info4patient - Har Rung Pakistan - Amir Akram

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info4patient - Har Rung Pakistan - Amir Akram
For Appointment Call on 0300-4738987
00:00Info for patient
00:31There can be many reasons for hair loss
00:34Females do not have good RNA levels
00:36They do not take multivitamins
00:38Or their nutritional health is very poor
00:42In such cases, hair falls
00:44Stress, depression, routine is such
00:46In which we do not care
00:48We take clients who are not suitable for them
00:50Or are using some chemicals or shampoos
00:53Which is not good for the health of their scalp
00:57When we have clients
00:59Then we have to do all these evaluations
01:01What are the causes of hair loss?
01:03Those are the candidates
01:05We select them for hair transplant
01:07They come after a long time
01:09For example, at a very young age
01:11They feel that their hair has started to fall
01:14This is common in males
01:15And in females too
01:16There are a lot of hair loss problems
01:18In which it happens
01:19Maybe we have to start medicines or multivitamins
01:22That its hair fall
01:25After these sessions
01:27We have a very positive response
01:30Maintaining the patient's nutritional health
01:33Controlling all other factors
01:35Checking their routine
01:36All these things decide
01:38Do they need a procedure?
01:40Or do they need medical treatment?
01:42The front hairline starts to deteriorate
01:46The first stage is
01:48Does the patient feel that
01:50In some categories, it is less
01:52The frontal hairline is completely lost
01:55Once the hair transplant is done
01:57Is there a risk of hair loss again?
02:00Indication is very important
02:03We have indicated to the clients
02:06If there is a patient who is using such medicines
02:09Or his health issues are so bad
02:11They are not good candidates for the hair transplant
02:14Because the results are not good
02:15We don't just have to follow the procedure
02:17As a whole
02:18The health of the patient
02:20Or its health factors
02:21Its risk factors
02:22We decide by controlling them
02:24If they are smokers
02:25They will say that we don't smoke
02:27Or they have a health factor
02:28This is a health issue
02:29They don't share
02:30We are using such medicines
02:32Because of which our hair transplant
02:34The result is not good
02:36So in those cases
02:38The hair follicles
02:40We have 2,000-4,000 hair follicles
02:43The purpose of consultation is
02:45We can sit with them and decide all the risk benefits
02:49Their hair density or hair growth
02:51It speeds up
02:53Secondly, their growth starts to be very good
02:55Even if they don't do it
02:57The result of the hair transplant
02:58The client can feel heaviness
03:00Feeling heavy
03:01There can be mild pain
03:03For that, we prescribe medicines
03:05Which have to be taken for a few days
03:06After that, they don't have to continue
03:08Trained people have very less complications
03:10If you are a trained consultant
03:12Or come from a trained person
03:14Their complication rates are very less
03:17It can be folliculitis
03:19It can be small grains
03:20It can be an infection
03:22Sometimes, numbness or heaviness
03:24For some time
03:25There is a helmet-like feeling in the head
03:27For clients, it lasts for 2-3 days
03:29These are minor complications
03:31The hair fall of females
03:33Is also very common these days
03:35The major cause in females
03:37Is their health issues
03:39Or iron levels
03:41In fact, there is a message for males
03:43Many people are afraid
03:45That their entire head will be shaved
03:47For males
03:49We only shave the back of the scalp
03:52And extract follicles from that area
03:55We take follicles
03:57And if there is hair loss in the front
03:59We make space in that area
04:01And transplant their hair
04:02It totally changes the personality
04:04In your pictures
04:06Or in your interpersonal relationships
04:08It makes a big difference
04:09That you feel very confident socially
