• 2 months ago
The Story of Tracy Beaker Series 3-08. Im Not in Love/ Time Capsule


00:00My new phone is amazing. I can call anytime from anywhere.
00:23That could be why they call it a mobile.
00:27You've got a voice message.
00:31Yeah, well, I knew that. I'll listen to it later.
00:35You don't like to pick up messages, do you?
00:36No, not exactly. But this morning I sent my first text.
00:39Oh, you must be so proud.
00:44When people are not used to their mobiles, it's like they're asking for trouble.
00:48Oh no, I don't like the sound of that.
00:57You do realise when you get caught, think positive and keep watch, yeah?
01:05You should never let the top mean to this.
01:12Act normal.
01:17This is by far the stupidest plan I've ever heard.
01:20Quit complaining and embrace the moment.
01:22I am embracing it. It's never going to work.
01:25Dear Duke, dear Duke, I love you.
01:30I love you too, man. I'm sorry if I moan a lot, but it's just...
01:33No, you stupid idiot. It's what Shelley says to Duke in the message.
01:39Oh, I knew that.
01:43This is no good. It needs to be more flowery, more romantic.
01:48You see, this is where your whole plan falls apart.
01:50We can't do romance.
01:55Did I tell you my parting's down the middle?
01:57You've got loads of partings everywhere.
02:00Oh, good.
02:01Hayley, that's bubblegum.
02:05We'll get the scissors.
02:08No, no, no. Bubblegum's fine.
02:12Well, it's definitely an improvement.
02:18Tracy, there you are.
02:20Well, we've got to write this poem.
02:23A love poem.
02:25For class.
02:26We need a few romantic lines,
02:28and you're the most talented, creative person we know.
02:31What, stuff like,
02:32you are my sun, my stars,
02:34and without you I'm in total darkness?
02:38That kind of rubbish.
02:40That's exactly what we need.
02:41You're really good at this, Wilson.
02:43Oh, please. It's not as if it requires any intelligence.
02:46I send you a thousand kisses,
02:48but send me none in return
02:50as you burn a fire through my soul.
02:54I mean, um,
02:56excuse me, I go puke for a week.
02:58Fire through my soul?
03:00That's really good, Tracy. Thanks.
03:02Duke is going to be totally...
03:04Duke's going to be totally here any minute.
03:07Yeah, yeah, we need to go finish our homework.
03:09Deep down inside,
03:11you two really are romantic.
03:17Very, very deep down.
03:20We couldn't find scissors, so we got pliers.
03:25He's never going to fall for it.
03:34Dear Duke...
03:41You are my moon, my stars, my everything.
03:44First time corrected.
03:47We've got to return Shelley's phone.
03:49Oh, no! What if she's already realised it's missing?
03:52Oh, man, you need to learn to relax.
03:59Ah, Tracy, help me get this junk out of my hair.
04:03Touch your hair? I don't think so.
04:05Please, my mum won't be impressed if I turn up like this.
04:11Hold still.
04:13So, you're visiting your mum tomorrow?
04:15Yeah, but I'm not looking forward to it, though.
04:18Well, I am.
04:20It's just the first time I've seen her since.
04:23Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be pleased to see you.
04:30Well, well.
04:31You never thought I'd see the day Tracy Beaker had a crush on a boy?
04:35What?! I don't... I don't even like Wilson!
04:38Thanks very much.
04:40It's sickeningly obvious. Tracy Beaker is in love.
04:44I am not in love!
04:46I... He's an ugly, boring geek!
04:49It's OK. I'm not offended.
04:53Well, you should be!
05:05Having technical difficulties, Duke?
05:07I got a text message, but I can't work out who it's from.
05:10What does it say?
05:12It's private.
05:14You can always phone back the number the text message came from.
05:17See who answers.
05:19Great idea. You're a genius.
05:29Don't you just hate that when nobody leaves a message?
05:32Yeah, yeah. So rude.
05:35A rose? For me?
05:37I thought it'd be nice for you to grow in the garden.
05:40Nobody's ever given me a rose before.
05:43I'm glad I could be the first.
05:49Hi, Duke. Bye, Duke.
05:51It's funny, isn't it?
05:53What is?
05:54Funny how sometimes you just don't realise how other people feel about you.
05:59How you can spend every day with somebody and think you know them.
06:03But then you find out they have these feelings that you never even knew existed.
06:07Who've you been talking to? Did someone say something?
06:09No. I was just saying it can make things pretty awkward.
06:12OK, listen. I don't know what Justine's been saying, but she's a liar.
06:16I do not fancy Wilson.
06:18I'm totally cool around him.
06:20I am the queen of cool.
06:34That's me.
06:41Before you jump down my throat, I'm really sorry that I'm late.
06:44It's OK. I totally understand.
06:46You understand? You mean you're not going to spend the afternoon trying to hurt my feelings?
06:50No, I don't want to do that.
06:52Tracy! See you later.
06:54Yeah, bye. Whatever.
06:56Now look what you made me do! Just leave me alone!
07:00Now look what you made me do! Just leave me alone!
07:03Are you OK?
07:05I was distracted. Not by Wilson, but by the sun. It was in my eyes.
07:21Could we have a private chat? There's something I want to get off my chest.
07:26There are things I'd like to say too.
07:32OK. In my office after lunch?
07:41I was going to say goodbye to Wilson because he said it to me first.
07:44I mean, it would have been rude not to say it back.
07:47To be honest, I wouldn't have really minded if I said goodbye to Wilson.
07:51I mean, I'm going to see him later.
07:53I think he's feeling a bit emotional. I guess Mum's in hospital.
07:57It's not that I'm worried about his mum or anything. I haven't even met her.
08:01He's the one that's worried. He plays guitar. Did I mention that?
08:05He's made quite an impression on you.
08:08Wilson? What do you mean?
08:11Like you haven't stopped talking about him all day.
08:15He's actually very, very annoying. Like you.
08:26It's about your new phone.
08:29I think I know where this is going and it's time we cleared the air.
08:35I'm concerned that your new phone is...
08:38Well, it's distracting you from your work.
08:41That's not my fault, is it?
08:43Frankly, I think it is.
08:45But I thought I was your moon, your stars, your everything.
08:50I beg your pardon?
08:53There's no use denying it. I saved the text you sent me.
08:58Oh, no.
09:00I'd like to turn my phone on right now.
09:02I think there's been some mistake.
09:07It's a text message.
09:09From you.
09:13Roses grow in my heart for you.
09:16All my love, Duck.
09:20It seems you've misspelt your own name.
09:25It's the kids.
09:29I knew that.
09:33Quick, Shelley's coming!
09:37House meeting. Tell everyone who's old enough to spell I want them in here immediately.
09:46Right. OK, everyone.
09:49Someone has been sending Duke and me text messages.
09:53And now Duke's phone has gone missing.
09:56I want to know who's responsible.
09:58What kind of messages?
10:00The romantic kind.
10:02Something funny, Tracy Beaker?
10:04Well, actually, yes.
10:06Oh, go on, admit it, Shelley. As a practical joke, this one's pretty good.
10:10If the person with Duke's phone refuses to own up...
10:14You'll text them something mean.
10:35I have no idea how that got there.
10:38Oh, really?
10:40You think I did this?
10:41Didn't you?
10:42I'm not even going to answer that.
10:44In that case, you're on bathroom duty.
10:46That is so unfair!
10:50It wasn't Tracy who sent the messages.
10:52I'm responsible.
10:54I hid Duke's phone in Tracy's bag.
10:56You were trying to get me in trouble?
10:58Thanks a lot.
11:03OK, Wilson, you can start on the bathroom right away.
11:07So now, I don't think I'm ready for a mobile phone yet.
11:15Phew, that was close.
11:17You did this. You sent the text messages.
11:19At first, I was against the whole thing.
11:21But now, I think I'll go down in history as a classic.
11:26But why did Wilson take the blame?
11:28How sweet.
11:30Looks like he's going to have to do something about it.
11:34How sweet.
11:35Looks like Tracy Beaker's got her very own knight in shining armour.
11:38I don't need a knight in shining armour.
11:40I don't need a knight in shining armour.
12:02I know you didn't do it, so why did you take the blame?
12:04Um, how about I love the smell of disinfectant?
12:07I can look after myself, Wilson. I don't need you.
12:09It's just, I didn't want you to get in trouble.
12:12I shouldn't have taken the blame. I'm an idiot.
12:15I hate the smell of disinfectant.
12:18I suppose I could keep you company.
12:22I'd like that.
12:28Would you come to the hospital with me tomorrow?
12:31You want me to come and see your mum?
12:33Only if you want to. It's just, I don't want to go alone.
12:37And, well, the truth is, I really like you, Tracy Beaker.
12:45That's nice, but there's really no need to say it out loud.
12:53Maybe if you go this way and I go this way?
13:01Okay, I like you.
13:04So what?
13:07What's the difference between Justine and a bucket full of mouldy maggots?
13:11The bucket!
13:19Do you want a photo or what?
13:21Wish I had a camera with me yesterday.
13:23What's that supposed to mean?
13:26Where are you going?
13:27To play football.
13:28Chores first, then football.
13:31What about then?
13:32Just done my nails.
13:33Five minutes, Tracy.
13:35Don't get me wrong.
13:36There's nothing I would love more than to break my back digging up muddy potatoes.
13:40I'm going with Wilson to visit his mum in hospital.
13:42Yeah, so don't stand in the way of Tracy and her new boyfriend.
13:46Number one, a hospital visit is hardly a hot date.
13:49Number two, Wilson is not my boyfriend.
13:52Yeah, so why were you two snogging?
13:57Beaker's got a boyfriend.
13:58Kissy, kissy.
13:59Poor lies.
14:01It was in the bathroom. I saw you both.
14:03Shut your god-good brain.
14:04Talk about romantic.
14:05They were stood next to the bog Wilson was just cleaning.
14:09Maybe the bleach fumes confused Wilson's poor mind.
14:13Give it a rest, you rotten lot.
14:15Let's go dig.
14:17Tracy and Wilson sitting in a tree.
14:22You should get yourself back to hospital for some more secret snogging.
14:25Right, prepare to eat knuckle burger.
14:31Why are you going to the hospital?
14:33Wilson asked me to go with him to see his mum.
14:37She was discharged this morning.
14:39Nathan took Wilson home first thing.
14:43So he's gone.
14:47Some boyfriend.
14:49He left without saying goodbye.
14:51I'm really not in the least bit bothered.
15:02How would you feel in Tracy's shoes?
15:14Come on, you lot. Put your backs into him.
15:17What's that horrible smell?
15:19That'll be the horse manure I put in the vegetables.
15:22Nothing new?
15:23Once in a while.
15:24What's that smell?
15:26I don't know.
15:27That's the horse manure I put in the vegetables.
15:30Nothing new?
15:31Once again, I'm in the poo.
15:51He left this in the dining room.
15:54Shelley, you're so predictable.
15:57I know why you're here.
15:59But I really don't care about Wilson at all.
16:03He's gone.
16:04So what?
16:05Kids leave the dumping ground every other week.
16:08Message understood.
16:10Tracy Beaker couldn't care less.
16:16He was kind of cute, though.
16:18Maybe a little bit.
16:20Was he a good kisser?
16:23There'll be plenty of other boys.
16:26That first kiss is always the sweetest, though.
16:29I remember my first boyfriend, Richard.
16:32Please, let's not go there. You're making me feel queasy.
16:35That's that black shorts, innit?
16:39Hands off!
16:41I found it.
16:42But on house property.
16:45So, it belongs to everyone.
16:48Think again, duke.
16:49Share your selfish pee.
16:51I hope he never shares anything.
16:53Michael, hand it over.
16:55I said, hand it over.
16:59Michael, come back here!
17:02What's in there?
17:08This was buried by the Meller family in 1972.
17:12It's a time capsule.
17:13You mean they wore these all those years ago?
17:16How cool is that?
17:19This must be the Mellers.
17:25They look like a really happy family.
17:27Weird to think.
17:29There was once one of those in the dumping ground.
17:36I know.
17:37Why don't we make one of our own?
17:40Kids, get into that house and choose your time capsule treasures.
17:45Go, go, go, go, go!
17:49Go, go!
17:50Go on.
17:54What's up?
17:55She looks like my mum.
18:05What do you want, snot face?
18:08We found the time capsule in the garden.
18:11This is me trying hard to look remotely interested.
18:16You're obviously too busy trying to get over Wilson that you can't come out and have fun with us.
18:20Fun is not being an anorak sado who puts their pathetic belongings into an old box.
18:24You know what I like about you, Tracy?
18:33Is this big enough?
18:35Who knows, when this time capsule's opened, maybe kids will be cutting your picture out of a running magazine.
18:41How about you, Long?
18:42I'm making a documentary about life here.
18:44Sounds good.
18:45Want this one's best?
18:47And all the awards this year go to Long's placova for the dumping round.
18:56He always hogs the video camera.
18:58Ah, whinge, whinge, whinge.
18:59There is some truth in that, Long.
19:01Come on, as if she'd not use it.
19:03It's not exactly rocket science, is it?
19:05How about letting Justine have a go?
19:08Jackie, you can help her.
19:10You want to see a real documentary?
19:12We'll make you one.
19:13Go for it, girls.
19:17Bacon sarnie, my style.
19:20Get some really thick cut bacon, some prime white bread, crisp lettuce, juicy tomatoes,
19:27and to finish it off completely, some delicious brown sauce.
19:36And cut.
19:42What do you want?
19:43To film your fantastic football skills.
19:46Maybe I could give you five minutes?
19:52I'm Long, the dumb girl's dashing young soccer star.
19:59I want that re-filming.
20:01No way, that was Comedy Central.
20:06See the look on his face?
20:08Comedy Central.
20:10Oh, hi, Tracy.
20:11Do you want to help us make our film?
20:15Go on, let it.
20:16It looks fun.
20:18Like you said, Tracy, this is a stupid project.
20:21It's only for saddle anoraks.
20:23Stay cool and stay out of it.
20:25Go on, tell them how it is.
20:33I don't want to join into your dumb project where you pay me a million quid.
20:37It's for dorks.
20:39And when someone picks on your pathetic rubbish in the future,
20:42they'll die of boredom.
20:50So, I guess that'll be a no?
21:00What have you got for us tonight, Jake?
21:02Hands off.
21:03That's my private stash of camembert cheese.
21:06Oh, it stinks.
21:08Oh, no, he's got those horrible cheapo sausages.
21:11I haven't had any complaints before.
21:13You ought to give these to a dog.
21:16I'm filming.
21:17It's for the time capsule.
21:20I refuse to let future generations see my cooking ridiculed.
21:23Sorry, Jake, but we won't be censored.
21:26All right, then.
21:39Have you turned that camera off yet?
21:44Hayley, sweetheart, what's the matter?
21:46I can't find a picture of me and my mum to put in the box.
21:50Juke, is there any more bread and butter?
21:52Yeah, when you finish your sausages.
21:54Have you tried them? They're not good.
21:56Don't you start.
21:58Ask Jackie for the ketchup.
22:00No, I'm not talking to Jackie.
22:02Or Justine.
22:04First they nip my camera.
22:06Then they make me look like a right dweeb.
22:09Old buddy, pass the ketchup, please.
22:17What are you doing? I'm sorry!
22:19This is why no-one ever trusts you, yeah?
22:25Let them fight. You're well out of it.
22:28They need you to take care of them.
22:31Let them fight. You're well out of it.
22:33They need you to take over and sort everything out.
22:41Right, that's enough.
22:43It's blatantly obvious you can't do this time capsule without my help.
22:46So I'm going to have to step in and take charge.
22:49Excuse me, but I thought you said it was for dorks.
22:51Your time capsule would be rubbish.
22:53Now, as I live here, I don't want my name associated with dross.
22:56So, Jackie, you can be my right-hand girl.
22:59You can go finish your film pronto.
23:01You go make another collage, make it good.
23:03I'll help Hayley find her photo.
23:05And the rest of you can go out and dig a hole for the time capsule, OK?
23:10I think she's over Wilson.
23:13Where did you last see it?
23:15Right, let's think logically.
23:18You're a soppy little kid, so where did you put a picture of your mum?
23:23Got it.
23:24Already looked there.
23:27I haven't looked in here.
23:32Oh, thanks, Tracy.
23:34I can't help being a genius.
23:37Hey, dudes, I've got something for you.
23:42Wilson wanted you to have this.
23:49It's his mobile number.
23:51Ooh, Tracy Beaker, have you got yourself a boyfriend?
24:22Whoever digs this up in the future will get a surprise.
24:25Say that again.
24:26We are gathered here today to witness the burial of this time capsule.
24:30What's that weird smell?
24:33Well done, you guys. A lot of good work has gone into this.
24:36Any more stuff to go in?
24:38Are you sure, Hayley?
24:40You haven't got many photographs of you and your mum left.
24:42Hang on to it.
24:45No, I really wanted to go in.
24:57That's where it went.
24:58You rat!
25:00I found the old time capsule and everyone else just muscled in.
25:03You rotten swine.
25:04That stinky cheese would have gone all runny and ruined all our things.
25:07Let's get him.
25:08Dudes, at least you undocked it before it was too late.
25:11Are we going to bury this, then?
25:13Hang on.
25:15Do you recognise any of these?
25:17What's this?
25:19Wilson left me the photos as a goodbye present.
25:21Look on the back.
25:23Are you going to call him?
25:25You wouldn't understand.
25:27Sure, he was cute enough, but I'm far too busy for boyfriends.
25:30I'm done with love.
25:55I'm done with love.
