Can Y Sanem Están Cada Vez Más Cerca - Pájaro Soñador

  • last month
00:30Don't be afraid, it's me, not a stranger.
00:32Why did you come here?
00:34I saw you walking alone, and I followed you.
00:38I just wanted to make sure you're okay,
00:41that you're not in danger.
00:44I'm picking up flowers.
00:46Flowers? Oh, for the perfume?
00:49That's right.
00:51Well, pick up your flowers.
00:53I'll go pick up some flowers.
00:55I'm going to pick up some flowers.
00:57That's right.
00:59Well, pick up your flowers.
01:01You do it calmly.
01:03Take your time, I'll wait for you here.
01:05When you're done, we'll go back.
01:08It'll take me a while.
01:11Don't tell me.
01:13I'll wait for you here, no problem.
01:15Besides, I don't have anything to do, nor am I in a hurry.
01:20Look at that.
01:22There's a bee hive.
01:24Don't go near it, because they can sting you.
01:26I'm used to their stings, but for you, it can be dangerous.
01:29Mr. Chan.
01:32I'm going to take a while, and I want to be alone.
01:38Are you sure?
01:44Do you want me to go?
01:50I was going to watch the bees, so they don't sting you.
01:55But I'm going.
01:57Just be careful with the bees.
01:59Don't get too close to the hive, okay?
02:26We're done, we're not together anymore.
02:28We're done, we're not together, I'll tell you the truth.
02:58Ah, what a relief.
03:11Flowers impregnate the air with their perfume, but only if you pick them up early in the morning.
03:17Everything has its moment. Until mine arrives, I must learn to be patient, like flowers.
03:57Mr. Jan?
04:21No, no, you're a dream. Oh, you're real!
04:27Don't run away from me, on land and in water!
04:30Don't come near me! Don't! Don't come near me! Don't do it!
04:35I'm as real as you.
04:39You're not mad at me, are you?
04:42Jan, what are we doing?
04:47I honestly don't know.
04:49I told you I wanted to be alone, so why did you follow me?
05:01Why do you want to be alone?
05:04To think and reflect.
05:12If you want, you can be alone, or we can be alone together.
05:17Do you want to be alone with me?
05:37Jan? Jan, where are you? Where are you?
05:43Oh, my ankle! Oh, I twisted it! It hurts!
05:47Are you okay?
05:49Oh, I can't support it! It hurts a lot!
05:52Can you walk?
05:54I twisted it, Mr. Jan!
05:56What are you doing?
05:58It hurts!
06:00What are you doing?
06:02Can't you see I got hurt?
06:04Well, we have a crisis!
06:07How's work?
06:09We have to repeat everything again!
06:11I called the team and the client! They're coming back to meet us!
06:14Was it for the day after tomorrow?
06:16We'll fix it! Are you okay?
06:18How can you say that and be so calm?
06:20Can't you see we just lost all our work?
06:22We'll talk to the client!
06:24They're waiting for you, Jan!
06:26One moment! I got in the water, a wave pushed me, and then it swung me on the floor.
06:31And now I think I twisted my ankle! It hurts a lot!
06:34Don't say nonsense! It hurts a lot!
06:35You look horrible! Do you need me to take you?
06:38No need, Mr. Jan, thank you!
06:40Are you sure you can walk? You could have gotten worse!
06:42I'm perfectly fine!
06:44Are you sure? Come on, walk! I want to see you!
06:46Don't worry, I'm fine!
06:48Are you coming or not?
06:50Who's waiting for you?
06:52Miss Deren, let's go!
06:54You shut up!
06:56This can't be! It's ridiculous!
06:58Don't worry, we'll fix it!
07:00It's a serious problem!
07:02We have to make sure things don't happen like this!
07:05Let's go!
07:23Stay there!
07:31Mr. Jan, what happened to you? You're wet! I hope you didn't have any problems!
07:35It's nothing, I had to take care of something urgent and I got wet.
07:39Now, let's talk about work.
07:42I don't understand how they made such a serious mistake.
07:45They put us in a very difficult situation.
07:48I didn't know it was a mistake.
07:50No, it wasn't a mistake.
07:52The camera card broke. It's a technical problem.
07:54Things happen and they're not under our control.
07:57Mr. Jan, we must have the commercial ready tomorrow.
08:00We can't change the date.
08:01We have a day to repeat the recording, editing and lighting.
08:05Maybe it's best to cancel it because it's impossible to do it.
08:10I understand your position, but I don't think it's necessary to cancel it.
08:13I'll take care of everything personally.
08:15I'll have it in time.
08:17It's better if we start working now.
08:22Everything will be ready tomorrow.
08:24If you don't like the result we give you, you don't have to use it.
08:27But I'm sure you'll like it.
08:30Okay, Mr. Jan, we trust you.
08:32So, see you tomorrow.
08:34Thank you very much.
08:36See you tomorrow.
08:38Have a good day.
08:42Let's hope it's ready tomorrow.
08:44What do we do now?
08:46What's the plan?
08:48The plan?
08:50If it's a joke, it's not funny.
08:52Jan, we can't do it tomorrow.
08:54Everyone's gone.
08:56I'm wet.
08:58So first I'm going to change and then I'll be back.
09:01Prepare a big table and get everyone together.
09:04We'll do it all over again.
09:07Bravo, Deren.
09:09That's how you solve problems?
09:11If it were Jan, he would have fired you.
09:13Who do you think you are?
09:15If it were Jan, you'd be on the street.
09:17Of course there are no problems.
09:19It will be as you say.
09:30The client doesn't want that actor.
09:32They want Osman.
09:34Well, I'll take care of it.
09:36I'll take care of it.
09:38Mr. Jan, the director is busy tomorrow and can't come.
09:41Call Vadir.
09:43He's busy too.
09:45Then call Pinar Janssen.
09:47I'll try to convince her, don't worry.
09:49Miss Deren, Mr. Jan.
09:51The client loved the vegan meatballs.
09:52They want us to cook them again for tomorrow.
09:54They gave me a list with the menu.
09:56They say they want...
09:58How was it?
10:00Churut, chucureta, churro.
10:02It was something like that, but I don't remember it well.
10:05I couldn't understand it and I wonder what it is.
10:07It could be chucrute.
10:09And why didn't they tell me?
10:14It's just that I'm very stressed.
10:16Even chucrute makes me nervous.
10:18I'm sorry.
10:19Yeye, take the list and talk to Osman.
10:21Solve the problem and that's it.
10:23All right, yes, of course.
10:25Sir, thank you very much.
10:29Osman, we have to prepare the dishes you see here.
10:34The make-up artist is also busy.
10:36Can I call Hakan?
10:38He has worked on several shoots.
10:40Very well, do it.
10:42No, wait a minute.
10:44Is he the type of beard?
10:46That's right.
10:47Keep looking.
10:49And find someone else.
10:51Finagno is available.
10:53I can't find any director.
10:55Everyone is busy or on vacation.
10:57What do we do?
10:59Jan, why don't you do it?
11:01You have experience.
11:07Very well, I'll do it.
11:09Do we have the wardrobe?
11:11Yes, but not the wardrobe manager.
11:13You will be responsible for the wardrobes.
11:14Oh, but Deren, I'm participating as an actress in the ad.
11:18You are an actress and also responsible for the wardrobes.
11:20You put on the clothes and you take it off.
11:22Girls, girls, wait a minute.
11:24Deren, take care of the technical team
11:26and we will solve the rest with our own means.
11:28Yes, very well.
11:30Oh, he's always busy.
11:32I'm going to go crazy with so many calls.
11:34I need an assistant.
11:36Zanem organized the list.
11:38She could help you.
11:40Where is it?
11:42It's ... look, there comes Zanem.
11:44Oh, Zanem.
12:14What happened?
12:16I had never seen anyone dressed like that.
12:18Tell me, Deren.
12:20Güliz, give Zanem the list.
12:22Eliminate those who are not available.
12:24Get in touch with the others.
12:26Yes, Miss Deren.
12:34Tomorrow we will record
12:36and they want us to make some changes in the script.
12:38We will finish the meeting
12:40and see you tomorrow at 6 in the morning.
12:42Miss Ra,
12:44I understand that you are on vacation,
12:46but I do not ask you to cancel them.
12:48I just ask you to give yourself a space.
12:50You are very close from here.
12:52If I call you, it is because Miss Deren
12:54loves you especially as a makeup artist.
12:56If I tell her that you will not come,
12:58she will bother me
13:00and she may even fire me.
13:02Seriously, do you really want that to happen?
13:04I understand. Do you have a son?
13:06No problem, we will take care of your son.
13:08Please do not tell me no, then ...
13:09Will you come?
13:11Perfect, thank you very much, goodbye.
13:13Mr. Jan.
13:20How are you?
13:22Very well.
13:24Do you want?
13:30Thank you very much.
13:40All right?
13:42Yes, of course.
13:44I'm glad.
13:46And how do you feel?
13:50And you?
13:52I'm fine too, yes.
13:54I feel happy.
13:57Valencia left.
13:59It seems that she will not return.
14:01She has left.
14:03And she will not return.
14:05She does not like these places very much.
14:07I see.
14:09She wants to be by your side.
14:11I guess she wants to stay with you.
14:13I know.
14:15It's hard for her to accept that we are over.
14:17We were together for a long time.
14:20We always supported each other.
14:25That's why she is important to me.
14:29If you knew her, you would want to leave.
14:31Yes, I understand. I agree with you.
14:33But it's over.
14:35She will understand.
14:37But it takes some time.
14:39I'm sure.
14:41That's right.
14:46Tell me.
14:48What happened a while ago on the beach.
14:51Yes, that moment.
14:55We have a pending conversation.
14:58We should talk about it.
15:00I do not know.
15:02Of course, if you want.
15:04And if we do not, why am I not good for those conversations?
15:06When I talk about it, everything ends badly.
15:09You're right. Let's not talk about it.
15:12It's better to act.
15:16And not think so much about things.
15:18It's true.
15:20But you're still thinking about the same thing, right?
15:23Do you still want to be by my side?
15:25Yes, I have not changed my mind. Of course not.
15:28We can not be alone here.
15:30I know. It's full of people.
15:34Listen to me.
15:37I'm going to be here at six in the morning.
15:39So I'm not going home.
15:41I'll stay here.
15:43Stay with me.
15:45Of course, if you want.
15:47In the trunk of the car I have a tent and a sleeping bag.
15:52I would love to sleep in nature, in the open air.
15:55But my mother would kill me.
15:57My sister will return home and I must return with her.
16:00I see.
16:02But thank you.
16:04You're welcome.
16:07I love you.
16:14This suit ...
16:17It's fine, but ...
16:20Why are you wearing these flowers?
16:23It was stuck. I can not take it off.
16:27You look good.
16:29Like ... Like everything you wear.
16:32Lights ...
16:35You look beautiful.
16:37I wish I could stay with you.
16:44Who said you can not?
16:49You do not understand.
16:51I have to go home with my sister.
16:53If not, my mother will kill me.
16:55I can not stay here.
16:59Oh, sorry.
17:05Are you allergic to grapes?
17:07Why not?
17:21Guys, pay attention.
17:23Can you listen to me for a second?
17:25Tomorrow we will record at six.
17:27So, to save time, we will camp here at night.
17:30So we will not waste so much time from one side to the other.
17:33Ah, Osman, could you stay and prepare us some dinner?
17:36Something simple so we can all have dinner together.
17:38Okay. I'll go shopping. We'll take care of it.
17:43Then I'll take the new list of JJ.
17:46We'll stay.
17:51JJ, can you give me the list?
17:59Leila, will you stay too?
18:02If Mr. Emre asks me, I'll have to stay.
18:05So, there is a chance?
18:07That's right.
18:09Well, we'll go buy food at the neighborhood. Do you want to come?
18:12I have a lot to do, Osman.
18:14If I finish, maybe the company car will take me home.
18:16The company car?
18:18Why do we have to stay here?
18:20What kind of company is this?
18:22We'll have to sleep in the woods.
18:23We'll leave and come back early in the morning.
18:26Musafer, come with me and I'll explain it to you on the way. Let's go.
18:29No. If we all stay together, especially if Sanem stays, I'll do it too.
18:33I'll be a forest watchman. There are a lot of wild animals. It's very dangerous.
18:37Don't tell my parents anything, okay? I'll explain it to them myself later.
18:42I won't tell them anything.
18:44But since I'm close, your mother doesn't worry anymore.
18:46But if you prefer to talk to her, then do it.
18:49Okay. I'll do it later.
18:51Let's go, Musafer.
18:53Let's go.
18:55Miss Deren, I spoke to Miss Erra and she agreed to come.
18:58Very good. Call the others.
19:00Sanem, I want you to tell me about that injured ankle later.
19:05Of course.
19:07You'll tell me.
19:11Can we talk, please?
19:13Yes, we can.
19:15You can come.
19:19In private.
19:23Jan, what are you doing?
19:25Where will all these people sleep?
19:27You're right, Bravo.
19:29Yayay, Yayay, come here.
19:31Deren has a question.
19:33Where will all these people sleep?
19:35Listen, we need tent shops.
19:37Call the driver and try to get everything we need for the whole team.
19:41It's urgent.
19:43Okay, Mr. Jan.
19:45What size and color do you want the tent shops to be?
19:48Your look tells me that that's not important.
19:51I'll take care of it.
19:57Yes, I have nothing to say.
19:59Good job.
20:01But that's out of control, Jan.
20:03Deren, relax.
20:05Try to enjoy the moment.
20:07Observe nature, enjoy it.
20:09Look at the sky, the stars.
20:11It will be a beautiful night.
20:13Everyone will like it.
20:15And it will be good for you.
20:19I'll stay in a tent shop.
20:21Of course you'll sleep in one.
20:23You're the spirit of the team.
20:25We're nothing without you.
20:34It's better.
20:39What are you doing?
20:48I'm just looking.
20:52Let's continue pasting this.
20:59Sanem, stop playing and start pasting labels.
21:02I'm coming.
21:07You're wrong.
21:09Be more careful.
21:11Do you know how expensive those juices are?
21:13They're organic and this too.
21:14That means you can eat it.
21:16It's easy to digest, look.
21:19Did you eat it?
21:21Yes, I ate it.
21:23You can eat organic.
21:26And it tastes good.
21:28And in front of our eyes is something very organic.
21:32We have a lot to do.
21:39I'm not going to be alone.
21:44JJ is with me.
21:46What are you doing, Sanem?
21:48Good morning.
21:50Who is that idiot?
21:52His clothes are tight and he looks weird.
21:56Mom, it's a video call and you're on speaker.
21:59The others can also listen.
22:01Sorry, what did he say about my clothes?
22:03I make them myself.
22:05I mean, I design them and it's to my liking.
22:07Why does he think it's weird?
22:09That's my style and I feel comfortable like that.
22:10No, it was a joke.
22:12He loves to make them.
22:14Look, Osman is also here.
22:16There's Han and...
22:18Mrs. Metcibbe, stay calm.
22:20I'm here in the forest, I'll take care of Sanem.
22:22For now, I'm setting up the tent.
22:25I saw that everyone is there, but I still have doubts.
22:28Believe me, there's no problem.
22:30Stay calm, I have everything under control.
22:32Mrs. Metcibbe, how are you?
22:34Mr. Jan, I'm fine.
22:36And you, how are you?
22:37When I saw you in the tent, I imagined a very distant place.
22:40I'm worried about my daughter.
22:42Don't worry.
22:45It's time to go, I have to hang up.
22:47Okay, but don't catch a cold.
22:49Dress warmly, daughter.
22:51Oh, Mr. Jan is such a polite man.
22:54I hope he's happy with his girlfriend.
22:57Mom, you're still online.
22:59We're listening to you.
23:02Oh, what did you do?
23:04I hope you didn't hear anything.
23:05Tell me, what's wrong with what I said?
23:07It was a good wish, that he was happy with his girlfriend.
23:10Stop it, Metcibbe.
23:12Oh, mom.
23:14My mother.
23:16You know what? Mothers always tell the truth.
23:18She's a very sweet woman, I like her very much.
23:20You better obey her.
23:23I always listen to your advice.
23:35I love you.
