Love’s Rebellion Ep 15 ENG SUB (2024) Chinese Romance

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Love’s Rebellion Episode 15 English Subtitles – A Chinese Romance

In this enchanting tale, Nan Yan, a determined young woman, ventures into the mystical realm of immortals in a desperate bid to save her ailing mother. Her journey unexpectedly forges a powerful connection with a "heart lock," setting the stage for a fate-altering adventure.

As a gifted healer, Nan Yan navigates the magical world with a unique blend of skill and courage. During a series of fortuitous meetings, she forms a profound mystical bond, the "Spiritual Connection Seal," with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who conceals his true nature. While Nan Yan is practical and down-to-earth, Ji Yang embodies the aloof and enigmatic essence of an immortal.

Their initial friction gives way to a deeper partnership as they join forces to unravel the secrets behind Nan Yan's mother's affliction and expose a hidden conspiracy within the immortal realm.
00:00《The World of Dream》
00:25走过你的白天 My day passes by
00:28我的黑夜 My night
00:29在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市大雁 Follow the city's great kite
00:35穿越这流年穿越这流年 遇见 Passing through these years, we meet again
00:40相思的茧相思的茧 黄河沾叠 The thorns of yearning, the yellow flowers fall
00:44落在你指尖落在你指尖 Falling on your fingertips
00:46奔成 寻寻寻寻 愿愿为生之若 初见 Running to find the wish to meet in this life
01:00《The World of Dream》
01:04《The World of Dream》
01:29《The World of Dream》
01:33《The World of Dream》
01:35《The World of Dream》
01:36跑那么快 Running so fast
01:37修为至少是个铁担吧 At least I'm a good rider
01:40《The World of Dream》
01:41《The World of Dream》
01:42《The World of Dream》
01:43小友一路辛苦了 My friend has had a hard time
01:45《The World of Dream》
01:46《The World of Dream》
01:47老夫这儿备了些菜团馒头 I've prepared some steamed buns
01:52《The World of Dream》
01:53《The World of Dream》
01:54《The World of Dream》
01:56等等 Wait
01:57你这般穷追不舍 What are you doing
01:59到底为的是什么 What are you doing
02:01老夫是来借那位小姑娘入山清修 I'm here to take that little girl to the mountains to cultivate
02:06本来啊是可以直接带她走的 I could have taken her away
02:09但老夫看小友来历不凡 But I saw that Xiaoyou had an extraordinary background
02:12所以就起了度化之心啊 So I decided to help her
02:23你是屠山伐海的人 You're the one who killed Fahai
02:26正是一己之身百度众生 You're the one who killed all the beings
02:38我没兴趣 I'm not interested
02:39他也没兴趣 He's not interested either
02:41还请大师放我们走吧 Please let us go
02:44老夫若是没有看错 If I'm not mistaken
02:46小友乃是衍生湖的遗脉吧 Xiaoyou is a descendant of Yansheng Lake
02:51难不成大师要捉我回去灵山 Are you going to take me back to the mountains?
02:58人妖两族一战生灵涂炭 A battle between humans and demons is a life-and-death struggle
03:02老夫以为两族若能和平共处 I believe that if the two clans can live in peace
03:07便可减少许多的无谓牺牲啊 it will save a lot of unnecessary sacrifice
03:12既然大师无意捉妖既然大师无意捉妖 Since you have no intention of killing demons
03:14那就别废话了 then don't talk nonsense
03:16老夫知你心相合适 I know you're right
03:19只是如今机缘累到既不造业输也帮不了你 It's just that the circumstances are tough and I can't help you
03:24你潜心修炼待正道得悟你可再前访一试 If you practice diligently and realize the right path, you can try again
03:35行等我悟到了之后我一定会告诉你 Okay, I'll tell you when I realize it
03:50小友你看差眼了 老夫不是结丹是化神哦 Xiaoyou, you're mistaken. I'm not a Jiedan. I'm a God of Flower
04:08那夜 我老了 That night, I was old
04:15不行 不行 No
04:18姐姐 Sister
04:25姐姐 Sister
04:31姐姐 Sister
04:33走 Go
04:46南阳 南阳 Nanyang, Nanyang
04:52小友且慢 小友是想去会谷 Xiaoyou, please wait. I want to go to Huigu
04:59老夫有方便法门 I have a convenient way
05:18老头你把南阳送去哪儿了 Old man, where did you send Nanyang?
05:20情字何处来便当何处斩 等她想通了 宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
05:50宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
06:20宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
06:50宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
06:58宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
07:05宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
07:13宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
07:21宫门自会将她送回愁山犯海 Where love comes from, it will be taken away. When she thinks it through, the palace will send her back to the sea
10:59I'm not afraid of the world.
11:06You want to die with me.
11:14I welcome you into the world,
11:17to use my life as a sword,
11:20to make you disappear and never return.
11:29Why is it like this?
11:47Why is it like this?
11:50Shao Cang used the mirror technique of Xuantian Jimei
11:53to attract the pressure of the resonance of heaven and earth,
11:55lasting for a long time.
11:57This place has become a forbidden place.
11:59No one can enter.
12:01What about Nanyan?
12:03Life and death are different.
12:05Only you can understand.
12:09Jin Yang, wait for me.
12:17You told me to find her.
12:19All the sufferings in the world are cause and effect.
12:27I'm not afraid of the world.
12:29You want to die with me.
12:31I welcome you into the world,
12:33to use my life as a sword,
12:35to make you disappear and never return.
12:37Why is it like this?
12:43I welcome you into the world,
12:45to use my life as a sword,
12:47lasting for a long time.
13:22Jin Yang, Jin Yang is waiting for me.
13:26Don't go!
13:27Let go of me!
13:28Don't go!
13:30Feiyan, listen to me!
13:31Feiyan, listen to me!
13:32Gao Cang used the spell of Xuan Huang Ji Mian.
13:34The one who eats the spell will be crushed to pieces.
13:36No way.
13:37No one can enter this forbidden area.
13:40Not even a bone can enter.
13:41He told me that Xiyang was already dead.
13:44Xiyang was already...
13:45Xiyang is not dead!
13:47Xiyang is dead!
13:49Xiyang is waiting for me inside.
13:51Xiyang is waiting for me inside.
13:53He told me that he was waiting for me inside.
13:55Xiyang is already dead.
13:57Xiyang is not dead!
13:59Xiyang is not dead!
14:01Xiyang is not dead!
15:12What's going on?
15:16Spirit Lord
15:17Prince of Dalu
15:18The young master's body is severely cold.
15:20Ordinary medicines are difficult to penetrate his veins.
15:22Even the immortal elixir that has been in Ning City for a long time
15:24cannot be fed to the young master.
15:26There is no hope.
15:27The young master is already injured.
15:30If we can't find another way,
15:32I'm afraid...
15:34This rebellious son.
15:36Hasn't he been waiting for me to punish him
15:38and he wants to go back to the West?
15:41I'll go find Mingyi again.
15:43No need.
15:45I'll do it.
16:18The young master is fine.
16:27This rebellious son
16:29didn't embarrass me
16:31in the battle of Huigu.
16:44The young master is fine.
16:48You gave so much spiritual power to the young master.
16:50Can you eat it yourself?
16:52It's okay.
16:54Even if I have to spend another three days and three nights,
16:57I can also hang this rebellious son on the beam
16:59and beat him for another three years and five years.
17:02If the young master knows
17:04that you sacrificed half of your life for him,
17:07he will definitely change his mind and never leave home again.
17:12I hope so.
17:18When he wakes up,
17:20no one is allowed to mention what happened today to him.
17:41I love you.
18:11I will always be by your side.
18:15Everything in the world becomes useless
18:20except for your eyes.
18:26I try my best to walk with you
18:30every minute and every second.
18:34We are so stubborn
18:38except for your eyes.
18:50You even like to eat duck blood now.
18:53What can't I eat in your place?
18:57I declare that from now on,
18:59we are the blood brothers.
19:09I love you.
19:21When I stand by your side,
19:25everything in the world becomes useless
19:30except for your eyes.
19:35I try my best to walk with you
19:39every minute and every second.
19:44We are so stubborn
19:48except for your eyes.
19:51Can you hold my hands tight
19:55and protect me from harm?
19:59From the beginning
20:03to the end.
20:07Let me accompany you to move forward.
20:11Let all the brilliant fireworks
20:14shine for you.
20:19When the wind blows,
20:23when the wind blows,
20:27your beauty touches my heart.
20:31I try my best to hold back my tears.
20:35I try my best to hold back my tears.
20:40I try my best to hold back my tears.
20:47Let me accompany you to move forward.
20:51Let all the brilliant fireworks
20:54shine for you.
20:59When the wind blows,
21:03when the wind blows,
21:22I will try my best to hold back my tears.
21:45Don't worry.
21:49As long as you are safe,
21:53I will do it.
22:15Put it down.
22:18Put it down.
22:48Put it down.
22:55Cultivation is in the heart, not in the appearance.
22:58Only when you put it down in your heart,
23:01will the six roots be purified and the heart demon will not be born.
23:07I am willing to do this for the rest of my life.
23:11You have to think about it.
23:14I have made up my mind.
23:17The human world is between heaven and earth.
23:21I will help you.
23:24Come with me to the back hill tomorrow.
23:29Thank you, master.
23:47Are you sure you have made up your mind?
23:51I have made up my mind.
23:54If I continue to be obsessed with pain,
23:57I will let Ji Yang die in vain.
24:00And those evil demons,
24:03why are they still alive?
24:06Why am I the only one in this world who suffers?
24:14So Ji Yang can't die in vain.
24:18Every one of the Scorpio Tao
24:20and all the demons in this world,
24:23I will kill them all
24:26and bury them with Ji Yang.
24:32In the past, you saved people with medical treatment.
24:34In the future, you will kill demons and kill the sea.
24:36You deserve to be my sister.
24:39I'm going into seclusion tomorrow.
24:43What are you going to do?
24:45If you don't go, I won't go.
24:49But I really can't live in this shabby place.
24:53Fortunately, there is a hut in the back hill.
24:55Let's stay there.
24:57Maybe I can go down the mountain from time to time
25:00to eat chicken.
25:02I'll wait for you to come back.
25:09Come on.
25:12Ji Yang
25:32This is the Nine-Tailed Tower.
25:39What's in this tower?
25:42Nine-Tailed Sea.
25:44Ten-leaf Mountain.
25:46People in the tower know its bitterness.
25:49Once upon a time,
25:51there was a man named Di Mei Lian on the Nine-Tailed Tower.
25:54In the sea,
25:56there was a man named Xiu Luo Nu Mo.
25:59Master Ji Ming
26:00got this idea in the Nine-Tailed Tower.
26:03That's why this sect is called the Nine-Tailed Sea.
26:09I'm willing to learn the way of the ancestors.
26:13But remember.
26:15The disciples of the other sects are devoted to the purification of sentient beings.
26:19They are determined not to kill or break the precepts.
26:22But the people of the Nine-Tailed Tower
26:24are against the way of the ancestors.
26:26They think that only by eliminating all evil in the world
26:28can we become pure land.
26:30Only by going through the Nine-Tailed Tower
26:32can we achieve this goal.
26:35The Nine-Tailed Tower
26:37is a step for the ancestors.
26:46May you enter the tower
26:48and become righteous.
27:06The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:08The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:10The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:12The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:14The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:16The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:18The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:20The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:22The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:24The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:26The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:28The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:30The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:32The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:34The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:39The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:43The Nine-Tailed Tower
27:45I don't care.
27:52I'm just gonna kill you.
27:57You're gonna die.
28:01I'm just gonna kill you.
28:04You're gonna die.
28:08I'm just gonna kill you.
28:12I'm just gonna kill you.
29:04In yeah, yo-yo
30:36What you should
30:54JV. Don't you wake up?
31:00JV. Don't you?
33:36What you're doing here is your real test.
33:42Where am I?
33:45Your jade talisman is also where you keep the Fuling.
33:50They've been training here for 49 days.
33:54It's these closed doors that keep them from escaping.
33:59After three heavenly trials, your talisman protected you.
34:03You made this place the way you wanted it to be.
34:08If you're true to yourself, you won't be able to control the power of the Seven Talismans.
34:14Four more heavenly trials await you.
34:17If you regret it, I can still protect you.
34:28You don't give up, but you don't break up.
34:32I gave you my life in exchange for yours.
34:35But from then on, I became your demon.
34:38I let you live and die.
34:40You have neither the will to save the world nor the determination to kill.
34:45How can you pass the nine heavenly trials?
34:52How can I forget you?
35:02You're trapped by love.
35:06How can I not be trapped by love?
35:11In that case, if you leave here, you'll be able to see her.
35:16You'll fall into the abyss with her.
35:19Isn't that what you've always wanted?
35:33Open the door. Get out of here.
35:36Be with her.
35:38End your wish.
35:41Jin Ya.
35:44Jin Ya.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:32I'm sorry.
37:02I'm sorry.
37:32I'm sorry.
38:03When the wind blows
38:07When the wind blows
