Why do you think there hasn't there been any civil unrest in Sheffield?

  • 2 months ago
Why do you think there hasn't there been any civil unrest in Sheffield?


00:00of course just going on all over country that's all it is they're all copying each other but i
00:05think i don't think i think sheffield i don't think there's enough interest in anything and
00:10doing anything like that here for one reason or another why do you think um well there's a lot
00:15of settlers here isn't there so shall we call them settlers what do you think about sheffield
00:20being a city of sanctuary have you heard of that i've not heard of that but i don't mind
00:26i'm coming you don't mind welcoming people no no as long as there's still it caters for
00:34everybody which it's not doing because it shops i don't think there's that many people around
00:38that really want to cause trouble and i do think the government is uh it's mishandled the situation
00:46because it doesn't understand what's going on and it's not that people in general anti-immigration
00:55or anti-anybody really it's just that the government's lost control uh and i think if
01:01people thought that the government were getting a grip on the situation then i don't think there'd
01:07be any trouble at all what's the first thing they should do they've got to somehow stop the boats
01:16or organize it a lot better make it so that people can either come in and be processed quickly
01:25and if they can fair enough and most people would help them
01:29but if they can't they've got to ship them back to where they came from
