Urologist Dr. Irfan Shabbir Goraya - info4patient - Har Rung Pakistan - Amir Akram

  • 2 months ago
info4patient - Har Rung Pakistan - Amir Akram
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Urologist Dr. Irfan Shabbir Goraya - info4patient - Har Rung Pakistan - Amir Akram

00:00Info for Patients
00:31What are other Diseases Caused by Urethral Stitcher
00:42Utheral sticthure is state after your urination
00:47some children have posterior Uther Belt in their childhood
00:51In adults, it is mostly euthanasia, stone, it can be an impacted stone.
00:57As an emergency, a patient can come in which there is a stone stuck in the urinary tract.
01:02It can be a history of trauma.
01:04A patient has a fall or an accident in which there can be an injury in the perineal region.
01:10Sir, what is the reason for the tightness in the urinary tract?
01:13The reason for the tightness of the urinary tract is infection, which is the most common cause.
01:18The second reason is trauma and the history of catheterization.
01:22If the patient has a fall for some other reason, for some other operation,
01:26or if the patient has been admitted to the hospital for a longer period of time,
01:29then it can become a stricture later on.
01:31Sir, is it treated medically or does it have to go through surgery?
01:36Basically, we have to perform tests for the urinary tract.
01:40We have to perform a urine test, ultrasound.
01:43These are the basic tests that we have to perform in these diseases.
01:47If the patient does not have any culture-sensitive infection,
01:52then we perform a retrograde urethrogram.
01:54We perform a urethrogram test.
01:56It is a contrast study.
01:57It is a radiographic x-ray study.
01:59Contrast study.
02:00I will tell you in simple words.
02:02In that, the x-ray is taken in two views.
02:05Contrast is diluted by putting it in saline.
02:07We do that.
02:08Because of this, a stricture is pinpointed to us that where the patient has a stricture.
02:13How far is the urethra?
02:14How far is the urethra?
02:15And we need surgery for that.
02:17The most common stricture disease is managed by surgery.
02:22Sir, what are the symptoms of this?
02:24In this, there is a history.
02:26The patient himself will tell me that this year, two years, longer time,
02:32whatever time, he had this problem.
02:34He was admitted.
02:35He is being admitted in the hospital.
02:37He has this infection.
02:38Which he ignored.
02:40Or he had unprotected sex.
02:43And because of which he had an infection.
02:46Or he has a history of trauma.
02:48When the symptoms will be told, then we realize that it can be a stricture disease.
02:54So, according to that, we do this test.
02:57So, this diagnostic test, which is a retrograde urethrogram,
03:00we put a dye in it.
03:01In the drain of urine.
03:02Contrast study is taken with it.
03:04So, it is realized that where is the stricture.
03:08So, sir, this is a treatable treatment.
03:10Absolutely, this is a treatable treatment.
03:12Absolutely, this is a treatable treatment.
03:13And it has very good results.
03:15So, for this, we operate endoscopically with the camera.
03:18No incision is made in it.
03:20So, for endoscopy, we call it Optical Internal Arthrotomy.
03:23This is the name of the procedure.
03:24And the patient can go home on the same day.
03:26And after that, after the operation.
03:28So, sir, how do you put the camera?
03:30The instruments of the drain of urine are our good instruments.
03:34It has a telescope.
03:35In the adult, we have only one.
03:38This is a throtone.
03:39Which we put and operate.
03:41Okay, no incision is made in it.
03:43No incision is made at all.
03:44So, sir, how long does the patient recover?
03:47The patient can go home on the same evening or the next day.
03:52And the drain stays for 3 to 5 days.
03:54So, after this, any medication?
03:56Antibiotics have to be given for a few days.
03:59For 2-3 days.
04:00Otherwise, there is no such issue.
04:01But the previous medicine, the infection, etc.
04:05It saves life.
04:06Yes, absolutely.
04:07When the way of urine is open.
04:08Then we don't need antibiotics for so long.
