Pop-culture in the Torah Code

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Pop-culture in the Torah Code

Featuring Cardinals Emil Johansson & Clark Isaac, revealing pop-culture references that God has hidden within the Torah Code!

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00:00Welcome back, God's people, thanks for joining us here with Cardinal Emil Johansson.
00:23Thank you for joining us, brother.
00:25Thank you for having me.
00:26Yeah, welcome.
00:27I'm Cardinal Clark Isaac, both of us with the Ecumenical Order of Christ.
00:32Today we're going to be talking about the Torah code and some really interesting things
00:38that have been discovered within the code, referencing pop culture figures and topics.
00:44Yeah, so basically we're picking up from the last episode, which was kept a little bit
00:49short because of technological differences.
00:54So we'll be going over what we missed, and then I also found some additional stuff that
01:00we'll look at as well.
01:02So I think people will find this pretty interesting.
01:05Yeah, it's strange to me, but yeah, also interesting that God put pop culture references in the
01:14Torah code as though he knew that these things were coming thousands of years in advance
01:20and decided that just to prove his vast foresight, foreknowledge of humanity.
01:29Just to show how well thought through this plan is for this world and for humanity.
01:36And it also gives an opportunity for people who aren't very religious or into prophecy
01:41and stuff to be convinced that God is real and the Torah codes are real and there's a
01:48lot of stuff in there that are interesting and will be revealed.
01:53Yeah, so the first one, again, it's something that people probably wouldn't expect.
01:59Yeah, should we get started with the first one there?
02:04So I found a code for Pac-Man, which is an old game from the 80s, one of the classics.
02:11I think it started out in arcade machines and later were ported to a lot of different
02:18home consoles.
02:21And it's about this little guy who looks like a pizza with a slice taken out of it.
02:30And he goes around the stage eating some small dots there.
02:35And if you look at the code here, the main search term is Pac-Man game.
02:42And there's three secondary terms there that I found interesting.
02:48Distributions, which is what you do with games, you distribute them.
02:53And it was very widely distributed all over the world.
02:56I think its origins are in Japan.
02:59I think it came from Japan originally and it was very successful all over the world.
03:05Probably the most popular arcade game at the time, yeah.
03:10I looked at a list before this for the most sold video games in history and stuff, and
03:17it was, I think it was in the top ten or something.
03:22So, and they get crumbled, and if you look at the stage where he plays at, it's like
03:28he goes and eats these breadcrumbs, kind of.
03:32You know?
03:33It's like, that's what I thought when I saw the word crumbled, I thought of the breadcrumbs
03:38on the stage, you know.
03:40They're like a trail that he follows.
03:43And yeah, processing is also something you do with the games that need to have a processor
03:51to process the game itself.
03:56So I found it interesting.
04:00So there were, well we had mentioned other video games in the past episode.
04:05I think it was, we were talking about RuneScape and World of Warcraft, and this goes beyond
04:17games, it talks about people, but it also talks about some novels and movies that were
04:25As far as books go, I think we mentioned Harry Potter also.
04:28Yeah, that's right, Harry Potter.
04:30And Lord of the Rings is also in the Torah codes, which is also one of the most successful
04:39franchises or movie trilogies, or I guess they made more than three, but originally
04:44there were three, based on the books by Tolkien.
04:47Yeah, it was a very popular novel series.
04:51And it's really old, I don't remember when the books were first published, but it's...
04:55In the 1940s?
04:56Yeah, something like that, like in the 40s or something, yeah.
05:00But it remained very popular even through the 60s and 70s.
05:04Yeah, and it had this great revival in the 90s, 2000s, or whatever.
05:09I'm so glad they did.
05:11They did such a good job with these movies.
05:12I remember reading all these books as a kid, and talking about the lore with my friends
05:17and stuff, getting really nerdy about it.
05:20Oh yeah, it spawned a bunch of additional media creations, such as games and television
05:30So, let's take a look at that code.
05:34Yeah, we'll bring the code up right here.
05:38Yeah, so you got glowingly, lustrously, radiantly, just kind of glows the ring itself.
05:52And you got acquisition, gaining, taking, all that.
05:58For those who know the book, it's sort of about a lot of people trying to get their
06:02hands on this ring of power, which is the next word, potential power-oriented, because
06:10it gives you some really amazing powers.
06:13But the downside to it is that it sort of leads the bad people to you, who also want
06:20the ring for themselves.
06:22And leading into acquisition is longing.
06:30Very interesting.
06:32And menace threatened by the Dark Lord Sauron.
06:38So the theme behind the story, it's like it was destined to leave that mark on humanity.
06:47There's a lesson about longing, and coveting, and a rise to power, and sacrificing that
06:54power in the end.
06:57And there's certainly some Christian undertones within the story.
07:03And you get computing virtualization, because it's been turned into video games, as we've
07:12mentioned before, and other kinds of media.
07:20That's an interesting...
07:21I also noticed that apparently it doesn't literally translate to Lord of the Rings in
07:27It's sort of more like Minister of the Ring, the word there, Saur.
07:35I wonder how it would translate when the book and the movie was released, such as in Israel,
07:42where they have Hebrew language as their primary language.
07:46I took this from the Hebrew Wikipedia page.
07:50So this is the official spelling of it.
07:53Oh, really?
07:55Okay, so that must be how they spelled it in Israel.
07:59And apparently God knew that, that that's how they would spell it.
08:03And that this is the specific...
08:04So it's not a transliteration, it's the actual Hebrew title, the equivalent of their title
08:10for it.
08:11Oh, that's spot on, then.
08:13I'm glad you did it that way.
08:15Yeah, because it really...
08:16The only part of this that we should say is our own accomplishment is the search term.
08:22What we find with the search term, these additional terms that confirm it, that give us a deeper
08:28message, this is what God had intended for us to find just by simply looking up that
08:34one statement.
08:36That seems like a lot of times God is also guiding us to these main search terms.
08:41Oh, most certainly.
08:42Inspiring us to...
08:44What to look for.
08:45And he has shown that through a lot of your work, a lot of your research.
08:51A lot of it seems to be discovered at the exact perfect time for it to be discovered
08:57and stuff like that.
08:59So it's pretty interesting.
09:00This is a wonderful science.
09:02I mean, you could say that about a lot of things.
09:07Because really, most science is observing God's creation and cataloging it in such a
09:13way that's precise.
09:16And essentially, that's what we're doing with the Bible code and the Torah code.
09:22But it's so nuanced by comparison to any other science.
09:27And it's incomprehensible kind of how this could all be put together, even with a machine.
09:36So it has to be some sort of divine guiding hand in this to make this happen.
09:44Oh, there most certainly is.
09:46And one of these public figures that seemed destined to be a part of humanity is also
09:54written in the Book of Life.
09:55We've spoken in the past how the Torah code is a representation of the Book of Life, wherein
10:03you find someone's name, their name is thereby written in the Book of Life.
10:09And one of these figures was Michael Jackson.
10:14So we just talked about the Lord and the Lord of the Rings, and now we're going to talk
10:17about a king, the King of Pop.
10:24That was what he was known as.
10:25He had a super long career of like from the almost 60s into the 2010s when he sadly passed,
10:36I think.
10:37If I'm not mistaken, was it the 2010s, 2013 or something?
10:42I don't recall.
10:44Anyway, there are two codes that I could find for him with the main search term of MJ Jackson.
10:54And of course, his name was Michael Joe Jackson.
10:59I believe his father was named Joe Jackson.
11:04So he got words like deceit and deception, defrauded, which is, I think, there's a lot
11:16of strange circumstances around his passing, you could say.
11:21And also, he talked towards the end of his career a lot about, you know, Illuminati and
11:27stuff like that.
11:28So, I don't know, maybe he tried to expose something there, and that's what, these are
11:35just speculations and theories, but, you know.
11:39Well, there were a lot of people speculating about his personal life, too, and there wasn't
11:45any evidence brought forward to convict him of any wrongdoing, any crimes against children,
11:53as people would say.
11:54But yeah.
11:55Yeah, I don't think he was convicted, was he?
11:58No, he wasn't.
11:59It was brought to court a couple of times, I think, simply by indirect accusations.
12:06But nothing concrete, nothing came of it, inevitably, it was just rumors, really.
12:14And a whole lot of, I guess you could say, fulfillment of what is written here in this
12:25I mean, desecration, dishonor, he sure was dishonored throughout his life.
12:33Got dejected, depressed, I'm pretty sure he was pretty depressed throughout his life,
12:42there were some things that happened through all the pressure that was on him, and it was
12:48also found my name there, J. Emil.
12:52So it was meant to be that you would discover this?
12:55Yeah, that's what I would assume.
12:57Very interesting, and that's not the only code that you discovered.
13:02There was another one, and I think this one is probably the most significant.
13:10You get to verbalize, which isn't a far jump from to sing, you know?
13:16And you get humane, humanizes, he was a great humanitarian, I think he gave like 500 million
13:25dollars in charity over his career for a lot of stuff like drug and alcohol abuse and health
13:37He got stagings, of course he wasn't staged for like most of his life, since he was, I
13:42think he started out when he was like 8 years old or something, I remember in Jackson 5.
13:46But the majority of his stage time was in the 90s, and parallel to stagings is the Hebrew
13:54word for 90.
13:57It was probably his best decade, maybe.
14:01It was when he was labeled the king of pop.
14:04It was also when, yeah, there was a lot of things that happened while he was on stage,
14:09especially his most famous dance moves.
14:13The moonwalk and stuff.
14:14Yeah, the first time he did the moonwalk in front of the whole world was on stage in the
14:22It was also when his hair caught on fire for a Pepsi commercial.
14:27He did something for a Pepsi commercial?
14:29Yeah, one of the stage performances he did.
14:33I guess one of the pyrotechnics lit his hair on fire, and it was kind of a big deal at
14:37the time, because nothing like that had really happened.
14:42You got from Yahweh, you got blemish deficiency, which I think might be a reference to what
14:56was that condition called mengevitis or something that he had that caused his skin to turn pale
15:02or white.
15:04And it's interesting that just beneath that term is Eminem.
15:10Eminem did a music video where he did a mock portrayal of Michael Jackson when his hair
15:16caught on fire on stage.
15:17Oh, really?
15:18I didn't know that.
15:20It was in one of Eminem's music videos.
15:21And Eminem wouldn't have been able to play that part effectively unless he were to don
15:27Well, with the exception that Michael Jackson's skin is already very white.
15:32I know also that Michael Jackson bought a production company, and with it, he gained
15:39a lot of the rights to Eminem's songs.
15:41Ah, yeah, that's true.
15:43It was right after Eminem had insulted him publicly that instead of responding publicly,
15:49he just simply decided to profit from it.
15:53That's a pretty badass move, actually.
15:55Yeah, that's the King of Pop move right there.
15:58And he wasn't in the business of gathering some music rights stuff.
16:02He bought the rights to Beatles music as well, I think.
16:08And also, you got Diana here, which I think is a reference to Diana Ross, which he was
16:15apparently a good friend with.
16:17They both started out in the Motown scene in the 60s, him with Jackson 5 and Diana Ross
16:24with the Supremes.
16:26Princess Diana also personally requested that Michael Jackson perform that song, I think
16:41it was like Dirty Diana or something like that.
16:44Oh, really?
16:47He deliberately did not want to perform that in front of the Queen of England, but Diana
16:55requested it personally, and he did it, but apparently it didn't make the Queen very happy
17:01because of all the controversy about Diana and the blemish upon the royal family.
17:06Yeah, that was a controversial request in itself as well.
17:12I didn't know that, so that's interesting.
17:15But with that in this code, I know it says from Yahweh there, but along the same axis
17:22as, let's see here, as Diana, in addition to from Yahweh is also blemish, deficiency
17:30and flaw.
17:31And I know that there's no specific reference to the royal family here, but it might be
17:40referencing that also.
17:43And the last thing I wanted to point out with this code, because there's a lot of stuff
17:47in this code.
17:48There is.
17:49Let me scroll down a bit.
17:51Because there's something at the end there.
17:52You got...
17:55In the top right of the code, you got death, mortality, and it crosses assessment.
18:04And it's sort of been determined that the reason he passed on was because his doctor
18:12made a wrong assessment.
18:15He prescribed too much drugs.
18:19And conflicting medications too, that the combination of these medications would be
18:24toxic to anybody.
18:27So he overdosed on some stuff that he'd already gotten.
18:31Very unfortunate here.
18:32Yeah, it's very sad.
18:34He probably had a lot more to give.
18:38I'm sure, but it would have shaken things up in popular culture too.
18:42A lot of people would have really appreciated it, but it probably would have made a few
18:49of the elites pretty upset too.
18:52Well, so if we move on to the next one here.
18:58So we talked about one king, and we'll go to another king.
19:02Yeah, king of pop to the king of rock and roll.
19:06Well, actually, he was just known as the king, I think.
19:09But yeah, mostly rock and roll.
19:13And it's Elvis Presley.
19:17And I've tried to find codes on him in the past using his name and variations of his
19:26initials and stuff, but never really found anything.
19:30But this time I tried something else.
19:32I tried the main search term, the King Elvis.
19:37And this time I found some codes.
19:40Some that seem to be really accurate.
19:44As you see here, it's actually a nine-letter term, the main search term.
19:54So here you've got concerted, concertized, probably referencing all the concerts he did
20:00and everything, convulsive, spasmodic, spastic, which I think is a reference to his moves.
20:10He was the first to do these shaky moves, shake his hips and everything, which was extremely
20:15controversial when he first started doing it.
20:19In his first TV appearance, they refused to film him from the waist down and only from
20:24the waist up because he was doing these very sexy moves with his hips.
20:30So I think that's a reference to that.
20:33Made the girls go crazy.
20:35Yeah, they did.
20:38And you've got crosses, crucifixes, could be a reference that he was a, I believe, fairly
20:46devout Christian and he had his origins in gospel music and did some music about, some
20:53really religious music, you know.
20:58Yeah, that's one of the codes.
21:01Oh, there's another one.
21:03Yeah, we got another one here.
21:06And we got this one here.
21:10It's the same main search term.
21:13And we got aerial, ethereal, which I think is a reference to him being on the air, sort
21:19of, or the radio through the ether.
21:23We also got audio, audios, which is self-explanatory.
21:29He did a lot of audio music.
21:34And that actually crosses a name, which is Dewey.
21:38And I looked this up.
21:39Apparently, Dewey Phillips was the first person to play them on the radio before he was even
21:46released on any record.
21:49Very interesting.
21:50Dewey, it crosses right into the center of audio.
21:55And he has been credited, along with Elvis, to really turn the white population onto what
22:04was always traditionally black music.
22:07The rock and roll and stuff like that was sort of taboo for white people to listen to.
22:12But when Elvis came around and did it, people were just amazed that a white person could
22:16make this kind of music.
22:18And a lot of people who just heard him, they thought he was black, because the music was
22:22traditionally black sounding, you know?
22:25So that's pretty interesting.
22:29So there was a cultural shift there.
22:31And another reference to the radio waves from the air, or from above, right next to that.
22:41And I think that's also a reference to him being at the top of the lists and having so
22:44many hits.
22:45Oh, yeah.
22:48Attitudinizes, that's right next to those terms as well.
22:53It basically fulfills that point that you were trying to make about it, changing attitudes
22:58about a certain genre of music, what is appropriate to view in the public, in terms of hips, gyrating.
23:06I think it also meant to strike a pose, attitudinizes, which he had many poses that he's kind of
23:16famous for doing on stage.
23:19And parallel to that is the word for ballads.
23:23Which perfectly describes, you know, a musical score.
23:27He did many beautiful ballads throughout his career, you know, like In the Ghetto and Suspicious
23:37Minds, you could say, maybe is a ballad.
23:42Maybe many beautiful songs.
23:44A lot of the most beautiful songs he did were during a time when he went from being like,
23:50you know, what some might consider a sexy young man to a fat man.
23:59Towards his later career, he certainly gained a lot of weight.
24:03But the quality of his music didn't decline at all.
24:07In fact, the depth of the message in his music only got better.
24:12Yeah, I would say so.
24:14It changed from one sort of genre to a more modern genre, a little bit.
24:23Was there any...
24:24Oh, yeah.
24:27Was that what you were mentioning, the becoming fatter?
24:31But, yeah, it kind of...
24:34It's right next to the term for to impart knowledge or to make wise.
24:38So as he got older and wiser with age, not only did he get fat, but, you know...
24:44Yeah, now I see what you mean.
24:46They kind of coincide with one another and they're right next to each other in the matrix
24:49as well.
24:51From what I understand, that might have been the reason he eventually passed.
24:54He got some sort of heart attack from probably being too overweight.
25:00Yeah, that's really sad.
25:06Was that all the words in that code?
25:12Yeah, I think so.
25:15That's the end of this code right here.
25:16There's another famous person that you wanted to talk about.
25:19And that is Mel Gibson.
25:23Mel Gibson.
25:27Famous actor in Hollywood.
25:29Is he American?
25:31I think he's Australian.
25:35Is he?
25:36I'm not sure.
25:37Or are you thinking about that other guy, Russell Crowe?
25:42He's Australian, I think.
25:43There's a few Australian actors, but...
25:46Well, there's more than a few.
25:47By the way...
25:48More than just Crocodile Dundee.
25:49Doesn't matter.
25:50But he's a good actor.
25:53He's made some awesome movies like Braveheart and The Patriot and many others.
26:02And Passion of Christ, which is kind of relevant to the code here that we'll...
26:08As we'll see.
26:09So this is a code that was actually not discovered by me.
26:14This was discovered by Richard, our prime clerk, Richard Ruff.
26:21Maybe over 10 years ago now, probably.
26:25And the main search term, Mel Gibson, can extend to as a screen or a video.
26:33And it got Lord Rael in there.
26:37And it's not very surprising, because he did The Passion of Christ, which is Our Lord,
26:44but Yeshua from 2,000 years ago.
26:46And you've got the term Christianity paralleling as a screen there.
26:56And you've got also identity there.
27:01So he portrayed Christ, our Lord, in a movie.
27:08And of course, when he did this, it sort of angered a lot of people because of how they
27:15were portrayed.
27:16If you know what I mean.
27:19Segments of Hollywood who have some Semitic background.
27:25Oh yeah, if you watch the movie, the Jews look absolutely evil.
27:32And it's pretty much how the Bible portrays them, too.
27:36So it's not inaccurate.
27:37They're definitely the villain in the story.
27:40Oh yeah, but he portrayed it in such a way that did accentuate it, but for good reason.
27:49He really comes across as a martyr who suffered for no good reason other than just doing good
27:56things and speaking the truth.
28:00And the Pharisees are like, they really want him dead because of that.
28:04But they do indicate, I wouldn't say indirectly, but pretty clearly at the end that there was
28:12a divine miracle around this event of his crucifixion and the resurrection.
28:19There was something about the tomb being opened and the body being missing.
28:26So there's sort of a happy ending to it.
28:29He gets resurrected, he comes back, and now he's come back again.
28:34If you want two movies to watch side-by-side, Passion of the Christ and another movie called
28:42I know that Risen isn't made by Mel Gibson.
28:46That's a series, isn't it?
28:50It's not?
28:51I'm not sure if there's another.
28:54There might be a series similarly named, but there's a movie called Risen.
28:59And it's a story about the Roman soldier that was in command of that part of Jerusalem
29:07during these events.
29:11And he ended up converting to Christianity in the end.
29:14Pretty cool.
29:15I believe he may have been the same Roman soldier that had pierced Yeshua's side when
29:21he was hanging from the cross.
29:23I thought that was just a regular soldier, not someone who was in charge of the whole
29:30But I don't know.
29:31I'm not sure.
29:32But it's a movie.
29:33It was a long time ago, also.
29:37There's not a whole lot of Hollywood films these days that portray these stories.
29:43And the ones that do, do it quite well in an inspiring way.
29:51I'm pretty sure I cried when I saw that scene when he gets crucified.
29:56It was horrific, but also accurate.
30:02I also get sad when I read that part in the Bible, as well.
30:09He deserved better.
30:12Yeah, so that's Mel Gibson.
30:17Yeah, Mel Gibson.
30:21Do you want to say something more on that?
30:24Well, shout out to Mel Gibson.
30:30I know that you're in Baja, and so are we.
30:34So, yeah, reach out to our people.
30:37Check us out, bro.
30:38We'll do lunch or something.
30:40Check us out.
30:41Yeah, we know some good places to eat around here.
30:44I'm sure you know of them, too, but we've been around here longer, so.
30:50So we only got one more left to show, right?
30:55There's a question in the chat, though.
30:58Someone by the name of Mary Finney.
31:02Welcome to the chat.
31:05You watched one of our videos saying that Christ came back in 2011, and she wants to know more.
31:14Well, that's a long story, but yeah.
31:17It is.
31:18But it's a good story.
31:21Did you see that video, then, I assume, with the so-called UFO over the Dome of Jerusalem?
31:28Because that was the event when the Lord returned to Earth.
31:32A bright light descending over the Temple Mount site in Jerusalem.
31:35The same way that he left, he came back.
31:38Fulfillments of Acts 111.
31:42When people saw Yeshua ascending into Heaven, there were two angels that said to them, and I am paraphrasing,
31:51Why do you stand gazing up into the sky?
31:54The same Son of Man who left from you shall return in the same way.
32:00And Matthew 24, 27 says, For just as lightning goes out from the east and flashes onto the west,
32:07so shall be the coming of the Son of Man.
32:11And that event fulfilled those two prophecies.
32:15And what occurred shortly after was a fulfillment of Matthew 24, 28.
32:20Where the body is there will the eagles be gathered.
32:24So when the light ascended after flashing like lightning, went from east to west,
32:31west being where the eagles gather,
32:35one of the few places in the world where symbolically two eagles are gathered together,
32:41the sigils of these two North American nations, Mexico and the United States,
32:48the border region between these two countries is literally where the eagles gather.
32:54And the body...
32:55Yeah, both countries have a type of eagle as their national animal.
32:59That's right.
33:00And there are others that have the eagle, but none of them are bordering each other in this way,
33:09especially not in the West.
33:12So it's literally the only place that this could be fulfilled.
33:15And the reference to there being the body in Scripture,
33:19there are other translations that say the carcass, but that's nonsensical and it's incorrect.
33:27The correct translation of the Greek is body.
33:30And in this case, it would be the only way that it makes sense.
33:35The body being just the same as when Yeshua was baptized and the Spirit descended on him from heaven,
33:42the Holy Spirit became one with the Son of Man and thus the Son of God became the Son of Man and vice versa.
33:49So too did this happen to Raymond Elwood Lear in 2011 after this event in Jerusalem.
33:56And the indwelling of Spirit manifested and he became from the Son of Man to Son of God,
34:05who came with a new name, Revelation 19 verse 13.
34:10His name meaning the Word of God.
34:12His name is Rael.
34:15I suppose that's like a summary.
34:20Very good summary.
34:22This is just off the cuff, just from our recollection.
34:27We do have other videos prepared on this topic.
34:30But thank you for your question and stay tuned.
34:34You can go to lordrael.org to read more or check out our Facebook page.
34:41Just get into contact with us and talk to us if you want to know more or read up on us on your own, watch our videos.
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35:30But in addition to that, we also have a Facebook page and we have other social medias.
35:36If you look in the description down below the video, it provides a lot of links to those social media platforms.
35:43Also to a book that we have available on Amazon called The Return of Christ.
35:48There's two links there for Amazon, one for UK, the United Kingdom, and the other for the United States.
35:55So I would assume that you're probably viewing from the United States based on the time of day that it is right now.
36:03But yeah, whichever would apply to your country, that would be where you'd go.
36:07There's three forms of the books, a hardcover, a softcover, and a Kindle version.
36:13And it's available in English and Spanish, right?
36:18Actually, it's available in many other languages now too.
36:21I wasn't aware of that before, but I was informed of that recently.
36:24Very good.
36:26But it seems like you speak English quite well, so the original version will do just fine for you.
36:31Very good.
36:33A lot of the information we have been discussing on this show, and specifically about the question that you just asked,
36:41a lot of other information and evidence, very important evidence, proof, signs, and revelations are contained in that book.
36:51But yeah, please reach out to us and we'd love to have a chat with you again real soon.
36:56Thank you for your question again, Mary.
36:58Thank you very much.
37:01So another pop culture figure, what was the reasoning behind this?
37:08Why did you research this one, Mickey Mouse?
37:11I don't think I got to that last time.
37:15But yeah, the reason why I searched for this in the first place was because there was a debate in our Facebook congregation.
37:23We were talking about the Torah code or something, and there was someone who was mocking it, or he didn't believe in it, or something along those lines.
37:33This was over 10 years ago.
37:35I'm trying to recall everything.
37:37And he was like, well, if there's so many cool things in the Torah code that describe people and everything, why don't you look up Mickey Mouse for me?
37:47And I was like, I'm going to show him.
37:51So I scrambled and did a really fast search.
37:55And I did find Mickey Mouse and some codes, and I just posted it to him minutes after he mockingly made the request and kind of shot him up there, I think, when he saw what it was.
38:14So that's the reason why I initially searched for Mickey Mouse.
38:18It was just to show someone that there you go.
38:22It actually does exist here.
38:26Got to put all kinds of stuff in the Torah code to provide evidence for people.
38:33So yeah, if you want to move on to the code there.
38:36Sure, I'll bring that up.
38:39So yeah, as I said, I found this code over 10 years ago.
38:44I think Mickey Mouse is the main search term.
38:50You got Canvas, which is what you paint on.
38:55And these old animations, they were all made by hand.
39:00And you got Dictating, which is similar to a voiceover, you could say.
39:06You know, it's a related word, because you always have to dub these animated characters for them to have any sort of voice.
39:19And you got what is it?
39:20Adequacy, propriety, seamless suitability, which I think is a reference to Mickey just being this very wholesome character.
39:33You know, he's very nice, very suitable, very good for children, you know, or he used to be.
39:46And you got also Deliverer, Redeemer, Rescuer, Savior, because that's basically what he did to Walt Disney Studio.
39:55They were not doing very well, and they needed to get a hit.
39:58And they came up with Mickey Mouse, who was initially, I think, actually voiced by Walt Disney himself.
40:05And yeah, he saved the company, pretty much.
40:10It was a huge success.
40:15And you got, of course, you got Capitalization, Finance.
40:19It's become a huge franchise, successful, made billions of dollars, probably.
40:28All over the world.
40:30And there's also two very interesting terms at the end of this that cross each other, which are Wuhan and molested.
40:44And people who have seen South Park might know what that refers to.
40:49I was so amazed that that was actually there.
40:51Yeah, it makes me wonder if there's any truth to that, what had happened on South Park there.
40:57Yeah, because Mickey Mouse made an appearance on South Park.
41:00He's made a few appearances, and he's characterized as this very greedy, immoral kind of CEO of Walt Disney.
41:09So, should we take a look at this?
41:11And it had something to do with the plague in Wuhan.
41:27How did a transmitted disease get from a bat to a human?
41:31How can a virus jump species like that?
41:34We just don't know.
41:40Whoa, hey.
41:42You could use some integrity, China.
41:45Here's to China.
41:47To China.
41:48Boy, he sure know how to party, man.
41:50Oh my God, look at her.
41:52She is so hot.
41:54I think that's a bat.
41:56Yeah, it's a bat.
41:57It's a mouse with wings.
41:59Yeah, we're not going to show that.
42:04You got a turn.
42:05Go ahead, take a turn.
42:09And if they're letting us go back to school, then soon we can get back to everything.
42:12And doesn't this mean things are finally going back to normal?
42:14Could it be that Mickey Mouse had something to do with the plague in Wuhan and indecent acts with a bat?
42:23Because as many people know, the official origin of the coof is a bat from a lab in Wuhan.
42:32Yeah, and they're saying that it had something to do with how it was transferred.
42:39They never really said how it was transferred from one species to another.
42:43That the plague started in a bat, but they didn't say how it transited to humans.
42:50Maybe Mickey Mouse did have something to do with this, I don't know.
42:54Well, that's according to South Park, their theories.
42:58Yeah, and it's very interesting that the Bible code wouldn't indicate anything about that.
43:05And this discovery was made after that episode of South Park came out.
43:10Yeah, I found the code before that episode even aired, I'm pretty sure.
43:15Oh, really?
43:16Yeah, because I found it like 10 years ago.
43:19And the coof incident was just like four years ago.
43:23So this was before that virus became apparent in the world?
43:33It was pretty amazing.
43:35Yeah, that's very significant.
43:37And did you notice the word Wuhan in there?
43:41I didn't.
43:42I wouldn't have thought of it as anything relevant at the time.
43:47But now in hindsight, it's very relevant.
43:53And the fact that it intersects with the word bat.
43:57But occurring in a Mickey Mouse code.
43:59Yeah, molested.
44:00Molested is in there too.
44:02In a Mickey Mouse code.
44:04I'm wondering if Trey Parker and Matt Stone, or is it Matt Stone and Trey Parker?
44:10Yeah, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.
44:12Yeah, okay.
44:13I'm wondering if they saw your Tor code.
44:15Yeah, maybe they dabbled in the codes as well.
44:18I don't think so.
44:21Well, it's written in the Book of Life, so there's significance to it.
44:27It's part of God's plan.
44:28Yeah, part of the script.
44:30Yeah, part of the script.
44:32And probably more than just on a cartoon.
44:36But there might be some deeper significance to both of these factors.
44:42Very interesting.
44:44So next week we'll have you on again.
44:46We'll talk more about the Bible code and Tor code and show some additional discoveries.
44:53Show some new discoveries.
44:56Very exciting.
44:57The latest in the Tor code science community.
45:00Tomorrow we expect to have on Cardinal Matt Stater, and I'm not going to reveal what we're going to be talking about.
45:07I'll leave that for him to reveal to all of you.
45:10But it's also very scientific, interesting stuff.
45:17Mysterious and revealing about the end times that we're in and knowledge that you all need to be privy to,
45:27including knowledge about the return of Christ.
45:30I'd like to thank our audience for your participation in this live stream.
45:35Please join us again.
45:37We try to stream every Monday through Friday at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time and Sunday at 3 p.m.
45:44Any exceptions to that, please stay tuned, and we'll see you again soon.
45:49Love God.
45:50Love each other.
45:51In the name of the returned Christ.
45:53Thank you all.