The Blackwell Ghost 2 (2018)

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00:00:00Many of you will recognize me from a documentary I made that was released in 2017.
00:00:07The documentary was called The Blackwell Ghost.
00:00:09If you haven't seen it yet, I would suggest watching it first because it provides context
00:00:14for what you are about to see.
00:00:17Many of those who watched The Blackwell Ghost thought they had debunked the mystery either
00:00:21simply because they noticed inconsistencies or did their so-called research and found
00:00:26nothing online.
00:00:27I've got news for you.
00:00:29Nothing has a logical explanation, except for those things that happen that I can't
00:00:34even explain myself, and research is more than just typing some letters on a keyboard
00:00:38from the comfort of your own home.
00:00:41Sometimes even if you're afraid of what you'll find, you have to get out there and find it
00:00:45yourself, just like I did.
00:00:47And for those who think they have the mystery cracked, the only person you are trying to
00:00:52convince is yourself.
00:00:54This documentary is not intended to scare you, but that doesn't mean at times it won't
00:00:59feel a little scary.
00:01:01So having said that, let us begin.
00:01:13I don't know what to do, I guess I'm going to quit.
00:01:16I hate quitting, but I don't really have a choice, and probably go back to making zombie
00:01:20movies I guess.
00:01:21I'm not even really good at that, so I'm kind of screwed.
00:01:24Well, that's exactly what I ended up doing.
00:01:36Right after I finished the first Blackwell Ghost documentary, I was looking for anything
00:01:40to take my mind off what I experienced in that house.
00:01:43I began shooting a new narrative feature called Raccoon Valley, a kind of zombie movie, but
00:01:48the script mostly resolved around a person who lives in an old house.
00:01:52But where was I going to find an old house?
00:01:56Strangely enough, what I chose to take my mind off Mrs. Blackwell ultimately ended up
00:02:00leading me right back to her.
00:02:02Most of the movie would end up being filmed in that house, so we went back and stayed
00:02:07for seven days and seven nights, while we shot the remainder of Raccoon Valley.
00:02:12While we were there, I decided to set up some cameras while we shot, just in case something
00:02:17However, strangely, nothing did.
00:02:20I was amazed that over the course of that time, we didn't hear or see anything out of
00:02:25the ordinary, and that's when I began to get confused.
00:02:29By day seven, we finished our last shot, and it was time to go home.
00:02:34I gave her a second chance to show herself, and she didn't.
00:02:38So I left, thinking that was that.
00:02:41That was, until I got back home, and found something waiting for me.
00:03:06Alright, looking good.
00:03:09Hey everybody, so it's me again.
00:03:11So, some new information has come forward that made me come down here into my basement
00:03:14and pull my camera back out.
00:03:16So, shortly after I released the first documentary, I received this weird package on my front
00:03:21porch, and I wasn't expecting anything.
00:03:23So, shortly after that package showed up, I got an email from a woman who asked me,
00:03:29hey, did you get my package?
00:03:32And I'm like, okay.
00:03:34So I noticed there was a phone number on the email, so I decided to give this woman a call.
00:03:40This is where it got interesting.
00:03:41So it turns out this woman is a 92-year-old lady named Nancy, living in Florida, who claims
00:03:48she knew Mrs. Blackwell personally.
00:03:50My first question to myself was, how does a 92-year-old lady know how to email?
00:03:54But it turns out it was just her family emailing on her behalf.
00:03:57But I digress, I'm sorry.
00:03:59So I ask her, you know, I'm talking to her on the phone, I talked to her for like an
00:04:02hour, and I ask her, how did you know Mrs. Blackwell?
00:04:05And so she has her family send me this picture.
00:04:09Now, I recognize this picture.
00:04:12I used a small portion of it that I found in archives for the cover, actually, for the
00:04:17first documentary.
00:04:18So I was very familiar with this picture.
00:04:20But I had no idea that it was actually a part of a much bigger photograph.
00:04:24So right away I knew Nancy was telling the truth, because she actually taught me something
00:04:28I didn't know.
00:04:29So, you know, she's giving me this picture, and I ask her, how did you know Mrs. Blackwell?
00:04:36And that's when she tells me she's the little girl sitting next to Ruth in the photograph.
00:04:43That's when my jaw dropped, and I ran down here to my basement and got my camera.
00:04:48So, first glance of this picture, you would imagine Nancy being a part of the Blackwell
00:04:53Well, that's not the case.
00:04:54I talked to Nancy for over an hour, and she told me that she's in this photo because she
00:04:59lost her family in a fire when she was a kid, and the Blackwells were her legal guardians,
00:05:04or godparents.
00:05:05She actually mentioned their clothing in the picture, and I've always wondered that, because
00:05:09the clothing in this picture doesn't match the era that the picture was taken.
00:05:14She said they were kind of like a Quaker family, and they kind of just lived in a different
00:05:20So after talking with Nancy for an hour, I decided it was time to open the package.
00:05:23So I got Nancy's package right here.
00:05:26I'm about to open it.
00:05:27You must have used a whole roll of tape on this.
00:05:30She didn't tell me on the phone what's in this, so I have no idea what to expect here.
00:05:39Alright, we got a folder.
00:05:41We got a picture.
00:05:44Well, it looks like a few pictures, actually.
00:05:47Okay, so instructions.
00:05:48We got instructions right here.
00:05:50Please contact Richard's office in Pittsburgh.
00:05:53That company was holding Ruth's last known possessions.
00:05:55I have already contacted them, and they will be expecting you if you choose to make the
00:06:00Please find attached my signed consent forms.
00:06:05She's already given me signed consent forms to go pick this thing up in Pittsburgh, whatever
00:06:09it is.
00:06:11I have enclosed some photographs for you to view.
00:06:14These are a few of the children that Ruth kidnapped and murdered.
00:06:19You know, this is creepy.
00:06:22This is the first time I've actually put a face to any victims.
00:06:25So we got a consent form, pictures, and then it says vinyl record.
00:06:31Please find enclosed a vinyl record.
00:06:33This is my only possession besides the photographs that I own of Ruth's.
00:06:37Now remember, it was her favorite record, and she would play it every night.
00:06:41You will need a special player to play it.
00:06:43I guess she means a record player.
00:06:45I didn't even feel that there was anything else in here.
00:06:55That's awesome.
00:06:57This is Ruth's favorite record.
00:07:01This is something she actually touched.
00:07:03Man, this is cool.
00:07:05Well, I guess I'll have to get that special equipment.
00:07:09Clear prop!
00:07:13So here we go.
00:07:14I'm going to shut this door.
00:07:17Here we go.
00:07:18We are going to Pennsylvania today to go to the state office and see what's in that building.
00:07:25Let's go.
00:07:43I made it to downtown Pittsburgh.
00:07:45I'm in the office building that Nancy instructed me to come to to get the last remaining belongings of Ruth Blackwell.
00:07:52But I got my hopes up on this one because there's this whole big box, and that's all that's in there.
00:08:00First thing we got is...
00:08:02Whoa, it's in plastic.
00:08:03I've got to take this out real quick.
00:08:04Original scans of documents.
00:08:07That was attached to this CD, which says scans on it.
00:08:13We got a sign-in sheet.
00:08:17This looks like it's the hospital sign-in page.
00:08:22I see Ruth Blackwell.
00:08:23Ruth Blackwell's name is on it.
00:08:27And then we got this.
00:08:30It looks like a drawing that's a copy.
00:08:33Then we got this lovely note here that says...
00:08:37All but the remaining possessions were incinerated due to mold.
00:08:41Well, that's great.
00:08:42Everything was incinerated, and I'm sitting here with two to three pieces of paper that aren't even original.
00:08:48I feel like I flew three and a half hours for nothing.
00:08:57I just wasted my time.
00:09:01Not to mention, it smells like a goat dod down here, so I got to just tell them I'm done.
00:09:10You know, something very interesting just happened.
00:09:12I want to get real with you guys real quick, alright?
00:09:14So, over the past week, I've been debating whether or not I have enough material to push forward with another Blackwell documentary.
00:09:21I mean, I'm really stretching here.
00:09:23I don't have much material.
00:09:24I know I have Nancy, who sent me that stuff, and I have these three documents from the estate office in Pittsburgh.
00:09:30But that's it.
00:09:32That's all I got.
00:09:34I mean, just to paint, I tried.
00:09:36I really tried to get material.
00:09:38I even flew my plane up to the abandoned hospital where Ruth was committed,
00:09:42and I shot a bunch of footage and edited it together, thinking it was going to be awesome.
00:09:46It is the most boring piece of shit I've ever shot.
00:09:49And I was just like, man, I'm done.
00:09:51That's all I got.
00:09:52You're trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
00:09:54But wouldn't you know it?
00:09:55That's when I found maybe the most interesting thing yet about Mrs. Blackwell.
00:10:01And it was staring me in the face the entire time.
00:10:04Now, let me show you guys.
00:10:07So, this is the black and white drawing from the estate office.
00:10:12In all fairness to myself, you can't see what I found in this picture.
00:10:17But when I loaded the CD that was in the files,
00:10:20these are actually high-resolution scans of these,
00:10:23and they show a little bit more.
00:10:25So, let me show you what I found real quick in the drawing.
00:10:28I'll have to PowerPoint this.
00:10:30Go to the PowerPoint.
00:10:33So, let's take a closer look at this picture that I found in Ruth Blackwell's belongings.
00:10:38As I first looked at the drawing, I honestly had no idea what I was looking at.
00:10:42At first, I thought it was some sort of thermos or vase.
00:10:45At first, I thought it was some sort of thermos or vacuum cleaner.
00:10:48Those were my first guesses.
00:10:51So, I decided to first darken the lines on the drawing,
00:10:54hoping that would shed some light on what I was looking at somehow.
00:10:57But that wasn't much help.
00:10:59However, when I started to rotate the picture,
00:11:01it became clear to me that I had been looking at it wrong the entire time.
00:11:05And that's when I realized it was actually a drawing of the property.
00:11:09You can tell by the location of the stairs and kitchen
00:11:13as they are properly represented in the drawing
00:11:16as they are located presently today in the house.
00:11:19However, there is something missing from the sketch of the house
00:11:22and that is this section right here,
00:11:24which isn't reflected in the sketch because it was later added by the new owners.
00:11:29I confirmed this with Greg.
00:11:31So, this is the room right here that we're familiar with
00:11:34that is not included in the sketch.
00:11:36And then actually right above it is the master bedroom.
00:11:40This room.
00:11:42And if you remember, Greg actually said this.
00:11:46As far as ghostly activity, really not much happens in here.
00:11:49It's kind of a strange thing.
00:11:51It just seems like the entity respects my privacy for some reason.
00:11:55And I'm starting to figure something out here.
00:11:58I'm suspecting it's because this wasn't a part of the original house.
00:12:02So, what he's saying is kind of like
00:12:05the Mrs. Blackwell ghost just sticks to the rest of the house
00:12:09that was original and not the addition, which is weird.
00:12:12I don't know if that's true, but regardless, moving on.
00:12:15So, back to the sketch, when I realized what I was looking at,
00:12:19I zoomed back out and started looking at the backyard.
00:12:23And as you can see, there's this funny scarecrow up here,
00:12:26which I can guess was some sort of garden at the time.
00:12:30And over here to the right, there's this weird thing
00:12:33and I can only guess it's some sort of shed with a cobblestone walkway.
00:12:37Now, this thing that I think is a shed
00:12:39is actually where the current garage sits today.
00:12:42Right here, as you can see.
00:12:44So, back to the picture.
00:12:46So, everything looks fine.
00:12:48Nothing out of the ordinary, as far as I can tell.
00:12:51Until you look very closely at something.
00:12:54And that something is what sits behind where the shed once sat.
00:12:58It's so faint, I didn't even realize it was there for the longest time.
00:13:02And it's so faint, it's as if somebody tried to even erase it at some point.
00:13:06You can see as I zoom in here, it's an X.
00:13:09And that's when I started to realize this wasn't any ordinary picture.
00:13:13This could quite possibly be a map.
00:13:16And that's when I got really excited.
00:13:19I got really excited.
00:13:49Oh, wow.
00:14:19All right, well, we're here.
00:14:21Just got here after a long drive.
00:14:23And first thing's first, we're going to go back and check out the corner.
00:14:26Terry, you coming?
00:14:35Got rain?
00:14:39I'm going to have to move that.
00:14:41I'm going to have to move all this stuff.
00:14:43Yeah, so?
00:14:45I didn't want to do that.
00:14:46That's a lot of work.
00:14:48It's about to rain.
00:15:04Look how tiny this thing is.
00:15:10It's so tiny, it's like for a child.
00:15:12Oh, my God.
00:15:16Bat test and operate.
00:15:18So, I guess I'm going to put that over to operate.
00:15:22So, I'm going to have to clear all this crap out before I can even use this thing.
00:15:28Are you sure he's okay with us just digging holes in his backyard?
00:15:32It really depends if we find anything.
00:15:34Because I might not be digging any holes if I can't find any metal.
00:15:36He said it was okay.
00:15:38He doesn't care.
00:15:40I can see how that would be rude.
00:15:42Well, do you want to ask him?
00:15:44No, no.
00:15:46He doesn't care.
00:15:48I'm going to just put this down right here.
00:15:50Watch out.
00:15:52I'm coming your way.
00:16:06Are we done?
00:16:08Why are we randomly digging holes in the backyard again?
00:16:12We're not randomly digging holes.
00:16:14I think that whatever it is, it's right around this area.
00:16:16Because of that map?
00:16:20Why do you think we drove all the way up here?
00:16:22I'm not digging this bar.
00:16:26I mean, it could be where that tree is.
00:16:28I don't know.
00:16:30I hope not.
00:16:32But it looked like it was further, it was closer back this way.
00:16:34I'm going to go ahead and
00:16:36get the metal detector.
00:16:38And I'm going to sweep everything.
00:16:46Why is it beeping already?
00:16:48That doesn't make any sense.
00:16:50There's no metal.
00:16:56I mean, it's pretty self-explanatory.
00:16:58There's a big red button right here.
00:17:02And now it's going to operate.
00:17:04Bat test operate.
00:17:08What's the difference in that?
00:17:44This thing isn't working.
00:17:46There's no way this thing is working.
00:17:48Like, look, isn't this thing metal right here?
00:17:50That's metal.
00:17:52Shouldn't I be getting something?
00:17:54I don't know.
00:17:56Go get the instructions.
00:17:58I don't need instructions, Terry.
00:18:00Let me go get the instructions for you.
00:18:10Set discrimination dial to midpoint.
00:18:12That's what I'm doing wrong.
00:18:14See, I didn't know what that meant.
00:18:18You were right.
00:18:20I should have read the directions. I'm sorry.
00:18:22There we go.
00:18:26Yeah, we got it. Alright.
00:18:28Let's go back.
00:18:46What am I doing wrong, Terry?
00:18:56Hey, come here, come here.
00:19:06Right here, right?
00:19:08Right there.
00:19:14That's where it is.
00:19:42I don't think so.
00:19:48So I just hit something.
00:19:50There's something there.
00:19:52Is it a rock?
00:19:54No, it's flat.
00:20:10There's a corner.
00:20:12There's a corner right there.
00:20:14I feel it with the tip of my finger.
00:20:16Here, I need to dig out a little bit.
00:20:18It's still wobbling right here.
00:20:24Oh, there it is.
00:20:36There's a corner.
00:21:00What is it?
00:21:20How much time?
00:21:32It's some kind of...
00:21:34It looks like some kind of safe.
00:21:44It's locked.
00:21:52It's locked.
00:22:14Oh my God, what is that?
00:22:16Should we till?
00:22:18I mean, do we need to till?
00:22:20Does it technically belong to him?
00:22:22I don't know. I'm just so excited.
00:22:24I really don't know what to do right now.
00:22:26I mean, I just want to take it home.
00:22:28If that's okay.
00:22:30And we can just bury this hole back
00:22:32and he won't even know we were out here.
00:22:38Look at this front.
00:22:40That is old.
00:22:42I don't even know what that is.
00:22:44It doesn't even look like a safe, though.
00:22:46It's an old metal box.
00:22:52Alright, you ready to go home?
00:22:56Let's put this thing in the car.
00:23:14Can you believe that?
00:23:16I am curious as to
00:23:18why someone buried it.
00:23:31We better hurry.
00:23:33The storm's coming.
00:23:48Oh my gosh.
00:23:52I still am in shock.
00:23:54What we just found.
00:23:56I can't wait to get home
00:23:58and crack that thing open.
00:24:00It could be anything.
00:24:02It could be something like a time capsule.
00:24:04We just don't know.
00:24:06We're going to find out soon enough.
00:24:20Hey everybody.
00:24:22I don't even know
00:24:24how many cameras are on in this little makeshift room.
00:24:26So we're in my garage.
00:24:28I've got the safe here.
00:24:30As you can see I've set it up on the table.
00:24:32And we're about to get this thing
00:24:36I actually just went to the local locksmith
00:24:38and he said based on what he can tell
00:24:40it just takes a straight up flat tipped
00:24:42skeleton key.
00:24:44So I went to the local store and as you can see
00:24:46I got two skeleton keys.
00:24:48The only problem is right now
00:24:50it looks like the keyhole is filled with mud.
00:24:52So I've got to dig that crud out of there.
00:24:54Based on the weight of this thing
00:24:56I really don't know what to expect.
00:24:58It's pretty heavy.
00:25:00I don't know what's in it.
00:25:02But we're about to find out.
00:25:04I just hope I don't have to cut into this thing with a grinder
00:25:06because that's really going to suck.
00:25:12Made it a little bit muddy in there.
00:25:14Oh gosh.
00:25:16Just one big solid piece.
00:25:20That's all mud.
00:25:26Spray some of that in there.
00:25:28Let's try one of these keys.
00:25:30That's the key right there.
00:25:32It's just a flat tipped skeleton key.
00:25:36Can't get it in there.
00:25:38Too much dirt.
00:25:40Oh god.
00:25:42Compressed air.
00:25:46If all else fails
00:25:50compressed air.
00:26:04Alright let's see if we can't get our key
00:26:06down here.
00:26:08Much better.
00:26:12Can't turn it though.
00:26:14It goes a little bit but it's not turning.
00:26:16Let me try some more.
00:26:21Put some heat on it.
00:26:42Let me try the other key.
00:26:44I hope I don't have to
00:26:46grind this thing off.
00:26:48I don't even know how I would do that.
00:27:00It just turned.
00:27:02It just turned.
00:27:04Oh my god.
00:27:12I just heard it unlock so it should
00:27:14open up.
00:27:34It's completely
00:27:36filled to the rim.
00:27:38Full of mud.
00:27:40I guess now I should probably scoop this
00:27:42out. I'm going to use this.
00:27:48I can't believe that thing
00:27:50opened. That was actually a lot easier than I thought
00:27:52it was going to be. That's just crazy.
00:27:54Oh my god.
00:27:56So I'm going to start scooping this
00:27:58stuff out. I don't really have
00:28:00the best tool for this so I'm just going to
00:28:02use my hands. My fear is that
00:28:04there might be some
00:28:06unexposed film in here.
00:28:08If that is the case and there is film in here
00:28:10then these lights would probably mess it up so
00:28:12I'm just going to start digging in.
00:28:14Alright here we go.
00:28:18I'm going to feel with my fingers to see if I
00:28:20feel anything.
00:28:23And I'm just going to scoop
00:28:25it over here
00:28:27one scoop at a time.
00:28:40Just going to keep scooping.
00:28:50I don't see anything.
00:28:52I'm going to keep scooping.
00:28:56While I'm scooping I'm trying to feel
00:28:58for anything solid.
00:29:00Don't feel anything yet.
00:29:07That's just full
00:29:09filled to the brim full of mud. Oh my goodness.
00:29:25Okay that's
00:29:27maybe this thing is empty. I don't know.
00:29:32just all mud.
00:29:38Alright so I'm over halfway
00:29:40empty now. I'm at halfway point.
00:29:42I'm at the halfway point and I
00:29:44still haven't felt anything. Maybe it's at the
00:29:48Start at the
00:30:08Oh my god.
00:30:14Oh my god.
00:30:18Terry! Terry!
00:30:24Oh my god.
00:30:30Oh my god.
00:30:32Let me move this out of the way
00:30:34because it's
00:30:38my god.
00:30:40Okay so this is scary.
00:30:42These are
00:30:46human teeth.
00:30:48Look at that.
00:30:50That is a human tooth.
00:30:52That is a human
00:30:54tooth right there.
00:30:56They're everywhere.
00:31:00There's more in here.
00:31:02This is full of teeth.
00:31:05Oh my god.
00:31:07Look at this.
00:31:15This is creepy
00:31:17as s***. This is the creepiest
00:31:19thing I've ever found in my life
00:31:21and I am terrified. I'm looking at piles
00:31:23of these things
00:31:25and what's crazy is I am in shock
00:31:27right now because I was scooping
00:31:29stuff out with my hand and I had no
00:31:31idea what I was playing
00:31:33with and then I was like wait a minute.
00:31:35That doesn't look like
00:31:37a pebble.
00:31:39So I gotta stop
00:31:41rolling because this is actually
00:31:43this could be illegal
00:31:45what I'm doing right now. I might be tampering
00:31:47with evidence. So I gotta stop the cameras real
00:31:49quick and call my
00:32:19Soon after I had opened
00:32:21the safe and discovered its contents
00:32:23I was contacted by a film festival in
00:32:25Charleston, South Carolina who wanted
00:32:27to premiere my feature film Raccoon Valley.
00:32:29We accepted the invitation
00:32:31and decided to make a trip down
00:32:33for the event.
00:32:35Being near Charleston we decided
00:32:37to consume our spare time with a touristy
00:32:39boat ride over to a Civil War monument.
00:32:41The island of Fort Sumter.
00:32:45fun and learning about the history of the island
00:32:47I wasn't at all prepared for the phone
00:32:49call I was about to receive.
00:32:51A phone call that would change my life.
00:32:55called to let me know that he would be
00:32:57selling the house.
00:32:59My window of opportunity to finish this
00:33:01documentary is now closing
00:33:03by the day.
00:33:05Greg, you're on the tape guys.
00:33:07He's selling the house.
00:33:09I'm currently
00:33:11at Fort Sumter right now
00:33:13and I just got some pretty bad
00:33:15news that Greg is selling the house.
00:33:17I'm pretty upset.
00:33:21It was at that moment when I realized
00:33:23I had to go back to the house.
00:34:05You know
00:34:07I just realized when you go into
00:34:09an empty scary house you don't want to say
00:34:11hello because if somebody answers that's scary
00:34:13but if no one answers that's actually
00:34:15more scary.
00:34:19Just the quietness
00:34:21of this house is terrifying.
00:34:23But I'm here now so
00:34:25I'm going to set up this camera.
00:34:27Where can I put this camera?
00:34:29Next to
00:34:31this security camera. Here we go.
00:34:35Just in case.
00:34:37Don't know what to expect from that.
00:34:39So I talked to Greg about two weeks ago
00:34:41and he's currently out of town
00:34:43trying to figure out his new living
00:34:47So it's just crazy to think this place
00:34:49is going to be on the market soon
00:34:51and I'm not going to have the opportunity
00:34:53to come here and treat this house like my own
00:34:55and ghost hunt.
00:34:57So that's why I'm here.
00:34:59Kind of sad.
00:35:03So I brought something with me.
00:35:07It's in the big pouch back here.
00:35:09So some of you will remember
00:35:11the old ball here.
00:35:13I'm going to set it up
00:35:15just like before and
00:35:17see if it moves.
00:35:19Here I'll set that up right now.
00:35:21If you wonder why I'm talking so high energy
00:35:23it's because I'm actually really scared right now.
00:35:25I'm just trying to calm myself down.
00:35:29So if you guys remember
00:35:31in the first documentary
00:35:33I set up this ball
00:35:35which ended up finding its way
00:35:37to the top of the well
00:35:41So I brought it back
00:35:43and I'm going to put it
00:35:45right back in the middle.
00:35:47I honestly
00:35:49suspect this thing will move sometime
00:35:51because I'm by myself.
00:35:53And she knows it.
00:35:55So now
00:35:57I'm going to be setting up some cameras.
00:35:59I think that's the next step to do.
00:36:01I've got one set up right here
00:36:03but I've got to set up quite a few more.
00:36:07So in the first documentary
00:36:09I put
00:36:11cameras everywhere but I was having
00:36:13some major issues.
00:36:15Not to mention the power went out
00:36:17and then all of Greg's security cameras
00:36:19turned off.
00:36:21See I want to show you what happened
00:36:23in the first documentary.
00:36:25So people didn't understand this
00:36:27but this camera right here
00:36:29doesn't have
00:36:31a battery.
00:36:33And it's only plugged in
00:36:35down there.
00:36:37And so right when the ball moved in the first documentary
00:36:39the only camera that was on the ball
00:36:41just cut.
00:36:43So I had to figure out a fix to that.
00:36:45And I think I came up with a pretty good solution.
00:36:47I'll show it to you.
00:36:49These little guys are my babies.
00:36:51I've got a number of them to night vision.
00:36:53They've got an internal battery
00:36:55and they can record
00:36:57a ton.
00:36:59But the problem is the internal battery only lasts
00:37:01for about 45 minutes to an hour
00:37:03I would guess.
00:37:05So what I had to do was
00:37:07I've got a number of these stands that I'm going to be putting around the house.
00:37:09And then it's got a power cable
00:37:11coming down
00:37:13and the power cable will come down
00:37:15to right here and I'll plug that in via
00:37:17an extension cord.
00:37:19And then for whatever reason
00:37:21the internal battery on these things will kick in
00:37:23and continuously record.
00:37:25So it will help guarantee that we
00:37:27never lose power.
00:37:29So I want to point something out that a reviewer
00:37:31actually noticed after watching the first documentary.
00:37:33I didn't actually notice this myself.
00:37:35But it's very strange apparently to have a deadbolt
00:37:37on a bedroom door.
00:37:41yes it is.
00:37:43But wait until you see the other side.
00:37:45You've got your deadbolt
00:37:47one lock and then another lock
00:37:49underneath it
00:37:51and even a fourth one up here.
00:37:57I'm not a genius.
00:37:59That tells me that Greg was a little bit afraid
00:38:01of something getting through that door.
00:38:03Because that's four locks.
00:38:05Yes I can count.
00:38:07I think Greg
00:38:09was afraid of someone coming in here.
00:38:13We're going to set up
00:38:15some of our first cameras here.
00:38:41I want to
00:38:43put one right here.
00:38:45Because I think that door
00:38:47I think that door right there
00:38:49is going to get
00:38:51some attention.
00:38:53That should be good.
00:38:59Oh I forgot!
00:39:01I want to show you guys something.
00:39:03I got
00:39:05Oh this is going to be exciting.
00:39:11So Nancy
00:39:13the 92 year old lady who
00:39:15sent me that care package
00:39:17if you remember sent me
00:39:19a record that she said needed
00:39:21some special player to play it.
00:39:23Also known as a record player.
00:39:25So I brought one with me.
00:39:27This is going to be kind of like the ball on the table.
00:39:29I'm putting it here
00:39:31and it's going to have power and the record is going to be all ready to go.
00:39:33And if she wants to listen to
00:39:35her favorite song all she's got to do is
00:39:37click a button and it will
00:39:39start to play.
00:39:41So that's what I'm going to do.
00:39:43I'm going to set up this record player.
00:39:47So I got the power cable.
00:39:49Hook it up real quick.
00:39:53Alright so let's test this thing out.
00:39:55It's been a good solid
00:39:5715 years since I've played a record
00:39:59of any sort.
00:40:01It was on an old Mickey Mouse record player
00:40:03when I was a little kid.
00:40:05So I really don't know what I'm doing.
00:40:09Oh it's spinning.
00:40:25You know I could have
00:40:27guessed it was probably going to be creepy music.
00:40:29It had
00:40:31to be creepy music right?
00:40:39So all she's got to do
00:40:41is turn this thing on
00:40:43and then I'm going to set the needle.
00:40:45The needle is
00:40:49So now all she's got to do is turn it on
00:40:51and it will
00:40:53play her favorite song.
00:40:55I did that for you
00:40:57if you're listening.
00:40:59So I'm going to turn it on
00:41:01and it will play
00:41:03her favorite song.
00:41:05I did that for you
00:41:07I did that for you if you're listening.
00:41:11Alright so we've got everything set up.
00:41:13The ball is set.
00:41:15The record player is set.
00:41:17Now all we've got to do is just chill out
00:41:19and waste some time.
00:41:37I don't know what that was.
00:41:49It has begun.
00:41:55She's letting me know she's here.
00:42:01I just figured why not sleep in the
00:42:03part of the house which is the living room.
00:42:07I've got all the lights on in here
00:42:09so I feel a little less scared to death.
00:42:11My heart rate is a little high right now
00:42:13not going to lie but as long as I keep on talking
00:42:15to you
00:42:17I think I'll be okay.
00:42:19I've been noticing a lot more activity this go around
00:42:21and I think it's because mainly
00:42:23I'm by myself this time.
00:42:25It's just a little coincidental that I'm by myself
00:42:27now and I'm hearing a lot more
00:42:29stuff I should say.
00:42:31I have been noticing that
00:42:33when I provoke
00:42:35her to make a noise
00:42:37of some sort she never
00:42:39does it upon request.
00:42:41It's more so when I'm
00:42:43either setting up a camera or preoccupied
00:42:45with something I'll hear
00:42:47a noise and
00:42:49that kind of tells me that
00:42:51if you provoke this ghost
00:42:53she's not going to do anything. She's not going to perform
00:42:55on command. It's almost like you have to
00:42:57just not be ready for it.
00:42:59So I guess now I'll take you around the house
00:43:01and show you some of these cameras that I've set up.
00:43:03I've got some night vision lights to assist
00:43:05the night vision cameras. I'll show you what that's about.
00:43:07You can't see them in there
00:43:09at all but that's actually an infrared light
00:43:11and that's going to help illuminate some of these
00:43:13night vision cameras I've got set up.
00:43:15I'll demonstrate for you guys.
00:43:17So you can probably see my eyes
00:43:19are really weird and I've got this light right here
00:43:21that's on me. You can't see it but it's
00:43:23actually infrared light.
00:43:55So I've officially
00:43:57got all the cameras rolling in the house.
00:43:59Sorry I look like crap
00:44:01because I've got night vision on but
00:44:03yeah I've got all the cameras rolling.
00:44:05We have night vision
00:44:07lights assisting the night vision
00:44:13I'm getting kind of sleepy.
00:44:15I think I might
00:44:17hit the hay soon.
00:44:19Not much
00:44:21is happening actually.
00:44:23I thought more would happen but it's not.
00:44:41Just going to do a round real quick.
00:46:55So, good morning.
00:46:57It was a long night last night.
00:46:59I didn't get much sleep.
00:47:01So something happened last night.
00:47:03I don't know what or why.
00:47:05I came into the kitchen
00:47:07and these chairs were all scattered about.
00:47:09So as you can see, these chairs
00:47:11are kind of
00:47:13spread out.
00:47:15Two have fallen over.
00:47:17And I look at the camera
00:47:19that was on this section and sure enough
00:47:21it's still rolling.
00:47:23So we got it.
00:47:25I'm going to pull that footage up right now and take a look at it.
00:47:29I found the section.
00:47:31I can't believe I just saw it.
00:47:33But I just loaded it in and now
00:47:35I'm going to play it.
00:48:09I got to watch that again.
00:48:29This happened at 2.37
00:48:33So when I loaded up
00:48:35at 2.37 AM
00:48:37right there
00:48:39and then a few seconds
00:48:41later the chairs
00:48:47So, you know
00:48:49there are other cameras rolling during this
00:48:51so I just picked up a couple
00:48:53other cameras and you can
00:48:55actually hear it.
00:49:01You can hear the two chairs
00:49:03fall over first and then you can hear the other
00:49:05two slide out and I
00:49:07got another camera angle here for you.
00:49:09You can hear it in this one too. This is crazy.
00:49:19So, this is good.
00:49:21I'll take this. This is a good start.
00:49:23Now a lot of people are going to be like this is fake
00:49:25and, you know, I get it
00:49:27but for me right now
00:49:29this is pretty cool
00:49:33I really don't know what to say if you can't tell.
00:49:35So tonight
00:49:37I got two more nights in this place
00:49:39and tonight I'm going to do the same thing
00:49:41same rigs everywhere, same cameras
00:49:43and the good thing is everything
00:49:45seemed to work pretty good so we're just going to do
00:49:47the same setup tonight and hope that more
00:49:49happens but I'll take this.
00:49:51This is good stuff.
00:49:57Cut these cameras.
00:49:59I'm cutting the cameras. Cut.
00:50:01Not a bad first night.
00:50:05Other than the fact I didn't get any sleep.
00:50:33So we got all the
00:50:35yeah that's rolling. So we got all the cameras in the house
00:50:37rolling again tonight. Now this is night
00:50:39two. We're going to
00:50:41do everything we did last night
00:50:43because it seemed to be working and
00:50:45we're just going to hope for the best I guess.
00:50:47Yeah, so all the cameras are rolling
00:50:49now all I got to do is just chill out and watch
00:50:51some TV so that's what I'm going to do.
00:50:53It's a fun job, right?
00:51:31It's almost midnight and I haven't heard anything yet, I'm getting kind of bored.
00:51:38I remember last night I had what I thought was a dream about this door opening and shutting
00:51:43by itself and I actually wasn't sure if that happened at all so in all my boredom here
00:51:49I went back and looked at the footage just now and confirmed that that door did open
00:51:55and shut and that's kind of, I totally forgot about that too so like I'm glad I just, I
00:51:59kind of just scared myself because I realized that that door behind me, something, something
00:52:05You know, that's just one more thing of activity that I can add to the list, I guess.
00:52:59God, it's getting late.
00:53:15It is getting late.
00:53:19Alright, cut.
00:53:22So no activity so far tonight.
00:53:27Pretty disappointed because it's like 1am.
00:53:34Again, I'm sleeping with the lights on.
00:53:37For all you guys who think I'm a big baby, I'm sorry because I'm sleeping with the lights
00:53:43on again tonight.
00:53:56Alright, cut.
00:54:26Alright, cut.
00:54:56Alright, cut.
00:55:26Alright, cut.
00:55:56Alright, cut.
00:56:26Alright, cut.
00:56:29Alright, cut.
00:56:56Alright, cut.
00:57:26Alright, cut.
00:57:42So I finally, finally got some activity last night on camera that I've been waiting for
00:57:46for a while.
00:57:47The record player worked.
00:57:49I didn't expect to hear the, so I've been hearing that all night.
00:57:54That has been happening literally all night.
00:57:56And it sounds like footsteps, just like walking by.
00:57:59And it happens every few minutes and it's just like crazy.
00:58:03And so last night when the doorbell rang, I really wasn't expecting that.
00:58:12And I just now noticed that the...
00:58:20The ball is gone.
00:58:24I just noticed the ball is gone.
00:58:54Alright, cut.
00:59:31So I just found a...
00:59:36I just found this.
00:59:54I just found this.
01:00:24Alright, cut.
01:00:54Alright, cut.
01:01:24Alright, cut.
01:01:54Alright, cut.
01:02:24Alright, cut.
01:02:54Alright, cut.
01:03:24Alright, cut.
01:03:54Alright, cut.
01:04:24Alright, cut.
01:04:54Alright, cut.
01:04:56Alright, cut.
01:04:58Alright, cut.
01:05:00Alright, cut.
01:05:02Alright, cut.
01:05:04Alright, cut.
01:05:06Alright, cut.
01:05:25Alright, cut.
01:05:27Alright, cut.
01:05:29Alright, cut.
01:05:55Alright, cut.
01:06:18When I was a kid, I lived in an old house.
01:06:23We had chimes on the back porch that would often make noise even though there was no wind.
01:06:28I always wondered why, until now.
01:06:32I'm not one who usually gets choked up at goodbyes.
01:06:35However, now that I know my time at the Blackwell house is over,
01:06:39I can't help but find myself overcome with nostalgia.
01:06:44The long trip north to see the house for the first time.
01:06:47The excitement that came over me when I first saw it.
01:06:51Made me feel like a kid all over again.
01:06:56There sure is something special about this house.
01:06:59And the woman who haunts it.
01:07:01Even though she was an evil person who did horrible things,
01:07:05I can't help but think of her as a friend.
01:07:09I would later show Greg all of the activity I captured on camera.
01:07:13He told me she had never communicated with anyone quite like she did with me.
01:07:18And I can't help but think that was because she thought of me the same way.
01:07:23As a friend.
01:07:27So I say goodbye to Mrs. Blackwell.
01:07:30And the house that changed my life forever.
01:07:33Because for me, this is only the beginning.
01:09:48Alright, where do we park?
01:10:14Alright, we are in the airport courtesy car
01:10:17and we are going to the hospital.
01:10:19Or at least we are going to try to find it anyway.
01:10:22So we are in the courtesy car.
01:10:24I'm driving us to the hospital as we speak.
01:10:27And we should be there in about 10 minutes.
01:10:47One, two, three.
01:10:57Let's see if we can't poke this in there.
01:11:27Alright, let's go.
01:11:57Alright, let's go.
01:12:27Alright, let's go.
01:12:58Alright, let's go.
01:13:09Alright, well we're here.
01:13:11Let's go on in.
01:13:21Alright, well we're here.
01:13:25Let's go on in.
01:13:32Alright, once we're home, here we are.
01:13:52So this is the first time I've been back to this house
01:13:55since we finished shooting our feature film, Raccoon Valley.
01:14:00It's funny, it's not really a scary place.
01:14:02It's just eerie because I'm here alone now.
01:14:06So that makes it extra, I don't know.
01:14:08But I'm going to set up some cameras while I walk around.
01:14:17Set this up here while I'm walking around.
01:14:24So I'm just going to walk around,
01:14:27re-familiarize ourselves with this house.
01:14:30Oh, I wanted to point something out real quick.
01:14:32So this is very interesting.
01:14:34So this kitchen right here, if you might notice,
01:14:37is a little bit different.
01:14:39It's now all been redone.
01:14:41And the reason he redid it was because, strangely enough,
01:14:45he had a short in his stove,
01:14:48and it caught this whole area on fire.
01:14:50He showed me pictures of it, it was all black and messy.
01:14:53And it originated with the original stove that was there.
01:14:56Coincidentally, we had the same issue ourselves.
01:14:59But ours wasn't a short because, obviously, the knobs were turned.
01:15:04But still, strange that we both had something happen with the stove that used to be here.
01:15:09But this has all been redone, it's all nice and new, nice and neat.
01:15:15So I'm just going to walk around and show you the rest of the house.
01:15:19Here's the...
01:15:25And this is, as you can see, this is the room that we're familiar with.
01:15:29And now I'm going to show you the dining room.
01:15:32This is where I had the crap scared out of me when that chandelier started moving.
01:15:36Very nice.
01:15:41Here's the camera that we're familiar with as well, that filmed that.
01:15:46Yeah, so we're back doing kind of the same old stuff that we did before,
01:15:49just trying to see if we can't see something new this time.
01:15:52So the reason I'm here is basically to...
01:15:55Well, I guess I'll show you why I'm here.
01:16:00I am here to... I got a camera on the internet,
01:16:04and I'm going to set it up in the basement so I can have a live feed from my home
01:16:07and see what goes on down there.
01:16:09So I'm kind of going to need to open this thing up.
01:16:11I've never used it, so I've got to figure out how to use it.
01:16:34I'm going to put this camera up here so you can see me.
01:16:37I want to make sure you can see me here.
01:16:39Oh, shit!
01:16:42Alright, so here is... We're moving up in the world.
01:16:46We've got a new remote-controlled camera thing.
01:16:49This thing, if it sees anything or any motion down there in the basement,
01:16:52it's going to send me some kind of notification that says that it got some motion.
01:16:58So we're going to go down and see if we can't set this thing up real quick.
01:17:07And here we go.
01:17:16Oh, shit.
01:17:26You've got to be kidding me.
01:17:29You've got to be kidding me.
01:17:41You know, I didn't anticipate how scared I'd be being here by myself.
01:17:49Well, there it is.
01:17:53There's the well.
01:17:55There's the well.
01:17:58Oh, man.
01:18:02There's where she stood that one night when I was down here by myself.
01:18:07I couldn't see anything.
01:18:09I later found out that in the footage something was standing right here.
01:18:12Right here.
01:18:14So there's the well.
01:18:16There's something standing right here.
01:18:19I don't know if there's any significance to this point, but...
01:18:23Who knows?
01:18:25So now I've got to set this thing up.
01:18:32So I should let you guys know that...
01:18:35This is funny.
01:18:37Some people won't understand what I'm about to say, but I have to clarify this.
01:18:41So these pliers right here, in one of the shots in the first documentary,
01:18:47I shut this thing and I didn't put those pliers back.
01:18:50And then later, when the ball was actually on top of it,
01:18:53the pliers reappeared and people thought they had caught me in a lie.
01:18:57But the truth is, I didn't film myself putting the cap back on
01:19:01because it's so damn heavy I almost lost a finger.
01:19:04So don't worry, guys. The pliers are there.
01:19:20So I'm going to try to open this camera now and see if I can't figure out how to use it.
01:19:51I thought it hurts it.
01:20:14Bear with me, guys. I'm trying to open this box.
01:20:17With this camera in it.
01:20:48That was scary.
01:20:50Well, like I was just saying, you know, I mean...
01:21:01That's scary.
01:21:18Well, that was interesting. I didn't...huh.
01:21:22Maybe she was listening to me. I don't know.
01:21:28Well, that was exciting. I'm glad we came now.
01:21:31Let me...oh my gosh, that's terrifying.
01:21:35Oh my gosh. Where am I going to put this camera?
01:21:38Maybe we'll hear some more.
01:21:48All right. Let's get out of here.
01:21:53I'm actually kind of spooked right now.
01:21:57So here's the camera. We got the camera.
01:22:18Yeah. Oh.
01:22:32Man, we got to get out of here.
01:22:38All right. We're going to hurry up and get out of here now.
01:22:41I'm getting spooked. I've got to find a place to put this camera.
01:22:48There it is. I'm just going to leave it right here on this little white thing.
01:22:52And it should be able to always be filming the old well there.
01:23:01All right. That's our cue to get out of here.
01:23:04Yeah. We're leaving. We're out of here.
01:23:07Yeah. So, I don't know what to say right now.
01:23:11Because I'm so scared I want to get out of here.
01:23:17Oh my gosh.
01:23:24All right. I got all my stuff.
01:23:26I'm going to just throw these cameras even though they're still rolling back into this box because I want to get out.
01:23:31All right.
01:23:36I'm out of here.
01:23:47I'm out of here.