• 2 months ago
Police - Episode 3 A Complaint Of Rape
00:0010, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:30So I started to, I went to dart out of the way and they just, I didn't notice the bloke
00:42behind me and he grabbed me from, grabbed one arm and the other one went and grabbed
00:47the other arm.
00:48So he grabbed you in the car park and not on Pryor Street?
00:51I didn't, I said he called me.
00:53Yeah and you went?
00:55Into the car park?
00:57Did you see, you saw these blokes in the pub did you?
00:59I saw them but I didn't take any notice of them, I'd never seen them before in my life.
01:07So you recognise them from the pub, not having seen them before?
01:12I hadn't seen them before ever before, no I hadn't seen them before today.
01:15One was through then was he?
01:19One was blonde with a moustache and they all had tattoos.
01:24How old was the blonde one with the moustache?
01:27I'd say about 24, 25.
01:29His height?
01:30Five foot eight.
01:31His build?
01:33Stocky build?
01:34Not a stocky shoe though.
01:36Erm, the other one.
01:37Tattoos you say?
01:38Yeah, on his arm.
01:39Which arm?
01:40Both of them.
01:41And he was showing his chest, he had a blonde hairy chest.
01:42What was he wearing?
01:43A blue, light blue shirt.
01:44And he was wearing a jacket.
01:45And he was wearing a jacket?
01:47And he was wearing a jacket?
01:49And he was wearing a jacket?
01:51And he was wearing a jacket?
01:53And he was wearing a jacket?
01:55And he was wearing a jacket?
01:58And er...
01:59That was over the chest, was it?
02:01And er...
02:02He was wearing one of those Levi jackets.
02:03A light blue.
02:04And a...
02:05A rough pair of jeans, you know.
02:06What did they say exactly?
02:07Like that, that don't struggle,
02:08if you struggle you make it worse for yourself.
02:09And they put you into the back of the car, didn't they?
02:11And you didn't scream or shout out?
02:12I yelled for a bit.
02:13I said,
02:14What are you doing?
02:15What are you doing?
02:16And he said,
02:17I said,
02:18I said,
02:19I said,
02:20I said,
02:21I said,
02:22I said,
02:23I said,
02:24I said,
02:25I said,
02:26I said,
02:27I said,
02:28I said,
02:29I said,
02:30I said,
02:31I said,
02:32I said,
02:34It was like,
02:35What are you doing?
02:37I was going a bit hysterical,
02:38And they've put their hand
02:39in my mouth
02:40and I thought I'm not alright.
02:41Which one did they have?
02:42The one on the left of me.
02:43The blonde one.
02:44The blonde one.
02:45And one got into the back of the car with ya, did he?
02:46Yeah the blonde one.
02:47But the other two remained at the front.
02:49And it was only a two...
02:50two-door car.
02:51We went all round the place.
02:52I can't remember every where we went.
02:53Every part of it?
02:54We ended up towards Pinebourne.
02:57Towards Pinebourne? Mm.
02:59And, um...
03:01You know the Oxford Road, do you?
03:03Yeah, I know the Oxford Road.
03:05But, um...
03:07What was going on in the back of the car?
03:09Are you struggling or asking to get out? Yeah.
03:11I said, can't let me out, let me out.
03:13Did they say anything to you when you went in the house?
03:16No. Nothing at all?
03:18Well, they said, make it easy for yourself.
03:21And, er, unless you want to end up in the river, you know.
03:25And I said, there's a bit of ways and means of making you do things, you know.
03:30And I said, if you don't come easy, we'll make it...
03:33We'll just, er, cut you up a bit, you know.
03:36We've got a pair of knives in the kitchen drawer.
03:38They said we can cut you up a bit one at a time.
03:40Which one took you upstairs? The brown one.
03:42Did they drag you up, or did you walk up?
03:45I scuffed a bit my shoes.
03:48Excuse me.
03:50Is Cora there? Yeah.
04:01Are you happy to carry on for another ten minutes and then come out?
04:04Yeah. And then you can go in and have a chat to her, isn't it?
04:07But if you'd like to come out and tell us what's going on, what she said.
04:10We're sort of halfway through.
04:12What's the actual house at the moment?
04:14I think she's slightly, normally, somewhat worried.
04:17She's not quite with it.
04:19I think she probably consented part the way and found her going a bit too far.
04:22She thinks she consented anyway. Do you think it's taken place?
04:25I think it might have done.
04:27But that's what we're sort of getting... The bottle's gone a wee bit.
04:30Yeah. She's going over facts that are a bit inconsistent
04:33with what she's said before anyway.
04:35So we're trying to keep going back over and see what she's saying.
04:39But we've sort of got to the house.
04:41She made an allegation a couple of years ago to McFulcher of...
04:49..threats to murder.
04:51And it was first to Superintendent Patterson.
04:54And that was filed.
04:56And within three weeks, she just waited for it to calm down,
04:59went back in three weeks and found someone else that didn't know her
05:02and made exactly the same complaint.
05:04Well, she said that in the car park...
05:06She was called back from Friar Street.
05:08She came out of the car park, went over to these three lads.
05:11They grabbed hold of her and forced her in the car.
05:13She didn't attempt to struggle or run away or scream or anything, so...
05:17It was a bit odd.
05:19I've got a feeling she's been...
05:21I've taken her there. I've taken her there.
05:24I just remembered when I was coming back.
05:26Yeah. I'll be in the office.
05:29Any reason why she should begin to start stating all this?
05:34Well, she's got a boyfriend of a year, so...
05:37So, yeah.
05:39Either her parents don't know she's had sex with his boyfriend,
05:42maybe for some reason she's afraid to tell him.
05:44She might have concocted the rape story or something like that.
05:47Or she knows these three lads.
05:49She's never ever seen these three lads before, she claims,
05:52and yet she recognised them when she came out of the pub.
05:55If I saw someone in a pub I'd never seen before,
05:57I wouldn't recognise them when I came out.
05:59Right, you get back to it. You're quite happy?
06:01Yeah, we're just going through it, stage by stage.
06:03You'll be in the office? Yeah.
06:05Have a good chat and get things together and give us a shout.
06:07OK. We'll hang on.
06:09The minute John comes back, we'll just come down,
06:12knock on the door and enter. Yeah, OK.
06:14All right, cheers, Richard.
06:16So you didn't want Reddit?
06:18Sorry? You didn't want Reddit?
06:20Well, they suggested that it would be better not to take Reddit,
06:23so I'm going to Bangor. What's the story, then?
06:25I don't know.
06:27No, not about that.
06:29Well, I'm just not particularly busy or anything like that.
06:33You know how lazy I am, Smiler?
06:35I think it's a bit unfair, that.
06:37Thank you, Kevin.
06:38I've got 30 other people who have said that.
06:40I think it's bloody diabolical.
06:42You've been up here five years? Five and a bit.
06:44Yeah, coming up for six.
06:45Then they suddenly turn around and say,
06:46that's it, we don't want you any more. Yeah.
06:48Anyhow, if there's any problems, you know,
06:50while I'm a PC out at Pangborn and you lot are on duty
06:52and I can help you out...
06:54Oh, I didn't realise that.
06:56Whoever's he, Kev?
06:58Who is this man? I don't know.
07:01Yes, I'm going back to uniform a week on Monday at Pangborn,
07:04driving Pandas with big blue lights and wearing funny hats.
07:07So you're with us on nights off?
07:09Well, if I'm on your board and there's a tea,
07:11I'm liable to call you up and say,
07:13what the hell do I do now, please?
07:15Then she said, I must go.
07:17I've got to be back at work.
07:21I'm late as it is.
07:23So I said, well, can't you hang on a minute?
07:26I don't like being in this pub on my own.
07:28I said, I don't like being in any pub on my own.
07:30I said, it looks bad.
07:32She said, well, they said...
07:34She said, it's OK.
07:36She said, they've seen you with me,
07:38so they know you're not on the game or anything.
07:41So I said, well, do girls in the game come in here?
07:44She said, sometimes.
07:46I've known girls on the game come in here.
07:48She said, just don't be in here too long.
07:50So I was in there about five, seven minutes, something like that.
07:53After she left, I drank my drink up as fast as I could
07:56without choking myself.
07:58And I went out.
08:00How many times have you had sex?
08:02Have you had sex regularly with somebody, with your boyfriend?
08:07When was the last time?
08:09I have been married, yes.
08:11When was the last time?
08:13Last weekend.
08:15What about your periods and things like that?
08:17Are you menstruating properly?
08:19Well, I never have done.
08:21Not ever since I was...
08:23You're not pregnant or anything, are you?
08:25No, I'm not pregnant.
08:27Are you sure about that?
08:29I went to see a doctor last month.
08:31You can ask my mum about that.
08:33Have you ever been...
08:35Have you got any history of any sort of...
08:37You know, you've been placed in...
08:39Yeah, I've been...
08:41What, as a voluntary patient?
08:45And how long were you there?
08:47Two months, and then four months before that.
08:49And what did you go in there for, then?
08:51I had a mental breakdown over my divorce.
08:54Did you?
09:00Well, you realise, of course, don't you,
09:02that if we take this...
09:06You know, if we deal with this as a rape,
09:08then you're going to have a hell of a load
09:10of barrages of questions put to you in the Crown Court,
09:12because it will go to Crown Court.
09:14You know that, don't you?
09:16You're going to have the Defence Solicitor
09:18getting up and asking you all the types
09:20of personal questions that I've just asked you.
09:22And, you know,
09:24if it's not true what you're telling us,
09:26then, you know,
09:28it's going to look a bit difficult for you, isn't it?
09:32What do I say? I wasn't raped.
09:34No, well, you know...
09:36There's a possibility, you know.
09:38People come into the police station
09:40and they say all sorts of things.
09:42They make up all sorts of stories.
09:44You wouldn't make up a story like that, I tell you.
09:47People do, you know.
09:49For lots of reasons.
09:51For lots of reasons.
09:53If I just wanted a good time,
09:55I'd go out with my boyfriend and have it, wouldn't I?
09:58I don't know. I don't know what you would do.
10:01What you're telling us, is it the truth?
10:03Of course it is. I wouldn't be here now, would I?
10:05Well, I don't know. There might be an ulterior motive for it.
10:08There might be a reason for it. Such as?
10:10There might be a reason for you being here.
10:12I don't know. Such as?
10:14Invariably, it might be a psychiatric reason.
10:17I've been set free for them. Pardon?
10:19They let me go because they thought I was sane.
10:23After all this happened,
10:25who was the first person you complained to about rape?
10:28I told my boyfriend.
10:30What time did you tell him?
10:32When he came home from work.
10:34What time's that? Six, five, four?
10:36Quarter to six. Quarter to six.
10:38What time did you get away from these fellows then?
10:41Er, I've no idea. I went into the job centre.
10:44Why didn't you say anything to somebody in the job centre?
10:47Surely rape... I was too scared.
10:49Rape is the next... As far as a woman is concerned,
10:52rape is the next thing to death, isn't it?
10:56Well, I was only... They said...
10:58If a woman's going to be raped,
11:00it's like sticking a knife in somebody. It's that serious.
11:03It felt like it. When they raped me, I tell you,
11:06I've got a pain in my stomach now from it.
11:09You then went to the job centre?
11:11Yeah, I was looking for a job. I knew I had to get a job.
11:15So you went through with the actions of going to the job centre,
11:18looking for a job, then you came out?
11:20Yeah, I got a bus home. Got a bus home?
11:23Your boyfriend eventually arrived, then you tell him?
11:26Well, I thought about it when I got home.
11:28I was going to bring the pigs, and I thought, better of it.
11:31I wasn't going to bring you. I thought I'd better...
11:33Why didn't you think, first of all,
11:35like, oh, God, I've been raped?
11:37I did, I felt dirty. Why don't I get...
11:39I must go to the police station and report it.
11:41Why didn't you do that?
11:43I felt too unclean.
11:45I didn't want to go through the process which I'm going through now.
11:48I didn't want my boyfriend to bring up the police, but he insisted.
11:52All right, if you've been raped, then we will deal with it as a rape.
11:56And we will arrest these men and we will speak to them.
12:00You've never been in this police station before to make an allegation?
12:04No. Only by burglary. I had my flat burgled.
12:07I have a flat burgled.
12:11Threatening letters?
12:16No. Sure?
12:19You spoke to various police officers here on this police station
12:22about various matters.
12:24About burglary?
12:26Allegations about things.
12:29Well, there were some threatening letters that were sent to you.
12:32You made allegations about that, didn't you?
12:34I can't remember. I've had ECT, you see.
12:37You've had what? ECT.
12:39What's that, then?
12:40Electrical... They pass electrical current through your brain
12:43to make you forget things.
12:47When did you have that?
12:49At a hospital. When?
12:51Um, I can't remember.
12:53When I was first there, I went.
12:56When you was first...
13:01Well, you come in here, then you come into this police station,
13:04you made a very serious allegation.
13:06I didn't come here. My boyfriend phoned the police.
13:09Do you want to make an allegation of it?
13:11If it wasn't for your boyfriend, what would your action be?
13:15What would my reaction be? Would I feel dead?
13:17No, what would your action, not reaction, action,
13:19if it wasn't for your boyfriend, what would you be doing right now?
13:22I'd probably be at home, just a bit moody,
13:25but I'd probably just go to bed and forget about it.
13:27That tends to suggest to me, in other words,
13:29that you would probably get over it,
13:31that it's something that you can handle, you can control,
13:33and then deal with.
13:35Yeah, well, I thought...
13:37I thought, well, loads of guys get raped and don't report it,
13:40and then I thought, well...
13:42Did you say earlier on in this interview that you were on a game,
13:45or been on a game? No, I've never been on a game.
13:47Never been on a game? No.
13:49I've never paid money for sex, ever.
13:51Have you had sex with a lot of men?
13:54Well, not really.
13:56Well, how many men have you had sex with?
13:59Can you count them on one hand, or can you count them on two hands,
14:02or three hands, you know?
14:04Eh? Can you count them on one hand?
14:08Well, not five. Not five.
14:10I've had my husband, my boyfriend,
14:14I've had my previous two boyfriends
14:17that I've been out with a long time.
14:19And how long have you been going out with your present boyfriend, then?
14:22Nearly a year. Twelve months, is it?
14:24Mm. Twelve months in November.
14:26They're going to ask you all these personal questions
14:29in the credit call,
14:31and, you know, you're going to go through a pretty nasty experience.
14:37That's what I was afraid of.
14:39That's why I wasn't going to report it.
14:41This is why we've got to determine whether what you're telling us is the truth.
14:45This is why we've got to determine now, before we get to court.
14:49Cos we don't want to go to court on a case which is a shaky case, do we?
14:56You know, one that we're not sure of your allegation.
14:59We're a bit uncertain of your allegation.
15:01We're not sure whether you're telling us the truth.
15:04That's what I'm saying to you.
15:07If I wanted sex,
15:09I'd know what the difference between love and sex is.
15:13So I wouldn't just go for sex.
15:15I love my boyfriend. I wouldn't just cut in with a bugger.
15:22You've told us the events leading up to it.
15:27You've told us how you went in the car to this house in Coley.
15:31Where you fled from Coley.
15:33Yeah, and then you've told us nothing more.
15:35You haven't told us what's happened inside the house.
15:38Did you get out from the car and just walk into the house, or what?
15:42Well, the driver got out and walked round.
15:46And the other two... Walked round to where?
15:49Round the other side and went to open the house.
15:52And the other one got out.
15:54I went to get out that side, but he said,
15:56''No, you'll get out this side.''
15:58And the other one was behind me, cos he was sitting in the back, the blonde one.
16:02And we got out of the car.
16:04And I tried to make a dash for it.
16:06He said, ''Oh, where are you going?''
16:08And he says, ''Just remember what I got in this pocket.''
16:11And there was a lump in his pocket, I don't know what it was,
16:14some sort of sheet or something, but I didn't see any knife.
16:17And he said, ''Remember, I can run faster than you.''
16:21And, um...
16:23When they couldn't make whoever was supposed to be in heard,
16:27so they opened this gate thing.
16:31As I said, what you want, if you're quite prepared to say,
16:34''Look, thank you very much,'' and get up and go,
16:37or, ''I want this pursued,'' or, ''I want to forget this,''
16:40first and foremost, that's what we're all about.
16:44It's your decision.
16:46Yeah, well, if these guys are caught and only one of them gets caught
16:50and the other two don't...
16:52There's all sorts of ifs about that, isn't there?
16:56If anyone...
16:58The other two will see to it that I'm not around to tell any more...
17:04Don't think that sort of thing happens, does it?
17:07I don't know, I don't...
17:09You've lived in Reading all your life, have you?
17:11No, I lived in Colchester as well.
17:13I've worked this area for many, many years.
17:15I don't think that sort of thing... It might happen on the telly,
17:18might happen in Starsky & Hutch, I can't see it happening in Reading.
17:21Not in any way that I know of.
17:23Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean to say I'm right.
17:26That sort of thing, I can't see happening.
17:28What I'm saying to you is, what you've got to consider
17:31is all this, the statements,
17:33the doctors, the grabbing of all your clothes,
17:37going to see a doctor, all the smears, all the probing about,
17:41then there's a court, then there's a jury, then there's the press.
17:44And if you haven't got it right,
17:46if it didn't happen or it did happen and you're just...
17:49If it happened and you're just a bit so-so about it,
17:52unless you get it right, the expression we use,
17:55I don't know what you lot use, is it'll all come on top.
17:58It'll all go monkey, which means it's pretty awful
18:01and you're going to be found out.
18:03Now, if you're quite happy after this has happened,
18:06to let things be and that you've got the mental capacity
18:09and the psychology to get over it, all well and good,
18:12but the boyfriend's forcing you in here,
18:14now it's a different ballgame, isn't it?
18:17Well, I was quite prepared to let it go,
18:19because I didn't want to go through with it.
18:21No-one's attacking your morals, you appreciate that.
18:24What do you mean by that?
18:26Well, what you get up to, your sex life, your morals, is up to you.
18:30You're a free individual. That's down to you.
18:32I didn't just go and bunk off with those blokes, you know.
18:35If I wanted sex, I could go to my boyfriend for it.
18:38That's what you said earlier on.
18:40I'm not arguing that point.
18:42All I'm hoping is that I don't want you in here
18:46because of some guy who's sitting downstairs opinion.
18:49I want you in here because of your opinion.
18:51And if it's not your opinion, you're not happy with it,
18:53then let's sort it out and let's get you going.
18:57Because you're not in here as a prisoner, you're not handcuffed,
19:00you're not being charged with any offences,
19:02you're in here because of what some other guy downstairs is saying.
19:05What I'm interested in is what you are telling me.
19:08I'll take it from there.
19:10And if you're saying to me,
19:12if he's forced me in, quite honestly, Brian, which is my name,
19:15I'd forget about it if it wasn't for him.
19:18What I'm saying to you is I want you to act on your own behalf.
19:22If you're saying to yourself,
19:24that is a fact of life, these things happen, I'm getting up and going, do it.
19:28If you want us to do something, then we'll do something about it,
19:31but it'll take a lot to get to the bottom of it.
19:35Well, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here in the first place.
19:39I wouldn't have even rung the police.
19:42Because it's like when my husband beat me up, I never phoned anyone.
19:47It's not until I ended up in hospital that they did something about it.
19:51Did she go through what happened in the house? No.
19:54Right, can you carry on where we left off?
19:58You went inside the kitchen,
20:00and you said, there's an electric kettle, I fancy a cup of coffee.
20:03Yeah, trying to stall them.
20:05He said, you're not going to have any coffee, take it from there.
20:08Yeah, because there's no electric. He said, there's no electric in the house.
20:11Then we went to the lounge, and they drew the curtains,
20:14and the blonde bloke sat next to me,
20:16pushed me down on the table next to me,
20:19and tried to maul me, and I said, get off.
20:23They said, and the other one said, oh, what about me?
20:26Don't I come first?
20:28So I said, oh, for Christ's sake, I'll leave while you fight it over.
20:33It was just too much.
20:35No, sorry, go through that again.
20:37They were fighting over who was going to be first, were they? Yeah.
20:40Right, who was first? The blonde bloke. The blonde bloke.
20:43He took me upstairs. Go through what happened.
20:46Yeah, he took me upstairs, well, grabbed my hand,
20:49and took me upstairs, and took me to his bedroom.
20:53There's toys all over the place, and there was a bare board,
20:58and they said, are you going to get undressed quietly,
21:02or do we have to hold you down and get you undressed?
21:06And I said, if you think I'm going to just strip like this,
21:09just so that you can have your way with me,
21:11you've got quite another thing coming.
21:13They said, if you want to end up in the river,
21:16I said, you've got a thing coming too.
21:19So anyway, he took my partying off, and I said,
21:25he took my partying off, and they were watching me,
21:31and I felt quite embarrassed.
21:33It was quite embarrassing. It was terrible.
21:41So the three of them were there, were they, upstairs?
21:44Two or three minutes, and...
21:48Did he ejaculate? Did he cum? I think so, yeah.
21:51Did he or didn't he?
21:52Well, he said, I've cummed too fast, I presume he came.
21:55So he came, yeah.
21:56And then I said, oh, it's my turn now.
21:59I said, oh, Christ, isn't one of you enough?
22:05Which one was that?
22:07The blonde one came first, and then the one with black bushy hair.
22:11They all had tattoos, and...
22:17Yeah, he did the same thing.
22:20I said, he hurt me more because he pulled my leg up.
22:24I tried to get free, and I tried to get my foot under
22:27so I could kick him one, and he said, I know that trick,
22:30and he got on my leg and pulled it right up over his back,
22:33and I went, oh, God, I hurt myself here, you know.
22:42He came as well, didn't he?
22:44He came as well, didn't he?
22:46Are you sure about that?
22:47I think so, yeah.
22:49And then the other one tried.
22:51And he says, he tried to wag himself off for a bit
22:55because he couldn't get hard, and I said,
22:57I said, oh, good, you don't want it, do you?
23:01I had enough by then.
23:04And he had a go, but I don't think he came, I'm not sure.
23:11But then he came or not.
23:14But the other two, definitely.
23:16Then what happened then?
23:18And they got off and they left me to get dressed,
23:20and I said, can I have some tissue paper?
23:22You know, because I was a bit wet.
23:24And they gave me an old towel, a blue and white pattern one.
23:30And I wiped myself, and I put my pants on,
23:34and I put my tights on back to front,
23:37and I said, how would you get dressed?
23:40And I walked out, and they were there.
23:46And then I said, can you take me back to Reading?
23:53We turned right, and then left, I think.
23:57And we eventually got to Main Road, where the buses came.
24:00The bus went straight, they went off to the left,
24:05and down the road, I saw them go.
24:07They stopped, did they?
24:09What was that, on the Main Road or at the junction?
24:12No, they turned left, they stopped.
24:16There's a bus stop up there, if you catch the bus, you'll be all right.
24:22And I said, well, how am I going to get on the bus?
24:25I've got no money.
24:27I said, oh, bloody hell, bloody women have got no money.
24:30They've only got money.
24:31They said, oh, it's too bad, the blonde bloke said.
24:34So the guy with the brown hair says, well, I've got to see my missus,
24:39so I've got to hurry up.
24:41So I said, well, it's this old con then, girl.
24:44Yeah, he's 16 pence.
24:4660 or 16?
24:4816 pence to get on the bus.
24:50Is that how much it is?
24:53And that was 16 pence for that centre.
24:56From where?
24:57Well, I don't know exactly.
24:59I think it was the Midway Road.
25:02Is it Midway Road? Is there such a road as that?
25:05Listen to me.
25:07I've been sitting here 20 minutes, half an hour listening to you.
25:09Some of it's the biggest lot of bollocks I've ever heard.
25:12I can get very annoyed very shortly.
25:14One minute you're saying it's Coley, next minute you're saying it's the Midway.
25:17You passed Coley Park.
25:19What happened?
25:20I'm sick and tired of the ups and downs and the ins and outs.
25:23Some of this is better fairy tales than bloody Gretel can do.
25:29Now stop mucking us all about.
25:31I'm not saying to you is you're lying.
25:33Get rid of the fruitiness, get rid of all the beauty about it
25:36and let's get down to facts and figures.
25:38It's not beautiful at all, is it?
25:39Well, some of it is.
25:40All this crap about bus stops and numbers
25:42and blue and white tea towels to wipe myself down with.
25:45What the hell's gone on?
25:46If nothing's gone on, let's all pack it off and go home.
25:49If something's gone on and you think,
25:51well, that's an experience, that's life, all right.
25:54That's what I do think.
25:56This is the biggest bollocks I've ever heard.
25:58I will agree that maybe you've had sex this afternoon
26:01and it's not with your boyfriend.
26:03But I'll go as far as to say
26:06I think that you've been a willing party to it.
26:09No, seriously.
26:11You're not upset by it.
26:13You haven't taken the blind bit of notice of anything that's gone on.
26:16The story you've told us is, like my colleagues, a fairy tale.
26:22Well, it happened, I think.
26:23We're not saying it didn't happen.
26:25I'm talking about the embroidery that goes on around it.
26:31We know what's happened to you, right?
26:33You've had a hard time. Your husband beat you up.
26:35You've had a mental breakdown.
26:37You've had a long, long time being treated for depression.
26:42Haven't you?
26:44And you go to a pub, you meet a couple of fellas
26:48and they say, let's go back for a cup of coffee.
26:50And you go back and it goes a bit too far.
26:53And they have sex with you.
26:55I didn't even know them before.
26:57Well, you got in the car with them.
26:59You got in the car with them.
27:01You haven't come here because you want to, have you?
27:03You made no effort at all to get away from them.
27:06I've checked with the...
27:08People are out. You got out and you walked down with them.
27:11First thing I did, you know when we left you at the house?
27:14Went straight down to...
27:16I spoke to the landlord.
27:18Oh, yes, I can remember her.
27:19She's the one that's a little bit funny.
27:21He knows her.
27:22She left here quite willingly with three lads.
27:25I didn't leave willingly with three lads.
27:27I didn't even go with three lads.
27:29Well, you left the pub with them.
27:31They might have followed me out or something, I don't know.
27:35You've told me that you wouldn't be here.
27:37That's right.
27:38Why not?
27:40Because it's a lot of fuss.
27:43And a lot of aggro.
27:45Something you can get over.
27:47Something you can accept.
27:49Well, you're a lot stronger than some women I've met, I'm glad to say.
27:52I've met some that have been raped and all sorts of things have happened to them
27:55and they think that their life is crumbling down around their ankles
27:57like a pair of knickers with the elastic gone.
27:59Well, that's why I've been in... isn't it?
28:01I don't know.
28:06Exactly why I've been...
28:09Why is he and I being...
28:11Doesn't hold water, this, does it?
28:14I'm not saying it's not true.
28:16What I'm saying is...
28:18there's a lot more to this.
28:20Unfortunately, we will never know the other side of the story
28:22because we don't know there are three blokes.
28:24Two, one or none, whatever the case may be, I don't know.
28:27All we've got is your side of the story
28:29and you're still making a fairy tale out of it.
28:31I'm not making a fairy tale out of it.
28:34I think you are.
28:38Do you realise that when we have you medically examined
28:41and the swabs are taken,
28:44it will show...
28:46If you've had sexual intercourse with three men this afternoon...
28:49It will show each one.
28:51Yeah, I know that.
28:53It will confirm that you've had sex or not with three men.
28:58So we can confirm it's happened, that you've had sex with three men.
29:01If it does confirm it, then I will go as far as to say
29:03that you went to that house willingly.
29:05There's no struggle.
29:07You could have run away quite easily
29:09when you got out of the car to go to the house.
29:11You could have got away quite easily.
29:13The three men you read in, two of the uniformed lads,
29:16have been a nuisance in the street, shouting and bawling.
29:19A couple of times you've been arrested under the Mental Health Act
29:22for shouting and screaming in the street.
29:24Haven't you?
29:26Yeah, I was ill, yeah.
29:28Yeah, right.
29:30So what's to stop you shouting and screaming in the street
29:33when you think you're going to get raped?
29:35You're not frightened at all.
29:37You walk in there quite blather.
29:39You're not frightened at all.
29:41I was frightened. You weren't.
29:43You're showing no signs of emotion.
29:45Every now and again you have a little tear.
29:47You were frightened.
29:49And you came at me, I think I would dive.
29:52I wouldn't take you on.
29:55We don't fall. Are you frightened?
29:57We don't fall. Why would I fight?
29:59I'm only a little waft. It doesn't matter.
30:01You're female and you've probably got a hell of a temper.
30:04If you were to go... I haven't got a temper.
30:06I don't know.
30:08If things were up against a wall,
30:10I think you'd fight and you'd fight very hard.
30:13I spoke to your boyfriend.
30:15He says you're the same. You've got a very bad temper.
30:17Very bad temper.
30:19I sat downstairs with him for half an hour and spoke to him about you.
30:22That's how I know all about your periods and things like this
30:24and when you last had sex.
30:26All right?
30:28Oh, whatever. He came with me.
30:30Right. Why on earth didn't you scream and shout
30:33when you came out of the car?
30:35Or when you went into the car?
30:37There's a lot of people about.
30:39At lunchtime, down the alleyway, there's always people about.
30:41Yeah, it was lovely when I went down there.
30:43When you came out of the car, there's always people about.
30:45Why didn't you scream and shout?
30:47I didn't see anybody apart from a couple of little kids, about three and five.
30:49You weren't looking. You weren't looking.
30:51Do you or do you not want to make a complaint of rape?
30:53No, I don't.
30:55Because as far as I'm concerned, if you don't,
30:57it's a complete and utter waste of time,
30:59us three sitting in this room talking about it.
31:01We might as well just pack up and let you get going.
31:05Oh, there's two of us thinking the same thing, then.
31:09Listen to very carefully what I've got to say.
31:11I don't want to... Listen carefully what I've got to say.
31:13My colleagues just asked you
31:15if you wish to make a complaint of rape,
31:17and you said no.
31:19If that is so, then we will take a statement off you
31:21to that effect.
31:23All right? Now, understand,
31:25we don't want you coming back in two or three days' time
31:27and saying that
31:29I made a complaint of rape
31:31and I now
31:33want to make that same complaint again.
31:35I might have withdrawn it,
31:37but I've changed my mind.
31:39All right?
31:41I'm very sceptical. I don't think it happened.
31:43All right?
31:45But don't let us dissuade you
31:47from making a complaint.
31:49If you want to make a complaint, make one.
31:51All right? I don't want you leaving this police station
31:55bloody police, I want to complain about rape
31:57and I'm not going to do anything.
31:59If you want to make a complaint, make it.
32:01If you don't, say so.
32:03We will take a statement off you
32:05and that will be the end of it.
32:07It's entirely up to you.
32:09What's it going to be?
32:11I don't want to get a call
32:13and go through that.
32:15Are you sure?
32:17I don't want to put any pressure on you whatsoever.
32:19You can still take it to the doctor
32:21and prove it if you want to.
32:23No, you won't.
32:25If you make a complaint of rape,
32:27then we will carry on with our interview
32:29to satisfy ourselves that it's happened.
32:31Once we're satisfied,
32:33then we'll get a doctor in to examine you.
32:35All right?
32:37If you're not going to make a complaint...
32:39Why don't you get a doctor in straightaway?
32:41We're not satisfied at the moment that it's happened.
32:43All right? That's why we're talking to you.
32:45We do not...
32:47What if someone doesn't want to make a complaint
32:49but you believe there is a rape?
32:51We can't do anything about it.
32:53We can't do anything about it
32:55because if you aren't going to complain,
32:57then, as far as I'm concerned,
32:59we've got no offence.
33:01Because you can't have an offender
33:03for an offence that doesn't exist.
33:05Much to our annoyance,
33:07and believe me, it has happened.
33:09Are you prepared
33:11to make a statement
33:13and if we apprehend the offenders,
33:15are you willing to go to court
33:17and give evidence?
33:19Well, if you...
33:21If we catch...
33:23If we catch one of them,
33:25No, if you catch one of them,
33:27the other two are going to get me, mate.
33:29Are you willing...
33:31Are you willing to make a statement
33:33and attend court and give evidence?
33:37That's what it boils down to.
33:39Before judge and jury.
33:41I don't want to go to court.
33:43Are you sure?
33:45Then that is your decision.
33:47We'll take a statement off you.
33:49I'll go and see my inspector now and tell him what's happening.
33:51And then we'll take a statement off you
33:53and you're quite free to leave the police station.
33:55All right?
34:03What's that for?
34:05I don't want to end up in the river, that's all.
34:07Oh, come on.
34:09This is Reading 1980.
34:11It's not bloody Starsky and Hull.
34:13What's the matter with you?
34:17they haven't met some of the people either.
34:19See what people mean by,
34:21you know,
34:23it's easiest to not say anything
34:25than go through this lot.
34:27For sure.
34:29You know what I mean?
34:33I was definitely raped.
34:37I've got a stomachache to prove it.
34:39And I could prove it
34:41with a doctor as well.
34:43They got a doctor in
34:45and did it straight away.
34:47It would be much easier.
34:49Why don't you do the physical first?
34:53Then you could prove it
34:55one way or the other.
34:57Then I'll prove it to them.
35:01Oh, thanks.
35:03See these cigarettes I get lit for you,
35:05they're going to cause me cancer.
35:07I'll die through giving people like you cigarettes
35:09when I don't smoke.
35:11We'll get a quick statement from you.
35:15I don't wish to make any...
35:17Nothing at all. You can then go.
35:19But as John McIntyre,
35:21that was my colleague, says,
35:23don't come back here in a week's time or a fortnight.
35:25What if you call on me and say,
35:27we've caught the blokes now, can you now prosecute them?
35:29If you don't want us to go any further,
35:31then we don't do anything about it.
35:33Well, when I'm coming back,
35:35that would be highly unlikely.
35:39We're here because you pay...
35:41Do you remember you pay taxes?
35:43That's our wages.
35:45If you're saying no to nothing, then it's forgotten.
35:47The way I see it, and I could be...
35:49What happens if one of them,
35:51or three of them do it again?
35:53Then whoever they do it to,
35:55if they do it,
35:57complains and makes a complaint of rape,
35:59then we'll look into it.
36:01If they say, I don't want to know,
36:03then they don't want to know what they're complaining,
36:05i.e. you. We'll do that.
36:07How do you know they haven't done it before?
36:09I don't.
36:11What if another girl comes in and complains of the same thing?
36:13If she complains of rape and she wants to make it stick,
36:15then it sticks.
36:17If she does as you're doing and says,
36:19well, look, I don't want to know,
36:21then she doesn't want to know.
36:23Well, she's been through what I've been through,
36:25she wouldn't want to know.
36:27Then you're answering your own question, then.
36:31I would not, in other circumstances,
36:33have told the police.
36:35I want no further police action regarding this incident,
36:37and I do not wish to attend court.
36:39Is that all right with you?
36:43We'll get you to sign this, then, all right?
36:47I can't read and write, so I hope you put down what you said.
36:49What do you mean, you can't read and write?
36:51Can you read?
36:53Yeah, of course I can read. You can't spell boyfriend, can you?
36:57Oh, was that R?
36:59It was like an E.
37:01Right, teacher.
37:03My boyfriend encouraged me
37:05to come to the police
37:07and tell them of the incident earlier today.
37:09You put, tell they?
37:11Them. That's an M.
37:13Oh, is it?
37:15Do you want to borrow my glasses?
37:17You need binoculars, not glasses.
37:19I would not, in other circumstances, have told the police...
37:21Oh, that's part of the D, is it?
37:23No, them. That's part of the M.
37:25No, that's a D, and that's...
37:29I would not, in other circumstances, have told the police
37:31I want no further police action
37:33regarding this incident,
37:35or to give any further notice to a Ten Court...
37:37You can't spell tank, can you?
37:41That's not it.
37:43Put it in there.
37:45Or make any form of complaint.
37:47One there.
37:49One after the last word.
37:55One at the top.
37:57Now, there's a couple of scorings out.
37:59That's a Scottish word.
38:01There's a couple of mistakes.
38:03Put your initials to show that that's about your boyfriend.
38:05One there.
38:11That's the second in a month we've had like that.
38:15That's the second in a month we've had like that.
38:17Well, of all my years, I've had...
38:19Well, I've had one that Terry Emily and I dealt with,
38:21and that came to nothing
38:23because she knew who did it.
38:27I've got a roller.
38:29I'll let you do it.
38:31If there's no message, I'll be there from past 12.
38:33I've just got to sort it out from my pocket.
38:35I'm sorry about that.
38:39We're on our way in a minute, all right?
38:41Grab that.
38:43Shall we now get rid of her?
38:45Did Dick say Mum and Dad was on the way down?
38:49She might as well sit in the front office with her boyfriend
38:51till Mum and Dad come and she can go.
38:53Is her boyfriend downstairs still? Yeah.
38:55How long has he been here, then?
38:57I'll show her downstairs.
38:59When Mum and Dad arrive, make sure she knows the SP
39:01regarding her complaint,
39:03then we can get on with the other work in hand tonight.
39:05All right. I'll meet you in the main office.
39:07See you in the main office. Yeah.
39:09All right. 30 seconds.
39:11I'll be up there in about 30 seconds tonight.
39:13Sorry? Did he tell her to make it?
39:15No. Oh, no. It could well have happened.
39:17We don't know, but she's so unwilling
39:19and she's got a mental... history of mental illness
39:21that she's now decided that
39:23if it hadn't been for her boyfriend encouraging her,
39:25she wouldn't have come here and she doesn't want to go to court.
39:27So what can we do?
39:29No answers. Do you please come out?
39:31Oh, no, no. It's nothing like that, I don't think.
39:33She's made allegations before, but they've never been
39:35found to be unfounded,
39:37but they've never been proved.
