Tom Story - Ep 10 - Muf l'ubriacone

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00:00Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
00:07Corre il fiume blu Laggiù nel Missouri
00:13Sopra i campi va Tommi a piedi nudi
00:19Tommi re dell'avventura
00:25Non conosce la paura
00:32Vince sempre tutti quanti Sia i mirati che i briganti
00:38Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
00:44Se la zalterà un veliero Bonsarà il colsaro nero
00:50Se nel viso lascerà Tommi scoprirà il pesaro
00:56Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
01:02Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
01:08Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
01:20Viva Tommi, Tommi, Tommi
01:24Visto quanto grosso ?
01:50Ehi, l'uomo su quella barca sta chiamando noi
01:55Dammi una mano, questo pesce tira come una balena
01:59Ehi, aiutatemi ragazzi, aiutatemi per favore, la corrente mi porta via
02:06E ma spotter, l'ubriacone
02:08L'ubriacone non bisogna frequentare, dammi una mano che scappa
02:20Accidenti, se n'è andato
02:22Aiuto, non voglio morire, aiuto, aiuto il fiume mi porta via
02:29Come fa adesso ?
02:31Vedrai che qualcuno che lo aiuta lo troverà
02:34Ovviamente lui sta chiedendo a noi aiuto
02:36Però noi non abbiamo una barca per salvarlo
02:38Aiuto, aiuto
02:40Possiamo raggiungere la nuota e spingere la sua barca fino a riva
02:44Aiutatemi ragazzi, mi prego, o il fiume mi porterà fino a San Luis, aiuto
02:50Sempre esagerato quell'uomo
02:52Ora che ci penso non so nuotare, poveretto
02:54Sarò ubriaco come al solito, il vecchio Maf
02:59Andiamo a salvarlo ?
03:00Io ci sto
03:05Maf, Maf
03:08Tomeac, siete voi ?
03:10Venite a salvarmi, mi prego
03:29Sta seduto, se no la barca gira sempre
03:32Si, hai ragione
03:35Maf, come mai giù al villaggio non ti ha aiutato nessuno ?
03:38Non lo so, ridevano tutti come matti quando hanno visto che la corrente mi portava via
03:43Oh, al villaggio non hanno simpatia per gli ubriaconi
03:47Sarà anche vero che a volte alzo il gomito, però sono gentile con tutti
03:51Beh, al villaggio gli ubriaconi non li capiscono
03:54Ehi Maf, perchè hai lasciato cadere i tuoi remi ?
03:57Non c'erano i remi quando mi sono addormentato in barca
04:00Al mio risveglio la barca che era prima legata al molo era già in mezzo al Mississippi
04:05Forse la fune si è sciolta
04:07No, la cima l'ha sciolta qualcuno che mi odia e io ho idea di chi può essere
04:24Mi dispiace di non potervi ricompensare per quello che avete fatto per me
04:29Non è importanza Maf, piuttosto perchè bevi tanto ?
04:34Voi bambini siete troppo giovani per capire certe cose da grandi
04:37Bere tanto ti fa male, lo sai ?
04:39Che fa male alla salute lo so benissimo
04:42Però non riesco a smettere, l'alcol è troppo importante per me
04:49Però a pensarci bene ragazzi, io posso darvi una ricompensa
04:54Non è necessario Maf
04:57Vi confiderò che a Saint Petersburg è nascosto un tesoro, un tesoro di inestimabile valore
05:05Davvero ?
05:08Un secolo fa i pirati che allora infestavano la costa
05:11Fuggirono lungo il Mississippi inseguiti dalle navi dei soldati
05:14Provenivano da New Orleans, fuggirono per giorni e giorni, quelli erano tempi
05:21Poi i soldati li raggiunsero e li acciuffarono tutti
05:24Fu proprio da queste parti
05:26Però nessuno ancora ha trovato il tesoro che i pirati hanno seppellito qui a Saint Petersburg
05:32Tu sai in quale posto ?
05:34No, questo purtroppo esattamente non lo so
05:37Se lo sapessi lo avresti già preso da solo, vero ?
05:42Però una vaga idea di dove sia io ce l'ho
05:45E dove Maf ?
05:47Sul lato occidentale di Colle Cardiff, da quello che ho sentito
05:50Come indicazione per trovare un tesoro è un po' troppo vaga Maf, non ti pare ?
05:54Oh, lo so benissimo, è per questo che io non sono ancora riuscito a trovarlo
05:59Facciamo così, se troverete il tesoro del Capitano Pollock una metà la darete a me
06:04E l'altra metà sarà vostra ragazzi
06:07Mi sembra un buon contratto, 50%
06:10Chi ti ha parlato di questo tesoro sepolto qui ?
06:13Mio padre, sai, era un ubriacone anche lui
06:18Per cui non ha ascoltato suo padre che sarebbe poi mio nonno
06:22Quando gli diceva dove era nascosto il tesoro dei pirati
06:25Quindi tuo nonno lo sapeva dove era nascosto il tesoro ?
06:29Puoi giurarci
06:31Voi dovete sapere che mio nonno era imbarcato sulla nave del Capitano Pollock
06:35Che, era un pirata ?
06:37Proprio così, l'unico pirata che quel giorno di un secolo fa non venne preso dai soldati
06:43Così tu hai avuto un antenato pirata
06:45Certo, mi sembra più importante ora
06:50Molto di più
06:55Sua, cerchiamo il tesoro di Capitano Pollock
06:58Ah, io non ci credo, per me è solo una fandonia
07:01Però di Capitano Pollock ne ho già sentito parlare molte volte
07:04La cosa che non sapevo è che l'avevano catturato qui a Saint Petersburg
07:08Ma fa inventato uno delle sue solite storie
07:11Può anche darsi, però io domani ci voglio provare lo stesso, Hack
07:15Andrò a scavare lungo la collina
07:21Tom, ti sei veramente gettato nel fiume per salvare il vecchio Mav ?
07:25Si, zia Polly
07:27Tu da solo ?
07:28No zia, tutti e due, non ce l'avrei fatta spingere la barca da solo
07:32E chi era l'altra persona ?
07:35E certo, chiaro
07:37Se non lo andavamo a salvare la corrente del fiume lo avrebbe trascinato fino a Saint Louis
07:41Oppure forse sarebbe annegato, poverino
07:44E chi lo sa ?
07:48Zia, il nonno di Mav, che tipo era ?
07:51Ah, non ne ho la minima idea
07:55E il padre di Mav, te lo ricordi ?
07:57Si, me lo ricordo, faceva il minatore in una miniera qui vicino
08:01Era un ubriaco neanche lui
08:08Secondo te il nonno di Mav poteva essere un pirata ?
08:12Un pirata ?
08:16Io non l'ho mai sentito dire
08:19Bene, bene, bene, bene
08:21Però se era un pirata davvero avrebbe fatto in modo che gli altri non lo sapessero
08:25Che cosa stai borbottando adesso ?
08:27Sta a sentire, non voglio che tu ti getti più nel fiume
08:30Ne che giochi con quel vagabondo di Huckleberry
08:33Su, ora a tavola a mangiare
08:36Agli ordini
08:39La zia dice sempre le stesse cose
08:42Ma a me non importava
08:44Io riuscivo solo a pensare al tesoro di cui Mav ci aveva parlato
08:48Un tesoro di pirati, che cosa meravigliosa
09:06L'ho trovato
09:11Cosa sarebbe, un tesoro di pirati
09:13Cosa sarebbe, un tesoro di pirati
09:16Cosa sarebbe, un tesoro di pirati
09:18I found it!
09:31Thomas Sawyer!
09:38Do you know that it is not good to scream inside the school?
09:46I didn't know I was screaming.
09:49You seem very distracted today.
09:53Maybe my whistle will bring you back to your senses.
09:58Becky, what would you do if I suddenly became rich?
10:18I don't know.
10:19Wouldn't you find it beautiful?
10:21No, I find that wealth is not something suitable for you.
10:25But if I become rich, do you still like it?
10:27In what way do you want to become rich?
10:31I can't tell you.
10:33You can't tell me?
10:34Then it will be one of the usual lies.
10:36It's the truth.
10:37Then tell me how you will become rich.
10:40Muff told me where he hid a great treasure of pirates.
10:44A great treasure of pirates?
10:47Damn, I told you.
10:50And you think?
10:51It's a ridiculous and absurd story like this, Tom.
10:56Get out of here!
11:05Get out of here!
11:11Hi, Muff.
11:12I heard, Tom.
11:13Thank you for saving my life.
11:15Yesterday I am very grateful to you.
11:17What happened?
11:19They threw me out because I have no money.
11:37Hey, Muff.
11:41Come back inside.
11:42I will pay you another glass.
11:47You are a true friend.
11:58But you have to help me in that job, ok?
12:03Ok, Joe.
12:04But leave me now.
12:06I'm strangled.
12:22Bye, Tom.
12:23See you.
12:29Muff, the drunkard would be that one, Tom.
12:32Yes, it's the one who offered him a glass, the Indian Joe.
12:35The Indian Joe?
12:42I didn't know he was back in town.
12:44He's a bad man.
12:45He killed several people, you know.
12:48I'm starting to get scared.
12:50He and Muff are hated by everyone here.
12:52Well, it seems normal to me.
12:54Don't believe that story about the treasure, Tom.
13:37Hey, Ack!
13:41Are you home?
13:45Yes, I'm here, Tom.
14:00Are you really going, Tom?
14:02Of course I'm going.
14:03The treasures really exist.
14:05You don't have to believe a word of what they say.
14:08I'm telling you because my father was a drunkard, so I know.
14:11What Muff told us is true.
14:14You really have a hard head, you know that.
14:16Come on, let's go look for it together.
14:18No, I don't care.
14:20Yes, but you have to understand that I can't dig the whole side of the hill by myself.
14:24Not even in two, you can.
14:25Two is better than one.
14:26No, Tom.
14:27So you're not my friend anymore?
14:30Ack, I don't have time to waste.
14:32Think, Ack.
14:33There could be other treasures besides the pirate's.
14:37Other treasures?
14:38It's possible.
14:39Maybe some thief buried his loot there.
14:44Be quiet, Tom.
14:47Someone is coming.
14:58Hey, you can't walk faster.
15:00I'll do my best, but the ladles are heavy.
15:03Give them to me, I'll carry them.
15:07Hey, Joe, this looks like a pretty long way to get to Cardiff Hill.
15:12Yes, I know.
15:13But I don't want them to see us go there.
15:18They're going to look for the treasure.
15:21So the treasure really exists, Ack.
15:23But if it really exists, why did you come to tell us about it?
15:27Remember that we saved his life, didn't we?
15:34Let's go after them.
15:36Of course, Ack.
15:37But be careful.
15:38The Indian Joe is dangerous.
15:40We'll be careful.
15:58Hey, Joe.
16:00What's going on?
16:07I'm sorry, but what's going on?
16:09I didn't hear anything.
16:19All right, let's go.
16:21Let's go.
16:52Joe, please.
16:53Let's take a break.
16:55We have to keep going.
16:58But I'm tired.
17:01Take a break for a moment.
17:04Do you remember, Muff?
17:05Remember what?
17:06The treasure of the pirates you told me about yesterday.
17:09Yes, I remember.
17:11You should know that I don't believe a word of what you said.
17:15But look, I told you the truth.
17:17My grandfather was a pirate.
17:18Everyone knows that, Joe.
17:21The entire eastern side of the Cardiff Hill can be seen from here.
17:26There's a lot of land.
17:27Assuming your story is true, where can the treasure be hidden?
17:33I have no idea.
17:35Maybe alcohol makes you forget memories.
17:38Think about it, Muff.
17:40Or I'll have to force you to recover your memory in a moment.
17:45Maybe I know.
17:46I could even know where the treasure is hidden.
17:49Tell me, then.
17:50If your memory helps you, we'll soon be as rich as two kings.
17:54Joe, maybe I know where it's hidden.
17:56But I can't remember.
17:59Try to find it.
18:00Remember that I offered you to drink an infinity of times.
18:04But I really don't know where to look for it.
18:06I really don't know where to look for it.
18:08All in all, it may also be that the treasure does not exist at all.
18:11If I had known where it was, I would have already pulled it out myself.
18:14It's not logical.
18:16I advise you to find it.
18:17Or I'll get nervous.
18:20I don't know where it is.
18:23There's a very tall tree there.
18:26It could also be a good place to hide a treasure.
18:29It could also be.
18:31Or under that roof.
18:33Yes, maybe there too.
18:38That roof was built recently.
18:40The pirates hid the treasure a hundred years ago.
18:43Joe, I told you I don't know where it is.
18:46Listen, Muff.
18:47I found out that the pirates of Captain Pollock
18:51came here a hundred years ago, followed by soldiers.
18:54I told you.
18:56So the treasure can really exist.
18:58It can.
18:59But I can't remember where it is.
19:02I'm sorry, Joe.
19:04But I really can't remember.
19:07In memory.
19:14We'll have to look for it ourselves, darling.
19:16Come on.
19:17Yeah, I think so.
19:23It's nice to think that somewhere near the village
19:26there's a treasure hidden.
19:27It's nice.
19:53Good morning, Sheriff.
19:54Good morning, good morning.
19:58And he didn't bring them back.
20:00That's why I called the sheriff.
20:03I think it's more than fair.
20:05Hey, what happened?
20:06Good morning, Tom.
20:07Good morning.
20:08I saw the sheriff come out.
20:09Did something happen?
20:10Of course something happened.
20:12Indiano Joe took two trinkets from my shop without paying them.
20:15He said he'd bring them back.
20:17Oh, really?
20:19There was Muff Potter with Indiano Joe.
20:21I saw them today.
20:23I just wanted Indiano Joe to leave this village again.
20:27That's why I called the sheriff.
20:29It's the bottom of a trinket or two.
20:31What do I care?
20:33Tell me what you need and I'll give it to you right away.
20:36I'd like some spears and a hammer.
20:38Yes, I'll get them right away.
20:42Choose what you like.
20:51This is really nice.
21:12I'll give you back your trinkets as I promised.
21:15From now on, don't call me a thief again.
21:18No, I won't do it again.
21:24Come on, let's go get something to drink.
21:31That Indiano Joe, if he gave them back to me dirty, he's just as bad.
21:35What? He didn't even use them.
21:42Let's go.
22:00Our village is growing rapidly.
22:03Almost all the people who live here are not very well.
22:07But sometimes you can meet drunkards or murderers.
22:11And there are also slaves.
22:27Excuse me if I disturb you.
22:29What is it, Jim?
22:31Unfortunately, the trinket is missing.
22:33The trinket?
22:35Oh, Tom took the trinket.
22:37Yes, I borrowed it to do a little job.
22:40Ah, here it is.
22:42Don't worry, I'll bring it back to you tomorrow.
22:45Tom, what did you need the trinket for?
22:48For something.
22:49And what is it?
22:51I wanted to dig a hole to make someone fall.
22:54Is that so, Tom?
22:56It's not true.
22:57Why did you dig?
22:58Because I wanted to.
22:59I don't like your answer.
23:01And where did you leave it?
23:03If you'll excuse me, please.
23:05Come back to the table, Tom!
23:11The End
23:16My family is very oppressive.
23:19Sometimes I think that even Barry Finn is really lucky.
23:23He has freedom.
23:40The End
24:10The End
24:40The End
25:10The End
25:13The End
25:16The End
25:19The End
25:22The End
25:25The End
25:28The End
