• 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 5 -08. Bouncers Kitchen / Love All


00:00I can make my world come true, all my dreams will see me through, doesn't matter what may come my way, believe me now, I will win someday.
00:23Oh, oh brother, oh.
00:27Oh, it's okay, look, just click undo, there you go.
00:34I knew that, of course I knew that.
00:37Sure you did, typical care worker.
00:40That's typical head care worker to you, and a very busy head care worker.
00:50So, um, is this just a socialism?
00:52No, I had something to tell you.
00:58Oh, yeah, there's loads of smoke pouring out the kitchen.
01:05Oh no, oh no.
01:11Maybe we could pick out the brumpets?
01:14We'd have a big empty dish, what's your point?
01:17It's not working, is it? I can't be head care worker, I ain't cook.
01:20Do you want me to take care of lunch?
01:24You know what to do.
01:26Hello, crazy fried chicken? Yeah, me again, can I have two super-sized mega buckets and six bottles of cola?
01:33Yeah, can you just charge it to Elmtree House as usual?
01:36Cheer up, Mike, you're doing a great job.
01:39Yeah, get extra chips and garlic bread.
01:44So, I've decided that we need a full-time cook at Elmtree.
01:48I was doing fine.
01:50Ordering fried chicken's not exactly cooking.
01:52I order pizzas and curries too.
01:54Anyway, I've found a new cook. He's doing a course in catering and nutrition technology.
02:02He's got great ideas for the Elmtree menu.
02:04Well, Tracy's got great ideas.
02:06Yeah, we're having kebabs on Wednesday.
02:08We want kebabs!
02:09We want kebabs! We want kebabs!
02:12Shut up, you lot! Just give the new chef a chance.
02:17Alright, bro?
02:24Oh, Bounce, this is so great. The Buckhovers are finally running this joint.
02:28Well, they had to happen one day.
02:32Millie wants to know what's for tea.
02:34Wouldn't you like to know?
02:35Yeah, that's why we're asking.
02:38Well, I can't tell you. It's a surprise.
02:40But I will tell you this. It's very special.
02:49What is this?
02:50It's your first macrobiotic meal.
02:52Steamed cabbage, brown rice, and for a special treat, mung beans.
02:56No way, these beans. They never come out of no tin.
02:59None of this is out of a tin. It's all unprocessed, whole and natural.
03:02I love natural food, but that's just me.
03:05I'm not a vegan.
03:06I'm a vegan.
03:07I'm a vegan.
03:08I'm a vegan.
03:09I'm a vegan.
03:10I'm a vegan.
03:11I'm a vegan.
03:12I'm a vegan.
03:13I'm a vegan.
03:14I'm a vegan.
03:15I'm a vegan.
03:16I'm a vegan.
03:17I'm a vegan.
03:18I'm a vegan.
03:19I'm a vegan.
03:20I'm a vegan.
03:21I'm a vegan.
03:22I'm a vegan.
03:23I'm a vegan.
03:24I'm a vegan.
03:25I'm a vegan.
03:26I'm a vegan.
03:27I'm a vegan.
03:28I'm a vegan.
03:29I'm a vegan.
03:30I'm a vegan.
03:31I'm a vegan.
03:32I'm a vegan.
03:33I'm a vegan.
03:34I'm a vegan.
03:35I'm a vegan.
03:36I'm a vegan.
03:37I'm a vegan.
03:38I'm a vegan.
03:39I'm a vegan.
03:40I'm a vegan.
03:41I'm a vegan.
03:42I'm a vegan.
03:43I'm a vegan.
03:44I'm a vegan.
03:45I'm a vegan.
03:46Don't get excited.
03:47Ilya, I know, Chris.
03:48I can't eat this.
03:50Sure you can.
03:51Just use your imagination, OK?
03:55Nice, juicy flies.
03:59I'm going to eat toothpaste instead.
04:02Good idea.
04:07Come on, Leo.
04:08I'm not finished.
04:13It's just the first day.
04:14I'm sure they'll come round.
04:16Won't they, Leo?
04:23You all right, Alice?
04:24Just look how they're shoving down my raisin-free oatmeal with soya milk.
04:27Oh, you'll eat anything you're starving.
04:29I was either this or eating my own hair, and believe me, it was close.
04:34What are you doing?
04:35You won't even taste my food.
04:36That's the point.
04:37Right, that is it.
04:38I am buying it all drunk from now on.
04:40No sauces, pop, crisps or biscuits.
04:43They all make you hyperactive and manic.
04:45Those are my best qualities.
04:46Oh, and how we'll miss them.
04:49What are you doing, bro?
04:50Do you want the kids to hate you or what?
04:52It's for their own good, lot.
04:53You have to break your addiction to additives.
04:56It's got completely out of control.
04:58I'll show you out of control!
04:59Crash, no!
05:00We need more love in this room.
05:01Yeah, stop the hate, man.
05:06What's wrong with you?
05:07It's the food.
05:08It's been bounced.
05:15It's the food.
05:45My, what is that sound?
05:47Could it be Charlotte Church singing?
05:49Shut it, beaker.
05:50Are you cold?
05:51How dare you touch my stuff?
05:53I only tidied our room.
05:55I thought it would be a nice surprise.
05:56Well, I hate surprises.
05:58Put it back like it was.
06:00Of course I will.
06:01But first I got you a present.
06:03What is it?
06:14It's your favourite top.
06:16It will look loads better on you.
06:23Did that just happen?
06:24I don't know.
06:25This is just getting creepy.
06:27All the tension.
06:29All the anger.
06:31Leave it out.
06:32Push it away.
06:34What are you doing?
06:36I choose me and you against the world.
06:38Why do we have to be against anything?
06:40Because we do, right?
06:41Right, house meeting, ship shed, now.
06:43Agenda, get rid of Bouncer and his manky mills.
06:46Sorry, Tracy, but we like Bouncer's food.
06:49You're welcome to join our yoga circle, though.
06:52Yeah, right.
06:54That's the spirit.
06:55Let's all follow Tracy's mantra.
07:23Balance was right.
07:25I suppose we were eating too much rubbish.
07:28Not about that.
07:29He said the additives make you hyperactive and out of control.
07:32Without them, the dumping ground would never be the same again.
07:34We have to get them back.
07:36Who's with me?
07:38Jackie, what about you?
07:40There's no need to take sides.
07:43Just chill, Beaker.
07:48Come on, I'm buying Rebecca a present.
07:51Don't tell her, though.
07:52It's a surprise.
07:53You are kidding me.
07:55It's like I'm finally at peace with myself.
07:59Me and Millie say we'll help you, Tracy.
08:01Thanks, you two.
08:03OK, guys, and Spider, let's get our additives back before we all turn.
08:12So you wind me up for weeks and weeks about my cooking,
08:17and now you want me to take it all over again?
08:20Can't wait for Mike's special fish surprise.
08:23You said it smelled like sewage workers' wellies.
08:25In a good way.
08:26You said it tasted like bin juice.
08:28We like bin juice.
08:32It's a compliment.
08:33You are not going to get around me that easily.
08:36Things have been nice and quiet around here since Bouncer took over,
08:40and that's the way.
08:41Uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it.
08:43Uh-huh, uh-huh.
08:47It's a joke.
08:48Oh, come on, lighten up.
08:53I am the tree of the universe,
08:55the winds of love blow through my every leaf.
08:58What are you doing?
09:00Isn't it beautiful?
09:01Ria's written a poem.
09:03We're exploring our emotions through movement.
09:06Come on, guys, join in.
09:09Join us.
09:10Join us.
09:22Millie, Marco, we have to get out of here.
09:24I can't leave her.
09:25Join us.
09:26Join us.
09:27Join us.
09:28Join us.
09:29Join us.
09:30Join us.
09:31Join us.
09:32All right, I give up.
09:40Where's the taste?
09:42Sorry, taste will destroy the natural balance of Ming and Mang.
09:47Ying and Yang.
09:51You guys actually like this?
09:54Of course they do.
09:56I suppose Tom had some healthy food in this place.
09:58Oh, as opposed to mine, I suppose.
10:01Well, no offence, like.
10:03Please don't fight.
10:04We're not!
10:05OK, I know how to solve this once and for all.
10:09A cooking contest.
10:10The loser never cooks at the damping ground ever again.
10:13Oh, and who judges this contest?
10:16Isn't it obvious?
10:19No way.
10:20I think we should find a neutral judge.
10:23Can't we make it the sort of contest where everyone wins?
10:28Competition really misaligns.
10:36Those two.
10:38You're on.
10:41Do you want a bite?
10:42No, I don't eat bread anymore, remember?
10:46Dry tofu.
10:48Bulgur wheat?
10:50Come on, bro, you don't actually like this stuff, do you?
10:53Of course I do.
10:54It is natural.
10:56And it's healthy.
10:57And then there's the Ying.
10:59And the Yang.
11:01Oh, for the love of Billy Piper, give me that cheese sandwich.
11:05Who are you trying to impress, mate?
11:08There's this girl on my course.
11:13Your second greatest weakness.
11:16What's her name?
11:18Forest Rain Mountain Blossom.
11:20Her real name?
11:21Lucy Jones.
11:22She's lovely, it's just she only goes out with macrobiotic vegans.
11:26I was just trying to prove I was good enough for her.
11:28Of course you are.
11:29You can just cook healthy, normal food for the kids.
11:32You don't have to turn them into robot aliens.
11:34Macrobiotic vegans.
11:38You're right.
11:40Let's do some real cooking.
11:43It's mine.
11:45Well, we can't rely on the hippie twins to pick the right winner, so it's sabotage time.
11:49All I need you to do is distract Bouncer while I chuck a load of chilli powder in his grotty food.
11:55What's wrong?
11:56Well, he seems so mean.
11:58Poor Bouncer, he's working so hard.
12:00Oh, Roxy, not you too.
12:02Sorry, Tracy, I can't fight it anymore.
12:04I've got to give you a hug.
12:10Ladies and gentlemen, may I present steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts, organic couscous and Bouncer twig tea.
12:32Mmm, delicious.
12:35Okay, well, you've tried the rest, now try the best.
12:41Pasta alla Bouncer.
12:43Chicken in a tomato sauce and to drink, for a special treat, only fizzy pop.
12:50I better not. Additives to me. It's not a pretty sight.
12:54Well, you were supposed to cook your usual splodge.
12:56Yeah, he should be disqualified.
12:58Judges, take your forks.
13:06Mmm, water.
13:09Here you go.
13:19It's the additives. I told you, they make me loopy.
13:29I'm sorry, I don't know what's got into me.
13:31About 50 different numbers and a little bit of chilli.
13:34I can't believe I started this!
13:36Nor can I. Nice work, kid, and that's coming from a professional.
13:42I can see you, so don't even think about going anywhere.
13:47Happy Valentine's Day, everybody.
13:49Happy Valentine's Day, Mike.
13:52I can't believe it. 14 Valentine's cards, all for me.
13:56Yeah, and in your own handwriting.
13:59You're just jealous.
14:00Well, at least I don't go selling myself fake ones, psycho.
14:03Justine, it's enough.
14:05Today is supposed to be a happy day.
14:07Right, everyone, downstairs in the lounge. House meeting.
14:10Elaine has something really exciting to tell you.
14:16No, really, she has.
14:19A party?
14:20In here? Tonight?
14:21A Valentine's party?
14:23Crash, can you make a banner?
14:24Sure, no worries.
14:26Just one more thing.
14:30I'd like you all to pair up this evening.
14:33We have to ask someone?
14:35A little courtesy is good practice for later in life.
14:40Bouncer, would you do me the honour of...
14:46Bro, I'd be delighted.
14:52It's a stupid idea. I'm not pairing up with anyone.
14:57Roxy, you're already on gardening duty today for shaving Alice's teddy.
15:01How about a more positive attitude, huh?
15:03I know. How about we go together? It'll be fun.
15:06Me? Go with you?
15:09What colour's the sky in your world?
15:12Thank you very much, then.
15:20You're right, this party does need a push in the right direction.
15:27Oh, Justine, you must be so worried.
15:29About what?
15:30That no-one's going to take you to the party.
15:32You know what? You're really starting to get on my nerves.
15:35Well, think about it.
15:37Even your precious dad prefers your cousin and his mangy dog to you.
15:40Hey, hey, hey! What's all this about?
15:44I just offered her one of my cards because she didn't get any and she went ballistic.
15:48She started it!
15:51Look, you've been picking on Rebecca all morning.
15:53Now get out in that garden. You're on weeding duty with Roxy.
15:58So now we've finished our chat, we can put our plan into action.
16:25But how are we going to communicate with each other?
16:28Millie, you're a genius.
16:35Hey, you've been winding Rebecca up again?
16:37She's such an evil witch.
16:39Why am I the only one who can see that?
16:41Forget about her.
16:45I just came to ask.
16:47I mean, if Elaine's really making his pair up for this party.
16:52What I'm saying is...
16:53Will I go with you?
16:57As mates, yeah?
16:58As mates? I mean, yeah, of course.
17:02All right then.
17:08Was there something else?
17:12No, nothing else.
17:14See you later then.
17:17You're who?
17:19Cupid, the messenger of love.
17:21And my message is, Elaine wants you to collect greenery from the garden to decorate the lounge.
17:26What sort of greenery?
17:28Um, the green sort.
17:31Anything from the garden.
17:32And hurry!
17:38Because Elaine wants it really quick.
17:40So, why aren't you out there then?
17:42Because Elaine wants it really quick.
17:44So, why aren't you out there then?
17:46Um, because I picked the wrong stuff.
17:48Come on, there's no time to lose.
17:57Elaine got you doing this as well?
17:59Looks like it.
18:00Don't mind though.
18:01Good to be doing something different for a change.
18:03Yeah, this party might be a laugh.
18:05If it wasn't for the dumb pairing up thing.
18:07Tell me about it.
18:08I've been worrying about asking someone all morning.
18:10Don't worry, you can come with me.
18:11At least we'll have fun.
18:26Come in, Red Admiral.
18:28Mission Love Boat accomplished.
18:42So many choices.
18:44I'll just have to disappoint some of them.
18:48You know we can take his name if he mispressed up.
18:52Because he just asked me to the party.
18:54So I guess you have to beg someone else to take you.
18:58We'll see about that.
19:33Ha ha, very funny.
20:11Hey Layla, are you following hearts too?
20:17Want to watch inside?
20:19Open it.
20:26The very next person in your sight, that's the one you'll ask tonight.
20:30But, that's you.
20:32I suppose it is.
20:34Is that okay? Only, if you don't want to.
20:36I don't want to.
20:39Don't be daft. It will be fun.
20:53Come in, Red Rose.
20:56Mission Love Boat accomplished.
21:31What's wrong?
21:33I, er, made you a Valentine's card, but I caught Justine did to it.
21:42Justine did this?
21:44I just wanted you to feel appreciated for once.
21:47But I don't think Justine wanted you to like anyone but her.
21:53I don't know what got into her.
21:56Look, don't let it get to you.
21:59You can help me if you like.
22:02Thanks, Crash. You're a real mate.
22:11Come in, Red Tomato. I think we may have a problem.
22:20Oh, look. Your stick of the dump.
22:23Have you found a partner yet, or are you going with Rio's pet woodlouse?
22:26Even a woodlouse would look better than you.
22:29Look at your hair. It's like a witch's broomstick.
22:32You know, it's not all about hair and lip gloss and fluttering your stupid eyelashes, you pathetic loser.
22:37Justine? Why are you being so cruel to me?
22:40And you can cut the poor little me act. I've had enough of you and your stupid games.
22:44Get out of my face before I...
22:46Justine! Stop picking on Rebecca!
22:48What? Referee? Are you blind as well as stupid?
22:51Oh, so now I'm stupid?
22:52Then I guess you won't want to go to the party with Mr Stupid now, will you?
22:58I'll go with Rebecca instead.
23:00Fine? Fine!
23:25And now, a little love song for all you valentine's groovers out there.
23:48Sorry, sir. It's the wrong track. One second.
23:52Isn't it wonderful? We look just like... twins.
23:57How is that a good thing?
23:59Oh, don't be a spawn sport. Come on, let's do the fairy waltz.
24:05My life is over.
24:14You're sure Justine wasn't provoked?
24:16Yeah, she was giving Rebecca a really hard time.
24:18Don't sound right to me.
24:26Why are you even bothering to get dressed up anyway, Justine?
24:29Your so-called mates won't even notice you're not there.
24:31What exactly is your problem?
24:33You. I'm fed up with you swanning around thinking you're so special.
24:37Well, now it's my turn to be Miss Popular for a change,
24:40and your stupid mates haven't got a clue what's going on.
24:43Don't underestimate them, Becky.
24:45Sooner or later they'll see through you.
24:47I doubt it. I'm a bit too smart for that.
24:50Mustache, I've got a party to go to.
24:53And don't worry, I'll make sure Crash has a great time without you.
25:05What are you doing in here?
25:07Cupid is here to bring love and happiness to all.
25:11Marco, you're a genius.
25:13Just doing my job. Justine Arella, you shall go to the ball.
25:20Hi, everyone. Isn't this great?
25:24What? Is there something wrong with my dress?
25:27No. Your dress is fine. We're just seeing you in a new light.
25:32Aw, you're so sweet.
25:34Would you like to try some of Bounty's passion fruit pavlova?
25:37Mm, sounds delicious.
25:44Do you want a big slice?
25:46Or a small one?
25:47How about the whole thing?
25:50Oh, someone help me!
25:52Aren't we too stupid to help? Mike!
25:55Sorry, Rebecca, it's our policy not to get involved.
25:57Guess my mates aren't such losers after all.
26:00I guess not.
26:16I've been an idiot.
26:18Forget it. Doesn't matter.
26:24For you. I was going to give it to you earlier.
26:32It's lovely.
26:35I'm only giving it to you as a mate.
26:37Course you are.
26:39Besides, we're still young.
26:42Don't want to get tied down with all that romantic slush now, do we?
26:45Course we don't.
27:09No, no, no!
