The Love Match (1955) B&W

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00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:48Mr. Longworth, there's a train on the line to Enola 60.
00:01:53All right, I'll look into it. Thanks for letting me know.
00:01:56Mind you, don't say it is one of our chaps. If it is, I'll know the reason why.
00:01:59I'll call you back.
00:02:01Miss Atkinson, who's on the 204 goods from Milford Junction, eh?
00:02:05Come on, girl, look sharp.
00:02:07Phil Brown, Mr. Longworth.
00:02:08Brown? Well, I don't understand it. Why, I'm getting complaints all along the line.
00:02:11They say he's driving like a lunatic. What's he up to, do you suppose?
00:02:14Well, City V United this afternoon, sir.
00:02:17Well, look.
00:02:28There they go.
00:02:29Hey, what time is it? We'll be late for the match.
00:02:31Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:02:34Oh, I'll do it myself.
00:02:39Dear Clark, tell Brown I want to see him as soon as he comes in.
00:02:43I think he's on the turntable now.
00:02:46Hurry up, Phil.
00:02:49Excuse you, Willie.
00:02:50Hold tight, Willie.
00:02:57Come on, Phil, hurry up. Hurry up. Come on.
00:03:01Ah, pretty dear.
00:03:05Well, come on.
00:03:06You can't leave it, can you?
00:03:07Oh, let old Longworth bargain himself. Come on.
00:03:16Come on.
00:03:28You're not cross, are you?
00:03:30I told you that string wasn't strong enough.
00:03:35Hey, Brown! Brown!
00:03:47Hey, Brown! Brown!
00:03:49Hey, give me those.
00:03:57Couldn't catch him, sir.
00:03:58Here, those their journey cards?
00:04:00Yes, sir.
00:04:01Here, Jackson, take a note and attach it to Brown's card.
00:04:03I'm not going to have this sort of thing.
00:04:04Come on, Wally.
00:04:05Hurry up, Wally.
00:04:11Hey, carefully. They'll have me over, Wally.
00:04:13Oh, to drive.
00:04:14I've got so many. May I?
00:04:44Can you swim?
00:05:19Get the pies, Wally.
00:05:21Big gate.
00:05:22Biggest we've climbed over.
00:05:26Good old Charlie.
00:05:28Well played, Charlie.
00:05:30Well played, Charlie.
00:05:32The dirtiest player on the field.
00:05:33He should have been sent off three times.
00:05:35And he went the same last season.
00:05:37He couldn't save it.
00:05:40Hey, copper!
00:05:52Dead ball, Wally.
00:05:53I think Charlie was on his foot.
00:05:55Could you see it from here?
00:05:57My friend misses nothing.
00:05:58Doesn't he?
00:05:59Don't talk so daft.
00:06:00How could it be a corner?
00:06:02There, see?
00:06:11Right full back for England.
00:06:12He wouldn't get his place with...
00:06:17Hello, what happened, Wally?
00:06:18Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:06:20All right, I'll read about it in the paper in the morning.
00:06:22Hey, look.
00:06:27Good God, over the line.
00:06:28Aye, two yards over the line.
00:06:30I could have drove a bus through.
00:06:32Get some specs, ref!
00:06:36He's coming over. Do you think he heard me?
00:06:38No, he's coming over to console linesmen.
00:06:41It'll be a bounce-up.
00:06:42It'll be a penalty.
00:06:44A what?
00:06:45A penalty.
00:06:46You tell him, linesman.
00:06:47That's right, tell him!
00:06:48Go for it!
00:06:51Now we'll see what the linesman's going to say.
00:06:53I'll see you outside.
00:06:54It's not a big coming.
00:06:55That's not a penalty.
00:06:56City's bought the Reds!
00:07:03Who's team?
00:07:04Who's team?
00:07:05I've got it, I've got it, I've got it.
00:07:07Well, I don't know what all jumping about was for.
00:07:09It's not lit.
00:07:10It were when it went down.
00:07:11Hello, where's me pie?
00:07:12Oh, it was you, was it?
00:07:13Come on.
00:07:14Oh, me?
00:07:15Aye, aye, he can't go now.
00:07:16Game's not over.
00:07:17Come on.
00:07:18Good riddance, too.
00:07:19They've done nothing but cause bother all afternoon.
00:07:21I can't see game.
00:07:22Get out of it.
00:07:24He's given a penalty!
00:07:33Good job, my friend.
00:07:35Good job, my friend.
00:07:36Oh, so you admit it, eh?
00:07:37Come along.
00:07:38Come back here.
00:07:39Come back.
00:07:40Hey, hey.
00:07:41Come on.
00:07:42Come here.
00:07:43Hey, bell.
00:07:45And don't forget, 10 o'clock, magistrate's court.
00:07:50I want a word with you.
00:07:56Hey, that's blanket.
00:07:57We can hardly be on the early morning run.
00:07:59Hey, if we hurry up, we can swap with Higgins and do his run tonight.
00:08:02Oh, my miss is going to wonder where I've got to.
00:08:05Well, what about yourself?
00:08:06We can send young Vera round with a message.
00:08:08Supposing Sal starts asking awkward questions when you get back?
00:08:12Oh, I'll take her mind off it.
00:08:14I'll tell her all about the game.
00:08:15She loves me to talk to her about football.
00:08:17I'm fed up with the sound of the word football.
00:08:20And you're as bad as your dad.
00:08:22I'm worse.
00:08:23I'm still playing.
00:08:24And take them outside.
00:08:25They're like soft kids, the way they go on about football.
00:08:28Yes, well, don't start teasing your dad tonight because I want him in a good mood.
00:08:31Why, tonight's special?
00:08:33Oh, well, you'll have to know sooner or later, so I might just as well tell you now.
00:08:36We've got a lodger.
00:08:38A what?
00:08:39Well, don't say.
00:08:40A what?
00:08:41Like that, as though it was a disease or something.
00:08:43With your dad being on such a lot of night work, I...
00:08:46Well, I get a bit nervous sometimes.
00:08:48Crumbs, a lodger.
00:08:50Is it a man or a woman?
00:08:52Well, it's a man, of course.
00:08:53You don't think I'd have a woman messing about in my house, do you?
00:08:56Besides, your dad's too old to be trusted
00:09:00and not young enough to be particular.
00:09:02Mum, do you think it'd be crass if I asked to go to Liverpool tomorrow?
00:09:06Now, what do you want to go to Liverpool for?
00:09:08Well, last Monday, I met a chap at the Rialto, and this chap lives in Liverpool.
00:09:11Now, you listen to me, our Rose.
00:09:13If you think that I'm spending all this money on your dancing lessons
00:09:15so that you can go ganding off to Liverpool...
00:09:17Oh, Mummy, listen.
00:09:18This chap's married.
00:09:19Oh, married?
00:09:21Well, I've all the nerve.
00:09:23Oh, Mummy, will you let me finish what I'm trying to tell you?
00:09:25He's a talent scout.
00:09:27Well, I never heard it called that before.
00:09:29Mum, they're holding a dancing competition
00:09:31to find the best couple in the North West,
00:09:34and they've chosen Harry Longworth and me to represent Newton.
00:09:38Oh, well, I don't know what to say.
00:09:40I'm sure I, Rose.
00:09:41Anyway, what are you going to wear?
00:09:43Well, I wondered if I could wear that one, you know.
00:09:45Oh, I'll go, Mum.
00:09:55One purse?
00:09:56Nothing, I just brought a message from your dad.
00:09:58He's swapped a turn and he's going straight out on the evening road.
00:10:01What for?
00:10:02I don't know.
00:10:03He says he's got something to do in the morning.
00:10:05Hey, are you going to Liverpool tomorrow?
00:10:07Well, I was going to ask Dad tonight.
00:10:09Trouble is, I need a new dress.
00:10:11Well, they've got a proper lovely one in that new place in West Street.
00:10:16Hello, young Vera.
00:10:17Tell Mum I'm just off, sis, will you?
00:10:19Bye, Vera.
00:10:21Waiting for me?
00:10:22Oh, I like your style.
00:10:23Aye, I thought you did.
00:10:24Come on, I'll walk you home.
00:10:26Who was that?
00:10:27Vera, she was asking me if I am going to Liverpool tomorrow.
00:10:29I do hope Dad lets me go.
00:10:31Well, you'll have to ask him when he comes in.
00:10:33Oh, he's not coming in, Vera just said.
00:10:35He's going straight on duty.
00:10:36Oh, well, that's awkward.
00:10:38Now, that means I can't tell him about the lodger till tomorrow morning.
00:10:41Report to me first thing in the morning.
00:10:43Hey, that's torn it, lad.
00:10:45You've got to be in court in the morning.
00:10:47Well, I've only got one body.
00:10:48You could do with a pair of legs to go with it, no?
00:10:50Aye, aye.
00:10:51Your Sal is not going to create about this lot, lad.
00:10:54Hey, Sal, get away.
00:10:55She won't say a word.
00:10:56I shan't tell her.
00:10:57You won't have to.
00:10:58She'll know so much wrong with you getting up without having to be dragged out after a night run.
00:11:03Well, leave it to me.
00:11:04I'll nip out smart.
00:11:05She won't even know I've gone.
00:11:06Hey, I'll come and give evidence for you, lad.
00:11:09That ought to get me five years.
00:11:11I, um, I wonder who will be on the bench tomorrow.
00:11:16Now, the day he threw the pie,
00:11:20are you sure this is the man who threw the pie?
00:11:23I don't doubt about it, Your Honour.
00:11:24I don't want any doubt about it.
00:11:26Um, stand down.
00:11:29And you stand up.
00:11:30Oh, you are standing up.
00:11:32You were watching a football match.
00:11:34Football match?
00:11:35It was City versus United.
00:11:37Well, I did think of going myself,
00:11:39but you know how it is, what with the misses on one hand and this job on the other.
00:11:44Did you enjoy it?
00:11:46What, a sore bit?
00:11:47What do you mean you didn't stay to the finish?
00:11:49Your copper couldn't keep his mind on the game.
00:11:51Yes, yes, well, I know how you feel,
00:11:53but you must try and look at things our way.
00:11:55He was only doing his duty.
00:11:56The trouble is he arrested the wrong man.
00:11:58Well, he had to arrest somebody.
00:12:00I mean, you mean Wilfred arrested the wrong man?
00:12:03Aye, he should have pulled in the referee.
00:12:06Really, this is too much.
00:12:07That'll do, that'll do.
00:12:08You can have your say later.
00:12:10Now, Mr. Brown, why should the referee have been arrested?
00:12:13Didn't you read your papers this morning?
00:12:15No, well, as a matter of fact, I was late down for breakfast,
00:12:18and my missus said to me...
00:12:20Never mind about that.
00:12:21You ask Wally, my friend.
00:12:22He's an independent witness.
00:12:24Who's Wally?
00:12:25I'm Wally, sir.
00:12:27Well, come into the box.
00:12:29Yes, sir.
00:12:30And tell me, in your own words, what happened.
00:12:34Ah, well, United half-back...
00:12:38Better send out some tea.
00:12:40This is going to take some time.
00:12:42Look, I'll show you.
00:12:44Hey, Bill, come here.
00:12:45Just show us a minute.
00:12:46See, United half-back has ball.
00:12:47He's going to throw it in, see?
00:12:49He throws it in.
00:12:50It goes straight to Winger.
00:12:51Winger runs upfield.
00:12:52See, Gary will lose it.
00:12:53It's a chance.
00:12:54He's marked by three men.
00:12:55He's going to take a shot at goal.
00:12:56Should he get ready for it?
00:12:57Look, the line's been waving his flag, man.
00:12:59Three United players offside,
00:13:00but Ref takes the notice.
00:13:01It's a lie.
00:13:02You sit down.
00:13:03See, right back rushes in.
00:13:04United inside, rival can see him.
00:13:05Should cover his foot.
00:13:06It goes flat on his face.
00:13:07Ref blows his whistle.
00:13:09And he gives a penalty.
00:13:10But, pal, there were no foul.
00:13:12A good yard outside penalty area.
00:13:17Order! Order! Order in court, please.
00:13:19Silence in court.
00:13:21Well, I must say I enjoyed that.
00:13:23Nearly as good as being there myself.
00:13:25I thank you both very much.
00:13:27You must pop in again some other time.
00:13:29Sorry you didn't see the end,
00:13:31but I do like a good chat about football.
00:13:34But, Your Honour...
00:13:35As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
00:13:38You're lucky I don't send you down
00:13:39for wasting the time of the court.
00:13:41But, Your Honour, we're not trying the case
00:13:42of whether the referee gave a bad decision.
00:13:44The case is that the prisoner is accused
00:13:45of hitting him with a meat-and-potato pie.
00:13:47He's quite right, you know.
00:13:49You had me quite carried away.
00:13:51Well, now, I think I can explain everything, sir.
00:13:53Now, you'll meet up there in the stand
00:13:55and get the referee, will we?
00:13:57And the referee's down there talking to the linesman.
00:13:59This is ridiculous.
00:14:00Your Honour, it's highly irregular.
00:14:02Oh, I don't know.
00:14:03It's quite all right with me.
00:14:05Go on, Mr Brown.
00:14:06Now, we shall need a meat-and-potato pie.
00:14:10Uh, Mr Postlethwaite,
00:14:12have we any meat-and-potato pies?
00:14:14No, Your Honour.
00:14:15Oh, dear, dear.
00:14:16How very annoying.
00:14:18You see, we're never without pies again.
00:14:21Here, I'll tell you what.
00:14:22You pretend that's the meat-and-potato pie, you see?
00:14:24Now, I'm standing behind you smoking a cigarette.
00:14:26OK, OK.
00:14:27And the cigarette, then, goes down the back of your neck.
00:14:29Now, that gives you a start.
00:14:35And that's how the referee got the meat-and-potato pie.
00:14:38I think you've explained everything, Mr Brown.
00:14:41I'm perfectly satisfied.
00:14:44I think this case is covered by Article 252 of the Criminal Code.
00:14:47Any pictures?
00:14:48If Your Worship would care to refresh his memory.
00:14:50Ah, I see what you mean.
00:14:52Bit awkward, isn't it?
00:14:54Well, as far as I can see,
00:14:55I shall have to, uh, either fine you five pound
00:14:57or send you down for two months.
00:14:59Your Honour, I don't want to be difficult, but...
00:15:01That's quite enough from you.
00:15:03You started all this.
00:15:05Uh, well, now, Mr Brown, um,
00:15:07what would you like yourself?
00:15:09How do you feel about this?
00:15:10Would you rather pay the fine or go to prison?
00:15:12How do you feel?
00:15:14Well, I haven't got any money with me, you see.
00:15:16Oh, well, call in any time when you're passing.
00:15:18That's very kind of you.
00:15:20Your Honour!
00:15:21Your Honour!
00:15:23Oh, I always said you have to pay before you leave.
00:15:26Uh, can't you send home for the money?
00:15:28I, uh, I can send Wally.
00:15:30Come here!
00:15:31You know that briefcase with the holiday club fund?
00:15:33Club fund?
00:15:34Well, go and get it without Salsenia
00:15:35and bring it back here as quick as you can.
00:15:37I'll take five pounds out of that.
00:15:38You'll get run in if you do.
00:15:40I'll get run in if I don't.
00:15:41Hurry up, don't argue.
00:15:42I'll take it out of my next borders.
00:15:43Go on, quick as you can.
00:15:45I'd like to discuss something with you.
00:15:47Oh, aye.
00:15:48Any more cases?
00:15:49No, Your Honour.
00:15:50Right, clear the court.
00:15:51Pull up a chair.
00:15:56Liverpool to win?
00:15:57You must be blimey.
00:15:59I'll never trust that Charlie Evans again.
00:16:17Here I am!
00:16:20Shall I do the potatoes, Mum?
00:16:22Oh, Tarlo.
00:16:23Oh, hello.
00:16:24Aye, would you, would you...
00:16:25Where's Dad?
00:16:26Oh, he's, he's, he's coming.
00:16:29Now, then, Wally, love.
00:16:31What's up?
00:16:33Aye, I've, I've, I've got a message for you.
00:16:35Have you?
00:16:36From our aunt.
00:16:38She wants to know if you'll pop over
00:16:39and have a look at Abel.
00:16:40She's very worried about his cough.
00:16:43Well, she says it might be croup.
00:16:45Aye, now, there will be your Percy having had it.
00:16:47You might be able to give it, to give it, to give it...
00:16:49All right, Wally, I'll go.
00:16:51Tell your Emma I'll be there in a minute.
00:16:54Hey, go and get your dad's briefcase, quick.
00:16:57What do you want the briefcase for?
00:16:58Oh, well, you see, it's like this.
00:16:59Your old man's got into a spot of bother
00:17:01down at football ground.
00:17:04He's not hurt, is he?
00:17:05No, he's not hurt, but by golly, he's hopping mad.
00:17:08You see, he, he...
00:17:09Come on, Wally, where is he?
00:17:10I'm telling you as fast as I can, aren't I?
00:17:13He's, he, he, he...
00:17:14Oh, by goodness, eh, Wally, where is he?
00:17:16Well, your game over's shoving me.
00:17:17You made me stutter.
00:17:18I'm trying to tell you where he is, aren't I?
00:17:20Oh, where is he?
00:17:21He's in Jug.
00:17:23That's what I want briefcase for, so we can get money.
00:17:26But I couldn't say out with your ma standing there, could I?
00:17:29So I made up your own story to get it out at road.
00:17:33But don't stand gawping at me.
00:17:34Go and look for it before we're too late.
00:17:36If your pal doesn't hurry up, you'll look like spending the night here.
00:17:39Can't think where he's got to.
00:17:40Oh, here he is.
00:17:41Eh, where you been to, Wally?
00:17:42I got here as fast as I could.
00:17:44The, the down bag's got no open plates on it.
00:17:47I'll just shove it back up the hill again.
00:17:49You were just going to fit me for a ball and chain.
00:17:54Can't be too careful in a police station.
00:17:57Two, three, four, five.
00:18:00Here, look after that, Wally.
00:18:03Eh, love, have you got a light?
00:18:05A light?
00:18:10Here, hold that, will you?
00:18:12Eh, Bill, have you got a match?
00:18:16Should have.
00:18:19Here you are. Let me have them back.
00:18:25Thanks very much.
00:18:27Come on, Wally.
00:18:29Don't forget I'm a fully paid up member.
00:18:31Oh, thanks.
00:18:36Here, love.
00:18:38Why don't you take out a season ticket?
00:18:40Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine.
00:18:43She must have taken it. We're fifty pounds short.
00:18:45It's a shame, sir. She's a nice girl.
00:18:48Oh, dear. Well, the lads will have to have a short holiday, that's all.
00:18:50If they find out about this, you're going to have a long one.
00:18:53Well, what can we do?
00:18:55Oh, just a minute. Let me just use me brains.
00:18:58If your brains were made of doughnuts, you wouldn't have enough for the hole in the middle.
00:19:01Hey, there's one thing about it.
00:19:03All Longworth won't ask for that money for about two months.
00:19:06Don't mention two months to me.
00:19:08Here, the old man's been yelling for you two. Didn't you get his note?
00:19:10Aye, we got it all right. Come on, Wally.
00:19:12We're just going to see him now.
00:19:15I thought so.
00:19:17Those two in trouble again, eh?
00:19:19Well, I hope they get what they deserve.
00:19:21And it won't be the short rest on Sunday.
00:19:24Well, I'm warning you.
00:19:25Any complaints in the future, and you've had it.
00:19:27You're one of the best men I've ever met.
00:19:30You're one of the best drivers in the shed,
00:19:32so this time I'm prepared to overlook these incidents.
00:19:34But after all, we're not empty-headed youngsters, are we, Brown?
00:19:37No, you're getting quite middle-aged, aren't you, sir?
00:19:39Aren't we?
00:19:40I'm knocking.
00:19:41And as for you, Benz, just do remember for the future
00:19:43that though you're subordinate to your driver,
00:19:45you may not condone any breach of regulations
00:19:47under any circumstances whatever. Do you understand?
00:19:52Well, you can go now.
00:19:53Thank you, sir.
00:19:55Oh, by the way, Brown, about the club holiday fund.
00:19:58I'm sorry you won't be treasurer again this year.
00:20:00Oh, well, I've pestered for long enough to give that up, sir.
00:20:02But there's no hurry, is there?
00:20:04As a matter of fact, I've asked Carpenter to take over next Tuesday.
00:20:07Oh, well.
00:20:09I say, oh, well, fancy old Carpenter.
00:20:12Well, it'll give him time to get the hang of things before the rush starts.
00:20:14You know what the men are like when it comes to paying out.
00:20:16Don't remind me.
00:20:18Well, he's all right, isn't he?
00:20:19You've no arrears?
00:20:21No, some of these.
00:20:23All right.
00:20:24Thank you, sir.
00:20:25Brown, you know the regulations.
00:20:26I see you're wearing glasses.
00:20:28Oh, they're easy.
00:20:29I don't really need them at all, sir.
00:20:30Good day, sir.
00:20:31Thanks for...
00:20:35I must have me reading glasses on, you...
00:20:47Oh, is Mrs. Brown in?
00:20:49My name's Ford.
00:20:50Oh, do come in, Mr. Ford.
00:20:52Rose, this is the new lodger.
00:20:54How do you do?
00:20:55How do you do?
00:20:56I hope this isn't inconvenient for you.
00:20:57I know I sit in my letter 630, but...
00:20:59Well, you are a bit early and your room's a bit hickety-pickety, but...
00:21:01Oh, well, I don't mind roughing it.
00:21:03I like that.
00:21:04Rose, go and clear that mess up out in the parlor, will you?
00:21:07Now, come in, Mr. Ford.
00:21:08Put your bag down.
00:21:09My husband will carry it up.
00:21:11I'm sorry, Harry.
00:21:12I'll have to turn you out.
00:21:13Think nothing of it.
00:21:14Contest's only tonight.
00:21:15We can practice any time.
00:21:16Well, if you like, I...
00:21:17Oh, forget it.
00:21:19With your mum's lodger and your dad's permission...
00:21:21You leave my family alone.
00:21:24That's a fine way to talk, I must say.
00:21:27I must wish I picked a girl who had championship experience.
00:21:29Well, why didn't you?
00:21:30I wanted to give you a break.
00:21:32Give me a break!
00:21:35Oh, Harry, don't let's quarrel.
00:21:39All right.
00:21:40I'll be at the station at 7 o'clock.
00:21:42I'll wait till 10 past.
00:21:43If you're not there by then, I'll know you're not coming.
00:21:45What will you do if they don't let me come?
00:21:47You're not the only pebble on the beach, you know.
00:21:49Come on, Harry, I'll be there.
00:21:51I promise you I will.
00:21:52Well, Mr. Paul, you'll be wanting your dinner, won't you?
00:21:54Now, how would you fancy a nice meat and potato pie?
00:21:58No, thanks. I had one of those yesterday.
00:22:00But I don't want you to put yourself out.
00:22:01You just treat me as one of the family.
00:22:03Oh, I couldn't do that.
00:22:04I want you to be comfortable.
00:22:07You must let me pay you a month's rent in advance.
00:22:09Oh, you needn't do that. It'll be eight pounds.
00:22:11Here, I'll get you the receipt straight away.
00:22:13Oh, any time will do.
00:22:14Oh, there's no time like the present.
00:22:19Roselove, he's paid a month in advance.
00:22:21You can go buy your dress now.
00:22:22Oh, Mum.
00:22:23Now, you'd better take Vera with you.
00:22:25Two eggs are better than one.
00:22:26Oh, I've just got to go now.
00:22:28Well, you'll have to wait and see what your dad says.
00:22:30Go on. Don't get so excited.
00:22:38Awful lot of money.
00:22:40Oh, it's very good value, miss.
00:22:41Oh, it certainly does something for you, love.
00:22:43Take it. You'll not be sorry.
00:22:45It isn't too, you know.
00:22:47Oh, certainly not, miss. It's in very good taste.
00:22:50Oh, I meant money.
00:22:51What do you think Dad and Mum will think?
00:22:53Oh, now, snap out of it, Roselove.
00:22:55Look, if you're going to that dance as Harry Longworth's partner,
00:22:57you've got to look the part.
00:22:59A young man thinks quite a lot of himself, you know.
00:23:03I'll have it.
00:23:04Oh, thank you, miss.
00:23:05Here, now, look. You go up and have a wash, Mr. Ford,
00:23:07and I'll go and break the news to him gently.
00:23:09Very well, Mrs. Brown.
00:23:14Any funny remarks out of you about referees in front of your father
00:23:17before I've had time to settle this,
00:23:19and I'll clout you.
00:23:20Hey, come on, get him up. Get away, love.
00:23:22What are you playing? Get her out of here.
00:23:24I'll have the national cruelty man on you.
00:23:26Oh, natter, natter, natter. You're worse than my old woman.
00:23:29Oh, hello, love.
00:23:30Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day.
00:23:32You're lucky to see me now.
00:23:33Oh, what were you shouting at?
00:23:35Oh, it's that blooming old cat next door.
00:23:38I didn't mean you. I meant the ginger one.
00:23:40Come on, get yourself inside.
00:23:42Well, there's no need to insult her like that.
00:23:44There's no need. It's a pleasure.
00:23:46You'll be getting a thick ear one of these days, you know,
00:23:48chucking your waiter out like that.
00:23:49Oh, I hope so.
00:23:50Hello there.
00:23:51Hey, don't be so damn doubty. Remember, I'm your father.
00:23:53I know, but don't rub it in.
00:23:55Now, come on, you two.
00:23:56I want you to hurry up with your teas, both of you.
00:23:58I want to get all cleared away before he comes down.
00:24:01Before he comes down?
00:24:02Who are you expecting, Gabriel?
00:24:04No, Bill, I've been thinking.
00:24:06With our Percy going away soon,
00:24:08and with things being so expensive...
00:24:10Hello, what's that?
00:24:11It's our Rose.
00:24:12She's doing a bit of tidying up upstairs.
00:24:14Oh, is she?
00:24:15Don't you think it would be a good idea
00:24:17if we were to take somebody in?
00:24:18Get away, you've been taking people in all your life,
00:24:20you wicked old thing, haven't you?
00:24:24Sugar's in.
00:24:25What is going on up there?
00:24:27Well, I've told you, it's our Rose.
00:24:29Give over, will you, Rose?
00:24:31Hello, Dad.
00:24:36How did you get here? Did you fall out of the window?
00:24:38Oh, well, never mind that now.
00:24:39Ask him.
00:24:40Dad, I want to go to Liverpool tonight.
00:24:43Nobody wants to go to Liverpool.
00:24:44You have to go to Liverpool.
00:24:46What for?
00:24:47I'm in a dancing competition with Harry Longworth.
00:24:50Why don't you dance with a real gigolo, eh?
00:24:53Paul Jones!
00:24:55Dad, will you let me go?
00:24:57Well, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't, love,
00:24:59but don't be late home, you know how your mother worries.
00:25:01Oh, thanks.
00:25:02I'll go and pack my things.
00:25:03Aye, all right, love.
00:25:05Now, where were we?
00:25:07We were talking about Mum taking people in.
00:25:09Oh, shut up, Percy.
00:25:10No, Bill, what I mean is,
00:25:12don't you think it would be a good idea
00:25:13if we had somebody else in the house?
00:25:15What do you mean, a lodger?
00:25:17No, I'm not having any strangers in my house.
00:25:19Oh, but Bill, the money would all help out,
00:25:21and I wouldn't mind.
00:25:22I reckon you've got enough to do as it is
00:25:23without running around after other folk.
00:25:26Hello, Wally.
00:25:27Hello, love.
00:25:28Hey, get your hat on.
00:25:30I've got fire going.
00:25:31Got my jukebox ready, Mother?
00:25:32Yes, here it is.
00:25:34Hey, Wally, hold in this, will you, love?
00:25:36Aye, isn't half good to be...
00:25:37Oh, you daft able man!
00:25:39You just tickled me with that.
00:25:41Hey, don't shout at her.
00:25:42She's not a referee.
00:25:43Oh, shut up.
00:25:44They're not as bad as all that.
00:25:45No, of course they're not.
00:25:46They'd have a job to be.
00:25:47You take yon fatted yesterday, for instance.
00:25:49Now, he must have been born blind.
00:25:51Nobody could grow as short-sighted as that.
00:25:53But the thing that made me mad,
00:25:55it were a good yard outside penalty area.
00:25:57Two good points down the drain
00:25:58just when we wanted them.
00:25:59Good gracious me!
00:26:00There's no need to carry on like that
00:26:02just because of a slight error.
00:26:03Slight error?
00:26:04If ever I get hold of him,
00:26:05I'll tie him to level crossing,
00:26:07and I'll shunt over him for two or three days.
00:26:09Don't worry, Mum, he's only kidding.
00:26:11Am I?
00:26:12Am I?
00:26:13I'd just like to meet him, just once.
00:26:15Good evening.
00:26:16Good evening.
00:26:19Not again.
00:26:20Blow me down.
00:26:21Dad, this is, um...
00:26:22I know this is!
00:26:23What the heck's he doing here?
00:26:25Bill, this is the new lodger.
00:26:27Are you trying to tell me?
00:26:28She's not trying.
00:26:29She's telling you.
00:26:30Oh, it's asking too much.
00:26:31It's more than flesh and blood can stand.
00:26:33He's not stopping here.
00:26:34Oh, so today he ain't not.
00:26:36But he's paid him once in advance.
00:26:37I don't care if he's paid the national debt.
00:26:39I'm not having him in this house.
00:26:40No, buh, buh, buh, buh.
00:26:41Sal, give him his money, buh, buh, buh, buh.
00:26:45Go on, get him out of here.
00:26:47Calm down, lad, calm down.
00:26:49I'll calm down once he's out of this house and not before.
00:26:51Well, if that's the way you feel, I'll go.
00:26:53Your mind's your own business.
00:26:54Now, listen, Mother.
00:26:55If young fire goes out,
00:26:56you can light ruddy thing yourself next time.
00:26:59All right, but remember,
00:27:00if he's here when I get back...
00:27:01Oh, hurry up, you'll miss the train.
00:27:03Don't talk so daft.
00:27:05I'm driving it, aren't I?
00:27:06Come on.
00:27:08What are you doing?
00:27:18Here you are, Whacker.
00:27:19Cup of Liverpool tea.
00:27:20Is there sugar in it?
00:27:23Oh, a spoon.
00:27:26Straight from Mersey.
00:27:31Well, come on, give us a hand.
00:27:33You wanted spoon, didn't you?
00:27:35I say, Wally,
00:27:36I think I'll slip over to that dance hall
00:27:38and have a look at our rules.
00:27:39They'll never let you in in them togs, lad.
00:27:41Yeah, no way.
00:27:42I've been chucked out of better places than that.
00:27:43What time is it?
00:27:44It's a time.
00:27:47Oh, sorry.
00:27:49Come on, what time is it?
00:27:50Let's get me watch out.
00:27:51Hurry up.
00:27:55What time is it?
00:27:57Have a look yourself,
00:27:58you bad-tempered old cuss.
00:28:00Ten to ten, eh?
00:28:01I've got nearly an hour.
00:28:02See you later.
00:28:04You won't go and fling
00:28:05me damn watch down like that.
00:28:07You think you can go b-banging it
00:28:08without any all-rounder summat?
00:28:10Well, you dozy-looking apath.
00:28:12There's a bloke your age,
00:28:14with two grown-up kids.
00:28:16You've got no more damn sense
00:28:17to go fling me watch down like that.
00:28:19What are you trying to do, break it?
00:28:21You wouldn't do that if it was your...
00:28:23Now you see what you've done.
00:28:25What have I done?
00:28:27You've lost me minidand.
00:28:29It's ten to ten.
00:28:31One hand's on the tubber.
00:28:38Come on.
00:29:02Hello, Rose.
00:29:03I was at the station as we arranged.
00:29:05I don't know how I missed you.
00:29:07As a matter of fact, I...
00:29:08I came by road.
00:29:09Dad lent me his car.
00:29:10Well, you might have told me.
00:29:12I didn't think you would come.
00:29:13What were you going to do,
00:29:14dance by yourself?
00:29:16Here I am, darling.
00:29:18Shall we dance?
00:29:19Oh, sure.
00:29:21I'm sorry, Rose.
00:29:22I... I fixed up a caddy
00:29:23for the competition.
00:29:24Well, you seem so uncertain.
00:29:26If I'm in the way.
00:29:27Oh, don't give it another thought.
00:29:29You two go ahead.
00:29:37Come on.
00:30:01Do you mind if I sit here?
00:30:05Only seat...
00:30:06All the other seats are taken.
00:30:12I suppose you've got a partner.
00:30:18Well, I did have.
00:30:20But he let me down.
00:30:23How could anybody let you down?
00:30:27Can you dance?
00:30:29Well, I think...
00:30:30Well, can you or can't you?
00:30:32Yes, I can.
00:30:36Will you be my partner in the competition?
00:30:39Oh, that'll be smashing.
00:30:49Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:30:51And now we come to the big event of the evening.
00:30:53The next heat of the North West of England
00:30:55ballroom dancing contest.
00:30:57Will all the competitors for the competition
00:30:59please take the floor.
00:31:29I'll bet you learn to dance so well.
00:31:46Hey, don't leave.
00:32:28Ladies and gentlemen,
00:32:29the competitors selected for the next round
00:32:31are couples number 41, Mary Lane and George Baker,
00:32:34couple number 87, Rose Brown and Alfred Hall,
00:32:37and couple number 58, Clary Roberts and Harriet...
00:32:45Isn't it wonderful?
00:32:47I wish Dad were here.
00:33:05And now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:33:06to finish up our competition this evening,
00:33:08we're going to have a jitterbug contest.
00:33:10So come along, you jivers, and enjoy yourselves.
00:33:20You clumsy thing.
00:33:21Sorry, I couldn't help it.
00:33:35Will you give me a fork, me one?
00:33:37I'll give you a fork, me one! Come here! Come here!
00:34:04Come here!
00:34:25Would you like another cup of tea?
00:34:26Oh, thank you.
00:34:29I wouldn't mind another cup of tea.
00:34:30Oh, you shut up.
00:34:31Give somebody else a chance for a change.
00:34:33Well, I'll be...
00:34:34Yes, you probably will be.
00:34:35Now, have you had enough breakfast, Mr. Ford?
00:34:37Yes, thank you.
00:34:38And a very nice breakfast, too, if I may say so.
00:34:40How do you enjoy my egg?
00:34:41Oh, Bill!
00:34:43Take no notice of my husband, Mr. Ford.
00:34:45He will have his little joke, you know.
00:34:47Won't you, love?
00:34:50Give over, will you, Mother?
00:34:51Rose is late this morning.
00:34:52Mum, shall I give her a call?
00:34:54No, let her lie in, Percy.
00:34:55It's Sunday.
00:34:56She was in that late last night.
00:34:57She's probably lost half her beauty sleep.
00:34:59You're probably right there.
00:35:00That's one of the penalties.
00:35:02Aye, and talking about penalties...
00:35:04Now, don't start that again.
00:35:05We had enough of that last night.
00:35:06He brought it up.
00:35:07Yes, well, you let it drop.
00:35:08And if you both finish your breakfast,
00:35:09I'll get cleared away.
00:35:11And take your elbows off the table.
00:35:13Where's your manners?
00:35:17Take your elbows off the table.
00:35:19Where's your manners?
00:35:20And give over churning at me, will you, Mother?
00:35:22I'm trying to find reports on yesterday's match.
00:35:25I want to see what they say about that penalty.
00:35:30Oh, can I help, Mrs. Brown?
00:35:31No, thank you, Mr. Ford.
00:35:33Can I help, Mrs. Brown?
00:35:34Yes, you can go and get me a bucket of coal.
00:35:36Oh, where's Bucket?
00:35:37I don't know. It's somewhere about.
00:35:38Where's Shovel?
00:35:39With the bucket.
00:35:40Have you got any coal?
00:35:42Sit down. I'll get it myself.
00:35:44They'll probably find me out by the time you've decided to go.
00:35:46I'll do it, Mum.
00:35:47Aye, and hurry up when your mother tells you.
00:35:49Absolutely useless in the house, kids, these days.
00:35:57Get out of it.
00:35:59Why don't you go and sit in the parlour, Mr. Ford?
00:36:02It won't take a moment or two to light the fire.
00:36:04And Bill'll light it for you.
00:36:05Won't you, love?
00:36:06No, love won't, love.
00:36:07Thanks all the same, Mrs. Brown, but I'm going out in a few minutes.
00:36:09I've got an appointment with my employers, and it wouldn't do to be late.
00:36:12Oh, no, it wouldn't.
00:36:13What do you do, Mr. Ford?
00:36:14Well, I go round the country opening up branches for my firm.
00:36:17Really? How interesting.
00:36:18What do you sell?
00:36:21We're opticians.
00:36:22You're a damn good advert, aren't you?
00:36:24Oh, you can take the coal outside first.
00:36:25I shan't be needing it now.
00:36:27I shan't trouble to light the fire, not if Mr. Ford's going out.
00:36:30Well, I'll be off now.
00:36:31That's right, be off.
00:36:36I'll see you at lunchtime, Mrs. Brown.
00:36:48Take your elbows off the table. Where's your manners?
00:36:51Do you mean to tell me you were sending me out for coal so he could sit and bake himself in my parlour?
00:36:56We've got to make him feel at home, haven't we?
00:36:58Well, why don't you start nagging at him then?
00:37:00Oh, don't be so daft.
00:37:01Here, take our Rose this cup of tea.
00:37:03Oh, that time she took her own blooming tea up at her age.
00:37:06I was never spoilt like that.
00:37:12Think she'll manage with half a cup?
00:37:14Oh, now you're spoilt, Lysette.
00:37:16And it was me mother's.
00:37:19Here, take her this one.
00:37:21I'll be careful.
00:37:38What about you, sleepwalking?
00:37:40I'm just happy, that's all.
00:37:41Oh, last night, I had such a wonderful time.
00:37:44Don't mention time to me.
00:37:46Oh, Dad, how did you get on at the police cart?
00:37:48Fifty-five pounds.
00:37:49They fined you fifty-five pounds?
00:37:51Well, no, the fine was five pounds, but Wally had to go and tip the sergeant.
00:37:54Oh, well, never mind.
00:37:55If I win this dancing competition, the prize is a hundred pounds.
00:37:58You can have some of that.
00:38:00Couldn't think of it.
00:38:01Hundred pounds, did you say?
00:38:03And I was a wonderful dancer.
00:38:05Who's Alf?
00:38:06Oh, my new partner.
00:38:07I thought you were dancing with Harry Longworth.
00:38:09I was, but we quarrelled.
00:38:11Oh, that's all I wanted.
00:38:12I've got a Paul Jones with old man Longworth next week.
00:38:15Who's this Alf, anyway?
00:38:16Well, his father lives here, but he works in Wallasey.
00:38:18And he brought me all the way home in his car.
00:38:20Well, he brought you home and had to drive all the way back to Wallasey.
00:38:23I'll break his neck for him if I catch him.
00:38:24Oh, don't be silly. He's ever so nice, Dad.
00:38:26Is he? You don't think he did it to keep his engine warm, do you?
00:38:29Oh, don't be silly.
00:38:30I can look after myself. I've got my head screwed on the right way.
00:38:33Aye, well, maybe he could do with another turn.
00:38:37Get out of it! Get on your own side of the fence!
00:38:45Get out of it, you scraggy mangy old she-cat!
00:38:47I heard you say that!
00:38:48I wasn't talking to you!
00:38:50I'll fetch me husband!
00:38:51I'll fetch your husband!
00:38:52And I'll have you know that...
00:38:53Get on your broomstick and fly away!
00:38:57Serves you right!
00:38:58Give over, Dad. You're not on the matrouse.
00:39:01Well, it's so embarrassing, anyway.
00:39:03Day after day.
00:39:04Not so much just today as every other day like that.
00:39:07Ranting and raving like that.
00:39:08You want all the district to hear.
00:39:09So what?
00:39:10We don't speak to them, anyway.
00:39:12I've got to hand it to her mother.
00:39:13She's the only woman I've ever met who can talk you down.
00:39:16I think she's training that cat to come in my garden just to annoy me.
00:39:20Well, it would serve you right if she trained her husband to come in your garden just to annoy you.
00:39:24Her husband?
00:39:25Have you seen him?
00:39:28Little pipsqueak.
00:39:29Oh, Hark was talking.
00:39:31If you pulled your socks up, you'd blindfold yourself.
00:39:34You're a caution, Mother.
00:39:36Bill, I...
00:39:37Well, I don't suppose you'd like to...
00:39:39No, I don't suppose I would.
00:39:41I was going to say, do me a few potatoes, you see.
00:39:43Well, it would save me a bit of time.
00:39:45Now, couldn't we have potatoes in their jackets today, Mother?
00:39:47I haven't had time to read the paper yet.
00:39:49Ay, kindness itself.
00:39:51I don't know what to do without you, do I?
00:39:53No, you don't, do you?
00:39:54Because you're a proper little helpmate, aren't you?
00:39:56Yes, I am, aren't I?
00:39:59I'm a proper little twerp, I know that.
00:40:04Good morning, love.
00:40:05Morning, Mum.
00:40:06Did you have a good time last night?
00:40:09Was your frock all right?
00:40:10Oh, lovely, thanks to you.
00:40:14I've got a new boyfriend.
00:40:15Oh, he's coming to see me this morning.
00:40:17Is he going to stop here for his dinner?
00:40:19Well, I didn't ask him.
00:40:20Oh, well, he's welcome.
00:40:21Hey, here, I'll tell you what.
00:40:22We'll give your daddy's dinner first, and then we'll get rid of him, see?
00:40:26We don't want the lad to get the wrong impression of the family, do we?
00:40:29Your dad's doing the potatoes now.
00:40:31He'll willingly do a few more.
00:40:46Hey, what's up, lad?
00:40:47Are you on the jankers?
00:40:48Now, don't you start being funny.
00:40:50All right, there's no need to get eggy.
00:40:52I'm only having a joke.
00:40:53I've come here to help your chuck referee out.
00:40:56Where is he?
00:40:57Oh, he's out enjoying himself.
00:40:58I'm getting his dinner ready!
00:41:00Nay, I'm blowed, if I will.
00:41:01Let him get his own dinner ready.
00:41:03That's that, lad.
00:41:04Hey, careful, Wally!
00:41:05I wish I could get hold of that fellow who dropped Fagin down the back of my neck.
00:41:09I'd show him.
00:41:11Hey, Bill.
00:41:13I... I didn't like to say out before, but...
00:41:17But what?
00:41:19It were me.
00:41:22I might have known.
00:41:24Well, I couldn't help it.
00:41:25I couldn't help it.
00:41:26I couldn't. Somebody to judge...
00:41:28You asked for me, I know.
00:41:30He did.
00:41:31I was just doing that and he nudged me and it went over here somewhere.
00:41:35I know where it went.
00:41:37Here, have a look at this.
00:41:40Ooh, eh?
00:41:41The smell of burning flesh was horrible.
00:41:44You know what I think of you, don't you?
00:41:48Somebody's beat me to it.
00:41:50I'll bet that's our Rosie's, young man.
00:41:52What, in her car?
00:41:54Ooh, very posh, I'll tell you.
00:41:59Hello, Al.
00:42:00Hello, Rose.
00:42:01Come on in.
00:42:04In here, Al.
00:42:11That's Al.
00:42:16Mum, this is my new partner.
00:42:18How do you do?
00:42:20And this is Dad.
00:42:22And Mr. Binns, Dad's father.
00:42:25And this is Dad.
00:42:27And Mr. Binns, Dad's fireman.
00:42:40What's your name, son?
00:42:42Al Fall.
00:42:43Oh, that's appropriate.
00:42:46No, what's your name?
00:42:48Al Fall.
00:42:51Well, we'll pick you up if you do.
00:42:53I didn't mean that.
00:42:55Here, Rose, you stay with your friend, love.
00:42:57Now then, you two boys are going out, aren't you?
00:42:59No, we're not going out.
00:43:01I said you two boys are going out, aren't you?
00:43:03Oh, aye, aye.
00:43:04Come on, Wally.
00:43:09Come on.
00:43:16You know what's the matter with him, don't you?
00:43:18He's got foul pest.
00:43:24Oh, so this is his postcard, eh?
00:43:26He's got a nerve swiping from his van to go courting.
00:43:30Wallacy branch.
00:43:33Hey, Wally.
00:43:34Pentwhistle's cat.
00:43:36I wonder if you would like a trip to Wallacy?
00:43:38Well, it's very bracing.
00:43:40Aye, look out, you're home.
00:43:43It's a nice little job, this, you know.
00:43:50What do you two think you're doing?
00:43:52Well, I like that.
00:43:53Did yours come out of here, minding our own business?
00:43:56I saw this car and I said to Bill...
00:43:58What is this, a monologue?
00:44:00No, it's more of a catalogue.
00:44:04Come on, pussy, pussy, pussy.
00:44:08I saw them outside.
00:44:09They were laughing fit to kill themselves over something.
00:44:11They're like a couple of daft lads, aren't they?
00:44:13I don't know which is worse.
00:44:14Whose van's that outside?
00:44:16Oh, that's our Rose's young man.
00:44:17He's in the parlour now.
00:44:19How's the lodger getting along?
00:44:21He's ever so nice.
00:44:22Is he?
00:44:23Do you know what?
00:44:25I believe Bill's jealous.
00:44:27Well, he's being so rude to him.
00:44:28Well, a little bit of competition won't do him any harm.
00:44:30Oh, Emma Binns.
00:44:37Oh, hello.
00:44:38Oh, come on, let's bury the hatchet.
00:44:39Let me buy you a drink.
00:44:40Ah, come on.
00:44:41You're not going to drink with him?
00:44:44I'm not proud.
00:44:45I'll soap anybody's ale.
00:44:47You're not as proud as all that, either.
00:44:49Shut up.
00:44:50He says you're not as proud as all that, either.
00:44:55Ask him why.
00:44:57Do you know whose van that is?
00:44:58It's a young Alf's.
00:44:59Do you know who his father is?
00:45:01Never knew he had one.
00:45:02Chairman of United.
00:45:06And his son's courting my daughter.
00:45:07Yeah, I've got that.
00:45:09You're him.
00:45:11Hello, you two.
00:45:13Who's come into money in our house?
00:45:14I don't know about money, but someone's come into trouble in your house.
00:45:17And if you think any daughter of mine's going out with some of the director of United,
00:45:20you must be stark, staring, raving mad.
00:45:22Don't take any notice of him, Alf.
00:45:23He's always like that.
00:45:25Well, I mean it this time.
00:45:26Now, get out.
00:45:27If he goes, I go.
00:45:28See for shame, I rose.
00:45:29What a thing to say.
00:45:30Oh, well, I didn't want to, Karl.
00:45:31Oh, come on, Alf.
00:45:32And for two things, I'm going home.
00:45:39Hello, what goes on?
00:45:40I'm leaving home.
00:45:41Oh, now, don't be hasty, love.
00:45:43Well, they're not talking to Alf like that.
00:45:45Now, wait a minute.
00:45:46Let's all go down to the cafe and talk things over.
00:45:48Yeah, why?
00:45:49Then we can all go round and see my foe.
00:45:50Oh, that's a good idea.
00:45:51Yeah, well, there's room in the van if you don't mind squeezing.
00:45:53No, of course we don't.
00:45:54Come on.
00:45:55Get in, Rose.
00:45:56You first.
00:45:57Come on, love.
00:45:58Get on.
00:46:06Another cup of tea, love?
00:46:07No, thank you, Mrs. Hall.
00:46:08You know, I've been getting some excellent reports about you from my scouts,
00:46:11and Mr. Ford spoke to me.
00:46:13Mr. Ford?
00:46:14Ah, he says you're a very promising winger,
00:46:16that you have speed and finish well.
00:46:18Tiddy, though.
00:46:19You know, you sound like the kind of up-and-coming player that we're looking for.
00:46:23Would you be interested in signing professional forms for United?
00:46:26No kidding!
00:46:27I've never been more serious in my life.
00:46:29If you finish your tea, I'd like you to come and meet the trainer.
00:46:31That is, if Miss Atkinson can spare you for an hour.
00:46:33Oh, go right ahead.
00:46:34I'll come with you if I won't be in the way.
00:46:36Well, I don't know what Dad'll say about this, me signing with United.
00:46:39If it isn't city, it isn't football with him.
00:46:44Hello, Purse. You're back early.
00:46:46Hi. Here, I've got some news for you.
00:46:48News? About Rose?
00:46:49No, Mum, it's about me.
00:46:51Mind you, I haven't had time to think it over yet,
00:46:53but, well, I've been asked to sign professional for a league team.
00:46:57No, is that right, lad?
00:46:59That's wonderful!
00:47:00You know, I'm always long for the day when I'll see you standing out there
00:47:03in the middle of the field with City's colours.
00:47:05Well, Dad, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
00:47:08It's not City that's asked me, it's...
00:47:10Who is it then, Purse?
00:47:16You're not signing for them, I'm not having it!
00:47:18Now, look, Dad, I haven't signed for anyone yet.
00:47:20I just came over here to talk things over with you and Mum and...
00:47:23And all you can do is shout at him!
00:47:24Who's shouting at who?
00:47:26It's all right, Dad, I thought you wouldn't understand.
00:47:28I'll go and tell Mr Hall it's all off.
00:47:30Don't you dare!
00:47:31And where are you going?
00:47:32To get drunk!
00:47:39Could you lend us five bob?
00:47:43Good night, Bill.
00:47:45Good night, Ed.
00:47:46Good night, Charlie.
00:47:47Good night, Fred.
00:47:50That's the worst of stout, isn't it?
00:47:52Makes you feel that heavy.
00:47:54Still, I shan't give it up.
00:47:56I should think not.
00:47:57I can never tell when I've got these on the wrong feet.
00:48:03You can't tell, can you?
00:48:04I don't think it matters.
00:48:13I'll get them roundies outside.
00:48:15No, they ought to be locked up.
00:48:17Well, I will say this about Bill and Wally.
00:48:19When they've had a drink, they do know how to behave themselves.
00:48:22We're going to be free!
00:48:28We're going to be free!
00:48:36First respect!
00:48:38Oh, it's a dudden.
00:48:41Oh, yeah!
00:48:44I never said it would.
00:48:46You go and sit down.
00:48:48I'll lock up back gate while I can still see it.
00:48:59Oh, um...
00:49:05Hey, you've had your hair done.
00:49:10Oh, there you are.
00:49:13We've, we've, we've, we've, we've had a smashing time.
00:49:17Well, where's Bill?
00:49:20He's drunk.
00:49:25Good night, you old hags!
00:49:27I don't want to leave that dustbin here!
00:49:30Dustbin's here! Dustbin's there!
00:49:34Hello, love.
00:49:37Do you want any soup at the night, Wally Bins?
00:49:39You'd best be getting off. Come on.
00:49:41Hey, I think I'd best get off home, love.
00:49:44All right, Wally.
00:49:46You know where you live?
00:49:49I'll follow her.
00:49:52She lives at Howard House, you know.
00:49:56She does!
00:49:57I'll see that.
00:49:59Good night, Wally.
00:50:01Good night, Wally.
00:50:02I'll see you in the morning.
00:50:04Don't be late.
00:50:09A lovely couple.
00:50:16What's the matter with you?
00:50:23Hey, Bill.
00:50:24Do us a favour, will you, love?
00:50:26If I can.
00:50:27Try not to jerk train in the morning, will you?
00:50:32Are you coming or are you?
00:50:34It's a musical voice, isn't it, Wally?
00:50:37It's just like a bandsaw.
00:50:40I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:50:42You get over and that when you get over to Mrs Hensworth's.
00:50:45Good night, Sam. Good night, Wally.
00:50:47Good night, Wally.
00:50:48Good night.
00:50:49See you tomorrow.
00:50:50A lovely couple of the bins, Mother.
00:50:53They are, that.
00:50:54A lovely couple of the bins.
00:50:57You've just said that once.
00:50:59Oh, that's when I've heard it before.
00:51:01Well, you know, love, Wally,
00:51:03he'll never make an engine driver as long as he lives.
00:51:08Why not?
00:51:09His eyes aren't far enough apart to see through the engine windows.
00:51:14Oh, shut up, you daft hen. Don't be so daft.
00:51:16Hey, where's Rose? In bed?
00:51:18No, she's out with Alf and I hope she won't be so long either.
00:51:20I'll tell you what, I'll go at the end of the road and meet her if you like.
00:51:23I could do with a breath of fresh air.
00:51:25Well, I wish you would because I get proper fidgety when she's out as late as this.
00:51:28All right, love. Ta-ra.
00:51:30Ta-ra, love.
00:51:31Ta-ra, love.
00:51:32Here comes Dad.
00:51:34Now then, move along, there.
00:51:36Don't play the copper, Dad.
00:51:37Oh, don't talk to me about coppers.
00:51:39They're great, miserable lot.
00:51:41Good evening, Officer.
00:51:44Your dad's going to get himself into trouble if he's not careful.
00:51:48It was nice of your dad to take all that interest in our players.
00:51:51Oh, aye. Dad knows how to pick a winner.
00:51:53So do I.
00:51:55I hope our luck holds in the next round of the competition.
00:51:58It means an awful lot to me, Huck.
00:52:00Yeah, well, we'll have to be on our toes.
00:52:10Hey, come over here and get us out of here, will you?
00:52:13No, Mr. Blackburn!
00:52:15Oh, Mr. Blackburn!
00:52:25Now, don't be alarmed, Mrs. Brown. It's nothing serious.
00:52:27Oh, what is it? Is it Dad?
00:52:29Yes, Mrs. Brown, he's been knocked down.
00:52:31But don't worry, they're bringing him here.
00:52:37Here, get his...
00:52:38Now, be careful.
00:52:46Oh, for God's sake!
00:52:49Oh, my poor husband!
00:52:51What have you done with his hat?
00:52:53What are you saying?
00:52:55Wally, will you carry him upstairs for me, please, love?
00:52:57Carry him up?
00:52:59I'm going to have the doctor to him.
00:53:01That's it, Wally, go on.
00:53:03Go on, Wally, be careful with him, love.
00:53:05Is there anything I can do?
00:53:07I think you've done enough already.
00:53:09Shall I go and get some brandy?
00:53:11Oh, yes, please, love. I feel proper faint.
00:53:15Oh! Oh!
00:53:17Oh! Oh!
00:53:19Oh! Oh!
00:53:37Hey, what's the idea?
00:53:39Well, use your loaf, you know I've got to find that money by next Tuesday.
00:53:43By next Tuesday I'll still be incapacitated.
00:53:45Well, you won't be able to go to the meeting.
00:53:47That's right.
00:53:49And if you can't go to the meeting...
00:53:51Give me more time to find the money.
00:53:53You crafty old codger!
00:53:55Look out!
00:53:57Somebody coming!
00:54:13Come on, Jimmy!
00:54:15Come on, Jimmy!
00:54:21He's come on wonderful in three weeks.
00:54:23Of course he needs match experience.
00:54:25Well, then why don't you play him against that foreign team on Saturday?
00:54:27As a matter of fact, love,
00:54:29that's exactly what we decided to do at last night's meeting.
00:54:31Bums to hole!
00:54:33Go on, switch it back again.
00:54:37Hey, if there's any more of this bread pudding going,
00:54:39I might just be able to manage another mouthful.
00:54:41Eh, poor soul.
00:54:43Having to force yourself to eat like that.
00:54:45Still, I think three elfins is enough for anybody.
00:54:47No sympathy, that's you.
00:54:49Here, come on, I'll give you a dose of medicine.
00:54:51I could do with a good laugh.
00:54:55Ooh, got a jelly baby.
00:54:57Oh, lovely.
00:54:59The doctor said...
00:55:01Never mind what the doctor says.
00:55:03If you were dying on your feet on a Friday,
00:55:05you'd be all right on a Saturday if City was playing at home.
00:55:07Well, I've missed two matches up to now, haven't I?
00:55:09Aye, you'll miss another one if I have anything to do with it.
00:55:11Even if I have to hide all your trousers away.
00:55:15You've done very well to get off with the shaking, you know.
00:55:17Ah, well, I'll have a relapse if I don't see another game soon.
00:55:19Ah, well, you can go and see another game
00:55:21when you're well enough to get up and go to work.
00:55:23Oh, hello, Wally.
00:55:25Hello, Ollie.
00:55:27Hey, stay and talk to him, will you?
00:55:29I'm just going to get the policies out
00:55:31to see that they're all paid up to date.
00:55:33And a Merry Christmas to you, too.
00:55:35Hello, lad. How are you?
00:55:37What about me?
00:55:39F.A. Annual.
00:55:41Oh, ta, Wally.
00:55:45All along was postpone meeting
00:55:47until you get back.
00:55:49Oh, that's fine.
00:55:51The only trouble is, how long can we stall them?
00:55:53Ah, well, now then, lad,
00:55:55you'll have to think of something.
00:55:59Aye, not in there.
00:56:03These are my slippers, not ashtrays.
00:56:05I wouldn't worry about a pair of slippers
00:56:07if I was you, lad.
00:56:09If you hadn't put Liverpool
00:56:11down to lose on your Littlewoods,
00:56:13you wouldn't have been in this mess now.
00:56:15Ah, well, I'm not worried about that.
00:56:17If I rose and outwin that championship,
00:56:19I'm laughing.
00:56:21I say, Wally,
00:56:23help yourself to my fruit.
00:56:25Oh, ah.
00:56:36Fancy us getting through again, Al?
00:56:38I never thought we'd get through to finals.
00:56:40Rose, I've...
00:56:42I've got something important on me mind.
00:56:44Yes, Al?
00:56:46Yeah, well, I've been thinking.
00:56:48I've been coming here
00:56:50three times a week to see,
00:56:52and we...we go dancing,
00:56:54and then we...
00:56:56we walk home.
00:56:58Well, I've...I've been thinking that...
00:57:00What you been thinking of?
00:57:02Well, couldn't we catch a bus?
00:57:04I keep missing me train.
00:57:06Oh, Al.
00:57:12I think you're very sweet.
00:57:14What, honest?
00:57:16Yes, I do.
00:57:18Oh, gosh.
00:57:22Well, don't stand there gushing at me, you daft thing.
00:57:24Why don't you kiss me?
00:57:26Kiss you?
00:57:30Oh, yeah.
00:57:32Oh, dear.
00:57:42Oh, gosh.
00:57:44Ah, who's gushing now?
00:57:46Where'd you learn to kiss like that?
00:57:48I didn't.
00:57:50Honest, Rose, you're the only one.
00:57:52I better be, too.
00:57:54Rose, will be my girl, won't you?
00:57:56I mean,
00:57:58for always.
00:58:00Yes, I will.
00:58:03Don't you think you better be getting your train?
00:58:05Hey, I'm...I'm not happy.
00:58:07I don't care a damn if I miss train tonight.
00:58:12Good night.
00:58:16Good night.
00:58:31Oh, Mr. Ford.
00:58:33Hello, Mum.
00:58:35You don't get much rest, do you?
00:58:39No, and there aren't many mothers do.
00:58:41Still, we wouldn't have it any other way, you know.
00:58:43I hope we'll be as happy as you and Dad have been.
00:58:45Well, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be.
00:58:49Oh, I didn't mean to say anything yet.
00:58:51Now, come on now, Rose, no secrets from your mother.
00:58:53Well, you'll only think me silly.
00:58:55Now, why should I think you silly, though?
00:58:57Everyone does. About half, I mean.
00:58:59It's just that they don't know him, that's all.
00:59:01He's not clever with words,
00:59:03and everyone thinks he's slow.
00:59:05But he's ever so good, Mum,
00:59:07and I've never heard him say an unkind word
00:59:09about his single soul.
00:59:11So let them all laugh. I don't care.
00:59:13Hey, now, Rose, I'm proud of you, love.
00:59:15Ah, well,
00:59:17maybe Alf isn't so...
00:59:19well, so clever with the words, as you say.
00:59:21He can do without that, you know.
00:59:23He loves you,
00:59:25and that's something that all the money in the world
00:59:27can't buy.
00:59:31Little chatty, aren't you?
00:59:33I'll go and make the tea.
00:59:39Just a minute.
00:59:41Do put two teaspoons full of tea in, will you, Rose?
00:59:43It's all gone till morning.
00:59:57Hope I shan't let them down.
00:59:59Oh, course you won't.
01:00:01Do you think they'd have picked you if they weren't sure?
01:00:03Aye, I know, but Mr. Old said...
01:00:05Said you were the fastest winger they'd found for a long time.
01:00:07And that you'd finish well in front of the goal.
01:00:09Don't you worry, lad.
01:00:11You keep playing like you played in them practice games,
01:00:13and you'll be all right.
01:00:15I wish my old man could be here to see me,
01:00:17even if he does hate United.
01:00:19Doesn't he know yet that you're playing?
01:00:21He's sure to by now. It's in the morning papers.
01:00:23Kick-off, three o'clock.
01:00:28What do you think you're doing?
01:00:30I'm going to see how Percy play if it's the last thing I do.
01:00:32You're not leaving that bed till you're fit to go back to work.
01:00:34But, Mother, this is Percy's first blooming game.
01:00:37Oh, I'll never be able to manage with this.
01:00:39Look, we'll tell you all about it when we get back.
01:00:41Oh, don't tell me you're going to a football match.
01:00:43Now I know I am sinking fast.
01:00:45Oh, and in case you get any funny ideas, I'll take these.
01:00:47They won't fit you.
01:00:49I'll take them round to Em's.
01:00:51Won't fit her either.
01:00:53And it's no use you looking for your kilt. It's got moth in it.
01:00:58Oh, I was just giving Alf a cup of tea.
01:01:00Oh, yes.
01:01:02Well, now, I'm going over for Em,
01:01:04so you two see that you're ready when I come back, won't you?
01:01:06Yes, Mum.
01:01:08Now you wrap yourself well up, our Rose,
01:01:10and see that you put on some sensible shoes.
01:01:14There we are, Alf.
01:01:16And don't you come in the school.
01:01:18Don't you come in the school.
01:01:20Don't you come in the school.
01:01:22Don't you come in the school.
01:01:24And don't you come in the school for a couple of minutes.
01:01:26I'm going to change me blouse.
01:01:46Don't! What do you want?
01:01:48Well, there's no sugar in it.
01:01:53Here, and sit down till I come out.
01:02:14Hey, what are you doing out of bed, Mr Brown?
01:02:16Looking for me trousers.
01:02:18What do you want your trousers for? You're not going anywhere.
01:02:20Can't help. I'm going to that game if I've got to go in me cob.
01:02:24Oh, hey, Mr Brown, will you go and get back in bed?
01:02:27Never mind about that. Where are they all?
01:02:29Well, Mrs Brown's just gone out with your trousers over her arm,
01:02:31and Rose is in school.
01:02:33I've got to find another pair somewhere.
01:02:36I say, Alf, I...
01:02:38I wonder if you'd mind bringing it wireless up to the bedroom for me.
01:02:40Aye, all right.
01:02:42At least I'll be able to listen in to the second half of some game or other.
01:02:56Oh! Alf, where are you?
01:03:06Where are you?
01:03:08You upstairs?
01:03:27Oh, hey, what are you doing?
01:03:29Oh, come here, Wally.
01:03:31Hello, love.
01:03:33What are you doing out of bed?
01:03:35Well, I got cramp, love. I was just going to stretch me legs.
01:03:37What legs?
01:03:39They always say you grow when you lie in bed, don't they?
01:03:41That's gratitude. And I brought you a bottle of beer.
01:03:43Oh, tar, love.
01:03:45Well, take them trousers off before I pull them off.
01:03:47What, in front of Mrs Entwistle?
01:03:49Hello, hello.
01:03:51George, George, George.
01:03:53It's not arm I can see. I haven't been seen a bloomin' game.
01:03:55I know.
01:03:57Get yourself going up to bed. That's where you should be.
01:03:59Get yourself better.
01:04:01The way you women have bullied me today.
01:04:03Here am I, a sick man.
01:04:05Oh, come on, Dad. Take those trousers off and give them back to Alf.
01:04:07Have you seen them?
01:04:09First time I've seen a blue baby.
01:04:11Come on, Mr Brown, of course.
01:04:13All right, you can have them.
01:04:15They're too tight under the circumstances.
01:04:17Ah, good afternoon.
01:04:19Name it Brown?
01:04:23One television set with Mr Hall's compliments.
01:04:25I don't believe it.
01:04:27Can we bring it in?
01:04:29I suppose so.
01:04:31Wasn't it sweet of Mr Hall sending television?
01:04:33Now Dad'll be able to watch first play after all.
01:04:35But he's upstairs.
01:04:37Well, couldn't we bring a bed down here for him?
01:04:39Here, that's a good idea.
01:04:41Now come and give me a hand with the sheets and blankets, Rose.
01:04:43Will you carry him down, Wally?
01:04:45Carry him down?
01:04:47I don't want to have any trouble carrying him up.
01:04:51Will you bring it in here, Alf,
01:04:53and tell those television men to hurry up?
01:04:55All right, all right.
01:04:57Em! Em!
01:04:59Come home and give us a lift, will you?
01:05:01Come on, you daft thing. Give it to me now.
01:05:03Give me a look in here first.
01:05:05I could have hurt myself then.
01:05:07Hey, where's Em?
01:05:09She's having a lie down. She's tired.
01:05:11Oh, is she?
01:05:13What are you going to do, suffocate me?
01:05:15It's a good job you had your mouth shut for once.
01:05:21Hello, where's me bridesmaids?
01:05:23Come on, now, lads.
01:05:25Come on, get out of here.
01:05:31That's the spring down, Wally.
01:05:39Have you hurt yourself, Mr Benn?
01:05:41Have you hurt yourself, Mr Benn?
01:06:01Hey, get fire brigade.
01:06:07You look better like that.
01:06:09Come on, Wally, hurry up and get this bed up.
01:06:11Get over there, then.
01:06:13Over there.
01:06:15Not you, over there.
01:06:17Well, I've just been over there.
01:06:19Get over there.
01:06:21Now, where's she going?
01:06:23Well, I'm going over there.
01:06:25Hey, mother, picture of old Percy here.
01:06:27Look here.
01:06:35Now, come on, love, hurry up and get into bed.
01:06:37Come nearer, love, save me all that walk.
01:06:39Will you get into bed?
01:06:41Mother, mother, raise not your voice in anger.
01:06:43Oh, these sheets are cold.
01:06:45Are these the ones you got for Mrs Winterbottom?
01:06:47Here's the instruction book. It explains everything.
01:06:49Come on, let's go.
01:06:51Bye, Dad.
01:06:53Ta-ra, love, we've all belonged.
01:06:57Thanks for your kind offer, Wally.
01:06:59Don't blow the house up, Wally, with that thing, will you?
01:07:01Come along.
01:07:03Wait for me.
01:07:05Look at that.
01:07:27The game is really full of interest.
01:07:29That's it, Wally, that's it.
01:07:31Young Brown on his first appearance for United
01:07:33is certainly having a great game against the Continentals.
01:07:37Right wing into the attack.
01:07:39It's cleverly intercepted
01:07:41by Sendhalf Jokovic.
01:07:43Doesn't get very far, however.
01:07:45Back it comes, you can see, down the right wing.
01:07:57Slip out and get us a paper.
01:08:03Come on, Wally.
01:08:33Well, that's it, Wally.
01:08:35It's now or never.
01:08:37Well, I better get out of here, Wally.
01:08:39And I'll miss you.
01:08:55Well, that's it, Wally.
01:08:57It's now or never.
01:08:59Kiss my good guys goodbye.
01:09:01It's now or never.
01:09:03Hey, what if old Longworth sees you and your sister supposed to be ill in bed?
01:09:07Oh, I shouldn't worry about him. If Rose and Alf win tonight, our troubles are over.
01:09:10Hello, Dad.
01:09:11Hello, love.
01:09:12I wish us luck.
01:09:13I do. I wish both of you luck. Hey, you, mind you keep your head tonight.
01:09:15Never mind his head. Let him keep his feet.
01:09:18We won't let you down, Dad. Will we, Alf?
01:09:20I hope not.
01:09:22Hey, I've got to go and get me ticket.
01:09:24Good luck, Mr. Brown.
01:09:25And I've got to go and see Mum.
01:09:27Hey, Rose, here, never you worry about us. You just go and win for your own sake.
01:09:32And ours.
01:09:34Hey, Bill, it's thirsty work, what are you...
01:09:38Aye, let's go and watch them drinking at the bar.
01:09:40If you can, I'm going to close my eyes.
01:09:58It's ever so pretty.
01:10:01There's nothing to beat the old-time dancers.
01:10:04Oh, you wait till you see our Rose.
01:10:14Hello, here comes old Longworth.
01:10:16Hey, you've only got till tomorrow.
01:10:18If you're not back at work, I've got to take the phones down to meet him.
01:10:21That's right, cheer me up, stand up.
01:10:23Good evening, Mr. Longworth.
01:10:24Ah, Brown, didn't expect to see you here tonight.
01:10:26Still, I'm glad you're better.
01:10:27Thank you, sir.
01:10:28Back at the sheds tomorrow, I suppose, eh?
01:10:29Well, I...
01:10:30That's settled. Now, look...
01:10:31Come on, Dad, I've got to get me number card.
01:10:33Oh, all right.
01:10:34Don't forget the meeting tomorrow, now, will you?
01:10:36Wish I could.
01:10:37And don't go spending all the funds on lemonade.
01:10:42Can I get you anything, sir?
01:10:44Ah, a glass of prussic acid.
01:10:45And two straws.
01:10:57And now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:59we come to the big event of the evening,
01:11:01the Northern Area Championship Finals.
01:11:07Now, will all competitors please take the floor.
01:12:22What is it?
01:12:23Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry.
01:12:25I don't know what happened.
01:12:27Well, there'll be other chances, love.
01:12:29Oh, never mind about the prize. It's an ankle, all right.
01:12:31I think it's a bit of a stretch.
01:12:32Don't tell him me.
01:12:33I'll make sure to get home as soon as possible.
01:12:34My car's outside.
01:12:35Oh, well, that's very kind of you, Mr. Hall.
01:12:37Come on, love.
01:12:38I'm afraid I can't give you all a lift.
01:12:39Why not worry about that?
01:12:40Wally and me will borrow an engine, won't we?
01:12:42Come on, Lee.
01:12:46Poor Rose.
01:12:47Poor you.
01:12:49That hundred quid would have saved your being.
01:12:51All right.
01:12:52There must be some way of making money, love.
01:12:55Give me a for instance.
01:12:59Couldn't we make a book?
01:13:00What on?
01:13:01On city winning, of course.
01:13:03Suppose they lose.
01:13:04Don't you talk so daft.
01:13:06Yes, but who'd back United?
01:13:07All our chaps are city supporters.
01:13:08The whole darn town can't be.
01:13:10What about the lads at the Ace Shed?
01:13:11Aye, and the night shift at the engineering works.
01:13:13What are we waiting for?
01:13:15Five to one against United.
01:13:16Ten bob, Harry.
01:13:18Harry Ball, five to one against United.
01:13:20Did you say five to one?
01:13:21Five to one.
01:13:22Oh, I'll have me wage packet on that.
01:13:24Good old Charlie.
01:13:25Here you are, champ.
01:13:26And you pay out after the match?
01:13:27You're about to come.
01:13:28Well, just see you there.
01:13:30That's all.
01:13:31You don't think I'm going to miss city versus United cup tie, do you?
01:13:33I'm just warning you.
01:13:37Know where your Wally is?
01:13:39I don't know where Bill is.
01:13:40They've been bobbing in and out all morning.
01:13:42I've uttered his breakfast up three times.
01:13:44He'll be back in his bed if he's not more careful.
01:13:46Proper daft he is.
01:13:48Might as well have three kids instead of two.
01:13:52How's Rosie's ankle, love?
01:13:54Oh, it's a lot better.
01:13:55She says she might be able to go to the match.
01:13:57I was just taking her a trail.
01:13:58I'll come with you.
01:13:59I've got the time.
01:14:00I thought you would have.
01:14:03Where's briefcase?
01:14:05No, that ain't copper.
01:14:07How did you get on, Wally?
01:14:08Oh, fine.
01:14:09I got 15 pounds to two and six.
01:14:11Well, I got 13 pound 12.
01:14:14We're still short.
01:14:15Well, what about lads down at South End, champ?
01:14:17Ah, let's go and tackle that.
01:14:18Come on, then.
01:14:21We're still threatened short, Wally.
01:14:23Oh, we're not.
01:14:24He's just threatened to the United.
01:14:26Who is it?
01:14:27Lord Nuffield.
01:14:28Ha, ha, ha.
01:14:29Now we're in the clear.
01:14:34Well, it's got to be done.
01:14:35This is a priority job from head office.
01:14:37Hey, where's Brown?
01:14:38He's supposed to be back this morning.
01:14:39He's due on shortly.
01:14:41Well, tell him to come and see me as soon as he checks in, then.
01:14:43Very good, Mr. Longworth.
01:14:44Hello there, young purse.
01:14:47Oh, thank you.
01:14:48I'll say, have you seen my dad anywhere?
01:14:49Oh, four eyes.
01:14:50Hey, I heard you say that.
01:14:53Hello, Dad.
01:14:54I came to ask you to wish me luck.
01:14:55What for?
01:14:56Well, it's my first cup match this afternoon.
01:14:58I'm playing for United.
01:14:59Playing against City?
01:15:02Oh, I know how you feel, Dad.
01:15:03I know it's not very nice for you, but.
01:15:05Good luck, lad, and I mean it.
01:15:07All right, George, George, George.
01:15:08I mean every word I say.
01:15:09Wally, Wally, Wally.
01:15:10Shut up.
01:15:11And don't forget, I'll be watching you.
01:15:12OK, thanks, Dad.
01:15:13Hey, hey.
01:15:14I don't want to see you.
01:15:17Hey, and don't forget what I told you, too.
01:15:19Keep your eyes on Wally.
01:15:23Sorry, pal.
01:15:25Hey, hey.
01:15:26It'll be a scream if he helps United to win
01:15:29and sends you to jail.
01:15:31Hey, Brown.
01:15:33So your son's playing for United, eh?
01:15:35That's right.
01:15:36And that's why you're offering five to one on City.
01:15:39Is that mistake money?
01:15:41Well, me and my mates will take care of that
01:15:42till after the match.
01:15:43Oh, you can't do that.
01:15:44We've done it.
01:15:46It'll be safer with us.
01:15:47Hey, Brown.
01:15:48How long was once you?
01:15:49Oh, now what?
01:15:51Oh, now what?
01:15:52I'll tell you what.
01:15:53If you want to see this again, you two be at the match.
01:15:57That's all.
01:15:59I've got a special job for you.
01:16:00You're not on the 504.
01:16:02I want you to collect the 817 from Milford Junction.
01:16:04But I'll never be back in time for the game this afternoon.
01:16:07I can't help that.
01:16:08It's a priority job for mid-office.
01:16:09But my son's playing this afternoon.
01:16:11I don't care if Gordon Richards is playing.
01:16:13Off you go.
01:16:14Well, why can't somebody else drive Rudy Train?
01:16:17Because you're the man I've detailed.
01:16:18Any more questions?
01:16:20They'll keep.
01:16:22That's torn it.
01:16:23We've got to get to Milford now.
01:16:25Different run.
01:16:26If we don't get credit, we won't see the game at all.
01:16:27What time is it, Wally?
01:16:28It's still 10 to 10 on here.
01:16:32Oh, come on.
01:16:33Come on.
01:16:34We'll be here all day.
01:16:35And all the same at Milford.
01:16:36All right.
01:16:37What's the hurry?
01:16:38We're going to miss game.
01:16:39It'll be over.
01:16:40Oh, isn't there a match on?
01:16:41That's right.
01:16:42You want your brains washed.
01:16:43Hurry up with those papers.
01:16:44We're going to see that game if we finish up with the engine
01:16:46in the back of the goal.
01:16:47You shut up.
01:16:48Shut up yourself.
01:16:49I'm the only one.
01:16:50Come yourself.
01:16:57Hey, Wally.
01:16:59That'll get us through.
01:17:12Oh, no.
01:17:13Oh, no.
01:17:14Oh, no.
01:17:15Oh, no.
01:17:16Oh, no.
01:17:17Oh, no.
01:17:18Oh, no.
01:17:19Oh, no.
01:17:20Oh, no.
01:17:21Oh, no.
01:17:22Oh, no.
01:17:23Oh, no.
01:17:24Oh, no.
01:17:25Oh, no.
01:17:26Oh, no.
01:17:27Oh, no.
01:17:28Oh, no.
01:17:29Oh, no.
01:17:30Oh, no.
01:17:31Oh, no.
01:17:32Oh, no.
01:17:33Oh, no.
01:17:34Oh, no.
01:17:35Oh, no.
01:17:36Oh, no.
01:17:37Oh, no.
01:17:38Oh, no.
01:17:39Oh, no.
01:17:40Oh, no.
01:17:43They'd have scored again.
01:17:45Oh, poor Daddy.
01:17:46Oh, the score is now united two.
01:17:49Oh, at five to one.
01:17:53Oh, at five to one.
01:18:01Clear track 14, a train carrying high explosives is out of control.
01:18:23I want to see my last train, it's the last thing I do.
01:18:25The way you're driving it probably will be.
01:18:32Come on, Percy!
01:18:34Oh, don't be silly, he's playing for you now.
01:18:36Come on, Percy! Come on, United!
01:18:38He's driving you on!
01:18:40Come on, Manchester City!
01:18:42Come on, Manchester City!
01:18:45Come on!
01:18:51Let's go!
01:19:06My word, he's been blocked down there.
01:19:13Andy Moore!
01:19:21Hey, look!
01:19:27Look where you're going, look here!
01:19:37Come here, come here!
01:19:40What are you doing?
01:19:42I nearly lost my ass!
01:19:56Houston here.
01:19:58We understand that the entire Northwestern area system is dislocated.
01:20:05Why don't you let your plane sort one out?
01:20:10You'd better change the point!
01:20:12They'll hit the Liverpool Express!
01:20:40Isn't that Brown's special up there?
01:20:43Isn't that Brown's special up there?
01:21:10Come on!
01:21:12We're out of trouble!
01:21:14That's what you think!
01:21:16Get out!
01:21:18You're fired!
01:21:20Don't you see my son?
01:21:22You call yourself a driver?
01:21:24Can you drive?
01:21:26I can. What's it do?
01:21:28Well, it's all yours!
01:21:30You'll never drive another train again as long as you live!
01:21:32That's what you think!
01:21:42THE END
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