• last year
Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 344 Completo en Español
00:00Puedes salir
00:02Que por que?
00:20Akeev? Akeev? Que estas haciendo? De donde sacaste esto?
00:25Antes de que te responda
00:27Debes saber que esto tiene un nombre y es el ángel blanco, si? Es muy bella
00:32Y lo mejor es que hoy esta a tu servicio
00:36Y que hay del club? No puedo dejar a Susan sola
00:40Escucha, no quiero problemas
00:42No tendras ninguno Sureyya
00:44Si te estoy proponiendo que la uses es porque tengo un plan para evitar cualquier inconveniente
00:51Es ella, va a la sala de maestros o que?
00:55Asi lleva para alla, sal de ahi inmediatamente
01:06Justo lo que faltaba, maldita sea
01:29Que sorpresa eh
01:33Que haces aqui?
01:35Ah pues, la maestra Phyllis me envio por un libro y lo estoy buscando
01:43Estas son las composiciones del concurso
01:46De verdad?
01:49No sabia, yo buscaba el libro, no tenia idea de que esto era para el concurso
01:55Por desgracia no encontre el libro, asi que voy a ir a buscar a la maestra y decirle que no estaba aqui
02:03Te vere despues
02:11Ay toma mi mano Tolga, ahi viene Gulcan, ayudame que vea que somos felices, sonrie
02:17Entiende, no voy a sonreir falsamente
02:19Solamente tienes que hacerlo un poco y ya
02:22Mira como se enoja cuando nos ve
02:24Ay mi amor eres muy gracioso, te amo
02:28Oye no exageres tanto, se daran cuenta de que estamos mintiendo
02:31El plan esta funcionando, no pasa nada
02:34Mira como les cambia la cara cuando nos ven sonreir
02:45Que bueno que sean felices eh
02:47Uy toma asiento
02:49No prefiero alejarme, no quiero interrumpir este momento tan dulce, ustedes continuen
02:54Oye no te pongas asi, ven y siéntate
02:57Akif, que es lo que quieres de mi?
03:00A que te refieres?
03:02Que estamos haciendo aqui?
03:05Bebiendo un té?
03:07Disfrutando de esta vista
03:09Pasando un momento agradable en la orilla de la playa
03:14Estoy viendo tus hermosos ojos mientras estoy bebiendo té
03:18Es así de simple
03:19Estamos aqui contando anécdotas
03:23Estamos conociendonos y creando vinculos
03:31Creando vinculos?
03:33Si, claro
03:34Eso crees? Muy bien
03:40Llamada de Nevad
03:41Un amigo esta llamando, debo responder
03:45Si, como quieras
03:48Porque no me dices que es su esposa?
03:51El empleo de modelos esta al alcance
03:54Nos van a hacer una prueba esta tarde
03:56En serio?
04:00Espera, espera, a que te refieres con el empleo de modelos?
04:03Un amigo me llamo hace poco para hablar de un comercial de pantalones
04:07Buscan modelos para hacerlo
04:10Y les enviamos fotografias
04:12Tu novio sera modelo
04:14Uy, que bien
04:16Mi amor, me da mucho gusto que hayas conseguido hacer una prueba
04:20Que haras? Valtaras al trabajo?
04:22No, lo he pensado bien porque no lo sabia
04:25Y necesito preguntarle a Tolga si puede cubrirme
04:28Lo hara, lo hara, el te ayudara
04:32Aunque no es gerente ya
04:33Pero de eventos
04:37No creo que haya problema
04:38Ahora Tolga Barsin es una autoridad
04:40Lo es
04:41Bueno, aun no hemos ido a ningun evento organizado por el pero
04:49Para que arriesgar el trabajo que tienes?
04:51Al menos este te da mas seguridad
04:53Aun no sabemos si te van a contratar de modelo
04:56No deberias faltar a tu trabajo por algo asi, Homer
04:59Susan, callate
05:01Oye, por que lo desanimas asi?
05:03El amigo de Berks no encontrara chicos mas apuestos que nuestros novios, claro
05:07Deja lo que vaya
05:09De seguro te contrataran
05:11Ojalá que tengas razón mi vida
05:13Decretaselo al destino
05:15Aprende de Ivy que deberias apoyar a Homer justo como ella me esta apoyando a mi Ben
05:24Pero que linda princesa
05:26Y que bien se ve esta comida
05:28Hola Bajar, que fue lo que preparo Nebat?
05:30Ella preparo albondigas
05:32Y eso te encanta verdad?
05:34Me das permiso de comer al menos dos?
05:36Te dejare las demas
05:37Aqui antes al llegar me ayudabas preparando la ensalada pero
05:41Es que...
05:43La verdad hoy lo olvide
05:45Nebat, se siente bien que nos consientas
05:49Aunque si Bajar me lo pide
05:51Prometo que lo voy a hacer de nuevo
05:53Mis ensaladas son lo mejor de este mundo eh
05:55Me crees verdad?
05:56Por supuesto señora Gif
05:58Pero si me enseña lo voy a superar
06:00Oh no linda
06:02No hubieras dicho eso
06:03Me gusta aceptar los nuevos retos
06:05Pero debes saber que competiras contra alguien que tiene demasiada experiencia haciendo ensaladas
06:09Oh mira, prueba un poco
06:11Te gustara
06:17Que es esto?
06:19Aqui pudiste ver a tu socio Yaman hoy?
06:22No, te dije que hoy no fui al club Nebat
06:26Mira esto
06:28Lo noto muy contento
06:30Se ve muy feliz
06:32La verdad no hacen mala pareja
06:44Que lindos
06:46Pretendia que Yaman se fijara en Susan pero
06:50Su orella es rapida
06:52No lo crees?
06:54Esa foto es vieja
06:56No, fue compartida hace menos de 5 minutos
06:59Te mostrare
07:02Tu socio resulto ser muy romantico
07:05Adorno todo el lugar con velas
07:07Oh que buena idea
07:09Mira este es el club
07:11Estan ahi ahora
07:16Yaman adora presumir
07:18Mira Yaman la verdad
07:30Pense que la cena seria sencilla pero resulto ser distinto
07:34No hay nadie en el club ademas de nosotros
07:36Asi es orella y nadie llegara
07:38Esta noche el club es nuestro
07:40Que de verdad?
07:42Asi es
07:44Queria aprovechar para agradecerte
07:46Y por que?
07:48Por darme una segunda oportunidad orella
07:52La ultima cena que organize resulto ser un fracaso
07:56Ni siquiera pude hacer que llegaras al restaurante por lo del automovil
08:00Se que fue mi culpa
08:02Y lo lamento orella
08:04Me gusta cumplir lo que
08:06Yo digo que voy a hacer entiendes?
08:10Me alegra ver que eres distinto
08:16Que no eres de los que dicen que tenemos que vivir el presente
08:20Pero solo es una justificacion para ser infieles en su matrimonio
08:23De los que dicen que hay que crear algunos vinculos
08:26Pero y despues se termino
08:28Hay un futuro? Obvio no
08:30Esos hombres son unos falsos
08:32Me enojan
08:34Veo que te enojaste con alguien en especial
08:38Ah no
08:40Fue una observacion general sobre el tema
08:43Como sea mejor di
08:45Como sientes vivir en Estambul?
08:47Bien me estoy acostumbrando
08:49Estambul es una ciudad que te enseña rapido como funciona
08:53Hay mucha gente verdad?
08:55Si me gusta
09:09Oye cierra la puerta
09:12Todas son empleadas
09:14No hay ningun hombre aqui
09:31Oye verg te prometo que no esperaba ver algo asi
09:34Todo es muy profesional
09:43Vinimos a la prueba de modelaje
09:45Bien pero primero tenemos que maquillarlos
09:47Siganme por aqui
09:49Date prisa verg ve con ellas
09:51Oiga no es necesario tener contacto fisico
09:53Escucho lo que le dije?
09:55Susan relajate
09:57No puedes hacer un escandalo solo por que esa mujer esta haciendo su trabajo
09:59No puedes celar a homer todo el tiempo
10:01Eso es toxico
10:03No me digas que todo esto no te parece extraño
10:05Mira a tu alrededor todas son mujeres
10:07No te da mal presentimiento?
10:09Esas son las politicas
10:11Nessie solo trabaja con mujeres
10:13Si hay hombres en el estudio pero son escasos
10:17Lo veas tranquila
10:19Se podria decir que es una discriminacion positiva
10:21Muchas gracias
10:23Se que no estas de acuerdo pero lo que estan haciendo en este estudio me parece algo adecuado
10:27Que dices?
10:29Jureme que no estas celosa de verg en este momento
10:31No y no tendria por que estarlo
10:33Esas mujeres solo estan trabajando
10:35Se que todas son muy atractivas pero no importa
10:37Se que no estan intentando seducir a verga
10:39Estoy tranquila
10:41Pues si pero al final son mujeres hermosas
10:43Ves a la que maquilla verga ahora mismo?
10:45Que atractiva es
10:47Si lo es verdad
10:49Sigueme si estas liste Homer
12:01I want the boy to show his whole chest.
12:03Of course, Lucy.
12:04Do it now.
12:09Just do what I ask.
12:11Nothing will happen, I promise.
12:21Excuse me.
12:23Hey, I think you shouldn't apply so much foundation because...
12:27He has beautiful freckles and they're going to lose a lot under all that makeup, right?
12:33Look, what I mean is that you can reduce the amount of foundation you're applying now.
12:42Maybe you should let me do my job.
12:53Of course.
12:55I'll be waiting for you there, okay?
13:04How are you?
13:07What's wrong? Have you changed your mind?
13:09What did they tell you?
13:11They kicked you out?
13:13It wasn't like that.
13:17I stepped aside.
13:20Anyway, what are you trying to do here? Save the world?
13:22Why so much discipline?
13:24It's just what I meant.
13:27Just look at your cousin. He's beautiful. He looks like a model.
13:30Yes, he doesn't do anything wrong.
13:33Look, what a beautiful pose.
13:35Yes, he has talent. There's no doubt.
13:38Yes, it's true.
13:42Very good. It was a good photo.
13:46I want a closer shot, please.
13:53I'm sorry.
13:58This is a beautiful photo.
14:01It is.
14:03Not so much.
14:12You look so handsome.
14:18Good. I know, you look pretty good.
14:27Everything looks great.
14:36That's enough. Let Homer walk again.
14:41Very good. Another one.
14:43That will be easy.
14:44You don't have a girlfriend.
14:46It's just an idea.
14:47He doesn't like it.
14:52I'm sorry.
14:58I'm not saying this because it's about my boyfriend and my cousin, but I think they're made to do this.
15:03Bring the models!
15:11I want to end this session with a little bit of passion.
15:15I think the energy you had was good.
15:22Can you get a little closer?
15:24So we can see that you love each other.
15:26Good. Do you want a kiss?
15:28I'm sorry.
15:33That's excellent.
15:34You have talent for modeling, Homer.
15:39I think Ivy is jealous.
15:44Let's see.
15:52Let's see.
16:22Let's see.
16:52Let's see.
17:10Orhan, do you remember the first time we looked at each other?
17:17Of course I do.
17:18At a wedding.
17:20I ate sunflower seeds with your friends.
17:25That means you have a good eye because there were a lot of people that day.
17:30Your smile was very beautiful.
17:33You looked good too.
17:38Sometimes I miss that woman.
17:41Why? Am I not the same?
17:44No, listen.
17:46Sengul, what happens is that you have to think before you act.
17:51If normal people have to think a couple of times, you have to do 20.
17:56Okay, I know you don't have bad intentions, but you don't usually think about how you're going to affect people.
18:03I won't.
18:06And please don't get drunk like last time.
18:09You have no idea how I felt, Orhan. I'll never do it again.
18:14I hope so.
18:16You didn't look good. Did you drink three or five bottles? How much did you drink that day?
18:20I put alcohol in my tea, but I only drank a cup. I swear.
18:28Do you still love me, Orhan?
18:30Do you think if I didn't, I'd put up with you so much?
18:34No matter what you do, I can't stop loving you.
18:38I love you too.
18:45You're crazy. You're a good woman. I love you.
18:54I'm crazy about you.
18:58Hey, can I kiss you now?
19:01There are a lot of people here, so do it quickly.
19:08I'm drunk.
19:29Sir, you can't come in. The club is closed.
19:32I guess you're new, right? I'm a member of the club. I'm Akif Atakul.
19:37I'm sorry, you're right. I'm covering my first shift. Mr. Yaman is with his guest.
19:43Yes, don't worry. I know he's with a guest. He posted it on the Internet.
19:51I couldn't control the car. There was ice everywhere. I couldn't see anything.
19:55What's going on? What's going on? Tell me.
19:59What's going on, Akif?
20:01What's going on, Yaman? Are you going to pretend to be crazy? Is this how it's going to work?
20:04You said the club needed more clients, that there were financial problems.
20:09But this goes against your own argument.
20:12You're not being consistent now, Yaman. Hello, Sureyya.
20:15Akif, calm down. I'll pay for what you drink.
20:19I don't care, because I booked the night to spend a special evening with Sureyya. That's all.
20:25Of course you booked the night for yourselves. It's obvious. Look how you decorated the table. There are even candles.
20:31Mr. Yaman, the music is here.
20:34Ah, just what I needed. How wonderful.
20:39Sureyya, I'll be right back, okay?
20:45I swear I don't understand what you're doing here with him. You wanted them to bring you serenade, didn't you?
20:51What's going on, Akif? Does it bother you?
20:53What are you saying? Are you really asking me that question? Tell me, how would you feel if I did the same to you?
21:00This morning we had fun, we laughed, we drank tea by the beach, and now what are you doing?
21:06Are you coming to have a private dinner with Yaman after deluding me? I'm curious, what's wrong with you?
21:11Look, I didn't like you lying when you called your wife, Akif, okay?
21:15She didn't call me, it's not true.
21:17I saw her name on the phone, don't lie.
21:19Well, yes, okay, you're right, if it was her, what's wrong with that?
21:23But that's not the problem now, it's your behavior.
21:26What's going on here?
21:28I should ask you the same question, what do you want from me, huh?
21:31Am I just a distraction for you? A woman with whom you can pass the time to have fun?
21:36We'll do whatever it takes until your wife finds out, right?
21:39No, Sureyya, understand that my situation is not simple.
21:42If I wasn't married, you know I would do whatever you want.
21:46I want you to leave with your wife, Akif.
21:48And if you excuse me, I'm having dinner with Yaman.
21:51So I understand you're kicking me out?
21:54Tell me something, do you really want me to leave?
21:57Think about it, is that what you want?
21:59Yes, that's what I want.
22:02You're going to get very bored.
22:04Yaman is a man who has no charisma.
22:07To tell you the truth, I can't talk to him for five minutes because his conversation topics are trivial.
22:12Come on, let me take you home.
22:14No, I'm going to stay here because I'm having a lot of fun, Akif.
22:16Yaman is a man who takes care of his relationships.
22:19I hope you're okay, Akif. Good night.
22:26You can go now.
22:30Yes, as you wish.
22:33Enjoy your boring dinner.
22:46Good morning, young people.
22:48Pay attention, Mr. Burak will make an announcement.
22:51Good morning, guys.
22:53Your teacher and I are going to give you an announcement at the cafeteria.
22:56The school is going to start offering weekend courses.
22:59I'll give you more details there.
23:01Follow me, please.
23:03One moment, sir.
23:05I would like to say something.
23:07Do you remember when I was a student?
23:12I remember.
23:13I would like to say something.
23:15Do you remember that yesterday I wanted to read the composition that Asiye made to learn a little more?
23:22Well, I noticed something that was very familiar to me in his work, so I wanted to investigate.
23:29And I noticed that his work, his composition, was the same as that of a student who competed a year ago.
23:36His name is...
23:38Gorkem Tuzun, teacher.
23:40Gorkem doesn't even know how to write well.
23:43What do you prefer?
23:45Teacher, Sarp went crazy.
23:47He's probably doing it because he's addicted to being hit, teacher.
23:50Do you want me to help you with that?
23:52Hey, that's what I noticed.
23:54See for yourself, if you prefer.
23:57Hey, Sarp, are you really accusing me of plagiarizing a task?
24:00Teacher, that's ridiculous.
24:02We all know that Asiye is very good at writing anything.
24:05It's true, teacher.
24:07That's unrealistic.
24:09Asiye wouldn't have to do it, right?
24:14Look, if you want, turn on your laptop and see.
24:18Check it out.
24:20Then we'll see who's being ridiculous.
24:22I assure you it's not me.
24:24Listen, it's not yet time to read the works and evaluate them, but we're going to do it to get out of doubt.
24:31Teacher, are you going to listen to a madman?
24:33If what Sarp says is a lie, he must think of a punishment equivalent to the size of that lie.
24:39And I hope so, Berk.
24:40Teacher, if you want, I can give you some ideas so that Sarp can start behaving.
24:45What are you going to say, poor?
24:49Teacher, listen, he's discriminating him.
24:51Homer, enough.
24:54Asiye, can you come?
25:03Look, they're the same.
25:06Animal rights.
25:08Teacher, this is not what I wrote.
25:10My work is about the relationship between children and animals and their bonds.
25:15In fact, it's in my laptop.
25:17If you want, I can show it to you.
25:19Sure, bring it.
25:38Newcomer, what did you do?
25:41I solved the problem. It was so easy that Asiye didn't even notice.
25:45Did you completely erase the composition?
25:48Yes, that's right, Sarp.
25:50But it's the last time I'll do something like this for you.
25:53If they found out, it would be over and Homer wouldn't talk to me anymore.
25:57But it wasn't like that.
25:59Calm down, breathe and relax.
26:02I'm calm.
26:07He was eliminated.
26:09He's not here anymore.
26:11Don't tell me that.
26:13Sarp, enough, idiot.
26:16Homer, he just wants to provoke you.
26:19I saw that you erased it by mistake, didn't you?
26:23No, we haven't even used the laptop.
26:25What are you talking about? Why do you think I erased it?
26:28I saw that you erased it by mistake, didn't you?
26:31No, we haven't even used the laptop.
26:33What are you talking about? Why do you think I erased it?
26:35Master, I'm telling you the truth. That composition is not mine.
26:39I don't have any proof right now, but look at Hugo and Jenny.
26:42I saw that they can testify that I did it last night.
26:45It's correct, yes, it's true.
26:47You don't have to prove anything, it's the truth.
26:49Where is Asiye?
26:51How can you expect me to believe you now?
26:54Look, I'm very disappointed in you and I never thought you were capable.
26:59Are you going to say something, Mr. Murak?
27:01Not now.
27:05Let's go, please.
27:08I would like an apology, but...
27:11No, it's not necessary.
27:17Are you okay?
27:22I'm sorry.
27:24I ruined your plans.
27:26I could shut up, but I don't like these things.
27:28I could shut up, but I don't like these things.
27:31Sarp, better shut up.
27:33Don't do it, it's impossible.
27:35Look how she is, happy that things turned out the way she wanted.
27:40I didn't expect it to be dishonest.
27:43You always present yourself as a girl who has very high values.
27:48Idiot, I don't know what you did, but you're going to pay for it.
27:51Omar, calm down.
27:55Better shut up.
27:58Let's go.
28:12What a surprise.
28:15What are you doing here?
28:17Well, Master Phyllis sent me for a book.
28:20And I'm looking for it.
28:25Those are the compositions of the contest.
28:30I didn't know.
28:32I was looking for the book.
28:34I had no idea this was for the contest.
28:37Unfortunately, I didn't find the book.
28:39So I'm going to look for the teacher and tell her I wasn't here.
28:44I'll see you later.
28:49That's what you were doing in the teacher's room, right?
28:54Of course, now I understand why you had the compositions in your hand.
28:58Hey, I swear that has nothing to do with it.
29:02Why are you doing this?
29:04I don't understand why you're attacking me.
29:07Look, scream all you want.
29:09Make your complaints.
29:11I'm innocent. Good luck.
29:13Sarp, tell me what your problem is.
29:15What did I do to you, Sarp?
29:17Answer me, yes?
29:19You eliminated my composition, why?
29:21Look, I didn't do anything.
29:23I was looking for a book, understand?
29:25Why don't you accept that you copied and that's it?
29:26I didn't do it!
29:28I would never do it in my life, everyone knows it.
29:30It was you, Sarp.
29:32This contest is important to me.
29:34Tell the teacher the truth, please.
29:36Look, leave me alone.
29:38I warn you, for your own good, don't mess with me.
29:40Come here.
29:42Just confess, did you do it?
29:46Calm down, leave my brother alone, let him go.
29:48Don't mess with him, this is his fault.
29:50But if you're being honest and that's what you're trying to fool everyone,
29:52please stop.
29:54We don't always have the fault.
29:56Don't argue.
29:58Leave me alone.
30:01And you too, go away.
30:03Damn idiots.
30:11Are you okay?
30:13No, I'm not okay.
30:15Did you hear the teacher? She's disappointed.
30:17I'm going with her.
30:20The director will give an announcement.
30:22He wants us to go to the cafeteria.
30:23He does it every time he gets bored.
30:25But we're going.
30:32Sebal, I have an idea.
30:34What if we organize a school fair?
30:37Open to the public?
30:39I don't know, it's an idea.
30:41Or with the school community.
30:43The goal is to tell them what's going on.
30:45Tell them about the financial problem of the school.
30:48That's all.
30:51Sorry, I'll answer.
30:55What's going on now?
30:58Tell me, Mr. Camil.
31:01What did he say?
31:03Okay, of course.
31:05Don't worry.
31:07Oh no, I'm so unlucky.
31:09I'm sorry, I have to go now.
31:11What happened?
31:13I'm not feeling well.
31:15I don't know.
31:16What happened?
31:18I'm not sure.
31:20There seems to be a leak in my house.
31:22I guess a tap opened.
31:24I don't want my house to be flooded.
31:26I'd better check.
31:28Okay, be careful.
31:30Thank you, I'll see you later.
31:32Good luck.
31:47Asiye, drink.
31:49Please, don't be sad.
31:51Stop crying.
31:53Evike, how can I not cry?
31:55Did you hear the teacher, Phyllis?
31:57They're accusing me of plagiarism.
31:59Yes, but everyone knows you, Asiye.
32:01They know you'd never do something like this.
32:03We'll get out of this somehow.
32:05We won't be left with our arms crossed.
32:07And how are we going to do it?
32:09I don't know, but we'll do it.
32:14Calm down, cousin.
32:16Calm down.
32:34The tablet.
32:38Damn it, I forgot it at the office.
32:40I didn't have a battery.
32:42I left it charging.
32:46Let's go.
32:52Hey, can you check if I left my tablet at the office?
32:54I thought I brought it, but it's not that.
32:58Yes, here it is.
33:00Don't worry, it's okay.
33:02You'll come get it tomorrow.
33:04No, I'm going to get it now.
33:06I thought you had a leak in your house.
33:08You shouldn't go check that right now.
33:10It's okay, it can wait a little longer.
33:12See you.
33:14Very well.
33:16How could I forget the tablet at the office?
33:18What an idiot!
33:21I hope that woman doesn't think about turning it on.
33:42What could be so important here?
33:47Let's go.
33:58There are some photos.
34:01A single video.
34:05I'm very curious, because there's only one.
34:16It's here.
34:24But who is she fighting?
34:39The man fell.
34:46Wait, CJ, I need to show you something.
34:48What is it?
34:56The new owner is a lunatic.
35:04I'll be home late.
35:06I'll be home late.
35:08I'll be home late.
35:10I'll be home late.
35:12I'll be home late.
35:14I'll be home late.
35:17That's not Sarma.
35:24What is he doing?
35:26I'm not sure.
35:28I'm going to record it.
35:37You know who he is, right?
35:40It's Sarma.
35:42That's right. He painted the cafeteria.
35:44We recorded it that night.
35:46We agreed to study here.
35:49He wrote the insults.
35:51We were afraid to tell the truth, but we had enough.
35:54He has to get what he deserves.
35:56Can you send me that video?
35:58Yes, right away.
