The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 4-03.Single White Female /Cant Buy Me Love

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The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 4-03.Single White Female /Cant Buy Me Love


00:001, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. Haha! Your scissors have been destroyed! I win.
00:26What? My scissors beat your paper!
00:29It's not paper, it's a big fat laser cannon! Your scissors have been disintegrated!
00:36Big fat laser, big fat laser, big fat laser!
00:39Go back!
00:42Big fat laser, big fat laser!
00:52Anyway, I'm going to do something else.
00:59I'm bored. Where's everyone today?
01:10What are you up to?
01:11We're very busy.
01:13We've been working out how to make Matt from Busted my boyfriend.
01:17Layla's got a theory, now all we need to do is put it to practice.
01:37Do you mind? I'm trying to meditate.
01:41It's no good. Everyone's doing their own thing.
01:44What are we going to do?
02:00I remember when I was a student. It's awful, isn't it? Not knowing what to do.
02:05Being lost and alone and being useless.
02:08Oh, well, if you don't know what to do, just watch me.
02:11Just... watch... you?
02:15Yes. Have you done much work with children?
02:17No, no, not yet, but I have been reading this.
02:21Oh! Get with the kids!
02:24I can't wait to try it. I'm a bit serious.
02:28No time like the present.
02:30Jackie? Crash? Come, meet Kez.
02:35She's our trainee social worker.
02:37Yo, kids. What's up?
02:40You seem bling. Word.
02:44Oh, no, wait. I'm supposed to do a special handshake.
02:47I can't believe I forgot that. That's just basic.
02:53Oh, wait. Is it fist and fingers, or...
02:57Is this... fingers and...
03:01That's true.
03:03Okay. Bye.
03:11Time to have some fun.
03:27Okay, now.
03:29Hey, looking good.
03:33Good. Be creative with your anger.
03:36It's because you have abandonment issues.
03:39It's all right. Panic over. I'm back. Let the joy begin.
03:42Hello. I'm Kez.
03:46Who are you?
03:48I'm sorry. You don't know who I am?
03:51You don't need to know who she is. She's only some old has-been.
03:54In my day, we had standards. Now they're just letting in any old rubbish.
03:58You can quote me on that.
04:00I thought dinosaurs were extinct.
04:02Put your hand up. Who's been fostered?
04:04Oh, ha! Just me, then.
04:06Ooh. Have you? That's fascinating.
04:09Maybe you've been fostered.
04:11Just me, then.
04:13Ooh. Have you? That's fascinating.
04:16Maybe we can talk later.
04:18I might have a free window, but now that I've been fostered, I am very busy.
04:22I can't stand that, Tracy Beaker. Come on.
04:25Ooh. Conflict issues.
04:28I haven't done that yet.
04:31Can I just talk to you for one second about...
04:34Yeah, okay, but not now, Kaz, Kez, Elaine, or whatever your name is.
04:39I don't want to lose!
04:44Crash! Jackie, how wonderful to see you.
04:47Let's catch up. So, I'm having a great time.
04:50I'm really busy. Busy, busy, busy, busy.
04:52My days are just packed.
04:55Yo, kids.
04:57What's up?
04:59Blinging, blinging.
05:01Just keeping it real.
05:03Tracy, I was wondering if we could have that chat now,
05:07you know, about being an expert in fostering.
05:10Expert in fostering?
05:12Well, I know enough about it.
05:14You can learn a lot from the Beaker fostering success story.
05:17I never want to be fostered. Thanks, but no thanks.
05:20But it's so cool. You know, moving on, moving out.
05:23Now that I'm living in the real world, I...
05:25Yeah, well, later, Tracy.
05:27We wouldn't want to keep you from your busy, busy, busy schedule, would we?
05:38Tracy, um...
05:40Bye, Tracy.
05:42So, can we have that chat now?
05:51Blood. I need blood.
05:53Not now, Marco. Maybe later.
05:56Don't even think about it.
05:58So, we all know our target.
06:00An inexperienced, untrained social worker.
06:03Fresh blood.
06:05Fresh blood.
06:07In Kez's book, it says she has to do whatever we want.
06:10So, let's use it against her.
06:12Rio, you're up first.
06:15Why am I the pig?
06:18Er, well, all right.
06:20You can be the toad.
06:25What is it you do here?
06:30Oh, do you mind if we stop for a bit, Tracy?
06:33I can't feel my fingers.
06:35Oh, there you are, Kez.
06:37I've been looking all over for you.
06:39So, how have you been getting on?
06:42Tracy's theories on fostering have been fascinating.
06:46You've been helping Kez?
06:49That's great, Tracy.
06:51Well, seeing as you've been getting on so well,
06:54how do you fancy taking the children this afternoon?
06:57Tracy, you can lend a hand.
06:59I'm sure everyone will find your fostering experience is very interesting.
07:02Yes, you're right.
07:04I am interesting.
07:21Kez, I think you dropped this.
07:24Oh, my book on establishing trust.
07:26It's very important to show children in care
07:29that you're able to fulfil their needs.
07:32I need five pounds.
07:34What for?
07:36Chapter six.
07:38I haven't seen my dad in ages.
07:41I don't know if I can ever trust an adult again.
07:44Oh, dear.
07:45Fulfil your needs. Fulfil your needs.
07:48Where did I put my purse?
08:01Hello, I'm Hayley.
08:05Yeah, my mum wanted a girl.
08:07Anyway, Lol here needs special food combinations made for her.
08:11If she doesn't have sugar every hour, she dies.
08:15I'm sorry.
08:17Right then, sugar, sugar.
08:20Yeah, just turn that one over, yeah.
08:23Oh, thanks.
08:25We need lots of chocolate. She needs loads.
08:28Thank you, you're saving her life.
08:33Oh, um...
08:35I'll take those.
08:37You see, kids,
08:39when you're as experienced as I am,
08:41you'll recognise when you're being suckered.
08:43I'm on to you!
08:49We got rambled.
08:51So now what are we going to do?
08:53Revert to plan B.
08:56What's plan B?
08:58The beaker method.
09:00Shout as loud as you can for as long as you can.
09:04I want chocolate!
09:06We want chocolate!
09:08We want chocolate!
09:10We want chocolate!
09:12We want chocolate!
09:14We want chocolate!
09:16We want chocolate!
09:18Being successful is all about being able to get on well with people like I do.
09:22I've got years of experience, use me.
09:25I help the kids with their homework,
09:27and my marmalade and peanut butter sandwich is the stuff of legends,
09:30and I can cut through tension with a well-timed gag.
09:33The kids love me.
09:37Let's see if we can put what you've learnt into practice.
09:39Come on.
09:41We want chocolate!
09:43We want chocolate!
09:45We want chocolate!
09:47Calm down now.
09:49And chill.
09:51Hang your legs.
09:53We want chocolate!
09:55We want chocolate!
09:57Everyone in the lounge, I've got a plan.
09:59Quick, come on.
10:01Right, come on, everyone, take a seat.
10:03Now, come on.
10:05Move it, move it.
10:07Stop asking questions.
10:09Sit down.
10:13What are they doing here?
10:15Please be good guys.
10:17I'll have that back, thank you.
10:19I don't want to waste it on people no one will ever want to foster.
10:21The Tracy Beaker Guide to Fostering.
10:23It's all about working with what you've got.
10:25Hayley, you're a small girl and you're cute.
10:27Work with that.
10:29Maybe later.
10:31Mark and Helen are coming to pick me up soon.
10:33But thanks anyway.
10:35Rio, you're a boy,
10:37but that doesn't always have to be a disadvantage.
10:39Here, take a questionnaire and pass them along.
10:41Here, take a questionnaire and pass them along.
10:51Being successful is about getting on well with people.
10:53Like I do.
10:55I've got 13 years of experience.
10:59Use me.
11:05With my expert help,
11:07you could all be just like me.
11:11Fostered in no time.
11:17Crash, Jackie.
11:19As you know, I'm a success story.
11:21But you can be too.
11:23Got any problems?
11:25Let's talk.
11:27Let's talk.
11:29What's the matter with you?
11:31We thought you had some great plan to get Elaine and Kez,
11:33but it sounds like you've turned into them.
11:37Tracy Beaker like Elaine?
11:39I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried.
11:57Thanks, Tracy,
11:59for such an insightful talk.
12:03Let's end the session with a hug.
12:07Whoa, you can look at the beaker,
12:09but you can't touch the beaker.
12:11But Elaine taught me that
12:13it's an effective way of bonding
12:15after sharing personal details.
12:19If there's one thing Elaine taught me,
12:21it's to avoid her at all costs.
12:23I mean, she's badly dressed,
12:25she's clueless, and she's boring.
12:27And if there's anything worse than Elaine,
12:29it's two Elaines.
12:37But I...
12:39I was just trying to be as good as Elaine,
12:41wasn't I, Hayley?
12:43Um, I'm not Hayley, I'm Bowser.
12:45Look, I'm sorry, Kez,
12:47I'm sure you're a really nice person,
12:49but one Elaine isn't enough for anyone.
12:53You're so right.
12:55There's only one Elaine,
12:57and I can't expect to be as good as her.
12:59But she's given me something to aspire to.
13:01I'll just go back to the library
13:03and study really, really hard
13:05and study really, really hard
13:07and then maybe one day,
13:11Maybe one day,
13:13I might be half as good as Elaine.
13:15Uh, respect.
13:17Everyone in the house say...
13:19What is it everyone in the house say?
13:23Everyone in the house say...
13:25See ya!
13:27Do remember viewers,
13:29watching TV gives you square eyes.
13:33Okay, I've got it all planned.
13:35We go to Florida next summer,
13:37Australia next year,
13:39and I quite fancy an African spa the year after that,
13:41would you reckon?
13:43Oh, sounds lovely.
13:45Can the world is our lobster?
13:47Don't you mean oyster?
13:49Well, oyster, lobster...
13:51Oh, jellyfish.
13:55the point is, it's you and me now.
13:57We're together.
14:21I thought Christmas.
14:23It's nice to stay at home, isn't it?
14:25But we'll go really OTT, you know,
14:2720 foot tree, masses of food, tons of presents.
14:29Oh, suits me.
14:31I want to have a snazzy new car
14:33and a brand-new, up-to-the-minute,
14:35do-everything computer.
14:37But I want one that makes me a cup of tea with two bickies every hour, mind.
14:39Pam, I'm not joking.
14:41You're not?
14:43No, why would I be joking?
14:45I mean, now we're a family, I want everything to be perfect.
14:47Oh, you're right, so do I.
14:49But I can't afford to give you
14:5113 years' worth of presents and holidays and stuff
14:53all at once.
14:55It's not about money, Pam. I'm not bothered about the money.
14:57Oh, okay.
14:59I'll get you an African safari with some shirt buttons, then.
15:01And maybe that nice man down the garage
15:03will give me the car, if I ask politely.
15:11Only me.
15:13Everything all right?
15:15Fine. Lovely.
15:17And I've got some good news, too.
15:19Tracy's fostering allowance has been increased.
15:25You're not poor.
15:27You're loaded!
15:29And what's more, that's my allowance!
15:31Well, actually, technically, that's money
15:33for Cam to use for your keep.
15:35Hmm, which isn't as easy as it sounds.
15:37Tracy, because don't come cheap, you know.
15:39Bet I could do a better job than you.
15:41And I'd never, ever steal money
15:43from my own foster daughter.
15:45I'm not stealing it.
15:47She's not suggesting that you are.
15:49Perhaps Tracy could learn a valuable lesson
15:51from helping with the budgeting.
15:53Why don't you let her do something?
15:55The food shop?
15:57Oh, no, I don't think so.
15:59Well, I do Cam.
16:01You're forgetting I'm an expert with children.
16:07Now, I've made a list.
16:11Now, you will stick to it, won't you?
16:13Of course.
16:15Like a flannel bun.
16:25The green budgie
16:27has landed on the pink macaron.
16:39Well what, snot rag?
16:41I hear you've been doing people's homework.
16:45How much?
16:4750p a sheet.
16:55Nice old earner,
16:57but what you need is a manager.
16:59Split the profits 50-50.
17:01No thanks.
17:03She doesn't need a manager.
17:05She's got me,
17:07and I only charge 10%.
17:09Sad, very sad.
17:11Let's see your sample, then.
17:13It's worth it.
17:15She even makes special little mistakes
17:17so Sid doesn't get suspicious.
17:23So Sid doesn't get suspicious.
17:29Get this sorted,
17:31because I don't do homework.
17:33I've got too much pain and misery to spread.
18:05So what about your list?
18:07Who needs lists?
18:09People who go shopping so they don't forget things.
18:13Wow, turkey nuggets.
18:17Look, crash.
18:19Food shopping is all about hunter-gathering.
18:21The primitive urge to get what you want
18:23and then take it home.
18:25And let's face it,
18:27I am an expert at getting what I want.
18:39You're a good girl helping your mum out.
18:41It's my foster mum.
18:43She makes me do all the chores.
18:45Oh dear.
18:47Steals my allowance too,
18:49and makes me spend it on stuff just for her.
18:51Oh, that's dreadful.
18:53Poor thing.
18:55That's £70, please, love.
19:01Hey, Tracey.
19:03This needs only a tenner.
19:09Better give the change to my foster mum.
19:11She might get angry.
19:13She's not very nice when she's angry.
19:17It's supposed to be just one per customer.
19:21But you deserve a treat.
19:25Crash, we go.
19:27Thank you very much, bye.
19:45And these were buy two, get two free.
19:47And what on earth is this?
19:49A shower radio.
19:51Music while you wash
19:53makes you a sweeter smelling person.
19:55And a phone cover.
19:57You haven't even got a mobile.
19:59Hint, hint.
20:03Well, they're on special offer.
20:05Tracey, I gave you a list
20:07with strict instructions.
20:09Oh, yeah.
20:11Well, never mind.
20:13This is all you've wasted
20:15a week's grocery money on.
20:17Knick-knacks, fizzy drinks
20:19and turkey nuggers.
20:21I guess I'll be off then.
20:23What do you mean, is this all?
20:25Don't you know how expensive things are?
20:27Get real, Cam.
20:29What did you expect?
20:33What are you doing?
20:35Laying an egg.
20:37What does it look like?
20:39I thought cleaners were supposed to do that.
20:41I thought cleaning the bathroom
20:43was an English chore.
20:45It is, but juice made me do it.
20:47I say it's got too much homework.
20:55Come on, I've had enough of this.
21:05Right, you know what to say.
21:11Hey, Layla.
21:13Duke's on the phone
21:15to your teacher.
21:17Something about...?
21:19Something about
21:27Oh, no!
21:29Echo, Foxtrot,
21:31we are now proceeding to Delta Quadrant.
21:33Over and out.
22:37What's for lunch?
22:39A nougate turkey
22:41with a lemon garnish.
22:43And to drink,
22:45a cheeky little vintage I think you'll find.
22:47Bon appétit.
22:57Where is it?
22:59Maybe the pink macaroon
23:01has eaten the green budgie.
23:03Marco, you were supposed
23:05to be on security.
23:09My office, please.
23:15Thought you might like a little snack
23:17to keep you going before tea.
23:19How do you fancy
23:21a nice slice of chocolate cake
23:23oozing with hot fudge sauce?
23:25Bring it on.
23:29all out of chocolate cake.
23:37I'll be speaking to Marco, too,
23:39but in the meantime,
23:41I want you to return all the money that you've taken.
23:43But I'll be broke.
23:45Ah, well, that's too bad.
23:47Roxy's done your jobs today,
23:49so you can clean her room as a punishment.
23:53And you're never to do anything like this again.
23:55Do you understand?
24:07Tea time, Tracy.
24:09Plenty more if you want seconds.
24:13Right, I've had it.
24:15You're determined to poison me, aren't you?
24:17I'm not poisoning you.
24:19You buy them, I cook them.
24:21Now clean that up.
24:23No! I'm going to have some decent food.
24:27How nice to see you.
24:29Believe me, it's great to be here.
24:31Come and have some tea.
24:33Oh, yes.
24:37Pack it in, you little flea bite.
24:39Watch it. It's my brother.
24:41Oh, so sorry. Big flea bite.
24:43What's she doing here anyway?
24:45She doesn't live here.
24:47I don't know.
24:49I don't know.
24:51I don't know.
24:53What's she doing here anyway?
24:55She doesn't live here anymore.
24:57Tracy can visit any time she likes.
24:59I wouldn't if I was fostered.
25:01Maybe a new foster mum doesn't want her anymore.
25:03I've heard she keeps bringing you back.
25:19Sorry, Tracy.
25:21It's OK.
25:23I forgot what it was like in this place.
25:29Cam didn't kick you out, did she?
25:31No. Everything's cool.
25:33The world is a jellyfish.
25:37Never mind. It's just a joke.
25:39All right. See you then.
25:41I suppose you'd come to drag me kicking and screaming back home.
25:43Hiya, Cam.
25:47Do you want me to wrap your turkey nuggets up?
25:49I've got plenty more if you'd like some, Cam.
26:05Thanks, Duke, but we're going out for tea.
26:07Going out? But you can't afford it.
26:09Oh, blow it. It's about time we celebrated you moving in.
26:13OK, here is the plan.
26:15We're going to have a burger and chips,
26:17then we'll take in a movie with a couple of ice creams,
26:19a really big bag of sweets,
26:21and I will pay for the popcorn.
26:25And where did you get that from?
26:27Ah, well, I was going to give it back.
26:31I can make my world count you
26:33All my dreams will see me through
26:35And the set won't get me down
26:37My dreams will turn things all around
26:39With a smile upon my face
26:41I can see a better place
26:43Doesn't matter what may come my way
26:45Believe me now, I'll win someday
