• 2 months ago
They give Wasabi his first bath when he explores the bathtub while Amberlynn is in the shower. It's been a long day at work so they use the scooters at Walmart to get milk, syrup and butter for Destiny's waffles. Before going into the store, Amberlynn tells Destiny that she missed her today while she was working up a storm. When they get home and see that their roommate ordered pizza, Amberlynn is disappointed the box is empty. While filming at work, Amberlynn explains how her brother would sit on her like a couch. During a week 1 Weight Watchers update, Amberlynn explains how the ER visit with Destiny triggered her into a binge. After another visit to see the doctor, Amberlynn gives us her negative review of the health care system. She says she needs Destiny to get better for the both of them. They go to the store to get keys cut for the apartment and work and a pearl lanyard. After spending hundreds of dollars on the claw machine at Walmart, Destiny finally wins a prize. She’s proud to show us her homade chicken salad. They do a quick video for viewers to ask them questions to answer in a Q&A they plan on doing together.
00:00I just got out of the shower, and I'm just wearing my bra, so
00:03And I'm cold. I'm cold. Okay, wasabi
00:08He likes to be in the bathroom with me
00:11No matter what I'm doing in there
00:13Even when I'm showering today. He was like trying to climb up to get into the shower
00:19So he actually didn't he was on the little side like where the bathtub is you know?
00:23And he was like putting his paw in like this. He was like you know what?
00:28I'm gonna see if he's afraid of water
00:29So I picked him up, and I put him in the water because we want to give him a bath anyways
00:35Cats naturally clean themselves they have natural like tongue glands to do so I want to give him a bath
00:41And I want to see if he's afraid of water
00:46They have natural tongue glands to do so
00:53Her descriptions
00:56So I picked him up
00:57I put him in the water and his ears went back and his eyes got big and he was like confused for a second
01:01And then he was calm as ever and he just was in the water with me
01:05I was like wow I have never in my life seen a cat not be a scaredy-cat when it comes to water
01:11So it was kind of interesting
01:14Hurry up Frederick
01:21We just got off of work we have to go to Walmart cuz Destiny wants to get some butter some milk and some syrup for
01:28her waffles
01:33Why would you tell me to shut up
01:40Why don't you want me to vlog right now?
01:43No, I was just playing shut up and quit vlogging right now go in there in my scrubs. I didn't I miss you today
01:51working up a storm
01:57Doesn't that kind of sound like Amberlynn wasn't but she said I missed you today you were working up a storm and Amberlynn's in her
02:04Regular clothes here that she does when she's volunteering
02:07Just remember that here the next couple of minutes
02:15Was watching my old vlogs
02:18And I was waiting for you remember
02:22When I get the new phone it has flash in the front so you could be on a
02:29This girl's getting the new iPhone and I'm over here like okay, you're cool
02:33No, I love my phone. I have the iPhone 6 plus and the highest a gigabyte, but they're coming out with the iPhone
02:45Have a good one Nicola good. I'm glad you can make it for a few minutes. Have a good one
02:53Phone 6s and but it's in rose gold
02:58Are you gonna get it? I said no, I don't know. I like you pink doesn't suit you
03:03I know you're wearing pink scrubs and they're I don't know cuz breast cancer for many of them there that have had
03:12All right, Elizabeth, have a good one. Thanks for being here
03:19Breast cancer, you don't even know what that is. I don't even know what it is. I don't even know what it is
03:24I don't even know what it is
03:27Breast cancer, you don't even realize it. I got wish you could have met
03:34Okay, so they're gonna have a little conversation here about the some of the residents
03:40Before they arrive at their destination
03:42for the milk butter and syrup
03:46She died in July
03:50She had breast cancer and she didn't have either boob
03:53I had to help her every morning when I worked on Sunday morning and help her get her prosthetic boobies on
03:59Which basically, you know how like your bra has like the little holes in it to where you can put padding
04:06Yeah, instead of putting padding in there. She put her prosthetic boobs and they felt real
04:12Yeah, like one was bigger than the other like they were they did like a molding of her original boobs and made them
04:20So they looked real real they looked real real no, they weren't like skin or anything it was like plastic it was weird
04:28But oh, it's sad though. Like I love the resident
04:34You're supposed to say names on here
04:37She has only one she only got one of them. It has one. We're not supposed to say residents name out loud
04:45I won't it's confidentiality. So
04:47I'm gonna have to take that off
04:49Anyways, one of them only has one and she I don't even know this
04:54She wears a bra and she she holds the other one that she stuffs the other one with napkins
04:59I love her though. She's so cute. They're all cute to me. I don't know what it is
05:05It's dark. So bye
05:09We're at Walmart, hold on
05:12People are looking people are looking at me
05:17Okay, I guess I do get shy vlogging in public
05:33My dad good to see you. Oh, I'm glad you can make it
05:37I'll take that out. She probably says that a lot. Well, we do see her say that a lot actually and she just leaves them right in
05:49All right, um, they're on the way into Walmart for the milk butter and syrup
06:00So when I moved to Florida
06:04Moved to Florida. I only brought like three purses and they're all super small
06:12I'm gonna look at the Walmart purses, even though they're
06:16They're really not the best
06:18Quality obviously, but I need a bigger purse
06:23Yes, so at this point in Berlin was used to getting all those designer purses that she could get
06:28Yes, so at this point in Berlin was used to getting all those designer purses that she likes to get when she's
06:36When she was living with crystals parents, she was getting a lot of those designer purses
06:45Walmart just wasn't her style at that point not for purses anyway
06:54Yes, we're getting a buggy
06:57I've been living in Florida for too long. I crawl grocery carts and buggies now like what?
07:05Okay, baby get one she's sitting in one of these yeah, that's called a long day at work
07:17That's called a long day at work
07:19We're driving one of these
07:21Well, I'm gonna go this way you want to know the funniest thing at this at this Walmart
07:28Everybody and their mother uses this thing like everybody we see like skinny people
07:34young people old people
07:37Purple people yellow people carrot people. I just saw carrots. I said that like everybody I
07:43Think it's because I'm so many literally they have 50. I've never seen a Walmart like this before
07:47So we've had a long day I'm wearing the wrong shoes and my feet hurt and so to her so
07:56So she said she had a long day but we heard earlier how it was
08:00Destiny who was working the long day and Amberlynn was waiting for destiny destiny to get off of work
08:08But yeah, she's probably wearing the wrong shoes because when she's not working she's probably not wearing the right shoes
08:17Why are we here? Oh, yeah milk butter and syrup and I really want these wasabi and ginger
08:26Kale chips. Oh, yeah. Wait, I'm gonna look at the purses first. What am I doing? Why are we in?
08:30Why are we in the food? Why are in the why are we in the bread aisle like?
08:34carbs though like hashtag carbs
08:38She's been sitting here for like five minutes
08:40What are you doing this kind is it just because there's a teddy bear on it doesn't mean get it it's cheap
08:47Then this is cheap. This is like 250
08:51But mrs. Butterworth
08:53Or I hop you can
08:56Isn't like the popular kind aunt Jemima. Yeah, don't you get her?
09:01We need a little bit of family in our life our aunt Jemima
09:05This one, you know, it works. I mean, it'll last you a long time. I don't use syrup. So if I do it's like a dab
09:14My grandma, this is a
09:17She doesn't use butter either
09:20I want one. My grandma says the IHOP kind is good. Then get the IHOP kind
09:26All the sugar free and it still doesn't taste but I taste
09:30But this seems like a lot to forget it
09:34No cereal. I
09:37Don't need cereal. I
09:39Couldn't find a purse, but I found this really cute
09:43What many tricks? It's a little big trick. Oh, it's kind of cool
09:48Anyways, I found this cardigan which was super cute and already tried it on and I'm getting me some of these chips. Oh, yeah
09:56with shabby
10:00Come here to everybody all about your day
10:10We miss each other so much don't we I
10:14Always give him a kiss on the lips and then his little wet nose good for him. So we just got home
10:19I got rained on and I practically melted since I'm a sweet of sugar
10:25Hey, I was right, that's why she doesn't like to go out in the rain
10:31I've already seen these two movies, but we decided to get Redbox. Destiny hasn't seen either of these but I
10:36Okay, I was like, well at least if someone didn't okay
10:40Okay, so they spent some money on those
10:45I'd say those cost a few bucks
10:47so at least
10:49Destiny hasn't seen them because if she just got the same movies she got is that she's already seen like why would she do that?
10:58Oh, yeah, that's right
11:01She's not great with
11:11It's always good at getting stuff she doesn't need but at least destiny didn't see it
11:17I really liked both. So I was like, why not?
11:21Unfriended and we got hot pursuit. This is a comedy. This is a horror. I love both
11:28We were gonna get the age of Adeline, but we're gonna have to wait
11:33He scratches my legs
11:36Because they were all out of that movie, but that's okay
11:39I hope you guys enjoyed this video. I hope you guys had a great day. I know I did
11:45What's up, are you sitting on the books?
11:52That's like his famous spot anyways
11:56I'm gonna end the vlog
11:58But I'm gonna end it with my boo saying
12:01I'm ending the vlog, baby
12:07You but you have to talk to them not me
12:09I'm doing the dishes guys a
12:12roommate got
12:14little Caesars and I'm like
12:17Almost on my way. Yeah, so I come over here
12:23Was she thinking there was gonna be any left and if there was that she could just have it I
12:30Didn't think that her and her roommate were that close
12:34I'm like, yeah
12:36Empty I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you my next one. Bye
12:47Jessica knows how to play the piano. Does she like hardcore? She'll get into it. She knows like all kinds of songs
12:58She's got many towns destiny
13:41Marry little lamb go something like
13:45Oh, yeah, I used to know
13:51It was like
13:56I can't do it anymore. I'm sure YouTube has all kinds of stuff. You can learn how to play
14:07Whoa, that could have been something she did while waiting for destiny to get off work
14:12She had a hobby waiting right there to be discovered and she didn't take advantage of that
14:17She could have used that time to look up YouTube videos like she just suggested
14:23And how to play different songs
14:27Too much work
14:45We're just chewing away
14:49Oh, thanks
14:52You know my brother used to do
14:54He used to sit on me
14:56Like if I was laying on my stomach, he'd sit on me
14:59If I was on my knees, he'd sit on me because I'm big enough for people to sit on me and I look like a couch
15:06Resident. Shh. I was really craving a salad. So I got some baby spinach some scallion
15:12Dried mango that I can put in it sometimes
15:15radish mini sticks
15:19My favorite dressing in the whole world. It's this market side balsamic vinaigrette dressing
15:24This is at Walmart and literally the best dressing I've ever had in my life
15:31For cans
15:34She just totally will ignore destiny here destiny says it's a Walmart brand, baby
15:40She just like destiny didn't even say anything
15:45Of chickpeas. So when I make salad, I like to get creative. I'll put almonds. I'll put apples
15:50I'll put really anything that I think will taste good. Here's a salad. I decided to make I just have carrots on the side spinach
15:57My balsamic vinaigrette
15:59Scallions I cooked these chickpeas in a pan for a little bit. I just put some garlic and
16:05Lots of pepper as you can tell and that's everything. I just shook it all up and oh my god, so delicious
16:13Hello everybody. So I did just wake up. So do not mind the messy makeup because I did not wipe my makeup off last night
16:20Don't mind the messy hair. I started a Weight Watchers
16:23Last Sunday and today is Sunday yet again
16:27So what I have been doing is paying for Weight Watchers tracking every single day
16:32No matter if I go over or I don't I also use this really cute notebook that I got from Walmart
16:38This really cute pink pen that I got from Walmart and every day at the end of the day
16:42I will write down how many points I used how many weekly points if there's a note
16:46I want to jot down I'll jot down. I know what this is gonna do is help me in the long run
16:51Understand certain things what I did
16:54But it's also gonna help me film these videos because I forget most of the time what happened like 10 days ago. What?
17:02All right. So here's another example of something she cycles through
17:06she likes to record what she did and then say she's gonna go back and look over it and
17:11learn from it and try to figure out what she did wrong what she did, right and
17:19Use that information to try to get the results she's looking for but ultimately she's just recording what she's doing every day and
17:29Doesn't seem to go back and make changes or she probably would have by now
17:36This is what she does with the Weight Watchers a lot
17:40So she's gonna record it show us and that's that's as far as she gets
17:47Happened even just an hour ago. All right, let's just get into it. I have to get ready for work
17:53I am running behind but that's
17:56Pretty much how it goes when you sleep in too long last week. I weighed in at
18:02They gave me 64 daily points and 49 weekly points
18:06If you guys don't know weekly points is just extra points if I want to use them
18:11If I don't want to use them, it's up to me and I like having those like just in case
18:16Okay, the lighting in here is horrible. So I apologize ahead of time on September 6th
18:23Sunday I did perfect. I ate just my 64 points that they allowed me and
18:28None of my weekly on September 7th. I ate just my six
18:3464 points and none of my weekly
18:38Wasabi, my cat is going insane. What is it? Do you like paper? Do you do you?
18:45Do you
18:46paper and boxes
18:49Do you do you he loves paper? Okay on September 8th, I
18:55Ate 63 of my points out of 64. So I had one remainder Wow, look at that and none of my weekly obviously
19:04On that day. I decided to weigh in I weighed in at four eighteen point six
19:09Which means I was down three point four in just those three days because I was tracking I was logging
19:17It was difficult
19:18I haven't done Weight Watchers for ever in a day, but I was doing it and I was succeeding in it
19:24But then September 9th happened
19:26September 9th was a difficult day because one I had awful work. That is the only day I have awful work is Wednesday
19:35Every single day. I am at work. So Wednesday's I told myself
19:40All right, so a little bit of a disclaimer there
19:45She's kind of telling the truth it's the only day that she doesn't go to the workplace
19:50But she's just going there because destiny works
19:55every other day
19:56except for Wednesday's
19:58So everyone goes into work as we saw earlier in the stream
20:04Saturday Sunday and Monday and then she has sometimes where she has on-call shifts, so she'll take
20:11Some extra shifts if somebody needs us if they need someone to fill in
20:20And then
20:23Tuesday Wednesday, no Tuesday Thursday and Friday. She goes in with destiny
20:28So there's three she could have four days off a week
20:31But she decides to only have one day off and go in with destiny the other days while she has off
20:40It seems like she's really craving that social interaction and maybe it's good for her at this point
20:50Since you and your girlfriend are awful work on Wednesday's
20:53You and your girlfriend are awful work on Wednesday's
20:55How about Wednesday's be the day where you use some of your weekly points you have that option. It's not taboo
21:01It's it's a thing. That's allowed. We went to Ryan's which is a all-you-can-eat Buffett's
21:09Chinese buffets there. What what is buffet, baby? I know
21:15Buffet if you will
21:17And I actually did really good. Um, I woke up actually telling myself. I was not gonna log my
21:22Weight watcher points. I'm just gonna eat whatever I want. And then after I left Ryan's I was like, no
21:31Okay, so she woke up and told herself that already so that was before the whole destiny's feeling sick
21:38And we need to go to the emergency room thing unless it was germaphobe
21:42Emergency room thing unless it was during that time when she's like started worrying in the morning about destiny. So she's like
21:51Whatever going off track. Let's go to eat to the buffet
21:55That's not right I am paying for this service I'm paying for this to help me lose weight
22:00So I will log everything I ate at Ryan's and I thought I did really good at Ryan's
22:05I only actually ate about 25 points, which I could have easily ate
22:11Skyrocketed like the worst foods ever, but I didn't but then my girlfriend was having really bad chest pains
22:16And she said she couldn't breathe. It felt like someone was sitting on her chest
22:20That's scary
22:22That's that's not something you need to mess with
22:24So we decided to go to the emergency room and we were there for about eight nine hours
22:28We didn't drink lick eat anything and I was aggravated the whole
22:35Girl, what are you gonna lick there?
22:37Assault lick like what's going on a sucker candy?
22:46She's funny sometimes like that whole time I was so worried for her
22:55They were running so many tests the doctor said that they think she had a blood clot in her lung
23:01So that might be a blood clot in her lung. She wasn't hesitant to say that you died from that
23:06So turns out she didn't which I'm grateful for but while we thought that was the case. I was freaking out
23:13I love destiny more than anything and anything ever bad happens to her
23:17I don't even know how I'm gonna be able to handle it because she's literally my life
23:20So when we left the hospital, I was starving. I was annoyed. We were there forever. But yet I was grateful
23:27She did not have a blood clot just FYI. So we decided to go to McDonald's. I just ordered the whole menu pretty much
23:33Okay, not really I ordered
23:36Enough to put me in a place that I consider binging and
23:45It really
23:47It was just bad. It just wasn't cute
23:50I feel like I could have done better. I did eat my 64 date. Oh
23:57Man, I was hoping she would have told us what she got
24:01Cuz she usually says she gets the 20-piece nugget with a large fry
24:05and a large like fountain drink would say like a 7-up or something and then she gets a
24:13McFlurry to go with it
24:15now usually she'll get like a snack wrap when she's just getting like something quick and
24:21Not eating like a meal there. So I wonder if she got like a couple snack wraps
24:26or like something to go with it or just what I said there with the meal and
24:34Flurry I wonder if that's what she got. I don't know. I'm just curious cuz
24:40That's what she said before
24:47Daily points that day, but I also ate 38 of the 49 weekly points
24:53I'm gonna say I give myself props for even logging all of that. I could have done better. This is where it gets bad
24:59I feel like I was really triggered
25:02Really triggered that day Wednesday from eating at Ryan's and then McDonald's because the next day I
25:09Binged I ate 64 all of my daily points and I actually went in the negatives on my weekly
25:18Was that negative 45? I was binging on ice cream. I was binging on chips. I just couldn't stop September 11th and 12th
25:27Had some ice cream that day, even though she didn't deserve it
25:32She would say she deserved it when she counted those points that day, so I'm just assuming she went over her points I
25:42Couldn't gain control at all. I ate everything that was in my face. I logged every single bit of it. I
25:50am actually shocked that I even logged because
25:53When I am in this zone of binging I don't care I will not log
25:59I will not track I will not care
26:03But I did anyways because I needed to see the damage I did. I
26:08Don't know if the accuracy is totally
26:11100% but I tried my hardest
26:13So overall at the end of the week, I only succeeded three out of seven days
26:20That's not that great
26:22obviously, um, I went over my weekly points into a negative hundred and forty four I
26:33Ate negative one hundred and forty four weekly points that is not gonna happen ever
26:39Again, and I can promise you that so obviously today was my true weigh-in day last week
26:45I was 422 and I weighed in today at 420 point eight. So I was still down 1.2 this week
26:53I can't even believe it. I am happy that I'm down at least something
26:56I think it was because those three days that I did follow through I did do amazing. I
27:03know I wonder if
27:06Yeah, like Sonny when you said here like why even log it if she didn't care
27:10I wonder if she would have ate more if she didn't log it if like logging it actually helped her from
27:17Binging too much like she probably binged but then maybe looking at that and being like, oh, yeah
27:24no, I probably shouldn't have any more because
27:26Every time I log into this
27:28App, I'm always I'm seeing those numbers and it just keeps going up
27:32Maybe I'm done for the night. Like who knows maybe it could have helped her out
27:36just a little bit I
27:42Think though that really helped me
27:44Which I'm happy about because if I wouldn't have lost anything I would have felt kind of crappy
27:50Even though I probably deserve not losing anything. That's the truth
27:53I'm starting this week at four twenty point eight sixty four daily and forty nine weekly
27:58I have not eaten anything yet today. All I've done is you know daily routine waking up brushing teeth and
28:06Weighing in and making this videos. I plan on next week being better. I promise well this week
28:12I was gonna do like this whole week one reset and not consider this week, too
28:17But that's just me being lazy. I need to face reality. I
28:23Fucked up. I fucked up last week. It won't happen again. I promise. I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye
28:29I just woke up at 7 a.m. Which never happens. I usually wake up at about
28:42I usually wake up at like
28:44Noon one ish because I fall asleep so freakin late because we usually don't get off work at 11
28:51So we're usually not home until around midnight
28:53Destiny has a doctor's appointment. That's why we had to wake up. So early a couple vlogs ago. We went to the
28:59Emergency room because she was having chest
29:03So funny when like destiny goes to appointments and stuff in Berlin just feels like she has to go with her
29:10The destiny has a dentist appointment so we had to get up at 7 o'clock to go
29:14Why wouldn't you just stay home and sleep?
29:16Why do you have to be everywhere with destiny because it doesn't seem like destiny needs her there
29:22it seems like it's more of a
29:25Amberlynn emotional issue than it is destiny
29:28She's not looking for like
29:31Someone said earlier to that
29:32She's not the greatest emotional support to have during an emergency or any kind of health crisis. That's for sure
29:45Destiny ASMR
29:48It's pains and they did a bunch of tests and everything came back fine and they said it might be acid reflex
29:55But we don't think that's the case. She's taking tons and tons of Tums and they prescribed her this medicine
30:01I don't remember what it was and nothing is helping her her symptoms. Don't seem very acid reflex
30:06sometimes it does where she says she
30:09Her symptoms don't seem
30:13So acid reflex
30:15Flex sometimes it does where she Tums and for this medicine
30:20I don't remember what it was and nothing is helping her her symptoms. Don't seem very acid reflex. Sometimes it does
30:26As where she says she feels the rising
30:29yeah, that's a heartburn, but
30:33Yesterday she said right here and right here
30:36Was burning her and I have a really bad heartburn or at least I used to get really bad heartburn and never in my life
30:43Have I had burning like right there? I'm thinking maybe asthma. So I'm hoping her this is like her family doctor
30:50I'm hoping he knows
30:52what type of tests to do to figure out what is causing all of this because she's also getting very
30:57Very short of breath and I've never had that with heartburn either
31:00That's also when I found out I had asthma
31:11It's now like
31:13215 we have to leave for work. We went to the appointment. We came back and we crashed I went to sleep
31:19I was so so tired
31:21So is destiny apparently the appointment kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I feel like the doctor said that EKGs only
31:29Clarify there's like a
31:3270% chance that there's nothing wrong with the heart. So there's another 30% chance that I'm just not
31:39Liking I personally don't understand why destiny is having these symptoms. They don't seem
31:46heartburn related but the
31:52Jacob have a good one. I'm glad you could be here for a bit
31:59Doctor said just keep taking the medicine for six to eight weeks
32:05Things get worse. Let them know doctors a lot of the time when I hope the best and they say, okay
32:11Continue taking this medicine because it might be one thing
32:14But if it's not then we'll do the test eight weeks from now
32:18No, no, no, no. No, why don't you just do the test now because you could be wrong
32:23My take on doctors sometimes
32:25it's kind of negative because I feel like some doctors are also kind of lazy because I
32:30so remember when I knew I knew I had gallstones and I went to the ER and
32:37They told me to go to this doctor and they thought it was something else and they wouldn't do any tests on me
32:43And I'm like, no my homie. I have gallstones and they wouldn't believe me. They wouldn't do the test
32:49They sent me home without doing the test
32:51And then a couple months later just kept getting worse and worse and I was like literally
32:56I'm not leaving this place until you give me a test and they gave me a test and I was right come to find out
33:01They came back actually completely shocked. They're like you have a bunch of gallstones
33:06You have multiple gallstones on your gallbladder and I'm like, baby. I know
33:11Duh, I could have told you that so I already knew what was wrong, but I was just hoping that I was wrong
33:17I just like doctors need to be a little more careful. I just really hope nothing
33:21super major is wrong with destiny because I
33:25Wouldn't be able to handle it the medicine. She's taking
33:29Never mind our destiny fields. It's all about Amberlynn, you know
33:39Keen is protonics and I'm hoping more than anything that it just helps her
33:44Ah, she doesn't deserve what she's going through and for her job
33:48she needs to be very like on top of things and she said she's getting tired or faster because she's always short of breath and
33:54I love her so much. I
33:57Need her to get better for the both of us
34:07Who's gonna take care of everything
34:19I'm about to get this pinkie made. It's only like how much is it located here the house key destiny
34:26Wants me to get this for the house key the hello kitty. I
34:29Still have my old keys from my apartment. I don't really know why
34:34Which was a hello kitty key
34:37Thanks, obsessive. Okay, but not as much anymore
34:42So we're just oh, they're all $4. Okay, we're gonna do this one for my work and I guess oh
34:47It says buy two keys you get one free
34:49We don't know our free one would be yeah, we don't need it. Just do let's just do this one today
35:00All right, so she does get the hello kitty key blessed hey good to see you hope you're having a good day today
35:11Because I am tired
35:14So, yeah, I'll do hello kitty for house key on my
35:20What do you need hard my wallet you need your wallet man. Oh
35:30Yeah, we watched this last night even though I've already seen it the age of Adeline destiny watched it we have to return it tonight
35:37well, we're supposed to return it last night, but
35:40You know how that goes this is pretty neat and you get to watch like the step it takes
35:50I'm gonna do it
35:51Do it until it click you put it
35:54This way, right? Yep, do it until it clicks interesting. Yep until it clicks
36:01There you go, okay great job now you can let go now it's gonna do it
36:10Oh that noise
36:14And now you have to grab the key, oh wait, that's your key out of this little thing
36:23Now what feel free to remove the plastic holder now feel free to remove it you have to
36:30Yeah, look at it like you literally see how they did it that is so
36:36Freaking weird
36:38How do you take this off this better not been yeah, you just break it you just break it off. Yeah, I just broke mine off
36:48Now I'm gonna go look at one of those things calling your lanyard exact matches
36:58Okay, so destiny always wants to do these stupid little claw things and waste money and
37:08Well, there's a better clip for the video of Amberlynn
37:15Putting down
37:17Destiny and her interests
37:20Amberlynn likes to buy dollar earrings and destiny likes to put the dollars into the coins into
37:28into the
37:31Call games to try to get those teddy bears in there
37:35You know
37:38She if she spent like, you know $15 maybe on those machines
37:41That's probably the equivalent to what one of those bears inside cost maybe
37:47So at least something fun while doing it
37:50But it takes time for it takes time away from Amberlynn and her needs I guess I
37:58Told her no, I'm not gonna give you a dollar because you're wasting money you never win
38:03And insert the clip give me another dollar
38:11She won and I always record her doing it too and it's like the one time
38:16That that's cute. My shirts a mess from work, but the one time I didn't record
38:24She actually won something like what even is this? It's Thor's. Oh, I know
38:29Okay, let's go oh wait, I want to show them the lanyard I got
38:40This is the lanyard I chose it's like pearls and pretty
38:44So, all right
38:47I'm ready to go home. I'm hungry and tired and exhausted and over it
38:51I'm feeling really proud of my salads. Don't know why tonight. I have spinach with my balsamic vinaigrette
38:57I cut up some carrots. I have scallions. I
39:03Radish little sliverings and I put some breaded chicken on top for some protein
39:09literally delicious
39:12So we just watched Shutter Island, it was my second time watching it
39:17It was destiny's first time. So what do you think of it? I liked it
39:28I liked it. It was interesting
39:34Hey, you know what time it is? It's 334 in the morning. Show them our picture
39:43You can't really see it. It's us. Yeah, it was us on
39:494th of July but a day without a dating
39:54Clearly when she's tired she acts like a crazy person
39:58It's 3 30 in the morning. Oh, yeah. Well, I guess we're gonna go to sleep. So
40:09Why are you so cute? Oh, yeah
40:17Quit it I don't have pants on
40:22Okay, I hope you guys enjoyed this video we love ya
40:27Peace out girl scout. Bye
40:30Hello everybody, huh?
40:32so it has been requested that
40:36You got sorry someone texting me. Okay, it has been requested that
40:41You guys want to get to know us more even though you know a lot about me
40:45But you guys want to know a lot about destiny
40:47So it's been requested that we do like this Q&A type deal together where you guys can ask destiny
40:53Anything you you just burn
40:56This girl
40:58So she kisses me
41:01Okay, where you can ask destiny anything yeah, is there anything is there anything off-limits? Nope. Mm-hmm. Ooh
41:08And you can ask me anything as well. You can do it as individuals
41:13You can put like dear destiny. These questions are for you. You can do dear and Berlin and Berlin
41:18and Berlin
41:20These questions are for you or you can ask us questions like
41:24about our relationship or
41:26Questions for both of us like together as a whole and then questions for her
41:33For me, you can even ask wasabi
41:35Oh, yeah, if you want to solve me a question our kitty cat you can do that too. Why not? He's the annoying little shit
41:43This is what this video is for you guys ask those questions down below. You can ask more than one you can ask 20
41:48Ask everybody you want and now she's yawning
41:55Look at that
41:57She she burps kisses and yawns. I gotta keep her. That's the questions down below and
42:04We will answer them. Are you wearing panties? Yes. I'm not wearing pants. What are you doing?
42:11You're not supposed to tell them
42:16All right, so that's that
42:18Bye you guys. Honestly, I cannot wait to see your questions. I need a haircut. She's so awkward
42:34All right, so that's it we made it through the first half of September 2015
42:45And it was quite the dramatic
42:49Destiny was calling Amberlynn pookie and then getting stressed out over it
42:56Amberlynn was inducing stress on to destiny and
43:02Digging at her anytime. She could we saw lots of instances where Amberlynn was picking on destiny basically
43:10Destiny wasn't doing things, right? She just like I don't know. It's just a way that Amberlynn communicates and
43:17She thinks she's being cute I guess
43:23So next time we're gonna be introduced to the avocado that ruined her life we've got to look forward to
43:35And then mostly just working
43:37And a lot of what we saw this month is basically gonna happen for the rest of the month she's still trying to do weight watchers
43:46They're getting ready to do their October Q&A
43:52That's what they made this video that we just watched for
43:54Yeah, so I have this one to do next the 2015
44:02I want to do
44:042024 all the newest videos that I haven't been missing. I haven't
44:11I haven't been able to do a lot of them, but I want to do a lot of them
44:15I want to do a lot of them. I want to do a lot of them
44:19I want to do a lot of them. I want to do a lot of them
44:21Newest videos that I've been missing. I haven't put out a video since
44:27Well, it's probably been about a month now. I'm catching up on her new newer content. So
44:33Maybe I'll do that one next
44:38Because with a lot of this old stuff I like to put in
44:42Destiny's commentary about what was going on at the round that time and I
44:47Guess Amberlynn had some commentary, but not much more of her commentaries for like 2016, I guess
45:01Haha Chris, you're funny
45:14I'm gonna do a couple things on my other channel. So I'm gonna drop the link here if you want to check it out
45:22Sub up so you don't miss the live streams, but I'd like to react to
45:33Video regarding Pete's I made a video of their relationship where she talks about how they met and
45:42The relationship they had they were together for like seven years I think and then they were engaged and
45:49then she talks about the breakdown of their relationship and then how she met BB and then
45:55Another video since it's gonna be like a long one. It's gonna be how she met BB. Oh, no. I'm sorry. We'll have that
46:03together with the Pete stuff, but then eventually they're gonna we're just gonna have a long video of
46:08BB making appearances in Chantel's videos, but I'm not there yet. I've only done the the Pete stuff
46:17Yeah, so I just like to do that on the other channel I've been doing a lot of the Amberlynn timelines on this channel
46:23so I
46:25Don't want to have another one over there. So why not use it smaller audience?
46:29So it's kind of just like a few of us in there
46:32If you're interested in coming over that'd be cool
46:36Won't over check it out. Sub it up. I also wanted to go live later tonight on that channel and
46:44Kind of give my own commentary on some of the actual drama that's been going on lately
46:52In girl world
47:02We have a new character to talk about I guess you could say
47:13But I think what I'm gonna do tonight if you're bored come on over I'm gonna do some
47:20Reviewing of another stream that somebody put out recently
47:29Excuse me being introduced to the girl world and talking about some of the characters specifically foodie actually
47:38So it's not going to be a lot of Amberlynn stuff we're going to be talking about foodie
47:45So if you're interested or just want to like learn about new things or have
47:51Know about this stuff and want to come talk with me and you know
47:55Fill me in on stuff and I'll fill you in on stuff that I know
48:00Just from observing over the last few years
48:06Yeah, let's do that
48:08So I'm gonna take a little break here and then I'll be back in a couple hours and we're gonna react to another video
48:13On my other channel. The link is listed in my chat. I just put it in there
48:19Go over and sub up and
48:22Yeah, we're gonna talk about a little bit of drama
48:27So I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable
48:29so if you're not comfortable with talking about that stuff because there's gonna be some it's some stuff we talked about that's gonna be
48:36just super
48:38unnecessary really but
48:41Hey, it was discussed. So why not talk about it, right?
48:44So, I hope to see you over there
48:48Give me a couple hours, but I go make some food and stuff and
48:53Get settled in here. We're gonna react to a longer video here
48:58a lot of it we're gonna fast-forward through because
49:02Well a lot of it's nonsense
49:05Anyway, you'll see you'll see I'm keeping it a surprise right now until I actually put it up
49:10Yeah, so I'm gonna do that later and then I think I'm gonna do 2024 next I'd like to maybe go
49:17See what Amberlynn's been up to the last month or so
49:21So if you haven't been following Amberlynn or you have
49:26We're gonna do a little review of that
49:28So if you haven't been following Amberlynn or you have we're gonna do a little review of that
49:41All right
49:44Chris I hope to see you over there
49:47Well, I just like seeing you in general. So I'll see you next time for sure whenever I go live
49:53All right. Yeah. All right. I'm gonna shut this one down and I'll see you guys soon
49:58And if I don't see you over there
50:02Well, oh you stay good till the next time I see you
50:09All right, have a good one stay safe
