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00:00La primaia va, curiosa e piccola, la primaia va, all'avventura, la primaia va, e mai paura non va.
00:12Buon vedersi il mondo, è veramente tondo.
00:18E non vi muore il giorno, quando è come perché.
00:23Proprio come te, proprio come me.
00:28Si arrabbia quando piove, si scalda con il sole.
00:34Piange quando è sola, e non lo sa perché.
00:40Proprio come te, proprio come me.
00:44E appena vede un fiore in un vaso, si sacifica il naso.
00:50E dappertutto va cercando qualche novità.
00:56La primaia va, curiosa e piccola, la primaia va, all'avventura, la primaia va.
01:20Ma che folla!
01:51Buongiorno, Maia.
01:55Siete voi, buongiorno farfalline, vedo che state bene.
01:58E da tanto tempo che non ci vediamo.
02:00I fiori qui hanno un natale dolcissimo, e proprio quello che ci vuole per fare una bella colazione.
02:05Non abbiamo fame, preferiamo dondolare un pochino.
02:08Beh, allora.
02:09Veramente stavamo cercando un posto tranquillo per farci una bella dormitina.
02:14Perché non vieni con noi?
02:16Mi piace, ma non posso, oggi devo raccogliere molto polline.
02:19Beh, allora, ciao, Maia.
02:20Ciao, Maia.
02:21Arrivederci, farfalline.
02:22Oggi voglio andare un po' nel giardino della signora farfalla.
02:25Il polline delle sue campanule è particolarmente buono.
02:41Oh no, non è giusto, questo non dovevano farlo.
02:44Buongiorno, farfalla.
02:46Sono così confusa che non ti ho neanche sentito arrivare.
02:49Ma che ti è successo?
02:50Qualcosa che non va, posso aiutarti?
02:52Qualcosa che non va?
02:53Ma se sono arrabbiatissima, sto tremando dall'ira.
02:56Ma insomma, cosa è successo?
02:57Vieni, vieni con me, lo vedrai con i tuoi occhi.
03:04Ecco, guarda che disastro.
03:13Io vedo solamente un gran polverone.
03:17Allora, spalanca gli occhi e guarda che cosa c'è sotto il polverone.
03:22Ma sono formiche rosse.
03:23Esattamente, stanno costruendo un formicaio, guarda.
03:26Un formicaio?
03:32Vorrei sapere chi gli ha dato il permesso di costruire
03:34quell'orribile formicaio proprio nel mio meraviglioso giardino.
03:37È vero, stanno rovinando tutto quanto, che peccato.
03:39Ed è per questo che non intendo affatto permetterglielo.
03:42E come farai?
03:44Infatti il problema è proprio questo, chiederò consigli agli altri.
03:51È un'ottima idea.
03:52Ora vado subito a cercarlo.
03:56Ehi, Maya.
03:57Che c'è, Puc?
03:58Vieni con me, voglio farti vedere cosa fanno le formiche rosse.
04:03Da qui si vede tutto perfettamente.
04:05Si, hai ragione.
04:07Quella grossa formica la sua è quella che da gli ordini, deve essere il capo.
04:19Ma cosa fate, state sbagliando tutto.
04:21E voi laggiù lavorate più in fretta.
04:23E anche voi datevi da fare.
04:37Forza, non dovete camminare, ma correre.
04:39Ma è terribile, Puc.
04:40E questo è niente.
04:41Guarda quelli cosa stanno facendo.
04:43Stanno tagliando tutte le piante e i fili d'erba,
04:45che le disturbano nella costruzione del formicaio.
04:49E voi laggiù non battete la fiacca.
04:51Dobbiamo aver finito, prima che faccia buio.
04:56Ehi, Puc.
04:57Ehi, Puc.
04:58Ehi, Puc.
04:59Ehi, Puc.
05:00Ehi, Puc.
05:01Ehi, Puc.
05:02Ehi, Puc.
05:03Ehi, Puc.
05:04Ehi, Puc.
05:05Ehi, Puc.
05:06Ehi, Puc.
05:22Non hanno risparmiato neanche quei bellissimi for..
05:24Hai mai sentito dire che le formiche piacciono i fiori.
05:27Guarda, stanno già portando le provveste dentro il formicaio.
05:29The poor butterfly will have a bad surprise when she comes back here.
05:34Look, there she is, she's coming.
05:36So, Flip, what did he say to you?
05:38I couldn't find him. I'm going to talk to the head of the ants.
05:41I'm coming too.
05:42Come on, lazybones, keep going.
05:45Good morning, Mrs. Butterfly, hello and thank you for your visit.
05:49But please, don't be in the air, sit down.
05:51From up here you can enjoy an exceptional view.
05:55So, I'm at your complete disposal. What can I do for you?
05:59This garden, as you can see, is undoubtedly the most beautiful in the whole meadow.
06:03And the fact that you built us on top of this horrible ant nest is a truly deplorable thing.
06:08What? A horrible ant nest?
06:10It's the truth.
06:11We wanted to tell you to build your ant nest.
06:13But you didn't listen to us.
06:15You didn't listen to us.
06:17You didn't listen to us.
06:19You didn't listen to us.
06:21It's the truth.
06:22We wanted to tell you to build your ant nest somewhere else.
06:25It's not possible, I'm sorry.
06:27The committee for the construction of ant nests has chosen this place.
06:30And so you can't do anything to prevent my garden from being ruined.
06:34That's right.
06:35It's an absurd claim from the moment the work is almost finished, dear lady.
06:44I think I understand that they can't agree.
06:47In other words, you will continue the work of this horrible ant nest.
06:51It's really a shame to destroy these flowers.
06:53I don't understand why we're doing so many compliments.
06:55The only solution is to kick him out, he and his gang.
06:58Free Tract, get rid of the ant nest!
07:01Free Tract, get rid of the ant nest!
07:04Are you listening to what our friends are saying?
07:06I don't understand why you're so agitated.
07:08I really don't understand.
07:09You don't want to give up, do you?
07:11I couldn't even if I wanted to.
07:14It's incredible, I'm begging you anyway and you don't help one.
07:17Don't get angry now, let's talk to the others.
07:19Maybe we'll find a solution.
07:21You're right, this is the best thing.
07:23We'll talk about it again.
07:25You will be welcome at any time, kind lady.
07:34We couldn't get anything.
07:36I would like to talk about this matter with all the insects in the meadow.
07:40All right, I'll go and warn Flip and Willy.
07:43And I'll gather all those who still don't know anything.
07:48Flip, where are you?
07:54It's strange, I don't understand where they went.
08:11THE END
08:23Now I would like to hear your opinion on the matter of the ant nest.
08:26Those ants will destroy the whole meadow.
08:29I would say to throw down that ant nest without many compliments.
08:32And that's it.
08:33If we use force, they will respond with force.
08:36But what else can we do?
08:38I wanted to gather you here to find a solution.
08:41Yes, words, words, but this way they will never conclude anything.
08:44I didn't find Flip or Willy, they could help us.
08:46Now that I think about it, I haven't seen them for a couple of days.
08:48Listen, did any of you happen to see Flip or Willy recently?
08:51No, no, I haven't seen them for a long time.
08:54Nobody saw them, Nadia.
08:55I don't know where they are.
08:56Of course, it's very strange.
08:57I've been looking for them everywhere without any result.
09:00It's a moment.
09:01But there aren't even Kurt and Effie.
09:04And the ants.
09:05And not even Mamma Maggiolino with her little ones.
09:08And not even Tecla.
09:10Something terrible must have happened.
09:13What are we waiting for? Let's go look for them.
09:16Maya is right, we must look for them.
09:25Willy, Flip!
09:27Tecla, Mamma Maggiolino, where are you?
09:31What a good smell of pear.
09:35In this empty space, you work badly.
09:40Mrs. Tecla? Mrs. Tecla, where are you?
09:44Is there anyone at home?
09:46There isn't.
09:59Silence, please, a moment of attention.
10:01Let's try to use logic.
10:03Willy, Flip, Kurt and Effie can't have disappeared.
10:06The same goes for Tecla, Mamma Maggiolino and the little ones.
10:09I don't think there's anything to discuss about this.
10:11If they had gone somewhere, they would certainly have seen us.
10:14They can't even have gone to pick mushrooms or berries, because this is not the season.
10:18Someone could have kidnapped them, Maya.
10:20Don't exaggerate now.
10:22In my opinion, they were kidnapped by the red ants.
10:25Of course, of course.
10:28But yes, they kidnapped those poor things,
10:30and now they will force them to collaborate in the construction of the anthill.
10:34It's true, even along the Amazon river,
10:36there are ants that enslave other insects and make them work for them.
10:39Flip and Willy, then they would be terrible.
10:42What a mistake, we must release them immediately.
10:44I propose to form a rescue team.
10:46This is a good idea, Puck.
10:48So, who of you volunteers?
10:50A question will be a dangerous thing.
10:53If you are captured, you will be enslaved.
10:56We need insects that can fly very well.
11:02Let me come with you.
11:04In the dark, I can be very useful to you.
11:06It's true, let's go.
11:26What a mess!
11:27At the entrance there is a guard ant.
11:29Let's get a little closer.
11:33In this anthill there are guards everywhere.
11:36What do we do then?
11:38Somewhere there will also be a guarded hole.
11:40Let's look on the other side.
11:56Come on, come on.
11:58Did you understand?
12:08Who's there?
12:09What a question!
12:10Don't you see me?
12:11I'm here.
12:12Catch me if you can.
12:14Catch me.
12:21Did you think you could catch me?
12:27Now I stop.
12:33How did it work?
12:34Hurry up, Puck, before he comes back.
12:36I'm coming.
12:37Let's go.
12:52This is a big blow.
12:54Wait a minute.
13:00You better go ahead, Puck.
13:02It's safer.
13:09There's another guard down there.
13:14Let's go this way.
13:17You know what I'm telling you?
13:18It's a real maze.
13:19We'll never find them this way.
13:21We don't even know where to start.
13:23We're in a giant anthill.
13:25I didn't even imagine that an anthill was so big.
13:32It's the guard ant's warehouse.
13:35It's the guard ant's warehouse.
13:42Let's hope they're not disguised as ants.
13:54Listen, I don't want to get it wrong, but I really think we're lost.
13:57I actually feel the same way.
14:00Look over there.
14:01There's a light in front of us.
14:02Let's go and see.
14:04Let's go.
14:11I confess that this silence is a little scary.
14:13We have to see what's in here.
14:15Yeah, what if it's a trap?
14:18Come on, give me a hand.
14:24What are you doing here?
14:30What do I owe the honor of your visit?
14:32What do you want?
14:33Come on, talk.
14:34Don't make me waste my time.
14:38Come on, little one.
14:39Tell me what you want.
14:40Please, free Villi and the others.
14:43Who's Villi?
14:44I don't know any Villi.
14:45Don't play dumb.
14:46You've enslaved Villi, Flipp and all the others.
14:48What are you saying?
14:49I haven't enslaved anyone.
14:51But a little horse, a bee, a spider and six other insects
14:54can't just disappear into thin air.
14:56That's why we came.
14:57We think they're here like your prisoners.
15:01Have you thought that we made them prisoners
15:03to make them work for us?
15:05Don't mess with us.
15:07We know how things are.
15:09Enough of this story!
15:12Now listen to me.
15:13We, the Red Ants, have been building the Ants all by ourselves.
15:16I know you were against it from the beginning,
15:18but it's not a good reason to suspect us.
15:20This time you were wrong, my dears.
15:22I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.
15:23Then where are they?
15:24And who can guarantee that you won't tell us stories?
15:27Oh, you don't believe me? You still suspect me?
15:30Hey, you, watchman, come here.
15:32Yes, sir.
15:34Show these three insects our ant nest from top to bottom.
15:49Let's hope Maya and the others are not in danger.
15:51It's been a long time.
15:53There they are.
15:54Thank goodness, we're starting to think.
15:56We're starting to think.
16:02So, tell me, what have you found out?
16:04They made us visit the whole ant nest,
16:06but we didn't find any trace of Flip and the others.
16:08We made a mistake.
16:10So, he's following them, so...
16:13You mean our friends aren't in the ant nest?
16:15Are you sure?
16:16Yes, the ants made us go everywhere.
16:19If they had been there, we would have found them.
16:21That's for sure.
16:22And they didn't give us the impression that they were hiding something.
16:25Besides, they don't need anyone to work for them.
16:27The ant nest has already been built.
16:29So, we really made a hole in the water.
16:31But where will they be hunted?
16:33I'm starting to get desperate.
16:39The strange thing is that none of them told us anything.
16:42One expects this and that from Villi, but not from Flip.
16:45There must be a logical explanation.
16:47They can't just disappear like that.
16:49It's a matter of time. I'm sure of it.
16:51It's possible.
16:52This whole thing seems very mysterious to me.
17:07Maybe in the vicinity of the meadow,
17:09a wedding is being celebrated.
17:11We don't know anything about it.
17:13And they would have left without telling us anything.
17:16I know I shouldn't tell you,
17:18but if something had happened to them,
17:20they would have died.
17:21But where did the firefly go?
17:23Just a moment ago, it was still here.
17:25But look!
17:26It left without even saying goodbye.
17:28Let's take a look around.
17:30I would never have imagined that that firefly
17:32would be so rude.
17:36Where are you, Maya?
17:37What's happening to me?
17:39Maybe I'm broken.
17:41Calm down, calm down.
17:42Let's see what happened.
17:44Maybe a man came and took her away.
17:46No, it's too absurd.
17:48It's impossible!
17:49I can't believe it.
17:50It would be contrary to any scientific logic.
17:53Something else could have happened.
17:56That she disappeared underground.
17:58Yes, of course.
17:59It must be so.
18:10In fact, Maya and the firefly
18:12disappeared when they were on this rock.
18:20Ha ha ha ha!
18:23A firefly?
18:24So you're the one who made everyone disappear?
18:26Yes, you guessed right.
18:28Now I've lost count of all the people
18:30I've captured with this system.
18:32Ha ha ha ha!
18:39You have to free them immediately,
18:41otherwise I'll make you lose your job.
18:42No, no!
18:43I'll only let them go
18:44when they've dug a new big hole for me.
18:48Come out if you dare!
18:54Maybe it's better to dig another hole.
18:59What are you doing?
19:00You're the chief of the Red Ants, right?
19:02Yes, in person.
19:03Are you sorry to tell me what's going on?
19:05This has nothing to do with you.
19:06In fact, I advise you to disappear immediately.
19:08Until now, you've only created...
19:09Miss Maya told me that many insects
19:11had disappeared without a trace.
19:13Since then, I'm very worried.
19:15The mystery must be solved.
19:16Maya and the others have been captured by a mole,
19:18and her den is under this rock.
19:20It was a mole, huh?
19:21This is a big problem.
19:23Complaining is useless.
19:24You can't do anything to save them.
19:26But you understand,
19:27we Red Ants know how to do a lot of things.
19:32This sack full of lard
19:33will soon have what it deserves.
19:35Come on, come here!
19:37Go down into the den
19:38and give a lesson to the mole.
19:39Come on!
19:40Come on!
19:44Don't move!
19:47What's going on?
20:05These damn Red Ants!
20:06I'd better get out of here.
20:08It hurts!
20:13They're all safe and sound.
20:17Finally alone.
20:24I want to congratulate you.
20:26Well, we were lucky.
20:27I'm glad you're back with us.
20:29We had lost all hope.
20:35Welcome back.
20:36Where were you?
20:40It was a trap, Pucca.
20:41In the end, he had captured me too,
20:43but luckily the Red Ants saved us.
20:46This is a pleasant surprise.
20:48All right, thank goodness.
20:52As a sign of our great esteem,
20:54we offer the head of the Red Ants
20:56our greeting of ants.
20:58Thank you, colleague.
21:00We have to thank them too.
21:01That's right, we owe them our salvation.
21:03I was so rude.
21:05I must apologize for my behavior.
21:07That's enough.
21:08It's too late now.
21:09To show that I don't hold a grudge against you,
21:11I officially invite you to the inauguration party
21:13of our new ant farm.
21:15Will you come?
21:16Yes, with pleasure.
21:17I guess there will be food, right?
21:20Willy, you're unusually incorrigible.
21:34There really is a wonderful view from up here.
21:36From here you can really understand how beautiful the garden is.
21:41Be careful, be careful not to fall, I recommend.
21:49This is a real treat.
21:51There's nothing to be afraid of in winter.
21:55I'd like to stay here all year.
22:00The ant farm has grown a little higher
22:02than what it was in our plans.
22:04But it's still beautiful.
22:09Please excuse us.
22:11Don't mention it, colleague.
22:13It was a pleasure to meet you.
22:18Now there's no need to go to Paris.
22:20Now we have the Eiffel Tower right in our lawn.
22:23No, instead, one day we really have to go to Paris.
22:26You promised me.
22:36In the next episode,
22:37the little little ants will start playing with their scooter.
22:40But here's to Alessandro, the mouse who knows everything,
22:42comes the idea of ​​doing something useful for all the insects in the lawn.
22:45And he precisely decides to start teaching
22:48some important things that, in his opinion, everyone should know.
22:51For example, he will give a lesson on the various natures of leaves.
23:18And there will be an orchestra.
23:48Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
24:19And the cricket will sing
24:22The seagull will dance
24:24With the hairy spider
24:26A curious bird
24:27And the fly will laugh