• 2 months ago
see more from the Dallas Cowboys :
00:00:00For the touchdown is the difference in the game the size and 10 of 17
00:00:05for 82 yards
00:00:07First and 10 first play of the second
00:00:11And again Tolbert comes out to do the defensive job on Brad Baxter who worked out the backfield and this time
00:00:20The pass is complete
00:00:27One thing that a size and told us about the distance of their passes
00:00:31They have to be able to throw the ball down the field more open things back up
00:00:35This is pretty pretty good for the 10 to 20 range
00:00:37But this was that long pass that was knocked down by Larry Brown at the end of the second quarter
00:00:45Five they handed off on the deep handoff
00:00:48Johnson breaks tackles moves out to the 30. That's a yard short
00:00:53Darren Woodson number 28 makes the top
00:00:56He just got a feeling that both Johnny Johnson and Emmett Smith will figure big in this second half
00:01:01I feel the trademark of all great running backs is the more they carry them the more
00:01:07They wear down the defense and instead of vice-versa instead of the player running wearing down
00:01:12They seem to break tackles and make more yards in second half
00:01:16Quarterback sneak in the science and we'll move the chain. That'll be a fresh series of downs for the Jets Jets
00:01:26Eight and five coming in
00:01:29North Carolina wins its game with Ohio State today
00:01:38First in town, New York
00:01:41First in town, New York
00:01:477-0 Dallas leads opening moments third quarter
00:01:51Gobble is back home against Washington next week then back here against the Giants
00:01:56Jets face Houston
00:02:00Outside followed by Baxter and dropped this time
00:02:05And that's a shoulder head when Coslett told us that his team has to play on the top edge in all three phases of their
00:02:13That's an example of a team not
00:02:15Playing on the top edge the chance to make a catch and pick up yardage
00:02:22You got to have that from your fullback Brad Baxter and that leaves the head coach shaking his head
00:02:28Thornton back in again second down and Tim Thornton lines up tight to the left. Johnny Mitchell has not yet caught a pass
00:02:35He's tight to the right
00:02:40Johnny Johnson
00:02:42first down out to the 45
00:02:45Boy, this was going to be a foot race to the goal line
00:02:48If it wasn't for Thomas Everett real nice job up front by the center Jim Sweeney and Dwayne white. Here's Sweeney. Here's white
00:02:57Johnson isn't looking for the cutback now
00:02:59He sees this huge hole and just takes off straight up the field
00:03:03Great tackle there by Thomas Everett or Johnson would have gone a long way
00:03:08First down and ten after the gain of 13 and Johnson with 39 yards on nine carries now
00:03:1545 1240 to go third quarter
00:03:20Seven nothing Dallas lead
00:03:23Johnson heading left Larry Brown forces him out of bounds
00:03:35Johnny Johnson acquired in a draft day trade with Phoenix
00:03:39Now this is per play. So this includes
00:03:42Pass receiving and running the ball and you can see both what?
00:03:46There's Herschel Walker. Remember when he used to play for the Cowboys
00:03:50H Walker memories to right here that five and a half yards to carry. That's why Johnson and Smith are so important to their offenses
00:04:01Second down and eight
00:04:03Let's good job of picking it up the passing complete
00:04:07intended for Rob Moore
00:04:09And Kevin Smith was defending
00:04:14Public address announcers listening to us. He's mimicking
00:04:19If he talks with the Scandinavian accent, I'm worried and watch the
00:04:24Irishman in the middle here Jim Sweeney gonna pick up this blitz from Darren Smith
00:04:29That's why Sweeney's regarded as one of the best of the bodyguards for Boomer
00:04:35Third and eight
00:04:41Jets are four of nine on third down conversion where Thomas in the backfield
00:04:47Assize and caught and dropped
00:04:50Jimmy Jones, who's not played all that. Well this year gets the sack
00:04:57That's number four and a half for the year
00:05:04Johnson is working against Dwayne white number 67 and white just gives him the outside and
00:05:11Jones obliges him and takes it first sack of the game
00:05:16For the Cowboys against this great offense line of the Jets
00:05:20Aguiar is back to punt it away
00:05:23And the Cowboys are coming after Aguiar
00:05:26that ball
00:05:29Takes kind of a neutral bounce and comes to a stop
00:05:34Accompanied by a chorus of booze because it went only 28 yards
00:05:38Cowboys kept the ball 1122 to go third quarter
00:05:42Cowboys listed is doubtful most of the week, but he's played quite a bit sprained his left knee against the Vikings last week
00:05:49But you wonder if he's been watching his substitute
00:05:52Kevin Williams catch five passes in the first half and that's amazing how that'll get guys healthy, isn't it?
00:05:59As good as a laying on my hands. He's in there
00:06:01And had a big catch in the first half to help set up the touchdown
00:06:05And had a big catch in the first half to help set up the touchdown the only score we've had so far
00:06:10Seven nothing Dallas on first down ten Cowboys
00:06:18He was Daryl Johnston when he played at Syracuse went down to Dallas
00:06:24Babe Luffenberg said I like northern exposure his name from now on is moose
00:06:29That's the former quarterback who nicknamed him that
00:06:32And even when he plays on the road the Cowboy fans which are all over the country they give that familiar moose ball
00:06:42Second down and six
00:06:46Emmitt Smith
00:06:48Moe Lewis number 57 was up high Paul freeze a part of the tackle. That's a gain of four
00:06:56Good block up front by Kevin Gogan right here. That's the right guard gets off on the ball extremely quickly
00:07:02He wipes out the nose tackle Bill Piquelle and Emmitt just gets right up in that void
00:07:11Third and two jet defense against third down place has been pretty good this year
00:07:1635% the Cowboys today though are four of seven and it's Smith
00:07:20He is difficult to tackle he just made contact and won that battle of muscle got the first down
00:07:28and he has the ability to
00:07:30Accelerate once he makes up his mind and he makes up his mind very quickly
00:07:36He gets in behind Nate Newton there
00:07:37There's Gogan again with a key block and Eric Williams and that's where the Cowboys have a definite advantage
00:07:44That is the the first down of the first half
00:07:46And that's where the Cowboys have a definite advantage that is then in this man here number 22
00:07:52But also the size of that offensive line Gogan 330 Eric Williams
00:07:5933 yards for Emmitt Smith
00:08:06But now if the Jets have an advantage it may be in their quickness there's Marvin Washington getting in there
00:08:14Disrupting the blocking pattern of Gogan and Williams
00:08:19And also a number 42 just slicing in there beating the block of Daryl Johnston and getting in on another tackle
00:08:26the quickness of the Jets
00:08:29Offsetting the size and strength of the Cowboys that time Emmitt Smith is going after his third
00:08:36consecutive rushing title in the NFL
00:08:40In fourth spot, here's Aikman
00:08:42That ball is tipped and intercepted
00:08:46Nova check
00:08:49Had it in his hands dropped it and for the second time today
00:08:54Troy Aikman is picked off and it's Moe Lewis and Jeff Lagerman who are
00:08:59Wrestling for the ball at the bottom of the pile Lewis got it. So they're gonna have to give him the credit for the interception
00:09:11Ball was deflected by Bill Piquel right in the middle there Nova check can't quite make the catch
00:09:16There's Lewis 57 and the Jets have the ball again
00:09:26Defensive coordinator Pete Carroll, it's going to drop off both his ends. Here is Marvin Washington
00:09:31Here's Lagman over here ball goes up in the air
00:09:35Lagman is going to make the grab and then Moe Lewis is going to steal it from him on the way down
00:09:39And the Jets have their second interception first down and they hand it off to Johnny Johnson
00:09:46Backed up at the 50-yard line. I think Lagman may want to have this tape right here to prove that he intercepted this pass
00:09:54There's the catch and now watch Moe Lewis
00:09:57Wrestling away from him after Eric Williams comes in with the hit
00:10:01They ought to split that one in half
00:10:04Well, they do they do split sacks. I'd love to see a half an interception each. Yeah, that's just what we need
00:10:09It's another half an interception
00:10:12Officially they have given it Dan to Jeff Lockett
00:10:15Justice be served second down and ten a science and chased by Haley finds Johnson
00:10:22He's tackled by Darren Smith. It'll be third down
00:10:25This is a seven nothing game, but it's a very exciting and well played and well coached game
00:10:31We've got two of the brightest young
00:10:34coordinators in the league
00:10:36coaching today both Norv Turner of the Cowboys and Pete Carroll both who should
00:10:41Expect to be getting a phone call real soon from a team that may be in need of a new head coach
00:10:47Here's Carol the defensive coordinator of the Jets on the sidelines
00:10:51Nor Turner is upstairs. Yeah, both of them should be head coaches next year third down in nine
00:10:56You saw Smith limping off. Here's a size and in some trouble close it right in complete fourth down
00:11:05So the Jets unable to convert and here's Norv Turner
00:11:11getting ready for
00:11:13Troy Aikman to get back out on the field, you know Aikman's thrown two interceptions today and only two in completions
00:11:19he's 16 out of 20 and
00:11:22It's eight of his last ten so it's got a hot quarterback working
00:11:27Aguiar has not been effective
00:11:30The last two of 27 and 28 and the Cowboys are coming after him. They don't have anybody back to return the punt
00:11:38To containment on the outside. They will bring nine and here they come and the pooch pick will work
00:11:44Now, let's see what kind of a roll the Jets get a good one and good downfield coverage as well
00:11:52Victor green downfield to make the stop
00:11:59Seven nothing Dallas. They've got the ball at their own five
00:12:04Good job by the Jets seeing Kevin Williams come up
00:12:09From his deep spot Clifton. Let's see kicker Aguiar know that he's up there
00:12:16And just tells him get rid of it
00:12:19Cowboys way back at their own five
00:12:22Where they hand it off to Emmett Smith and he works it out near the eight-yard line
00:12:27Really heads up though by Kyle Clifton seeing that the Cowboys had nobody deep
00:12:31So there's no sense for Aguiar to even worry about kicking a nice high spiral
00:12:36All he has to do is pooch it down the field good coverage by Victor green and that really backs the Dallas update
00:12:43And ironically, it was Aguiar's most effective punt of the ballgame
00:12:48Both in terms of distance 45 yards and obviously placement at the five-yard line second and seven
00:12:57Quick set and the pass is good for the first down out near the 17-yard line
00:13:04Boomer Esiason
00:13:07On the phone upstairs
00:13:12If they have any pass plays like that that was a great pass by Aikman to Kevin Williams
00:13:19Williams is having a career day in his rookie season
00:13:23He's got six catches now for 70 yards
00:13:34Right side again and the pass on the money again
00:13:38Michael Irvin
00:13:39Near the 29-yard line, that's a gain of 11
00:13:42This is really what sets the Cowboys passing attack apart from the rest of the league
00:13:47It's Aikman's confidence in his arm and his receivers to throw this slant pattern into traffic
00:13:55First it was Kevin Williams with the catch that time Michael Irvin
00:13:59Chatting with Jimmy Johnson last night about his three offensive stars Emmett Smith Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin. He said
00:14:05Emmett Smith's a great player. Troy Aikman is a great player
00:14:08Michael Irvin is a great player when he has Troy Aikman
00:14:11It's a small distinction, but a very valid one and here is Alvin Harper with another big catch for Harper
00:14:19Who's got a bruised knee? Well, he certainly doesn't is there's nothing wrong with his hands either
00:14:25It's a little bit deeper slant this time for the Cowboys
00:14:29Tiny tiny play action fake by Aikman the key as he sets his feet well and throws another
00:14:35Spiral and the job of Harper at six foot three
00:14:39Outreaching James hasty for the ball and the Cowboys are at midfield
00:14:44That's a gain of 20 and the second Harper catch of the ball game 7-0 Dallas under five minutes to go quarter number three
00:14:52Aikman a quick set up again
00:15:00As a boy Marvin Washington went to junior high and high school in Dallas
00:15:05played basketball
00:15:07Was recruited by UTEP and then started playing football
00:15:12Shows you the type of athlete he is fighting through the block of Eric Williams to pick up his third sack of the year
00:15:23Good job of hanging on to that ball by Aikman shows you the kind of strength he has in his right hand
00:15:30Lost at six second and 16
00:15:38Outside the tackle
00:15:43He's complaining that Emmett Smith held him and he's right Emmett Smith did hold him
00:15:52This is going to be from the left side there's
00:15:55Lewis right up the middle watch Emmett put a shoulder on him and then reach out and grab him just barely and
00:16:01Troy taking advantage of that new rule this year throwing the ball away once he got outside of the pocket
00:16:08third and 16 7-0 Dallas leads
00:16:12for 17 to go third quarter
00:16:19Aikman will run it
00:16:24What a nifty move
00:16:27Not known for his nifty moves
00:16:32His longest run of the year at 21 yards and the guy he put the move on is Ronnie Lott
00:16:39Pressure by Lagomann watch it open up for number eight
00:16:43He's got a long way to go though. Not only a long way. He's got to make this guy miss
00:16:49Here comes Lott with a full head of steam and down he goes and Aikman picks up the first down
00:16:55In Ronnie Lott's fantasy the last thing he thought he'd be concerned with today was Aikman running the ball
00:17:01Here's the guy that bothered him Emmett Smith
00:17:04On third and 16 Aikman gets the first down and I guarantee you Aikman's worst nightmare would be to run it be running with
00:17:11The ball needing an extra five and having to face
00:17:14Ronnie Lott
00:17:16What a move
00:17:19He must have learned those new moves at Hugo High School
00:17:24Is that in Henrietta Henrietta, that's a I knew it started with an H. Thank you
00:17:32Oh dear Hugo High School, that's where Coach Royal was from
00:17:44Down to the 23
00:17:45It's amazing the way these players of the Cowboys seem to pick each other up
00:17:50Aikman has had a real good afternoon aside from the two interceptions
00:17:53But now you're starting to see number 22 get involved in the game plan and he's starting to make the big plays making people miss
00:18:02Accelerating and getting up into the secondary. Nice block that time by Nate Newton
00:18:08And 47 yards now for Emmett Smith the Cowboys have moved from their own five-yard line and
00:18:15On a first down and ten they do use one of their three timeouts
00:18:20222 remaining
00:18:23Back at Giant Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey
00:18:26222 to go third quarter of play the Dallas Cowboys lead
00:18:30On the strength of a 42-yard touchdown pass just before halftime Troy Aikman
00:18:36To Michael Irvin, they have a first down and 10 having moved 72 yards on this drive from their own five to the jet
00:18:4423 and a half
00:18:47Breaks a tackle drives for additional yardage and is out of bounds at the 10
00:18:55Ronnie Lott and James hasty. Well, it was Ronnie Lott who missed another tackle
00:19:01Got to call him like you see him Vernon Lott is not having a good day
00:19:08Key block by the moose Bill Johnson Brian
00:19:11Daryl Johnson, he's Hugo
00:19:14And he knocks Hugo Lewis out of the way
00:19:18But look at there's lot missing the tackle and hasty having to come up and push Emmett Smith down
00:19:25A gain of 11 first and 10 Emmett Smith with 58 yards on 15 carries
00:19:31Quick set pass left side caught by Michael Irvin
00:19:35And he is knocked out of bounds at the four-yard line Ronnie Lott again
00:19:40Making the defensive play this offensive north turners. It's got the Jets back on their heels
00:19:47They've thrown a couple of slant patterns to
00:19:50Harper and to Irvin this time
00:19:54Opposite pass of a slant is the quick out
00:19:57So the defense is guarding for the slant to the inside. Look how wide open Michael Irvin is in front of James hasty
00:20:06Second down in two
00:20:09Play fake
00:20:15Touchdown Michael Irvin a
00:20:1895 yard drive
00:20:21The key play in which was a run of 21 yards by the quarterback for first down
00:20:28And he now finds Michael Irvin for the second time in the ballgame
00:20:36And four straight completions from the quarterback Troy Aikman
00:20:43But the big play was that
00:20:4521-yard run when he made Ronnie Lott miss on a third down and long
00:20:51Eddie Murray on to try the extra point up and good
00:21:00As you said Vern Aikman could have run this one in after the play fake to Emmett Smith
00:21:06He's gonna show tremendous
00:21:08Patience in letting his receiver work all the way back to the outside
00:21:13Irvin gets behind Thomas easy Johnson who said of Michael Irvin. He's a great player
00:21:19When he has Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin just caught his second touchdown pass of the game
00:21:25At the end of a 95 yard drive in 12 plays
00:21:30That shoot six minutes off the clock
00:21:33Eddie Murray will kick off Dallas is up 14 zip 120 to go third quarter
00:21:41Fumbles it picks it up with one hand, but he is in trouble now. He's not
00:21:48Works it back to the 20-yard line before Brock Marion makes the
00:21:53Defensive backs are taught to drop about five yards deep in the end zone and then stop and let the receiver play behind
00:21:59Watch Irvin come all the way around
00:22:02Eric Thomas
00:22:05Knowing that his quarterback is coming out
00:22:08But then Thomas just loses
00:22:11Irvin it's a great circle route here by Michael Irvin and the confidence that his quarterback was going to come back to him
00:22:19Six touchdown catch of the year for Michael Irvin
00:22:28Johnny Johnson with the grab at the 26 yard line
00:22:32Darren Smith
00:22:34Number 59 to the tackle
00:22:35This is what we talked about the Cowboys being so unique in this age of the NFL and boring football
00:22:41These three guys are all wide receivers and that's a lot of yardage getting the ball down the field credit
00:22:48Nor of Turner the offensive coordinator and the hot hand of Troy Aikman
00:22:53Here's a size and into the class
00:22:56Baxter with another drop. That's at least three
00:23:00Third down that's something the Jets perhaps should start to think about instead of throwing swing passes to their running backs out of the backfield
00:23:07They got to get Chris Burkett and Rob more more involved in the game and more important than the wide receivers
00:23:14They got to find a way getting the ball to their starting tight end Johnny Mitchell
00:23:17He still doesn't have a catch today
00:23:19One catch in the last two and a half games and prior to that. He had been out for two with a sprained knee
00:23:25And a size from the saying yesterday
00:23:28He thought it's very important to get Mitchell involved in this game early too late for that
00:23:34Now he's gonna try and recoup third
00:23:37left side
00:23:39Kevin Smith and he's going to stroll in for the score
00:23:48Now he'll pose for a recruiting picture
00:23:56Tell all we need is a few good men
00:24:02Gomer pile couldn't have said it any better buddy. He tried
00:24:0831 yards on the return. That's the fifth interception
00:24:12For on the year for Kevin Smith and his first career touchdown
00:24:24Cowboys need one good man right now to come in on the wing position
00:24:29For this extra point and who should it be but none other than Emmett Smith
00:24:34pretty good man
00:24:36Messiah son
00:24:38Exasperated by that play Smith building
00:24:4331 yards
00:24:45interception return for the touchdown
00:24:52Yeah, it's a pretty good example burn of a cornerback just sitting eyeing the quarterback waiting for that short route and
00:24:59Then stepping in front and seeing nothing in front of them
00:25:03but a dark green patch of end zone
00:25:08And of course you always got a point back at the quarterback that threw the ball
00:25:18But that's that four deep that the Cowboys run
00:25:25And now the jets who
00:25:27Bruce Coslett says their style is to be a ball control offense
00:25:32Down 21 to nothing with all just over one quarter to go. They've got to open it up
00:25:40Kevin Smith
00:25:42Who graduated from Texas Agricultural and Military University
00:25:48You think that's why he stopped off to see the Marines on his way. Absolutely
00:25:57There's a joke in there somewhere
00:26:00Not in Texas 21 zip 30 seconds to go third quarter
00:26:07Murrell has it again
00:26:12Come back Brock Mary
00:26:15Breaking down look like the WWF. They hit the Giants Stadium
00:26:20That will be against the Jets
00:26:25During the run back holding number 80 at the distance to the goal first down
00:26:34Well Bruce Coslett
00:26:36the jet offense
00:26:39256 minutes and 18 seconds no TV's and the last guy that scored for the
00:26:45Jets was Johnny Johnson against Cincinnati
00:26:49About four games ago
00:26:5721 seconds remaining in this quarter
00:27:05Assassin that's gonna be
00:27:08Thomas Everett had it right in his mitts and he was looking at Kevin Smith. I think instead of at the football
00:27:21Ball goes right off the hands of Johnny Johnson
00:27:26And right into the hands of Thomas Everett, but the ball
00:27:30The direction of the ball was changed slightly and the rotation certainly was I'm sure that's whatever its excuse will be
00:27:40Second down and tip
00:27:46Right side that's caught up to the 19-yard line near the
00:27:53Catch is made by Johnny Mitchell his first of the ballgame
00:27:56That's good for a first down and that's also the end of the third quarter with our score
00:28:01The Dallas Cowboys idiom in the front of her, New Jersey for him unquestioned Dan Fouts the Cowboys
00:28:07Extending a 7-0 lead to 21-0 with two big plays in the third quarter and in a very short matter of time
00:28:14First is 3-yard touchdown pass to Michael Irvin and then the interception
00:28:20By that Aggie Kevin Smith
00:28:22And we got 14 points in a big hurt
00:28:25Second down of Janis Iason
00:28:27Feeding a little heat goes deep left side Johnny Mitchell
00:28:31Makes the grab first down Jets at the 46. It's Rob Moore instead of Johnny Mitchell. Beg your pardon
00:28:37And the Jets now will get back into their no huddle mode down
00:28:4221 to nothing and this is something that Cosla did not even practice this week
00:28:46But his team isn't up familiar with it enough
00:28:50Picked off that's two in the hands of Thomas Everett
00:28:56Well, he went to Baylor and needs
00:28:59Some divine help to hang on to the ball
00:29:02dropped a couple
00:29:051431 to go in the ballgame and going with the no huddle offense when the clock is running is a good idea by
00:29:13Cosla and the Jets
00:29:15No huddle offense when the clock is running is a good idea by Cosla, it's really the only thing they can do
00:29:21This defense of the Cowboys has played very well this this evening
00:29:27And they got a 21-nothing lead
00:29:30Jets have now gone 17 quarters without a touchdown. Here's a size that's tip and incomplete and Ken Norton
00:29:39They can't believe it. Can he?
00:29:42Our line judge Tom Barnes number 55 there saw Norton come over the top
00:29:49Norton was deep into a celebration there then saw the flag coming his way shadow boxing
00:29:55defensive passing appearance number 51 first down
00:30:01It's really this type of situation really plays into the hands of the Cowboys on defense they're just so much faster
00:30:11Than every other team in the league with perhaps the exception of the Miami Dolphins
00:30:16But Norton is a middle linebacker with outside linebacker speed
00:30:21First down and 10 Jeff's 21 zip 1428 to go in the ballgame parents man. This is him
00:30:29It comes Jeff goat and that ball is tipped behind the line
00:30:33And may have been Tony Casillas. Thank you, right Vern
00:30:37To see us is too tired though to jump up and down and celebrate
00:30:41That a heck of a game from the right side of the screen 75 is Casillas
00:30:49Watch his right hand. Actually, it was the Charles Haley with the right hand
00:30:54Reaching out and making a heck of a play
00:30:57No wonder Casillas wasn't celebrating
00:31:00Second down and 10 if the Cowboys win, they are in the playoffs. The Giants are already in the NFC East
00:31:08And this time Baxter makes the grab in the face of
00:31:13Rush and he's picked up a first down at the 31 yard line
00:31:16Now because the clock is still running. He didn't get out of bounds
00:31:20Boomer will get the offense up to the line of scrimmage and call the play from there
00:31:25Haley comes out Casillas comes out. Jimmy Jones hurries back in Cowboys were not set defensively
00:31:36And he's down at the 20 gain of 11, yeah picked up another first down that just opened up for him
00:31:42He didn't really want to run though. Did he?
00:31:46Cowboys were not ready with their substitutions and that's this is one of the
00:31:49Benefits of going with a no huddle offense. It keeps the situation substitutions to a minimum. Here's a Siason
00:31:57across the middle
00:32:00And the pass is caught at the 14 Johnny Mitchell makes the grab
00:32:05This used to be a big part of Bruce Coslett's offense the
00:32:09No huddle offense that he brought from Cincinnati when he worked with Sam White
00:32:13Asked him about it yesterday said well, it's really lost its edge
00:32:16Teams to know how to prepare for it now, but the Cowboys
00:32:20Don't look like they're prepared for it or weren't at least on a couple plays ago
00:32:26On second down and for this time the Jets do have a lot
00:32:36Right side that's caught by Chris Burkett and it is good for the first down
00:32:41Kevin Smith with a tackle at the nine-yard line. That's a game of five
00:32:46No quarterback is more familiar with this
00:32:48Short huddle that they're using they call it the sugar huddle and the no huddle offense then boomer a science in it
00:32:55drop play
00:33:00Johnny Johnson for a couple and Johnson's 12th carry of the ballgame results in a modest game of one
00:33:06While the fans don't like that call too much Vern because there was a running play
00:33:10We all love to see the forward pass
00:33:12But that's a good call against this nickel defense at the Cowboys have on the field
00:33:17Second and goal officially from the eight-yard line
00:33:21Right side
00:33:25That's a good call
00:33:27Second and goal
00:33:29Officially from the eight-yard line
00:33:31Right side
00:33:34Part of the one Rob Moore
00:33:40And it'll be third and goal
00:33:45Will the drought continue or can the Jets get it in the end zone
00:33:49Now the Cowboys are making wholesale changes now to get their goal line defense in the game
00:33:54Maryland could see us come back in along with Robert Jones one of the inside pluggers and Godfrey miles
00:34:01All those little DBs have to come out of the game now
00:34:10Third and go
00:34:17The drought is over
00:34:19Drought is over
00:34:23Baxter gets six
00:34:26And they did it throwing the ball
00:34:30And going with the no huddle offense first touchdown in a long long time for the New York offense
00:34:44Blanchard will try and tack on the seventh point for the Jets and the score comes with 1128 remaining in regulation time
00:34:57Extra point is up and good
00:35:0291 yard drive for the Jets Brad Baxter
00:35:06Going in the seventh time this year
00:35:08And he had to get through a few Cowboys to get there
00:35:11So there's the Phoenix in Seattle or Tampa Bay at the Raiders doubleheader tomorrow
00:35:15It begins with the NFL today at 1230 Eastern Cowboys expecting the onside kick at nine men up
00:35:22And Blanchard does send it deep to the right side
00:35:25He tried to squib it it goes out of bounds and it'll come back to the 35 yard line
00:35:29That just kills you
00:35:30Kicking the ball out of bounds when there's only one man deep and they have nine men up close to the kickoff line
00:35:37Blanchard puts it out of bounds and the Cowboys will take over all the way out to the 35 yard line
00:35:43Talk about a special team's mistake
00:35:47Coslett saying come on carry a little late for that Bruce
00:35:52And the Cowboys take over at the 35 it was seven nothing at the half
00:35:57Dallas scored just before halftime on a 42 yard catch by Michael Irvin
00:36:02He got another one at the end of a 95 yard drive to make it 14 nothing Kevin Smith intercepted pass
00:36:0831 yards and then the Jets just counted and here's the pass to Alvin Harper going deep
00:36:14Flag is down. We could have offensive pass interference. I think you're right burn
00:36:19I think Thomas has his second interception of the day
00:36:22He's been burned twice for touchdowns by Irvin this time he picks off Troy Aikman as Harper was trying to knock it away
00:36:37Watch Harper come over the top of Thomas ball is a little bit under thrown
00:36:43And that's a heck of a catch by Eric Thomas
00:36:46Bouncing back from those earlier two plays when he was burned for touchdowns you bet Jets ball
00:36:52Big turnover coming into the game Troy Aikman had been intercepted three times
00:37:00315 throws
00:37:01This afternoon. He's been intercepted three times
00:37:05in 27 passes
00:37:08first down Jets 11 18 to go in the ballgame
00:37:16Looking right finds it across the middle
00:37:21Burkett with the catch and there'll be a lot of people that will second-guess that call by Norv Turner
00:37:27Why not just give the ball to Emmett Smith and let him run the clock down a little bit
00:37:32Here's the big hit on Chris Burkett coming across the middle there at Ken Norton and from the front
00:37:39Darren Smith from the rear, but that's kind of Turner's
00:37:42Philosophy go for the bomb keep the pressure on the defense all the time that time it backfired on
00:37:48Second seven
00:37:51Good offensive line work the size and good coverage downfield. So he settles for Baxter his loose
00:38:02Cowboys football
00:38:13Dixon Edwards comes up with it
00:38:19And a holding penalty against Mala Mala, which will be obviously refused
00:38:27Baxter is going to get hit from the rear here
00:38:31It looked like good Darren Woodson number 28 popped it loose and like nothing nothing but blue
00:38:37Numbers white jerseys silver helmets and Cowboys around this fumble
00:38:45Had to take a number to see who was going to recover that one
00:38:48That's the seventh turnover of the ballgame. It comes at the end of a 24-yard, New York Jet game
00:38:55Four turnovers for Dallas three for the Jets and the weather has been terrific. That's not a problem. Here's Emmett Smith
00:39:02One yard now has been the problem has been real good defense today
00:39:07Jets just got a turnover from Eric Thomas on the interception and then shortly after that
00:39:13Darren Woodson with a big strip on Brad Baxter gives the ball back to the Cowboys and
00:39:19You notice Turner gave the ball to Emmett Smith on the first downplay
00:39:24Second down and nine Emmett Smith 59 yards 16 carries
00:39:28Glitzes play action. They look deep for urban. He's covered and Aikman will run it
00:39:35And he nimbly steps out of bounds at the 34-yard line picked up three
00:39:46Now you throw a couple of interceptions
00:39:49You don't have a chance to get a three-pointer
00:39:52Hey, you throw a couple of interceptions
00:39:54When you double your interception output in one game
00:39:58You have a tendency to hang on to the ball a little bit longer and maybe just run it out of bounds instead of
00:40:02risking another one
00:40:05Third and six now Cowboys will go with three wide receivers
00:40:12Cowboys are five of eight so far today third down conversions
00:40:22Aikman's only had to hit the ground
00:40:31Cowboys football
00:40:36But it is fourth down
00:40:39Why blindside shot burn on Aikman from Washington and Houston
00:40:52Mark to an A with the recovery big recovery talk about big plays
00:40:58Aikman can't find anybody and he's just going to be thinking about trying to run for this first down
00:41:04But Houston hits him from the rear and Washington just rips the ball loose from the front
00:41:10That is the fifth Cowboy fumble today
00:41:14It only lost one of them
00:41:17And a jet will kick to a jet
00:41:24Mathis is back
00:41:27My oh my
00:41:29In 1990 he returned to punt 98 yards against the Cowboys
00:41:35Here he coughs it up Brock Marion with the recovery
00:41:40And he just popped it up wasn't hit at all
00:41:45Or hardly at all here's math this 81
00:41:49Marion was the first guy down
00:41:52Vanderbeek hits it over to him and the Cowboys take over
00:41:56inside the 40-yard line
00:41:59Now they're beginning to play blunderball here at Giants Stadium Cowboys have it now
00:42:10CBS sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Mitsubishi the new thinking in automobiles
00:42:16Gillette sensor and the new Gillette series Gillette the best a man can get
00:42:21Keystone keystone light and keystone dry and by a cannon a world leader in office equipment
00:42:30There's cosmic in his fourth year as the head coach of the Jets Jimmy Johnson in his fifth year
00:42:36They've seen the ball flying around the field and Dallas now has a first down in ten and Emmett Smith gets the handoff
00:42:41And a few yards
00:42:45Make it double digits in the number 11
00:42:49He's now carried 17 times for 70 yards
00:42:56There's not much coaching you can do when you get numbers like this
00:43:00You see four total turnovers for each team
00:43:03But it's been a wild fourth quarter for the Jets
00:43:06That was not a fumble or an interception. That's a another category of turnovers. That was a muff by Terrence Matthews
00:43:22Most dangerous in the fourth quarter as most great runners are
00:43:26That's an 11-yard game followed by a 13-yard gain and he's getting close to a hundred
00:43:31And it's great blocking and he gets the help from his fullback Daryl Johnston here
00:43:36Watch him. Just find the hole to went inside and then bounces to the outside and takes care of number 42 Ronnie Lott
00:43:44grid blocking by that offensive line, but also
00:43:49Blocking by the moose
00:44:05Graphic department has gone nuts. That's a game of one Smith with
00:44:1083 yards on 19 carries. Yeah, sometimes you have days when you would get
00:44:15Some bad news or you just got to bounce back the next day and have a little fun with things learn. Yes, see
00:44:22This is a big moose to it. Okay hometown
00:44:24Yeah, he went to Hugo High School in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, well, that's because they wouldn't take him in hollis
00:44:33But there is an agent, Oklahoma
00:44:37Drop play and it's been to the five and inside the five at the three-yard line
00:44:46Yeah, just about ready to nail the old coffin shut that's going to be number 22 with a hammer
00:44:51Three carries in a row in that offensive line with their size good block up front by Frank Cornish number 68
00:45:00They're on Mercer. Oh that allows Emmett to come in to a nice hole and pick up another eight yards
00:45:09Third and one at the four officially corners doing a nice job filling in for Stepnowski
00:45:21Johnston moose calls touchdown
00:45:31There's a moose headbutt
00:45:41He's a guy who also is a bungee jumper remember chatting with him about that
00:45:46Yeah, yeah
00:45:47Not so sure. He's got all his marbles
00:45:50He's doing that
00:45:52But now he gets to line up on the field goal PAT protection team does it all for him
00:46:00Eddie Murray's extra point is up and good. So following the muff recovery
00:46:06by Brock Marion
00:46:09Nifty footwork by the moose here
00:46:12Right up the middle slides to the left
00:46:15Lowers his head gets in for another touchdown. That's one of the ten carries. He's allowed each year
00:46:26Victory today the Cowboys are in the playoffs and they will
00:46:30Get within one half game watch what happened with Michael Irvin and Thomas on the touchdown
00:46:34Well, he's gonna get a good shot at him and then they're gonna wrestle a little bit
00:46:38Irvin's gonna see that Johnston's in the end zone and let Thomas know about it
00:46:50Michael Irvin with two touchdown catches today. Eric Thomas is gonna see that sign in his dreams tonight
00:46:57Fire takes the kickoff and gets it back to the 23 yard line
00:47:05Coming up tonight on CBS we start with dr. Quinn medicine woman that's followed by the Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation
00:47:13Pioneers starring Jessica Lang
00:47:18That's tonight
00:47:19on CBS
00:47:22544 remaining in regulation time the Cowboys appear to have this one sacked away. They will be at home against Washington next week
00:47:32Flip it into the left side
00:47:35And the Jets wind up with games against Houston and Buffalo and
00:47:41Boomers hurt he got hit by Thomas Everett there on the safety blitz
00:47:45The Cowboys have their nickel defense in the game, but Butch Davis their coordinator sent number 27
00:47:53Thomas Everett right here coming right at the quarterback with a free shot
00:47:58And actually it wasn't Everett. It was one of the defensive linemen that got a shot on Boomer
00:48:05He's throwing off-balance and gets hit on his right hip
00:48:12Esiason is still down at the 14-yard line
00:48:16It was a another blitzing player it was look like Ken Norton number 51
00:48:22And in the meantime Jeff Criswell was hurt
00:48:25And he's walked off and Nagel will have to come into the game because the clock was stopped by an injury timeout
00:48:32The injury to Boomer that means he has to go out for at least one play, and we'll see number eight
00:48:39Browning Nagel come into the game
00:48:42Nagel was a starter last year of course this season. He has thrown one pass
00:48:48And it was complete for six yards, and that was way back in the beginning of the season for the day Esiason with 194
00:48:56On 21 of 37 and a pick, but yeah that pick though adds up to six points because that was the one that
00:49:03Kevin Smith took in for the touchdown and that really killed the Jets chances gave the Cowboys a 21-nothing lead
00:49:11And a couple of turnovers later. They still have a 21 point lead
00:49:18By 24 remaining in the ballgame
00:49:20Nagel goes deep down the middle. Kevin Smith is back there, and the pass is incomplete as Mathis knocked it free
00:49:29It'll be fourth down
00:49:365-14 to go
00:49:40Now Jimmy Johnson and chatting with us late yesterday afternoon
00:49:44Sounded very confident about his team's chances today
00:49:48And of course the Cowboys though they trailed the Giants by a game still control their destiny because
00:49:54They have defeated New York once and in all likelihood
00:49:57It's going to come down to that last game of the season between those two as to which team wins the NFC East
00:50:11Williams and he is out of bounds at the 45-yard line
00:50:2043 yard punt 5 on the return the Cowboys
00:50:24Coming back to New York will go to 10 and 4 with a victory today
00:50:28And they accomplished what they set out to do that star right here
00:50:32Means that they are in the playoffs and they will defend their Super Bowl championship
00:50:37And they will defend their Super Bowl championship. I like their chances of winning the NFC East though Verne. They got Washington next week
00:50:45Anything can happen there, but they do play him in Dallas, and then they got the Giants here
00:50:50506 to go in regulation and Troy Aikman
00:50:52He was 21 of 27 with three interceptions and two touchdowns today
00:50:58Here's Lincoln Coleman he gets the carry and he fumbles the ball and the Jets have recovered
00:51:06Well, if you're a fumble fan you've been filled to the fantasy level today, yes that
00:51:15And Clifton got on this loose ball
00:51:21Well Lincoln Coleman better be careful
00:51:23Last guy that fumbled it when in this type of situation was a guy by the name of Kervin Edwards
00:51:28Richards and he was cut loose. He was Hugo, Oklahoma shortly thereafter watch Coleman
00:51:35Please watch him
00:51:37He didn't really get hit all that hard either
00:51:40Now he's getting an earful from Jimmy Johnson
00:51:43Here's Nagel right side and the pass is caught by Matt that's good for a first down
00:51:48Lincoln Coleman is a fascinating story, of course
00:51:52Made this team off an arena football team that played in Dallas
00:51:57Started his collegiate career at Notre Dame dropped out went to Baylor set out a year
00:52:01gained 300 and some yards there as a sophomore
00:52:05Was working in Dallas and got a chance this summer
00:52:09Because the trainer for the Cowboys saw him playing arena football
00:52:13Kevin O'Neill and said Jimmy I like this kid give him a chance and then he
00:52:17Has now moved into the number two running back spot in the meantime
00:52:21Blitz and Nagel rolls out
00:52:29For 51 to go in the game
00:52:36Report on groomer size and his bruised ribs, and of course, they're checking on Jim Sweeney right now
00:52:46Value to the Cowboys
00:52:48Is as the backup running back to Emmett Smith and what Emmett likes about it's the first time he's ever had a guy
00:52:54That he feels it
00:52:56Can give him that rest when needed that fellow talking to him. There was Kevin O'Neill
00:53:00Who was the fellow who recommended?
00:53:03Kevin knows his job may be unlike the ball Lincoln for heaven's sake hang on to it
00:53:11Nagel deep
00:53:16And it's third down
00:53:24Giant stadium emptying out now is most of the fans here have conceded this victory to the Cowboys
00:53:30And the Jets will fall to eight and six
00:53:33They started out two and four, but in two of those four losses, they had huge leads that evaporated. They led Philadelphia by
00:53:4221 and they led the Raiders by 17 and lost both games
00:53:46And they're gonna look back at the end of the year when they're watching everybody else in the playoffs
00:53:50And wonder what if we had won those two ballgames?
00:53:54It was they go on third down
00:53:59That's Rob Carpenter and that is only his third catch this season
00:54:05Game of 19 like Jimmy Johnson's gonna be quite pleased with these the effort of his defense this week
00:54:14Allowing only seven points, but the one thing he's gonna be upset about are all those turnovers
00:54:18You know, he's gonna find something negative in this ballgame and that's kind of the leaders approach
00:54:23Sometimes is when things are going bad
00:54:26You be positive and when things are going good you'd be negative panic keep your team on an even keel
00:54:33First down and ten. It's perfect sense to me
00:54:37And here's Nagel ouch flag is down this one may come back we may have a holding call
00:54:45Well, one of those notes you dig for when it's 28 to 7 and four and a half minutes to go in the game
00:54:50Are you say what is Dan Reeves doing today?
00:54:53What he's not doing is listening to Jerry Austin the referee
00:54:57Nor was he watching his former team the Denver Broncos play earlier today
00:55:02Bam took the grandkids to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas spectacular
00:55:09You gotta do research for these things I tell you what all I know is that they got a tough game
00:55:14Against New Orleans in the Superdome on Monday night. I don't know if they're going to be able to do it
00:55:18I'll tell you what all I know is that they got a tough game against New Orleans in the Superdome on Monday night
00:55:25He's well aware that the Cowboys are winners this afternoon
00:55:30Giants on the road before they come back. They go to New Orleans and then the Phoenix
00:55:4325 remaining
00:55:46Chad Hennings made the tackle interesting
00:55:50The only time the Jets got on the scoreboard today is when they completely opened up their offense
00:55:56They were down 21 to nothing. They came out and scored in four minutes and four seconds
00:56:01Primarily with Boomer running a no huddle or hurry up offense and their ball control
00:56:08style of offense was not effective today against the
00:56:11defending world champs
00:56:14Second down and 14. We're under the four-minute mark
00:56:20Left side pass interference
00:56:24against Brock Merriam
00:56:26Matthews was the intended receiver
00:56:29That'll give the Jets the first down
00:56:31That's the good news. The bad news is there 21 points down and only three
00:56:3647 to go
00:56:41Brock Merriam the
00:56:43And if Brock's not careful, he's going to
00:56:46Lead this man into another tirade in the locker room
00:56:49Well, the tirade we're talking about came after they defeated Minnesota last week 37 20 and gave up a late touchdown
00:56:56most observers there and most people who play for the Cowboys felt that they played well and Jimmy Johnson is
00:57:04vocally disturbed
00:57:07In the press conference after the game
00:57:13Right side
00:57:15Carpenters, but they are the defending world champs and last week against Minnesota. They pretty much
00:57:22Put Minnesota out of the playoff picture and this week against the Jets they're gonna knock them out of the playoff picture
00:57:29back home next Sunday against the Washington Redskins and
00:57:32At the beginning of the year when Washington handily defeated the Dallas Cowboys who would think that for the repeat
00:57:39The Redskins would come in at this point, of course having won only three games
00:57:43They lost that game the Cowboys to the Redskins 35 to 16
00:57:49First down and 10
00:57:51Blitz is coming. Mabel goes right side
00:57:54another fast interference call against Kevin Smith
00:58:06Here's Jerry Austin
00:58:08passing appearance number 26 first down
00:58:14Well that left cornerback position today has been one of a lot of action right side of the screen you see Smith going down the
00:58:22Pushes carpenter the outside does a nice job of knocking the ball away, but I've seen a lot
00:58:28More contact be not called than that little bit of contact by Kevin Smith
00:58:37Johnson he gave him the evil eye didn't he?
00:58:41He's also checking the clock though
00:58:46340 remaining
00:58:48In the ballgame left side Brad Baxter
00:58:53Not down at the three, they really don't have time the luxury of
00:58:59Using running plays with only three and a half minutes to go and you're down by three touchdowns
00:59:06Notice they're not even going with their no huddle offense anymore pretty much have conceded this one to Dallas
00:59:14So we'll fall to eight and six for the season and the Cowboys go to
00:59:21Ten and four in 1993 and they are in the playoffs second and goal from the three
00:59:33That one is incomplete and we have another play
00:59:41Intended for Rob Carpenter
00:59:44On the blaze
00:59:47Carpenter working against Brown tries to push him out of the way
00:59:54They're gonna call defensive holding on number 37 there James, Washington, but might also been able to call it on number 24 Larry Brown
01:00:04Washington gets the nod and it'll be first
01:00:09Goal from the two. They really don't lose much though. Do they not much yardage and either time either
01:00:18254 minutes coming down. Well, it's a nice 21 point lead
01:00:28Person goal Roger Duffy over the ball Nagle handoff Murrell goes, right?
01:00:39Dixon Edwards number 58 knocks him out of bounds
01:00:45It'll be second down and goal
01:00:48Edwards has had a strong game
01:00:49he realizes that the Cowboys want to get Godfrey miles into his position because he's a little bit bigger and a little bit stronger than
01:00:57Dixon Edwards, but Edwards defending his position. Well today
01:01:03As you can see six tackles for Edwards
01:01:06To 49
01:01:08To go in regulation and second and goal from the three-yard line. I just can't believe they continue to run the ball down here though. I
01:01:15Think concede is the word
01:01:20In the end zone pop three incomplete
01:01:28Another flag
01:01:31By Jeff Criswell, he tried to catch this ball and he injured himself after the deflection
01:01:37former all-state quarterback
01:01:40in the state of Iowa in high school
01:01:44Played a little tight into
01:01:46In the end zone first and goal from the one
01:01:52There's the pass interference against Larry Brown now I watch Criswell number 69
01:01:57Reach out for this ball and then come down with Russell Maryland right on his right arm
01:02:06I'll tell you why they're getting real real picky with these pass interference calls against the Cowboys
01:02:14If this drive lasts any longer we're gonna start promoting 60 minutes
01:02:21That's not till tomorrow though, that's my point
01:02:24First and goal
01:02:27Second and goal
01:02:30And they continue to run
01:02:33Their best plays have been pass interference calls against the Cowboy defensive backs
01:02:38Each of them have got one except for a Woodson
01:02:42Washington got one Brown got one Smith got one
01:02:46And Jimmy Johnson starting to do that slow burn. I thought I caught something rare then his hair moves
01:02:55Yeah, it looks like it's a little bit out of place there doesn't
01:03:02Frown will do that
01:03:10Two or three to go. Here's the pass in the end zone. It's locked up and you should have another play. No
01:03:17No, no flag
01:03:19Carpenter and Larry Brown, they're setting an NFL record over seven plays now inside the five-yard line
01:03:30And unlike a year ago when Philadelphia stopped the team seven times this is not one of the great goal line stands
01:03:39Nine remaining in regulation the Cowboys lead the New York Jets 28
01:03:43to 7 Troy Aikman can smile despite the three interceptions today because
01:03:48He is 21 of 27 for 252. There's that new hairdo you were talking about the
01:03:54Bald look for Ronnie lot didn't work
01:03:57Didn't bring him any luck today. That's for sure. Nope
01:04:01third and goal from the two
01:04:03Seven play inside the five in this drive play action go right
01:04:12It'll be fourth and go up to
01:04:18Carpenter looks back Kevin Smith was defending on the play Carpenter saying a coach run that one again. I had him beat
01:04:25Yeah, did you see what Casa just said?
01:04:28Yeah, did you see what Casa just said he just said quick out and that's the route that Carpenter just ran
01:04:36Cowboy defensive backs have been sitting with an inside shade. So look for Carpenter to come right back
01:04:41I think Bruce played baseball at some point, but they're good spit down. They got that movement down
01:04:47fourth and goal
01:04:50Nagel same play incomplete Dallas takes over
01:05:01They take over with 153 left and big Kevin Gogan comes back on the field
01:05:09That was a 17 play drive six of them were pass interference and no points
01:05:20Today's game was produced by Michael Burks and directed by Robert a Fishman the coordinating producer of the NFL today is Eric Mann
01:05:28directed by Larry Cavalina
01:05:30The senior producer of the NFL on CBS is Ed Gorin and the executive in charge of production is Rick Gentile
01:05:40Dallas takes over 153 to go and leading 28 to 7
01:05:49It's Tommy AG who was a part of his team and cut and brought back and he gets
01:05:55Only his fourth carry of the season and the clock is winding down to 140 remaining
01:06:02And in the AFC Miami and Buffalo go into the Mars encounters 9 and 4 Houston 9 for Kansas City the same
01:06:11Reverse it make Buffalo Miami 9 and 4 Denver wins today
01:06:17Pittsburgh in Los Angeles at 8 and 5 and the Jets called 8 and 6 and the Jets have got to play those two teams
01:06:22big win today for Denver
01:06:24They get Tampa Bay next weekend
01:06:31Lincoln Coleman
01:06:33not to the
01:06:35Six yard line. Well for Emmett Smith 91 yards on 20 carries. He did not get a hundred today
01:06:44But on the drive that
01:06:46Pushed this one out of reach. He had three big runs. It's third and six now in the final 48 seconds of the ballgame
01:06:55The Cowboys back home against the Redskins a week from tomorrow
01:07:00And then back here at Giants Stadium two weeks from tomorrow to wind up the season against the New York Giants
01:07:14Coleman out near the 10
01:07:20The Dallas Cowboys are in the playoffs for the 22nd time in their 33-year history
01:07:28Michael Irvin two touchdown grabs today
01:07:33Troy Aikman
01:07:3521 of 27 for 252 and it's gonna be a Merry Christmas for Jimmy Johnson
01:07:41And let me take this opportunity to wish you Vern and yours a very Merry Christmas
01:07:45And the same to you and sisters, Oregon
01:07:49Final score the Dallas Cowboys win it over the New York Jets
01:07:52They win it going away by 21 point margin 28 to 7
