Hunted AU S03E02 (2024)

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00:00Previously, on Hunted, 18 ordinary Australians...
00:10I'm a bartender and a big social butterfly.
00:13..entered a thrilling game.
00:15We've been studying espionage and how to blend in.
00:18But before becoming fugitives,
00:20they would need to steal their prize money to take on the run.
00:24We get to steal a million dollars.
00:28To pull off the million-dollar heist...
00:30All right, everybody out. Let's go.
00:32..they put their real-world skills to the test.
00:37Gee, that's a bit harder than cutting hair.
00:39Come on, guys, we don't have a lot of time.
00:41Grab the hammer and smash it.
00:43Camera's off. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:45Out of $1 million, they stole $927,000.
00:50Put him in the... Straight in the bag. Straight in the bag.
00:56But... Hunter headquarters. elite team of hunters...
01:00Team, this just got real.
01:02We are the best hunter team on the planet.
01:04There is nowhere they can go.
01:06..were ready to hunt them down.
01:08Here we go.
01:10We've got to go.
01:12We have three pairs travelling east.
01:14Stay on that fugitive. Come on.
01:16Don't drop that. Over 100 green.
01:19We've got to go, we've got to go. elite team already captured on day two of the game...
01:24You have been hunted down.
01:26..can the remaining eight fugitive pairs
01:30hold on to their $103,000 in prize money...
01:34They robbed a bank. Look. Oh, yeah.
01:37..staying on the move and undetected for the next 19 days?
01:43Capture pants are on. Capture pants are deployed.
01:46..or will they be hunted down?
01:49Let's go!
02:07Hunters, we've got one capture in,
02:10but we've still got eight pairs still out there.
02:13I want to throw everything that we have got at these fugitives.
02:19I know this is a game, but they robbed a bank.
02:23They're fugitives. We're going to catch them.
02:27Reviewing CCTV from the robbery,
02:30former armed robbery squad investigator Graham Simfendorfer
02:34is building a profile of the fugitive robbers
02:38to help the hunters focus in on their next priority target.
02:42They've got face masks and tools.
02:45This is a process that has to be taken
02:47with every single armed robbery investigation.
02:49My job as lead investigator is to put all the information together
02:53and come up with a strategy on how we can find where the fugitives are.
02:57I need to be thinking exactly like they are,
02:59get into their minds and understand what makes them tick.
03:03Chief, this is amateur hour.
03:05This is their first robbery.
03:07I don't think we're looking for serial bank robbers.
03:10I don't think we're going to get hit a second time.
03:18Watch Lee with his mask on his head.
03:21He's not the sharpest tool, is he?
03:23Bunch of muppets.
03:27We've got a problem here.
03:31It looks like they're lucky they got in to start with.
03:34Joe is on some tools.
03:36Do you want to insert the clown music?
03:40Have a look at him.
03:42Joe has been tasked to eliminate the cameras within.
03:45Missed some cameras.
03:47The heat of the moment.
03:49The robbers will panic, they will make mistakes.
03:51We've already seen some of that, we think.
03:53So it's crucial for us to be methodical
03:55around every piece of information.
03:57Do you have some scissors?
03:59Or are we not allowed stabby items here?
04:01The game has shifted levels.
04:03But this case is going to be right in my wheelhouse.
04:06Um, Simph, what have you got for us?
04:08I've received all the footage from inside and outside
04:11the Savings Bank of Ballarat in relation to the robbery.
04:14So what we see is that each of the fugitives
04:16appear to have a pre-planned role
04:18on what they're to do to execute this robbery.
04:21Some of that doesn't quite go to plan.
04:23Lee, look, he's just had a bad day out.
04:31I don't think Taylor really knew what she was doing.
04:35She was just smashing away at safety boxes
04:37and didn't seem to enter too many.
04:39Ondine was quite quiet, didn't see much of her.
04:42Seems a little bit out of her depth.
04:44Yeah, if that's the low-hanging fruit right now,
04:47let's get sober onto it.
04:49Ondine and Shelley, given age and sort of based on profile,
04:53I feel like they're going to leave behind a lot of breadcrumbs.
04:56Yeah, I agree.
05:02Just keep down.
05:04Now's a good time.
05:06No cars, let's go.
05:10Where is she going?
05:12Run, Shelley, run!
05:14She's off!
05:16Since the robbery, Western Australian cousins Ondine and Shelley
05:21have been hiding out in rural south-west Victoria
05:25aided by the help of strangers.
05:27And today they're being picked up by a contact
05:31at a pre-arranged meet-up to be driven to their next location.
05:35I don't know how long to give her.
05:37I don't know how long to give her.
05:39I think, you know, she's probably parked across the road even.
05:43I'm assuming Shelley might come back.
05:46Oh, bless her.
05:49Oh, there it is, there it is.
05:51Oh, no, no, there it is.
05:53Am I meant to be sitting down?
05:55If it comes to me, I'm going to get it.
05:57No, should we put these down?
05:59Just don't hit me with it, right?
06:01She was pretty quick. I was impressed.
06:03She was off, eh?
06:04Quite good for a 61-year-old shell.
06:06Well, I know Shelley because she's my cousin.
06:10Cousins and besties.
06:13Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
06:15Nice place for a duck to hang out.
06:18I love her to bits and, yeah, she's fun.
06:21OK, let's run.
06:25Is there room?
06:27Oh, my God.
06:29Let's get out of here.
06:31Oh, shit.
06:32Where the hell did you go?
06:34I'm 61 years old,
06:36but I've got the mindset of an 18- to a 24-year-old.
06:40I was laughing my head off.
06:41What, were you running?
06:43People will be looking at us and underestimating us
06:45and thinking, oh, those old bears.
06:47So we're swapping cars and then we're going somewhere else.
06:50Oh, this is cool.
06:52But we're the dark horse.
06:55The hunters will come after you
06:56because we're friends on Facebook and whatever,
06:58we're ex-Navy, you know.
07:00How do these...
07:03Oh, yeah.
07:05I was a supervisor there too
07:07and I did the UD, unauthorised discharge.
07:10We were in East Timor doing what we had to do
07:13and my gun went off.
07:15So I joined the Navy when I was 19.
07:18I first joined as a truckie
07:20and then I changed to Naval Police.
07:23I left the Navy after 20 years
07:25as a Chief Petty Officer Naval Investigator.
07:28Once I had children, I left the Navy
07:30because I didn't want to leave them.
07:32It just would have been too hard.
07:34Since then, I've become an investigator for the government.
07:37I feel safe out here, eh, do you?
07:39I mean, we're out in the wop-wop.
07:40This to me is like out in the wop-wop.
07:42I'm going on the run because I spent 20 years in the Navy
07:45where I had people telling me what to do.
07:48But I want to be the one running from authorities.
07:51I want to be breaking the rules.
07:53Hi, I'm Shelley. What's your name?
07:56Mark Shelley.
07:57I know that Shelley and I have to bring our A game.
08:00And with my military background,
08:02absolutely I've got to put myself in the shoes of the hunters.
08:05I'm going to use that to my advantage.
08:07Catch us if you can.
08:09Bring it on.
08:11Aha! Yeah, baby!
08:13Ondine's ex-Navy contact
08:15has organised for the pair to spend the night
08:18at a remote bush hideaway owned by her friend Mark.
08:22If they're coming, ring that bell
08:24and wherever we are, we know we're off.
08:27Let's hear the bong.
08:29Oh, wow.
08:30That's it.
08:31That's so cool.
08:32Can we hear that?
08:33We're running.
08:34We're running.
08:35To help throw the hunters off the scent...
08:38We're a cover photo.
08:39It's going to be a cover photo, eh?
08:41..they're giving Mark access to Shelley's Facebook account
08:44to use at a later time.
08:46Let's hope that's the right password, eh?
08:49If it's not the lowercase g, try a capital G, OK?
08:53And if it's not two 12s, it's one 12.
08:57Can it be one of those?
09:03LP, I've got Shelley and Ondine's devices
09:06ready to look at when we need to.
09:08Sweet. We're going to get them.
09:10At the start of the game,
09:12the fugitives turned over their laptops and phones...
09:16Do you think there'll be some gold in there?
09:18Oh, yeah.
09:19..and now, with their skills in ethical hacking,
09:22the cyber team are gaining access to Ondine and Shelley's devices
09:27under the lead of new head of cyber, Leah Pinto, or LP.
09:33So the techniques that we employ here
09:35are very similar to what we employ in the real world.
09:37We have three key skills.
09:39Open source intelligence, which is basically
09:42finding and piecing together information
09:45that are available online.
09:48Found a post where they called each other cousins.
09:50She said cousy bro, so I don't know if she was, like,
09:52you know, cousy brosy kind of thing.
09:54We have ethical hacking and we have digital forensics.
09:58Doing all the dodgy things.
10:00We can hack into accounts,
10:02we can find the information that's being hidden
10:05and find the things people don't want you to find.
10:11Like, no messages in this phone.
10:13Ah, for Ondine and Shelley.
10:15Yeah. Oh, for Ondine, this one is.
10:17Let's have a looky-loo.
10:20Turn off all backups.
10:24So Ondine has cleared everything.
10:27Not only has she cleared everything,
10:29she's cleared everything in an intelligent, selective manner
10:32that makes it very difficult to do what I do.
10:35She is switched on.
10:37Really misjudged them.
10:39Big time.
10:41Drawing a dead end on Ondine's phone,
10:44the cyber team are drilling into her personal details for leads.
10:50Veterans card.
10:52Do you know much about what a veterans card means?
10:54Yeah, so she's either ex-military, ADF.
10:58Excuse me, Chief, are you free? Yes.
11:00I just want your expertise on something here.
11:03LP's found a veterans card in relation to Ondine.
11:08It's got a red poppy on it.
11:10So that means she served somewhere.
11:12And the poppy would denote military as opposed to law enforcement?
11:15Yeah, 100%.
11:17And this is an old document that I have found.
11:20Ondine was using her maiden name when she was in the military.
11:24Petty Officer Ondine.
11:27That's her.
11:28So what does that mean?
11:29She's in the Navy.
11:30She's in the Navy.
11:31She's a Petty Officer, so that's a high-ranking other rank.
11:35Yeah, she'd know a fair bit about planning.
11:37She's obviously had an extensive military career.
11:40The next run-up is a Chief.
11:47Ondine and Shelley have definitely gone up on the priority list,
11:51obviously, Ondine being a former service person.
11:54She is definitely going to be harder to catch than originally thought.
11:59Finding no leads on Ondine's devices,
12:02the hunter's attention turns to Shelley's phone.
12:07Hey, Sim, something juicy over here.
12:09On Shelley's phone,
12:12someone's tried to log in from Mattingly, Victoria, on an iPhone.
12:19It was a denied log-in, though.
12:21Oh, was it?
12:22Yeah, it said that they blocked.
12:24A log-in attempt from an iPhone 11 in Mattingly on Shelley's account.
12:28I mean, you'd think the only one who's going to try and log in
12:31to that account is Shelley herself.
12:33What I'm loving is that Shelley will have no idea that we have this.
12:37She must know that we would monitor the Facebook account, surely.
12:41Yeah, but I don't know whether she would think enough, technically,
12:45that we would get a notification, whereas Ondine would not.
12:49Right, yeah.
12:50Every fugitive pair has their weaknesses and strengths,
12:53and if we're looking at Ondine and Shelley as a pair,
12:56if we're talking about technical prowess,
13:00Shelley is very much the weakest link.
13:03I think we're onto something here.
13:05So this could lead us straight on to where Ondine and Shelley currently are.
13:10Nice one, Shelley.
13:13As the game of hunted ticks over into day three of 20...
13:19..the hunters are more determined than ever
13:22to capture the remaining eight fugitive pairs.
13:27Another headquarters, top table.
13:29Oh, no.
13:30Oh, no.
13:31Oh, no.
13:32Oh, no.
13:33Oh, no.
13:34Oh, no.
13:35Oh, no.
13:36Oh, no.
13:37Oh, no.
13:38Oh, no.
13:39Oh, no.
13:40Oh, no.
13:41Oh, no.
13:42Oh, no.
13:43Oh, no.
13:44Oh, no.
13:45Oh, no.
13:46Oh, no.
13:47Oh, no.
13:48Oh, no.
13:49Oh, no.
13:53Right, team, first fugitive pair I want to talk about is Andy and Deb.
13:58Simph, I'll push to you on this.
14:01We'd seen on the CCTV that they've planned their exit route
14:05from where the vehicle in Geelong dumped everyone.
14:08They went covering their face.
14:10in the late 60s robbed the South Australian TAB.
14:13So obviously robbery runs in the family.
14:18So who's going to bleach my hair?
14:20All right, you're on.
14:21We're about to see Eminem 2.0 and I'm excited.
14:25I've seen people bleach their hair and it turns purple.
14:28Well, I hope mine doesn't do that.
14:29This is only the start of looking completely different
14:31from his mug shot.
14:32What's this one?
14:33And I reckon just at the front there,
14:35just flick it up there to that, yeah, there you go.
14:37All right, let's see.
14:41Looks good though.
14:41You feeling yourself?
14:42Yeah, I'm feeling myself.
14:44Next few to prepare, we're going to look at
14:47Kaylee and Tony.
14:49He is a rally car driver
14:50and we believe that Kaylee is his co-pilot.
14:53So we're looking into that rally network.
14:56Doors are open on the bus.
14:58This is cool.
15:00So if the hunters come, just jump into the driver's seat.
15:04Yeah, the keys are in the race buggy.
15:06Jade and Taylor,
15:08what have we got on these guys?
15:10Yeah, so what we do know,
15:12Jade and Taylor, both 24 from the Gold Coast.
15:14So the relationship is at work?
15:17They're besties.
15:18They do seem somewhat superficial
15:20with a huge like friend's presence.
15:22For example, their birthday party
15:23had like over a hundred people there.
15:25Most of the photos on their phone
15:26are of just them looking good.
15:28I think they're really going to rely on their image
15:30because they really rate themselves.
15:36Oh my God.
15:37Oh my God, I actually love this.
15:38You actually suit that colour.
15:40What the freak?
15:41Oh my God, you look cute.
15:45Okay, the last pair we've got
15:47is Fugitives Luke and Ben.
15:50We know that they are married.
15:52Luke is a hairdresser
15:54and Ben has a background in social work and youth work
15:57and has some connections
15:58to the social organisations in the area.
16:00Just having a look at Luke,
16:01you know that even if he does change his appearance,
16:04they will always stick out.
16:06We need to get on the hunt with these guys.
16:14I would actually like to see the hunter's bait
16:17arrive to this.
16:22When we found out we were going on the run,
16:25the first thing, and I already knew this,
16:27that Luke said he wanted to pack
16:29was the spray tan machine.
16:31It's just part of who he is.
16:34So Luke and I have been married for a year.
16:37We've been together for five years.
16:41I call Luke the triple threat.
16:43He's good looking, he's hilarious,
16:46and he's down to earth.
16:47Aw, that was nice.
16:50How funny would it be if the hunters arrived right now?
16:53Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
16:55At least let me finish my leg.
16:57We decided to go on the run
16:58because Luke really wanted a new challenge for himself.
17:03I want to get out of the house.
17:04I'm in here 24-7.
17:05I work from home, which I love,
17:07but some days I only leave to go to the gym
17:10and I get cabin fever.
17:12And how cool to put like your life on pause
17:14and then go into a video game for 24 days.
17:17Like, that's what it's like, right?
17:19The money's like inside somewhere.
17:21More important is the tanning machine.
17:23Yeah, I really over-sprayed.
17:26Ho, ho, ho, ho.
17:28We know that there's gonna be a fair bit of roughing it.
17:31I like to think that it'll be fine though.
17:34Yeah, I think we'll be fine.
17:37See, it's when I don't try, my hair looks good.
17:40We're going to outplay the hunters
17:42because we've got an extensive network of people
17:45right across Victoria that we can rely on.
17:47Yep, we're out.
17:49I've got a lot of clients that have holiday houses.
17:52We have colleagues, we have cousins, sisters,
17:56and a lot of family that would do anything
17:59to help us get across the line.
18:02All right, love you.
18:03All right, let's get our stuff.
18:08Relying on their extensive network of Melbourne contacts,
18:12friend Simone is driving hairdresser Luke
18:15and charity CEO Ben to her mother-in-law's property.
18:20It's safer to get to a location,
18:22bunker down, work out the escape routes,
18:24and be prepared to run.
18:27But the newlyweds need to make an unscheduled stop.
18:33Oh, we can go into that chemist.
18:34Keep going.
18:35They'd have the tan in there.
18:38Gonna have to make sure you park far enough away,
18:41like literally three, four blocks away,
18:44and we'll run in, run back, so they can't ping your car.
18:48To avoid being captured on CCTV
18:50getting out of Simone's car...
18:52I reckon just here.
18:53Yep, behind this car.
18:55They're parking two blocks back from the main street.
18:59We're off.
19:00So we've got into the chemist?
19:02Yep, let's go.
19:05Oh, my God.
19:07Oh, it's Bryson.
19:10Excuse me.
19:11Do you have any fake tan?
19:14No fake tan.
19:15Okay, thank you.
19:18Well, he's on the right.
19:21It's a far end.
19:22Let's just take that.
19:23Bryson, please tell me you're trapped.
19:31Let's go.
19:36That was adrenaline.
19:37Oh, my God, you were so quick.
19:38I can't even.
19:40Now, they won't have any CCTV of your car getting away,
19:44so they don't know which direction we've gone.
19:47Despite Luke and Ben's discreet stop in town,
19:52back at headquarters...
19:53Ben, have a look at this.
19:55...a member of the public has tagged the hunters
19:58on social media.
20:00Two minutes ago, someone messaged Instagram
20:02saying they saw Luke.
20:05That is them, yeah.
20:07Right now in Moorabbin on Central Avenue, long-haired bloke.
20:13I mean, this could very well be legit, couldn't it?
20:15Because it's not exactly a taunt, is it?
20:18Could we get his number and I could call him?
20:23Hello, Bailey speaking.
20:24Bailey, hello, mate. My name's Ben. How are you?
20:27Yeah, I'm good, thanks. Yourself?
20:28Yeah, good, thanks, buddy.
20:29Mate, thank you so much for your video you sent in to us.
20:31Appreciate it.
20:33What locked you on to them, Bailey?
20:36I didn't know as soon as I saw them.
20:38Yeah, they were running out the road.
20:39They went to a chemist on Central Avenue in Moorabbin.
20:43Was there anywhere else with them at that time?
20:45No one else with them.
20:46Didn't see any vehicles in the vicinity
20:48that they might have gone to or bus stops,
20:50anything like that?
20:53Bailey, you've been an absolute legend.
20:55Thank you so much, mate.
20:57I think that is 100% legit, Chief.
21:00They were there half an hour ago.
21:03Bailey is a member of the public, i.e. an informant.
21:06He's given us crucial information today about Luke and Ben.
21:10Next steps is to find out where Luke and Ben
21:12were actually running to.
21:13So all guns a-blazing to get all units in the area,
21:16find out where Ben and Luke are going
21:18and who with and effect the capture with the next hour.
21:22All units, all units, we have a significant update
21:26on the hunt for Luke and Ben.
21:29Bravo unit will go through you.
21:34Bravo coming.
21:35We've had a tip-off from a member of the public
21:38and this is in the Moorabbin area.
21:41Bravo, could you make speed to that location now?
21:43This sighting was of only 30 minutes ago.
21:47He reported that he saw Luke and Ben exit a chemist
21:50in and around that Woolies area.
21:52Bravo received.
21:53We are two eight minutes from Moorabbin, over.
21:56Roger, thank you.
22:02All right, now we just have to get you to Sue's.
22:06Do I try and find this back entrance to Sue's?
22:09I think we do that.
22:10Because I can literally drop you and then keep driving.
22:12Oh, yeah.
22:13Is what I'm thinking.
22:14And then I'll give you the gate code.
22:17I just hope the paddock isn't as bushy
22:18as I'm envisioning it that it is.
22:20Because I know you can just walk in
22:22and it's quite thick in some sections up the front.
22:25Luke's probably hoping that it's not.
22:29Where's Bravo?
22:30I anticipate them getting there
22:31in the next sort of 60 to 120 seconds.
22:35I could have just said one or two minutes
22:36would have been easier.
22:43Pull up in here.
22:44Less than an hour behind the fugitives,
22:47groundhunter team Bravo has arrived in Moorabbin.
22:53We're gonna check the cameras.
22:57Hi, how are you?
22:59My name's Nikki.
23:00And we're just trying to track a few fugitives.
23:02Oh, okay.
23:03The two guys that came in here before?
23:05Yes, they were here.
23:07Did they purchase by cash?
23:09No, they didn't buy anything.
23:10They didn't buy anything?
23:11What did they ask for?
23:12They obviously came in to...
23:14Fake, they asked for fake tan?
23:16That's it?
23:17No directions?
23:20Team Bravo.
23:23Send it.
23:24We've cleared the chemist.
23:25They went in there looking for fake tan.
23:29Didn't ask for anything else and then they exited.
23:32We're still canvassing the street, over.
23:33Roger, thank you.
23:35There you go, mate.
23:37I'm looking for a couple of people
23:38that would have ran by here,
23:39we think probably an hour, hour and a half ago.
23:41Did you see anyone run by here earlier?
23:43Like, about an hour ago?
23:45Yeah, I did.
23:46Where did they go?
23:46They went up to the wall.
23:48Which way, mate?
23:56Where did they exactly go?
23:58To their car, pretty much in front of Dino's house.
24:02In front of Dino's house?
24:03There's a two-storey house on the other side here.
24:05Once they hopped in the car,
24:06they turned into Greenland Street,
24:09and they came back out,
24:11headed towards the police station,
24:12turned around,
24:13and they're back in the main highway.
24:16One more question for him, actually.
24:18The type of car?
24:19They dropped into a Stanley Carolla.
24:24Thank you very much, guys.
24:25Appreciate it.
24:31There's no one following us, which is great.
24:33I have NFI.
24:35No friggin' idea.
24:36Oh my God, so good.
24:38So good.
24:52Mate, I'm wondering if you can help me.
24:53I'm looking for a couple of people
24:54that would have ran by here.
25:01Once they hopped in the car,
25:02they turned into Greenland Street,
25:04and they dropped into a Stanley Carolla.
25:08Thank you very much, guys.
25:08Appreciate it.
25:14HQ, Bravo.
25:15We have Luke and Ben mobile in a vehicle.
25:21Right, let's go.
25:22Mobile in a vehicle, Luke and Ben.
25:24Confirm you have Luke and Ben mobile in a vehicle, over.
25:28Bravo, correct.
25:29However, I should pause for effect.
25:33We're not following them.
25:35We're about an hour behind them.
25:38But the workers on the street saw them
25:39get into a silver Corolla.
25:43Following a tip-off from a crane operator,
25:46HQ orders CCTV of the surrounding area
25:50to track down the silver Toyota Corolla's
25:53registration number.
25:55If we know the time they crossed an intersection
25:57that has cameras, we can ask for CCTV for that.
26:00We want that CCTV.
26:02If we can find out who the owner of that car is,
26:04we've got them.
26:06Let's go.
26:08Let's go.
26:12Well away from CCTV.
26:17Let's get dirty.
26:18Push it back.
26:18Let's get dirty.
26:19Push it back, go right down, right in there.
26:21Western Australian cousins, Ondine and Shelley.
26:24Don't ever find us here.
26:25Have spent the night at Mark's remote bush property.
26:29When they have those red radar things to detect heat,
26:33this has got us a stone cave.
26:35I reckon we're definitely safe here.
26:37This is perfect, absolutely perfect.
26:38What do you reckon, Louie?
26:41The pair are unaware the login attempt
26:43on Shelley's Facebook account has the hunters on their trail.
26:47That's really good with these two because we had nothing.
26:50Sweet F.I.
26:51Absolutely nothing on Ondine and Shelley
26:53and Shelley's just lit up like a Christmas tree for us.
26:56Knowing the attempt was from an iPhone 11 in Mattingly,
27:00the hunters have ordered a cell dump.
27:03When we talk about cell dumps and cell site analysis,
27:05this is what is gonna be used on real life fugitives.
27:08We want a bunch of numbers that have connected
27:11to a cell tower at any given point.
27:13The phone numbers lead us to associates,
27:15the associates lead us to fugitives.
27:20With only one of the six numbers in the cell dump
27:23attached to an iPhone 11, the hunters now have their target.
27:29We've got intel on the phone numbers from that cell dump.
27:34What we got?
27:35Belongs to a gentleman by the name of Mark
27:38and Mark lives in Coimbidae?
27:41I'm digging.
27:43He's with Telstra, so it must be remote.
27:47Alpha, Alpha HQ.
27:49Alpha, send over.
27:51We are on the hunt for Ondine and Shelley.
27:53Could you start transiting towards...
27:55Forgive my pronunciation, but Coimbidae?
27:58We believe Ondine and Shelley may be at the property.
28:02This property is very large and a perfect place to stop
28:06and harbour fugitives for the night.
28:10Yeah, Alpha, copy all 36 minutes.
28:15Thank you very much.
28:21Right-o, mate, we're being prodded in.
28:23We've only got one team here.
28:25Let's keep our eyes peeled.
28:27We're gonna have to get that drone up, mate,
28:28so we can see any movement from the house itself.
28:33Just duck in with the scrub and go.
28:35Yeah, yeah.
28:45It's a massive property.
28:46There's lots of buildings.
28:47If we get a drone up,
28:49we can isolate all the bush surrounding,
28:52get some early warning as we move in,
28:54make sure they're not making their way out as we move in.
28:58HQ, Alpha, we are moments away from drone law,
29:02would you stand by?
29:03Standing by.
29:18Just scanning the peripheries of the property now.
29:22We've got a large shed with a caravan.
29:25Just gonna try and get some optics on that.
29:31I'm approaching the property now.
29:35I've got some outhouses, some sheds.
29:38Looks like a large property with the pool to the east.
29:44That's the peripheries of the property clear.
29:47Not finding any sign of Ondine and Shelley
29:50on the property using the drone...
29:51It's Team Alpha moving in.
29:53...Ground Hunter Team Alpha
29:55move in to conduct further investigation.
29:59HQ, Alpha, we're heading in now.
30:02Stand by.
30:03Alpha, copy.
30:04At this point, no, we're not gonna have much reception.
30:07It's really bad for coms.
30:17Let's go.
30:24Hello, buddy.
30:28I'll go around the back rubs.
30:31G'day, mate, how you going?
30:33Mark, is it?
30:34How are you, Mark? I'm Marco.
30:38Nice property, mate.
30:40Yeah, mate.
30:42So, um, looking for a couple of fugitives.
30:46So you're still looking for them?
30:48We're still looking for them, yeah.
30:51They had a nice farmstay... Yeah.
30:53...while you guys were working.
30:57So you're a bit late with me gone.
31:02Took them into Backers Marsh.
31:04That's all I can help you with, I reckon.
31:11HQ, this is Alpha. We're just pushing off the property now.
31:14We've only just regained coms.
31:17Fugitives are not here.
31:18He confirmed he drove them to Backers Marsh,
31:20dropping them off opposite the train station.
31:25Yeah, roger that.
31:26Alpha, continue on round to that location.
31:30Let's go for a capture today. Over.
31:32With Backers Marsh only an 11-minute drive away,
31:36Team Alpha are hot on the trail of fugitives Ondine and Shelley.
31:41All right, game on.
31:43Ondine and Shelley, we're coming for you.
31:50I'm, like, ridiculously excited about this.
31:54We need to catch them today.
31:55We're going to catch them today. They are there today.
31:58Anyone in the military that comes and tries and tests the hunters,
32:02yeah, I take it personally.
32:04For the simple reason they're trying to use
32:07what they think they know from the military.
32:10But I come from the Army.
32:11We plan things meticulously.
32:14And being in Special Operations,
32:16there's no way a Navy person's going to beat me.
32:21Is this the entrance?
32:30Hi. Hi.
32:31We just want to... We want to go to Apollo Bay.
32:34So we've got a Mikey card each.
32:37How do we get there?
32:39Using Mikey cards given to them by Ondine's ex-Navy contact...
32:43I'll jump the fence if I have to.
32:46..the pair plan to travel via public transport
32:49200km south to Apollo Bay.
32:52We're going to head towards the beach.
32:54Yep. Cos we're beach babes.
32:55We're beach babes.
32:57I've got his pen, Ondine.
32:59Oh, don't worry. Just keep it.
33:03HQ, this is Alpha. We are five minutes from the train station. Over.
33:09OK, team, here we go.
33:11We are going to get a capture.
33:16That's cool. What do you do?
33:17Press it there. Like, just hold it.
33:18Like, touch? No, no, no. Just hold your card.
33:20See how it goes, Andre? Oh, OK.
33:22Keeping this on my person at all times.
33:25Some of these ones here. No, the money one.
33:27Well, as long as one of us has got it on our person at all times.
33:32You scan the platform, mate. I'll look at these cars.
33:36Right, Rabs. Let's hit it, mate.
33:42HQ, this is Alpha. That's us.
33:44Moving into Backers' mast train station now.
33:47I reckon they're here, mate.
33:49Snap them up. Let's try and run.
34:02HQ, this is Alpha. That's us.
34:04Moving into Backers' mast train station now.
34:06Yeah, awesome, team. Awesome.
34:12Ondine and Shelley, we're coming for you.
34:14I reckon they're here, mate. Snap them up.
34:17Oh, God. Let's go, team.
34:19Come on, Alpha.
34:31Doesn't look like signs of life.
34:35Must have just missed them. Yeah.
34:37Just missed them.
34:39HQ, Alpha. This is Alpha. Send it.
34:42Alpha, we've currently scoured both platforms.
34:46OK, I reckon we've been ten minutes behind.
34:50Snap them up.
34:54Thanks, team. Out.
34:57Desi? Yes?
34:59Would we be able to please put a CCTV request in
35:02from Backers' mast train station?
35:04So, with CCTV priority and then the Mikey dump after
35:07would be great, please.
35:08Cos then we could identify the Mikey cards
35:10if they're used further down the line
35:12and we'll try and track them. Thank you so much.
35:18Yeah, not happy, Jan.
35:21Ondine and Shelley were able to evade us once.
35:24It's not gonna happen again.
35:30On day three of the game,
35:32eight fugitive pairs are spread out across Victoria.
35:36In the south-east,
35:38married couple Luke and Ben
35:40have been dropped off near Susan's Pearsdale property.
35:46See you soon.
35:48They're trekking the final kilometre
35:50to their bed-down location for the night.
35:53Doesn't get any lighter, this bag.
35:56Snake. Very large snake.
35:58Snake? Yeah, huge.
36:00Where'd that snake go?
36:05Who would have thought there were actually snakes out here?
36:08Me. And everyone else.
36:11Me. And everyone else.
36:17This one has a PIN code.
36:19If this PIN works,
36:21we're in the right place.
36:26Oh, right place.
36:28Let's just make sure that locks behind us.
36:32Having arrived at Simone's mother-in-law Susan's house,
36:35the newlyweds have been instructed
36:37to set up camp in the top paddock.
36:40In the top paddock.
36:42We've got seven acres to choose from.
36:46I feel like this sort of area here...
36:48Make sure we clear the area
36:50before we set up for camping.
36:52Check for any snake holes.
36:54I'm really scared after seeing the snake.
36:56I'm like, I'm not going to be able to sleep.
37:04Ben, we have just received CCTV from Moorabbin.
37:10A silver Toyota Corolla can be seen driving south.
37:14We've got details on the vehicle.
37:18After scouring Moorabbin's CCTV
37:21for the silver Toyota Corolla,
37:24the hunters' efforts have finally paid off.
37:27We've got the owner of the registration.
37:31It belongs to Simone and it's registered
37:33an address in Cranbourne South.
37:36In the words of Ben, love it.
37:39Roger, standing by.
37:42Bravo, stand by for an address
37:44for the Toyota Corolla
37:46harbouring Luke and Ben.
37:48Stand by.
37:50Cranbourne South, start heading to Cranbourne South.
37:53Hell yeah!
37:55Hell did it, yeah!
37:56We're getting them tonight, you know?
37:57Yeah, we're getting them tonight.
37:58We're getting them.
37:59We're getting them tonight.
38:00With Team Bravo deployed to Cranbourne South,
38:03Luke and Ben plan to camp overnight
38:07in Pearsdale, only five kilometres away.
38:10Knock, knock.
38:12We just thought we'd come and say hello.
38:15How are you?
38:17Thank you so much for letting us use your block.
38:19Yeah, thank you so much.
38:21Well, that's what we thought we'd ask you
38:23because we just saw a big brown snake
38:25out at the front just near the road
38:27so we thought we'd come and check with you.
38:29Where's a good place for us to set up
38:30that's out of your way?
38:32Do you want to stay in the house?
38:34That would be so awesome.
38:36Oh my God.
38:39Oh, I love the idea of not camping.
38:45Hello, puppy.
38:46It's OK.
38:47We can just pop our bags down here?
38:50All right, lovely.
38:51She's never really allowed it.
38:52This one's fine.
38:55This is my style of camping.
38:58Going somewhere where you can camp
39:00but then actually just go into a room with an en-suite
39:03is my style of camping.
39:05Our luck just keeps going and going and going.
39:09After swapping out her Corolla
39:11Simone has arrived at Sue's house.
39:14Oh my God.
39:15I didn't know who you were.
39:16I forgot that you were changing cars.
39:18I got my neighbour's car
39:19so I couldn't get back here.
39:22Unaware, Team Bravo are minutes from her home.
39:27We'll just pull up just off the other side
39:29of this driveway here.
39:31Moving up to the target address.
39:34Let's go, Bravo.
39:37All right, Team.
39:38So we're looking at Fugitives Ben and Luke.
39:41Obviously, we've tracked them down to this location.
39:45This gate's not going to open.
39:47We're going over the fence.
39:48So what we're looking for is that silver Corolla.
39:52I'm just going to have a scout around here.
39:54Here we go.
39:55What have we got here then?
39:56Vehicle is still in play.
40:08Yeah, it's warm.
40:11There's a vehicle at the gate, vehicle at the gate.
40:13Vehicle at the gate, vehicle at the gate.
40:15Vehicle at the gate, Roger.
40:16Only one occupant.
40:18What's going on here?
40:19I bet you know why we're here.
40:20No, I have no idea.
40:21I've been at work all day.
40:23No, I have no idea. I've been at work all day.
40:25Have you?
40:27What's your name?
40:30Pete Simone's husband's arrived, mate.
40:32Yep, roger that.
40:34Pete, we're looking for two gentlemen by the name of Luke and Ben.
40:37Why would I think they're here?
40:40Are they here?
40:42I don't know. I went home at about 3.30 this morning.
40:44Did ya?
40:46Can you show me through the house, please?
40:49I left Pete a note on the bench, so when he gets home he knows where I am.
40:52Oh, awesome.
40:55So who else lives here with you, Pete?
40:56My wife.
40:57Okay, where is she?
41:02He's shut the door behind me. There's a note on the table that he's reading.
41:06They're either in there or they're not in there.
41:08Yeah, we want the note.
41:10Open the door and walk in.
41:11He's getting rid of it.
41:13Why don't we just get this over? Tell him to tell us where they are.
41:16We know they're in the property there somewhere.
41:20Pete, I'll need to read that note.
41:23Uh, no, that's my shop of books.
41:25Is it?
41:26Yeah, there's something on there.
41:28What about the note that you just took off the table and put underneath the booklet there?
41:32Can I see that, please?
41:34The game's up. I want to read it.
41:36Put it down on the, put it, leave it there on the table.
41:39Can you read that out?
41:41Here we go.
41:46I'm at your mum's.
41:49The boys are in the top paddock.
41:52They're in the top paddock.
41:54So, staying at mum's?
41:59Where's the top paddock, Pete?
42:13I love gnomes.
42:15Look at this.
42:17In Pearsdale, newlywed fugitives Luke and Ben are settling into Susan's house.
42:24Um, I did rob a bank.
42:29So, I want to show you what I've collected.
42:32See, this bag here is actually quite heavy.
42:35Mostly due to, well, CCs.
42:39But other than that...
42:42Check that out.
42:44We actually ended up stealing over $100,000 from the bank.
42:49If they catch us, they take the money off us and I'm assuming jail.
42:58The fugitives are unaware only five kilometres away,
43:03Team Bravo are casing Simon and Pete's property
43:07where a note has revealed a clue to their whereabouts.
43:11Team Bravo, roger. I just want to read you the note.
43:14Yeah, roger that.
43:17Righto, so it says that I'm at your mum's in Lesley's car.
43:21Maur, if we need you, I'll prank your phone from your mum's home phone,
43:25though I won't be home any later than 8pm.
43:28Maur, the boys are in the top paddock.
43:31Message over.
43:36Where does your mum live, Pete?
43:38Where does your mum live, Pete?
43:46Your mum doesn't live at the Sunshine Coast, she lives here somewhere.
43:50Where does she live?
43:52Your wife did not drive to the Sunshine Coast this afternoon?
43:58With Pete uncooperative, Cyber must now track down his mother's name and address.
44:03So we know it's Pete's mum at this point.
44:06So we need to find that top paddock.
44:09We can do it, we can do it, we can do it.
44:11I'm confident.
44:13Mum, where are you?
44:15I love it when you get pumped up, Jay.
44:19Here's a good question for you, Sue.
44:21Have you got coffee in the house?
44:24Oh, thank God.
44:26I haven't got a machine.
44:28No, that's fine. Instant coffee's quite fine with me.
44:31Any type of coffee and water, we're there.
44:33I've got a picture of the mother.
44:37Susan, mother of Peter. There's pictures of the family on Facebook.
44:42Piercedale, where's that?
44:44Suburb Piercedale.
44:46Where'd you get that?
44:48White Pages.
44:49Nice. Nice.
44:51It does look like there would be a paddock there, to be perfectly honest.
44:55Where does that go?
44:57As Bravo completes a thorough search of Simone and Pete's property for any sign of the fugitives...
45:03You guys having fun?
45:05I'd be having more fun if you told me where they were.
45:07...HQ have deployed Team Charlie as backup, now diverting them to Sue's Piercedale property.
45:14Charlie, HQ.
45:16Charlie, send.
45:18Please head towards that location.
45:20Copy that.
45:24Three minutes.
45:27Roger, three minutes.
45:30Bloody awesome.
45:32I think she'll be around here.
45:34Yeah, I hope so.
45:35I hope so. I feel good. I feel comfortable about being here.
45:39I feel even better that we haven't set up the tent out there. We're actually inside.
45:45Alright, slow down. There's this one here.
45:50Yeah, righto, team. Look, we're hot on the trail of fugitives Ben and Luke. Let's roll in hard.
45:56Copy that.
46:02Moving in.
46:06Right, it's an automatic gate, so we're not going to get the vehicle in there.
46:10Jump the fence. Let's get up to the property.
46:14On foot.
46:19I'm just going to have to jump the gate.
46:25The dogs are barking, so there must be someone at their door.
46:33The next door?
46:35Their dogs don't usually bark?
46:49Okay, I've got eyes on that property now.
46:53Two kookaburras.
46:55Yeah, they're fighting each other too.
46:56Are they?
46:57Sitting in an old gum tree.
47:02I'm just going to go straight up to the front.
47:07So you can hear when...
47:08Obviously that guy.
47:10People are running. Oh my god, they're here. They're here. They're here. Under the hill. Quick.
47:25They're under us.
47:32Watch every adrenaline-pumping moment of the thrilling third series of Hunted Australia with full episodes on Ten Play.
47:45Moving in.
47:51The dogs are barking, so there must be someone at their door.
48:02Okay, I've got eyes on that property now.
48:11So you can hear when...
48:12Obviously that guy.
48:14People are running. Oh my god, they're here. They're here. They're under the hill. Quick.
48:17People are running. Oh my god, they're here. They're here. They're under the hill. Quick.
48:29What the f***?
48:32What the f*** just happened?
48:41What the f***?
48:43What the f***?
48:46Oh my god, shit has gone down.
48:49There's a large amount of shedding and stuff at the east edge of the property.
48:52Identify where this top paddock is. Where's the top paddock?
48:55Yeah, copy that chief.
48:56Top paddock. Top paddock. Where would that be?
48:59The nature of the land and some of the bush.
49:07These f***ing shorts.
49:12I just want to go and check out the back.
49:15I'm just running up there now.
49:20There's two people inside the property. Two women.
49:27How are you?
49:28Simone, where are the boys?
49:30Which boys?
49:31You know which boys.
49:32Luke and Ben?
49:43What the f***?
49:49What did you see?
49:55Can we come in?
49:56You can come in if you want.
50:03It's very bushy. Not many places to camp.
50:09Shall we make a move?
50:13Just doing a bit more systematic now.
50:17Where can we go? We've got nowhere to go.
50:21I've just come across an area where there's some disturbance.
50:25I'm just tracking that now.
50:27A little bit of sign here. Ground sign for sure.
50:33We need to make our way as far away from here as we can.
50:38Ben, have you got your capture pans on?
50:40Yes, and they're pink, just like Luke's shorts.
50:43If we move now, they'll see us.
50:45The hunters up the ante.
50:47It's a big area. I think we're saturating with ground hunters.
50:50Are they closing in on their next capture?
50:54We need to make our way as far away from here as we can.
50:57We need to make our way as far away from here as we can.
50:59We need to make our way as far away as we can.
51:01We need to make our way as far away as we can.
51:03We need to make our way as far away as we can.
51:06We need to make our way as far away from here as we can.
51:09Or will the fugitives fight back?
51:12On my count, just run.
51:14Did you hear that? They are here somewhere.