• 2 months ago
see more from the Dallas Cowboys :
00:00Turnovers big story of course for their defense was the very severe injury the knee injury to Steve Anthony in three different places and
00:07Chris good also out with a neck injury today that has that is really hurt
00:11Indianapolis defensively though defensively they played well the big problems offensively there. They're executing very well
00:17They're they're getting yards, but then they're getting some very poor decisions out of their quarterback position
00:22You know dick we talked about earlier
00:24I think you've got to go to a Don Mikalski at this at this point of the game
00:28Trudeau's confidence has got to be shaken you got to give a little jolt to that offense
00:33Mikalski though is wearing the baseball cap and
00:37it looks as if Trudeau is going to start out because
00:43Trudeau has the helmet on and the Mikalski has the baseball cap on and so even though I didn't play the game
00:48I would probably be able to figure that
00:50Mikalski is not going to go out there to start the second half either that or he's a pretty tough guy
00:55Murray will kick off for Dan and Culver back deep for the Colts
00:59The Ted March abroad has probably said one more chance although
01:02He's thrown three interceptions only two of them really were Trudeau's fault the other one was a receiver not turned around the problem is dick
01:09One more chance could be the last chance for the Colts
01:13Here's the kick and it's headed for Verdan who is at the three-yard line to bring it back
01:18He's got great speed
01:23Pushed out of bounds and a return up to the 25-yard line
01:27Everett on the play so Trudeau
01:30Who completed 10 of 18 for 138 yards in the first half?
01:34Well, he was harassed a bit by the Dallas defense
01:37Well, he was harassed a bit by the Dallas defense
01:39But the the true story of his first half is not so much how many times he was hurried to hit the blitzes against him
01:46The problems with Trudeau was when he went to the middle of the field the decisions
01:51He made were not the proper decisions and they were decisions that cost the Colts
01:55The ball and they cost him points on the board his mistakes have not allowed Dallas to score points yet
02:03First and 10 at the 25-yard line
02:05Trudeau will put it up the first time gets good protection. He's going deep for Sean Dawkins
02:11And covered well by Larry Brown downfield Dawkins was on the receiving end of a 69-yard pass play in the first half
02:21Well, there's battling for the ball then there's kind of like underneath the rim in basketball battling for position on the ball
02:27And that's just a good physical match between two players one offense one defense both with an equal right for the ball
02:36Dawkins will come out of the game and Clarence Burdain will go in as a wide receiver wide to the right second down and 10
02:42coming up
02:49This time pots is stopped and it took about three
02:52Cowboys to do it led by Ken Norton and he still picked up three
02:56But you see those shoulders on Roosevelt pots and those are some big shoulders and you want those shoulders
03:01Pointed at that goalpost down on the other side of the field
03:04You don't want to get him turned sideways. If you're a cold coach, you want him going north and south
03:09Right now he's heading for the bench and replaced by Anthony Johnson to do it all running back
03:14Dan Marino, by the way suffered a torn Achilles tendon and he may be gone for the year a tremendous blow to the Miami Dolphins
03:22third down and seven
03:24out of the shotgun on the 28-yard line
03:30History does not have the first down
03:32So Hester on a crossing pattern was shy of the sticks a gain of only six yards with the veteran Bill Bates
03:39On the stop and so the Colts will have to kick
03:46This is the situation dick for the Dallas offense
03:49Where you see them going much like a heavyweight does when you got somebody in trouble and they've had a little success for you
03:55You go for that shot
03:56You've got him set up you go for a knockout punch and look for Aikman in this offense to go deep and go early
04:02Ron Stark will kick it and Kevin Williams is back for the Dallas Cowboys
04:08Fine kick will send Williams back
04:13Yard line
04:18Several Colts had missed before the play was finally made by the rookie Ray Buchanan
04:2354 yard punt so Troy Aikman who completed 12 of 16 for a hundred and thirty three yards and one touchdown
04:31And this is a story of Troy Aikman's first half one that that one sack on a blitz by
04:36By Stargill from the backside definitely had to shake up Aikman a little bit from his injury standpoint
04:42but the biggest difference between he and Trudeau is
04:44He's showing why he's one of the top if not the top quarterbacks in the NFL right now. He is not making those critical mistakes
04:53By Aikman who not a hundred percent as we heard
04:57With his various back
05:00Injuries shoulder what happy on the 26 yard line two tight ends and it's me
05:06It's been stymied so far and that story continues
05:09Smith gained only 40 yards in the first half and he loses one here with Tony
05:14Siracusa inside tackle making the play with Dwayne Bickett helping and that entire Colt defense did make an early mistake against Emmett Smith
05:22Allowing that touchdown run on the big cutback
05:24But since then they have swarmed Emmett Smith and you never see one Colt making a tackle if Sarah goose is in the backfield
05:31He knows he's got Clancy. He knows he's got Bickett. He knows he has Harad. They are going to the ball Sam Clancy
05:37Of course, he's been playing for Steven
05:41Second down and 11 and the pass
05:44fingertips of Novacek
05:46And that'll bring up third and long. The Colt defense has played but extremely well and they have lost two key operatives
05:53And you look at the offense that has had several forays inside the Dallas
05:59Territory four times the Colts have gotten inside the 30 and they've managed only three points
06:04So the team is very much in the game despite an 11-point deficit
06:08This is the one situation
06:13They are not converting their third down opportunities right now, that's mainly because they're third down opportunities
06:20Know the check in motion and the pass to Alvin Harper on the slant in he's got the first down
06:26Ashley Ambrose makes the tackle but not before Harper who had a big day last week in yards per catch
06:33Picks up 14 and
06:35Harper's the receiver that has not so much blossomed as he has gotten the
06:40Opportunities from Jimmy Johnson and North Turner the coaches of the Dallas Cowboys that run this offense have decided to start giving
06:47Alvin Harper the ball last week only had two catches course in the again
06:52They only had 88 yards to go with those two
06:54North Turner likens him to John Taylor in the way. He's developing is that second receiver with good strength here is
07:02The fullback out of the backfield who makes a reception and gets eight yards with Ambrose defending Johnston was a big factor in the first
07:10Dallas score their first possessions of the game and that right there is something we saw Dallas's offense do early is getting big chunks on
07:17First downs that's in some cases why your third down conversion rate can look sort of deceiving when you see
07:23three of twelve for conversions on third down by the Dallas Cowboys when you're looking at a lot of
07:27Lot of second and second and twos and second and threes your third downs become a lot less significant
07:33Johnston already has his best day as a receiver with five patches
07:37second down in two
07:41He'll have the first down as he reaches the midfield strike
07:44three yards for Emmett John hand
07:49Making the tackle the Dallas Cowboys making their first ever appearance at the Hoosier Dome in fact
07:55They're the only NFL team never to have played here at Indianapolis before today and
08:00It's an unusual rivalry teams haven't played since 1984. So household rivals. Well, not the case
08:07first and ten at midfield
08:11Fourteen to three the Cowboys lead early third quarter
08:14Aikman's got time dumps it off to Emmett Smith
08:18It gets by picket turns on the
08:20Gets the first down inside the 40 a gain of 11 and the Cowboys are driving
08:27And that's a play there dick. That's hardly like you would refer to if that's how you draw them up
08:31Well, you don't draw them up to dump it into the flat to a running back that's being covered by a linebacker really pretty well
08:38But what you can't allow for his defensive standpoint is this great Dallas team speed especially offense that speed by Smith and Irvin and Harper
08:46And in some cases Novacek for a tight end can really give defenses problems
08:51But when you stop them, they can get away from it makes a
08:5639 here's the gift to Smith and Smith gets a four-yard game with Bickett on the tackle
09:07And this is becoming one of those drives that you'd refer to as sort of a deflator
09:12Get the offense isn't doing much the defense has been performing for the Colts and the Dallas offense just comes out here and puts together
09:18Something that can best be described as methodical just BAM BAM 3 4 2 11 10 10 11
09:26Just getting first down grinding out the clock and taking a little bit of the air valve and taking some of the air out of these
09:33second down and six Emmett Smith
09:36And gets the first down inside the 25
09:39John Baylor making the tackle. So now the Cowboys are getting their running game going with Emmett Smith
09:47And here it is just Emmett Smith up behind big Williams and Gogan on the right side look at William 79 just
09:55seals that entire side off
09:58You talk about Irvin look at Irvin button has the 1 2 3 4 5
10:02That's not so much as a I always refer to wide receivers blocking techniques. It's kind of a chicken fight
10:07They're just sort of pecking each other at the head and trying to distract each other
10:12No sounds coming from him here's Smith
10:15Emmett Smith game 40 yards Randy at halftime and already has 24
10:20So it looks like the Cowboys during the intermission
10:24Decided that they wanted to get their running back going and to use up the clock with the lead and it's been working for me
10:29Well, you talk about players don't watch stats. I guarantee you Emmett Smith can quote you exactly how many yards he is behind
10:36Everybody that's in front of him in the in the the race for the Russian title right now Emmett thinks he's still in it
10:41It was very disappointed. He couldn't play towards the end of the game last week
10:44He grew against Green Bay, and he's gonna get plenty of carries today. He has got to have a big game if he has any hope
10:52Second out of eight take pass
10:58Eugene Daniel defending was beaten on the play
11:02And I'll tell you what Aikman and Irvin will say boy if we did that a hundred times and probably click 98
11:08Well, let's check out the very end of this play because you just said here's Irvin wide open
11:15Sometimes you just guess right? What should I do put my arms up? Yeah, I'll put him up now
11:19Daniel just gets lucky and says right now put him up and he knocks the ball out and Troy Aikman
11:27knows he had six points right there and they
11:35Let them play of the drive and now a
11:41The Colts are calling the timeout
11:45Third and eighth take men to the sidelines
11:53Third down and eight Cowboys started on their 26-yard line. They've had the ball for a little over five minutes
11:59They spread everyone out including the tight end Novacek. He makes the patch
12:04And a gain of ten yards, it was third and eight and they've got enough for the first down
12:10So this Dallas drive and as you mentioned it could be one of those wilting back for breaking drives for the Cowboys continue
12:17And this is what we're seeing the real difference between a Colt team
12:20That's trying to execute and a Dallas Cowboys offense that really does
12:25Execute and the biggest key is the quarterback the guy pulling the trigger
12:28I I really happen to think Troy Aikman is the most indispensable part of this Dallas offense
12:33They could win without a halfback and the winning without one of the wide receivers
12:39Johnston goes in motion first and 10 outside
12:45Is piled up after a short game of maybe a yard or two leading the way with Sam Clancy who is Emptin's replacement
12:55Mikowski has been warming up on the sidelines and still no word as to whether the Colts will make a change at quarterback
13:00He's got a helmet on now. At least he took the baseball ahead of progress. Maybe it might be a good sign for the Colts
13:05It's gonna take a few snaps from his center right there Kurt Loudermilk
13:10So we got a former Viking working with a former Packer and Indianapolis
13:14Well, we're in this a free agency great. Yeah. Well, we're in the central part of the country. Anyway, why not second to nine?
13:22They can get a first down without getting a touchdown
13:27Aikman has Emmett Smith who's hit at about the five-yard line the third down
13:33Gain of five on the plate John hand
13:37Making the tackle but you're right about the quarterback and that's one of the reasons why the 49ers were always successful when they had
13:43Montana or young with all the weapons the running back is just one weapon the quarterback gets the ball to the other people
13:48He carries a lot of weapons with him
13:50Way here often in golf the
13:53Gentleman's next to the tees with that. You're the man
13:55well, the quarterback in every offense is the man and he is the most
14:00the most important
14:07Nova check wide to the right and a running play on third and five and Emmett Smith is
14:15It was played a terrific game
14:17Even though he hasn't been a hundred percent at weeks on linebacker and it'll bring up fourth down
14:21It was a nice job by Harad and the safety Jason Belzer on that play filling up and stopping this check this out right in
14:28the middle of the screen 54
14:31Watch the job. He does he doesn't overbite. He comes in gets the first hit Belzer comes up with a little help
14:39That was a nice defensive play by Harad at a very important time. This field goal would only make it 1713 Eddie Murray
14:50Check those in well
14:52We'll check those numbers that I know the Cowboys to get more than the Colts bargained for on a fake field goal. No the check
15:00Runs in for the touchdown
15:02two yards out
15:04Well last week special teams coach Joe. I've inside. Oh calls a onside kick. They execute it and make it and
15:10It's a great execution by Dallas and a basic clueless effort
15:16by the field goal block team
15:19That is a very basic mistake
15:23And Eddie Murray, I think they won't run this one
15:26Murray will kick the extra point to make it 21 to 3 in favor of the Cowboys
15:31Joe Avezzano had something up his short sleeves this week, didn't he?
15:36Check has the option you can call Omaha and call it off. Watch this hole. This is an Omaha. This is oh boy
15:43You take that every time they give it to you good execution by at least one side of the ball
15:49first rushing touchdown of J Novacek's career
15:53Eddie Murray with an end over end kick and for Dan to return at the goal line
15:57Eddie Murray with an end over end kick and for Dan to return at the goal line
16:10And it's Darren Smith from behind after a 27 yard return Trudeau does not have his helmet on bad news for him good news
16:18though for
16:19Don Makowski will be the quarterback. We'll be back
16:25Vetted pitcher is demoted to fourth starter down there in Atlanta. He's fired up and might be as fired up as mr
16:30Murkowski here is finally getting a chance to get some meaningful playing time his first appearance since September the 20th
16:371992 the regular season and his first pass is caught by Dawkins
16:41Sean Dawkins still on his feet and we may see a flag here
16:47One of the Cowboys jumped on top of the pile no flag is thrown a 17-yard pickup and a first down
16:56Dixon Edwards
16:58Might have been the last man on there, but the fact is that Dawkins just wouldn't go down. So he's fair game
17:03I think somebody might have taken the tweeters out of the referees or the officials
17:07Whistles around here because nobody's stopping when they should stop. Of course. Nobody told Sean Dawkins
17:13He's supposed to go down when he's got eight guys trying to tackle
17:17You know Russell Maryland and Darren Smith collided and their helmets cracked
17:22So it's a first down on the 44-yard line. So Makowski off to a hot start with his first pass
17:28Well, we know we can start a drive. Can you finish one?
17:32Stepping up and the pass is complete
17:35Again, it's Dawkins the rookie from California. It's a first down for the Colts
17:40Into Dallas Territory and dick. This is a situation
17:44You've got two people in Makowski and Dawkins that probably work together on a regular basis on the scout team running other teams offenses
17:51Makowski has a better match with the receivers that are second and third team because he sees them more often than he does with the starters
17:58Dawkins has caught five passes for a hundred and fourteen yards
18:02So like Roosevelt Potts two rookies go over a hundred yards and receiving and rushing today for the first time in their career
18:10First down and a play fake and Makowski
18:18It's a pretty tough hombre in his own right doesn't go out of bounds and takes the hit after picking up three yards
18:24Tolbert on the stop
18:28We're here at the Hoosier dome over 60,000 on hand
18:3360,000 453 first visit ever by the Dallas Cowboys both teams two and two coming in and
18:39despite a couple of tough injuries to the
18:43Indianapolis defense Steve Edmund with a bad knee injury
18:46The Colts hanging in there until the fake field goal and the run by Novacek to give the Cowboys a 21-3 lead
18:53Don Makowski, however
18:57Second down and seven at the 42 and to get the
19:01Spaces off the left side
19:03and he's within a yard or so of the first down marker a gain of six that time with Norton and
19:10Gant on the tackle and this is just the sting and fire that I think this Colt the offense
19:15Needed from the very beginning of this second half
19:18Makowski's got this team fired up and the way they were fired up the most in the first half was watching Roosevelt Potts
19:25Piling into defenders and taking three four or five of the Cowboys to bring him down
19:30Talking about Dawkins in his first effort. How about Roosevelt Potts?
19:35111 rushing yards, they better just give the ball to number 42
19:47It'll be against Dallas and it will be a cold first down
20:01Off sides against the Cowboys
20:06It's number 77
20:09Offside 77 defense five yards first down
20:16Just a case of Jeff coat guessing wrong, you know
20:18Some might think new quarterback new cadence, but that has more of an effect on the offensive players jumping offsides
20:24And it does the defensive players
20:26Defenses instincts and guess a lot time a lot of the times and Jeff coaches guess wrong
20:32Kowski in his seventh season signed by the Colts as a free agent
20:36Jesse Hester goes at motion
20:39deep drop and a big
20:44Alert play the closest receiver to him was Reggie Langhorne, but no defender. So Makowski played that well
20:51I played it real well
20:53Every time if you think if you're a fan and you want to see if you can do this run as fast as you can
20:58with somebody about
20:59290 pounds chasing you as hard as you can to your left and try to throw a ball to your right and
21:06Then worry about protecting yourself. So that guy too. No, he doesn't pile drive
21:11Kowski has suffered his share of injuries. And of course after he suffered sprained ligaments in his left ankle
21:16He lost the starting job to Brett Barb and Green Bay
21:19So hopes to find a new home here in Indianapolis second and ten for Dan in his a wise
21:27Ball on the 32 of the Cowboys. Here's the blitz and
21:30Right away and the Dallas Cowboys time that perfectly led by Ken Norton the middle linebacker
21:38If you're a quarterback and you see this coming
21:41This is kind of let's make the handoff and better thee than me Roosevelt pods. Here comes Norton
21:47Right up the middle
21:49The cows he looks back and says I'm glad I don't have the ball
21:53ten tackles last
21:54Week in his debut as the middle linebacker in the starting role and what he's brought to the Dallas middle linebacker position
22:01I think there's enthusiasm
22:02experience and intensity
22:06Washington Roper and Jones in
22:09Defense for the Cowboys in the past
22:14Was the intended receiver he lost his helmet and everything but there's a penalty marker down what a hit put on by James
22:29Mikowski had some nice protection there and as
22:32Trudeau had tried to do he tries to put a ball into a tight spot
22:37Charles Haley gets run around the corner by zip Ross Moss and here comes the head
22:43No helmet involved by the defender all shoulder pad and arms for that big hit by Washington
22:50So it'll be fourth down the penalty is against the Colts
22:56And then it was declined by the Dallas Cowboys
23:01So it is fourth down
23:05Good decision by Ted March about he doesn't have to part here. He's got to get a first at the boy's fourth and eleven
23:11Mikowski back to throw and his pass is caught by Johnson and he's shy of the first down
23:16If you're going to go for it on fourth down
23:19You better get to the sticks and John Roper the former Chicago Bear sealed up Johnson after a gain of 10
23:26So turning the ball over on downs Mikowski didn't finish it and it's Dallas ball
23:33Stockton the Cowboys in front 21 to 3 and a perfect game for Jimmy Johnson his team comfortably in front right now and yet
23:40Perhaps being outplayed by the Colts which sets up his speeches this week before the 49er game next Sunday
23:45Well defensively they're being out
23:47They're being out and they're being out and they're being out and they're being out and they're being out and they're being out
23:52This week before the 49er game next Sunday
23:54Well defensively they're being out outplayed between the 20s
23:57But once the Colts get inside about the 30-yard line, they cannot execute and the offense with Dallas has done everything, right?
24:06Pattern we've seen that many times today with a 15-yard pickup with Cory out making the tackle
24:12And it's the first down for the Cowboys shy of the 40-yard line
24:16Talking about the Colts problems and you have to credit Dallas's defense to a great extent, but not entirely
24:21Five times today. The Colts have been inside the Cowboy 30 have come away with only a three-pointer
24:31First and ten at the 39 of Dallas
24:33First and ten at the 39 of Dallas
24:42And dives forward this has not been a glorious day for Emmett Smith the Colts obviously keying on Emmett and Cory out again on the
24:51That may be the last play of this third
24:54Session, well, you can stop some of the Dallas Cowboys
24:57But the other ones will make you pay if you stop Emmett Smith
24:59Then you better look out for Michael Irvin and you better look out for Alvin Harper and as the Colts have learned you sure better
25:05Look out for J. Novacek. I don't care if he's in the sideline
25:07You better watch out for J. Novacek
25:09And that is the end of the third quarter here at the Hoosier Dome with the score the Dallas Cowboys
25:1421 and the Indianapolis Colts 3
25:20News for the Colts in the second half
25:22We talked about how important first down was for both teams coming into this game and
25:25Dallas has averaged over six yards on first down and on the passes that that Aikman's thrown on first down
25:31He's nine of ten for a hundred and twelve yards
25:34So a lot of those have come in smaller chunks to Johnston and Harper and and Irvin
25:39But Dallas and their execution is most impressive part of this game
25:42Especially in light of how poorly the Colts have executed offensively second down and six on the Dallas 43
25:48Aikman the throw and the pass is incomplete. There's a flag down upfield
25:53However, Emmitt Smith was the intended receiver and Jeff Harad was defending but see how Aikman hung in there against the pressure
26:03And the penalty will be defensive holding against the Colts
26:09What's the one way to make sure receiver can't run away from you is to grab him and be caught
26:15holding number 33 defense
26:19Automatic first that was Ashley Ambrose who replaced Chris good
26:24Who had the sprained neck?
26:26But we saw him on the sidelines and the news was better for him than it was for
26:31Steve Eppman who's had a very bad knee injury today
26:36With a torn knee injury in three different areas first down for the Cowboys. They're on their 48-yard line
26:45Quarter Emmitt Smith looking for running room finds it
26:49An outstanding move by Emmitt Smith behind the line of scrimmage and he found the daylight got 15 yards
26:55into a cold territory
27:00Good example there of what happens when the defense does not fill backside
27:05Little delay draw to Emmitt. He stops comes all the way back and you know what he gets here
27:09He gets a great block on the backside by Michael Irvin. Look at Irvin 88 working against Daniel. I
27:16Mean here's a wide receiver and he's blocking for a halfback
27:19That's supposed to be running way on the other side of the field. That's drilling and that's disciplined by the Dallas wide receivers
27:26And a first down Aikman
27:32May have another first down Sam Clancy makes the tackle from behind a gain of nine yards
27:39And that's there all day for the Dallas Cowboys Aikman with the short pass up the middle to Smith
27:44Well, here's the definition of kind of easing and sneaking your way out of the backfield. Look at those eyes
27:49Where can I go? Where's the opening? There it is
27:52Nobody noticed me puts a little burst on Troy season
27:57Makes Correa pay a little bit with a quick cutback
28:01But these weapons for Dallas are impressive you when you're up 21 through and you make good things happen
28:06Even Jimmy Johnson and the rest of the guys in the sideline can take a few chuckles
28:12Who came into the game still as the leading rusher for the Dallas Cowboys?
28:16He played the first two games before Emmett Smith came back
28:19Gets the first down Clancy on the tackle as we bring you up to date on the scores
28:26Minnesota leading Tampa Bay and
28:29The story as far as injuries other than this one Dan Marino out for the year with an a torn
28:36Achilles tendon and Scott Mitchell. His replacement has thrown two touchdown passes in his
28:52And it's Ambrose on the tackle 17-yard pickup
28:59And the penalty is going to be on the offense this time and that'll nullify the big game
29:04To Irvin, well, I know Michael Irvin doesn't like this and he's discussing it with the official
29:09But that's something Michael Irvin and Alvin Harper do they do push off?
29:14It's the taut technique and when it works, it's great
29:19Number 88 offense ten yards repeat first down, but when it doesn't work
29:25It's going back the other way and that's one thing you learn early
29:28You can always complain and the best people to complain to officials about calls or coaches not players
29:34Coaches have an influence players are more of a distraction or a nuisance to an official
29:41He can talk the other guy can't first and 20 back at the 31
29:52Lastic gets inside the 25-yard line a gain of 8 yards that time a rod making the tackle
29:59Lastic coming into the game as the leading a rusher on the year
30:03Gaining 202 yards scoring three touchdowns and a nice job again by Michael Irvin backside away from the play
30:10He sees it's coming back. He breaks down and he blocks he kind of bear hugs, but he blocks
30:16He got caught for pushing off and they caught him on that penalty
30:19He kind of held and hugged and they didn't get him for that one. So Michael, it's about a walk
30:24second down and 12 at the 23
30:27He's got six passes for 82 yards today as Michael Irvin
30:30Aikman now finds Novacek and it's incomplete. He was open. Anyway, Quentin Couryat the closest defender to him
30:391203 remaining in the fourth quarter and the Cowboys using the time leading 21 to 3
30:48Well Aikman so far 19 of 26
30:51204 yards in one touchdown and he has had several balls dropped that one comes to mind
30:56Also, the other deep one over the middle to Michael Irvin. So it's a fine
31:01Performance like he's had the last couple of weeks. You can't find a chink or a flaw in this guy's armor
31:15By Novacek Baylor the strong safety depending on the play
31:20They may be shy of the first down a pickup of 10 yards
31:24So they are short of it and Eddie Murray will come on to try the field goal and we're gonna be watching 84
31:29Although I think this time Murray's going to put his foot to it
31:34Last time the Cowboys attempted a field goal from close range
31:39Novacek the holder ran it in for a two-yard touchdown
31:41You know, Jimmy Johnson did a interview with Leslie Visser last year and mentioned
31:45He likes tropical fish because if they die you throw him away
31:48Jimmy's got the same attitude with kickers. If you die on him, he throws you away
31:52He won't be throwing Murray away. This cook pick up 30 yards is good
31:57After Eddie Murray tied a club record with five field goals last week
32:02So it's now 24 to 3 and we'll return to the Hoosier Dome after this message from your local station
32:07You're watching the NFL on CBS
32:12Is the meat you saw on the sideline there Eric Williams Kevin Dogan to an ace
32:17Dostoyevsky all those guys. They've kept people off of Aikman
32:24Penalty marker down we may have an illegal block on
32:28Indianapolis as Verdan is tackled at the 20-yard line
32:32by Matt Vanderbeek
32:38So that penalty marked off against Indianapolis
32:43Colts are 2 and 2 on the year
32:46They've been an up-and-down team
32:48Losing to Miami here in a close game beating Cincinnati and Cleveland their biggest win over the Browns before getting shellacked at Denver last week
32:56By 22 points in their next game will be at Miami
32:59But as we said Dan Marino season is over with a torn Achilles tendon
33:05Bill legal block in the back number 99 receiving team during the return
33:11half the distance penalty first down Michael Brandon
33:17On Billy Bates, there's Brandon right in the back
33:20The Colts coming in have lost to two teams. You might want to add a third because they're beating themselves today
33:27Over a hundred yards and Steve Edmond with a very serious knee injury for the Colts first and 10 at the 10-yard line
33:35Kenneth Dangan is in is a nickel back for the Cowboys
33:38Mikowski is hit and Gant nearly intercepts the pass
33:41Tremendous pressure put on by Jimmy Jones who has replaced Tony Casillas at left tackle up front
33:50Kowski seen that before and shaken up is Zephros Moss former Dallas Cowboy
33:57And that was an all-out attack
34:00And this is an opportunity for Dallas to create a problem
34:04When you have a defensive lineman
34:07Coming that free that's what happens when you create a problem and Jimmy Jones
34:13was completely free coming through there and
34:16Moss is in a situation caught on that astroturf that every offensive lineman hates when the weights all on one leg
34:26Moss acquired by trade from the Cowboys in 1989 while we have a moment
34:31Let's check in with Jim Nance in our New York studios for an update Jim. All right, Jim
34:36Thank you very much and a big win for the Giants today of winning on the road and you know in Washington
34:41All they care about is football and football and there could be a lot of heat in that town for the next week or so
34:46Oh a lot of the problems Washington has has have been injury related
34:51They've lost an awful lot of guys that they come in limping
34:53You would think they'd make a better showing at RFK
34:56But you know the Giants are a team that that I saw earlier this season and you know
35:00We've all had a look at what they're doing
35:02This is the team that Dan Reeves has taken basically the same talent that was laughed at for two years under Ray Hanley
35:08Giving them discipline giving them direction and you know
35:11Whoever thinks a general and a leader doesn't make that big a difference. I don't take a look at the New York Giants
35:16Reeves has made an impact
35:19Second down and 10 at the 10-yard line now following the injury Kevin Cole has replaced Zephros Moss at right tackle
35:35There's Cole
35:52Bounce off the defender and it brings it out to the 15-yard line where Everett and
35:58Brown makes the tackle a pickup of five yards for Rosa
36:01Oh pots going over the 100 mark for the first time in his career. He's a rookie from Northeast, Louisiana
36:11Third down
36:18Incomplete in all due respect for Makowski
36:21He's quarterbacking way behind and you know that the Cowboys are coming at him
36:27They are coming after him and you know how they're coming after him any way they can look at John Roper talked about him coming
36:32Over from Chicago a stand-up defensive tackle and you lose using a linebacker to do it what you get you lose a little strength
36:40But you get a lot of quickness and there's the effect of the quickness coming off late and making Makowski throw up
36:45What could have been six for the defense just a little floater
36:49fourth down and Ron Stark kicking from the goal line Kevin Williams
36:56Back for the Cowboys a fine kick
37:00Williams is going to try this one
37:03From his own 40 gets driven back
37:05But his forward progress will be about the 43 48 yard kick by Ron Stark one of the best
37:13Grant on the tackle Dallas
37:16Back here at the Hoosier dome along with Randy cross
37:19This is Dick Stockton the Dallas Cowboys open up a tight halftime affair of 14 to 3 with two long
37:25Possessions and drives for 10 points using over 12 and a half minutes going 76 and then 61 yards for their scores
37:33Now they have the ball again with 1022 to go on their own 43
37:42Johnston the fullback in motion and the givers to Evan Smith back in the game
37:47Smith they're trying to get close to the 90-yard mark may have it as he crosses over into cold
37:52Territory at a gain of eight yards Bickett and Couriot couple of linebackers make the play and this is this is just
37:58You know early reading basic type of football see Troy take snap see Troy give ball do a Emmett see Emmett run
38:06See Emmett run some more and see him and get good blocks
38:11Emmett Smith gained 71 yards last week in his first start since signing in three quarters of work
38:17He now has gained 92 yards and 22 carats. So he's the workhorse again
38:23Second down and two and here is Emmett. He's got the first down
38:28by Emmett Smith
38:29Despite as we pointed out with Leslie Visser in the pregame show or the NFL today the hamstring problem in his right leg
38:35He's got a first down after a five-yard pickup or Jimmy Johnson talks about that hamstring
38:40It's nothing unusual for Emmett to tweak his hamstrings a little bit
38:44The only difference is he normally does it when he gets tired in training camp and you've got a couple weeks to ease them in
38:49And out of work and let that thing heal, but you know, Jimmy says he doesn't have that luxury right now
38:53He's got to go with Emmett
38:54And the reason he took Emmett out last week is Emmett told him it felt like if I wanted to really open it up
38:59I'd pop it. Well, he's been opening up today pretty good first and ten on the 44 Aikman finds an open receiver
39:14That's a 30-yard game for the receiver who leads the NFL in reception yards, he hasn't heard his numbers today
39:22Baylor pushed him out of bounds if there's a better offense right now in the NFL. I haven't seen it so far in 93
39:29Take your choice pick your team
39:31But with the weapons all the way around these Dallas Cowboys have they have got everything we talked about the weapons
39:38Look at the protection the offensive line gives them big Nate Newton working inside mark 2 and a working on John hand
39:44They're not getting close to Troy. They had to get him for a sack. They bring a safety to do
39:50First down on the 14 again Johnston in motion and Smith up the middle. He gets to the 10-yard line. How would you compare?
39:58How would you compare the 49ers offense to the Cowboys offense two teams with a lot of weapons, I think they're fairly close
40:05It's all a matter of being on a roll. It's a matter of execution right now
40:10Steve Young and that offense in San Francisco are just a little bit off and he'll get a chance to prove that
40:15He's the best quarterback next week when Dallas meets the meets of San Francisco 49ers
40:20But Dallas right now with their execution and their quarterback spreading the ball around like he's spreading around here
40:26You see from the passes you can't stop this offense when it is on this kind of the world
40:31Second and five here's Emmitt Smith trying to go outside
40:34And he is hit at about the 8-yard line
40:38Willie Pegues and John Baylor making the tackle with just under eight minutes remaining in the fourth quarter a
40:45One yard gain and Emmitt Smith now at a hundred and three yards. What did he tell us?
40:49He says I'm gonna catch every last one of them all the guys ahead of me in the rushing derby
40:54You're a great back Emmitt. Good luck
40:56Good luck make it up three four hundred yards and some of the guys you're chasing
41:01And you know with all of the great varieties you point out of offensive weapons
41:05This team has they don't have to play him like the Lions play Barry Sanders
41:10Now Emmitt goes in motion third and four at the eight-yard line
41:18Holding on to the ball that time remember he was hit from the blindside and fumbled in the first half this time Sam
41:24Clancy with Willie Pegues up front
41:29You talk about umbrella defenses and and blanket defenses watch the coverage that happens back here
41:37So that Troy cannot throw the ball
41:40Good protection still good protection
41:43But better coverage the Colts did a fine job of covering all that talent down the field
41:48And the lineman did not give up and they kept pressuring Troy Aikman
41:52Eddie Murray trying to keep the second field goal of the second half and the kick is perfect
41:5832 yard field goal by Murray
42:00He has kicked a 30-yarder earlier here in this fourth quarter and that raises the Cowboy ante to 27 to 3
42:10I'll look at the starting pitch a lot of pitches around the league couldn't be number four
42:15Kick goes out of bounds and the Colts to shake will begin from the 35 yard line
42:28453 on hand and they will not go home thinking the Colts didn't have
42:32Opportunities and they'll be shaking their head because for turnovers by the Colts three interceptions by Trudeau
42:40golden chances for
42:41Indianapolis really to keep this game close in the first half
42:44But they coughed it up threw it away and that's been the story the way the Cowboys have rolled away
42:48Offense has been the name of the game for the Dallas Cowboys. Their offense is executed wonderfully and the Indianapolis Colts offense is
42:55Executed poorly enough to help
43:01Sean Dawkins in the first down near midfield Kevin Smith on the tackle the gain of 13
43:07Hurry up offense and we'll see a lot of Sean Dawkins the rookie from Cal
43:12Who missed 21 games in camp?
43:15Make one can relax now. He has done his job
43:26But time working against him as is the scoreboard
43:32Warming up on the sideline is Jason Garrett the free agent from Princeton
43:36Who is going to be coming in for Troy Aikman's the next time the Cowboys get the ball?
43:41Second down and two out of the shotgun for the Mccoskey
43:49Dawkins overthrown and that'll bring up third and short
43:56Coming into the game Jimmy Johnson said no pep talks and I guess coaches can't go to you every week and say look you got
44:02To win this game because you run out of that. They don't want to hear you that long
44:05And this was a game he thought the best not to play with it
44:08You know, it might work in college for a Lou Holtz
44:10It tries to sell the idea that everybody he plays is ranked number one in the country and great
44:15But Jimmy Johnson realizes on this level players have to fire themselves up
44:19You can only crank them up probably half a dozen times a year
44:28Johnson runs for the first down inside the 40-yard line
44:33Washington on the tackle James Washington and a gain of six yards
44:38for Anthony Johnson
44:4149ers are coming up next for the Dallas Cowboys at Texas Stadium
44:54Here's the pass to Johnson out of the backfield
44:56But putting on the clamps in a hurry was Dixon Edwards and the key for the 49ers when they face this Dallas Cowboy team
45:02Steve Young and the 49er offense cannot turn the ball over to the Dallas Cowboys as
45:09To go and these Colts did to him. They can't make those mistakes young had problems the first couple weeks of the season
45:21Kevin Smith
45:23Pushing him out of bounds and it is a first down
45:25The only thing that went out that went faster than Dawkins out of bounds is the cows keep backwards after he got smacked on that
45:31Last play he took a heck of a shot there right as he was delivering that ball to Dawkins from Kenneth Kenneth Grant
45:37Gant coming on a blitz check this out
45:42That's why a quarterback wears ribbed pants
45:46Dawkins has caught six passes by the way for a hundred and thirty yards
45:50first down pressure on
45:58To Charles R. Buffalo
46:02That was a tremendous
46:05Bit of escaping by Makowski who looked like he was going down two or three times
46:12seven yard game
46:14Highlight film scrambled by the cows. He has a great effort
46:17Second down and three on the draw
46:24Get out of there on a good block inside 11-yard pickup Kevin Smith made the tackle and the Colts are getting
46:32Into position. You don't want to go overboard here of maybe scoring their first touchdown
46:36Well, they have been in position before but it was a nice block there by Kevin
46:40Call who's in for Zeefoss Moss who went down with a bad knee call just washed again
46:45I mean, you got a 310 pound tackle against 189 pound safety. I'd say that should happen more often than not
46:53First and goal the ball at the five with four oh seven remaining in the ballgame
47:06He went after it so did one of the Cowboys
47:11And it's a
47:12Colts ball is Makowski
47:15Recovered the loose ball and a loss of seven yards resulted
47:20Anthony Johnson
47:28Nearly the fifth turnover of the game
47:37Penalty marker down however at the five-yard line and we may get this back
47:41Yeah, I think it's going to be defensive pass interference
47:44Is Jesse Hester got mugged and I'm talking about mugged on that last play by James Washington done right about the goal line
47:51But the four-yard line
48:00Thomas Everett has intercepted two passes today for the Cowboys, but Norton may not get in the books with one here pending
48:07Gordon McCarter's announcement. Well, there's there they're talking about it for a while. Maybe they were just kidding again
48:13Sometimes they kid and they say we just wanted to show a little yellow here. That's right
48:17The layer time hard to get on there if you don't throw those flags
48:27349 on the clock and the Cowboys have salted this game away leading 27 to 3
48:34Okay, watch Hester and watch what happens right down in this area of the field
48:44Come down come across that was what you heard for a little early contact
48:49Early contact
49:01And do you call that they were just kidding
49:06What he's saying is
49:08There was contact it is illegal contact
49:11But as Norton cuts in front the contact behind him becomes irrelevant
49:18And Norton does get himself an interception
49:23And that is we'll check his
49:29Third but we'll check how many interceptions he has in any event the Cowboys have the ball and they have a first down
49:38Jason Garrett is in a quarterback
49:41I'll be all for eight minutes and Derek Lassett carries the ball to the 31-yard line
49:49Jason Garrett out of Princeton. He's a good story
49:51I think everybody assumed that
49:53Millen to be the backup quarterback here
49:55But he sort of played his way out of that
49:57Position and Garrett has played well enough to be in the backup role and he's been all over not just Princeton
50:02I mean, he's been in this league and that league he's been in more cities than a FedEx package on a bad day
50:07But he's still he's still number two now in front of Millen there number seven new Millen formerly with New England second down and nine
50:24Was intended for Tyrone Williams a rookie as
50:28Jimmy Johnson not taking any chances now with the 49er game
50:32Coming up next week to get an injury in the latter stages of this game
50:35Well, he's got his backups in now. He's trying to get him all letter
50:38Gotta have a certain amount of plays or you don't let her for the year. So maybe the Royal D the big D silver jacket
50:45You can walk around campus very proud when you get the D. There's a big campus down there in Dallas and this team's doing well
50:50This is they call it America's team, but it's kind of like Howard Cosell was when he was in his heyday
50:56I think people in the country are not vague about this team. They either love the Cowboys
51:01It was a lot of love about him these days Garrett dumps it off the gainer and the pass is incomplete
51:15The word from the Miami Dolphins
51:19Public relations department is that now they say they were premature saying that Dan Marino is out for the year with a torn Achilles tendon
51:26So Scott Mitchell came in so they're going to make a further evaluation
51:30Upon further review and we'll know more about it
51:32We just had one of those a little further review and they were just good
51:36Here comes the punt John Jett will be kicking and Clarence for Dan back deep with 301 remain
51:48And here is for Dan at the 21-yard line
51:56Happy Jerry Jones watching the Cowboys win their third straight game after losing their first two five
52:03Turnovers helping the Cowboy cause and for Ken Norton his first regular season
52:09Interception he had one in the playoffs last year. No, Jerry Jones in these Cowboys
52:13I firmly believe in their hearts believe they are undefeated so far this year
52:18I think they're treating those first two losses almost like they didn't exist
52:21Again Emmett Smith told us last night dick. Hey, we're two and oh, we didn't worry about those first two games
52:27We are two and oh, well, you're three and oh now
52:31And Philadelphia is no longer undefeated
52:34If Chicago goes on and wins that game will be four and one
52:37So Dallas is getting closer to Giants of four and one would be tied for the lead in the division first and ten at the 26
52:44Mikowski completes the Dawkins and he's hit at the 30-yard line making the hit was Kevin Smith
52:52And also in on the play was Brock Marion
52:56237 remaining be very interesting in class next week Randy because the 49ers already are two games behind the Saints
53:04Three behind it's been almost kiss the division. Goodbye
53:08Hester goes out of bounds
53:10with a loss to Dallas was especially when you're looking at a
53:15Offense has developed the offense they have with Wade Wilson at quarterbacks made a huge difference
53:19You know just as Troy Aikman has made a great difference with Dallas Cowboys in this organization throwing the guys like Michael Irvin
53:25Celebrates in the sideline a little bit Wade Wilson has made an incredible difference in the offense in New Orleans
53:30They finally have a guy that they figure Carl Smith the offensive coordinator and Jim more in New Orleans
53:36Figure we can get the ball to this guy in his hands and he'll make the right decision
53:42Was going to Dawkins incomplete with 220 to play and Wade Wilson has been a stabilizing influence at quarterback
53:49He's gotten terrific protection
53:51William Rolfe the rookie right tackle
53:54From Louisiana Tech has really been a big boost to the offensive line
53:58You mentioned Derrick Brown and the Quinn early has some speed but it's been a balanced offense
54:03But the running game and protection has given Wade Wilson time
54:06It really has in it, you know, I don't think all this necessarily reflects badly on Bobby a bear
54:11Who's the quarterback in New Orleans before Wade Wilson by the end? They're now in Atlanta. It's just things chemistry-wise have just clicked
54:19second down and 10 from the 40 Mikowski
54:22Getting away from the inside pressure can't find a receiver
54:27And he does in a underneath pattern to Jesse Hester and a gain of four yards
54:41You saw Michael Irvin
54:43Relaxing on the sidelines for the Cowboys. He had seven catches for a hundred and thirteen yards. So once again today
54:50He went over the hundred yard mark in receptions
54:54And is now in his last twelve schemes has caught at least five passes. So he's been mr. Consistency
55:01Third and six coming up for the Colts 27 to three Cowboys
55:06That's how much time remains in this game
55:09How's he thrills it and he was going downfield for Langley and that'll bring up fourth down
55:17Not much decision here
55:19You won't see Stark the punter Don Mikowski is going to take this one and try to get this first down and keep things going
55:25And I think this is an opportunity for Don Mikowski to assert himself
55:28You know here in Indianapolis not necessarily as a starter
55:32But possibly as the permanent number two man behind Jeff George. Let's face it
55:36Jeff George is the quarterback the Colts want to go with I don't think that's the unanimous feelings here in the Indianapolis area
55:43He's not the most popular guy for the words and the things he did during the offseason
55:47With these fans and this organization, but he will be the quarterback for the Colts
55:52fourth down and six
55:57And the Colts will get it on the or the Cowboys will take over on the Colts 39 more on George
56:04You know the fans in the media are not going to determine who's going to be the quarterback of the future of this ballclub
56:09And it will be Jeff George who would have been the starter today
56:12If it were not for the bruised hand continuing to bother him on Wednesday
56:16Well, he bruised that thing late in the game last week against Denver. If not for that, he would have been the starter here today
56:22He's in a tough situation
56:23His biggest gripe is with so much the media and the criticism
56:28He's gotten from the media and if he thinks the Indianapolis media is tough
56:31He should just be thankful every day. He goes home and see something in paper. He doesn't like he's not in one of the tougher
56:38Towns media wise in the United States that would probably cut his heart out and feed it to him
56:43Compared to just criticizing
56:47And that will bring us the two-minute warning as
56:50Lacks it gets inside the 30-yard line a gain of nine and Emmett Smith has time to sign autographs
56:57Big day for Emmett Smith today with left in here in this stadium
57:04Stadium noise will be a big factor next week for the 49ers to because Texas Stadium is basically a dome stadium
57:10They never got around to finish
57:12You're cruel Tommy Agee for a couple of yards
57:15This game is presented by authority of the National Football League and the CBS telecast is intended for the private use of our audience
57:22Any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of CBS the Indianapolis Colts in the National Football League is prohibited
57:31It'll be a first down at the 24-yard line with 125 remaining
57:41Jason Garrett hands off to Derek Lassit and Lassit is stopped behind the line of scrimmage by Willie Pegues
57:49We're going to thank some people here and hope you enjoyed this first foray of the Cowboys into IndyTown
57:55Today's game was produced by Mark Wolfe and directed by Bob Matina our associate director is Lance Barrow
58:02Broadcast associate Mark Dibbs the senior producer of the NFL on CBS is Ed Gorin and our executive in charge of production
58:09Is Rick Gentile
58:12Want to thank Dave Kauras and Chuck Gardner for their work up here in the booth second down and 11 coming up for the Cowboys
58:23And Tommy Agee with a
58:26Yard Clancy on the tackle the Redskins have inflicted the worst loss on the Giants since
58:331961 41 to 7 as the Giants beat the Redskins. They're in last place now one in four
58:39And that'll do it
58:43So for Emmett Smith
58:46Michael Irvin and Troy Aikman banged up and all a successful day for the Cowboys and there's the Dallas
58:52Executive in charge of production right there Jimmy Johnson and his team produced every mistake that Indianapolis made
58:58Troy Aikman took advantage and he had a defense that gave up some yards
59:03But really stifled and just snuffed out the offense of the Indianapolis Colts
59:08Along with Randy Cross Dick Stockton here at the Hoosier Dome 27 to 3 the final score
59:16As the Cowboys now have won their third straight game after dropping their first two and the Colts dropped to two and three as
59:22They have now lost their last two games
59:27So the final score 27 to 3 five turnovers committed by the Colts today and the Cowboys
59:34Control the ball in the second half
59:36For their victory setting up their big matchup with the San Francisco next week at Texas Stadium
59:42So we're going to send you to our New York studios
59:45After upcoming commercials to Jim Nance and Terry Bradshaw with scores and highlights coming up after this break
59:51So for Randy Cross Dick Stockton bidding you adieu from the Hoosier Dome
