• 2 months ago
Motorway Hell on the Highway S02E06
00:00motorways fast fast and teeming with traffic but taking risks that is such a
00:14near miss breaking laws oh are you doing or letting lunacy take over somebody
00:22trying to be a stuntman can turn major roads into major disaster zones that
00:28literally came out of nowhere that is a ludicrous piece of driving this series
00:38will uncover the unbelievable incredible and outright outrageous
00:45incidents filmed on dashcam by the public in the UK and across the world
00:51where incredibly no one was fatally injured don't mess in the lorry our
00:57panel of driving professionals will react to the unraveling traveling
01:01disasters in real time and reveal the causes behind the carriageway chaos
01:08that is why you check your mirrors what led to these dreadful driving disasters
01:13clearly he wasn't concentrating on what was going on here and why virtually all
01:19this motorway mayhem was almost entirely avoidable oh my gosh such carnage and
01:25it's a high-speed game of pinball and oh
01:30that's that's nasty
01:37coming up breathtaking moments caused by risk-taking decisions
01:42boys wouldn't try and fossil in our Oh
01:47what smashes caused by sliding in snowstorms bank there you go being hit
01:57there and drivers facing terrifying tight squeezes it's gonna be a very
02:04tight little point
02:10level crossings nothing tests that drivers patience quite like the flashing
02:16of the lights the sound of the bell and the lowering of the barriers but ignore
02:20them at your peril because if you don't heed these warnings then you're taking
02:25on a true Titan and by that I mean a train and you're not going to win as
02:30these unfortunate drivers are about to discover
02:35we begin in Oregon USA well here we are on a cloudy damp day somewhere in the
02:46United States coming up to a railroad crossing or a level crossing as they
02:51should be called in English large vehicles on the right-hand side you can
02:57see the lights going for the level crossing or a truck has decided now is a
03:00good time to set off even though the railway lights are going what is this
03:04truck doing why are you coming on the barriers are down no you're not
03:12the big rig right now it's it's trying to turn right but hasn't got space to
03:16turn into because there's a car in the way and it's absolutely stranded on the
03:20middle of the rail line and you can hear the horn blasting if the train coming in
03:28the driver in the car with a dashcam senses the approaching danger you can
03:35see the driver of the camera cast and reverse they know what's gonna be going
03:38on and you don't want to be anywhere near it and unsurprisingly the truck
03:43driver seems to be thinking exactly the same thing
03:48the driver of the big rig wants to get out of the way they realize the risk the
03:53driver's put it in reverse but it's too late
03:55oh god you don't want to be sat there do you
03:59oh no there's the train, THERE'S THE TRAIN!
04:11oh look at that
04:16so that trailer has just been thrown right up into the air smashed into the
04:20traffic lights there and if you can see it just been crushed into the side of
04:24those buildings now that's a lot of devastation on road is that it's a truck
04:30everywhere that could have been avoided easily incredibly there were no reports
04:35of any injuries but how did the truck end up in this perilous position in the
04:40first place everybody else could see what was going on here apart from the
04:45truck driver I can't comprehend why the truck driver did that you can clearly
04:51see the barriers going down there's no reason for him to be going across that
04:54track the moral of this story is pretty obvious don't drive across the railway
04:59tracks when the barriers are coming down because you're gonna get hit by a train
05:04and the train is gonna win
05:07over to the other side of the world now on a rural highway in Russia got a
05:20lovely beautiful day here I love seeing skies like this when I'm out and about
05:23in my truck lovely trees it's beautiful around there isn't it and up ahead a
05:28beautiful level crossing with an even more beautiful freight train passing
05:32through just got that stop sign there and there's not even barriers on this
05:38level crossing meanwhile a truck carrying some bright yellow cargo
05:43approaches from the other side of the freight train quite a big train taking
05:49forever to get past here can't really see anything going wrong
05:53quite a bit of metal work on there by the looks of it and what's that that is
05:57that a crane they've got at the end there whatever it is it's big and heavy
06:02and overhanging the back of the freight train and we've got a truck now coming
06:06in the opposite direction looks like it's carrying some sort of JCB or some
06:11sort of tractor unit are they trying to fit underneath this crane at the moment
06:16oh no it's not gone it's not gone it's not gone don't go
06:20Oh dear. Boom. Look at that. And now it's just literally ripped the whole thing over and it's actually taking the lorry with it
06:36and look no matter how big that vehicle is you're playing about with a train
06:40that is massive you've got no chance despite the carnage it was reported that
06:46there were only minor injuries and our experts have a pretty clear idea of
06:50who's to blame this could have been avoided straightaway
06:54all it is is just impatience from the driver of the goods vehicle you just
06:58waited just a little bit longer you'd have cleared that he was literally like
07:01about a meter off being able to clear that crossing was that a risk worth
07:06taking you could have just waited a couple more seconds mate back to the USA
07:18now and we're traveling through the wide plains of Kansas it's gorgeous it's a
07:25beautiful day for driving seems that we're in the middle of nowhere
07:29farmland off to the left and right cruising through the countryside our
07:35dashcam driver is behind a truck with an oversized load I wonder if this can
07:42potentially be an accompanying vehicle so what they're doing is there there'll
07:45be a wide load or there'll be a heavy load front so this will be the escort
07:49vehicle that will be driving behind that vehicle to keep it safe sometimes these
07:53oversized vehicles are carrying things like mobile homes and things that end up
07:58being quite wide and overhanging the sides of vehicles like this there's a
08:02sign on the right-hand side that's indicating there's a level crossing up
08:05ahead that's a big vehicle level crossings are a big deal for big
08:09vehicles oh looks like we're approaching a level crossing here which is where a
08:14train line crosses the road and above the level crossing is a lighting gantry
08:22that looks a little bit low doesn't it that gantry looks very very low for that
08:28lorry oh gosh he's totally whacked the top gantry there with the lights a
08:44closer look reveals the devastation the large lorry has caused that's absolutely
08:51taking the whole thing apart all popping off you've got lights and metal just
08:56scattering the ground and the track the lights are bouncing around the road the
09:01steel poles are also bouncing around the road we've got debris on the road but
09:04more importantly we've lost our warning sign to oncoming traffic that there's a
09:09level crossing up ahead and the truck is still carrying on why is the truck not
09:14stopping come on the truck driver would have felt that they've just driven off
09:19the escort vehicle is pulling over is the vehicle aware
09:32so what do we need to think about if we're moving large loads near level
09:36crossings you need to know absolutely everything you need to know the height
09:42you need to know the weight you need to know your journeys you need to know
09:46bridges you need to know weight restrictions it's a delicate process
09:51you're transporting something that could hit motorway bridges that could hit
09:55trains that could cause absolute mayhem and what's the best plan of action when
10:02you come across a level crossing level crossings are there to protect all
10:07motorists and pedestrians so as soon as you see the barriers coming down with
10:11all the red lights flashing you stop your vehicle at that stop line and you
10:14do not go any further unless you want to get leveled don't mess around with level crossings
10:21coming up risky decisions leading to big collisions they've hit the lorry
10:27they've clipped it the vehicle is now almost underneath the trailer of the
10:34lorry and terrifying cases of facing tight spaces oh my god
10:44driving on motorways is a risky business so it's always wise to reduce risks
10:59whenever possible by keeping a safe distance behind the car in front or
11:03stopping safely at amber lights but not everybody is entirely risk averse and
11:09drivers who take big risks can get into all kinds of trouble as our next clips
11:14are about to demonstrate first up we're motoring along a Chinese motorway so
11:24like we're in lane three low I was some sort of town city center the cars are
11:30just so tightly packed here everyone's just weaving in and out of traffic but
11:35the smooth flow of the traffic is about to be interrupted by a blue car in the
11:39middle lane this blue car on the left is looking a little bit optimistic
11:47wanting to get to the free-flowing lane there's no room for you you can't get in
11:50there driver on board with very clearly slams the door on the blue car and this
11:56driver is just absolutely having none of it oh it's wanting to try and force way
12:07oh what on earth oh look at that straight upside down that was a huge
12:14gamble that clearly didn't pay off that's just sheer impatience and
12:22arrogance of driving isn't it fortunately the driver of the blue car
12:26wasn't injured and replays reveal it wasn't just the occupants of the cars
12:30who were in danger pedestrian there in the blue coat it's gonna get a heck of a
12:36shock if that barrier wasn't there that pedestrian well and our panel thinks
12:46there is only one person to blame for making a big mistake with a big risk
12:51take the driver of the blue car had one clear option open to them be a bit more
12:56patient back off and slot in behind the driver on board with the space wasn't
13:02there it was just an unacceptable piece of driving next we're in the Big Apple
13:11and just to be clear I mean New York City in America
13:15steady roads it's nighttime you want to be more careful just like a dual
13:19carriageway behind every goods vehicle got a car that's just gone the other
13:24side of the lorry there our dash cam car moves left to do the same but the
13:30lorry driver in front has their own agenda trucks coming over from their
13:36morning lane soon it's not lane is passed
13:41and the lorry moving over into this lane okay perhaps they're making room for the
13:49dash cam car to pass on the inside so the driver of the camera cars trying to
13:54pass on the inside and he's waving back over there in the middle of the lanes
13:59why are they doing that and the lorry driver slamming on the brakes what is
14:02going on we're moving left and the lorry drivers also moving left it's like
14:08they're dancing with the lorry seemingly blocking the road ahead our dash cam
14:15driver decides to make a risky maneuver we've got the car driver now decided I'm
14:22gonna beat this truck our front carriageway our front grass verge yeah
14:26you shouldn't be here this is all going wrong for you are they gonna make it
14:35they've hit the lorry they've clipped it they're out of control they're facing
14:42backwards you can see the smoke from the tires the vehicle is now almost
14:46underneath the trailer of the lorry this is this is a terrible situation
14:58luckily neither driver was seriously injured so what do our panel think
15:03caused the crash we don't know what's gone on before but obviously the law is
15:07not letting the driver through this is just out and out road rage is this don't
15:11try and take on a lorry you're just never gonna win if someone's doing that
15:15just drop back phone emergency services let them come and deal with it
15:23next we're in Kazakhstan Central Asia we're in a residential area here clear
15:30day we're all we kind of got dual carriageway going on oh someone come
15:35past a little bit quick on the right-hand side passing our dash cam
15:39driver is a silver Jeep that started to indicate vehicle on the right is
15:44signaling left but they've just veered to the right and that silver car looks
15:51like it's gonna do a u-turn at this point this silver cars taken a really
15:55big risk not only has he got the oncoming cars he's got two lanes he's
15:59got to worry about behind him
16:03who's this oh they're racing the lights
16:08smack massive impact that's been in that black car out tipping it over that's
16:21gonna block the road that's gonna cause some serious mayhem so which of these
16:26two drivers is at fault for this accident the silver SUV is performing a
16:31risky maneuver the person that decided to race through the lights is pulling in
16:36an illegal maneuver between the two of them it's caused a crash if there's no
16:40sign saying you can't do a u-turn you can but you just gotta assess the danger
16:44around you I probably just found a quiet road turn around took my time come back
16:54I've known some tight squeezes in my time like pushing myself onto a packed
16:59train forcing the new family-sized sofa through the front door and trying to jam
17:05a fifth portion of trifle down me gullet at Christmas despite my entire
17:09family screaming at me to stop but thankfully I've never had the
17:13misfortune to get into the kind of tight squeezes on motorways that this lot have
17:21first up we're in the snowy wilderness near the Finnish border single carriage
17:27way road it's covered in snow everywhere so you need to be extremely careful
17:31probably the worst conditions ever got oncoming cars coming towards you you've
17:37got a vehicle you can't see around vehicle in front just a little bit slower than I
17:44suspect the driver on board with wants to be our dashcam driver decides on a bold move
17:49why would you even attempt to overtake that vehicle you didn't even know what was on the
17:56opposite side of the road at that point they're lucky they got away with it I was lucky the
18:03dashcam driver clears the van safely but it looks like there's another danger up ahead
18:07someone's going opposite direction someone's on the wrong side of the road here this time
18:15it's a white BMW attempting a risky overtake we're on a dead straight road but they haven't
18:21left enough space to get this move done tiniest gap that they've got try and fit through oh my
18:28god just about got through it and it's rolled windows are cracked good lord that were horrible
18:44fortunately there were no reported injuries in this small gap mishap but how do they end up
18:53face down in the snow two vehicles coming towards you you haven't got a lot of time to judge that
18:59sort of gap you're just aiming for the gap and praying for the best the driver had to put such
19:05aggressive steering inputs into their car that on frozen icy snow-covered roads there just wasn't
19:12enough grip from the tires and they're just out of control almost immediately and it seems there's
19:19no doubt where the blame lies the BMW is definitely at fault here they've overtaken that massive lorry
19:26their visibility would have been really restricted you're asking for trouble but when you're pulling
19:30out on snow slush and a slip of the road you've got to allow yourself more time the result was
19:36one car upside down on its roof and I wonder if the BMW realized the danger it caused back in
19:45Britain now heading towards the bright lights of Birmingham oh this looks like the I-45 near
19:51Birmingham that's my homeland it's a traditional summer's day in England in other words it's
19:57absolutely bucketing down wet roads grey skies I can see a car transporter in front of me
20:07and it looks like the driver of the car transporter is seeing something in front of them
20:13why is the car transporter standing on the brakes they've spotted something going on in
20:17the carriageway and the reason is about to be revealed to our driver as they move to overtake
20:28we've got a van also slamming on brakes we see the transit van swerve to the left
20:34ah there's a blue car just stopped in the outside lane what's dash cam car gonna do
20:39are they gonna try the same maneuver there's no gap left there's nowhere to go
20:43you ain't getting through there mate it's gonna be a very tight little point
20:47that was an incredibly tight squeeze there for the car riding on board with
20:56did he make contact with the yes he did so it just wasn't big enough for the pair of them to get
21:05through there tears the mud flap off the car and he's just sitting there waiting for the car to
21:12get through there tears the mud flap off the car transporter but I suspect the car we're on board
21:19with in that stocked blue car are far more damaged they're gonna need another car transporter to
21:24bring those two vehicles back home afterwards luckily this tight squeeze didn't result in
21:34any major injuries but is there anything the dashcam driver could have done to avoid
21:39careering into the car transporter in this situation I think it was just the available
21:43time between seeing the stopped car up ahead and being able to react to it the van left the car
21:50we're on board with completely unsighted and by the time the danger had revealed itself I think
21:54an accident at that point had become inevitable next up we're off to sunnier climbs in california
22:05so it looks like a high speed road um a freeway um or a motorway but yeah nice nice open road the
22:12head cam is coming from a motorbike which is positioned in one of the middle lanes on this
22:18carriageway we've got a vehicle to the left road looks quite clear it's got a nice little teddy
22:24bear there hopefully it's a lucky mascot because this rider is about to need one
22:30to the left looks as though they're going to move into the lane in front of this motorcyclist
22:38however they've not checked the mirrors there but it's forcing the bike to change lanes
22:45not leaving enough space at all it's got a lorry directly in front of it so they're
22:52definitely not going to want to hit that back the speed down because you've got nowhere to go
22:58nowhere that is except the safety lane but there's a problem
23:04safety lane has got an obstruction that gap is tiny and there's a cone are they going to fit through this
23:18geez how did they manage that our unscathed but unhappy biker signals to their mates to catch up
23:26with the red car let's give chase and teach this guy a lesson by the looks of it
23:32because we're very annoyed very very annoyed for the rider to be turning around and gesturing to
23:39their friend on the other motorcycle you know they're taking their eyes away from the road
23:43they're traveling at speed as well it's really bad behavior
23:50after gesturing their annoyance to the red car driver
23:53our biker and their friend go on their way so could anything have avoided the bike having to
24:00use the safety lane the motorcyclist could have just backed down rather than maintaining speed
24:07and trying to slalom that event this is not the decision making of a professional rider
24:19coming up troubles with towing get out of the way get out of the way little white car
24:24and even more troubles with snowing
24:32and it's a total blackout
24:43so snow what's not to love about sledging downhills building big snowmen or having a snowball the size
24:53of a melon slammed in your mush by your brother Colin and getting a massive nosebleed see it's
24:59not as fun filled as you might think is it and when it comes to driving in the snow it can be
25:04even less fun and a lot more dangerous
25:10we begin in eastern europe where there's a treacherous combo of snowfall and nightfall
25:18really bad weather conditions here there is snow you can't even see the lanes we've got a few
25:23hazards straight off the bat here there's traffic up ahead we've got glare off the headlights glare
25:28off the rear lights i don't think really that they should be driving that quick on roads with
25:33that much snow well brace yourself hayley because they're about to drive even quicker
25:42we're picking up speed going for an overtake
25:48vehicle in front of us has moved back to the right hand lane
25:53but it's what's up ahead that we need to be keeping our eyes on
25:57something coming towards us from the other side of the road
26:04oh my god that's a truck no way lorry there is coming directly for us
26:15the 4x4 has just floored it
26:19they've just made it
26:21and it's a total blackout despite the dash cam damage thankfully there were no reported injuries
26:28in this snowy sideswipe with a lorry lorries can lose control for a number of reasons it could
26:35have been black ice it slipped down and then once it struck the barrier it's just free sliding down
26:40the snow and it's just it's just it's just it's just it's just it's just it's just it's just it's
26:46slipped on and then once it struck the barrier it's just free sliding down the motorway the snow
26:53is horrendous on these roads grip and traction is going to be so limited any slight movement
26:59you'll lose control so is there anything our dash cam driver could have done if you're driving in
27:07conditions like this we need to be leaving more space around us more opportunity to slow down
27:12and stop if we need to in conditions like this if you don't know go slow
27:22now to a freeway in west virginia usa very poor visibility snow possible ice absolutely abysmal
27:31giving a fair old speed actually in these conditions you can't see what's down the road
27:36for all you know the road could be blocked there could be an obstruction and you need to react to
27:39it there and then funny you should say that the road's blocked no no there's no where to go
27:50and it's not just a dash cam car in danger
27:55car now it's coming to view it's completely out of control car on the right's gone in hard
28:02oh is this it
28:03they seem to be swerving heavily towards the left going for the grass verge up the bank
28:14through the gap yes what's a lucky save here there's cars everywhere there's
28:18debris everywhere there's slow moving vehicles
28:24whoa they're going way too fast what on earth are they thinking trucks gone in at full pelt as well
28:31this is like an automotive apocalypse
28:36it's a very good bit of driving great reflexes somehow our driver managed to navigate their way
28:43through a 30 car pile up but could they have done anything to avoid such a close call in the first
28:49place coming into this accident it was clear the driver was going a bit too quick for the conditions
28:56once one vehicle has a collision in weather like this
29:00it just starts bang bang bang so many vehicles come involved
29:06stopping doesn't help the situation because you're blocking the road
29:10you just have to move forward very slowly steadily and sensibly first thing they should be doing now
29:16if it's safe to do so should exit the vehicle and be running up that grass embankment as high as
29:21they can go and ringing emergency services or better still personally i'd stay home if it was
29:27like this heading back to a cold front in russia now on a road that's a lot less busy
29:37very poor driving conditions not great visibility uh lots of snow lots of ice
29:44i've got this vehicle in front lots of headlights coming towards us
29:51but alarmingly those headlights don't all seem to be in line with each other
29:56it looks like there's a bit of overtaking going on there well that's very dangerous
30:04well they've made it past but the highly risky maneuver isn't over yet
30:10oh he's coming across the road
30:14oh my word smash that poor car but it's still coming straight on
30:25bang there you go and that is a head-on big hit there
30:31fortunately no one was seriously hurt in this accident but what exactly went wrong to cause
30:37this double blow in the snow there's going to be hidden ice when there's snow around if your
30:44tires touch that piece of ice you're going to start to lose control and then to try and
30:50counter steer you're going to start spinning this car out of control
30:56and as they over correct they've put a wheel onto the snow and that's lost grip at this point neither
31:02the ladder nor the truck we're on board with is capable of stopping before the accident
31:08thankfully the vehicle's airbags had deployed on the first impact offering protection against the
31:14second hit but in these conditions was it really worth trying an overtaking maneuver in the first
31:20place overtaking at the best of time is a risky maneuver but to do it with snow and ice all around
31:27it's a no-brainer don't do it
31:33a trailer can be many things the exciting promise of a blockbuster film what my PE teacher used to
31:39call me when i lagged behind in gym class or an unpowered vehicle towed by another
31:45and towing can be tricky as our next set of drivers are about to find out
31:50first up we're on board with a dash cam driver in Arizona USA we've got a beautiful scene at
32:02the moment it is multi-lane motorway but the weather looks absolutely lovely big wide roads
32:08lots of space lots of cars driving along it traffic slowing up up ahead here
32:15but not slowing up is a truck coming down the lane on the left
32:21there's this red pickup truck coming past look at this truck coming in far too quickly
32:29it's got its wheels locked oh it's got a trailer
32:33the truck's jackknifed the trailer's still moving forwards
32:40trailer just catches the back of that white car is this gonna tip
32:44oh dear oh dear both trailer and pickup truck on their side that is crazy
32:57luckily nobody was seriously hurt but how did this pickup and trailer get tipped up and over
33:04the pickup hasn't left it's enough stopping space it slammed the brakes on as it's realized
33:10the car in front has stopped the brakes have locked and the whole thing's gone into a skid
33:16you've got the trailer trying to overtake the tow vehicle because it isn't slowing itself down the
33:22skid has caused the jackknife and the jackknife has caused the vehicle to end up in the position it is
33:27now next we're back in the uk and on the london orbital for the m25 as it's known to you and me
33:41blue skies roads are dry traffic's flowing nicely
33:47we're in lane three goods vehicle in lane one looks like he's towing a trailer
33:52it is now keep your eyes on that big blue trailer in lane one
34:00it looks like it's gone over some sort of bump in the tarmac that trailer's decoupled
34:05and now it's out of control
34:10you've got the white vehicle trying to dodge out of the way are they gonna make it
34:15get out of the way get out of the way little white car
34:18i think the white car's just dodged it
34:22bounced off the central reservation oh my goodness
34:31fortunately the reservation's held and it's now plowing down the side it looks like the
34:35trailer was in such a hurry to get there it's overtaking the lorry that was towing him
34:40the lorry driver's going to be sitting there thinking i recognize that trailer
34:45i recognize that trailer it's mine
34:51the quick-thinking lorry driver tries to do something about it
34:57drivers sort of acting as a shield here they try and
34:59stop that container from just rolling down the motorway here
35:05go on get across get it boxed in
35:11the lorry driver there has done a fantastic job bringing the trailer to a stop preventing
35:14anyone else from being injured maybe so but although no one was hurt it seems the trailer
35:21driver could have easily prevented this happening in the first place drivers to blame here because
35:27it is his vehicle in my opinion this vehicle hasn't been properly checked before it's set
35:33off on his journey you have to make sure when you do your walk-around check to make sure that
35:39it's properly attached
35:44so if you don't want to trash your trailer what are the all-important do's and don'ts
35:49first up sounds obvious but make sure it's properly attached to your vehicle
35:54when you've got a load or you've got a trailer attached it's down to the driver make sure that
35:58trailer is directly attached to your vehicle you cannot have an insecure load on a motorway
36:04and you cannot have an insecure trailer on a moor as well next don't scrimp splash some cash
36:11always go to a reputable fitter when getting any towing accessory fitted to your vehicle
36:16because when you buy cheap you pay twice and finally space out man you're towing a vehicle
36:24and when you're towing weight you need to be careful you need to leave plenty of space between
36:29you and the car in front because if anything happens and you haven't got time to react
36:33it could be a very dangerous situation coming up tractors causing trouble oh wow
36:42and a wheel of misfortune no why
36:59i've always fancied myself as a farmer early to bed early to rise living off the land and
37:05driving a big old tractor tractors are really useful off the road pulling loads or plowing
37:12fields but on the roads they can lead to a whole new set of highway hazards
37:21we begin in eastern europe where one dashcam driver is plowing ahead on a country road
37:28looks like we've got a very dull icy cold day here the view is quite clear ahead there's
37:34hardly any traffic on the road up ahead we've got what looks like a slow moving vehicle
37:43oh we've got a tractor in the road there's one of my favorite modes of
37:46transport a tractor i like a tractor tractor's going at usual tractor speed
37:54let's hope our dashcam driver isn't in a hurry then very straight road here we've got a vehicle
38:00coming the other way quite hard to see how anyone can get this one wrong actually oh you'd be
38:05surprised whoa hello the wheels come off the tractor no why
38:14the car's gonna try and avoid this it's gonna hit it it's gonna hit it
38:22oh bonnet's taking it straight into the windscreen
38:26well that was just a crazy moment that is scary a tractor wheel and tire can weigh over a hundred
38:41kilos and hitting anything the damage is going to be significant it's a big old lump of steel
38:48and rubber tire that's gonna hurt despite gaining a fifth wheel for their four-wheel car
38:54the driver fortunately avoided serious injury and what do our experts think went wrong for the
38:59tractor the number one cause for a wheel falling off any vehicle is a very simple one it wasn't
39:06bolted on properly and i would say in 90 of the cases where a wheel falls off that's what happened
39:12and i wonder if that's what happened here and is there anything the car driver could have done to
39:18avoid this terrifying tire situation this incident was impossible to predict for the oncoming car
39:27and even once the wheel had come off the tractor it was still impossible to predict for the driver
39:31of the oncoming car because they didn't know where the wheel was going to bounce off to
39:37the polish countryside next where we're following a tractor trailer so we're traveling down the
39:42carriageway we're a nice blue sky with lovely farm areas around us you've got a straight drop
39:49on the verge on the right hand side and in the middle of the road lines which are supposed to
39:54be separating the traffic on each side of the carriageway the vehicle we're following is well
40:00over the lines having a little drift again over to the left hand side still wiggling all over the road
40:07came quite close to running into that orange van careful and with a bend just ahead a motorcyclist
40:15makes a move but so does the driver of the tractor trailer so the tractor trailer is moving over
40:22it's not even indicating the rider's gonna get squished
40:29luckily the rider passes unscathed but the drama isn't over for the driver of the tractor trailer
40:35he's starting to drift over to that right hand side
40:39and that tire is just getting drawn away from the carriageway
40:45it's tipping the driver's not correcting oh my gosh it's gonna go
40:54wow what on earth oh what a mess
40:59that tractor trailer it's just gone straight over that verge there
41:04thankfully there were no serious injuries but according to our experts the tractor driver may
41:09need to shoulder some of the blame for this trailer tipping disaster from the evidence
41:15before the incident occurred it was just those occasional little drifts to the left and to the
41:20right i would say probably tiredness was going to be the key factor here however i believe that
41:26key factor here however i don't think that the rider actually helped this situation
41:32the motorcyclist i think just almost frightened the tractor off the road and it seems that once
41:39the tractor driver had lost control the steep drop next to the country road meant they'd reached their
41:45tipping point literally when you're driving on roads like this when you get close to the verge
41:50they do kind of pull you in especially if you're fully laden and you can see how soon as he put
41:54that back right hand tire onto the grass verge there was no saving it was like quicksand and
42:00there's not going to be much to save it the netherlands next with a dashcam driver behind
42:08a tractor towing a digger the visibility doesn't look that great on this road unfortunately you've
42:13got a lot of glare from the lights very misty very foggy not a nice day to be out we've got
42:19a bend as well so we've got traffic coming on the other side we've got a railway bridge coming up in
42:25the distance here and going full steam ahead is the tractor and it's a very high trailer moving
42:34for what appears to be a very low bridge it looks like it's gonna be a little bit of a close call
42:41i don't think that they're gonna make that stop
42:49bang crash wallets barks flying everywhere oh wow bounce around there's bits of debris
42:56flying everywhere the tractor driver is fighting to keep it on the road
43:01the wheels are off the road now and a complete loss of control
43:05although there were no serious injuries it was a serious incident the bridge strike means
43:11potentially shutting the bridge shutting the carriageway it can be days or even weeks before
43:17the railway bridge is safely repaired in this country if you do hit a railway bridge
43:22you're gonna be in heaps and heaps of trouble let me tell you same in the netherlands the
43:28tractor driver received multiple fines for driving too tall a load not having it secured
43:34and for having bold tires to be fair they did have a lot of warning lights but pete's not convinced
43:40that was ever gonna help you can have all the lights on your life but if you're trying to get
43:46something that's four meters through something that's three meters six it's not gonna fit
43:51next time more dangerous driving as we reveal how mess-ups can turn into pile-ups
43:59coming in like a missile reckless drivers causing wrecks on the highway oh my gosh
44:06they're literally hammering us off the road and slip-ups on slip roads i don't know what to do
44:14oh my gosh they're literally hammering us off the road and slip-ups on slip roads
44:21oh there's carnage
