear they're very dead.
17:44Back when I moved to L.A.,
17:46a couple months after Ethan, I decided we were done.
17:50At that time, we had a conversation that ended peacefully.
17:54He also said we were done,
17:56and I received those words he said at the time,
17:58and I said, okay, I think you did the best you could.
18:01It wasn't right for me.
18:03We'll go our separate ways, but I wish you the best.
18:05That was my closure. That was my moving on.
18:07I didn't know that he was thinking
18:09I would change my mind after the summer and move back.
18:12He just keeps thinking I'm always going to come back,
18:14because I did before.
18:29This is the first time I've seen Olivia in about a month.
18:33Part of me wants to be with her,
18:35because I still care about her and love her.
18:39Do you want to keep any of these cards?
18:42I'll go through that.
18:44But then it's also extremely painful.
18:49I know before I left for L.A.,
18:52we had kind of talked about who was taking what,
18:54but I just want to be sure before I pack my stuff up.
18:57What about anything like pictures?
18:59Do you want those?
19:02Do you?
19:04I knew it.
19:07There's stuff that she threw away that I was like,
19:09why'd you throw that away?
19:11I mean...
19:13She's always been like that.
19:15When she cuts something out of her life,
19:17she's gone and she never looks back.
19:19And I know if she can do that with her own family...
19:22I mean...
19:24I don't stand a chance.
19:27Why is it that I feel like you can move on so easily?
19:32Is this just a front that you put on?
19:34I feel like you don't care.
19:37And it infuriates me.
19:39I don't understand.
19:46How's boat life going?
19:48Never a dull moment.
19:49Power went out this morning.
19:51My mom and I are very similar.
19:53We both get very determined to do something,
19:56and sometimes it's not the best decision.
19:58I'm not saying mom's boat was a bad decision,
20:00but, like, I have an idea.
20:02Like, that's amazing.
20:04And I do it, and everyone else is standing around
20:07shaking their head.
20:25I'm here.
20:28Oh, let me...
20:29Help me not fall.
20:31I like your, um, even step there.
20:35Mariah's been to the boat before,
20:37but this is the first time that it's just been the two of us
20:39to really sit and enjoy the boat together.
20:42Come on in.
20:46Mariah just got back from Minnesota,
20:48so I'm eager to hear how things went,
20:51and does she have any news about Ethan?
20:54How's boat life going?
20:55Oh, it's good.
20:56It's, you know, never a dull moment.
20:59The power went out this morning.
21:02When I woke up this morning, I had no power,
21:05which is kind of normal.
21:07That happens a lot.
21:08I, you know, I can only run so much
21:10if I want to run the toaster oven.
21:12I have to unplug the A.C., so I'm kind of used to that.
21:15But there's kind of a burnt smell in the air,
21:18so I got John, who works here at the marina,
21:20and he found a burnt plug.
21:23Look at that.
21:25So right now we have no power,
21:27but at least the boat didn't burn down.
21:30So can we make coffee?
21:31If you want me to make you coffee,
21:33I can heat up some charcoal on the grill
21:37and heat up the water over the grill,
21:39and I can make you coffee that way.
21:42It's okay.
21:43This is where my mom and I are very similar.
21:46We both get very determined to do something,
21:49and we make it happen,
21:50and sometimes it's not the best decision.
21:52I'm not saying Mom's boat was a bad decision.
21:55She wanted it.
21:56She's happy, and I think that that's wonderful,
21:58and I like the boat, too.
21:59I think it's fun.
22:00But that's where I'm like, oh, my gosh, the same way.
22:04Like, I have an idea.
22:05Like, that's amazing.
22:07It's a great idea.
22:08I'm going to do it.
22:09And I do it,
22:10and everyone else is standing around shaking their head.
22:14So I take it you saw Ethan when you were in Minnesota.
22:17Yes, it was a really good time.
22:20So good to see everybody.
22:22How's Ethan doing with divorce and all of that?
22:25I feel like it's definitely up and down for him, understandably.
22:30He's really struggling with it all.
22:32I'm sad for Ethan that he's having to go through getting a divorce.
22:36I know that's hard.
22:38I do think that, you know,
22:40staying in an unhappy marriage isn't the answer either.
22:43We haven't had any big, deep conversations yet,
22:46but I know he's going through a lot right now,
22:48and I want him to talk to me when he's ready.
22:51But in the meantime, I do still care, you know,
22:53what he's going through and that he's okay.
22:56Did I tell you I met up with Olivia?
23:03She was there to get some of her stuff.
23:07I was surprised to hear that she talked to Olivia.
23:12I don't really, I'm not really sure what to think about that.
23:16If she feels like she needed to, I don't know, smooth things over,
23:20then I guess that's fine.
23:24But I think we've all seen and experienced enough hurt
23:29from dealing with Olivia that it does make me kind of scared to think about,
23:35I don't know, like Mariah talking to, I don't know, I don't know.
23:39It brings up a lot of, I don't know.
23:48I don't know, I just wanted to lay everything to rest
23:51and apologize for what I knew I did wrong
23:54and everything that went down last year.
23:57I'm not proud of how I handled that.
23:59Honestly, like looking back, I felt like I needed to fight and speak up,
24:06and that was just honestly the most draining thing.
24:12So what do you wish you had done instead?
24:15Honestly, what you and Dad did.
24:17Which is what?
24:19Just let it go.
24:21The analogy that Dad and I always used,
24:23especially regarding Olivia, was ping pong.
24:26And every time she would throw something at us,
24:29it was her serving the ball to us.
24:31And we had the choice of either hitting the ball back
24:33and then engaging in ping pong, which is just going to keep it going,
24:38or we chose instead to just lay down the paddle and not play.
24:45One of the things that she did say that she really did love Ethan,
24:48but love isn't enough.
24:51And yes, I guess that's true.
24:56But I do believe, though, that love is enough.
24:59If you really do love someone,
25:01you should be willing to compromise.
25:06I feel like love is enough if you let that love control how you live.
25:12In other words, listening to them, putting their needs above yours,
25:16being selfless, helping them.
25:20But just loving them enough, like having that emotion,
25:23but not letting that show through in your actions is not enough.
25:29I think love is an action,
25:31an action of occasionally prioritizing the other person
25:34and their wants and their needs
25:36and making room for whatever it is that they need to live their best life.
25:43And so I feel like love is enough if both people are prioritizing each other,
25:48and I feel like Barry and I didn't do that,
25:50and so our marriage didn't work.
25:55How are you doing?
26:02I know it's been rough, right?
26:07That's just something I've learned through everything,
26:09is life is hard sometimes.
26:12Sometimes it throws things at you that you do not see coming.
26:18It's been really hard for me to see Mariah go through
26:21another painful relationship breakup.
26:24I know in the past she's tended to kind of shut down
26:27and lock herself in her room for weeks at a time,
26:30which is horrifying.
26:32This time, though, she just picked herself up,
26:35and she's just like, okay, I'm taking over the world now.
26:38I mean, I'm proud of that girl.
26:40She rocks.
26:43I just want to say thank you for always being there for me.
26:47Like that night that I drove up from Tampa, yeah,
26:52when I got to your house, you were late,
26:55and you stayed up with me until 4 in the morning.
26:58I know.
27:02It's just things like that that just really show how much you care.
27:06I love you.
27:07I love you, too.
27:10I went through the hardest heartbreak,
27:12and I needed to be with my family to figure out how to heal.
27:16My focus right now is just not letting pain get the best of me,
27:21not letting anything bad that happens to me to define me in a bad way.
27:26I do believe everything happens for a reason,
27:28and so you can turn those things into good somehow at some point.
27:32I was writing one night,
27:34and I just had this picture of like how stuck I was
27:39in all the bad things that happened to me.
27:41And it's like, no, bad things happen all the time.
27:43You just have to pick yourself up and do better.
27:47And this album that I'm writing is, it's my healing.
27:50Speaking of that, do you want to hear one of my songs from my album?
27:54I do. I do.
27:55Yeah, I'd love to.
27:56I just have a very rough version.
27:57Well, how about let's go get some coffee at Riverside?
28:01No way.
28:02See, this is why I love you.
28:04Yeah, the real reason is coffee.
28:07I don't understand how you can move on so easily after seven years.
28:13Who said it was easy?
28:16Because it wasn't.
28:19I just don't understand it.
28:21I feel stuck.
28:23And for the life of me, I can't seem to do anything about it.
28:26But you don't have that problem.
28:29I feel stuck.
28:31And for the life of me, I can't seem to do anything about it.
28:34But you don't have that problem.
28:37It feels frustrating for me because I don't feel like Ethan understands.
28:43It's been a few years worth of watching the relationship die
28:48and fighting to save it and not being able to
28:51and then just finally accepting it and moving on.
28:54Even in moving on, it's still been nine months since we said we were done.
28:59So I was just hoping he was going to work through things on his own, and he hasn't.
29:06Olivia, did I ever tell you that that morning that I unloaded on you
29:14and told you everything that I couldn't stand anymore?
29:19I didn't think that that would be the end of us.
29:21I really thought that we would fight about it for like a week
29:24and then we would start working on it.
29:26Yeah, well, you kind of did that a lot.
29:31And you might have said that we were done
29:34because I wouldn't get back on your page
29:37and thought that that would blow over,
29:39but I finally took your words at face value.
29:43I think that, listen, there's things you did wrong, things I did wrong.
29:48It was not a healthy relationship, but I can say that, like, I tried.
29:53But it could have been.
29:59I think the way that things are playing out between Ethan and I are
30:04like a direct picture of what happened in our marriage,
30:08of me saying, this doesn't work, this needs to happen, this needs to be fixed,
30:13and him putting his head in the sand or under the hood of a car.
30:18And then when things fall apart, saying, I just don't understand what happened.
30:23I still love him, I care about him, I wish the best for him as a human,
30:26but it's not my job to help, like, to fix all of this for him.
30:33He's got to do it on his own.
30:36I don't want to make things harder for you by, like, going through all this stuff
30:39while you're here if you don't want to be here for this,
30:41but I do need to get stuff done.
30:45Are you good tomorrow to square up on everything?
30:57I don't want to sign the paperwork, but...
31:03I also don't see the point in dragging it out any further.
31:08I guess it's just denial.
31:18This might be the last time that I see Olivia.
31:22That's the hardest part.
31:37But the truth is that I'm not gonna change my mind.
31:44I have the whole music video planned out.
31:46The part I need your help with is choreographing the dance.
31:49Ooh, fun.
31:50I'm picturing Burlesque chair dance.
31:53Grab his tie and pull him.
31:55All the girls could put, like, a foot on him.
31:57Do you want to be a part of the filming process?
32:00I'm so excited for this!
32:08I can't wait to hear your new album.
32:10I know!
32:11I just have one song right now.
32:14It's called Devil in a Suit and Tie.
32:17I have the whole music video planned out.
32:19The part I need your help with is choreographing the dance.
32:22Ooh, fun.
32:24I'm glad that Mariah's asking for my creative input.
32:27I don't know if I'll be able to help her any.
32:30She's clearly a quite competent dancer.
32:33But, you know, I'm here to help Mariah and support Mariah
32:36any way I can, and she knows that.
32:38So I want it to be me and all my girlfriends go out to a bar.
32:43And I'm, like, telling them, you know, I fell for this,
32:46but I want to warn you so that you don't fall for it, too.
32:49Growing up, Mom taught us music,
32:51and I really wanted to do dance.
32:53When I was little, we couldn't afford to put me in classes,
32:56and she has a dance background.
32:58So I'm going to teach her how to dance.
33:00I feel like she'll just be super good with coming up
33:03with creative things for this dance and music video.
33:07I'm picturing the burlesque-type chair dance
33:10on the stage at the nightclub.
33:12So let's put the chair here,
33:14and let's pretend like the guy's sitting here.
33:16You could have the singer on stage start singing,
33:19and then at some point in the song,
33:21go over to the guy and grab his tie and pull him,
33:24and he's going to start singing.
33:26And then at some point in the song,
33:28go over to the guy and grab his tie and pull him,
33:31and you're kind of pulling him like this.
33:33Oh, that's a good idea.
33:34And then, like, push him down into the chair.
33:36At some point, all the girls could put, like, a foot up on him
33:40and, like, sing, you know, kind of...
33:42Yeah, and we have, like, shiny cute heels, yeah.
33:45It's fun, you know, that Mariah thinks enough of me
33:49to ask me to be a part of it.
33:52Should we do it one time with music?
33:54I'm going to carry the speaker with me.
33:58This song is a warning.
33:59Like, sometimes the devil will show up,
34:01say all the right things, look the part, act the part.
34:06Really, really know how to reel you in,
34:09and you fall for it.
34:12They pretend to be your exact type of person.
34:15I fell for the show, he knew how to perform.
34:19I fell for his lies and all of their porn.
34:22And then all of a sudden, one day, it'll hit you.
34:27But he never stayed to see the sunrise.
34:31Oh, well, let's write a song and make a funny music video.
34:33That's all you can do sometimes.
34:35I'm so excited for this!
34:39Do you want to be a part of the filming process?
34:43He'll bring your ass, he'll bring your asses,
34:45but he just brings the thorns.
34:47He does so well at hiding his thorns.
34:53Oh, my gosh.
35:11I know this is a hard process because I'm on one end of it,
35:15but I have a timeline to get things done I need to pack.
35:19That's his, I think all that is his.
35:25It's hard to see Ethan in this much pain
35:28and struggling this much with everything,
35:30but I spent years bogged down in stress,
35:33and being on the other side of things,
35:35I've realized that I felt more alone
35:38when I was in a relationship than I do being by myself.
35:47I was a little tiny kid.
35:50A little tiny kid.
35:58The house we bought.
36:04I think that this is hard for both of us
36:08for different reasons.
36:11I know Ethan has, like, a lot of regret,
36:14and I'm sure that's hard to live with.
36:17But on the flip side, it's not really easy to be told
36:21that, like, who you are, who you're becoming
36:25is not good enough for someone in a relationship anymore.
36:29And I think it's for the best.
36:31Like, we didn't mesh, and we weren't compatible
36:33in a lot of ways,
36:35but it doesn't make hearing those things easy.
36:40It's easy.
36:46Oh, dear.
36:49I asked him to do a face mask with me.
36:55Mm, that's funny.
36:57Looking back at old photos,
36:59I see two kids who did not know what they were doing.
37:08It's kind of funny, because before Ethan and I split up,
37:14I was really, really scared to be on my own.
37:17But I think that I can look at them
37:21and laugh a little and cry a little
37:23and then put them back in the box
37:25because I'm not scared to be on my own anymore.
37:33It's the car Ethan sold.
37:37It's the car he sold to buy my engagement ring,
37:40and then I tracked it down and bought it back for him
37:44because it was his first car ever,
37:46and it meant a lot to him.
37:54If I could go back in time and tell these two kids anything,
37:58I don't know that I would.
38:00I think life is learned by experiences.
38:04And if I were to, like, tell myself
38:06not to experience this out of self-preservation
38:08because the end is painful or hard,
38:11then I would have missed out on a lot, so...
38:47Well, I talked to Olivia today,
38:49and I told her there were some things
38:51that I wanted to tell her that I hadn't been able to say
38:56because my emotions were too high.
39:00But Olivia said that she couldn't handle
39:04hearing that from me,
39:05so she asked if I would just write down
39:08what I was gonna say,
39:10and then she would read it when she was ready.
39:14I basically wrote in my note
39:16that I was sorry for all the ways
39:18that I fell short in our relationship
39:20up to this point.
39:30I hope that she finds
39:33what I couldn't or didn't give her.
39:42I wish her the best, and I love her,
39:44and if there's anything that she ever needs,
39:47I'll help her as best I can.
39:55I mean, I guess it is my way of letting her go.
39:57It's my attempt to try to let her go.
40:01I definitely think that I have more happy memories with her
40:04than bad memories, but happy memories are just as painful
40:08as what you would consider a bad memory.
40:11I have waited for this day for almost four years.
40:16We're in love.
40:23What has it been like to live with me?
40:26Really fun, except for when you steal all the blankets.
40:32I love Olivia more than you will probably ever know.
40:35It's just the best feeling ever.
40:50Now I can say we didn't give it a shot.
40:55I definitely do feel like me and Olivia grew up together.
40:58We stepped out in the world together on our own.
41:07I gave it a good run, but not everything works.
41:27My man.
41:28My man.
41:29Give him a hand.
41:31Still to come this season on Welcome to Plathville.
41:33I'm gonna do it.
41:35Beautiful, and then bring it back down.
41:37I finally feel like I'm in the driver's seat of my own life.
41:41I have learned more in the last year of this failed marriage
41:44than I did in the seven years prior.
41:46I was thinking about writing a rap song the other day.
41:51Four big guys are walking from...
41:56Things are getting strange in Plathville these days.
42:00I finally booked a date for the concert,
42:04and it is much sooner than I expected.
42:07We're all here together, including Ken.
42:09I'm just wanting to see who punches who first.
42:22So, do you think I could get your number?
42:26I am in Sedona this weekend, and I brought a guest.
42:32Are you doing okay after the divorce?
42:35I don't know what the mending process
42:36of my relationship with my mom looks like.
42:39I have no idea where everybody is.
42:40We have a concert tonight we haven't practiced together
42:43in six years.
42:45I'm not running south.
42:46I don't remember how to run south.
42:47How are we gonna do this?
42:51Testing, testing.
42:53This could be a huge disaster.
42:56The guy that broke Mariah's heart,
42:58he wants to come to the concert.
43:01So, Mariah, is that guy coming today?
43:03He's here.
43:05Ready, set, go.
43:07I was seeing red.
43:09You need to come see me right now.
43:10Where are you?
43:12You got any bail money?
43:15It's literally a chaotic hot mess.
43:20Just like old times, huh?
43:22I'm not.
43:24She disappears,
43:25and then I'm standing there with Kim.
43:26This is the moment.
43:28Ready, set, go.