Dog Begs Mom To Take Her Kitesurfing

  • 3 weeks ago
Dog starts happy barking whenever Mom gets ready to kite surf — watch her run and hop on so they can ride the waves together. We spoke with Zara, a professional kitesurfer, who shared how their special bond started when she rescued Dice as a puppy
00:00I'm a professional kite surfer and my dog just loves to come with me.
00:16When I go to the beach, she always starts running with me.
00:23She wants to jump on the board.
00:28It feels like we're sharing the same passion, it's such a special bond we have.
00:36They found her in Russia on the street, so I didn't really know anything about her but
00:40we were like best friends from the start.
00:43I took her from the airport and we went straight to the beach.
00:47I leashed her, but from the beginning she never left my side.
00:51I didn't know how she was going to be, but she turned out to be the best dog I could
00:58wish for.
01:04I had her maybe like two or three weeks, then I went on the lagoon where she can see me
01:08all the time.
01:11The first couple of times she wanted to follow me, so she went swimming after me.
01:18I sent her back to the beach.
01:20She always shows me the signals that she really wants to come.
01:29I had kind of a good feeling, so at some point I thought what if I lift her up and I just
01:34put her on top of me and see if she wants to come.
01:43And then I did it and she was like so happy and I didn't expect it.
01:49She just stayed, she didn't panic or anything and I could tell from everything that she
01:53was doing that she was enjoying it so much.
01:55Looking around and enjoying the view is really special.
02:05As soon as she sees the kites, she gets super excited.
02:12Feels like we're in the same boat.
02:13How excited are you to go kiting?
02:16Want to go?
02:23She always wants to go to the beach.
02:26If it's not too windy, I take her kite surfing with me.
02:30But when it's really windy, I'm just training and she's running up and down on the beach
02:36and playing with sticks.
02:43She really likes to be in the water, but then the next thing is that she's full, full of
02:48She's a black dog, but then she's like brown of the sand.
02:53So awesome to go kiting with my dog.
02:58I always want to make sure she's outside as much as possible because she really enjoys
03:04She's really adventurous, but the thing I like most about her is that she's just so
03:11Wherever I go, she follows.
03:14She feels a bit like she's my child.
03:21She's my everything.
