Lethal Ninja

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Lethal Ninja


00:00:30Attention all cars in the vicinity of Chinatown attorney's office.
00:01:002-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:01:26I want you to keep up!
00:01:302-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:02:002-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:02:302-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:03:002-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:03:302-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:04:002-11 in progress at Sprint Street near Sunset. All cars please respond.
00:04:30Jim! Harvey's here. Walk.
00:04:45November's in the bag, isn't it?
00:04:47Then he can write any ticket he likes.
00:04:49I think the mayor's going to have trouble.
00:04:51Besides being your birthday, isn't this a kind of anniversary too?
00:04:57I remember when you first joined this family, what, ten years ago?
00:05:03A decade.
00:05:05You make it sound like it's been an ordeal.
00:05:08Hasn't it?
00:05:10Dad, the adoption agency didn't have a birthday for me.
00:05:15They figured I was about six.
00:05:17So you're right. It's the day I arrived.
00:05:20How long before your claim?
00:05:22Any prospects?
00:05:24She is going away to school, but it's a little too early for gentlemen collars.
00:05:29Rachel's looking for you.
00:05:31It's time for you to exhibit all your social graces, miss.
00:05:34Hey, let's look on Miss Hinkle's part.
00:05:37Rachel thinks she's a witch. A real one.
00:05:40Got a minute, you?
00:05:42You look serious.
00:05:44Could be serious. Reports are bleak.
00:05:47I just wanted to make sure that you didn't get hit with any surprises.
00:05:52Why don't you circulate? I don't think I could be in safer company.
00:05:56Maybe. But no man knows at all times where his enemies lie.
00:06:00I have no enemies.
00:06:02He's right, you. Is a little caution such a bad thing?
00:06:09I'll circulate.
00:06:11It's Chinatown again.
00:06:13The violence is escalating. Why, in the last four days alone...
00:06:22I don't know.
00:06:52Oh, God!
00:07:22Oh, my God!
00:07:53You came back empty-handed?
00:07:55Mr. Commissioner, you're slipping.
00:07:57Well, I came back with a couple of cases of good Bordeaux.
00:08:01But these wine auctions are a completely different breed of cat.
00:08:09I'm sorry, sir.
00:08:11It's all right.
00:08:13It's all right.
00:08:15It's all right.
00:08:17It's all right.
00:08:19It's all right.
00:08:49It's all right.
00:09:43Oh, gosh.
00:09:46I have a spell that can protect you from every kind of witch.
00:09:51Even all this Ingles and her kid Pan we do?
00:09:56Happy birthday.
00:09:58Thank you.
00:10:01Where is she?
00:10:04What is she doing here?
00:10:15What's going on? What are you doing here?
00:10:17You didn't tell me you were going to be here. Is there going to be a fight?
00:10:20Wait, is it going to be dangerous?
00:10:22What are you doing in that get-up?
00:10:24I'm supposed to be invisible, and you're making it real tough for me to stay that way.
00:10:28I mean, you promised me I could be invisible.
00:10:30I didn't promise you anything. There's no job yet.
00:10:33Listen, Chinatown's about ready to crack open like a rotten egg.
00:10:37When it does, I want to be there, and I want to get paid for it.
00:10:45Come on.
00:11:12We got to save my dad.
00:11:15He got drowned tonight.
00:11:18I just wish you would have belted that pig.
00:11:20It's not about showing off in front of your family and friends.
00:11:24It's about getting the job done.
00:11:27Now, your dad did what he had to do, and you have to respect him for that.
00:11:30I guess I do, but...
00:11:32And yes, I will help him when he calls me, and he will.
00:11:35Now, your dad's a quiet man, but he's a fighter.
00:11:38You know, you could learn a little bit from him.
00:11:40Yeah, I had to get an egg on my face without even trying.
00:11:44I mean...
00:11:46He just stood there and took it.
00:11:49That makes me feel like...
00:11:52Like I just want to...
00:11:54Like you want to hit somebody.
00:12:02Hit me.
00:12:04Keep the knee up.
00:12:34It's okay.
00:13:04Come on.
00:13:35He who overreaches his authority to benefit himself
00:13:41or to try to gain more power,
00:13:45he will be punished publicly.
00:13:51He never killed.
00:13:53He killed a cop.
00:13:55What's going on?
00:13:57All right!
00:13:59I'm no stranger.
00:14:03Do I set you up?
00:14:06Do I keep you fed?
00:14:09Do I keep you busy and loaded with everything you want?
00:14:13Yes, I do.
00:14:15You see, I'm your connection.
00:14:17I'm your connection to the real world.
00:14:19And without me, you'd be nothing.
00:14:22Isolated in your own little world.
00:14:26You'd be nothing.
00:14:27Isolated in your own little world of dreams.
00:14:31Yeah, that's right. I make it happen.
00:14:37I'm still with you.
00:14:41And I love you.
00:14:42They won't find us.
00:14:44They can't get to us.
00:14:46They have no power, Sonny.
00:14:48And our people will protect us.
00:14:52And we love you, too.
00:14:55I'm sorry, Sonny.
00:15:05Sorry's not good enough.
00:15:12When there's hatred and hostility between us,
00:15:14let public judgment rule.
00:15:17Never dwell on it.
00:15:20After judgment,
00:15:23put your feelings in the past.
00:15:27All right!
00:15:50See that?
00:16:01Is this all yours, Sonny?
00:16:04All right.
00:16:08That's the one.
00:16:10Come on.
00:16:17Okay, okay, now we're done.
00:16:21That's awesome.
00:16:22All right, here we go.
00:16:27All right!
00:16:42All right.
00:16:51Come on, come on.
00:17:15The mayor is here to see you, sir.
00:17:18Show his honor.
00:17:21Show Mr. Stiles in, please.
00:17:46I wasn't expecting a crowd.
00:17:48Life's full of surprises.
00:17:51So I'm prepared to offer you all the help that you really need.
00:17:53Just give me the details and tell me what you want.
00:17:58What do you want me to do?
00:18:00Clean up Chinatown.
00:18:01I've done my bit, now you do yours.
00:18:03I'm pulling every cop in the area out
00:18:04before somebody else gets hurt.
00:18:06What's that supposed to mean?
00:18:08You told me that you were going to go in.
00:18:10Full force.
00:18:12I've changed my mind.
00:18:14You go in.
00:18:16Are you crazy?
00:18:17With what?
00:18:20I don't care.
00:18:26Just get out of my face.
00:18:30You won't let me do my job?
00:18:32Then you do it.
00:18:34And when you blow it...
00:18:36And you will blow it.
00:18:39Then I won't have to look at you or the likes of you ever again.
00:18:44The National Guard's always a good idea.
00:18:47I'll go to the people, to the media.
00:18:50You can't get away with this.
00:18:52Yes, I can.
00:18:58I just did.
00:19:01Now, you go to Channel 2 or the Times.
00:19:05Do you think they'll be sympathetic?
00:19:07Because you've been pussyfooting around here
00:19:09until there's a real crisis.
00:19:12You badmouth me,
00:19:14I'll nail you and your friend Weber
00:19:17for all the little operations
00:19:19that have cost this city so much money.
00:19:22What's the count?
00:19:24At latest count, over five and a half million.
00:19:28Five and a half million.
00:19:30Five and a half million dollars
00:19:32that could have gone into police equipment,
00:19:34training and staffing.
00:19:35You think about it.
00:19:38But you think about it out of my office.
00:19:51Garve, just keep an eye on his honor.
00:19:54I want to watch him jump.
00:20:00Messenger just delivered this for you, sir.
00:20:02Thank you.
00:20:05You're welcome.
00:20:24How do you put up with him?
00:20:26He's my uncle.
00:20:31So if you want to help me,
00:20:33you're dead.
00:20:34Because when that egg cracks open,
00:20:36it's going to end up all over his face.
00:20:39I don't get it.
00:20:40You look really weird.
00:20:43So straighten the tie
00:20:44and make sure you pay attention in the future.
00:20:47Yes, sir, I will. Thank you, sir.
00:20:53May I join in the amusement?
00:20:55I was just telling him this funny.
00:20:57I mean, you wouldn't believe how funny.
00:20:59You'd be surprised what I might believe, Will.
00:21:02As for you,
00:21:03whoever on my staff vetted you
00:21:05obviously made a serious error.
00:21:08Will you be returning to work
00:21:10or are you finished for the evening?
00:21:13Uh, no, sir, I will return to work.
00:21:16I'm sorry.
00:21:17That's good.
00:21:19I'll talk to you later.
00:21:23Yes, sir, I'm sure you will.
00:21:33I'm sorry.
00:21:34Can I meet you at the theater later?
00:21:40I'm sorry, Will.
00:21:41My wife just called me.
00:21:44Goodbye, Will.
00:21:45I'm leaving.
00:21:46See you later.
00:21:53No, thank you.
00:21:54I'll see you later, Will.
00:21:56Goodbye, Will.
00:22:01Bye, Will.
00:22:07You all know that to me, family is always meant more than just blood, more than history.
00:22:13Now, you've all taken time from your busy schedules to help us celebrate Corinne's 16th.
00:22:17And that's all terrific, but let's not forget to celebrate the family that we all are together.
00:22:23Deb, Mandy, where's Will?
00:22:29Now, they are our closest and dearest.
00:22:33And they're all the more dear because they're adopted, and they know it.
00:22:38See, I guess it's a matter of making choices.
00:22:41Now, blood ties, well, nobody really has any choice about those, and no one has anything to say about it.
00:22:47But when you choose your family, the ties are much closer, firmer, more permanent.
00:22:55Which is very much the way that you people and the rest of the city have adopted us these last few years.
00:23:00And we're never going to forget it.
00:23:02Sounds like you're campaigning, Hugh!
00:23:05The amazing thing is that he really means all that stuff.
00:23:09You know, I didn't have to campaign the first time to get this job.
00:23:13I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go on that way.
00:23:17What I really wanted to say was just thanks. That's all. Just thanks.
00:23:30Thank you!
00:24:32And you care about my freedom to leave me
00:24:37And I believe you'll always be there for me
00:24:43You'll be there by my side when I need you
00:24:51You'll be there by my side when I need you
00:24:59And I hope there'll come a time when you need me too
00:25:06And I'll be there for you
00:25:15Poor babies.
00:25:17Had a rough night?
00:25:20Take a rest.
00:25:22Party a little.
00:25:25Take a puff.
00:25:27Dream a little.
00:25:36Gina, don't do this.
00:25:39You know her?
00:25:41What's going on here?
00:25:45You'll be there by my side when I need you
00:25:53You'll be there by my side when I need you
00:26:00And I hope there'll come a time when you need me too
00:26:08And you know I'll be there for you
00:26:24Thank you.
00:26:38Now the Chinese cop's been humiliated.
00:26:43Only this time his partner's been slashed.
00:26:48He was a good kid.
00:26:50Just a rookie.
00:26:52I know his family.
00:26:55I helped get him into the academy.
00:26:59This is it.
00:27:01I'm going in there.
00:27:03And I'm gonna waste these bastards whatever it takes.
00:27:05Take it easy.
00:27:07You're not going to waste anybody.
00:27:09We still have an undercover operation going on.
00:27:12What undercover operation?
00:27:16I have no cops left in Chinatown.
00:27:21If they're Chinese, they quit.
00:27:23If they're not, well, now they're starting to get killed.
00:27:29Best interest.
00:27:38You can't go in like a Wild West shootout
00:27:41and risk getting the entire Chinese community riled.
00:27:44Not to mention the Japanese, the Koreans and every other oriental constituency.
00:27:50Is that what this is for you?
00:27:52Is that why I'm not getting shit from you?
00:27:54No men, no equipment, no support at all?
00:27:58While I have to watch my department turning into a skeleton force?
00:28:03While I have to watch one of my kids cut to ribbons and lying in the gutter?
00:28:07Mike, please.
00:28:09Operation? There's no operation.
00:28:11This fancy little undercover operation of yours
00:28:14for pet DAs doesn't mean squat.
00:28:17This isn't about import-export.
00:28:19It's not even about drugs.
00:28:22This is about a department that I'm responsible for
00:28:27being chopped up into little pieces
00:28:29while you sit on your ass talking constituency
00:28:33because you're too afraid to offend one single goddamn voter.
00:28:37Well, it sucks.
00:28:40Now, you either start giving me some support
00:28:43or I'm gonna go in there with six guns blazing
00:28:46so you can forget about whatever chance you may think you have
00:28:49at keeping this office or the governor's office
00:28:53or any future at all. Do you understand me?
00:28:56Yes, I hear you, Mike.
00:28:58Now, let's let these people have a good time
00:29:01and we'll talk about this in my study.
00:29:03We'll talk about it all right.
00:29:05First thing in the morning, Sunday morning, in my office.
00:29:08You come to me.
00:29:10I'm sick and tired of kissing your ass
00:29:13while you figure out what it takes to run this city.
00:29:22How could you let him talk to you like that?
00:29:41Yeah, this changes everything.
00:29:46I'll talk to him.
00:29:48No, I have to.
00:29:54What, you think this is good for business?
00:29:57No, I don't think it's good for business.
00:30:00I don't think it's good for business.
00:30:03I don't think it's good for business.
00:30:06I don't think it's good for business.
00:30:09You think this is good for business?
00:30:12This isn't business. This is war.
00:30:19War. It's good for the economy, Sonny.
00:30:39Long night?
00:30:42You look tired, Sonny.
00:30:45Maybe you need a rest.
00:30:48I hear things are out of control on the streets.
00:30:51Discipline's off with your kids.
00:30:54All that partying that you've been doing, boy.
00:31:01You know, you're right, Zeke.
00:31:04I do need a rest.
00:31:07I need a rest from you.
00:31:12Must be you're getting slow, Sonny.
00:31:15Tired and slow.
00:31:20How slow are you?
00:31:22How slow do you think?
00:31:26Come on, dance, Zeke.
00:31:29Come on.
00:31:31I'm going to dance, boy. Bring it on.
00:31:44Come on.
00:31:47Come on.
00:31:50Come on.
00:31:53Come on.
00:32:20You need a long rest, Sonny.
00:32:24Do you really want to do this, Zeke?
00:32:40Can he really do this, Jim?
00:32:43Can he get away with it?
00:32:46Well, he's doing it.
00:32:48And that answers that question.
00:32:51Even though we could take him before a review board
00:32:54to determine the legality of his position.
00:32:58Can he get away with it?
00:33:00Well, his star is riding high right about now.
00:33:04Putting that Spanish gang away at Christmas
00:33:06made him very, very popular.
00:33:09And he has proved that he can do it.
00:33:13So if he has any problems,
00:33:15they aren't really his fault, are they?
00:33:17They must be someone else's.
00:33:20And what better scapegoats than the low-profile mayor
00:33:23and his pet DA,
00:33:25whose law enforcement projects seem to be yielding
00:33:27nothing more than higher taxes?
00:33:32Yes, he can get away with it.
00:33:35But what I want to know is, why is he doing this?
00:33:39And what does he have to gain?
00:33:42Power in the next administration, I guess.
00:33:45Or maybe he is genuinely disturbed
00:33:49and he hates me because I have blue eyes
00:33:51or more hair than he does.
00:33:53I don't know.
00:33:55Well, short of open war in the police department,
00:33:58a war, by the way, that historically no mayor has ever won,
00:34:02he's only giving you one option.
00:34:04Viable or not.
00:34:06You've got to clean the gangs off the streets.
00:34:10So, who are you going to call?
00:34:20What's this?
00:34:24Can I use your phone?
00:34:31For hire.
00:34:33Yeah, I'm serious.
00:34:49Your Honor, your day has just improved.
00:34:58Stiles residence, Rachel speaking.
00:35:00Oh, hi, Ms. Houston.
00:35:02Thank you for calling so quickly.
00:35:04Devereux wanted me to drop by the revised sketches?
00:35:08Of course they're ready.
00:35:12Great. Actually, you're on my way.
00:35:15Devereux says hello.
00:35:18Okay, we'll see you tonight.
00:35:23He's coming.
00:35:25Are we all on his side?
00:35:29Or is he going to have to live surrounded by detractors
00:35:32and naysayers?
00:35:35Even at home, what good is all this?
00:35:38What good are any of us to him?
00:35:40I love him as my father.
00:35:42I love him for what and for who he is.
00:35:45I'll defend him until the end of the world.
00:35:51So will I.
00:35:52Me too.
00:36:00And I.
00:36:15And I.
00:36:34I'm sorry, Hugh.
00:36:36I'm very, very sorry.
00:36:39I'm sorry too.
00:36:41Not handled things very well lately.
00:36:44All I wanted was a chance to really do something
00:36:47to turn this city around.
00:36:50I guess I failed.
00:36:53I thought I was so close.
00:36:57Now it seems that there is nothing left.
00:36:59And besides by being threatened by Mandela
00:37:02and virtually being accused of monetary malfeasance
00:37:06by the newspapers.
00:37:08Well, we're all with you.
00:37:10You never play by their rules.
00:37:12And you're right not to play by them now.
00:37:14Thanks, Deb.
00:37:16You too, guys.
00:37:18I just wish I knew what the rules were.
00:37:21It seems everything has changed.
00:37:24None of the normal or rational ways of doing anything
00:37:26seems to make any sense anymore.
00:37:28But what are you going to do then?
00:37:30Well, believe it or not,
00:37:32I'm thinking about hiring some ninja character.
00:37:35It's crazy.
00:37:36I don't even know why I'm considering doing this.
00:37:38Why not?
00:37:39That's right.
00:37:42Why not?
00:37:44Who the hell are you?
00:37:46What are you doing here?
00:37:48J.D. McKay, Your Honor.
00:37:50I'm for hire.
00:37:54That's right, sir.
00:37:56You see, considering the urgency of the situation,
00:37:59I decided to preempt our scheduled meeting.
00:38:03A little demonstration.
00:38:06A magical appearance.
00:38:09Some advertising, you might say, to help convince you.
00:38:12And also, we've met twice before, you know.
00:38:17Last night.
00:38:19I served you a glass of wine.
00:38:21Had a little run-in with your head of security.
00:38:23Not a serious one, but...
00:38:26You could have been.
00:38:29You know, I don't think we've been properly introduced.
00:38:32Oh, uh, this is St. Elmo.
00:38:35Very good friend of mine.
00:38:37And, yes, he is head of security, though.
00:38:40Not very effectively,
00:38:42if you've been able to infiltrate this place twice in as many days.
00:38:46Saint, meet, uh...
00:38:49J.D. McKay.
00:38:54You know, Saint, you must be a prophet, too.
00:38:59Well, you predicted last night we were gonna meet again, and...
00:39:04You were right.
00:39:06What do you want here?
00:39:08Um, Mr. McKay is here indirectly, I suppose, at my request.
00:39:12He's going to take over single-handedly
00:39:15where the entire Los Angeles police force has failed.
00:39:20So, where else have we met?
00:39:26We'll ask your son.
00:39:30How do you know Will?
00:39:36He's still a sloppy kid.
00:39:39So, I see you're, uh, his, uh, teacher, his master, is it?
00:39:44Uh, since he did.
00:39:47Come with me this way. We can talk more comfortably
00:39:50if everyone leaves us alone.
00:39:53Don't advise him.
00:39:55Um, would you like something cool to drink?
00:39:57Some lemonade, maybe?
00:39:59I made it myself.
00:40:01Come on, Corinne, let's go get that lemonade.
00:40:04I never told him.
00:40:06I tried to, but nobody ever listens.
00:40:09I think my daughter is smitten with you, Mr. McKay.
00:40:13Strictly business for me, Your Honor.
00:40:16You know, I really respect you and the things you're trying to do.
00:40:23And as for Will, I feel like he's part of my family, too.
00:40:29Your Honor, I want...
00:40:32What do I call you?
00:40:35Names don't mean much.
00:40:38What you do is what you are, and what you need is action.
00:40:42In simple terms, I agree to go in
00:40:45and dismantle the gang that's terrorizing Chinatown.
00:40:48I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna spread some havoc,
00:40:51and I'm gonna work the snake out of the woodwork.
00:40:54The one that's running the show,
00:40:56then I'm gonna cut off his head.
00:40:58Sounds awfully simple.
00:41:00It is, if you have the contacts, the skill, and the guts.
00:41:04How much do contacts, skill, and guts cost these days?
00:41:12A million dollars.
00:41:16I don't think we're going to be doing business after all.
00:41:27You give up negotiations very easily.
00:41:30Your Honor, there's nothing to negotiate.
00:41:32Those are my terms. You take them or leave them.
00:41:35That's a price, not terms.
00:41:38Sit down.
00:41:45Now, where do you expect me to come up with a million dollars?
00:41:49Not you. The city.
00:41:53Now, look, you've already spent a lot of money so far, right?
00:41:56What's a little more?
00:41:59Bad news really travels fast.
00:42:02It was only just this morning that I was threatened with public disclosure.
00:42:07This is no secret. Everybody knows about it.
00:42:15The commissioner, right?
00:42:18If you get results, he can't touch you.
00:42:21Well, I can get results.
00:42:23I'll take the payments and installments.
00:42:25I'll do stage one. I'll take out the little guys.
00:42:27That should be worth, say, $250,000.
00:42:30Stage two, I'll take out middle management.
00:42:32That's worth another quarter of a million.
00:42:35And when I cut the snake's head off, you can pay me the rest.
00:42:44Time table.
00:42:46I start tonight.
00:42:48You can pay me my first installment tomorrow.
00:42:55All right!
00:43:25What's up with you guys?
00:43:27Something's going on.
00:43:29Oh, geez.
00:43:31My keys! My wallet!
00:43:33My car keys!
00:43:35My car keys!
00:43:37My car keys!
00:43:39My car keys!
00:43:41My car keys!
00:43:43My car keys!
00:43:45My car keys!
00:43:47My car keys!
00:43:49My car keys!
00:43:51My car keys!
00:43:53My wallet!
00:43:55My car!
00:44:03This is your problem.
00:44:05Your chinks blew it.
00:44:07Now fix it!
00:44:11Get my shit back.
00:44:14Get your own shit back.
00:44:16Ha, ha, ha.
00:44:24Will, lights off, radio two.
00:44:47He must be with McKay.
00:44:49She could be anywhere in Chicago.
00:44:52She could be anywhere in Chinatown.
00:44:54I advise you to...
00:44:55Oh, see, don't lecture me.
00:44:58Just find him.
00:45:00And go alone, so you don't jeopardize the operation or their safety.
00:45:06Now, McKay wouldn't have let him go alone, so Will must be looking for him.
00:45:10So find him first and pull him out.
00:45:13You can do this.
00:45:16I can do this.
00:45:18I won't say don't worry.
00:45:20But I will say that I won't come back without Will.
00:45:24And I will be back.
00:45:31You crazy kid, I could have killed you!
00:45:34No, you can never kill me and you know it.
00:45:37Oh, I just had to come.
00:45:39I mean, you could have let me help.
00:45:42I can fight just as good as you.
00:45:45Well, I can scout around and get information, but whatever.
00:45:48I followed you this far.
00:45:50Without you knowing about it, that's how good I am.
00:45:53Oh, great.
00:45:55So that means if I don't let you stay with me, I'm gonna have to take you home, right?
00:46:00And that means St. Elmo's gonna kill me, right?
00:46:04Well, he's gonna kill me anyway.
00:46:07Unless I tell him not to.
00:46:18Come on.
00:46:34Oh, wow, girls!
00:46:37Congratulations, you've managed to stay out of my way.
00:46:40Oh, come on.
00:46:41Come on, grab an end.
00:46:44I'm telling you, it's Sonny.
00:46:46He's causing all of this.
00:46:48He's losing interest, control, everything.
00:46:54He's gotta go.
00:46:58The guy took my car, for Christ's sake.
00:47:05Okay, later.
00:47:09But I'm right.
00:47:11You'll see.
00:47:47Hold it!
00:47:52You can't go any further with me.
00:47:54Things are gonna get real nasty now.
00:47:56Oh, come on.
00:47:57Just let me think.
00:48:00See that roof?
00:48:02You can see a lot from up there, real commando stuff, huh?
00:48:06Now, if you see anything I need to know about, you give me the night bird, okay?
00:48:09But I wanna stay with you, you need me.
00:48:11No, I need you right now.
00:48:14But I wanna stay with you, you need me.
00:48:15No, I need you away from me.
00:48:18Now, look, if you wanna help, go up on the roof.
00:48:32It's here like I told you.
00:48:33Did I tell you?
00:48:34It's here.
00:48:37We're gonna take it back.
00:48:39I mean, boy, is he gonna be surprised when he comes back and it's gone.
00:48:43I mean, he'll hit the roof.
00:48:46Did you say hit the roof?
00:48:58You see this black guy?
00:49:00This black guy saw us doing a store.
00:49:03There's no black guy, you dumb chink.
00:49:11Now, stay in your place.
00:49:14You know where that is?
00:49:20Oh, that's a good shank.
00:49:22Now, get out of here.
00:49:24Go back and mind the store.
00:49:38Sonny, who are these ninja?
00:49:40They're not Japanese or Korean.
00:49:42They're invisible.
00:51:38No, you won't like this.
00:51:39But there's only one ninja.
00:51:41It may be a kid.
00:51:43A little kid.
00:51:44The pattern's familiar.
00:51:46It's a solo.
00:51:47But he's trying to make it seem like he's everywhere.
00:51:51Like there's people with him?
00:51:53The black pedestrian is on his own.
00:51:55Do you hear me?
00:51:57He's not in the picture.
00:52:00One ninja only.
00:52:02He's all we need.
00:52:04We'll get him.
00:52:05Sonny, what's going on?
00:52:06Who are these guys, huh?
00:52:08Yeah, I know.
00:52:11But we'll be ready for him now.
00:52:14Sonny, my purse.
00:52:18It's under control.
00:53:03Excuse me, boys and girls.
00:53:05This is a great view up here, but don't you think it's past your bedtime?
00:54:26Thank you.
00:54:56Thank you.
00:54:57Thank you.
00:54:58Thank you.
00:54:59Thank you.
00:55:00Thank you.
00:55:01Thank you.
00:55:02Thank you.
00:55:03Thank you.
00:55:04Thank you.
00:55:05Thank you.
00:55:06Thank you.
00:55:07Thank you.
00:55:08Thank you.
00:55:09Thank you.
00:55:10Thank you.
00:55:11Thank you.
00:55:12Thank you.
00:55:13Thank you.
00:55:14Thank you.
00:55:15Thank you.
00:55:16Thank you.
00:55:17Thank you.
00:55:18Thank you.
00:55:19Thank you.
00:55:20Thank you.
00:55:21Thank you.
00:55:22Thank you.
00:55:23Thank you.
00:55:24Thank you.
00:55:25Thank you.
00:55:38Sonny, I thought it was you.
00:55:53That's funny, because I knew it had to be you, J.D.
00:55:58You see, I had a really good time watching you
00:56:00kick the shit out of my people.
00:56:03It's going to, uh, it's going to make it a lot
00:56:07easier to do what I got to do.
00:56:08It should never be easy, Sonny.
00:56:11But it should always be fun, J.D.
00:56:33I said, no!
00:58:4150 grand lost, minimum, and more than half the gang out of commission?
00:58:48Stiles hired somebody? One guy?
00:58:53Great, we'll find a way to get to Stiles' one guy.
00:58:57Carmine, listen, listen to me. It's been taken care of.
00:59:00The guy that Stiles hired...
00:59:02No, that tells what Zeke here told me.
00:59:04It's a good thing you're not trying to hold out any information.
00:59:07A rosy picture doesn't do me much good, you hear?
00:59:09Carmine, listen to me.
00:59:11Hold on a minute, someone's yapping at me.
00:59:13What are you telling me?
00:59:15Just that it's over. The guy that Stiles hired is gone.
00:59:19I took care of it.
00:59:20Good. Never mind about that now.
00:59:23What about the shipment?
00:59:25The shipment?
00:59:27The timetable is essential.
00:59:43It's the kid, Carmine.
00:59:46I mean it. You've gotta do something about him.
00:59:52Give me the gang.
00:59:54Let me run it the way that it's supposed to be run.
00:59:56Not just the distribution, but the entire operation.
01:00:00And I'll show you how that kid has been doing nothing for you.
01:00:04What do you know about Sonny?
01:00:07What do I need to know? He's a punk.
01:00:12You go to the docks, do your job, do your distribution,
01:00:16and we'll see.
01:00:18The shipment coming in today is worth maybe...
01:00:21two billion dollars.
01:00:23The biggest in history, with the sweetest distribution deal in history.
01:00:27Run this right first, and maybe...
01:00:31I'll let you handle the punk.
01:00:35We have some business with his honor, the mayor, today.
01:00:41Stay in touch.
01:00:45Thanks, Carmine. You won't regret this.
01:00:48Maybe I won't...
01:00:51and maybe I will.
01:01:13Do you want me to try?
01:01:15Do you want me to try?
01:01:17Very funny. Stop!
01:01:20Touch the car at your own peril.
01:01:23Steve, what are you doing here, man? What's up?
01:01:26Trying to do what little a human can to protect you from your own misguided impulses.
01:01:31I believe the car to be rigged.
01:01:35A bomb, I think.
01:01:46I hope, Mr. McKay, you had a profitable evening.
01:01:50If you will accompany me,
01:01:53I'll try and find our own vehicle,
01:01:56and we'll proceed home.
01:01:58Us same.
01:02:00Thanks, man.
01:02:02You're welcome, McKay.
01:02:05I'll see you later.
01:02:07See you later.
01:02:09See you later.
01:02:11See you later.
01:02:14Nobody knows how to serve.
01:02:17The passion of service won't be formed anymore,
01:02:21except you, right?
01:02:28I love you, Carmine.
01:02:30You serve me, and that's better than love.
01:02:34Don't get confused about that.
01:02:37I love you.
01:02:39Don't get confused about that.
01:02:42Even in families, it's service
01:02:45that holds people together.
01:02:47Hell, the Chinese have known that forever.
01:02:50The duties of the second daughter to the first son,
01:02:55to the third wife,
01:02:57and so on,
01:03:00all the way up to the big daddy,
01:03:03the emperor.
01:03:06Too bad Sonny hasn't got a clue.
01:03:10But soon, it's not going to matter much.
01:03:14The biggest one of all is on the way.
01:03:17Then they can play the games as long as they want.
01:03:21I'll be out of it.
01:03:23Will you be with me?
01:03:25Rachel, be with me.
01:03:36I love you.
01:03:58You serve me,
01:04:00you bastard.
01:04:02You served me, obey me, bastard!
01:04:22The reports are excellent, McKay.
01:04:24Yes, yes, I understand you even started to get into middle management last night.
01:04:29Yes, I understand.
01:04:31Yes, there's a messenger on his way here right now with your first installment.
01:04:35Why don't you come by and have a little breakfast with me and we can talk about what happens next.
01:04:45See, I told you this would all work out.
01:04:48Will, you never said anything of the sort.
01:04:51And besides, this is a school day for you two, now let's go.
01:04:54Oh, come on, can't I at least wait till McKay gets here?
01:04:56Maybe you should at that.
01:04:58Between what he told me about your little escapades last night and Saint's report,
01:05:02maybe you and I should have a little talk.
01:05:04You are never again going to pull any kind of...
01:05:06Will, run some hot water with a thick cloth.
01:05:08I could barely just improperly...
01:05:14Hello, Jerry, this is Hugh.
01:05:16I think you've pulled yourself away from the hospital for a little bit.
01:05:18Stand behind, Jerry.
01:05:19No, I have an emergency here myself.
01:05:22And I need you to handle it because it's sensitive.
01:05:24Who did this to you?
01:05:27Some guy.
01:05:29Are we still a law unto our own selves?
01:05:31Or should I call the police?
01:05:33No, no, doctors first.
01:05:35Now, McKay's on his way here, too.
01:05:37Let's let him decide about the police.
01:05:39Watch for him, would you?
01:05:41Corrine, I need help.
01:05:47It's on, boys.
01:05:57It's time to stop Stiles.
01:06:41The next one gets the kid.
01:06:43Now, move it. Move!
01:06:45Down the stairs. Let's go. Let's go.
01:06:52Nice, quiet neighborhood you got here.
01:06:54Let's keep it that way.
01:06:56Now, stay. Stay for a while.
01:07:03No! No, don't!
01:07:18Jerry! Jerry!
01:07:42Who are you?
01:07:44All right, just don't hurt her.
01:07:49Yes, I heard you.
01:07:51No police and no more action in Chinatown.
01:07:54Now, you listen to me.
01:07:56You harm her in any way, and you're dead, whoever you are.
01:08:00They have Corrine.
01:08:04I know who they are.
01:08:07The boss's name is Carmine Delvecchio.
01:08:11I've known him for a long time.
01:08:14And his right-hand man, his name is Zeke Wilde.
01:08:17Thanks for coming, Jerry. You can look at Rachel later.
01:08:20Right now, we've got some work to do.
01:08:24No, you don't!
01:08:28This wasn't my idea.
01:08:31I want no part of it.
01:08:33When was the last time you had an idea, Sonny?
01:08:36Shut up.
01:08:38Sonny, it's time for you to show your allegiance.
01:08:43It's time for you to obey.
01:08:46No questions, no lip.
01:08:49Hear me?
01:08:51Serve me.
01:08:55You owe me everything.
01:08:58Forget it for one moment, and your life is worth nothing.
01:09:04I've done everything you wanted.
01:09:08I've been your eyes, your ears, your Chinatown.
01:09:16It's just that things change.
01:09:18Unquestioning service, that's all.
01:09:21Unquestioning service, that's all.
01:09:25You owe me. You're mine.
01:09:33Yes, watch her.
01:09:36But anyone can watch her. Why don't you let me?
01:09:43Perimeter patrol, Zeke. Just like in the war.
01:09:52What's he got on you, anyway?
01:09:55He's my father.
01:10:30How many more of them are there?
01:10:32There should only be two more. One behind the wall and one underneath the hideout.
01:10:35Look, I can do better on my own now.
01:10:37You take this.
01:10:39Use it if you have to, you understand?
01:10:44I'm going to kill you.
01:10:47I'm going to kill you.
01:10:50You didn't have to do this. Thanks.
01:10:54Yes, I did.
01:10:58You're a good man.
01:11:01Go! Go! Save her! Go!
01:13:10Get him!
01:13:11Get him!
01:13:12Get him!
01:13:36Get him!
01:13:45So he's turned your head this quickly.
01:13:49No, Mckay.
01:13:51It's you.
01:13:53You're too good for this.
01:13:55It's not supposed to end this way.
01:13:58I can't let it.
01:14:00You wait a minute.
01:14:01I'm rescuing you, remember?
01:14:04You have nothing to do with this.
01:14:08Now, do you see what you just did?
01:14:18Yeah, you're right.
01:14:21I'm rescuing you, huh?
01:14:22This isn't a vague vendetta.
01:14:27You are amazing, Sonny.
01:14:29Sonny, you're the best thing I have.
01:14:31You're my own.
01:14:43What the?
01:14:48Sonny, what are you doing?
01:14:50Sonny, what are you doing?
01:14:52Sonny, what are you doing?
01:14:54Sonny, what are you doing?
01:14:56Sonny, what are you doing?
01:14:59Rachel, it's good to see you.
01:15:01No, it is, it's good to see you.
01:15:04I am so sorry.
01:15:05I'm sorry.
01:15:08You look so sad, so scared.
01:15:12I am sorry.
01:15:29Sonny, no.
01:15:41Son, no.
01:15:42You, what do you know, Zeke Wild.
01:16:05Wilder than you'll ever be.
01:16:08Your little surprise didn't stop me after all.
01:16:12So you did plant that bomb.
01:16:15It really doesn't matter now, does it?
01:16:17I guess not.
01:16:38I wish I had a spell for you now, Rachel.
01:17:00Thanks for all the spells.
01:17:01Thanks for being my friend.
01:17:02Thanks for being you.
01:17:03I'll never forget you.
01:17:04I can't believe you're gone.
01:17:18I did not know Rachel.
01:17:20How many of you think you did?
01:17:21How many of you think you had nothing to do with sending her to her end?
01:17:25She had no family.
01:17:27What family she did have are all present and accounted for right here.
01:17:30People who loved her, cared for her, gave her shelter and work, gave her a reason for
01:17:39Did anyone really know her?
01:17:41How could anyone know her better than that person who gave her a reason to die?
01:17:46In the midst of life, it is said we are in death, and unless we see in our loved ones
01:17:52the skull beneath the skin, the soul beneath the sheath, the very moment of their deaths,
01:17:59we know nothing about them and can only be strangers to them in this life.
01:18:04Accept your guilt then, your complicity in Rachel's death, the knowledge that your love,
01:18:10your care, led her to this pass, or pass on indeed, in the full knowledge that not only
01:18:17did you not know Rachel, but that you will never know anyone again in this life.
01:18:29So that's him, huh?
01:18:30I don't believe it.
01:18:31At least Delvecchio had the decency to disappear.
01:18:37This guy's a real winner.
01:18:38Good job, Will.
01:18:39Now you lay low.
01:18:40I'm going to go after this creep.
01:18:51I can't stay with him, McKay.
01:18:55He has to be stopped.
01:18:57If he gets away with this latest score, he'll become a nation, big enough so no one will
01:19:04be able to touch him again.
01:19:07You've got three days.
01:19:15You talk to me, Sonny.
01:19:16That's two for the saint.
01:19:43There's more where that came from.
01:19:44Are you all right?
01:19:45Go get him, man.
01:19:46Hey, chill, guys.
01:19:47It's under control.
01:19:48McKay's got him.
01:19:49Hey, Sonny.
01:20:31Man, you can't even get undressed without me around.
01:20:57Why don't you watch your mouth?
01:21:17Are you ready to go for the head now?
01:21:27Is it a vendetta yet?
01:21:33I'm not sure.
01:21:35But I do know it's not vague.
01:21:37It's very clear.
01:21:38And it's something that has to be done.
01:21:42You seem different.
01:21:47I am.
01:21:50And you've changed, too.
01:21:56After all this, I somehow want to hold on in ways I've never thought of before.
01:22:04New things.
01:22:08Become very important.
01:22:12Do you understand?
01:22:17I think so.
01:22:21Just be careful.
01:22:27Since I'm never good, I'm always careful.
01:22:46Hiya, Mike.
01:22:50You got a lot of balls showing up here.
01:22:52Oh, easy, easy.
01:22:54Carmine sent me with a message.
01:22:56Everything's fine.
01:22:58Three days from now, you'll be sitting on enough horse to get every chink in China high.
01:23:02All you need is the number.
01:23:05So why the hell didn't he call as usual?
01:23:08All right, give it to me and then get the hell out.
01:23:12What were you doing down there?
01:23:15I didn't tell you to go down there, did I?
01:23:18You don't obey me, you get hurt.
01:23:21You see?
01:23:22See what happens?
01:23:24You dumb bastard.
01:23:27You dumb bastard.
01:23:37Will you feel ready?
01:23:41I don't think so.
01:23:44I feel crowded.
01:23:47Wrapped up with people.
01:23:50You, Corrine, Saint.
01:23:56I never really knew Rachel, but I thought maybe...
01:24:04Yeah, she was real special.
01:24:07I miss her.
01:24:11And then there's Sonny.
01:24:14Where does he fit in?
01:24:16Whose side is he on?
01:24:19You know, we used to work out in this place together before I took it over.
01:24:25We grew up together.
01:24:27I'd like for him to come back and work with me on this.
01:24:31I'll work with you.
01:24:39Okay, I understand.
01:24:49And then there's the killing of Wilde.
01:24:54He was DiVecchio's man, but what was he doing at the funeral?
01:24:59Who killed him?
01:25:01Sonny gave me the where and the when, but...
01:25:05There's somebody else involved with this snake with two heads.
01:25:09You want company?
01:25:12It's as much your game now as it is mine.
01:25:17Will, go tell your dad we'll see him later.
01:25:28So where do you fit in, Sonny?
01:25:30You want to tell me the rest of the story, your part?
01:25:44Are you with me?
01:25:48I'm not with anybody.
01:25:51It's got to give me some sort of edge.
01:25:55I just want to see this thing over with, so I can be free.
01:26:03Is that all it takes, Sonny?
01:26:07I think so.
01:26:23I just want to be free.
01:27:10Sold, sir, you bought it.
01:27:11Pick up your item.
01:27:12Thank you.
01:27:13Next item coming up for sale.
01:27:15Ladies and gentlemen, look at this beautiful, beautiful elephant.
01:27:19What the hell are you doing bidding against me?
01:27:23You trying to make a fool out of me?
01:27:24You're not even supposed to be here.
01:27:26I'm supposed to be dealing with one of your goons.
01:27:28That's right.
01:27:29Zeke was supposed to be here, but somebody took him out.
01:27:33Any chance that was you?
01:27:36It was Nitty.
01:27:39Look, why don't I give you the down payment, I'll take the horse, I'll call you.
01:27:47That would have been such a sweet deal.
01:27:49You're cops, taking it to the streets.
01:27:52$2 billion, easy.
01:27:55Still is?
01:27:58I got family that can do that now.
01:28:00You keep your money.
01:28:01I don't want you to be any part of us anymore.
01:28:06Oh, shit!
01:28:09Oh, son of a bitch!
01:28:34Heel him!
01:28:57I'll get it over with, bastard!
01:29:12I give you an order!
01:29:13Why didn't you hear me?
01:29:14I give you an order.
01:29:42I give you an order, you bastard!
01:30:13I give you...
01:30:32I give you an order.