
  • 2 months ago
00:00get from the books is the tips and tricks from the experience and experience
00:06means that people have gone through a lot, people have gone through a lot of difficulties
00:12so what you see in the books tells you a standard thing, this is anatomy but that
00:19anatomy you won't see in surgeries, that anatomy will be distorted by the disease
00:24similarly the anatomy books, the pictures that you have, you won't be able to see it the same way
00:29surgical anatomy is a totally different thing
00:33so my advice to you is
00:35use these online classes
00:39see the experiences of your teachers and their surgeries
00:44and see it again and again
00:46this is going to go on for years
00:48this is a difficult surgery but you must learn it
00:50because this is our responsibility
00:54nobody else is going to do it
00:57so all the innovations that you are using online
01:02but at the same time there is no shortcut to training programs
01:08attending surgeries, getting assistance
01:12running and running
01:14and asking questions to surgeons
01:16and learning with them
01:18so do not find these as a shortcut to it
01:20it's a great opportunity
01:23I will be available whenever Sir Fahad Sahab would call me
01:27that if I share my years of experience with you
01:33I think you may benefit from it
01:35and it's wise to learn from others' mistakes
01:39so when we share our successes with you
01:42I think we want to share our difficulties
01:46because that's where you can learn from
01:48that don't do this, don't do that
01:50so it's a great initiative Sir Fahad
01:52and I must congratulate you and your team
01:55who have put in all the effort
01:57and as you said, apologies to all the people who have joined in
02:01it's the first time and I am sure in due course of time
02:04it will become a regular event
02:06so congratulations and good luck