
  • last month
00:00And what's your favourite drink when you did drink?
00:17You've got to have a drink with me though, right?
00:21Yeah, most definitely, man.
00:24Yeah, I only drink like this, you know.
00:27Only straight as well.
00:29Anything else makes me feel sick.
00:32I drink rum.
00:34But I can fuck with Henny as well.
00:37Not a problem.
00:40You drink it straight?
00:41Yeah, you are crazy.
00:48Alright, cool.
00:49Seeing as we're doing like weird questions, I've got one for you as well.
00:54Have you slept with an Asian, Italian, coolie girl before?
02:05Get on the floor!
02:07This is your opportunity to talk to me.
02:09They have lifted prints.
02:11Are they going to be yours?
02:12Every minute that's taken away is evidence you're losing.
02:24Hello, it's the ambulance service here.
02:28We had a call from the police to say that you've found somebody...
02:31Yes, I did.
02:33OK, one minute.
02:34So just confirm, is the patient breathing?
02:37No, he did not breathe, actually.
02:39He's not breathing?
02:46My name is John.
02:47I'm a patient.
02:48I'm a patient.
02:49I'm a patient.
02:50I'm a patient.
02:51Yeah, yeah.
02:52Oh, thank you.
02:53It's going to be in there.
02:56The dead man is Saul Murray.
02:59He has just moved into the property
03:01after serving five and a half years in prison
03:04for assault and possession of a firearm.
03:06You all right, guys?
03:08All we've done is, we've literally just walked in,
03:11we found him here.
03:12It's clearly that it's happened in the room in there.
03:14He's going to say, have you made him trauma-naked?
03:16No, no, no.
03:17He's been dead for a couple of hours.
03:19All right, OK.
03:20Have you been through the whole address,
03:22or have you just been through his phone number?
03:24All we've done is just check in here.
03:26We followed the blood trail back to the room.
03:28There's that room on the right-hand side down there
03:30where it's absolutely covered in claret.
03:32Two, we've got a confirmed deceased male in the front room.
03:35Could you get the OFC on channel, please?
03:42It's going to be seen.
03:44The one on the right.
03:45Yes, yes.
03:46Right, just hold this.
03:47Where have you got to?
03:49To this room here.
03:51Armed officers search the flats for the attacker
03:54and to check if anyone else is injured.
04:01Stay tight.
04:02Is anyone else in here armed?
04:03Have you been in here on yourself?
04:05Hold on, mate.
04:06Show me your hands.
04:07Show me your hands.
04:08Armed police, show me your hands.
04:10Just come out this way.
04:12Just come straight out.
04:13Come straight out.
04:14Straight out, straight out.
04:15Come straight out.
04:16Just start right over here.
04:17Just go over here for a minute.
04:18Can we just go down there?
04:21Just lead on and on and on.
04:22Right, hold it.
04:23I'm just going to work backwards, OK?
04:24Stay in there.
04:25Armed police, come to the door now.
04:27Nothing in your hands.
04:32All right, first door on the left is clear.
04:34One is clear, OK?
04:35Just hold there.
04:36Number two.
04:37Number two.
04:38Number two.
04:39Number two.
04:40Number two.
04:41Number two.
04:42Armed police, come to the door.
04:43Nothing in your hands now.
04:55My room.
04:56That's my room.
04:57That's it.
05:07Oh, fuck it, Al.
05:08Goes on and on.
05:11The shower room.
05:13Suspect is clear.
05:14OK, what I want...
05:15It's a bit of a labyrinth, this place, isn't it?
05:17So let's have a slow walk through, make sure we haven't missed anywhere.
05:23With no suspects found at the scene...
05:28..the case is handed to the Major Crime Unit.
05:36I've joined the police to lock away criminals.
05:41I would like the world to be a nicer place for my children
05:45to grow up in.
05:47That does drive me on.
05:54I think, as a mum, it's always hard not to actually put yourself
05:59in other people's positions.
06:03Every murder victim is loved by someone,
06:08whether that's a parent or a partner.
06:19Look at the amount of blood in there.
06:21It's, like, it's all up there.
06:23You really need... It's just squirting out, isn't it?
06:25Yeah, everywhere.
06:26When a murder first lands, you know, there's pressure.
06:30The weight of responsibility is massive.
06:32It's huge. Somebody's lost their life
06:34and potentially the people that are responsible
06:36are going to go to prison for a long time as well
06:38and lose their life.
06:39So it's important that I do a really good job.
06:42If you look, look at that.
06:44I mean, there's huge amounts there.
06:48But that's a lot of blood.
06:50And it's arterial blood as well, isn't it?
06:52So it's going to be darker.
06:54So something's been going on in there, hasn't it?
06:59They haven't just done it and run out.
07:01Do you have the keys?
07:02I have all the flats.
07:03Where are the keys?
07:04All the flats.
07:05Do you have them with you now?
07:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:07Do you need the keys for the CCTV?
07:09Yeah, we can just...
07:10Is it easy to operate?
07:11Yeah, yeah, it's straight. I've got the keys here.
07:13Do you have the keys?
07:14I have all the flats.
07:15Do you have them with you now?
07:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:18Do you need the keys for the CCTV?
07:20Yeah, we can just...
07:21Is it easy to operate?
07:22Yeah, yeah, it's straight.
07:23I've got the keys here.
07:24You can show us.
07:31CCTV reveals the victim entering the property with two females
07:35six hours before he was found dead in the hallway.
07:39These girls have been in the property for about four hours and then you see one of the
07:47girls go out and sort of stand out the front.
07:54You can see that the door's been propped open with a broom.
08:00So this door normally shuts so only the residents can get in and out.
08:04They've propped it open.
08:05There's two brooms down this side.
08:14So this is the two offenders coming in.
08:16So they're in there for about ten minutes.
08:22So here's one of the girls coming out, look.
08:29The men come after this as well.
08:32So you see he's got a big knife in his hand.
08:35Yeah, he's got something in his hand, doesn't he?
08:38It looks like a knife pointing out.
08:41And in a second, this is our victim, bless him.
08:46He's bleeding quite heavily from the leg there.
08:49There's a stab wound within his femoral archery so he's essentially like bled out.
09:02It's fairly, you know, decent quality CCTV.
09:17Those girls are definitely going to get picked out.
09:23Police recover Saul Murray's phone and download its contents.
09:29The information that we can get from a phone is massive because it tells us lots about an individual and their lifestyle.
09:36When we started looking at his download, we could see the final communications that he'd had via WhatsApp.
09:41He was in a phone call with a number.
09:45Once we started doing some research into that phone number, it was identified as belonging to Sir Preet Dhillon.
09:58Is that the first contact?
10:00Yeah, this is the first contact that's on his download.
10:04These are the WhatsApp conversation earlier in the evening between Saul Murray and Sir Preet Dhillon, the blue and the red.
10:11Yeah, hey, babe, what are you doing tonight?
10:13I'm meant to be going to meet my girl in your area today.
10:16Are you busy?
10:17He says he's free until about one-ish.
10:19They just have a little discussion about whether they're going to have any drinks, and he says, yeah, why not?
10:24She asks for his postcode. He sends her the postcode.
10:28It's clear that she had arranged to meet him.
10:35I've never had an internet date or anything, so I don't really know how it works,
10:39but that's how people meet nowadays, is via the internet, and people can sell a lie that way, can't they?
10:44They can purport to be somebody that they're not.
10:47Sir Preet Dhillon, she's got four proved convictions, but three offences.
10:52Three, fraud, making false representation to make gain for herself or another,
10:58and failing to surrender to custody.
11:00Possessing, without exemption, a pit bull terrier, Japanese Tosa, or other designated fighting dog.
11:07Possessing a prohibited weapon, being a disguised firearm.
11:13She was in prison for 12 months, suspended for 24 months.
11:23She's the one that initiated the meet-up and the conversation,
11:27and she's the one that's propped open the door to allow the two guys access.
11:34Her partner's in prison, quite a violent individual,
11:38known to be involved in drugs and criminality.
11:43She's declared a suspect.
12:03Open the gates!
12:08Sir Preet, is this Sir Preet Dhillon?
12:10You're under arrest for murder.
12:11Look down at your chest. Look down at your chest.
12:14This is a Taser, capable of 50,000 volts.
12:17All right?
12:19I'm going to ask you to face that wall.
12:21That's it. Keep your hands on your head for me.
12:23What I want you to do is sidestep nice and slowly to your right.
12:27That's it. Nice and slowly.
12:30And stop there for me.
12:34Did you stand here against this wall?
12:36Have you got anything on you you shouldn't have? No.
12:43No, no, no, no. It's just the way that we do it.
12:45Is that one in there? No.
12:48So, Preet, I appreciate there's a lot going on, all right?
12:51You need to listen carefully.
12:52I said it at the door, but you're under arrest for murder, all right?
12:55It's an investigation, so it's a prompt-and-effect investigation.
12:57We need to take you to the police station where you're interviewed.
13:00You can have legal representation.
13:01It's all to get recorded, and you can have a solicitor there.
13:04Can I get some water, please?
13:05Absolutely, yeah, we'll do that.
13:06All right, I appreciate... Just nice and relaxed, OK?
13:08I appreciate it's not how you planned for your morning to go, but...
13:16It's up to you.
13:21All right?
13:24Yeah, when we take the children up, get them sorted.
13:28That's it. Do you have an inhaler or anything?
13:30No, just...
13:35You can easily be all right, OK?
13:36It's OK, it's OK.
13:38So, Preet, can we just come this way?
13:43It's all right. Nice, deep breaths, Preet, OK?
13:48It's all right.
13:52That's it. Nice, deep breaths. Try and keep it nice and relaxed.
13:55It's OK.
14:02That's it.
14:03So, Preet, we're going to sit you in this back seat, all right?
14:06And take a seat for me. Just mind your foot. That's it.
14:09Police have arrested a woman
14:11in connection with the murder of Saul Murray.
14:15The kids are going to get looked after, so don't worry about them.
14:20I appreciate your eldest seemed quite...
14:23quite stern. I'm sure your eldest will look after the little ones.
14:32So, we had some information come through that Sir Preet Dhillon
14:37has previously been involved in setting up robberies,
14:41almost like honey traps.
14:44A couple of pictures, which are up on the screen now,
14:48of people who apparently have been victims of this set-up girl.
14:54These items have been sent to the MIP
14:57to see if anyone can identify them,
14:59so we may get some more information come out of that.
15:03But that, obviously, is brilliant in the sense that it shows
15:07that it's not just a set-up,
15:09but that, obviously, is brilliant in the sense that
15:12it shows a bit of an intent.
15:25A honey trap is where, quite often,
15:28a female purports to be involved romantically with someone.
15:35They then meet up and rob them.
15:40We look at the motive and what possibly might have happened,
15:44but it's really important that I keep an open mind.
15:50Hello, are you all right? Yeah, I'm good.
15:56Hello. Hello.
15:58OK, do you understand why you're here? Yeah. Yeah?
16:02Someone's been murdered in Luton on 27th February.
16:05Police enquiries have been carried out
16:07and you've been identified as being involved.
16:10OK? You've been arrested before? Yeah.
16:15Should you be looking after anybody whilst you're here?
16:18Is anybody depending on you? My three children.
16:20Your three children. Who are your three children with now?
16:23Their grandma.
16:24Are they fine with your grandma until this is resolved?
16:27When's it going to be resolved? I don't know.
16:29We can hold you for up to 24 hours. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:33So they're going to be fine? Yeah.
16:38We don't know why Saul has been targeted.
16:429th February 2022, this is the first date we've got contact
16:47between Supreet Dhillon and Saul Murray.
16:50The only thing else that happened on the 9th February
16:53is Saul Murray posting...
16:55Was it a video of him flashing the watch, wasn't it?
16:58It's a really short video that he uploads to Instagram
17:01and he's got, on his left hand, two watches
17:04and he sort of twizzles his arm.
17:06And that's on the 9th of February? That's the 9th of February.
17:09The day that Dhillon made contact with...
17:11Or the day they had contact with each other.
17:13He could have easily been just another one
17:15of Dhillon's robbery victims. Yeah.
17:17This time it went wrong.
17:19But then Saul has been involved in various bits of criminality
17:23throughout his life, so it could be any number of reasons
17:26linked to that as well, couldn't it?
17:28Potentially, there's not a lot we can say as to why he was targeted.
17:33I think that if you're good at honey-trapping,
17:36then you probably know the type of individuals to target,
17:40so I imagine that there's lots of it that goes on
17:44that we don't get to know about.
17:46If you target someone that's married
17:48but potentially doesn't want to report it
17:50in case their partner finds out,
17:52or if you target someone who has a family
17:55and doesn't want to report it,
17:57then you probably know the type of people to target.
18:00If you target someone who has got their wealth from criminality,
18:05then they're hardly likely to involve the police
18:07and report it to the police.
18:09So if you target the right people, I imagine you get away with it.
18:17You stay where you are, yeah?
18:19Yeah? Any sudden moves, yeah?
18:22Detectives probe whether the victim's previous criminal history
18:26connects to his murder.
18:31It's Saul, isn't it? Yeah.
18:33I think he's been arrested for conspiracy to commit robbery or something.
18:37He threatened some people and they found a gun.
18:40Just sit on the floor for us, Saul.
18:42Thank you very much.
18:44We've found what appears to be a handgun.
18:46I mean, I used to work in loot and CRD,
18:48and I'm sure I've dealt with him when I was in the burglary team
18:51many, many years ago.
18:53It's definitely a name that I recognise,
18:55and he's obviously a well-known criminal.
18:58In Luton.
19:00Robbery. Hotel. 12th September 2015.
19:04Your client has been identified from CCTV as the male
19:07who has forced his way into a second full room
19:09where he has tied the male up and told him to comply
19:12or he would be stabbed.
19:14So it appears that he's got a female to go and have whatever,
19:21relations with a man, and then gone in and robbed the man.
19:28Yeah, which is bizarre.
19:30Oh, my God.
19:32So it's almost like a repeat of the other way round.
19:36I'm going to show you a photograph.
19:38It's a still that's taken from the front desk of the hotel.
19:41It has two people in it.
19:43It's my exhibit, MDH4.
19:45That's where they're checking in.
19:50These are more stills that are taken from exhibit JL1.
19:54Who's that person?
20:03That, I suspect, is you.
20:06Second floor of the hotel.
20:16Go ahead, call the inspector, please. What's your emergency?
20:19I just got robbed from a hotel.
20:22I opened the door, some black guy come in, tied me up.
20:25He tied you up? Yeah, I was with a girl.
20:27With a girl?
20:29She ran off with a man. Did he tie the female up?
20:39I mean, Saw is quite streetwise
20:41and Saw's previously been involved in honey traps.
20:45So you would think that he would have his wits about him
20:49and actually not necessarily fall for it.
21:02Supreet Dhillon's phone is accessed
21:05to see if it reveals links to other potential suspects.
21:10There's quite a bit of contact
21:12between Supreet Dhillon and Thamideu Awi.
21:15All the calls between them were at relevant times.
21:18There were calls going on just before the offence,
21:21during the time that they were at the location,
21:24and then subsequent calls afterwards as well.
21:30Thamideu, she's not really known to the police.
21:32We don't really know too much about her.
21:35This is her subject profile.
21:37This is a picture of her that's been taken through social media accounts.
21:41She is a Coventry University student.
21:44She's a university student?
21:46Yeah, so quite different to Dhillon,
21:49who's obviously got quite a lot of previous convictions.
21:52But Awi hasn't got any previous arrests.
21:56Ah, no.
21:57So she's a student at Coventry University.
22:00Identifying her as attributed to that phone
22:02that Dhillon's been in contact with and getting her picture,
22:06we can now see that she's quite clearly the second female
22:09that entered Sir Murray's address with Dhillon.
22:13So we believe this is her on the CCTV.
22:16And she's wearing a coat here with a logo on the left arm.
22:21What is this?
22:23Laders involved?
22:25Laders involved?
22:27What is this?
22:29Laders involvement?
22:31She looks like she's got a future planned out.
22:34She's going to university.
22:36She's in her third year as well,
22:38so she's not, you know, just dropped out.
22:40She's clearly committed.
22:51Odd Box Guy is about the murder of Sir Murray.
22:55So today's objective is all about the arrest of Temidayu Awi
23:00for murder and search premises to secure and preserve evidence.
23:11Police travel to Coventry,
23:13where 21-year-old Temidayu Awi is studying at university.
23:26Police! Police!
23:28Search warrant!
23:31Police, come out.
23:37So this is verified for Sir Murray?
23:40Sir Murray.
23:41Sir Murray.
23:55Got anything that you need to take with you at all?
23:58Have you got a jacket that you need to take?
24:00Is it in here?
24:02She'll love her jacket.
24:04Yeah, that one's fine.
24:11There you go. If you just want to pop yourself now,
24:13just watch your head as you go in.
24:16And then just take your seat.
24:25For a student house, this is very...
24:28Nice. ..nice.
24:30It's well nice.
24:32That's for sure. One of the best ones I've seen.
24:37There is a black jacket with a fur hood hanging up in her wardrobe.
24:52Have you scrolled out?
24:54I reckon that's that coat, you know.
24:57That's it. Yeah, that's it.
24:59It's got the three little things. Yeah, yeah, each side.
25:01So we've got the toggles at the back there, the poppers,
25:04and we've got the Canada goose. Brilliant.
25:07Can you call me in five? That's fine.
25:09I just wanted to speak to you about whether we can get anything
25:12fast-tracked to the lab.
25:17I want to speak to my kids, like, can I speak to them now?
25:20You want to speak to your children? We will sort that out.
25:23Are you saying that? No, no, no. I'm talking to myself.
25:26Listen, just give me five minutes, I'll sort it out.
25:28Look at that, look at that. I'll sort it out, don't worry.
25:30Just five more minutes, I promise, I'll sort it.
25:35So this is Saul's phone.
25:37That I've got? That I've got.
25:39So I've got Saul's phone. Is this the one...?
25:42This is the one that was under his pillow.
25:45In the offence location.
25:47So his up-to-date phone.
25:49We just need to see what has...
25:51..what has caused all this.
25:53When you read messages from loved ones and his family and,
25:58you know, he was someone's son, dad.
26:03It's just sad to see people...
26:07..like, love him and, like, say they miss him and stuff like that
26:12and then, obviously, we know what happens.
26:15We know the ending.
26:17We know the ending.
26:21Makes it a bit more human when you look through their phone.
26:31So this is a video of...
26:33..Saul takes of his flat that he lives in...
26:37..a couple of days before he's murdered.
26:42Not long at all, like, three days before he was killed, yeah.
26:48Yeah, yeah, it's been all right, man. It's been all right.
26:51Literally just got the keys yesterday,
26:53so I had to just do a lot of cleaning up.
26:56I've got to do a lot of painting this weekend.
26:59And I'm working this weekend as well.
27:01Well, Saturday, anyway.
27:04What I was going to say to you as well, as you were just saying,
27:07your sister's just had her clear out,
27:09I need, like, stuff, because I haven't got nothing.
27:12Even, like, my TV ain't got no stand, it's on a chair.
27:22I don't care about none of these things no more, fam.
27:25Yeah, I tell you now, I'm on one mission, yeah.
27:29Man's found property in there, man's found a spot,
27:32so now I need the capital to start doing it.
27:37I'm going to shut that road, boy.
27:39Box and papers, you think I have business, I don't care.
27:42I'm shutting that. I'm going to shut...
27:44As much jewels as I can to rack up a 150
27:48so I can do up this place properly,
27:50and then, yeah, then I'll be happy again.
27:55There was quite a lot of intelligence and information
27:58that came through originally to suggest that Saul was part of gangs
28:02and that he was involved in drug dealing,
28:05but he was trying to turn his life around.
28:08He'd got a job as a plasterer.
28:10His dad had helped him out, you know, getting into his bedsit.
28:14Yeah, it's not very nice seeing him the way he was essentially killed,
28:20thinking that he was going to start afresh.
28:23But it adds a certain weight to our case,
28:26because not many people knew he was living there.
28:28He'd only lived there three days.
28:31So the fact that he gives Supreet Dhillon his address...
28:36She was one of very few people that knew where he was.
28:39Very few people that knew where he lived.
28:58Police have arrested a second suspect
29:00for the honey trap murder of Saul Murray.
29:10It's just inside here.
29:11Hello. Are you OK?
29:15Do you understand why you've been arrested?
29:19OK, no worries.
29:34Have you been arrested before?
29:35No, never. OK.
29:40Do you know the name Temi Dayo?
29:42No comment.
29:44What about Temi? Do you know her name?
29:47No comment.
29:48Is her surname O, A-W-E?
29:50No comment.
29:51Tell me about her.
29:53No comment.
29:54How do you know her?
29:55No comment.
29:58How are you feeling now?
30:03Just shaken up, yeah.
30:05Due to the offence that you're here for?
30:07Just everything.
30:17Officers need to understand how 35-year-old Supreet Dhillon
30:22is connected to 21-year-old university student Temi Dayo Awe.
30:27So we've identified how Dhillon and O know each other.
30:31It's in the subject profile in 2017.
30:36There's a bit of intel where there's a Jamaican restaurant
30:39where O and Dhillon are both present during a warrant.
31:07Supreet Dhillon?
31:08Yeah, no, just keep him there.
31:10Come sit down here for me, please. Come on.
31:12Come on, let me explain to you here.
31:17Is there anybody else who doesn't want to be here at the moment?
31:20I'm quite happy if anybody else wants to leave.
31:22We'll still do what we need to do.
31:24There's an association at that Caribbean restaurant
31:26which is now closed down,
31:28which I think believe was a front at some point for drug dealing.
31:32And Awe was only...
31:33She was only about 16 at that point, wasn't she,
31:36when that warrant happened?
31:39So that suggests to me that Awe has perhaps been,
31:42maybe, subject to rooming CSE.
31:45Maybe, maybe that it's gone back years
31:48and she's gone under the radar of police.
31:50Ooh, interesting.
31:52Bit of a weird association, isn't it?
31:54Quite a big age gap. Mm-hm.
31:57Dhillon's obviously got kids and things.
31:59They're just in totally different circles, aren't they?
32:01So are they coming together, meeting together to commit crime?
32:17Karen, I've just heard back from the crime scene manager
32:22that the swabs, the sexual swabs that were taken at Post Mortem
32:26have come back with an early indication of Sir Preet Dhillon.
32:30I think we can at least ask her about that in an interview, can't we?
32:33Say, you know, are you going to come back on swabs?
32:43We believe that you might have had sexual contact with Sol.
32:46Is that correct? No comment.
32:49Have you ever had sexual contact with Sol? No comment.
32:52Have you ever had sex with him? No comment.
32:56At 2.45, you've gone out into the Kimmel walkway.
33:00You go to the front door, you open the front door,
33:03and you prop it open using one of the brooms in the hallway already.
33:11Tell me about why you did that. No comment.
33:17Who were you leaving the door open for? No comment.
33:20Why were you leaving it open? No comment.
33:23So what we believe has happened
33:25is that two males have been let inside the property
33:29by you leaving the front door propped open.
33:36There's been some kind of argument and something has happened...
33:41..and then Sol's murdered.
33:54Who are these two men? No comment.
33:57When one of these men leaves, he's clearly got a large knife with him.
34:03And we know that Sol was stabbed and received a fatal stab wound.
34:07We know that there are drops of blood going out of the flats
34:11around the corner, which is Sol's blood, dripping off that knife, no doubt.
34:15And we know that there are drops of blood going out of the flats
34:18around the corner, which is Sol's blood, dripping off that knife, no doubt.
34:22OK? So you cannot fail to notice what had gone on in that flat.
34:29It's your opportunity now to tell your side of what happened in that flat,
34:33because we know you were there.
34:35Why have these two men come into that flat?
34:38What reason have you brought them into that property,
34:41between the two of you? No comment.
34:44Was there any intent from you to steal anything from him
34:47while you were still in that property? No comment.
34:49Did he owe you any money? No comment.
34:52Why was Sol found naked? No comment.
34:56To describe it to you, Sol was found at the front door,
35:00the communal front door, completely naked and bled to death there and then.
35:07No comment.
35:09So he said that he'd woken up and that she had disappeared
35:14and his phone and money had disappeared.
35:16So you actually called 999.
35:19Detectives look for evidence that their two female suspects
35:23have lured other men into honey trap robberies.
35:26Staff at the Novotel.
35:28Spoken to the two receptionists and the barmaid.
35:32One receptionist says the male came down and said that...
35:37felt that he'd been drugged by the lady that he was with.
35:40And then we've got the barmaid.
35:42The guy came up to her and said,
35:44do you remember the girl from yesterday? She robbed me and drugged me.
35:47We are going to stop this interview there.
36:15Can I just say something? Yes.
36:18Honestly, I am traumatised that I'm here,
36:21that I'm linked to any type of murder. Yeah.
36:24I don't know the poor Sol and I'm very gutted that he's dead.
36:29Honestly, I didn't murder him.
36:31I didn't harm him in any type of way.
36:34I'm honestly just an undergraduate student.
36:36I just wanted to get my degree.
36:40There's potential that she's vulnerable herself
36:43and that interview is an opportunity for her to show that.
36:47But I'm not convinced.
36:49It's well within her interests to lie.
36:52The stakes are high for her, aren't they?
36:54They're massive.
36:55If she's convicted of murder, she goes to prison for a large chunk of her life.
36:59I'm not convinced.
37:00I'm not convinced.
37:01I'm not convinced.
37:02I'm not convinced.
37:03I'm not convinced.
37:04I'm not convinced.
37:05I'm not convinced.
37:06If she's convicted of murder,
37:07she goes to prison for a large chunk of her life.
37:10Sadly, lots of people lie to me.
37:12Lots of people lie to the police
37:14and lots of people try and purport to be somebody that they're not.
37:18We have some stills from the CCTV
37:22that was taken from the location of the actual murder.
37:29Female one.
37:30Right, that's Supreet.
37:33We're saying female two is you.
37:36Do you agree?
37:37No comment.
37:38Is that you?
37:39No comment.
37:40Because it looks like you.
37:41No comment.
37:43We actually have that coat that we seized from your home address.
37:47That's your coat, isn't it?
37:49That's what you had on.
37:52You come out of the building at 02.27.
37:58You come out.
38:01And you stand outside.
38:03And we can see that you start...
38:06Your phone starts flashing like you're taking pictures.
38:09What were you taking pictures of?
38:11No comment.
38:12Were you not taking pictures
38:14or were you just shining a light on your phone?
38:16No comment.
38:17Were you trying to alert others to where you were?
38:19No comment.
38:20Trying to guide them in?
38:21No comment.
38:22That's what you were doing, weren't you?
38:23No comment.
38:34You re-enter on your own and then the man's following you,
38:37so basically he's showing them where to come.
38:42Do you set us all up to be murdered?
38:45No comment.
38:46Who was it who actually did the deed?
38:48No comment.
38:49This is all just not a coincidence.
38:51Your phone's there, Supreet's is there.
38:54That's not a coincidence.
38:56So why were you there?
38:57No comment.
38:58So why were you there?
38:59No comment.
39:03It's not looking bright, is it?
39:05No comment.
39:16With evidence suggesting that they've drugged their male victims,
39:20a toxicology examination is ordered
39:22to test specifically for the presence of date rape drugs
39:25in the victim's body.
39:27GHB was detected in the blood at a concentration of 46 mg per litre
39:31and in the urine at a concentration of 70 mg per litre.
39:36It doesn't say specifically, like, timings and stuff.
39:40The high level detected in the urine relative to the blood
39:43supports active use sometime before Mr Murray died.
39:46Consequently, Mr Murray could have been experiencing
39:49some effects of GHB shortly before he died.
39:52GHB has potent anaesthetic and hypnotic properties.
39:55It is also abused and has been promoted for bodybuilding,
39:58weight loss and as a sexual enhancer.
40:01It's quite prolific for date rapes and things, isn't it?
40:04Because it doesn't stay in your system that long
40:06and it's quite hard to detect.
40:08The fact that Saul had GHB in his system
40:12and we think that these girls have drugged him in order to rob him,
40:17so the fact we've actually got that in evidence is damning.
40:26Have these girls used it before, then?
40:29Two previous offences of robbery,
40:32which we think have been attributed to them.
40:36They both have said that they thought that they were drugged.
40:40I need to show that it's those girls that have given him the GHB,
40:44put doubt in the jury's mind that he's taken it himself,
40:48and in order to do that, I need to speak to his past partners.
40:53She's not aware of Saul ever having GHB or taking drugs.
40:57She said she don't think that would be anything that he would do.
41:01And she said she finds it quite...
41:03Because he's quite savvy and because previously he's robbed,
41:08drugged and robbed people,
41:10she seems to think that he wouldn't have let those people
41:13into his address or certainly the guys
41:16because he would be quite distrustful of people.
41:20I think perhaps they sat and had a drink and a smoke.
41:26Some form of, like, sexual activity has taken place
41:30and at some point one of the girls has put probably some GHB in his drink.
41:55Interviewed twice yesterday.
41:57All of them no comment apart from Tamadeo gave a couple of sentences
42:02at the start of the interview.
42:04Nothing key.
42:05With the suspects refusing to admit responsibility,
42:08the police decide to put their case to the Crown Prosecution Service.
42:13And that is sort of where we're at. I think they've lured him there.
42:17The girls have waited for Saul to go to sleep because he's naked
42:21when he was murdered.
42:24Hello! Is it Tamadeo?
42:28I think it's pretty clear these girls have been involved
42:31in these robberies and stuff,
42:33which is what the intel picture is kind of showing, isn't it?
42:36Detectives have recovered voice notes between Supreet Dhillon
42:40and Tamadeo.
42:42I think it's pretty clear these girls have been involved
42:45in these robberies and stuff,
42:47which is what the intel picture is kind of showing, isn't it?
42:50Detectives have recovered voice notes between Supreet Dhillon
42:53and Tamadeo Awe,
42:55recorded two days before they first made contact with Saul Murray.
42:59The first one is a voice note that was forwarded from Dhillon to Awe,
43:04and it's a male voice.
43:06And he's basically saying,
43:08they've got no chance of getting caught for that, it's too old.
43:11It's too old. The thing's flipping nearly 25 years old.
43:16You'd probably get that in the shop for, like, three and a half,
43:19cos it's so old.
43:21Bro, they're taking the piss from us.
43:25I'm so upset!
43:28We'll get more for the drugs than we will the watch.
43:32What do you mean it's 25 years old?
43:35The watch is older than me.
43:37Fucking hell.
43:40Oh, well, it is what it is.
43:43The watch is upsetting me, I'm not going to lie.
43:47You should have come out with the one that...
43:49Oh, he's annoying. Stupid piece of shit.
43:54Whether this is a robbery that's gone wrong or what,
43:57we still don't really know,
43:59but I think we're making some really good progress.
44:01Thanks very much.
44:04Hi, Supreet.
44:08I'm sure you're aware, the officers have been to the Crown Prosecution Service
44:12getting a charging decision around what's going to happen.
44:15That's come through, and the CPS have authorised a charge of murder.
44:21Do you need anything?
44:23I need to call my kids. I'm having a night of my own, God.
44:28Anything else you want to ask me?
44:30No? We'll get that done.
44:48Oh, I'm still here.
44:50I'm still here.
44:52I'm still here.
44:54I'm still here.
44:56Oh, I'm still here.
44:58I've got to sort some stuff out with them,
45:00so I'm not going to be home for, like, a couple of weeks.
45:02I love you.
45:04Yeah, I'm going to sort it out,
45:06so then I can come home, OK?
45:08I've just got to help them with some stuff.
45:12No, they've got that wrong. I'm helping them with it.
45:15Yeah, I'm just helping them.
45:17That's not true, OK?
45:20OK, they've come because they've got it all mixed up.
45:24I'm going to sort it out with them, OK?
45:28Has he gone?
45:30Why did they let me hear that, man?
45:32Fuck. Is he all right, though?
45:37It makes me feel quite sad because I'm a mum myself,
45:40and I just think getting involved in all that stuff
45:46means that she's now likely to go to prison,
45:50and what implication will that have on her children?
45:54You know, Saul's got lots of children as well,
45:57and what's happened to him is going to have a big impact on their lives.
46:01And I just think it's...
46:04It's just quite sad, really.
46:20So, as you know, the officers have been to the Crown Prosecution Service
46:24to present their case and to get a charging decision.
46:27That has come through,
46:29and the CPS have authorised a charge of murder against you, OK?
46:34I know it's a lot to take in.
46:37I do appreciate that.
46:40How are you feeling?
46:46Can I sit down, please?
46:48Yeah, take it back to your cell.
46:50All right, thank you.
46:52Just walk back the way you came.
47:00It's going to be my life. Oh, my God.
47:06Oh, my God.
47:13It's going to be my life. Oh, my God.
47:17I'm going to disappoint my mum. Oh, my God.
47:23You made it.
47:42Why Saul has been stabbed,
47:44I don't know, he's perhaps woken up,
47:46but it's almost like you've got these two parts to this case.
47:50You've got this honey trap that's going on,
47:53but then these two guys have come in
47:55and escalated the honey trap into a murder.
48:04CCTV showed a suspicious vehicle in the vicinity.
48:09That is definitely that car, 100%.
48:14Do you trust anyone in the vicinity?
48:16Totally, yeah.
48:18We are obviously continuing the momentum
48:21in looking for this outstanding fourth suspect that we've got.
48:28Police! Police! Open the door!
48:31Police! Open the door!
