Love is Blind UK S01E04 (2024)

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00:00and, like, but...
00:05Go on.
00:09I need to be really honest with you.
00:13I don't even know if it's, like, a romantic love or not, like...
00:21The thing I've worked really hard to do is kind of, like,
00:23make sure that, like, my sexual compatibility with someone
00:26is the same as my, like, emotional connection with them.
00:33So it makes me feel really scared with you that..., I'm not feeling that part of it.
00:41So it could just be...
00:44It could just be a friendship, um...
00:50I've never felt, like, this connection with anyone.
00:53Like, when I come in, it's like an energy...
00:55I can't... I can't put a finger on it.
00:57I know. I agree.
00:58There's just, like, something that's, like, different, like...
01:03And do you think that's, like...
01:06..what you can base a marriage on?
01:20And I don't know.
01:25I don't know, Tom.
01:30And there's, like...
01:33It's just crazy, cos it's, like, unexplainable,
01:35like, how you make me feel, and you're, like, literally behind a wall.
01:43You make me feel so, like, hurt.
01:51I don't know.
01:55It would just be a massive gamble, Tash.
02:02It's just...
02:07It's just my feeling, like, I just have to trust my gut on it.
02:16Oh, God, what's wrong with me?
02:23I'm so sorry.
02:29I just don't think, like, our story ends here, but...
02:39I've just got to go with my gut on it.
02:47I hope you're just... you're happy and..., I just wish you the best.
03:12It's hard to talk about,
03:14because I understand where it's coming from, in terms of logic.
03:20Oh, God.
03:23Are you OK?
03:25But there's, like, this undeniable connection that I can't explain.
03:30We got caught up in the tide
03:34As it dragged us down
03:44It was really tough.
03:46It's a real shame, because...
03:50..even now, like, I think we both know that there's something there,
03:54we just don't know what it is.
03:56Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.
04:00It's, um, it's hard delivering news like that,
04:03because it's another human on the other side of that wall.
04:07It's OK.
04:09Just breathe.
04:10I just didn't think I'd come in here and be like..., genuinely feel like this for someone.
04:16Like, it's just insane.
04:18It doesn't feel like it right now,
04:20but anyone who has you is so blessed to have you.
04:23Oh. Yeah.
04:25You are so beautiful. You are.
04:27And not, like, yeah, I was going to say,
04:29not just, like, here.
04:31You're beautiful.
04:35I want to go home, you know?
04:38Like, obviously, I'm sad, because I came here to meet someone
04:42and find someone, and that's just not worked out for me.
04:46But that wouldn't change my journey at all
04:48in any way, shape or form.
04:52I actually love you.
04:54You stay true to yourself.
04:56Know your worth.
04:58This doesn't define you. Yeah.
05:00Yeah. OK?
05:02I love you.
05:05I'll see you on the outside.
05:07Walking out of this experiment,
05:09I always felt like I'd spent so long, like,
05:11building on my confidence.
05:13I feel like a long time, like, I've had very little.
05:24Doesn't matter what I look like.
05:30I know I've got a good heart.
05:33I know I've got a good heart.
05:44Jesus Christ, guys, it's getting really real.
05:47It's too much.
05:49I think we're, like, forgetting, like, this is...
05:52No, this is, like, real people's feelings.
05:55There's someone else who I just know, like,
05:57will make the mundane times of my life amazing.
06:01Like, she really brings out the best in me.
06:05I feel so bad for Natasha.
06:07I do think she liked Tom. Do you know what I mean?
06:11He is such a great guy.
06:13And I knew he had other connections, but I don't know,
06:15I just always felt, like, safe.
06:17I feel so secure with Tom.
06:31For me, it's Sam that I want to explore the connection with.
06:34It's Sam that I want to marry, you know?
06:39Come on. This is it.
06:41The connection I've built with Nicole over the last few days
06:43has been something special.
06:45I think she could provide me a lifetime of happiness.
06:50I'm very, very nervous.
06:52We're talking about someone you're going to marry here,
06:54someone who might be your soul mate,
06:56someone who might be your soul mate,
06:59someone who might potentially carry my kids, you know?
07:01It's a big thing.
07:05Oh, boy.
07:09I've been married before.
07:11It didn't work out,
07:13and I think I lost hope for a little bit.
07:17It was very important that the person
07:19who I choose to get engaged to
07:21is, like, here for the right reasons
07:23and, like,
07:25is genuine about their quest
07:28to find love.
07:32It's important to have a physical attraction
07:34to someone.
07:38But at the same time, I want someone
07:40to just full-heartedly say,
07:42I want you, Sam. I want you.
07:46It was a tough decision
07:48choosing between Sam and Vinaya.
07:52But I finally feel ready
07:54to give love a second chance.
08:15Oh, my God.
08:17My gosh.
08:23This is mad.
08:30I said to myself, I'm not going to cry.
08:32I'm not going to cry.
08:35What do you think?
08:37Oh, gosh.
08:41I guess... Really?
08:43Yeah, a bit.
08:45This is the best day of my life.
08:47Oh, you're so amazingly...
08:49You are...
08:53Yeah, to me, I don't care what anyone else thinks.
08:56To me, she's fricking gorgeous,
08:58and I think she liked what she saw as well.
09:00But one important thing to do...
09:02Oh, my God.
09:04This is it now. I'm shaking.
09:06I... It's... I'm just in disbelief.
09:08Are you ready to go on this adventure with me?
09:16Will you marry me?
09:19Yes. Yes.
09:23I don't even know how to take it out of the box.
09:26Wait, it's stuck. Oh, no, it's not stuck.
09:28You're good.
09:30OK, I'm good, I'm good.
09:32I'm so scared.
09:34I'm shaking.
09:36The height's going to be OK.
09:38I know, yeah, the height difference.
09:40You can wear heels, you can wear jeans.
09:42We're good, we're good.
09:44Good, OK.
09:46How are you feeling?
09:48I'm good, I'm good.
09:50I don't know.
09:52Trust me, OK?
09:55Oh, maybe just drop the ring.
09:57I've broken it. No, you've got the ring on.
09:59And I've got it on the wrong finger as well.
10:01I put it on the wrong finger.
10:03Oh, my God, get it on the right finger.
10:05I was probably supposed to do that bit,
10:07which is typical me.
10:09It's just... Oh, I'm just speechless.
10:11I'm just... Yeah.
10:13I'm just a boy who wants to love a girl.
10:15That's all I want.
10:17I'm a boy who wants to love a girl
10:19and live happily ever after.
10:21And if we give this a go, I think we can have that.
10:24I'm still in shock.
10:26I'm not saying much because there's a lot,
10:28but I'm in shock.
10:30I told you to trust me.
10:34I told you to trust me.
10:36Yeah, it's... Oh, my gosh.
10:38Oh, my God.
10:40What's confusing to me is that
10:42I'm now having to put the two together,
10:44the physical and sort of the emotional,
10:46and I guess now there's, like,
10:48a sidestep or maybe a backstep
10:50of, like, OK, how do I really feel
10:53about this person now?
10:55I just want you to trust me and believe in me.
10:57No matter what, I'll give everything to this.
11:01No-one can ever take this away from us,
11:03no matter what, you know?
11:05Yeah. I'm so...
11:07It just feels... What colour are your eyes?
11:11Boring brown. But they're not,
11:13cos they're amazing. No, honestly.
11:19Trust me, OK?
11:22That's one thing.
11:24I would never, ever do that to you.
11:26You deserve better than me.
11:28I feel like I'm not good enough.
11:30You are. You are, honestly.
11:32I just wanted you to believe in me.
11:34Yeah, I do.
11:36No-one ever, ever gives me the chance.
11:40I can't believe this.
11:44She chose me for a reason,
11:46and I chose her,
11:48and I knew in this experiment
11:51that, at the end of the day,
11:53our connection was strongest
11:55and there was something real there.
11:59I'll see you next.
12:01You are just...
12:05I got the best.
12:07I completed life. Life is complete.
12:09I'll see you. See you soon.
12:11OK. OK.
12:13Don't change your mind now.
12:15No, no. Promise me.
12:17Promise. And trust me, OK?
12:20I think I love you.
12:24OK. I'm gonna hold that.
12:28I just wanted to tell her I loved her.
12:30Did she say it back?
12:32I don't know if she said it back, though,
12:34so it was a little bit odd.
12:40Don't forget my face.
12:46I really, really liked what I saw in the pods
12:49because that was, like, really what
12:51I fell for, you know,
12:53and not all of this.
12:55Oh, God.
12:57I just want...
12:59I want to just get to real life
13:01and see... That's my...
13:03Yeah, that's how I feel.
13:07Sorry, I think I really need to fix your transmitter
13:09on your back.
13:11Guys, I don't know what I've let myself into here.
13:13This is so dangerous territory, isn't it?
13:16Oh, my gosh.
13:34Hi, there.
13:36They're the Kanye slippers.
13:38No, these are Aldi ones.
13:42Next best thing.
13:45Come on, come on, come on.
13:47Don't let this all go.
13:53I feel like I'm actually shaking.
13:59Do you know what you're going to say to him?
14:03I'm not emotional like that.
14:05I am, but I can't...
14:07I can't voice that I'm emotional like that.
14:11I was surprised by how strong
14:14the connection is with Tom.
14:16The future could be what I want it to be
14:18and that's really scary.
14:20For the first time in my life, I actually feel ready
14:22to completely be open and vulnerable
14:24and give myself to someone.
14:31So it's time for me to just be open.
14:35I feel like I really struggle
14:37to say how I really feel
14:41and how much something really means to me.
14:43This whole thing has shown me
14:45that I've just ruined things for myself
14:47rather than just putting myself out there
14:49and be like, no, I really want this
14:51and you really do mean a lot to me
14:53and I really don't want to lose this.
14:55I've just kept my mouth shut and lost it
14:57so that I feel like I can just walk away
14:59with my head held high.
15:01Just wanted to let you know
15:03exactly how I feel about you.
15:07Tom, I've never pictured my life with someone
15:09and, honestly, until I met you.
15:13Thank you for opening up to me,
15:15being completely honest.
15:18I've never felt like this with anyone.
15:25I think you're absolutely amazing, Tom.
15:27I've never felt so sure about someone.
15:31I love you.
15:43Oh, man.
15:47I just...
15:51I don't want to get hurt.
15:53And I know you don't want to get hurt either.
15:57And, like, it's just
15:59a massive, massive decision
16:01and it's so scary.
16:03Like, I feel...
16:06Like, so vulnerable.
16:12I know who you are
16:14and I think...
16:16I know what you need.
16:21It just feels right.
16:30I feel...
16:35You know, when you tell me about your father,
16:39I just wish I could have been there
16:41for you through that time and...
16:44You know, you tell me about his qualities
16:46and which I want to bring to you now.
16:48Like, I want to be that person in your life.
16:59Will you marry me?
17:07Oh, my God.
17:15I'm just so excited about, like,
17:17the future.
17:19With you.
17:21Oh, my God, I'm so happy.
17:23Oh, my God.
17:27And we're engaged.
17:30Oh, that makes me so happy
17:32when you say that.
17:34You are my fiancé.
17:36You're my fiancé.
17:38No, you're mine.
17:40We're each other's.
17:42Oh, my God.
17:44I can't wait to see you.
17:46I know, I can't wait.
17:48I love you.
17:50I love you.
17:52I love you, bye.
17:54I love you, bye.
17:56Bye, bye, bye.
17:59I can't help it, I'm hooked on you.
18:01That's my fiancé.
18:07I'm so giddy about John proposing,
18:09but it makes me so happy.
18:11Really happy, like, I'm so ready for it
18:13and I'm so ready for it with him.
18:15I'm really excited.
18:21I've always thought that my life would be defined
18:23by, like, the places that I'd see
18:25and the experiences that I've had,
18:28but it's not about that.
18:30It's, like...
18:32Like, the people that you love.
18:38You know, I can really move forward
18:40with a completely different mindset
18:42with, like, a beautiful woman
18:44who I know is gonna change my life,
18:46like, beside me.
18:50Oh, my God, I'm so happy.
18:52He'd be so proud of you.
18:54He'd be so proud of you.
18:57You know, he's looking at you right now
18:59and he's so happy for you.
19:01My dad's worry was always making sure
19:03I was gonna be OK,
19:05and Tom has made me feel that from the beginning,
19:07so I think my dad would have really liked Tom.
19:11I really wish you could meet him.
19:13Yeah, because he's here with you
19:15and he's so proud of you.
19:17Things have come really full circle
19:19from where I have been to where I am now,
19:21but I'm very happy.
19:23I'm absolutely ecstatic.
19:42Oh, why don't we have a handshake?
19:44Do we even love each other?
19:51Yes, Ollie. Yes, erm...
19:53The shape of this, man.
19:56The state of your biceps.
20:00Cos I know
20:02that I really am in love.
20:06But it's really, like, nerve-wracking
20:08cos you don't see what they're thinking
20:10or how, like, I can feel it
20:12through the words, but I can't see it.
20:17I've waited for this moment for my whole life, man.
20:19She can't see me, but I've got to look the part
20:21to feel the part, right?
20:23For so long, I've been seen as that guy
20:26that's never going to settle down, never going to get serious.
20:30But then, in getting to know Demi,
20:32it's taught me that I'm actually looking for
20:34someone who makes me feel secure enough
20:36to just be me and love me
20:38and accept me for that.
20:40One more look, one more look.
20:42You're looking fresh, brother. I'm trying, bro.
20:44My friends are going to be like,
20:46Hi, you.
20:55I've been reflecting all day on that crazy journey, you know?
20:58Yeah, same.
21:00Do you know what I've got in my hand?
21:02What? My love crystal.
21:04Lovely. It's been with me the whole time.
21:06Oh, good.
21:08Yeah, I can't lie, like, you may have noticed
21:10I haven't come in here with extravagant gifts
21:12or, like, ostentatious gestures or anything like that,
21:14but I feel like our love is more
21:16stripped back, real, natural.
21:18We don't need these crazy, over-the-top gestures
21:20for us to connect.
21:22I agree.
21:25I have actually written something, though.
21:27I'm all ears.
21:31I hope it hasn't smudged in my pocket.
21:35Demi, from the very first moment I heard your voice,
21:37I knew there was something special about you.
21:39Coming into this experiment,
21:41I was sceptical
21:43that it would work for me.
21:45I'm so glad to say I was wrong
21:47because I have truly fallen for you
21:49despite having never laid eyes on you.
21:51Taking away my ability
21:53to connect with you physically
21:55has enhanced my ability to connect with you emotionally,
21:57something which I have struggled to do in the past.
22:03In you, I found a kind-hearted, intelligent,
22:05caring and sometimes funny
22:07generous soul.
22:09And I'm so glad this experiment
22:11has brought us together.
22:13I feel like
22:15in such a short space of time,
22:17you've already made me a better man
22:19and I can't wait to continue growing with you.
22:21I respect you,
22:23I appreciate you
22:25and I love you.
22:29I just love you.
22:33I love you too.
22:37And everything you said,
22:39like you've been listening
22:41and I feel heard.
22:45And I do actually genuinely feel loved.
22:55Will you marry me?
22:59Oh, of course I'll marry you.
23:03I'm very happy, like,
23:05you've made me the happiest man on the planet right now,
23:07I can't lie.
23:09I really believe we've got something special, you know.
23:11We've got something special going on.
23:13We've got something special going on.
23:15I really believe we've got something special, you know.
23:17You know what I'm saying?
23:19I've literally been thinking about you all day
23:21and now I've got to think about you all day and all night.
23:25Oh, my gosh.
23:27I'm just going to give you unconditional love.
23:29I'll be giving it right back.
23:35I just want to get out of these pods
23:37and start our real life together, do you know what I mean?
23:39I feel amazing.
23:41Best day of my life and I've been to a lot of theme parks.
23:43This tops that.
23:47I'm engaged.
23:49I'm engaged.
23:51That's this not-quite-sunk-in-yet.
23:55You get so excited
23:57for this brand of jam as well.
24:07I've definitely found a meaningful connection.
24:09I've found someone that I can't bear to walk away from.
24:11That's why I asked her the question.
24:13This is real, this is the real me
24:15and this is the real deal.
24:19We got a YC!
24:23Oh, my God, baby, I'm so proud.
24:27I just want to hug him and be like,
24:29yeah, this is me, you just need to love me for me now
24:31because you love me for me
24:33so you need to love me for me.
24:35He's the one.
24:37He has no choice now anyway
24:39but to propose to me, so...
24:59I'd love a green tea.
25:01No, get your fiancée to do that, you lazy prick.
25:09I can't wait to put my dress on.
25:11I hope his jaw hits the floor.
25:13I'm going to wear a red lip as well.
25:15Red dress, red lip, gold heels.
25:17He's not going to know it's him.
25:19So cute.
25:21I feel like if he's, like, sexy, sexy,
25:23I feel like I'm going to run towards him.
25:25I feel like I'm going to get so excited
25:27and I'll trip, won't I?
25:29That's going to be me.
25:39I tried to read you,
25:41but you're giving nothing away.
25:47If I gotta leave you,
25:49maybe you'll beg me to stay.
25:55Right now, it's probably the most nervous part
25:57of this experience for me.
26:01I'm worrying whether she's going to find me attractive or not.
26:05Everyone has their flaws.
26:07You can easily say all nice things to someone
26:09you think they're fit and you want to get your leg over.
26:11But I feel like Tom has fallen
26:13for all of the important parts of me
26:15without seeing something
26:17that normally makes a big difference to men.
26:21So just knowing he's really fallen for who I am
26:23and got a good understanding of who I am
26:25without ever seeing me,
26:27I don't even know how to describe that.
26:29It's just, it's amazing.
26:33I know it's only been a short amount of time,
26:35but when you meet someone like that,
26:37you don't want to give that up.
26:39You want to do everything you can
26:41to make sure that they're a part of your life.
26:43OK, OK, OK.
26:47It is still nerve-wracking.
26:49There's always that doubt
26:51that he might have had something different in his head.
26:55But I feel like our connection
26:57is so strong that that stuff doesn't matter.
26:59This isn't something which is ever going to happen again.
27:15How are you?
27:17I'm good, how are you? You're gorgeous.
27:19So do you.
27:21I'm so happy to see you.
27:25What happened?
27:27You are absolutely gorgeous.
27:31Oh, my God, I'm so nervous.
27:33Are you OK?
27:35I've got lipstick all over you.
27:39I've got lipstick all over you.
27:41Yeah, look, it's everywhere.
27:43How are you doing? I'm good, how are you?
27:45I don't care about the lipstick.
27:53I'm so happy.
27:55Me too.
28:01How have you been doing today?
28:03So nervous, I'm so happy.
28:05I've got lipstick everywhere.
28:07Is it really bad?
28:09It's really bad.
28:11Are you ready? Yeah.
28:13Are you? Yeah, I feel really good.
28:21This has been an amazing experience
28:23for both of us.
28:25Like, I can't thank you enough
28:27for, like, being my rock.
28:29I just feel so, like,
28:31amazingly confident
28:33and excited about
28:35me and you
28:37in the next few days, weeks, months,
28:39years. Forever.
28:45Love you.
28:47I love you.
28:49I love you.
28:51Will you marry me?
28:55Absolutely yes.
29:01Love you.
29:03I love you.
29:05Really happy.
29:07I feel like we've been waiting to be around
29:09each other for so long now, that is
29:11amazing. And Tom looks
29:13absolutely beautiful with red lipstick on.
29:15He looks gorgeous.
29:17Just to be able to, like,
29:19take her into me and, like, smell her
29:21and, like, feel her skin on my lips
29:23was just such a beautiful
29:27Doesn't it feel so bizarre? Not, like, bizarre,
29:29but just, like... Yeah.
29:31Do you know we've spent so much time getting to know each other
29:33and now we're finally with each other?
29:37But it feels comfortable.
29:39Very comfortable.
29:55I just want to wake up.
29:59We'll get our time alone. Mm.
30:05All of it felt lovely, like,
30:07kissing him, huddling him, like,
30:09it felt so comfortable, like, we were just
30:11touching each other, being around each other,
30:13like, you didn't feel awkward or weird.
30:15Every single minute of it was
30:17just amazing. I would have been
30:19up for a bit more, maybe, but...
30:21Yeah, I mean, we've got the rest of our lives
30:23for PDAs, you know.
30:25I love you.
30:27I love you.
30:29I love you. I love you.
30:31I just can't wait to, like, open up to her
30:33and be with her and have her lying in
30:35my bed in the morning. I just...
30:37That's the stuff that really excites me.
30:39Your boobs look great.
30:41Thanks, honey, just for you.
30:45Just felt like we slipped right into each other.
30:47Oh, do I want to say that? I don't want to say that.
30:49That sounds a bit weird, doesn't it?
30:51Does that sound weird? That was a bit weird.
30:53Love you. Love you.
30:57I absolutely think
30:59love is blind.
31:07Obviously, there's certain things
31:09in the past that I've wanted my man to look like.
31:11But, yeah, just...
31:13I accept him.
31:15I just hope, on my Instagram,
31:17that I hope he accepts me.
31:19Don't say that. He'd be lucky to have you.
31:21I hope he fancies me physically, though.
31:23Why wouldn't he?
31:25I think he'd be lucky to have me here.
31:27I am here, but, like...
31:29Everywhere. I mean...
31:31Shush. Don't talk like that.
31:41I can see
31:43that in the stillness
31:47The only
31:49one who's standing
31:51there has you
31:53I've been nervous
31:55about, like...
31:57him not knowing what I look like.
32:01I like to eat,
32:03yeah, and I just... I need
32:05someone who
32:07can hug me and make me still feel
32:09a little bit like...
32:17I didn't fall in love with her because
32:19I'm envisioning someone who looks a certain way.
32:21I fell in love with her because this is the girl
32:23that made me feel safe to open up. This is the girl that
32:25threw an amazing birthday for me
32:27when I was missing family. But...
32:29The one thing that is making me
32:31worry a little bit about Demi
32:33is the fact that she said that, ordinarily,
32:35she's seen as one of the guys.
32:37I'm thinking, like, well, if all these other guys
32:39always see you as one of the boys, am I going to have the same reaction?
32:47Normally, I'm in tracksuits
32:49and in my football stuff and my
32:51boxing gear and...
32:53Today, I just had the urge to just put on something a little bit more...
32:55I don't know.
33:03And I want him to look at me and be like,
33:05oh, she's shining.
33:07Oh, my God.
33:11I tend to date with my eyes
33:13and I want to find my woman sexy because
33:15what else are we going to do when it's raining?
33:29My legs are going jelly.
33:31I'm nervous.
33:33I'm sweating.
33:35My heart's racing.
33:37I just want to see her.
33:55Oh, my gosh.
33:57It's so weird actually seeing you.
33:59You look incredible.
34:01Oh, my gosh.
34:05Can I just hold you for a second?
34:09I feel like I've been waiting for this for so long.
34:21This is going to be fun.
34:23It's going to be amazing.
34:29Ten times more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.
34:31I couldn't be happier.
34:33She is curvy in all the right places.
34:35I was not one bit disappointed.
34:37There is something I wanted to do because I didn't get to do this yesterday.
34:39We've been through so much together
34:41in such a short amount of time
34:43but it feels like such a lifetime as well.
34:47will you marry me?
34:49Of course I will.
34:51That looks perfect on you.
34:53It does look lovely.
34:55That's really...
34:57It's actually gorgeous.
34:59So are you.
35:05I'm feeling very happy.
35:09And my man's is hot.
35:11Was that what you expected?
35:15I don't know.
35:17I didn't have a face but I just like...
35:19I just realised someone who is like
35:21my guy.
35:23Yeah, I'm your guy.
35:25So when I've seen you, I'm like, yeah, that's my guy.
35:27Thank you. Honestly, I was really nervous.
35:29This journey's been amazing.
35:31I was like, the door's going to open and he's going to just turn around and be like...
35:33Nah, I'm going nowhere.
35:35No? Here to stay?
35:39It's always been you.
35:43It feels so good to finally be able to hold you and touch you.
35:45I know.
35:47Just thank you, Oli,
35:49really, for existing.
35:51And picking me.
35:57I love you.
35:59I love you too.
36:01Mate, I can't stop smiling, man.
36:03I don't normally like this. There's not many things that get me like this,
36:05but seeing... Oh, man!
36:09I fell in love with her heart and her mind,
36:11not her face and her body.
36:13It just so happens that she has a beautiful face
36:15and a beautiful body to go with it.
36:19Officially engaged.
36:21And I'm officially the luckiest man in the world.
36:23Make sure you think about me, though.
36:25The whole time.
36:27Are you going in?
36:29I'll see you soon.
36:31OK. Love you.
36:35Last one, last one.
36:37Listen, I had to have a little look back as I was walking away,
36:39and I just happened to see the bunda.
36:41Yeah, she's...
36:43That's something else.
36:49Well, I'm actually in my fairy tale right now.
36:51And I'm in love.
37:13Two couples fell in love and got engaged,
37:15sight unseen.
37:17Of course, yes.
37:19Wow, you are stunning.
37:21After meeting each other for the very first time...
37:25You look incredible.
37:27..they're heading to this gorgeous
37:29Greek island.
37:35This is incredible.
37:37Let's do this.
37:39Up until now,
37:41all that's mattered is who they are on the inside.
37:45But here, their love will truly
37:47be put to the test.
37:49I can't wait to see you in your short.
37:51My one's heavy.
37:53Oh, my gosh.
37:55Their weddings are fast approaching.
37:57But is their physical
37:59connection as strong
38:01as their emotional one?
38:13Well, we're never leaving the villa.
38:15This is us.
38:17Look at those views.
38:19We're so lucky.
38:25That is amazing.
38:27Whoa, this is insane.
38:29You going to fit in that bath, though?
38:31We're both going to fit in that bath.
38:37We've got our own private pool.
38:39Oh, my gosh, this is amazing.
38:41Bit of a skinny dip later when it's quiet.
38:43Calm down, please.
38:49This is lovely.
38:51I can't believe I get to wake up today.
38:53I'm going to believe I get to wake up to you.
38:55Oh, you're so cute.
38:59This is insane.
39:01I wish I didn't think
39:03I'd find somebody here.
39:05Aw, you're cute.
39:07Oh, shit.
39:09It's gone away in my face.
39:19This is a good way to start.
39:21Best way to start.
39:23Actually having our first proper date,
39:25I just have so much gratitude
39:27to be here in this amazing place
39:29with you in this moment.
39:37Oh, no, it's warm.
39:39Oh, gosh.
39:41No, it's really warm.
39:43Jasmine's definitely physically what I hoped for
39:45and way more.
39:47You know, I had a feeling she was going to be pretty,
39:49but I didn't know she was going to have
39:51so much sex appeal as well.
39:55She is just super sexy.
39:57Was I kind of what you were expecting?
39:59You know what?
40:01I wasn't expecting anything purely for the fact
40:03that I didn't want to be kind of
40:05let down or...
40:07You know, but then when I did see you,
40:09I was pleasantly surprised.
40:11I'm like, I'm so lucky.
40:13Love that.
40:15Love it.
40:17The thing is, my type is, you know, tattoos,
40:19big guys, you know, quite rough around the edges,
40:21whereas Bobby's like a pretty boy,
40:23very clean cut,
40:25but seeing Bobby face to face,
40:27he's so hot.
40:29Yeah, I find him very attractive.
40:31I love that he's very touchy-feely
40:33because I'm extremely touchy-feely.
40:35We just gravitate towards each other.
40:37It's like magnets.
40:55I think it's just still like I'm taking it in
40:57that you're inside in front of me.
40:59We've got a wall in between us.
41:01What did you think when you saw me?
41:05I was just shocked because I was like,
41:07I was expecting some little cheeky chappy
41:09from your boy.
41:11And I was like, you're stunning.
41:13I was like, how is that coming out of that guy?
41:15Did you have an image of what I thought,
41:17what you thought I'd look like in the pods?
41:19No, you could have looked like anything.
41:21It just wouldn't have mattered because
41:23the feelings I had for you were real
41:25and, you know,
41:27I knew that I loved you.
41:29How do you feel about meeting everyone tomorrow?
41:31Um, yeah.
41:33Yeah, what did that mean?
41:37I don't know.
41:39I'm a bit nervous to meet everyone.
41:41I don't know.
41:43I can't wait.
41:45I'm excited to meet the boys
41:47because obviously, you know,
41:49I've only, well, I've only spoken to one.
41:53I am nervous to meet Oli.
41:55We never really got to know each other.
41:57He didn't know I was going to call it off.
41:59So I think for him, it was a bit of a shock.
42:01So, yeah, I do feel a bit unsettled
42:03going in there seeing him,
42:05but I know if I've got Freddie by my side,
42:07I'm going to be OK.
42:09Are you tired?
42:11Yeah, I am tired.
42:13I need a shower.
42:15Shall we get a shower and get ready for bed?
42:17I'm going to finish that.
42:21Sorry, my mind.
42:23Where is your mind going?
42:25I don't know.
42:27All right.
42:29Shower and bed, yeah?
42:31Shower and bed.
42:33Sounds good to me.
42:39Cheers to our first night.
42:43In this beautiful paradise.
42:45With this beautiful view.
42:47When I say view,
42:49I'm like, yeah, look at the view,
42:51look at the view.
42:53Oli is someone that I'd like to see
42:55in the street and be like, hmm, he's nice.
42:57But I'd keep walking.
42:59Because I'd be like, he ain't going to look at me.
43:03Nothing, just admiring you.
43:05I'm admiring you too.
43:07I felt really nervous in the beginning.
43:09Like, how will he
43:11take me when he sees me and stuff.
43:13But I just needed to trust that Oli will
43:15physically find me attractive.
43:17And I hope that he does.
43:19What did you miss about the pods?
43:21Do you feel like we're going to lose our
43:23ability to have those kind of conversations now that we're not here?
43:25No, I don't.
43:27I feel like we will.
43:29Them kind of conversations would just be like us in bed
43:31with the lights off.
43:33In bed with the lights off talking, yeah?
43:35Yeah, because he can't see me.
43:37I was worried at first.
43:39But then I made a conscious decision to be like,
43:41OK, cool.
43:43I want to continue on what we've created
43:45in terms of an intimate, emotional connection
43:47rather than just like,
43:49she looks this way, so. Do you know what I mean?
43:51Yeah. And it just means something to me.
43:53Good, because it means something
43:55to me too. Good.
43:57Demi looks amazing. Demi is amazing.
43:59Having met her and spent
44:01time with her, the more attracted I am to her
44:03physically, the more the emotional connection
44:05increases as well. So it's kind of just like a
44:07knock on effect. And then the more emotionally connected I am to her,
44:09the more I'm attracted to her physically.
44:11So it's just up and up and up.
44:13You've made me very happy.
44:17I hope so.
44:19You mean you hope so? I mean, I know.
44:21The way
44:23Ollie holds my hand, gives me
44:25a little kiss, I feel
44:27reassured that that's going to be reciprocated.
44:29So I look forward to
44:31spending that with him.
44:33Let's go.
44:41You ready? Yeah, come on.
44:47Is it good?
44:49I love dark chocolate. So how's your day been?
44:51Without sounding cringy and cliche, or like
44:53rom-com-esque, my best part of the day
44:55was seeing you. Because I was so nervous
44:57seeing you, but when I saw you, I was
44:59very, very happy. It's always going to be
45:01intimidating, like when you're
45:03dating someone who's sort of out of your league, you know?
45:11I'm joking. See what I mean when I say
45:13you always ruin
45:15a good moment.
45:17I love Tom's sense of humour,
45:19and I think in the real world
45:21I probably would have seen 38
45:23and thought, no, like, different
45:25vibes, but doesn't act 38,
45:27does he? So I love that about him.
45:29No, I'm really tired.
45:31We should go to bed.
45:33It's going to be mega. Yeah.
45:35It's going to blow your mind. Shut up.
45:47You ready for bed?
45:49Do I look handsome?
45:51Yeah, of course.
45:53You're a lovely picture.
45:55What have you done?
45:57I've got the flaps on, eh?
45:59Flappy birds. Sharing the bed together
46:01for the first time's always an interesting one.
46:05Now I'm looking forward to it, looking forward to a cuddle
46:07and a kiss goodnight.
46:09It's been a good start
46:11to chapter two.
46:13I'm a beautiful person, so I'm very grateful.
46:15Even with my eye patches?
46:17Even with the eye patches.
46:29Your feet are cold.
46:35Oh, no, no, no.
46:37It's OK.
46:41No, this is not...
46:43Are we good?
46:45I can't even look at you.
46:47I'm like a kid. Right, I need to wash my face.
46:49You need to wash your face? Yeah.
46:51I'm all so nervous about
46:53sharing a bed with Freddie.
46:55He looks like some crazy model.
46:57Like a cheese grater.
46:59I'm excited.
47:01Can I go to bed now?
47:05I love you.
47:07I love you.
47:11You're so dirty.
47:13You're so dirty.
47:35Sam and I
47:37are meant to be on the retreat,
47:39but something didn't
47:41quite feel right.
47:45When I took the ring,
47:47I placed it on the wrong finger,
47:49on the right finger.
47:51He didn't notice.
47:53I think now I look back in hindsight,
47:55that was a sign that it just wasn't right.
48:05My connection with Nicole and the pods
48:07was unbelievably strong.
48:09It was deep-rooted, like nothing I've ever experienced
48:11on the outside world.
48:13But the doors closed, and it was bizarre.
48:15I started to realise that something was off.
48:17Something wasn't right.
48:19There was someone else in the scene.
48:21Nicole had a very strong connection with Benaiah.
48:23He did make me feel a little bit like,
48:25are you sure you made the right decision?
48:31I'm clear about my emotions.
48:35we're not flying to Greece.
48:51Our first night together, how was it?
48:55It felt... How did it feel? It felt good.
48:57It felt good? It felt good. It felt nice.
48:59It felt nice. It felt nice. Yeah.
49:01Worse than Friday.
49:03We had sex.
49:07My mum's going to kill me.
49:11Yeah. We had...
49:17Going first? I mean, look at him.
49:19Are you kidding?
49:21I'm glad you woke up happy.
49:23I woke up happy?
49:25Yeah, I thought you were going to wake up.
49:27Is that a pun?
49:33Wakey, wakey, morning person.
49:39Our first night together was so lovely.
49:43We may have had a physical connection last night.
49:45So we've already had two alarms go off already
49:47and I still can't get right out of bed.
49:51How are you?
49:53How was your night last night, Oli?
49:55It was fantastic. Why was it fantastic?
49:57Cos I woke up next to you.
49:59Say it to the camera.
50:01Why was it fantastic, Oli?
50:03Because I was sleeping next to you.
50:07Better kiss?
50:09I said to her.
50:15Nice first night, wasn't it?
50:17It was a lovely night. Mm.
50:19Yeah. Good.
50:23Sharing a bed with Bobby was really nice.
50:27He does snore, though, but, you know,
50:29he can move past that. It's fine.
50:37Morning, babe.
50:39You all right? I'm OK. You all right?
50:41My first night was very relaxing.
50:43We walk around each other half naked every day.
50:45Like, it's just... Just, yeah, we're fine.
50:47I couldn't wait to, like,
50:49share a bed with you, to be honest.
50:51No, it was nice to cuddle. It was so nice.
50:53I feel like that's what we've both been waiting for.
50:57There's too much sexual tension,
50:59and I'm really looking forward to exploring
51:01that part of our relationship a bit more
51:03in the next few days.
51:11This bed is humongous.
51:13But then, at one point, I'll go over here.
51:15Yeah, but you... And I liked it.
51:17There you go. All right.
51:21Last night was PG, but nice.
51:23You know, it's not a rush.
51:25I want some pineapple, please.
51:27Do you know what pineapple's good for? Yeah.
51:29Yeah, take some more. Your skin.
51:31What did you think I meant? Skin. Yeah, exactly.
51:33Yeah, good, cos it's going to dry out.
51:35Oh, all right.
51:39I think we're both kind of worried that if we just
51:41jump straight into the physical things,
51:43we can almost make that the new focus of the relationship,
51:45and the other things will go on the backbone,
51:47which is the opposite of what I think
51:49a strong relationship should be based on.
51:51Cheers, babe. Cheers.
51:53Another day in paradise. Yeah, with me.
51:57Mm. Mm-hm.
51:59This is good. Really nice.
52:03It's been a long time since I got a massage.
52:05So, who are you most excited to see tonight?
52:09I'm just excited to get a gossip.
52:11Yeah, me too.
52:13Find out how everyone's first night was, first date. I know.
52:15Who do you think's going to get on the best
52:17out of the couples that are here?
52:19Probably Marie and Tom. Yeah.
52:21I can see a lot of similarities between the two of them.
52:23Mm-hm. So, Nicole and Sam.
52:25Nicole and Sam. Well, that one,
52:27I don't know about that one.
52:29Of course, some of the conversations
52:31I heard him having were a little bit superficial
52:33in terms of, you know, like, what she would look like.
52:35I mean, from Sam and I's conversations,
52:37I did see quite a lot of red flags.
52:39I just got quite a judgmental vibe from him.
52:41Mm-hm. And with Nicole,
52:43she's the complete opposite.
52:45She's my angel. Mm-hm.
52:47She deserves nothing but the best.
52:59I made a mistake.
53:03And there's someone I need to talk to,
53:05and I owe them a huge apology.
53:07Because I really want to make things right with them.
53:15I need to follow my heart.
53:17And there's no one else I'd want to spend my life with
53:19than Benaiah.
53:25This time, I'm really going to open my heart,
53:27and hopefully,
53:29he'll like what I have to say.
53:37Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
53:41Who's gonna say? Who's gonna say it now?
53:49I really feel like he's the one.
53:51You're a very pretty girl.
53:53Thank you. You're a good-looking guy.
53:55I'm worried that Kat might be his type.
53:57Do you like her or not?
53:59Be honest. I'll be real, like,
54:01this isn't helping me right now, it's just putting more pressure.
54:03It's not putting pressure, though.
54:05I feel it, like that.
54:07What do you want from this?
54:09I wanna go home.
54:10Okay, cool, then go home.
54:12I've never felt as secure with someone as I have with Tom.
54:15He really is the most amazing man.
54:18This is so funny, I'm Tom.
54:20Hi, Tom, I'm Claire.
54:22I just think you're literally such an incredible person, Tom.
54:25I made a huge, colossal mistake.
54:27It's so difficult for me, but the right thing has happened.
54:32Feeling really lucky, feeling really blessed.
54:35So you've literally proposed without seeing each other?
54:38He's surprised.
54:39I think it's crazy and very silly.
54:43You're aware when she stayed at mine that she wanted to sleep with me?
54:46Legally, you'll be entitled to my money.
54:48That is a concern, and if I didn't raise that, who are you?
54:55This is the best day of my life.
54:57I love you.
54:58I love you too.
54:59If I think it's a no, I will not be there to walk down that aisle.
55:03I just want you to take it on board on me as your sister.
55:05Just worry something's just not quite right.
55:10I really can't wait to grow further with you.
55:13I love you.
55:14Do you take Stephen to be your husband?
55:17No one gets married thinking that they're going to get divorced,
55:21but it's just too soon.