Holy Mass I Malayalam Mass I August 4 I Sunday I Qurbana

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Holy Mass I Malayalam Mass I August 4 I Sunday I Qurbana
00:00In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
00:21By the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
00:25and by the Love of the Father God,
00:28may the peace and prosperity of the Holy Spirit be with you,
00:34and with your spirit.
00:37Brother, we should be capable of celebrating these Divine Secrets.
00:43Let us remember our sins and experience them.
00:46The mistakes that have occurred in our human weaknesses,
00:51the shortcomings and weaknesses in our speech,
00:55in our thoughts, in our thoughts, in our relationships,
00:59may we forgive you for all the mistakes that have occurred.
01:04May we pray for you for all the visions that have come against the special love of God and brotherly love,
01:11by surrendering them to the mercy of the Lord.
01:18To the Almighty God,
01:23Brother, I say to you,
01:28because I have sinned for a long time in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions, and in my actions.
01:39My fault, my fault, my great fault.
01:45By the Grace of the Almighty Holy Spirit,
01:50to all the angels and saints,
01:54Brother, I say to you,
01:59for me, to our Lord God,
02:03I pray.
02:05By the Almighty God,
02:09May our sins lead us to eternal life.
02:39Lord, have mercy on us.
02:45Lord, have mercy on us.
02:51Lord, have mercy on us.
02:57Glory to God in the highest.
03:01Peace to all the people on earth.
03:06Lord God,
03:08Heavenly King,
03:10Almighty Father God,
03:13We praise you.
03:16We praise you.
03:18We worship you.
03:20We glorify you.
03:23We thank you for your great glory.
03:28Jesus Christ,
03:30Lord, only begotten Son,
03:33Lord God,
03:35Son of God,
03:37Son of the Father,
03:40You, who lift up the sins of the world,
03:43have mercy on us.
03:45You, who lift up the sins of the world,
03:48have mercy on us.
03:51You, who sit on the right hand of the Father,
03:54have mercy on us.
03:57Because only you are holy.
04:00Only you, Lord,
04:02Only you are true.
04:05Jesus Christ,
04:07With the Holy Spirit,
04:09In the glory of the Father and the Son,
04:14Let us pray.
04:16Let us pray.
04:46Let us pray.
05:17When I was eating the Tripti Avalam,
05:20which was available in Egypt,
05:23how good it would have been,
05:25if I had been killed by the hand of the Lord.
05:29But you have brought us to this desert
05:34to starve the whole society.
05:39The Lord said to Moses,
05:41I will give you bread from heaven.
05:46Let the people go out
05:48and receive what they need every day.
05:52I will test them to see
05:55if they will obey my law or not.
05:58I heard the complaints of the Israelites.
06:02I said to them,
06:04In the evening you will eat meat.
06:08In the morning you will drink the Tripti Avalam.
06:12Then you will understand that
06:15I, the Lord, am your God.
06:18In the evening,
06:20the birds of the forest came and closed the nest.
06:23In the morning,
06:25snow fell around the nest.
06:28When the snow melted,
06:30in the depths of the desert,
06:32a whitish,
06:34a yellowish thing was seen.
06:37When the Israelites saw this,
06:39they asked each other,
06:41What is this?
06:43They did not know what it was.
06:46Then Moses said to them,
06:48This is the bread that the Lord has given you as food.
06:53The word of the Lord.
06:55Thanks be to God.
06:57The Lord has given them the gift of heaven.
07:04We have heard it and known it.
07:08The Fathers have told us.
07:11The great things that the Lord has done
07:15and their power and miracles
07:19should be explained to the coming generations.
07:22The Lord has given them the gift of heaven.
07:29But they went out into the sky.
07:33The gates of heaven were opened.
07:36To feed them,
07:37they poured mud from there.
07:39The Lord has given them the gift of heaven.
07:50The man ate the bread of the angels.
07:54From there, he sent food abundantly.
07:58From there,
08:00he took them to his holy land
08:02and to the mountain,
08:04which he took with his right hand.
08:07The Lord has given them the gift of heaven.
08:21From the letter written by Saint Paul to Ephesus,
08:28I say to you,
08:30O brother,
08:32I say to you,
08:34I testify to you,
08:36that you should not ever live like those who think in vain.
08:42But you have learned all this from Christ.
08:46You have heard about Jesus
08:49and He has taught you
08:52as if the truth is in Him.
08:55I will remove the old man from you,
08:59who is full of deceit,
09:01from your old way of life.
09:05Let you be renewed in the spirit of the mind.
09:09I will give you a new man,
09:12who is created in the presence of God
09:15in true holiness and righteousness.
09:18The word of the Lord.
09:20Thanks be to God.
09:23Man lives not only by sin,
09:25but also by the word of God.
09:32The Lord be with you.
09:34And with your spirit.
09:36A reading from the Gospel of John.
09:40The Lord be with you.
09:48Verses 25 to 35.
09:54When they found Jesus by the sea,
09:58they asked,
10:00Rabbi, when did you come here?
10:04Jesus replied,
10:06I tell you the truth,
10:10not because I saw the signs,
10:13but because I ate bread and was satisfied,
10:16you are looking for me.
10:19I will study for the bread of your life,
10:22which the Son of Man gives,
10:24without studying for a worthless bread.
10:31But the Father God has placed
10:34a seal of approval on him.
10:37Then they asked,
10:39what can we do to become
10:41those who work according to the will of God?
10:44Jesus replied,
10:46this is the work according to the will of God.
10:50Believe there in the Lord.
10:54Then they asked,
10:56what sign do you do
10:58that we should see and believe you?
11:00What do you do?
11:02As it is written,
11:04he gave them bread from heaven
11:06to eat there,
11:08and our forefathers
11:10died in the desert.
11:13Jesus replied,
11:15I tell you the truth,
11:18not Moses,
11:20but my Father gave you bread from heaven.
11:25He gives you real bread from heaven,
11:29because the bread of God
11:32comes down from heaven
11:34and gives life to the world.
11:37Then they said to him,
11:39Lord, this bread should always be given to us.
11:44Jesus said to them,
11:46I am the bread of life.
11:49The one who comes to me
11:51will never be hungry.
11:53The one who believes in me
11:55will never be thirsty.
11:57The Gospel of the Lord.
12:02Thank you, Lord.
12:33I believe in the Almighty Father,
12:36the Creator of heaven and earth,
12:40the One God,
12:42His only Son,
12:44our Lord Jesus Christ.
12:49In the time of Pontius Pilate,
12:52who was born in the womb of the Holy Spirit,
12:57who suffered,
12:59who was crucified,
13:01who was buried,
13:03who came out of the graves,
13:05who rose from the dead
13:07on the third day
13:09and rose to heaven,
13:11the Almighty Father,
13:13sits on the right hand of God.
13:17I believe that He will come
13:19to judge the living and the dead.
13:23I believe in the Holy Spirit.
13:26I believe in the unity of the Holy Spirit
13:29in the church of Jesus Christ
13:31and in the unity of the Holy Spirit
13:33and in the redemption of sins
13:35and in the resurrection of the body
13:37and in the eternal life.
13:40Let us now quietly
13:42from the presence of the Lord
13:44lift up all our prayer topics
13:47to the presence of God.
13:49Let us pray for the church.
13:56Let us surrender all the rights of Pope Francis.
14:01Let us pray for all the decisions of the church
14:07to be enlightened in the Holy Spirit.
14:14Let us pray for our family members
14:18and for the needs of our family.
14:23Let us pray for the eternal peace and happiness
14:28that sustains a temporary happiness
14:32to be satisfied.
14:34Let us pray for the relationship
14:36with God to grow in our families.
14:42Let us pray that the peace, happiness
14:45and satisfaction that sustains
14:47when all our heart's desires
14:49are brought to the presence of God
14:52is only in Jesus Christ.
14:56Let us pray that apart from giving and owning,
15:00Jesus will give us a family to own.
15:06Let us pray to the Lord Jesus Christ.
15:36Let us pray.
16:06Let us pray.
16:36Let us pray.
17:06Let us pray.
17:36Let us pray.
18:06Let us pray.
18:36Let us pray.
19:06Let us pray.
19:08Let us pray.
19:10Let us pray.
19:12Let us pray.
19:14Let us pray.
19:16Let us pray.
19:18Let us pray.
19:20Let us pray.
19:22Let us pray.
19:24Let us pray.
19:26Let us pray.
19:28Let us pray.
19:30Let us pray.
19:32Let us pray.
19:34Let us pray.
19:36Let us pray.
19:38Let us pray.
19:40Let us pray.
19:42Let us pray.
19:44Let us pray.
19:46Let us pray.
19:48Let us pray.
19:50Let us pray.
19:52Let us pray.
19:54Let us pray.
19:56Let us pray.
19:58Let us pray.
20:00Let us pray.
20:02Let us pray.
20:04Let us pray.
20:06Let us pray.
20:08Let us pray.
20:10Let us pray.
20:12Let us pray.
20:14Let us pray.
20:16Let us pray.
20:18Let us pray.
20:20Let us pray.
20:22Let us pray.
20:24Let us pray.
20:26Let us pray.
20:28Let us pray.
20:30Let us pray.
20:32Let us pray.
20:34Let us pray.
20:36Let us pray.
20:38Let us pray.
20:40Let us pray.
20:42Let us pray.
20:44Let us pray.
20:46Let us pray.
20:48Let us pray.
20:50Let us pray.
20:52Let us pray.
20:54Let us pray.
20:56Let us pray.
20:58Let us pray.
21:00Let us pray.
21:02Let us pray.
21:04Let us pray.
21:06Let us pray.
21:08Let us pray.
21:10Let us pray.
21:12Let us pray.
21:14Let us pray.
21:16Let us pray.
21:18Let us pray.
21:20Let us pray.
21:22Let us pray.
21:24Let us pray.
21:26Let us pray.
21:28Let us pray.
21:30Let us pray.
21:32Let us pray.
21:34Let us pray.
21:36Let us pray.
21:38Let us pray.
21:40Let us pray.
21:42Let us pray.
21:44Let us pray.
21:46Let us pray.
21:48Let us pray.
21:50Let us pray.
21:52Let us pray.
21:54Let us pray.
21:56Let us pray.
21:58Let us pray.
22:00Let us pray.
22:02Let us pray.
22:04Let us pray.
22:06Let us pray.
22:08Let us pray.
22:10Let us pray.
22:12Let us pray.
22:14Let us pray.
22:16Let us pray.
22:18Let us pray.
22:20Let us pray.
22:22Let us pray.
22:24Let us pray.
22:26Let us pray.
22:28Let us pray.
22:30Let us pray.
22:32Let us pray.
22:34Let us pray.
22:36Let us pray.
22:38Let us pray.
22:40Let us pray.
22:42Let us pray.
22:44Let us pray.
22:46Let us pray.
22:48Let us pray.
22:50Let us pray.
22:52Let us pray.
22:54Let us pray.
22:56Let us pray.
22:58Let us pray.
23:00Let us pray.
23:02Let us pray.
23:04Let us pray.
23:06Let us pray.
23:08Let us pray.
23:10Let us pray.
23:12Let us pray.
23:14Let us pray.
23:16Let us pray.
23:18Let us pray.
23:20Let us pray.
23:22Let us pray.
23:24Let us pray.
23:26Let us pray.
23:28Let us pray.
23:30Let us pray.
23:32Let us pray.
23:34Let us pray.
23:36Let us pray.
23:38Let us pray.
23:40Let us pray.
23:42Let us pray.
23:44Let us pray.
23:46The Lord has given us food to eat.
23:49Forgive us our trespasses,
23:53and forgive us our trespasses,
23:56and forgive us our trespasses,
23:59and save us from evil.
24:02May the Lord make us free from all evil.
24:06May He give us peace in our days.
24:10May He give us peace in our days.
24:13May He give us peace in our days.
24:16May He give us peace in our days.
24:19May He give us peace in our days.
24:22May He give us peace in our days.
24:25May He give us peace in our days.
24:28May He give us peace in our days.
24:31May He give us peace in our days.
24:34May He give us peace in our days.
24:37May He give us peace in our days.
24:40May He give us peace in our days.
24:43May He give us peace in our days.
24:46May He give us peace in our days.
24:49May He give us peace in our days.
24:52May He give us peace in our days.
24:55May He give us peace in our days.
24:58May He give us peace in our days.
25:01May He give us peace in our days.
25:04May He give us peace in our days.
25:07May He give us peace in our days.
25:10May He give us peace in our days.
25:13May He give us peace in our days.
25:16May He give us peace in our days.
25:19May He give us peace in our days.
25:22May He give us peace in our days.
25:25May He give us peace in our days.
25:28May He give us peace in our days.
25:31May He give us peace in our days.
25:34May He give us peace in our days.
25:37May He give us peace in our days.
25:40May He give us peace in our days.
25:43May He give us peace in our days.
25:46May He give us peace in our days.
25:49May He give us peace in our days.
25:52May He give us peace in our days.
25:55May He give us peace in our days.
25:58May He give us peace in our days.
26:01May He give us peace in our days.
26:04May He give us peace in our days.
26:07May He give us peace in our days.
26:10May He give us peace in our days.
26:13May He give us peace in our days.
26:16May He give us peace in our days.
26:19May He give us peace in our days.
26:22May He give us peace in our days.
26:25May He give us peace in our days.
26:28May He give us peace in our days.
26:31May He give us peace in our days.
26:34May He give us peace in our days.
26:37May He give us peace in our days.
26:40May He give us peace in our days.
26:43May He give us peace in our days.
26:46May He give us peace in our days.
26:49May He give us peace in our days.
26:53May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
26:56May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
26:59May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:02May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:05May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:08May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:11May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:14May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:17May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:20May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:23May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:26May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:29May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:32May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
27:35May the acceptance of the Lord be with us.
