• last year
Even though she stopped her Weight Watchers journey, she still records an update to cover the days she was still trying to reach her daily points. We find out that she was having an issue staying under her points instead of trying to reach her points as she said previously. The bitter sweet end of doing Weight Watchers is hard for her. By the end of the week, she’s back on Weight Watchers. She also shares that she had a phone call with her brother which caused her to overeat after hanging up. She’s proud of being down 1 pound, 2.8 in total. After a five day break from vlogging Amberlynn weighs in again, but this time she avoids sharing the number saying it isn’t good. While talking about her hand healing she says erroneously that she works every day. The couple that colors together, stays together. Destiny shares news about her mom. Amberlynn gets her stiches out while at work. We get another Weight Watchers/weigh in video before the month is over. She lost 4 pounds in the month of September and decides Weight Watchers is still making her binge so she’s going to wing it with her diet. They go to the Golden Corel on their day off and shows us the chocolate fountains. They’re taking Wasabi to Destiny’s dad’s house because they have a pest control person coming to the house and while loading Wasabi into the car, the neighbor is outside and Amberlynn greets them with a compliment. We get a room tour of Destiny’s old room where Wasabi will be staying for a couple days. Destiny continues to use the slumber cap. When she first moved to Florida she said she took everything with her or got rid of it. Krystle’s parents suggested mailing her some of her stuff but she said she didn’t want them to spend the money doing so. It turns out she did keep some things when she shows us the first box of books they sent her with more to come. Destiny answers a trick question when Amberlynn asks her if she thinks she’s annoying. Destiny gives us another update about her mom’s situation.
00:00:00Hello everybody! It's already time for the beginning of week three on Weight Watchers.
00:00:04Like what? So during this video what I'm gonna do is just talk to you guys about how my week went,
00:00:11what days I went over on points, and of course there will be a weigh-in at the end. Starting
00:00:16my week two I had 64 daily points and 49 weekly. If you guys are wondering why I'm looking down
00:00:22it's because I write all of kind of just like jot down notes all of what happened during the week
00:00:28in this journal that I got from Walmart. I feel like I forget things super easily and it's so
00:00:34much easier to write stuff down so I remember what to tell you guys. Last Sunday, September
00:00:4013th, I had 64 of my 64 daily points and 32 of my 49 points. Ew. I had ca- Okay so in this one we're
00:00:51gonna notice that she went over her points even though in the last one she was saying she was
00:00:55finding it hard to achieve her allotted points but uh yeah we're gonna notice here that she's
00:01:02gonna tell us that she went over like every day. Candy. I did. I had candy at night. It's super
00:01:11easy to to rack up them uh points when you were sitting there eating some candy. I'd have regret
00:01:17afterwards. I really wish I wouldn't have eaten so much candy. I don't regret eating
00:01:29Hey I apologized. Candy. I just wish I would have eaten less. Monday, September 14th, I ate 64 of my
00:01:3764 daily points and only six weekly bringing it to I only have 26 weekly left. Okay so actually
00:01:48on Sunday I didn't eat 32 weekly which is good. I had 32 left so that means 49 minus 32 is 17. I ate
00:01:5917 weekly points in candy. That's still pretty bad. Still regretful. What I found to be really
00:02:06hard was Monday at work eating at work because I do eat at work. We're not supposed to bring our
00:02:12own food and put it in the refrigerator because it's the resident's refrigerator so it's kind of
00:02:17hard for me to figure out what types of things I can bring to work to eat so I kind of just don't
00:02:22bring anything to work. I just dropped you guys. I am there for about 10 hours a day besides
00:02:33Wednesdays so I do eat my main meal there with them or one of my main meals. We had macaroni and
00:02:39cheese that day so I considered it 23 points for the helping that I received. It was very you know
00:02:47give or take. Maybe I did it too high. Maybe I did it too low. You never know. I try my hardest when I'm
00:02:53like guesstimating something that I don't know exactly to guesstimate a little higher by at least
00:02:59two points because it's better to be safe than sorry. Tuesday was also another rough day which
00:03:06was September 15th. I did 64 my 64 daily and I used 62 weekly. I actually wrote that down so it made me
00:03:15go into negative 30 of my weekly. The reason why that happened was because I had pizza at work and candy
00:03:24at home. Like no just stop stop. September 6th which was Wednesday I just stopped tracking completely
00:03:32in the middle of the day because I had McDonald's. I really need to get my shit together. On September
00:03:3917th which was Thursday I completely just said you know what Weight Watchers isn't for me. I'm done
00:03:47tracking. I'm gonna try doing. I'm sorry. I have a fan in my room. It's blowing my papers everywhere.
00:03:53It's getting really annoying. I completely just said I'm gonna try doing intuitive eating. Weight
00:03:57Watchers is making me binge more than anything I've ever experienced before. Weight Watchers does
00:04:03make me binge. What my issue is with Weight Watchers currently in my state of mind is that
00:04:10I have binge eating disorder. I am a food addict. They give me a lot of points which is bittersweet.
00:04:19It's good because I need to get my food in. I need to eat and I do not do not want to feel
00:04:24like I'm starving myself but the bittersweet end is that it's hard. Love this. The bittersweet end
00:04:32is that it's hard for her. Hard for me. Yeah it seems like she's trying to take advantage of
00:04:40of it however she can in order to eat whatever she wants knowing that it's not good but also
00:04:47thinking that doing so she's still gonna be able to lose weight. I come home after a long day at
00:04:54work and I have usually after work like 30 something points left. Yeah so she mentioned
00:05:02this last time how she's got the 30 points so she's not sure what to do within the evening
00:05:06time when she gets home from work. Depending on what I eat at work because I do only eat one time
00:05:12at work. So with those 30 something points when I come home there's two things I have in my head
00:05:17with that. I have to A. Eat all those points. B. I have to eat fruits and vegetables. If you guys
00:05:24are familiar with Weight Watchers fruits and vegetables are free points. When I have my
00:05:2830 something points left plus the opportunity and the need and the want
00:05:36Never love. Exactly that's what I've been saying like don't use them then. What do you like why do
00:05:42you feel like you need to go and eat the allotted amount when basically the goal should be to try to
00:05:48eat under that and then her excuse is that she's not eating enough. It's mental gymnastics. It's
00:05:56just it's it kind of hurts the head sometimes when you think about it. To eat healthier fruits and
00:06:01vegetables I'm sitting there eating an abundance of food. It triggers me really bad. It triggers me
00:06:09to the point of binging and that's when I go into my weekly points. It's really hard for me. I'm
00:06:17so like she's worried about trying to consume those 30 points to the point where she goes into
00:06:23her weekly points and she goes over it. So she's obviously not choosing low point foods during those
00:06:31times in the evenings. Really not making excuses because Weight Watchers is wonderful. It's very
00:06:38flexible and it does not feel like you're starving yourself. Well for me it doesn't. It's hard because
00:06:44I do feel. Never love yeah I think that's what's going on too is like once those points are gone
00:06:50they're gone and she can't get them back. But like if she wanted to if she's going to be doing it her
00:06:55own version of Weight Watchers anyway she could have like any points that she didn't eat that day
00:07:01could go on to her weekly points that she could use on another day if she wanted. Like she's kind
00:07:06of playing by her own rules anyway. Why not mix it up a little bit so then if that's what's going
00:07:12on where she's scared she's going to be losing out on those points because she didn't eat the foods
00:07:17that equal up to those points then yeah why not add on to your weekly and then use them on another
00:07:23day because she says that sometimes she saves those weeklies for the Wednesday their day off
00:07:29if they decide they're going to go out to eat or whatever. Yeah she could be doing more with it but
00:07:34I mean she could still do that if she wanted. Just play around with it. Just really overboard
00:07:39when I'm sat there with so many points to eat if that makes sense. But me feeling all those emotions
00:07:45I was like no I'm just gonna be done with Weight Watchers for now. I would like to say that when
00:07:51I stopped Weight Watchers for that day I ate healthier. I ate less and I didn't feel so
00:07:58I didn't feel the need to sit there and eat an abundance of food like I do when I'm on Weight
00:08:02Watchers. On September 18th which was Friday I also did intuitive eating. I ate less I ate healthier
00:08:08and I honestly felt better. Saturday September 19th I decided to log again because I want to
00:08:16work a program. I don't want to go off intuitive eating all the time because I could be eating too
00:08:21little and I could be eating too much and we'll never know and it could really mess with my
00:08:26metabolism to make it to where I can't reach my goal weight. I can't reach a lower weight because
00:08:32I've messed up so much in the past that my metabolism is really just bonkers. So I knew in
00:08:40my heart that I need to follow a program. I like how Weight Watchers when you lose weight it'll
00:08:46lower your daily points and it'll make it to where you'll continue losing weight and that is what I
00:08:50need in my life right now. Okay so she didn't have enough points she had too many and now she's looking
00:08:55for them to decrease it. Is anyone else lost here because I feel lost. No. So yesterday I ate 64 of my
00:09:0264 daily obviously but I also went into 34 of my weekly. I can't give you guys a weekly score today
00:09:11like I did last week because I did not log for two days. I actually was doing really well I didn't go
00:09:17into my weekly at all but then I called my brother and I haven't talked to him. Oh my goodness here's
00:09:24another thing too where like everything everything is a trigger for her to binge. I'm on the phone in
00:09:30four years and it was really hard for me. The phone call went really well but I got insanely bad news
00:09:38on the phone call. It was it was hard for me to handle. I tried my hardest being you know a big
00:09:46sister and I tried my hardest not to show him that I was crying but he heard me cry. When he told me
00:09:53not to cry like it I tried to be strong for him because he's in a really tough spot right now and
00:10:00it literally like brings tears to my eyes right now. I miss him with all my heart um aside from
00:10:05like the bad news is it was a great phone call you guys and I was so happy to hear from him and
00:10:11talk to him and I miss him with all of my freaking heart but once we hung up I was hysterical. I could
00:10:21not stop crying. I was bawling like bawling my eyes out even now you can tell my eyes are very swollen.
00:10:29I could not stop crying and Destiny was right by my side the whole freaking time. She was
00:10:34holding me and just letting me talk to her and express to her how I was feeling and
00:10:39everything but I sat here and I ate more candy. I had some pasta that's not yeah that bag of candy
00:10:46trying to blame it on the roommate. I can't keep turning to food so let's just get to my weigh-in.
00:10:52I weighed in at 419.2 so that means this week I am down 1.6 so through all the struggles and
00:11:00everything I went through I'm still down for the second week in a row that I'm on Weight Watchers
00:11:05so I'm very proud to you know say that so that means I am down 2.8 in total which I'm happy
00:11:11about. Obviously it used to go a lot faster. I'm just glad that it's going steady. Instead of like
00:11:17losing weight so super fast I know that I'll be able to keep this weight off even more because
00:11:22I am losing it slower. Oh my god she's not even like eating good stuff. She's eating candy and
00:11:31pizza and pasta but she knows she's gonna be able to keep it off more the slower it comes off.
00:11:37What was it uh someone said here uh she's uh gaslighting us and uh kind of rewriting double
00:11:49talk that's what it was diary yeah she's trying to double talk and gaslight that's exactly what's
00:11:55going on. Like I think she's trying to convince herself more than she's trying to convince us.
00:12:00But even if I do lose it fast in one week I don't care. I just know in my heart of hearts I need to
00:12:06lose weight no matter. Unless she's like super aware what's going on um she knows she's not doing
00:12:11well but she's trying to uh tell us that she is doing well um just like she tells us she's working
00:12:17six days a week. Just because she's at work six days a week doesn't mean she's working six days
00:12:20a week. No matter what no matter if it's slow fast whatever. My goal for this week is literally just
00:12:26work the program better. My better not your better but my better. Everyone's better is different.
00:12:32They also lowered my daily by a point so now I only have 63 daily points so that's going to be
00:12:37different for me. I'm just hoping next week I'll be able to come and tell you guys that I
00:12:42did better my better that I am down more weight. So thank you guys so much for watching
00:12:48and I hope you guys enjoy how I do these videos. If you do or don't you should tell me in the
00:12:53comments why because I love to make them better for you and I'll see you in my next one. Bye.
00:12:59Hello everybody. I haven't all right uh so that was fun. So it's been a few days since she's
00:13:07vlogged. I think she took like five days off of recording so she's back. She's gonna give us
00:13:11another update and it's gonna seem like we got uh another um weigh-in pretty soon but since she
00:13:18already took like the like five days off we're gonna get another weigh-in and an update here
00:13:24soon but we still have to get those stitches out before then. Vlogged in like a week which is
00:13:31really weird for me. I was trying to catch up on uploading videos. I was trying to upload daily
00:13:35because I have so many videos I haven't uploaded yet for you guys. Probably around eight or nine
00:13:40but it's been difficult because I've been really busy with work and everything else. I just woke
00:13:45up. I'm doing my daily weigh-in. Okay not really. I do not weigh myself daily. I just have been
00:13:52weighing in a little more than usual lately and the scale is right here. I'm not gonna show you
00:13:58guys. I'm literally just wearing a shirt. I have no underwear on or pants on right now. TMI. I know.
00:14:04Okay here we go. Yep that was definitely a bad bad weigh-in which makes sense. A lot of sense.
00:14:16I'm gonna step on it again. I always do it twice just to see if I get the same read
00:14:21and I do and my scale works perfectly. I freaking love this scale. I'll show you guys it in a minute.
00:14:29Yep not good but this is the scale. It's pink and on it says yes I can. I don't know if you
00:14:37guys can tell but I got that from Amazon. So in love with it. Oh look you guys we finally did this.
00:14:47Yeah so she weighs in but she's not actually gonna tell us what the weight was.
00:14:53Destiny did it. She put the bats. She said we. Look what we did didn't she? I don't know if you guys
00:15:01can tell but I got that from Amazon. So in love with it. Oh look you guys we finally did this.
00:15:10She does that a couple times where like Destiny does stuff and she's like yeah we did this and
00:15:15at one point Destiny's like we we. Okay Destiny.
00:15:23Destiny did it. She put the bats for Halloween up above the couch. I love it. It looks like the
00:15:31bats are like coming from the corner and like flying away into nether netherland. What's
00:15:36another land? I think I meant to say never but anyways. Oh this is the blanket I used to use
00:15:41all the time in bed but since I have a new bed blanket like bed set. I can't even talk today. I
00:15:48literally just woke up so please don't mind me and I'm super tired. I decided just to keep it
00:15:53out here because it matches with the couch perfectly and I love like when people have
00:15:58throw blankets on their couches because that's just how I like it. I love being like comfy
00:16:06when I sit out here I just like sit down and cuddle up. I just love blankets but
00:16:11anyhow. I wanted to show you guys wasabi. We're dark in here but we got wasabi this sparkly green
00:16:24color because his name is wasabi. His eyes are green and wasabi is green. So most of his stuff
00:16:31is green. It's like a thing that we're doing but he's gotten so big you guys. It is intense.
00:16:41Look how big he is like what and that's not even him at his full size.
00:16:47Wasabi when did you get so big? Sometimes I'll fall asleep and say good night to him and I'll
00:16:51wake up and he's like five inches bigger and I don't know how it happens but it happens.
00:16:57Tell him all about it.
00:17:04Hi baby.
00:17:09She just woke up too. We're like a tired mess right now.
00:17:14How'd you sleep? Good. How's your breathing? Good. Right now it's good.
00:17:21Right now it's good. An update on Destiny's chest-ole area. She doesn't
00:17:30her chest-ole area doesn't have any pain anymore so that's a plus. She's always short of breath.
00:17:38I keep telling her make a doctor's appointment make a doctor's appointment so she's going to
00:17:42and the guy said that if her breathing gets worse then they're gonna do a stress test.
00:17:47She's only 20 years old like if she's short of breath obviously there's a reason and we need to
00:17:51figure it out like pronto. As for my hands update on my hand as you can tell I'm just wearing a
00:17:56band-aid now and I can close my hand more than I have been able to. I still have my stitches in
00:18:01there. I'm supposed to get them taken out like within the next two days and I'm really like
00:18:07nervous for it because A I don't know who's gonna take them out. I don't have a doctor. I don't know
00:18:13how to take out stitches. I know Destiny's step-mom is a nurse so we might contact her and see if
00:18:19she'll do it. As for the healing I look at it sometimes and I think that it's healing at a very
00:18:25slow rate because it is at a very odd place in my hand and I do use my hand a lot because I do work
00:18:31every single day. See another fib. She works every single day she says.
00:18:40Yeah I can't see why this was one of her confessionals then.
00:18:45That's one thing if she doesn't really mention it but the fact that she's playing it off that way
00:18:48then yeah definitely something she was lying about. Lies. Like today I shouldn't be working but they
00:18:54called me well they called Destiny because I wanted her to work tomorrow and she doesn't
00:18:59work tomorrow but they wanted her to do overtime. Common sense. You know what's so funny she like
00:19:04Common sense. You know what's so funny she like barely wears pants in any of her videos too.
00:19:10She's always saying that and like sometimes we see Destiny without pants on too so she's not
00:19:15too worried about filming anywhere other than like her head. And then while they were at it
00:19:21they're like you know what Tully and Berlin we need her Friday so I have to go in. Oh it's just
00:19:25like this whole mess. We're working on days where we don't need to be working but I guess it's more
00:19:28money. Destiny's so funny she has her head like in the plate while she's eating. If I don't eat
00:19:41those dumplings by it's almost October right? By November the 1st you can
00:19:51throw them away. Just throw them away. We have dumplings from work and Destiny never eats them
00:20:01even though we bring them home and she just froze them and I told her you're not gonna eat them so
00:20:06what's the point of freezing them? So now we have like a little bag going and wasabi is just all
00:20:11about this life. He always sits on the table. Oh a little wasabi holding the phone. I really don't
00:20:18care if our cat sits on the table. That's just me. I know a lot of people have different views.
00:20:28Kim that's so funny. That's why the roommate left. No one wears pants in this house.
00:20:33Views on that but anyways this is diet Pepsi wild cherry. She's about to make me this parmesan
00:20:42chicken thing. Chicken. Parmesan chicken. See that I told you Destiny's gonna be cooking the
00:20:48chicken fingers and pasta for Amberlynn. She's not gonna be cooking up uh or cutting up any
00:20:54avocados and making her salads. Oh my gosh she just flashed me. Chicken. Parmesan chicken.
00:21:05Oh my gosh she just flashed me. I really don't know what it is.
00:21:10Y'all right there. Wait this one sucks. I can never sit it. It's too freaking skinny. It doesn't
00:21:19want to sit anywhere. Hold on I will figure this out if it kills me. Baby will you eat two of them?
00:21:27What do you mean? Just leave one. Just leave one. I don't want two. I'm okay.
00:21:35Okay I think y'all can see me now. I look like a hood rat. Just got off of work but
00:21:40I'm feeling really nauseous. I just ate some veggies because I need to get my veggies in.
00:21:45I try to eat veggies every single night like broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower.
00:21:49It's just frozen kind so I just cook them in a pan or um I just boil them. That's what I do. I was
00:21:55feeling nauseous before that so it definitely wasn't that. I don't know what it is. What's
00:22:00I don't know what it is. What's wrong with me right now. I just don't feel good.
00:22:16Oh are you nibbling on my fingers?
00:22:24Oh okay I was about to show y'all he was cuddling on my lap and he just leaves.
00:22:30Oh we have some really really good news. I'm gonna let Dustin
00:22:37Well that's her lanyard that she got. The pearl lanyard. So yeah she is she's that would be
00:22:43something that she would be wearing around her neck at work though. Now I wonder if she wears it
00:22:47while she's at work because it has her house key and a key for work on it she said. Got some keys
00:22:52cut in the last video we watched. Yeah I wonder if she wears that at work. She probably shouldn't
00:22:58but yeah she does go to work with the necklaces on too when she's like volunteering.
00:23:02Maybe the one to tell you guys but we do have really good news.
00:23:16Oh yeah you should start your own band. We still haven't put our pumpkin away.
00:23:22Why are you flat? Destiny is feeling hyper today. She's insane. We haven't put our booth thing away
00:23:33and that thing goes on the door outside and it actually be so busy. Now she's rubbing her nipples.
00:23:44Yes Kim that makes sense but no these are just like it was just a regular lanyard from Walmart
00:23:49that looked cute. You just made him confused.
00:23:57Destiny likes the color but so do I so I like how we're liking that way
00:24:02and I remember she'd color on FaceTime. I'm gonna show you the picture
00:24:05when we'd FaceTime together. You did that while living here right? I don't remember. Yeah okay
00:24:13Did they see us? I think she did that while we were FaceTiming. I think so. Oh yeah.
00:24:21Oh that's not done yet? That's the one the first one she did while we were FaceTiming.
00:24:29I'm reading a book it's called Big Fat Disaster. It's about this
00:24:33you know overweight girl who's going through challenges with her family. It's not even really
00:24:37about her weight but like her parents are really rude to her about her weight and so is her sister
00:24:44and you want to see the irony of this? I'm using this as a bookmark
00:24:49a freaking sugar sugar sugar packet from work like okay
00:24:58my poor baby
00:25:11that's cute
00:25:15my mom wait
00:25:17do you want like a cup of beer?
00:25:20all right so during this video that we're watching today we're gonna get some good news and then some
00:25:25bad news later on about Destiny's mom but right now we're just getting the good news
00:25:32there my mom got like she got fixed after she had my little brother and her tubes tied
00:25:41yeah she got her tubes tied out about
00:25:45a month you have a bony ass and it's hurting sorry sorry about two months ago really because
00:25:53she had to recover from it she got her tubes untied because she wants to have a baby with
00:25:58my stepdad and um sorry that's a little sticky um this is their first month trying
00:26:09and she texted me today a picture of a pregnancy test she's pregnant all right so this is from
00:26:15Destiny's Instagram and then she posted the picture that her mom sent her
00:26:19isn't that amazing oh my god technology me and that
00:26:26sunny i was thinking she got fixed like she's an animal
00:26:33that baby will be 20 years apart you know there's nothing wrong with that actually almost 21 years
00:26:40apart because the baby if she's pregnant now is due in June and my birthday's in July so i'll be 21
00:26:45years older than that baby how do you feel about that
00:26:50i'll be going through a midlife crisis and the kid will be graduating high school
00:26:55that's not true is it yeah pretty much wait you'll be 38
00:27:02yeah that's almost a crisis when they're 18 that's almost a crisis to be 38
00:27:07i'll be almost 40 and the kid will be graduating a high school
00:27:13so uh kim she's not wearing any pants are you happy though
00:27:25yeah i'm excited i'm excited i want to see what this little fella's gonna look like yeah my mom
00:27:30wants a boy but no she says she doesn't carry the way but she wants to see when i see now
00:27:37amberlynn's gonna make it about herself i get i also say when i get pregnant like i'm ever getting
00:27:43pregnant when i have a child i want a girl i want a boy so we have an issue hermaphrodite
00:27:52nothing wrong with that though don't be mean
00:27:55oh you got a blackhead on the end of your nose i'm perfect that's why i am
00:28:00don't get it oh no oh no
00:28:07she always does she has the the cat earrings on who does that i'm a picker so how's your day been
00:28:16it's pretty good my day's been good too so my videos have been kind of boring lately i'm sure
00:28:22you've noticed my apologies i've just been really busy oh this girl's obnoxious it's not because
00:28:29she's being obnoxious hey i'm a hair bye guys bye the camera loves me
00:28:42bye guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i'll see you in the next one bye
00:28:47bye all right so here's part two kind of the conclusion to the evil avocado that ruined her
00:28:56life she's now going to get the stitches out while she's at work all right tell everybody hi
00:29:04our child's home hi maybe she'll want to be in youtube do you care yes look here i'm a fat cow
00:29:12you're a fat okay she calls herself a fat cow and then look at me
00:29:17come on i'm about to get my stitches tooken out did you clean it yes i cleaned it you just watched
00:29:24she's about to get them tooken out and then their friend casey here is just like taken out
00:29:32i'm scared why are you using the big ones we have a little pair where are they i don't know
00:29:38that's why what are you gonna do i'm going to like clip that part yes
00:29:43oh my god then what then we're gonna put doesn't this look it looks like these are the wrong
00:29:49scissors they look so big do you think in this facility they'd have some kind of proper um
00:29:58like smaller scissors to cut that out
00:30:08oh my gosh stop am i shaking like this i'm trying are the scissors too big
00:30:16oh my god why'd i feel that because it's stitched in your hand well at least somebody has an answer
00:30:23for her crackhead
00:30:28oh wait if she wouldn't quit moving
00:30:35look at that kim that answers our question right there she's got her key on still
00:30:40with the lanyard so she does wear it at work
00:30:44there's like a key ring on the floor there it's fine it's fine where it's at i guess
00:30:51they were in here i felt something you hold it you're crazy
00:30:59here we go all right
00:31:02this poor resident is asking for some cold water and they're just like
00:31:06not even acknowledging him and i think they're going to make him wait too
00:31:12hold on i think i found a vendor
00:31:15He needs cold water.
00:31:17All right.
00:31:20This poor resident is asking for some cold water and they're just like
00:31:25not even acknowledging him and I think they're gonna make him wait too.
00:31:31Hold on just a second.
00:31:32See there we go.
00:31:35Destiny can't go get the cold water.
00:31:36She has to be there to hold ambulance hand through this.
00:31:40They were rookies but I mean the hospital said I could do it myself so.
00:31:44Okay don't move.
00:31:45You're gonna have to cut twice because I have two of them.
00:31:52Oh why do I feel it?
00:31:54You're making me nervous.
00:31:55You'll be okay.
00:31:59Whoo this is kind of uh hard to watch.
00:32:04Because Casey's a profesh.
00:32:10We have those little bitty scissors.
00:32:12Kim yeah she said before that this is like the medicine room and that they're not supposed to be
00:32:17in here but this is where she's filming most of the most of the time when she's at work.
00:32:27She just took one out.
00:32:28Oh my god I felt it.
00:32:31We'll get it in a minute.
00:32:33I'm taking.
00:32:35This poor guy's still waiting for a drink.
00:32:37Get my stitches out.
00:32:43Literally you just took that out of me.
00:32:46What is all this?
00:32:47I don't even want to look.
00:32:49Then don't.
00:32:51Destiny you know what I'm coming.
00:32:54I probably do the part that looks like there's a knot.
00:32:58Oh really that's what you would do?
00:33:06Dang that happened like fast.
00:33:10Is this part of your stitches right here?
00:33:12Yeah that's her stitches.
00:33:18As the music from twilight plays in the background.
00:33:21Is it?
00:33:22When they're dancing at the homecoming thing.
00:33:26You like twilight?
00:33:30There we go.
00:33:30That was the coolest thing I've ever seen.
00:33:33So I can hardly feel my legs.
00:33:35I don't know about the rest of you.
00:33:36That makes me a little queasy watching it.
00:33:38I mean it's still like open and stuff because it was so bad but.
00:33:42But it's healed up.
00:33:43No I want.
00:33:44Do you have ointment?
00:33:46Oh there's something happening to me.
00:33:48I'm going in a man.
00:33:50I think I didn't do it.
00:33:52Well hold on and I'll walk down there with you okay?
00:33:54Oh that's tough.
00:33:56It doesn't hurt usually it stings.
00:33:58Look at it.
00:33:58Does that mean it's infected?
00:34:00It's clean in it.
00:34:04Do you have some at home?
00:34:06What is this one called?
00:34:10We have hydrogen peroxide.
00:34:12Yeah we do have some of that.
00:34:14Do you need a big bandaid or will a little one work?
00:34:18Okay well we're gonna wrap it.
00:34:20We don't have a big one that'll go.
00:34:22Like it's taking forever to heal but they told me to take the stitches out by now so.
00:34:26Yeah because they'll grow and get embedded into your skin if you don't take them off.
00:34:30This is just going to last you until you get home right?
00:34:32Yeah we're going to stop and get some more because I used my last one this morning.
00:34:40Do you want me to type it?
00:34:42No it should be fine.
00:34:46Okay so that was a process.
00:34:48You're welcome.
00:34:50That clipped you.
00:34:52It did.
00:34:54It did.
00:34:56It did.
00:34:58You're welcome.
00:35:00That clip you saw of me getting my stitches out.
00:35:02That was actually me at work.
00:35:04I just currently got off of work.
00:35:06Destiny was the one filming.
00:35:08The one doing the taking out the stitches and wrapped up my hand.
00:35:10Her name is Casey.
00:35:12She's my co-worker.
00:35:14Also a friend of mine.
00:35:16I was honestly really scared to get them taken.
00:35:18Why are you throwing stuff at me?
00:35:20Destiny's uh.
00:35:22She's so short.
00:35:24She has to get out.
00:35:26Like of the car.
00:35:28To attend the bank.
00:35:30Putting money in the bank.
00:35:32Because yes.
00:35:34To attend the bank.
00:35:38They're at the drive through bank machine.
00:35:40The ATM.
00:35:42Today our electric was due.
00:35:44Our roommate was a day late giving us the money for it.
00:35:46That's okay.
00:35:48She gave it to us.
00:35:50Why is this information we need to know?
00:35:52Oh yeah it's not.
00:35:54It was.
00:35:56Yeah she gave it to us this morning at 3 o'clock.
00:35:58Sorry I was getting confused.
00:36:02Just like she was blaming.
00:36:04Uh the.
00:36:06Roommate for the reason why she would have to refill the candy jar.
00:36:08Blaming her for why the.
00:36:10Bills are late.
00:36:14Had to put the money in the bank.
00:36:16We already paid for it yesterday.
00:36:18If you guys don't know.
00:36:20Destiny's actually 5 foot even.
00:36:22Like when I met her online.
00:36:24I was really nervous like.
00:36:26How it would look us like standing together.
00:36:28Because I'm already like so fat.
00:36:30I didn't want to be like this mega giant.
00:36:32We're actually pretty close in height.
00:36:34It's weird like I am 4 inches taller than her.
00:36:36But it doesn't really look that way.
00:36:38I was really scared to get my stitches out.
00:36:40And it actually went better than I thought it did.
00:36:42I don't know if you guys can tell.
00:36:44But it did.
00:36:46Right now we're on our way to Walmart.
00:36:48Because our roommate wants us to pick up some spaghettios.
00:36:50And some Chef Warradee raviolis.
00:36:56Oh man.
00:36:58That sounds like stuff that Destiny wants to eat.
00:37:00Rather than the roommate.
00:37:02But let's blame it on the roommate again.
00:37:04I mean it's quite possible.
00:37:06That it's the roommate asking them to pick up some stuff.
00:37:08But it's just kind of funny how she says it.
00:37:10Which I hate.
00:37:12I hate Chef Warradee.
00:37:14It's the worst tasting stuff in the world.
00:37:16And then that's what Becky eats a lot of too.
00:37:18Eventually when she meets Becky.
00:37:20There's a lot of Chef Warradee in the cupboard.
00:37:24Spaghettios is pretty bomb though.
00:37:26And I also need to get some bigger band-aids.
00:37:28And probably just like a couple other things.
00:37:30I don't know.
00:37:32I totally forgot to end my vlog last night.
00:37:34So I just woke up.
00:37:36I'm just going to be getting ready for work.
00:37:38Yes I slept in the shirt that I wore to work.
00:37:40It's called coming home and being extremely lazy.
00:37:42This is what she does a lot too.
00:37:44She sleeps in what she's worn all day.
00:37:46It's just a thing that she does.
00:37:48I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
00:37:50I have to film a weigh in video real quick.
00:37:52And I will see you in my next one.
00:37:56Hello everybody.
00:37:58So it's time for a good old weigh in.
00:38:00What happens during my weigh ins is.
00:38:02I have this little handy dandy journal.
00:38:04That I write in every single day.
00:38:06While I'm tracking or not tracking.
00:38:10Every day I'll write down how I did.
00:38:12Or what I was feeling.
00:38:14Alright yeah.
00:38:16So we have another weight watchers update.
00:38:18And a weigh in.
00:38:20Real quick.
00:38:22To share to you guys.
00:38:24And for me to remember in the future.
00:38:26On how I lost the weight.
00:38:28At the end of it all I will give you my weigh in.
00:38:30And how much I lost.
00:38:32Or how much I gained.
00:38:34So let's get to it.
00:38:36You guys will find that this week has been.
00:38:38A mess of some sort.
00:38:40If you see me looking down.
00:38:42Because I'm looking down at my journal.
00:38:44And just like to clarify.
00:38:46On Sunday September 20th.
00:38:48I ended up eating at Denny's.
00:38:50After work.
00:38:52And I also ate a Ben and Jerry.
00:38:54Which I have not done in a long time.
00:38:56As we all know Ben and Jerry's are a full pint.
00:38:58And I ate the whole thing.
00:39:00And one day I ate 63 in my 63 daily.
00:39:02And I ate 71 weekly.
00:39:0671 weekly.
00:39:08And she only had like 45 weekly I think.
00:39:10So yeah.
00:39:12She really wasn't sticking to her plan that day.
00:39:16And one day.
00:39:18So that put me in a negative 22 out of 49.
00:39:22Was following.
00:39:28That co-worker Casey.
00:39:30She seems quite annoyed by Amberlynn and Destiny quite a bit.
00:39:32More so Amberlynn.
00:39:34But I also don't think she likes when the camera's on her.
00:39:38And that's what the points entail.
00:39:40I am allowed 63 daily.
00:39:42And 49 weekly.
00:39:44September 21st.
00:39:46Which was Monday.
00:39:48I just completely stopped tracking midday.
00:39:50I didn't write down why or anything.
00:39:52But I'm assuming I was probably overwhelmed.
00:39:54And I might have over ate already.
00:39:56Wednesday September 23rd.
00:39:58I did not track because.
00:40:00So if we go back.
00:40:02I think that's when she said.
00:40:04That her brother had called her.
00:40:06And that she took like 5 days off from vlogging.
00:40:08Because I binged.
00:40:10I wrote down that I regretted it.
00:40:12And I felt extremely hopeless.
00:40:14That's honestly a really sad feeling.
00:40:16Is to feel that hopelessness.
00:40:18In this weight loss journey sometimes.
00:40:20You feel like you don't know where to turn.
00:40:22Or what to do.
00:40:24How to get your control.
00:40:26Especially when you are a binge eater like me.
00:40:28Thursday September 24th.
00:40:30I did track all day long.
00:40:32I did really really good.
00:40:34Went home. Sat in bed.
00:40:36Was exhausted from working all day.
00:40:38And I ended up eating a little too much.
00:40:40And I did not log a single bite of it.
00:40:42Friday September 25th.
00:40:44I ended up weighing myself.
00:40:46And I gained some weight.
00:40:48I looked in the mirror and I was like.
00:40:50No I'm not.
00:40:52It was the co-worker went in.
00:40:54With the garden shears.
00:40:56To take the stitches out.
00:40:58While Destiny filmed the process.
00:41:00And held Amberlynn's hand.
00:41:02In the background there's the guy asking for the water.
00:41:04Then he asks something else.
00:41:06And Destiny is like.
00:41:08Yeah yeah just a second.
00:41:10They were all concentrating on that hand.
00:41:12For a little bit.
00:41:14I'm not going to allow myself to let this happen again.
00:41:16I told myself that.
00:41:18Whether I am following Weight Watchers.
00:41:20Or doing some other program.
00:41:22I need to lose this weight.
00:41:24It doesn't matter how I do it.
00:41:26As long as I am being healthy.
00:41:28I need to do it.
00:41:30I am realizing that I do do a lot better.
00:41:32When I am not counting Weight Watcher points.
00:41:34Saturday September 26th.
00:41:36Which was yesterday.
00:41:38I did not track at all.
00:41:40I purely just watched my portions.
00:41:42And I tried to make better choices.
00:41:44I did really good all day.
00:41:46I did try the Truffle Fries New Lays chips.
00:41:48Crystal recommended them.
00:41:50So I was like okay I gotta try them.
00:41:52So I did try them.
00:41:54I knew I was going to eat.
00:41:56Guess whose fault it is.
00:41:58Eat more than I probably should.
00:42:00So I made sure to eat less at dinner.
00:42:02So I didn't over eat.
00:42:04If you will.
00:42:06I do feel like I ate too many chips.
00:42:08But you know things happen.
00:42:10So as you guys remember.
00:42:12Last week I weighed.
00:42:16And when I weighed in today.
00:42:18I was 417.8
00:42:20So I am down 1.4 this full week.
00:42:22So that means I am down.
00:42:244.2 in total.
00:42:26It absolutely amazes me.
00:42:30So she is down 4.2.
00:42:32In the month of September.
00:42:36When she does other diets.
00:42:38And stuff.
00:42:40And if she is not down 4 pounds a day.
00:42:42She just gives up on it.
00:42:44So I think she is just kind of.
00:42:46Being a little.
00:42:48Delusional here.
00:42:50With what is going on.
00:42:52She is just fine with it.
00:42:54She is just glad she is not gaining weight.
00:42:56Rather than.
00:42:58Trying to actually get.
00:43:00Be healthier.
00:43:02And it is probably.
00:43:04A little easier.
00:43:06For her to not care as much.
00:43:08As what she is eating.
00:43:10Because she feels probably.
00:43:12That she is exercising.
00:43:14Some of those calories off.
00:43:16While she is at work.
00:43:18Walking around and stuff.
00:43:20It is just unfortunate.
00:43:22That she is not taking it seriously.
00:43:24And they are still.
00:43:26Eating what they want.
00:43:28And you know.
00:43:30Destiny is not the greatest influence.
00:43:32And Destiny is cooking her meals.
00:43:34That are not the greatest.
00:43:36But we are going to see.
00:43:38That this really does not change much.
00:43:40I have been down every single week.
00:43:42Normally I come at you guys.
00:43:44And I am like.
00:43:46I gained a bunch of weight.
00:43:48This and that.
00:43:50But this week.
00:43:52Is a mix of me gaining weight.
00:43:54And it feels really amazing.
00:43:56To be able to come here.
00:43:58To you guys every Sunday.
00:44:00With a weight loss.
00:44:02And I hope I can continue that.
00:44:04So my overall intake of this week.
00:44:06Is that Weight Watchers.
00:44:08Might not be for me.
00:44:10Because I feel myself.
00:44:12Messing up and binging.
00:44:14Every single day that I start tracking.
00:44:16Even if I completed a full day.
00:44:18You are trying to meet your allotted.
00:44:20Points goal.
00:44:22Which seems to be pretty high.
00:44:24For what you are used to.
00:44:30I think that is what is happening.
00:44:32Maybe it is the restriction of counting points.
00:44:34It is the.
00:44:36I guess she doesn't.
00:44:38She said that she is not really restricted.
00:44:40Because she has got more points.
00:44:42Than she knows what to do with.
00:44:44Feeling of being overwhelmed.
00:44:46Very time consuming.
00:44:48This full next week.
00:44:50I plan on not counting a single Weight Watcher point.
00:44:52I purely want to just.
00:44:54Eat smaller portions.
00:44:56Alright so this was the first time.
00:44:58That she decided she was going to pay for Weight Watchers.
00:45:00So I guess it didn't really work out for her this month.
00:45:02Make better choices.
00:45:04Be in my head.
00:45:06Be smarter about everything.
00:45:08That I put into my mouth.
00:45:10I hope another freaking fantastic weigh in.
00:45:12Will come your guys way.
00:45:14Just because I am not doing Weight Watchers.
00:45:16Does not mean I am going to stop weighing in.
00:45:18Every single Sunday is my weigh in day.
00:45:20And I promise I will not stop.
00:45:22So I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
00:45:24Hope you guys are doing fantastic on your weight loss.
00:45:26And just embrace.
00:45:28The weight loss.
00:45:30No matter.
00:45:32If you have days.
00:45:34Where you feel like giving up.
00:45:36If you have days where you are like.
00:45:38This program isn't working for me.
00:45:40Try to figure out what works for you.
00:45:42What might not work for you.
00:45:44It doesn't matter how we do it.
00:45:46It just matters if it is happening.
00:45:54Oh my goodness.
00:45:56I am surprised that is not followed by like.
00:45:58Who said it.
00:46:00It was Amberlynn Reid.
00:46:02I hope you guys.
00:46:04Had a great day.
00:46:06Great night whenever you are watching this.
00:46:08And I will see you in my next one.
00:46:10So right now we are just at a restaurant.
00:46:12Golden Corral.
00:46:14It is a great way to start off.
00:46:16The next phase.
00:46:18Of the weight loss series here.
00:46:20We are going to Golden Corral.
00:46:22If you are not aware.
00:46:24It is just a big buffet.
00:46:26We have a day off today.
00:46:28That feels really nice.
00:46:30It is the only day off that we both have.
00:46:32We both work 6 days a week.
00:46:34So it is kind of like exhausting.
00:46:36I feel like it is really getting the best of me.
00:46:40What is all that?
00:46:46She is not required to go in with Destiny.
00:46:48So she can stay home.
00:46:50I don't understand why she is not staying home by herself.
00:46:52Is part of staying home.
00:46:54Meaning that she has to.
00:46:56Take care of Leia the puppy.
00:46:58And that is just.
00:47:00She would rather not be home all day.
00:47:02It is just a weird thing.
00:47:04That she just doesn't want to be at that apartment.
00:47:06I don't know.
00:47:08Maybe she has seen a couple ghosts already.
00:47:10And she just hasn't talked about it.
00:47:14Some chocolate dipped marshmallow.
00:47:16And a strawberry.
00:47:18Oh shit.
00:47:20They have a white chocolate fountain.
00:47:22I am going to show you guys.
00:47:24Are you going to wash my purse for me?
00:47:28A spoon.
00:47:30Lately I have been loving white chocolate.
00:47:32They also have a bigger chocolate one.
00:47:34But that is normal.
00:47:36Oh my gosh.
00:47:38So that is my dessert plate.
00:47:40Nice and empty.
00:47:42Well Sunny.
00:47:44Who would cut the avocados up for her?
00:47:46Like when Destiny is not there.
00:47:48Who is going to make her food?
00:47:52Because she seems like she is scared of the kitchen.
00:47:54At this point.
00:47:56I wanted ice cream.
00:47:58From that little container right there.
00:48:00But no one is there to scoop it.
00:48:02So I don't know what to do.
00:48:06How is your strawberry?
00:48:08Can I try it?
00:48:12It is so funny.
00:48:14When she asks her how something is.
00:48:16And Destiny's mouth is full.
00:48:18And she just keeps nodding her head.
00:48:24Go closer.
00:48:30I got some on my nose.
00:48:32Well that was a dainty little bite.
00:48:34That is good.
00:48:36Maybe I want some of those.
00:48:38Actually I do.
00:48:52That is so dysfunctional.
00:48:54She is not going to be eating.
00:48:56The stem.
00:49:00She covers the top in chocolate.
00:49:02The part where you don't eat it.
00:49:04And then leaves the part where you actually eat.
00:49:08Just bare strawberry.
00:49:12It is her first time. It is all good.
00:49:14I made a mess.
00:49:30She gets two.
00:49:34She is doing good at the moderation thing.
00:49:38I decided to get a scoop of butter pecan.
00:49:40I have never had it before.
00:49:42Walk how you are walking.
00:49:46Oh man.
00:49:48Wasabi is over it.
00:49:50Okay so we have.
00:49:52What is it called? A pest?
00:49:54What am I doing? I am putting wasabi in here.
00:49:56I am not.
00:49:58We have a pest person coming in tomorrow.
00:50:00In our apartment.
00:50:02We have to take wasabi.
00:50:04And put them somewhere.
00:50:06So we are going to put them at your parents house.
00:50:10I like your shirt.
00:50:12This is how.
00:50:14Amberlynn gets so many compliments.
00:50:16Hi. I like your shirt.
00:50:18Hi. I like your purse.
00:50:20Hi. I like your necklace.
00:50:26I got so many compliments today.
00:50:30We are seeing it live in action here.
00:50:34I was getting nervous.
00:50:36I have an idea.
00:50:38What is your idea?
00:50:40I just had an idea.
00:50:42Put him somewhere else.
00:50:44I need to get in the glove compartment.
00:50:46Okay so I have wasabi in here.
00:50:48Because we are going to bring him.
00:50:52He looks so comfortable in there.
00:50:54Poor thing.
00:50:56Put him in the back seat.
00:50:58She just got him floating around in the air here.
00:51:00All in Destiny's way.
00:51:04To Destiny's dad's house.
00:51:06For just the night.
00:51:08Put your phone somewhere where you record.
00:51:12What is this?
00:51:14You never seen those things where you stick right here and it's a go thing?
00:51:16Oh yeah.
00:51:18I don't know if it will hold.
00:51:20I just got to get it wet again.
00:51:22When you want to record us.
00:51:24Like talking in the car.
00:51:26You can just set it right here.
00:51:28The pest stuff is fine for animals.
00:51:30But we just don't trust it.
00:51:32We want our baby to be okay.
00:51:34And he seems to be very calm.
00:51:36Which is really awesome.
00:51:38This is a calm freaking cat.
00:51:40Besides when he wants to go have fun.
00:51:42He's crazy.
00:51:44We brought food for him.
00:51:46His favorite toy.
00:51:48His favorite little bed thing he likes to lay in.
00:51:50We're hoping he'll be alright.
00:51:52We're just going to put him in Destiny's old room.
00:51:54It'll be good.
00:51:56I'm just going to miss him.
00:51:58Oh wow.
00:52:00That's cool.
00:52:02My phone is going to fall when she starts driving.
00:52:08You can put it like that.
00:52:10That's neat.
00:52:12This is what it looks like.
00:52:14She's had it forever.
00:52:16I've had it for a year.
00:52:18It's been in her glove thing.
00:52:20That's neat though.
00:52:22I've always wanted it.
00:52:26Her glove department.
00:52:28Where did you get it from?
00:52:32How much was it?
00:52:34Maybe we can get a new one.
00:52:36Destiny is all about that life.
00:52:38Let's just keep reusing stuff for 10 years.
00:52:40You just have to get it wet again.
00:52:42It says it's forever usable.
00:52:46So basically
00:52:48Destiny likes to reuse things.
00:52:50And Amberlynn likes to waste them.
00:52:54Forever usable.
00:52:56That's what the box said.
00:52:58Gotta get it wet again.
00:53:00It's back there.
00:53:02It's just not been wet for a long time.
00:53:04It's been dry.
00:53:06So this used to be Destiny's room.
00:53:08Her sister made it into a closet type deal.
00:53:12All her perfumes there.
00:53:14Clothes are in there.
00:53:16That's a bathroom and her room is the next place.
00:53:18She has a maid up in here.
00:53:20Look at that.
00:53:22You guys don't have a bunch of earrings?
00:53:24That is the greatest idea ever.
00:53:26This is like a canvas type thing.
00:53:28And she just poked it in there.
00:53:30Super smart.
00:53:32That is Destiny.
00:53:34Destiny, how old were you here?
00:53:36I don't know.
00:53:38That's Cora, her sister.
00:53:40Timothy, her brother.
00:53:42That was forever ago.
00:53:44That was like 14, 15.
00:53:46So like 6 years ago.
00:53:48Her stepdad Ronnie and her mom Mindy.
00:53:50Which I freaking love to death.
00:53:52I love her so much.
00:53:54Who's this?
00:53:58I can't see.
00:54:00That guy in the corner.
00:54:02And is this you?
00:54:04The one next to it?
00:54:06It looks like you.
00:54:08So cute.
00:54:10He's exploring.
00:54:12He's just exploring everything.
00:54:14We brought him his bed.
00:54:16His favorite toy.
00:54:20Cat box.
00:54:22Cat box.
00:54:26Why is there poop in there?
00:54:28Why didn't they scoop it
00:54:30before coming over here?
00:54:32What's happening right now?
00:54:38Cat box.
00:54:40You'll be okay.
00:54:42I'm going to miss him so much.
00:54:44Do you think he'll be okay in here?
00:54:48Are your sisters okay with it?
00:54:50This is our equipment.
00:54:52I miss Wasabi already.
00:54:54Me too.
00:54:56Our little boys growing up.
00:54:58Going off to college.
00:55:00I told Destiny when we have kids
00:55:02setting them off to school is going to be rough.
00:55:04So they're just going to be homeschooled.
00:55:06Are you dazing out?
00:55:10Our kids aren't being homeschooled.
00:55:12No, they're not.
00:55:16Right now we're going to go to her grandma's house.
00:55:20we haven't seen her in quite some time.
00:55:22Because we're always busy.
00:55:24We're going to go pop in and say what's up homie?
00:55:26What's up homie?
00:55:28I'm going to look good for you.
00:55:30Good for you.
00:55:32What's up homie?
00:55:34I'm going to look good for you.
00:55:36Good for you.
00:55:38You know that song by Selena Gomez?
00:55:40Why am I trying to turn?
00:55:42Don't be trying to crash kill us already.
00:55:44I was trying to go to work.
00:55:46We're not going to work today.
00:55:48You guys heard that song by Selena Gomez?
00:55:50I do not like her at all, but I love that song.
00:55:52So maybe I might like her just a little now.
00:55:54Don't you like it?
00:55:56It's good.
00:55:58She knows what's up.
00:56:00Look at that.
00:56:02Your hair is cute.
00:56:16American Horror Story.
00:56:18When they're in the asylum
00:56:20and the girl is crazy.
00:56:22She's like,
00:56:24what is the lady's name?
00:56:26The main lady?
00:56:28Jessica Lange.
00:56:30I don't remember.
00:56:32In that one she's like,
00:56:34I had a cucumber for lunch,
00:56:36but you know what I did to that?
00:56:38I didn't eat it.
00:56:40I didn't eat it.
00:56:42I didn't eat it.
00:56:44I didn't eat it.
00:56:46I didn't eat it.
00:56:52Destiny's grandma
00:56:54gave us a cucumber.
00:56:56Destiny really likes cucumbers.
00:56:58Here, take it.
00:57:00You better eat it.
00:57:02I'm gone.
00:57:04Guess what purse I used today
00:57:06that I haven't used in forever?
00:57:08My Rebecca Minkoff.
00:57:10Remember when I bought this last Christmas?
00:57:12It was $200, but it was so worth it.
00:57:14Where is the bag?
00:57:16Where is it?
00:57:18They're right there, Dingledorf.
00:57:20What's a Dingledorf?
00:57:30Alright, so it seems like they had a nice visit
00:57:32with Destiny's grandmother.
00:57:34This is just about it.
00:57:38Kitchen stuff
00:57:40that her grandma got us.
00:57:44I am, like,
00:57:46really wanting some ice cream,
00:57:48even though I had some at, like,
00:57:50earlier, like, six hours ago.
00:57:52I want some right now.
00:57:56did you lock it?
00:57:58That was my purse.
00:58:00Oh, gosh.
00:58:02I'm, like, craving ice cream 24-7.
00:58:04I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:58:06Destiny, did you get me pre-
00:58:10I've been wearing one for-
00:58:12I'm, like, craving ice cream 24-7.
00:58:14I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:58:16Destiny, did you get me pregnant?
00:58:18That seems a little inappropriate
00:58:20considering what Destiny's about
00:58:22to tell us here.
00:58:26but yeah, Amberlynn's weakness is definitely
00:58:28ice cream. Mac and cheese!
00:58:30Hey, good to see you.
00:58:32I want to give you guys, like, an update
00:58:34on my hand. I'm currently not
00:58:36wearing a band-aid or a bandage.
00:58:38I stopped last night just because
00:58:40I feel like I need to air it out.
00:58:42I've been wearing one for, like, almost two weeks,
00:58:44and I think it's about that time where
00:58:46it needs to heal with, like,
00:58:50environment, you know, not just be
00:58:52secluded inside of a band-aid.
00:58:54So, this is how it looks right now.
00:58:56It really is healing.
00:58:58It's no longer
00:59:00a really deep-opened
00:59:02nasty thing.
00:59:04That's nice to see. I have noticed
00:59:06that I've had to peel off skin.
00:59:08No, not scab skin
00:59:10because it was so swollen
00:59:12that I kind of just had, like, this extra
00:59:14skin chill in there, and I didn't know what to do
00:59:16with it, so I kind of just peeled it off.
00:59:18Destiny hates when I do that.
00:59:20What is she wearing right now?
00:59:22Please tell us.
00:59:24It's a slumber cap.
00:59:26A slumber cap? Are you slumbering
00:59:28right now?
00:59:30Then what are you doing?
00:59:32When I went to buy shower caps
00:59:34for a resident, I bought
00:59:36a slumber cap on accident.
00:59:38So, while I've been cleaning, I put it on so the hair would
00:59:40stay out of my eyes.
00:59:42And now I'm eating ice cream.
00:59:44Guess what this is?
00:59:46Crystal sent me some of my stuff that I
00:59:48left in Virginia because
00:59:50I threw away a bunch of stuff
00:59:52or I sent it to Goodwill,
00:59:54and there was just, like, a few things
00:59:56that I couldn't do
00:59:58in either of those things because I still
01:00:00wanted them, but we weren't sure if I was going to have enough
01:00:02room in the van when Destiny came
01:00:04and got me. Crystal and her mom said, you know what?
01:00:06We'll just send you some stuff. So, if you leave some stuff here,
01:00:08we'll send it to you. So, this is the first box they sent
01:00:12Okay, so we're going to take a look back at what
01:00:14when she actually talked about that.
01:00:16Saying that it was going to cost a little bit
01:00:18more money than she had hoped.
01:00:20Or she didn't want them to, sorry,
01:00:22she didn't want them to spend money on sending
01:00:24her items.
01:00:26But, I guess that's what happened.
01:00:28Because she said
01:00:30this is, like, the first box, so
01:00:32there's going to be more boxes coming.
01:00:34Crystal's parents offered to ship me
01:00:36stuff that I left here. I don't want to have to make them
01:00:38pay that kind of money, so I'm either
01:00:40A. Bring it all with me now.
01:00:42B. Throwing it away. C. Goodwill.
01:00:44I have no problem with that. Stop tickling my feet
01:00:46you're a brat and a half.
01:00:48It's, um...
01:00:52She just
01:00:54pulled my foot hair!
01:00:56Her foot hair!
01:00:58It's books.
01:01:00I want to read books.
01:01:02Stop. Books. Stop touching
01:01:04my feet!
01:01:10You're being
01:01:20And some more, like, notepads.
01:01:24this is just stuff I couldn't get rid of
01:01:26and blah blah. I still have to
01:01:28put those things away and I haven't
01:01:32This book is going to my
01:01:34coworker because I finished it.
01:01:36I'm still reading Big Fat Disaster.
01:01:38I, like, never have time to
01:01:40read, I feel like, but when I'm done with that,
01:01:42I'm giving it to my coworker. This book is
01:01:44Destiny's. I already read Crank, which
01:01:46was really good. This is also by the same
01:01:48person as Crank and this is called Identical and I
01:01:50haven't yet read that yet, so I will be
01:01:52reading that as well. I really think
01:01:54I'm, like, so annoying.
01:01:56I'm so annoying. I'm an annoying
01:01:58person. Do you think so?
01:02:00My ear's ringing.
01:02:02Why is your ear ringing? It does that sometimes.
01:02:04Oh, but you didn't answer. Am I annoying?
01:02:06Am I annoying?
01:02:10Look at me!
01:02:12You look stupid, like,
01:02:14really. Okay, Destiny and I
01:02:16joke around with each other all the time. We're really not
01:02:18being mean to each other. We love each other so much
01:02:20and I just kind of wanted to say that.
01:02:22So when they break up,
01:02:24she says that they have this
01:02:26relationship where they
01:02:28can say really mean things
01:02:30to each other one moment and then
01:02:32be best friends the next and I think
01:02:34it's just because, like, mostly Destiny
01:02:36when Amberlynn says stuff to
01:02:38her, Destiny kind of just ignores it, pretends
01:02:40like it didn't happen and then continues on.
01:02:44Wanna look good
01:02:46for ya? Good for ya?
01:02:50Why do you keep going, look good for ya?
01:02:52Good for ya?
01:02:58You have a bunch of clothes.
01:03:00What are you doing with my bobby pins?
01:03:04Let me show them.
01:03:08Jack the skeleton.
01:03:12Skellington. Oh.
01:03:14Destiny, stop.
01:03:16You're being so annoying.
01:03:18We're both annoying. We're just the annoying duo.
01:03:20But you need to
01:03:22stop. You need to get those clothes out of
01:03:24the back of the bathroom.
01:03:26Thank you. Destiny goes
01:03:28How do you
01:03:30fold a circle? And I'm just like
01:03:32the same way you fold a square. I mean, I don't know.
01:03:36I have faith in you.
01:03:38And I'll fold it in half again. I would help her but
01:03:40I'm trying to have my
01:03:42Oh, my video is done processing. I thought it was
01:03:44still processing. I just upload my
01:03:46I Stabbed Myself video.
01:03:48I'm sure people are gonna think
01:03:50I'm faking it, but nope. I really
01:03:52did. I stabbed myself.
01:03:54And that shit hurt.
01:03:58Look how good you did.
01:04:00I did terrible. No, you did good.
01:04:02I would have done worse.
01:04:04So Amberlynn couldn't help her
01:04:06fold because she was waiting for her video to
01:04:08upload. You don't have to hold the laptop
01:04:10for the video to upload.
01:04:12Oh, my God.
01:04:14The excuses and
01:04:16Oh, my goodness.
01:04:18Let me see it. Let me show them.
01:04:20I was like 13.
01:04:2214. 13?
01:04:2414-year-old Destiny?
01:04:26You know, sometimes I wonder how well
01:04:28Destiny's glasses actually work because she usually
01:04:30holds things pretty close to her face.
01:04:32Destiny Paige
01:04:34So you played basketball
01:04:36for the church.
01:04:38That's so crazy.
01:04:40Oh, my gosh. That's
01:04:42six years ago.
01:04:44The coach on the left looks like he doesn't
01:04:46not want to be there.
01:04:48Six years ago. Like that doesn't even
01:04:50look like you.
01:04:52Oh, at least it don't look like it to me.
01:04:54So Destiny has
01:04:56something to tell you guys. My mom
01:04:58miscarried today. She's in the emergency
01:05:00room still. She was only
01:05:02like not even a month pregnant, so
01:05:04it's not like she has to get surgery or
01:05:08She's just bleeding a lot and cramping.
01:05:10So if they smoked,
01:05:12I'd say Destiny smoked
01:05:14tonight. That's why she's doing all this
01:05:16cleaning. And look at the way she
01:05:20I don't know if she really was, but
01:05:22yeah, so this isn't really
01:05:24great for Amberlynn saying, Hey,
01:05:26Destiny, did you get me pregnant? Saying
01:05:28that she was craving ice
01:05:30cream. She's craving ice cream
01:05:32all the time.
01:05:34To me, that's like she
01:05:36lost a child. In my opinion, I feel
01:05:38like when girls miscarry,
01:05:40Amberlynn has to make this more
01:05:42like, it's already
01:05:44traumatic, but she's got to make it
01:05:46dramatically traumatic
01:05:48just like the avocado.
01:05:50That means
01:05:52they have lost a child. Yeah.
01:05:54Is she going to keep trying? Yeah.
01:05:56She said she's like, I'll just keep trying.
01:05:58It was only their first
01:06:00first month trying
01:06:02to get pregnant.
01:06:04And with the procedures she
01:06:06had done, there's a very big chance that she
01:06:08gets either a chemical pregnancy
01:06:10or a pregnancy in her
01:06:12tubes. And if she got pregnant in her tubes,
01:06:14they would have to remove the
01:06:16baby because otherwise it would make her
01:06:18fallopian tube blow up.
01:06:20We're just hoping for the best. Yeah.
01:06:22And we're here to end the vlog.
01:06:24Thank you guys for watching and we'll see you
01:06:26in the next one. Bye.
01:06:30I just can't believe it.
01:06:36So we made it through September
01:06:382015. Now I said
01:06:40previously that we've come to
01:06:42the end of our 2017
01:06:44timeline because
01:06:46well basically
01:06:48I have been covering the
01:06:52since January. So we went
01:06:54from 2016
01:06:56into the 2017 but that was
01:06:58before I took all the videos off my channel.
01:07:00So when I started
01:07:02again putting out
01:07:04the timeline videos
01:07:06we were basically in the middle
01:07:08of June 2017.
01:07:12we still have, we actually
01:07:14still have a lot of 2017 to watch
01:07:16like the first half of it. And I
01:07:18kind of forgot about that. But that stuff
01:07:20that stuff's pretty interesting too.
01:07:22That's like right when
01:07:24she breaks, like it's when
01:07:28halfway through January they break
01:07:30up. And then
01:07:32she starts doing things on her
01:07:34own. And then she meets
01:07:36Becky. So then she stops
01:07:38doing things on her own.
01:07:40But she still
01:07:42has some friends from when she was
01:07:44working the job. So
01:07:46like there's still, there's some interesting
01:07:48things that are going on there. And I don't
01:07:50have it on YouTube right now. Those are only
01:07:52on my daily motion pages. So I'm
01:07:54thinking that we should take another
01:07:56look at that. Just so
01:07:58it's on here. I want to be able
01:08:00to make playlists on my channel that
01:08:02you're able to go to that
01:08:04playlist and then start watching all
01:08:06of the content from
01:08:08January right up until November.
01:08:10And now I'm not going to add the December
01:08:12stuff because I'm going to make those into
01:08:14Vlogmas videos.
01:08:16Which some of them I already did. So
01:08:18like we'll just review them maybe
01:08:20in December or something.
01:08:22But I was like busy
01:08:24trying to make a new channel
01:08:26here. Trying to figure out what to do with my stuff.
01:08:28So I didn't do Vlogmas
01:08:30last year or Vlogtober.
01:08:32And like I'm probably
01:08:34I'm probably
01:08:36not going to do Vlogtober this year.
01:08:38But I'd like to do something for
01:08:42Because we have
01:08:44a lot of the Decembers
01:08:46that I haven't really covered.
01:08:48Because I'd like to save them for
01:08:50actual Decembers.
01:08:54what I was working on today before
01:08:56I went live was the
01:08:58July 2016. Because that's where
01:09:00we're at. We've already covered
01:09:04to July.
01:09:06Or to June I guess.
01:09:082016 on my YouTube channel
01:09:10here. So if you go in
01:09:12to the playlist. Go into
01:09:16Then you'll have all the videos there
01:09:18that Amberlynn put together
01:09:20and that I reacted to.
01:09:24January till
01:09:30what I'm doing right now with July
01:09:32it's going to be like 5 hours
01:09:34probably worth of content. Because she did a lot of the
01:09:36sit down videos and
01:09:38I put those together too.
01:09:40And what I'm
01:09:42doing with that is I have
01:09:46video that she made where she's talking
01:09:48about all the stuff that happened in
01:09:502016 and I'm putting all
01:09:52those little clips in
01:09:54where the events are taking place.
01:09:56So that Destiny
01:09:58has given us a little bit more information than
01:10:00we would normally have just watching
01:10:02the timeline. So I think
01:10:04what I'm going to do is maybe
01:10:06continue on that journey
01:10:12July 2016.
01:10:14Obviously not all of it because it's like
01:10:16yeah it's a lot of hours but I'd
01:10:18like to do that this week.
01:10:22I also
01:10:24last night put together
01:10:26the 2024
01:10:28stuff of
01:10:30this month.
01:10:34the stuff that Amberlynn put out I think
01:10:36there's only like a couple videos
01:10:38that I didn't finish because
01:10:40they're like the end of June.
01:10:42But I got right up until mid June
01:10:44she was doing lots of vlogging.
01:10:46So that's something else we
01:10:48can take a look at.
01:10:52But yeah since I have so much of that
01:10:542016 and
01:10:562017 timeline
01:10:58it's not on YouTube so
01:11:00I should probably put it back on YouTube and keep
01:11:02going with that. Because right now
01:11:04it's on my Dailymotion and I'm not really
01:11:06I haven't really been working on my Dailymotion
01:11:08I haven't uploaded anything to them
01:11:10in a while because I've just been
01:11:12working on this stuff.
01:11:16So then yeah we'll have
01:11:18October to do.
01:11:20October 2015 to do but
01:11:22I think I'm going to skip right to
01:11:24July of 2016.
01:11:26We'll do that tomorrow and then I'll
01:11:28keep going July, August, September
01:11:30October, November
01:11:32there's lots of that stuff and then we
01:11:34just go right up until
01:11:36June because like I said I only have
01:11:38like half of June like the
01:11:40last half of June 2017
01:11:42on here and then the first
01:11:44half of June was
01:11:48is on Dailymotion.
01:11:50So I didn't react
01:11:52to that stuff yet.
01:11:54So I guess that's the plan.
01:11:56We'll start off tomorrow
01:12:02what's going on at that point
01:12:04is that they're
01:12:06they just, well they're still living there
01:12:08I guess they moved in in June at
01:12:10Destiny's Womb so I was to Kentucky
01:12:12so it's their second month that they're
01:12:14living in Kentucky
01:12:16and they still
01:12:18they're just in the
01:12:20there's a job in the works but they're not
01:12:22actually working yet
01:12:24and then of course there's the
01:12:26end of August, first of September
01:12:28where she doesn't vlog at all
01:12:30so there's just
01:12:32RVC in just the first of August
01:12:34and then she's gonna come back and be like, hey guess what
01:12:36we found an apartment and we're moving and we've
01:12:38been working. So there's like a little
01:12:40gap there so that we move right
01:12:42into them living into
01:12:44the townhouse. So
01:12:46it'll probably be like next week by the time we get
01:12:48to that because July was a lot
01:12:50but let's see, let's see how
01:12:52long we can make those lives.
01:12:54See what we can get
01:12:56through anyway.
01:13:02hey, good to see you.
01:13:06you're coming in just at the last moment
01:13:08but I'm glad you made it.
01:13:10Alright, so I think I'm gonna end it
01:13:12here for today
01:13:14and yeah, I'll be back
01:13:16tomorrow with some
01:13:18some of the 2016 timeline.
01:13:22enjoy the rest of your day
01:13:24and I will see you tomorrow.
01:13:28Stay safe out there.
01:13:30It's crazy.
