• 2 months ago
A fairly dry start of the day, with most of the frontal rain cleared to the east, however outbreaks of heavy thundery rain are going to impact parts of southeast England. Cloudy for southern and central areas. Showers will tend to appear in western areas and Scotland later on. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the morning of 06/08/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkill.


00:00Hello. Very good morning to you. Now, there could be a bit of thunder around for some
00:04of us this morning. That's in association with the same front that brought some heavy
00:09rain across parts of Scotland and north-western England yesterday. It's now lying across central
00:15southern parts of England and into east Midlands and towards Lincolnshire. And with some heavy
00:19bursts this morning, there could be some thunder around. Before that front then pushes its
00:23way eastwards into east Anglia and across parts of Kent. But as it goes, it's really
00:28weakening. So, these eastern areas are likely to just see a bit of rain, nothing particularly
00:33heavy. Behind that front, we do have some sunny spells coming in, lots of sunshine around,
00:37though a bit of cloud coming and going as well. There will also be plenty of showers.
00:41Now, across parts of Wales, western England, a few hit and miss showers, perhaps the odd
00:45heavy one. Across Scotland and Northern Ireland, here the showers are going to be fairly frequent,
00:50especially in western parts. And here, they're also going to be a little bit heavy at times
00:54too. Now, we do have some fresher air across much of the country today compared to what
00:59we've seen recently. Still some warmth across the Far East, particularly ahead of this front
01:04before it pushes through later on this afternoon. And so here, temperatures getting into the
01:08mid-20s, 25, possibly 26 Celsius. But elsewhere, yes, a bit of a fresher feel to things than
01:14it has been of late. Temperatures generally peaking in the high teens to low 20s across
01:19many places. More showers to come as we go through this evening, particularly across
01:23parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, but some showery outbreaks for western parts
01:26of England and Wales as well overnight too. And then through the night, watch out for
01:31some heavier, more persistent showery rain feeding in across western parts of Scotland.
01:36And there'll be some blustery winds in association with this as well. Towards the south-east
01:39of the UK, something a little bit drier and a bit clearer as well. And with that front
01:44moving through and having brought some fresher air after it, it is going to be a bit more
01:49of a comfortable, less warm, less humid night than we've had of late. Temperatures widely
01:54dropping into low teens, some places in more prone rural spots getting a bit cooler than
01:59this. And so, yeah, a real more comfortable, fresher feel to things as we go through tonight.
02:04Across parts of Scotland then, a wet start to the day tomorrow with that showery rain.
02:08It clears away towards the east as we go through the morning, but behind it, plenty of showers
02:13following in behind. So really, tomorrow is going to be a showery day with a bit of a
02:17cool feel to things because of some breezes coming in from the west-northwest. And so,
02:22a real showery picture and a cool breezy picture as well. A bit more cloud developing as we
02:27go through the day perhaps, but there should be some sunny breaks around. Towards the south-east,
02:32a better chance of staying dry, avoiding those showers. And here, temperatures will be highest,
02:36but not as high as they have been recently. 23, possibly 24. Elsewhere, most places, mid
02:42to high teens, possibly a few places getting into the low 20s. Still, not feeling too bad
02:47if you do catch any bright or sunny spells in between any of those showers. There's more wet
02:53weather to come as we go through later on this week. A series of fronts are likely to push through
02:57in from the west as we go through Thursday into Friday. So most of us will see some rain at times,
03:02but it's going to be heaviest towards the northwest of the UK. And with that, there will
03:07always be a bit of a breeze around and that will add to the relatively cool feel to things
03:12for the fact that it is August and it should really be feeling a bit warmer,
03:15a bit more like summer than it is going to through the end of the week.
03:18There's more information about what we can expect through this week and beyond available in our
03:23Deep Dive video which will be on our YouTube channel later on this afternoon with Alex Deakin.
03:27Otherwise, I'll see you again soon. Bye-bye.
