• 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 5 -06. A Dogs Life/ Whodunnit


00:00I can make my world come true, my dreams will see me through, doesn't matter what may come
00:13my way, believe me now, I will win someday.
00:24Stop the presses! Who wants to be in the newspaper?
00:28The local newspaper has finally noticed the genius talent of ace reporter Tracy Beaker.
00:32They want to run a story about life and care homes and I suggested Tracy might be the right person to write it.
00:37So, fancy helping me dish the dirt on the dumpy ground?
00:39Stop right there Tracy. No gossip and no scandal.
00:43What? What am I supposed to write about?
00:46Well, they want the article to reveal the truth about life and care, so tell them how tough it is.
00:51You know, it's not just hanging out all day with your mates playing pool.
00:55There are deeper issues about family and loneliness, abandonment, all that sort of stuff.
01:02So we can't mention Mike's?
01:04Or Shelley's?
01:05No, definitely not.
01:07Elaine's got what?
01:14Look, if I was writing it, I'd go for gritty social realism, you know what I mean?
01:21Note to self, get a dictionary.
01:26And a dictaphone.
01:27Taxi for Miss Cam Lawson.
01:29You're late, no tip for you.
01:32Oh, that is rank.
01:34Oh, nice to see you too Tracy.
01:37More dog, Gary.
01:40It's not working. He's lost forever.
01:45Wait, I'm getting something.
02:03Sticks and stones may break my bones.
02:07Now if I break them first.
02:10Hi Roxy, we're looking for Little Liz Dog, Rufus.
02:13Have you seen him?
02:14Maybe, what does he look like?
02:16He's got tough bone fur, long ears and a pink tongue.
02:20Not anymore he hasn't.
02:47What? I needed something to keep my stuff in, so to pull his stuffing out.
02:52Look, he's got a lovely new collar and a cute little hat.
02:58That's not a hat, I sewed his ear back in the wrong place.
03:03It's going to be alright, here.
03:07Put this on, it's a charm necklace blessed with mystical powers.
03:12How does it work?
03:13You close your eyes, turn around two times and make a wish.
03:18And a fairy queen appears, waves her magic wand and turns you into a princess I suppose.
03:26Don't be silly, that's my necklace with the glass beads.
03:32One, two.
03:37I told you the necklace was magic, didn't I?
03:42There's no one there.
03:44So much for your stupid necklace.
03:48Oh, hello, where did you come from?
03:51Dogs can't talk, stupid.
03:53Keep my sweet turtle plate, Rufus.
03:56The necklace, please.
04:00Whoever finds me, my owners have split up and can't look after me anymore.
04:04They've left me here because you look after unwanted things.
04:08Oh, she can write too.
04:11Are you ever going to grow a brain?
04:14The harsh reality of life in care.
04:19Where are you going to start?
04:21I'm not going to write that twaddle.
04:23You're not?
04:24Don't you know how the adult mind works?
04:27Cam only wants me to write about how rubbish it is living at the dumping ground
04:30because she thinks it's going to make me want to move back in with her.
04:33So what are you going to write about?
04:35Isn't it obvious?
04:37I'll write about how fun it is living at the dumping ground and what a great laugh we all have.
04:41There's no way that she can stay here.
04:44I've got some potential foster parents coming round later and I don't want anything to put them off.
04:48Please, Kelly.
04:51I can't have dogs running round the place.
04:54But she's been dumped with no one else to look after her.
04:59Just like us.
05:02She's going to need food, exercise, entertainment.
05:05Just like us.
05:07What, are you saying we're too much hassle?
05:09No, I meant that...
05:11We could always drop her off at a rescue centre if you'd like.
05:14Fantastic idea.
05:16She'd be well looked after.
05:17Yeah, just like here, really.
05:19Like a sort of care home for dogs until they find new owners.
05:22Wouldn't that be great? Just like here, but not here.
05:25Yeah, but what happens to dogs when nobody wants to foster?
05:29Well, there are...
05:32Well, er...
05:42What? I only wanted them to taste my meat pie!
05:46It was my necklace that brought her here, so we've got to help.
05:50Why can't she just go to a rescue centre?
05:52Because if no one wants to foster her...
05:57Don't be daft. They don't do that.
05:59She'll be like us, in care until she finds a home.
06:02She might not find a home without our help.
06:04Then she's come to the right place.
06:06We're the fostering experts.
06:08Just think of what we can do with all that experience.
06:10She's doomed.
06:11We could make posters and stick them on lampposts.
06:13Now we're talking. What's her name?
06:15Er, she hasn't got one yet.
06:21That's a cow's name.
06:22My grandma was called Daisy.
06:24That dog definitely reminds me of someone.
06:51Oh, Tracy!
06:54The dog. It looks like Tracy.
06:56Too big as a one-dent-me-ground.
06:58It's got to be bad news.
06:59We'd better get cracking.
07:01People, let's show this dog that she's not alone.
07:04Do you think that not having parents bossing you about
07:07is the biggest advantage about living in care?
07:09Well, there is Shelley.
07:10And Elaine.
07:11They boss us around and tell us what to do.
07:15The food. The food here is great, isn't it?
07:18It was... until Duke left.
07:21OK, OK, forget that question.
07:23Let's start with something easier.
07:26What would you say is your favourite thing
07:29about living at the dumping ground?
07:38Second favourite thing?
07:46This is a masterpiece.
07:48You need a heart of stone not to be moved by this.
07:53Like I said, heart of stone.
07:55Just one more thing.
07:58Oh, please. You don't actually believe that?
08:03Good girl.
08:12You must be the lucress. Please, come in.
08:14I'm Shelley Appleton.
08:16Is it safe to leave the Ferrari there?
08:19Oh, my. Yes, of course.
08:22Only two seats, so you won't be taking anyone with you today, then?
08:25No, we've got a people carrier for that.
08:27You can get at least six in the back. Easy.
08:29We've just built a tennis court opposite the swimming pool.
08:32It'll be so lovely to have someone to share it all with us.
08:35When can I move in?
08:38I don't know about you lot, but I'm going to change my socks.
08:48So it's a big house, then?
08:50Huge. A big old Gothic mansion
08:53with towers, spires and gargoyles.
08:56Sounds pretty spooky.
08:58Oh, it is. But if you can live with the cobwebs, it's great.
09:22Were you not being very helpful?
09:24You're trying to make this place sound like a holiday camp.
09:26Basic. Living in care is dull and boring.
09:29A relaxed atmosphere and plenty of recreation time.
09:32At last, we're getting somewhere. Anything to add, Crash?
09:35Well, there's no privacy for starters.
09:37No privacy?
09:39Don't you mean constant care and attention?
09:42And there's no peace and quiet. People are always arguing and shouting.
09:45Lively atmosphere. This is good stuff. Keep it coming.
10:06Stop twisting our words. You always hated being in care.
10:09Stop whinging. If it was so bad,
10:11why did you leave the sports academy and come limping back?
10:14That's well out of order.
10:15Temper, temper.
10:17OK, I admit it. Living in the dumping ground is absolutely brilliant.
10:20It must be.
10:22Why else would somebody who actually had a chance to have a real home
10:24give it up and move back?
10:27You have to come down and meet these people.
10:34We've got a whole range of children here.
10:36The only problem is getting them all together in the one place.
10:39Good afternoon. My name's Rio Willard.
10:41It's a pleasure to meet you.
10:46May I introduce some of my friends?
10:52How do you do?
10:56Pleased to meet you.
11:06And this is...
11:08Who are you?
11:10Your sister.
11:12Of course.
11:14This is Roxy.
11:16What an adorable group of children.
11:18I just wish I could take all of you.
11:20Great. If you come back with a people carrier,
11:22you'll be back in, say, half hour.
11:26And who's this?
11:28Are you looking to get fostered too?
11:32This is Tracy.
11:34She's had a very hard life and is looking for a good home.
11:37Please foster her.
11:41Couldn't leave a cute little thing like you here now, could we?
11:45She might look cute, but actually she's got leaves.
11:47Shut up.
11:49She isn't house trained.
11:51She's vicious.
11:57What's going on?
11:59Perhaps we better foster a dog to start with.
12:01See how it goes.
12:03Let me get this straight.
12:05You came here to foster a child and you're leaving with a dog.
12:07She needs a good home.
12:09We all do.
12:11This isn't a holiday camp.
12:13It isn't fun living here.
12:15And you've got the opportunity to change someone's life.
12:17Are you going to give it to a dog?
12:35I'm sorry, we've made up our minds.
12:37We're taking Tracy.
12:41No, Tracy, the dog.
12:43That's her name, isn't it?
12:45The dog is called Tracy.
12:47You named that wiry-haired fleabag Tracy.
13:21Just the girl I was looking for.
13:23There's a present for you in the driveway.
13:29A dog of yours must have left it.
13:31Kill it up, could you?
13:37Or you.
13:39Stick around. There's more Beacon to come.
13:49Go on now.
13:57Come in.
13:59I said come in.
14:21Don't even think of laughing, Mike Milligan.
14:23Whoever did this is in so much trouble.
14:29It's not funny!
14:31I want whoever's done this to own up right now.
14:37What's going on?
14:39Cool, who iced Elaine?
14:41It's not funny!
14:43This is serious.
14:45Elaine's clothes are ruined and the office needs cleaning.
14:47Now, who did it?
14:49Um, Shelley.
14:51I wonder if Justine knows something we don't.
14:53After all, she did arrive later than everyone else.
14:55Um, why don't you hop back under your stone, Bex?
14:57Touched a guilty nerve if I, Justine.
14:59Actually, Rebecca, you're wrong.
15:01At the time of the incident,
15:03Justine was with me in the quiet room.
15:09And then you multiply by 24.
15:15She's probably got her finger stuck in the disk drive or something.
15:17I'll see what's going on.
15:19You just finish your homework.
15:23So, Justine, seeing as you're the only one I can rule out,
15:25you can go.
15:27Everyone else will sit here until the culprit owns up.
15:29But that's not fair.
15:31You tell him, Justine.
15:33Jackie and Crash were coming to the cinema with me.
15:35We've got tickets and everything.
15:37You're not going anywhere until we find out who's done this.
15:39Well, with your powers of deduction, Elaine,
15:41that would be the twelfth of never.
15:43That's up to you, Justine.
15:45But whoever's done this will be grounded
15:47and will spend tomorrow cleaning the office.
15:49And if no-one owns up,
15:51then you'll all be grounded.
15:55You've got one hour.
15:57One hour?
16:05Well, I'm not spending my Saturday scrubbing out the stupid office.
16:07Come on, own up.
16:09Who did it?
16:11It wasn't me.
16:13Pack it in, you lot.
16:15I'm trying to concentrate.
16:17On what?
16:19I'm drawing a detailed plan of the dumping ground
16:21so I can track everyone's movements at the time of the crime.
16:23Yeah, like that's going to help.
16:25Well, if I can't solve this, then I'll make this for the night.
16:27No change there, then.
16:31Please don't argue.
16:33Roxy and I are supposed to see Chantel tomorrow.
16:35And if Shelley doesn't let us go,
16:37someone's going to be very,
16:39very sorry.
16:41Chill, Roxy.
16:43I'll sniff out who done it.
16:45Yeah, of course you will.
17:11Let's get started.
17:15Which one of you lot would have a reason
17:17to commit such a despicable, yet genius,
17:19crime against Elaine the Pain?
17:21Hmm, as I overheard a certain conversation
17:23this morning,
17:25I think I might already know the answer to that.
17:33I really should watch where you're going.
17:35But you are going to be in trouble.
17:37I really should watch where you're going.
17:39But you walked into me.
17:41I'm carrying things.
17:43Never mind, I'm sure you'll remember next time.
17:45Next time.
17:47Don't laugh.
17:49She's ruined my brand new top.
17:51Ruined it.
17:53She's going to pay for this.
17:57So you've made Elaine pay,
17:59and now it's time to own up.
18:01Surely you don't think it's me, Inspector Moron.
18:03There's no denying it, Becky.
18:05You're so guilty.
18:07Right, you're going to confess to Shelley or what?
18:09No, I am not, because I didn't do it.
18:11But whilst we're talking of motives, Roxy,
18:13I think you and Rio have some explaining to do.
18:17Come on, Elaine, there must be someone who wants to foster us.
18:19I'm sorry, Rio, but it's hard to find foster parents
18:21for a brother and sister,
18:23especially a pair with behavioural problems.
18:25What, you're saying we're rubbish?
18:27Of course not, you're both very special.
18:29Forget it, Elaine, you're still with foster parents,
18:31they aren't good enough for us.
18:35I think we should talk about this when you've calmed down a bit.
18:39Don't worry, Rio,
18:41we'll sort out the old bat in her own special way.
18:45We'd always shown her Elaine the pain.
18:47Doesn't mean we did it.
18:49Hmm, the plot thickens.
18:51Oh, this is stupid.
18:53Yeah, but come on.
18:55One of you obviously did it.
19:01You three weren't exactly nice to Elaine earlier, were you?
19:09Mmm, more lemon.
19:11And lots more sugar.
19:17It's absolutely delicious.
19:19That's the first successful cake I've ever made!
19:21Except you didn't make it.
19:23We did.
19:25And it took us ages.
19:27Thanks a lot, Lennox, for our team.
19:39It wasn't tasty.
19:41I kind of wish it was, though.
19:45Let's face it, Elaine had a coming to her.
19:47Yeah, she's managed to irritate everyone today.
19:49Including us.
19:51She really gets on my nerves.
19:55Something you want to tell us, Marco?
19:59Don't overburden me!
20:01What's going on in here?
20:03Shock attack, shock attack!
20:05That's enough of that!
20:09Have you been in the treat cupboard again?
20:11Get your paws off our treasure!
20:13You are not allowed to just help yourself to chocolate!
20:15And can that nearly have my eye out?
20:17It's a dangerous weapon!
20:19Play something quieter!
20:23Just about time Elaine the pain walked the plank.
20:25So come on, Miss Marbles.
20:27Who done it?
20:29Looks like you've all got a motive.
20:31What about Alice?
20:33Don't be a mabbit!
20:35Alice wouldn't do something like that.
20:37Yeah, you're right.
20:39She's probably chatting to her fairy friends.
20:41Oh, this is really stupid.
20:43Justine hasn't got a clue who did it.
20:45Why should we...
20:47Forgotten it, Professor Plonker.
20:49According to my deductions, you're the prime suspect.
20:51So let's hear your alibi.
20:55I didn't have the opportunity.
20:57So where were you when Elaine got iced?
20:59I don't have to answer your daft questions, Justine Littlebrain.
21:03Rub that out! Rub it out!
21:05What about Roxy and Rio?
21:07Don't they need an alibi too?
21:09We didn't ice Elaine.
21:11Did we, Rio?
21:13No need. We're too busy getting our own back on her.
21:25If we were letting Elaine's tyres down,
21:27we couldn't have been in two places at once, could we?
21:29See? That's our alibi.
21:31Fair enough.
21:33Two down, six to go.
21:35What about you three?
21:37You can cross us off too.
21:39We'd already got our revenge.
22:03I don't think she enjoyed her second slice of cake
22:05as much as the first.
22:07So we're left with Marco and Millie,
22:09plus our prime suspect, Bexy,
22:11who won't or can't provide an alibi
22:13because she is guilty.
22:15I think not.
22:17Tell her, Crash.
22:21Weren't you with Jackie?
22:23She was undying love to me at the time.
22:25You and Rebecca?
22:27That is the saddest thing I've heard all year.
22:29It wasn't like that.
22:31I was just helping her with her English homework.
22:43Moving swiftly on.
22:49The person or persons who isolate
22:51a weapon to create that amount of force...
22:53OK, I need a volunteer.
22:55What for?
22:57In technical terms, it's called a reconstruction.
23:03Well, I'm not doing it.
23:07Exhibit A.
23:09Not a very likely weapon of revenge.
23:21Exhibit B.
23:23Or more commonly known as the
23:25where-lies weapon of choice.
23:39Excellent shot.
23:41But I think it's obvious
23:43that this gun
23:45wasn't used in the crime.
23:49Exhibit C.
23:51Marco and Millie's pirate cannon.
24:03You little monsters.
24:07Don't think we can surmise
24:09that this was the weapon which I still aim.
24:11But we've got an alibi too.
24:13We were hiding our treasure
24:15from Bluebeard Boyack.
24:27So you can cross us off that list too.
24:29Inspector Clueless gets it wrong yet again.
24:31Shut it, Becky.
24:33This is a waste of time.
24:35I've had enough.
24:37Be quiet!
24:39I did it.
24:43I was too scared to tell you earlier.
24:47why did you do it, Alice?
24:51What's up with you?
24:53Elaine wants me to go
24:55out with the new foster family.
24:57You don't believe in fairies.
24:59What am I going to do, Roxy?
25:01Can't you consult
25:03your crystal ball?
25:05I'm serious.
25:07Just tell him to stuff it.
25:11I couldn't do that.
25:13Take a leaf out of the
25:15wellard book. We found that
25:17actions speak louder than words.
25:29Nice one, Alice.
25:31So how did you do it?
25:33Well, I borrowed Marco and Millie's
25:35pirate cannon.
25:37Added a few
25:45The rest was easy.
25:49Sorry, everyone.
25:51I wanted to get grounded so I didn't have to
25:53go out with any foster families.
25:55Especially ones that don't believe in fairies.
25:57I don't want to leave.
26:01A lot of my friends.
26:03I'm not.
26:05Don't worry, Alice.
26:07It's going to be alright.
26:11Time's up.
26:17I want the guilty
26:19party to step forward.
26:25This is ridiculous.
26:27You're all going to be grounded.
26:29I want to talk to all of you about
26:31discipline. Justine, you can go.
26:33But... Now, please.
26:35This doesn't involve you.
26:37Right, then.
26:51Silly me. Looks like I won't be spending tomorrow on my own after all.
27:03I love you.
27:05I love you.
27:07I love you.
27:09I love you.
27:11I love you.
27:13I love you.
27:15I love you.
27:17I love you.
27:19I love you.
27:21I love you.
27:23I love you.
27:25I love you.
27:27I love you.
27:29I love you.
