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00:02:27Okay, then on your marks
00:02:37Not unusual to be loved by anyone
00:02:42It's not unusual to have fun with anyone
00:02:47If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
00:02:53It's not unusual to find that I'm in love with you
00:04:19Want your teeth, excuse me your fake vampire teeth you see
00:04:28Can assure you madam? I may be getting on in years
00:04:32But my teeth are very much my own. This is vampires are us the costume store. This
00:04:45Dracula the prince of darkness
00:04:49The bat out of hell the scourge of Transylvania
00:04:55Okay, Dracula, I'm hanging up now stop no, please don't hang up please
00:05:02Why not
00:05:05It's just so nice to finally have someone to talk to
00:05:10Are you lonely?
00:05:21I would like that very much
00:05:27What's your name?
00:05:29Emma Emma wishbone. Well, Emma wishbone, maybe
00:06:00Off you stupid thing
00:06:17Emma wishbone
00:06:38Find me Emma wishbone and I will make her my wife
00:06:45And bring in my washing I think it's going to rain
00:06:50Do you know what today is not Cheyenne your day
00:06:55Precisely darling you say that every day
00:07:00Yes, but today
00:07:03Instead of calling a costume store. I ended up talking to Dracula and because of that my phone fell into the drain
00:07:09Who did you speak to?
00:07:12Just some weirdo why do these things keep happening? Let me relax you with a massage
00:07:27It's as if there's a curse on this entire family
00:07:29Max is having a hard time
00:07:32Shoppers in decline max. Show us your experiments
00:07:37Classmates I present you the solar system
00:07:42Our group of planets orbit the magnificent Sun it burns at 27 million degrees Fahrenheit
00:07:49But one day in around five billion years time the Sun will start to cool and the earth will be plunged into a deadly ice age
00:07:57The whole planet will be covered with ice
00:08:01And all life will end
00:08:06Any questions, yeah, how'd you wanna die?
00:08:11My daughter fate
00:08:14Desperately wants to be a grown-up
00:08:19Because I only love me I only love me if you fancy this guy so much why not talk to him
00:08:27He only goes for mother
00:08:34Is it something new of yours yes, but it's your really pretty face. I'm sure didn't you see my last magazine cover?
00:08:42Well, then see you tonight ladies
00:08:46He's coming over here, I'll say you smiled then say hi, it's way too complicated
00:09:00Well, that's one way of meeting what's your name
00:09:08Girdle you're called girdle
00:09:14Ha ha ha flim
00:09:18Plum okay flim do you feel like getting off me now?
00:09:40Me and the band are looking for some pretty girls for our new video
00:09:44And we're shooting it tonight
00:09:46So so you're a pretty girl
00:09:50See you tonight
00:09:56He thinks I'm pretty
00:10:12Frank Frank is never home
00:10:27Want these loan applications by tomorrow, but I wanted to be home on time today to see my family you
00:10:34Love your family. Yeah, of course
00:10:37Well, then you might want to avoid getting fired leaving them with absolutely nothing to eat
00:11:06Just wanted us to do something as a family again used to have so much fun dressing up and going to parties
00:11:14Look what I found
00:11:17Charity shop
00:11:24What's wrong I just wish we had a party to go to you mean like this
00:11:31Monster costume party
00:11:35This is perfect
00:11:40When was the last time we did something fun together
00:11:51Don't know don't care
00:11:54One year nine months and 23 days ago, so we've got some catching up to do
00:11:59I've got to get ready for my date, and I need to catch up on cold fusion. I've got work to do
00:12:05But I've already made the costume see
00:12:11Baby don't care for rings or other expensive things
00:12:17My baby just cares
00:12:23My baby just
00:12:28My dear old friend, what would you say if I offered you freedom?
00:12:33Release me if you can still perform your little transformation
00:12:44My amulet by fire by light by all things
00:13:03Yeah prove it on this
00:13:29Don't we look great
00:13:32Mom you're really embarrassing
00:13:37No matter what I do you think I'm embarrassing when I put on makeup. I'm embarrassing when I don't
00:13:45When I wear a miniskirt, I'm embarrassing no, then you're not embarrassing. I'm not you're just really sad
00:13:52Well, I think mom is beautiful. Don't be so scared all the time
00:13:56I'm not scared if you stood up for yourself. You wouldn't get beat. Oh, are you being bullied?
00:14:01That's I'd rather be a suck-up than fail my exams. You're failing your exams
00:14:06Don't hit your brother. Oh, hey, you didn't say anything about kicking violence is the last refuge of the incompetent dictionary mouth
00:14:16Something well you did ask mom don't you get smart max too late
00:14:24You will transform this one into a vampire but
00:14:30Dracula you are
00:14:32Why not?
00:14:34Play by turn yourself. Oh
00:14:37If I bite her she will lose her soul
00:14:40and her soul is
00:14:45Difficult spell this is on humans will only work if the person is unhappy
00:14:59Wow a red carpet this really looks like my kind of party
00:15:05Oh, there you are. Hi
00:15:08We here for the party. Yeah, I know. Yeah, follow me this way. Okay, I
00:15:15Have them Wow, we're really getting the VIP treatment
00:15:20Good job. I
00:15:22Tell you it would be fun
00:15:28Let's rock
00:15:39And why are we on a stage why are we the only ones wearing costumes
00:15:47They think with a band
00:15:54We can do this
00:16:21Have a feeling that Emma is very very unhappy
00:16:26Then enchant up I can
00:16:35And fix this before you go
00:16:54Well, that was less than ideal why don't you talk like a regular person
00:16:58Could you just be nice to your brother being nice is the last thing I feel like doing
00:17:04I'm sorry, that was totally humiliating and it's all your fault. It was an accident
00:17:11No one wanted to come on your stupid family out
00:17:15Well, I wanted to study
00:17:20Hey, come on don't show the kids
00:17:24Finally he wakes up. Do you think you could manage to drive us home before you fall asleep again? Yeah
00:17:30Just working so hard and I'm not well, I wouldn't exactly call making these costumes hard work. Oh
00:17:39hate that my daughter does nothing but insult me and I
00:17:43Hate that my kids are always fighting and I hate that my husband just sleeps through it all
00:17:53Work it will make
00:18:01Very unhappy you are
00:18:06Perceptive you are hey, Bobby. I'm going
00:18:10Really? How my cousin?
00:18:13Was one sorry by fire by light by all things, but I
00:18:19Yeah, now dear don't you have a cat somewhere?
00:18:35Great and now it's gonna be raining
00:18:43Witnessing actual magic that's impossible. Do you have another explanation?
00:19:17Why won't they come up hold on I'll help you
00:19:41I'm Harry
00:19:59That's dad
00:20:04What have you done to my family
00:20:07Opala actually, I only wanted to transform you if everyone is transformed then everyone must be unhappy
00:20:16I'm transformed
00:20:18See for yourself
00:20:23I'm a little bitch. No, that's me. You've not become a reflation of vampire
00:20:38This pain pronto, where did she go?
00:20:59Girls it amulet did not fully charge. Okay last year you went to the gym
00:21:18Can't make you all which Baba Yaga
00:21:28Must have been a type
00:24:10How's that disappearing spell working for you big big power needed for big big magic
00:24:17Amulet, mr. Recharge at place of great spiritual energy
00:24:22Great. We'll come with you and you can transform us back
00:24:26Sorry, sweetie alone. I travel to oculus Londra
00:24:44Not only is this not my day it is also not my night
00:25:02Know this is never
00:25:47Good to see that something hasn't changed
00:25:52Think I might be in with a real chance. Yeah
00:25:57Redfield don't pack my things. I'm going to meet my future bride
00:26:05Very funny
00:26:10He passes Kobe Bryant leaves the bond James in the dust and he scores
00:26:30Don't eat me. Oh, I'm just a chili. I'll go right through you
00:26:39Not so nice being scared is it you you could speak nothing gets past you
00:27:11It's me Faye
00:27:20That costume really isn't the look we're going for in the music video, it's not a costume. I'm a mummy
00:27:29Some crazy witches curse my whole family
00:27:32Okay, someone's had way too much Halloween candy here. Touch me see for yourself
00:27:39Wow, that's so
00:27:41you're so
00:27:43Moldy you've got to help me, you know, I would but I've got like a ton of homework
00:27:50You think I'm disgusting don't you? No, you're great
00:27:56You're the best-looking decaying corpse I've ever
00:28:01Yeah, well you're not so hot either
00:28:27You really don't want to break that it was a present from your mother
00:28:47Don't you dare sweetie me this is all your fault
00:29:18Oh, what if you hadn't made us wear these stupid costumes, we wouldn't be in this mess
00:29:29Look we're gonna find the witch and I'll make her change us back. I promise
00:29:35And how are you gonna do that? Look her up online
00:29:39She said she was going to somewhere called oculus Londra. Oh, you know what now? Yes
00:29:44That's just what I said oculus Londra means London. I
00:29:48That's a big Ferris wheel in London. So the witch wants to go on a Ferris wheel
00:29:52I've read at school that the London eye is built on an ancient magical site. The witch must be going there to recharge her powers
00:30:01So we're going to London
00:30:15This is
00:30:21Whoa, that is some serious spiritual reshaping
00:30:27Tell me about it. I just coughed up a furball. Thanks for taking us to the airport Cheyenne. No problem
00:30:34Life is a journey and I like to travel in
00:30:55Hey, we will find the witch I promise it's not just that
00:31:01Finally a boy thought I was pretty and
00:31:04Now he can't even look at me
00:31:06Beauty doesn't last
00:31:08It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks faith
00:31:11You have to know yourself how special you are
00:31:16You don't need other people to tell you I
00:31:20Remember feeling like that. Never mind. I'm gonna get you there. Yeah
00:31:51Off we go
00:31:55What are you doing you can't go out there it's daylight so
00:32:00You're a vampire
00:32:02You'll burn up but I've got to get on that plane. Well
00:32:07There are legends that say vampires with souls might be able to survive contact with the Sun
00:32:14Well, great. Let's go but there are any legends who knows if they're true
00:32:19Well, I guess there's only one way to find out
00:32:42Guess that answers that question. Thank you. Magnificent son for not burning my dear friend to a crisp
00:32:54I might not want to be changed back. I like people being scared of me. Oh
00:32:59Darling, I know what you mean. Are you nuts?
00:33:02I look like a 3,000 year old meatloaf and dad is a gigantic farting idiot
00:33:08Okay, that's not so
00:33:13I'm just saying if you two back out now, it's totally unfair
00:33:19Nobody is backing out
00:33:22Max right now. You think it's great that people are scared of you, but scary people are lonely because nobody wants to be around them
00:33:30Mm-hmm, which fortune cookie did you eat? That's it. Quiet. Hey, everyone act naturally
00:33:38How can I
00:33:40be of assistance
00:33:47Actually, that's four people and a dog he travels everywhere with us this little part of the family
00:34:00And why is mr. Wishbone two feet taller than stated here
00:34:06Growth hormones in the meat. Don't you watch the news? Hmm. And what's going on with your daughter?
00:34:15Acne puberty, you know very severe case
00:34:21And what about you me, oh, yes, I've been performing in Dracula the musical in London
00:34:30Hmm very impressive
00:34:32The dog will definitely have to travel in the hold with the luggage. Do you have a cage for it?
00:34:37Oh, mom, I don't want to travel with the luggage. Don't worry max. I mean buster
00:34:49That was me I'm a ventriloquist hello there madam, I'm a dog give me a biscuit
00:34:59If you could just bear with me for one second
00:35:04Security we've got a bit of a problem. I can't look like this for the rest of my life
00:35:10We have to get to London find the witch that she can make us human again
00:35:15You have to let us on that plane you have
00:35:24Problem and I'll upgrade you to first class
00:35:29Here you go your tickets
00:35:41Didn't I tell you that everything will be fine. I have no idea what just happened back there
00:35:45You can hypnotize people. It's just like in the curse of the mummy
00:35:54Don't even think about it young lady
00:36:07Look girls, that's what happens when you overexpose
00:36:27She has got a banana
00:36:40Like this at least let me have some fun
00:36:59Immediately come on mom. This is much better than an in-flight movie
00:37:11What's wrong, I'm just I'm just so hungry
00:37:19So eat this
00:37:25How about tomato juice
00:37:43Okay, who are you and what's going on does the name
00:37:49the Prince of Darkness
00:37:51ring any bells
00:37:53hmm, I
00:37:58Am Dracula
00:38:02How did you get on this plane I could not wait to meet you my thorny rose
00:38:08Hmm and now my dear to the matter in hand, well in your hands actually
00:38:15Drinking the blood of humans is such a messy affair and considered quite common these days
00:38:21Not to mention the matter of disposing of the leftovers
00:38:26Leftovers come with me come with you to where you belong to my castle
00:38:38I can't leave my family behind
00:38:40Would you rather stay and drain these people of their life force in order to quench your insatiable thirst?
00:38:54I'll come with you. I hope you might
00:39:19Forgive the mask. I'm not overly fond of the Sun
00:39:49Towards our future together
00:40:03Call me pampered
00:40:08I like to travel in style
00:40:16She was right here, where's she gone?
00:40:31Come on jump you can do it if you try
00:40:37That's gonna be handy a little just
00:40:50This is a bit sudden don't you think your lunch?
00:40:57What on earth is this
00:41:03Trust me Emma, but how can I trust you your Dracula? That's why only I know what you need
00:41:19Yes, it's an acquired taste
00:41:24Yeah, it's working I'm changing back
00:41:31Why are you helping me you're the first person in a thousand years who has lifted my melancholy
00:41:40No, because you have been worth the wait
00:41:43Finally, there's someone who can understand me and share my life
00:41:47romantically a vampire wife
00:41:53Hmm wait, did you send that witch after us?
00:42:00Yeah, which no, I don't know any witches do they even really exist, hmm, I
00:42:07Want to get back to my family do they really make you happy?
00:42:18This is nowhere near enough for you my darling you deserve to be happy always
00:42:25I would devote myself to showing you a life beyond your wildest dreams
00:42:39Would be my castle
00:42:48We will travel to the most romantic places
00:43:18Will give you this world and worlds beyond
00:43:59It could be wonderful
00:44:03Can your husband offer you anything like that
00:44:05Well, we did play Scrabble on a Tuesday night last May for no particular reason
00:44:11Then what are you waiting for my love follow your heart to me
00:44:17I have to get back to my family
00:44:24You would choose to be unhappy
00:44:27No, but when you're a mother you have to take the good with the bad
00:44:35Well, if you're that short don't let me keep you
00:44:48We might never see her again Emma will be fine
00:45:00Chicken flies
00:45:15Really need to practice
00:45:30What's with the disappearing act did you ever think of calling your family?
00:45:35Yes, we were really worried. Where have you been? It wasn't that easy
00:45:40Dracula has a way of
00:45:42hypnotizing you
00:45:44Dracula the vampire no Dracula the hairstylist
00:45:49Is he handsome like in the films?
00:45:55He's kind of looking for love
00:46:07Ice Age
00:46:10Have love no one can I will eliminate all life
00:46:18Until Baba Yaga, I have something particularly nasty plan for her if she doesn't destroy this
00:46:27Family immediately
00:46:54Big Ben
00:47:10No way I'm jumping in after her, of course not scaredy-cat
00:47:15Could you please stop?
00:47:17Just for once
00:47:24Not this crazy magic again, what does she do?
00:47:42It's about time. Let's go change this back so we can try home
00:47:46No, no, I will not fully charge my amulet is
00:47:51Now finish my task again
00:47:54So Baba Yaga free can be at last
00:48:10You know
00:48:16Enough messed up my work you have by a by sky now you will fly
00:48:29Sit again all of them I've hit not all of them
00:48:45So who thinks the evil witch just tricked us a that's would probably explain why we're now in Egypt
00:48:53We are getting out of this desert and finding that
00:48:59How do you think we should do that? I haven't worked that out yet. But come on, we're a family we can do anything
00:49:08Mm-hmm. Follow me. We're getting out of this desert
00:49:19Bring back my friend
00:49:31Not cool
00:50:07Because I'm one of the good guys
00:52:14In prison me Dracula did for a thousand years
00:52:18the more I hear about that guy the less I like him and then
00:52:23Freedom he promised me if I did his evil bidding. So now
00:52:27Will you turn the wishbones back do that?
00:52:31Only they themselves can really but how?
00:52:36Only when happy they are
00:52:40Human they will become again. Well, I guess they better get used to being monsters
00:52:55The fate of the world rests in my hand
00:53:00the innocent snowflake
00:53:02Engineered into a deadly weapon Oh Bell what this tiny flick alone can achieve
00:53:35Know imagine billions of these flakes pressed together into an icy sphere
00:53:41With that will destroy the Sun itself and the earth will be plunged into a deadly
00:54:06Mommy I found footprints
00:54:10We just have to follow them and we're saved
00:54:18Yes, these are our own footprints
00:54:26Everything will be okay how
00:54:28Look around we're in a giant enormous
00:54:32Sandpit you're making it sound as if this is my fault. Well, you are the one who gave the amulet back to the evil witch
00:54:41Everything always has to be your way and we just have to deal with it
00:54:46Don't actually think I'm good at anything. Do you know?
00:54:50Well, you're great at making us look hideous and completely monstrous
00:54:53You know how to ruin our lives better than anyone I've ever met and I'm gonna be smelly and ugly forever
00:55:01Why can't I have a daughter who is nice who doesn't beat up her brother who doesn't flunk school and doesn't make me feel like
00:55:07an actual monster
00:55:14Am so very sorry sweetie, then maybe you should find another daughter
00:55:21I'm counting to three one
00:55:29Eighty seven
00:55:35Don't think she's coming back
00:55:37Max I'm sorry, but that really doesn't help at all
00:55:41Yeah, oh great. They's not here. So you're yelling at me
00:55:46I'm through with this family. I'm
00:55:50alone now
00:55:54Max I'm counting to three
00:55:58One two
00:56:11Why is it that whenever I need you most you just stand there and you don't say a word
00:56:18Well, it's too late to start
00:56:51We're better off apart
00:57:01I might have just given a second chance. I'm going to fly back to my Emma
00:57:10Pause operation ice age
00:58:01And just when you think things can't get any weirder
00:58:32Welcome to Egypt beautiful
00:58:41He's hot finally some shade
00:58:56Hey cut it out, I don't need a haircut
00:59:01No one messes with Where Max
00:59:39Dear was it to have a fashion
01:01:07My darling needs me and here I am
01:01:50Am better in the dead you Johnny Depp
01:02:04Are very beautiful me I have lived for more than
01:02:093,000 years and in all that time I have met no one as beautiful as you
01:02:17Come let me show you the true power of the money
01:03:27Would you give me the
01:04:23Stay with me Emma and make me the happiest immortal plasma-dependent fiend on earth
01:04:45Think on four legs
01:05:05Won't hurt you
01:05:09Scary people are lonely because nobody wants to be around them
01:05:43Welcome to my home. Whoa for thousands of years. I have waited for a woman like
01:05:52One who is special one whose beauty shines brighter than the Sun
01:06:01One with whom I can conquer the world
01:06:07Conquer the world
01:06:31Oh, I'll take it from here girls
01:06:41You're certainly taking your time to decide my love
01:06:47That's going to hurt in the morning
01:06:51Darling, will you be mine?
01:06:58They're better off without me
01:07:01I accept
01:07:05Then I am more happy than any man living or dead as reason to be
01:07:14Show my fiancee to her chamber
01:07:18And prepare my Lazarus path. I think I'm starting to sag a little
01:07:23Now that we have finally found each other. We have the immense power
01:07:28Rule the world like God's
01:07:32No one will disobey our commands and all will worship your divine
01:07:38immeasurable beauty
01:07:40I don't think so
01:07:41Do not contradict me. Well, if I want to know where you can force me. Oh, yes, I can
01:07:48You sound exactly like my mother
01:07:58You still have education is already my thing
01:08:36When is such a chatterbox
01:09:59I think you might need a little mirror
01:10:16Beauty doesn't last
01:10:27Will not let you go I'm not going to let you take over the world you must come with me
01:10:34Who else will accept you looking like you do?
01:10:38It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks me
01:10:42It doesn't matter what I look like it matters who I am inside
01:10:48If you will not come with me willingly, I will force you
01:11:26Thanks for trying to save me that was really brave you're welcome and we really need to talk about your choice of boyfriend
01:12:43Only have cucumbers in my although drowned bats
01:13:06Fallen for your lies far too many times we can trust her. She brought me here to you. Didn't she?
01:13:16That's true Dracula forced her to put the spell on you she was his prisoner
01:13:21Dracula did that
01:13:23Monster he is who will stop at nothing to get what he desires. I guess I didn't want to see who he really wasn't
01:13:31Now I may never see my family
01:13:40For you change that I could
01:13:51Guess you just needed a holiday
01:14:05Missed you so much. Are you okay?
01:14:10Yes, thanks to dad you should have seen him fight the giant beetle you fought a monster
01:14:17And one
01:14:19What are we doing here?
01:14:21And what is she doing here?
01:14:25Here to help I am she brought us all together
01:14:33Emma you mustn't leave this castle
01:14:38So he can't speak
01:14:40If you don't marry my master, he will destroy the world
01:14:47Talk about overreacting
01:14:50he plans to shoot a giant ice sphere into the Sun and then the Sun will be
01:14:56Extinguished and all life on earth will come to an end
01:15:00Except for vampires. Oh, you don't need sunlight
01:15:04So in order to save all life on earth, I have to marry Dracula
01:15:12No, we'll stop
01:15:14But how
01:15:15My master is currently in his Lazarus bath. He needs it to stop himself from aging
01:15:22Good to know but we're trying to save the planet here. You misunderstand in the bath. He's helpless
01:15:30But he's only inside
01:15:32until sunset
01:15:34Okay, we've got no plan and no time
01:15:38Wait, does this castle have a kitchen only the best in the catalog?
01:15:48Okay, we need salt olive oil and water we're making Dracula pasta with salt olive oil and sacred balm
01:15:55Holy water you make major anti vampire mojo
01:16:00Holy water will beat Dracula for sure
01:16:04Once he's beaten. We'll lock him up forever
01:16:08salt and oil
01:16:13Where will we find sacred balm in a kitchen? I don't think it's gonna be in the spice rack
01:16:19It's been here all the time. Your bandages are steeped in a sacred embalming fluid
01:16:28Sometimes being smart is extremely cool
01:16:40It's amazing what people will do to knock off just a few years, I'm gonna jump on the tank and I'll pour in the holy water
01:16:49Wake the dark one is
01:16:52Emma why would you stay with your wretched family when we can achieve greatness together? Oh
01:17:00No, I sense you brought holy water
01:17:03Wow, how can he smell through that thing? Your heart is so dark
01:17:07No one could love you
01:17:10You be careful, it's very steep
01:17:15Tell you
01:17:34For every antidote there is an anti-antidote
01:17:41Bon appetit
01:17:44Welcome back
01:17:54I'm sure your mother's love for you is bigger than her
01:18:03Now fight and we shall live together for all eternity
01:18:08You are mine. You're a vampire
01:18:12fulfill your destiny
01:18:18I love you
01:18:22What are you doing
01:18:29Do it do it now
01:18:44The greatest magic love
01:18:59Why does this always happen to me you leave my mom alone
01:19:09So much for romance
01:19:12Humans I must you always be soon
01:19:32Is everyone okay
01:19:35I'm so glad you're awake
01:19:38What I have in store for you is much more enjoyable if you're conscious
01:19:44The ice sphere is expanding
01:19:50So I'm afraid it's going to get very cramped and very very cold in here
01:19:57Let my family go but I will stay with you
01:20:01It's too late. I'm afraid Emma you chose your family over me
01:20:06And now I choose to destroy you just look at it as particularly bad breakup
01:20:25You and my traitorous servant are about to discover what happens when you betray the prince of darkness
01:20:35Made a huge mistake and I got us into this
01:20:39You were right faith. I'm really good at messing up. No, you were right. I was
01:20:47It doesn't matter if people look at me and see an ugly mummy. I know who I am under all these bandages
01:20:54And it's not that much fun being scary. It's actually kind of lonely
01:20:59I'm sorry. I said all those awful things. I wouldn't want any other family
01:21:10I love you, too
01:22:23We have to stop Dracula
01:22:25We've just got this little problem with the chain I don't
01:22:30Hmm and so you're going to step up and single-handedly conquer the prince of darkness and take us all home
01:22:36Hey, what you're the only one who's not chained up
01:23:05For the last time because very soon my little friend your big brother will be sent to destroy it
01:23:16You again
01:23:18What are you doing here?
01:23:20You are meant to be frozen in your dreams the wishbones never give up such confidence
01:23:28Do tell my dear. How do you plan to defeat a being who can freeze you at will?
01:24:11Guess you're not so powerful now. I can still press a button not so fast
01:24:47Mean crap pathetic creatures look at you
01:24:56Timid, but we are a family
01:24:59Something that you will never have and neither will you?
01:25:04What now?
01:25:06I've beat a beetle and what I think I can deal with
01:25:49Scourge of Transylvania
01:25:52say goodbye to your
01:26:52As I've always said it's good to do things together as a family
01:27:13More work you wish
01:27:15No can do I'm going home. I can I can buy you you know you should you should think of your family
01:27:20That's exactly what I'm doing
