Juz' 18 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Al-Mu'minun The Believers
00:05With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:11Truly success in this life and in the Hereafter does come to the Believers, who turn to God
00:19in all humility in their prayer, and who keep aloof from all that is vain and idle, and
00:27who act conscientiously for the sake of purity and regularly presents the zakat, and who
00:36guard their private parts, except from their spouses, that is those whom they justly and
00:43rightfully own in proper wedlock, in that case they are not to be blamed.
00:51But those who seek anything else to satisfy their sexual desire beyond this, it is they
00:58who are the transgressors, and who look after their trusts and their covenants, and who
01:06are strict in the observance of their prayers.
01:11It is they who are the real heirs, who will own paradise where they shall abide forever.
01:21We create a human being from an extract of clay.
01:26Then we reduce him to a drop of sperm and place him in a safe depository.
01:33Then we form the sperm into a clot.
01:37Then we develop the clot into a lump of flesh.
01:41Then we fashion bones out of this lump of flesh.
01:45Then we clothe the bones with flesh.
01:49Then we evolve him into another being.
01:53Therefore blessed be Allah, the best of creators."
02:00Then as you have passed these seven stages of physical creation, parallel to the above
02:06seven spiritual stages, you are heading towards death.
02:12Then after death you will certainly be raised up to life on the day of resurrection.
02:20And we have created above you seven ways, and we never have been neglectful of the needs
02:27of the creation.
02:29And we send down water out of the cloud according to a certain measure, and we lodge it in the
02:36earth as long as it is required.
02:40And remember, surely it is we who determine its taking away through the process of evaporation
02:47and many other processes.
02:51And then with it we grow for you gardens of date palms and vines, and you have plenty
02:58of fruit in these gardens, and of these fruit you eat.
03:03And with the water we produce a tree which grows on Mount Sinai, which bears in it oil
03:12and supplies a condiment for those who use it for food.
03:18And you have an evidence in the creation of the cattle too, which should lead you from
03:23ignorance to knowledge.
03:25We give you to drink of that milk which is in their bellies.
03:29You derive many other benefits from them, and you also get food from some of them.
03:35You are born on them as well as on the ships.
03:40And we sent Noah to his people, and he said, O my people, worship Allah alone.
03:48You have no god other than he.
03:51Will you not then guard against evil and seek his protection?
03:56But the chiefs of those who disbelieved from among his people said, He is nothing but a
04:01human being like yourselves.
04:04Only he seeks to assert his superiority over you.
04:08And if Allah had so willed he could have certainly sent down angels with him.
04:14We have never heard of this sort of a thing happen in the times of our fathers of old.
04:20He is but a man gone mad.
04:23You had better bear with him for a while, and see the consequences.
04:29Noah said, praying, My lord, help me, for they treat me as a liar.
04:36Then we sent our revelation to him, directing him, Make the ark under our eyes, and according
04:43to the dictates of our revelation.
04:46And when the time of our judgment comes, and the waters of the valley gush forth, then
04:52embark therein, two of every species, a pair of everything that you may need, and your
05:00companions, except those of them against whom our word of condemnation for their misdeeds
05:07have already gone forth.
05:10But do not plead with me in favor of those who have acted unjustly, for they are doomed
05:16to be drowned.
05:18Then when you and your companions are seated perfectly well in the ark, say, praying, All
05:26true and perfect praise belongs to Allah who has delivered us from the wicked people.
05:34And say while praying, My lord, enable me to make a blessed landing, for you are the
05:41best of those who provide people with the fairest landing place.
05:46Verily this account of Noah is full of many signs.
05:51Surely thus do we reveal the hidden truth about the people, and we did try the people
05:58of Noah.
06:00Then we raised another generation after them, and we sent to them a messenger from among
06:06themselves who said, Worship Allah.
06:10You have no other god other than he.
06:15Will you not then guard against evil deeds?
06:20And the chiefs of his people who disbelieved, and cried lies to the meeting with the Lord
06:26in the hereafter, and whom we had given ease and comfort in the present life, said, He
06:31is but a human being like yourselves.
06:34He eats of the food which you eat, and drinks of the drinks which you drink.
06:41And surely if you obey a human being like yourselves, you will then be the losers indeed.
06:49Does he promise you that when you are dead and reduced to dust and bones you shall be
06:53brought forth alive again from the graves?
06:57How very far and away from the truth and understanding is that which you are promised.
07:04There is no life beyond our present life.
07:07It is here we die, and here we live, and we shall not at all be raised up to life again
07:14so that there awaits us no resurrection.
07:18He is only an ordinary man who has forged a lie in the name of Allah, and we are not
07:25at all going to believe in him.
07:29He said praying, My Lord, help me for they treat me as a liar.
07:35The Lord said, They shall be remorseful before long, when caught by some punishment.
07:43Then the punishment overtook them, justly and rightfully, and we made them as scum of
07:49the flood.
07:51So the people who do wrong are far removed from the mercy of God.
07:56Then we raised other generations after them.
08:00No community can go ahead of its appointed time and thus manage to escape their doom,
08:07nor can they remain behind it or delay it.
08:11Then we sent our messengers successively, one after the other.
08:16Whenever there came to a community its messenger of God, they treated him as a liar.
08:22So we made some of them follow others to destruction, and we reduced them to mere legendary tales.
08:30Therefore, the people who do not believe are far removed from the mercy of their Lord.
08:37Then we sent Moses and his brother Aaron with our messages and a clear authority, to Pharaoh
08:45and his courtiers, but they waxed proud, for they were a haughty type of people.
08:53And they said, Shall we believe in two human beings like ourselves, while their people,
08:59the Israelites, are our bondsmen?
09:03So they cried lies to both of them, with the result they became of those who were destroyed.
09:10And after this event, we gave Moses the book, so that they, his people, might receive guidance
09:18through it.
09:20And we made the son of Mary and his mother a sign and a model of virtue, and we gave
09:27them both refuge upon a worth-living lofty plateau, abounding in green and fruitful valleys
09:35and springs of running water.
09:37O you messengers, eat of the things which are clean, good, and pure, and thus do good
09:48Verily, I am well aware of what you do.
09:53Verily know that this community of yours is, in fact, one community, and your religion
10:00one religion, and I am your Lord, so take me as your shield.
10:07But the people, rather than preserve their unity, split up their affair among themselves,
10:14forming themselves into factions, considering each portion thus split up as the real scripture.
10:22Every faction rejoicing in that which was with them.
10:26So leave them in their utter confusion, due to their ignorance, for a time.
10:34Do they think that because of what we go on adding to their worldly wealth and children,
10:40we are in a hurry to do them good?
10:43Nay, but they do not realize the true state of things.
10:49As for those who out of the majesty of their Lord are full of awe and reverence to him,
10:56and those who believe in the revelations of their Lord, and those who associate not partners
11:02with their Lord, and those who give whatever they can afford to give as alms in the way
11:08of their Lord, while their hearts tremble at the thought that they are returning to
11:13their Lord, and whether their deeds will find his approval or not.
11:19It is they who are quick and eager to do good works, to outdo others, and it is they
11:25who are the foremost for these.
11:29And we do not lay down responsibility upon any soul beyond its capacity, and we have
11:35a book which speaks and acts justly, and no injustice is done to anyone.
11:43Nay, there the disbelievers' minds are in utter confusion due to ignorance about this
11:51Koran, and they are engrossed in deeds different from the bindings of revelations, and they
11:58go on doing them.
12:00Yet as soon as we take those of them given to a life of luxury to task, behold, they
12:07start appealing for succor.
12:11Whereupon it will be said to them, Do not appeal for succor this day.
12:16You shall receive no help from us.
12:20My messages were recited to you, but you used to turn back on your heels, treating them
12:27with disdain and arrogance, talking nonsense about this Koran, by night, in your meetings.
12:35You gave it up.
12:38Have they not then pondered over the divine word?
12:42As a matter of fact, there has come to them that which had not come to their fathers of
12:49Or do they deny their messenger, because they do not recognize him?
12:54Or do they say, He is possessed?
12:57Nay, but the fact is that He has brought them the truth, while most of them are averse to
13:05the truth.
13:08And had the eternal truth followed their vain and low desires, the heavens and the
13:15earth and all those who are living in them would have surely gone to ruin.
13:22But we have brought them that which will raise them to eminence, yet they are turning aside
13:27from their own means of raising them to eminence.
13:30Or do you ask of them a tribute?
13:33There is no such thing as the tribute of your Lord is the best, for He is the best
13:38of providers.
13:41And most surely you are calling them to a straight and right path.
13:46But those who do not believe in the hereafter are indeed deviating from that path.
13:54And even if we had shown them mercy and relieved them of their distress, they would still persist
14:01in their transgression, wandering on blindly.
14:06And we did seize them with punishment in the past, but they did not humble themselves before
14:12their Lord, nor would they supplicate to Him for mercy.
14:16Behold, no sooner did we let loose on them a severe punishment, than that they are utterly
14:24despaired of God's mercy thereat.
14:29And disbelievers, it is He who has given you ears, eyes, and hearts, yet little is
14:37the gratitude you express.
14:41And it is He who has multiplied you in the earth, and to Him you shall be gathered.
14:48It is He who gives life and causes death, and He alone controls the alternation of night
14:57and day.
14:58Will you not then make use of your understanding?"
15:03But rather than trying to understand, they repeated what the former people had said.
15:10They had said,
15:12Shall we be certainly raised up to life when we are dead and reduced to mere dust and bones?
15:20Surely we and our forefathers have already been given such promises before.
15:27These are nothing but just fables of the former people.
15:32Ask, tell me, if you know whom the earth and all the creatures therein belong to?
15:42They will certainly say, to Allah.
15:46Thereupon say, will you still pay no heed?
15:52Say, who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the great throne of power?
15:58They will surely say, they all belong to Allah.
16:02Say, will you not then guard against refusal and evil deeds?
16:07Ask, tell me, if you know who it is in whose hand lies the dominating control of everything,
16:15and who protects all while against whom no protection can be had?
16:24They will indeed say, all these attributes belong to Allah.
16:29Say, how and whither are you then being led away?
16:36The thing is that we have brought them the truth about the unity of God, but they are
16:42sticking to lies by refusing it repeatedly.
16:48Allah has taken to himself no son, nor is there any other god along with him.
16:55Had there been any, each god would have left with what he had created, and some of them
17:02would have surely dominated over others.
17:05Holy is Allah, far above all they attribute to him.
17:10He has knowledge of both the hidden and the manifest realities.
17:15He is highly exalted above all the things they associate with him.
17:21Say in prayer, my Lord, if you should show me in my lifetime that punishment they are
17:28threatened with, my Lord, then do not leave me among the wrongdoing people.
17:35As a matter of fact, we have every power of showing you in your lifetime that punishment
17:42we threaten them with.
17:45Repel their evil by repaying it with that which is the fairest.
17:50We know very well the things they allege about you.
17:55And say in prayer, my Lord, I seek refuge in you from the mischief mongerings of the
18:02rebellious people.
18:04Father, I also seek refuge in you, my Lord, lest they should even come near me.
18:12Behold, when death approaches one of them, the rebellious ones, he says, send me back,
18:20my Lord, send me back, so that I may do righteous deeds which I failed to do in the worldly
18:28Never, that can never be, is the answer he receives.
18:33It is but a word of excuse which he utters, and there is a barrier between them which
18:39shall remain till the day when they shall be raised to life again.
18:45So when the trumpet is blown, ties of kinship will cease to exist between them that day,
18:52nor will they ask after one another.
18:55Then on that day there shall be a true weighing, so that whose scales are heavy and their deeds
19:01of righteousness preponderant and manifold, it is they who are the triumphant.
19:07But whose scales are light, and their deeds of righteousness of no account, it is they
19:14who have ruined their souls, and who shall abide in Gehenna for long.
19:21The fire shall scorch their faces, so they will lie there disfigured with burning, and
19:28they will wear a grin of pain and anguish.
19:32It will be said to them, Is it not true that my messages were recited to you, but you went
19:39on crying them lies?
19:42They will say, Our Lord, our misfortune got the better of us, and we were actually an
19:51erring people.
19:54Our Lord, deliver us from this.
19:56We shall indeed be unjust if we return to our evil ways of disobedience.
20:03God will say, Be gone with you, despise therein, and do not speak to me.
20:13There was a section from among my servants who said, Our Lord, we believe, so protect
20:20us against our sins, and have mercy on us, for you are the best of those who show mercy.
20:29But you treated them as a laughing stock, and you continued to laugh at them, until
20:34that ridicule made you give up even my remembrance, while you ever went on laughing at them.
20:41This day I have rewarded them for their patient endurance, so that they are the ones who have
20:47attained their goals and achieved bliss.
20:53God will then say, What number of years have you tarried on the earth?
20:59They will say, We tarried only for a day, or part of a day.
21:05We have no exact idea, but ask those who keep the count.
21:11God will say, You tarried but a little while, if only you knew what loss you have incurred
21:18by missing doing good.
21:22Did you then think that we had created you without purpose, and that you would not be
21:26brought back to us?
21:29Whereas highly exalted is Allah, the monarch, the truly existing one.
21:36There is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but He, the Lord
21:43of the glorious throne.
21:46And he who calls upon another god along with Allah, for the godhead of which he has no
21:52proof, shall have to render an account to his lord.
21:57Certainly such disbelievers will never gain their object.
22:02And say in your prayer, My lord, protect and have mercy, and you are the best of those
22:10who show mercy.
22:18Al-Nur, the light.
22:22With the name of Allah, the most gracious, the ever merciful.
22:27This is a highly dignified surah which we have revealed, and the ordinances of which
22:34we have made obligatory, and we have revealed it in clear commandments, so that you may
22:40rise to great eminence.
22:44Strike the fornicatress, and adulteress, and the fornicator, and adulterer, on the body
22:51of each of them a hundred times.
22:54This is the extreme limit, and let no feelings of pity for the two hold you from obedience
23:00to Allah in executing his judgment.
23:04If you believe in Allah and the last day, and let a section of the believers be present
23:11there at the time of the execution of their punishment.
23:15The fornicator and adulterer cannot have sexual relations without lawful marriage except with
23:22a fornicatress and adulteress, or polytheistic woman of low morality.
23:28And the fornicatress and adulteress, none can have sexual relations with her except
23:34a fornicator and adulterer, or a polytheistic man of low morality.
23:41And this adultery and fornication is forbidden to the believers.
23:47Strike eighty times on the bodies of those who calumniate, chase women, and who do not
23:52support their accusation with forewitnesses, and never accept their testimony, because
23:58it is they who are the disobedient, and break the law.
24:03Accept those who repent after this, and make amends, they will find Allah the Great Protector
24:10ever merciful.
24:12And those who charge their wives of adultery, and have no witnesses to support their charge,
24:18except their own selves, let each husband bear testimony, repeating it four times over,
24:25calling Allah to witness that he is surely of those who speak the truth in the matter
24:30of charging his wife of adultery.
24:33And the fifth time he should say on oath, that Allah's wrath be upon him if he be of
24:39the liars.
24:42But it shall avert the punishment from her if she calling Allah to witness testifies
24:48four times over that he is of the liars in bringing this charge against her.
24:54And the fifth time she should say on oath that the wrath of Allah be upon her if he
25:01the husband has spoken the truth about her.
25:05But for Allah's grace and his mercy which rests upon you, and but for the fact that
25:10Allah is oft returning with compassion, all wise, you would have come to grief.
25:18Verily, those hypocrites who brought the false accusation against Aisha the wife of the Prophet
25:25are a section of your own people.
25:29Do not think this incident to be bad for you, rather it is good for you.
25:35As for the accusers, every one of them shall receive his due punishment according to that
25:40which he has accomplished in the form of sin.
25:45As for him who among them took the principal part thereof, there awaits him a grievous
25:54When you heard of this accusation, why did not the believing men and believing women
25:59have a better opinion in respect of their own people, and say this charge is an obvious
26:06Why did they, the fabricators of this charge, not bring four witnesses in support of this
26:11accusation of theirs?
26:13Since they failed to produce the required witnesses, it is they who are the very liars
26:19in the sight of Allah.
26:21But for the fact that Allah has shown his grace and mercy to you in the present world,
26:27and in the next a great punishment would have certainly befallen you on account of
26:32that slander which you spread.
26:35When some of you began to learn this slander from each other's tongues, you gave tongue
26:40to that rumor and made statements of which you had no knowledge, and you considered it
26:46a trivial thing while it was grave in the sight of Allah.
26:51And why did you not say as soon as you heard of it, it does not behove us to talk like
26:58Holy are you, O gracious God, this is a monstrous calumny.
27:04If you are true believers, you should bear in mind that Allah admonishes you never to
27:10repeat such a thing again.
27:14And Allah explains to you his commandments, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
27:23Those who love to spread immorality among the believers will have a woeful punishment
27:28in this world and the next.
27:31And Allah knows while you do not know the consequences of this evil.
27:37But for the grace of Allah and his mercy that rests upon you, and but for the fact that
27:43Allah is most compassionate, ever-merciful, none of you would have ever been so chaste
27:49and pure.
27:53O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
27:58He that follows the footsteps of Satan should remember that he, Satan, surely enjoins immorality
28:05and indecency.
28:07But for the grace of Allah and his mercy that rests upon you, not one of you would have
28:13ever been pure, but Allah purifies him who wishes to be purified.
28:19And Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
28:24And let not those of you who are possessed of grace, with moral virtue, and of plenty
28:30of riches, like Abu Bakr, swear that they will give nothing to the kindred, the needy,
28:36and those who have left their homes for the cause of Allah.
28:40But let them forgive and forbear the offense.
28:44Do you not desire that Allah should protect you against your faults?
28:50And Allah is great protector, ever-merciful.
28:56Those who calumniate, chaste, unwary, innocent believing women, stand cursed in the present
29:03life and the hereafter, and there awaits them a grievous punishment.
29:09On the day of requital, when their tongues and their hands and their feet shall bear
29:15witness against them for the evil deeds they used to do.
29:19On that day, Allah will pay them in full for their just dues, and they shall know that
29:26Allah alone is the absolute truth, and as well makes the truth manifest.
29:32The evil and impure deeds are a characteristic of impure people, and the bad and impure people
29:39are inclined towards the bad and impure deeds.
29:43Similarly, good and pure deeds are a characteristic of good and pure people, and the good and
29:51pure people are inclined towards good and pure deeds.
29:55It is they, the good and pure, who are innocent of all that they, the accusers, may allege
30:02about them.
30:04There awaits them protection and an honorable and generous provision.
30:09O you who believe, do not enter houses other than your own, unless you have obtained willing
30:18permission and mind.
30:21You should greet the inmates of these houses.
30:24That is better for you.
30:26You have been given this commandment that you may be heedful.
30:30But if you find nobody in them, do not enter therein, unless you have got from the owners
30:36or the rightful caretaker previous permission, and go back if you are told to go back.
30:43That would be pure and best for you.
30:46Indeed, Allah is well aware of all that you do.
30:51It is no sin on your part to enter freely non-residential houses wherein your goods
30:58are lying, and Allah knows all that you profess and all that you conceal.
31:04Tell the believers to restrain their looks in the presence of women not closely related
31:09to them and so lawful for marriage, and guard their chastity.
31:15That is pure and best for them.
31:18Surely Allah is well aware of what they do.
31:22And tell the believing women to restrain their looks also in the presence of men who are
31:28not near of kin and so lawful for marriage, and guard their chastity, and not to disclose
31:34their natural and makeup beauty except such as cannot be helped and is apparent, and draw
31:41their head coverings over their bosoms, and they should not display their beauty save
31:47to their husbands, or to their fathers, or to their fathers-in-law, or to their own sons,
31:53or to the sons of their husbands, or to their own brothers, or to the sons of their brothers,
31:59or to the sons of their sisters, or their women who are their decent companions, or
32:04to their bondsmen, or to such of their male attendants as have no sexual appetite, or
32:11to such young children as have yet no knowledge of the hidden parts of women.
32:17And let them not strike the ground with their feet, so that which they must hide of their
32:22beauty or adornment may become known.
32:25And O believers, turn to Allah, one and all, that you may attain true happiness and your
32:32ultimate goal.
32:35Arrange marriages for those who are single, and for the males and females who serve you,
32:41and are deserving and fit to lead a married life.
32:44If they are poor, Allah will grant them means out of His bounty.
32:49Merciful is Allah, all-knowing.
32:54And those who find no means of marriage should exercise restraint and keep themselves chaste
33:00until Allah grants them means to marry out of His grace and bounty.
33:05There is another commandment, as for those of your bondsmen or women, as ask for a written
33:11contract of freedom for themselves on payment of ransom.
33:15Write this deed of manumission for them, provided you find good capabilities in them,
33:20and give them out of Allah's wealth, which He has given you.
33:25Another commandment for you is that, with a mind to gain by this unrighteous means,
33:31the benefits of the present life do not constrain your slave girls to unchaste life by keeping
33:37them unmarried, when they desire to marry to preserve their virtue.
33:43But if anybody forces them to abstain from marrying and to become unchaste, they will
33:48find, after they are forced, that God is most forgiving, ever-merciful.
33:55And we have sent down to you revelations which explain to you the truth, and have also revealed
34:01some accounts of those who have passed away before you.
34:05And we have sent in addition an exhortation for those who guard against evil."
34:13Allah is the extensive light of the heavens and the earth.
34:17His light can be compared to a lustrous pillar on which is a lamp.
34:22The lamp is inside a crystal globe.
34:26The globe of glass is as if it were a glittering star.
34:31It is lit by the oil of a blessed olive tree, which belongs neither to the east nor to the
34:38west, rather wells the whole world in its fold.
34:43Its oil is likely to glow forth of itself, even if no fire touch it.
34:49This lamp is a combination of many lights over and over.
34:54Allah guides towards his light whoever desires to be enlightened.
35:00And Allah sets forth excellent parables for the people, and Allah alone has full knowledge
35:07of everything.
35:09This light is now lit in houses of the companions which Allah has ordained to be exalted, and
35:16his name to be commemorated in them.
35:19Therein are such as glorify him in the mornings and the evenings.
35:25Men whom neither trade nor sale distract from exalting the name of Allah, and from the observance
35:30of prayer, and from presenting zakat regularly.
35:35They dread the day when the hearts and the eyes will be in a state of agitation and anguish,
35:42with the result that Allah will give them the reward according to their fairest deeds,
35:48and will even give them much more by his grace and bounty.
35:52And Allah does provide without measure to whom he will.
35:57And as to those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert.
36:02The thirsty man assumes it to be water until he comes up to it and finds it is nothing
36:08at all.
36:10And instead of water by his side, he finds that Allah has always been present with him,
36:16and he then pays him his account in full, and Allah is swift at reckoning.
36:24For the deeds of the disbelievers are like thick utter darkness of the fathomless deep
36:28sea, waves on top of which there are higher waves, covering its surface, which is overcast
36:35by clouds.
36:38These are layers of darkness piled one upon the other, so that a person, however much
36:44he may try, can hardly see his hand when he holds it out.
36:49Indeed, there is no light at all for the person whom Allah gives no light.
36:57Have you not pondered that it is Allah whose praises celebrate those who are in the heavens
37:02and on the earth, and so do the birds on the wings?
37:07Each one of them knows his own way of prayer and glorification, and Allah knows well what
37:14they do.
37:16And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah shall
37:22all human beings eventually return.
37:27Have you not seen that Allah drives the clouds steadily?
37:31Then he draws them together, and then he makes them piled up, so that you can see the rain
37:37pouring forth from their midst.
37:39And he sends down clouds looking like mountains, wherein is hail, and he smites with them whom
37:46he pleases, and averts them from whom he pleases.
37:50The brilliant flash of its lightning almost snatches away the sight, rendering the eyes
37:56sometimes blind.
38:00Allah sets the cycle of the night and the day.
38:04Surely in this law of retardation and acceleration, working in this phenomenon of nature, is indeed
38:10a lesson about the spiritual evolution of a human being for those possessed of understanding.
38:18And Allah has created every animal from water.
38:21Some of them move upon their bellies, and some move upon two feet, and some among them
38:27move upon four.
38:29Allah creates what he pleases.
38:32Verily Allah is possessor of every power to do what he will.
38:37We have certainly sent down revelations which explain the truth, and Allah guides him who
38:43desires to be guided to the exact right path.
38:50And some of the people say, We believe in Allah and the Messenger, and obey them.
38:57But even after professing this, a section of them, the hypocrites, turn away.
39:04Such are no believers at all.
39:07When they are summoned before Allah and his Messenger, that he may judge between them,
39:12below, a party of them turn away.
39:16But if they consider that the right is on their side, they come to him running, showing
39:24Is it that their minds are diseased?
39:27Or do they suffer from doubts?
39:29Or do they fear that Allah and his Messenger will deal with them unjustly?
39:34Nay, wrong are their misgivings.
39:37It is they themselves who are the unjust.
39:41The only response of the believers when they are summoned before Allah and his Messenger,
39:46so that he may judge between them, is that they say, We hear and we obey.
39:52It is they who will attain their goal.
39:55And those who obey Allah and his Messenger, and hold Allah in awe, and take him as a shield
40:02for protection, it is they who shall be triumphant.
40:07They, the hypocrites, swear to Allah by their most earnest oaths, that if you only command
40:14them for a defensive fight, they will certainly march forth from their homes.
40:19Say, do not swear, only reasonable obedience in what is right and lawful is all that is
40:26required from you.
40:28Surely Allah is aware of what you do.
40:31Say, obey Allah and obey the Messenger.
40:36But if you turn your back, remember that he, the Messenger, is responsible for what
40:42he is charged with, and you are responsible for what you are charged with.
40:48Indeed, if you obey him, you will be following the right path.
40:54The Messenger is not responsible but for the delivery of the message to all in clear terms.
41:03Allah has promised those of you who believe and do deeds of righteousness, that surely
41:09he will make them successors on the earth, as he made successors from among their predecessors,
41:15and that he will surely establish for them their faith which he has approved for them,
41:21and that he will surely replace their state of fear with a state of security and peace.
41:27They will worship me alone, and they will not associate anything with me.
41:32But those who show ingratitude for all the favors done to them after that, it is they
41:37who will be reckoned as the worst disobedient.
41:42And Believers, observe the prayer, keep on presenting the zakat, and obey the Messenger
41:49that you may be shown mercy.
41:52Think not that those who disbelieve can ever be able to frustrate our plan on the earth
41:57and escape us.
41:59Their abode is fire.
42:01What an evil resort!
42:04O you who believe, it is binding on those whom your right hands possess, and those of
42:11your children who have not reached the age of puberty to ask your permission before coming
42:16into your private rooms, in three instances, before the morning prayer, and when you lay
42:22aside your clothes due to the heat in summer, at noon, and after the night prayer.
42:29These are three times when your privacy should be respected.
42:33At other times, no blame shall lie on you or them if they come to you without permission,
42:39for they have to move about waiting upon you, some of you attending upon others according
42:45to need.
42:47That is how Allah explains to you His commandments, for Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
42:54When the children among you reach the age of puberty, they too should seek permission
42:58to come to your rooms, just as those elderly people mentioned before them do.
43:04That is how Allah explains to you His commandments, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
43:12And as to the elderly spinsters who are past childbearing age, and who do not hope for
43:18sexual intercourse, it is no offense for them to lay aside their outer garments, provided
43:25they do not do it to display their beauty.
43:28But if they abstain even from that, it is much better for them.
43:32Indeed, Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
43:37There is no bar on and not improper for the blind, nor is there any bar on nor improper
43:43for the lame, nor is any bar on nor improper for the sick, nor on your people that you
43:50eat from your own houses, or the houses of your fathers and children, or the houses of
43:56your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses
44:02of your paternal uncles, or the houses of your paternal aunts, or the houses of your
44:08maternal uncles, or the houses of your maternal aunts, or from that of which the keys are
44:15in your possessions, or from the house of a friend of yours.
44:19No blame lies on you whether you eat together or separately.
44:24And when you enter houses, greet your people present therein with the salutation prescribed
44:29by Allah, a salutation full of blessings and purity.
44:34That is how Allah explains to you His commandments, that you may abstain from evils.
44:42True believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and who when they
44:47are with Him, upon any matter of common importance which has brought them together, do not leave
44:54the Messenger until they have asked permission of Him.
44:58Surely it is those who ask your permission who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger.
45:03So when they ask your permission for some urgent and important affair of their own,
45:08give your permission to whom you will of them, and ask Allah's protection for them.
45:13Surely Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
45:17Believers, do not treat the call of the Messenger among yourselves like the call of one of you
45:24to another.
45:26Allah indeed knows those of you who sneak away stealthily from the conference.
45:31So let those who go against His command beware, lest some calamity should befall them or they
45:38receive some painful punishment.
45:41Whatever is in the heavens and on the earth belongs to Allah.
45:47He ever knows in what state you are, and He knows what you are holding on to.
45:52The day when all the people shall be made to return to Him, He will tell them all they
45:58had been doing, for Allah is the Possessor of full knowledge of everything.
46:07The Standard of Truth and Falsehood
46:11With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
46:17Blessed is he who revealed Al-Furqan to his servant that he may be a warner to all the
46:24It is he to whom the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth belongs, and he has begotten
46:31nor taken to himself a son, nor is there any associate with him in the sovereignty.
46:37He has created everything and has determined its proper measure.
46:42Yet people worship apart from Him gods who, rather than create anything, are themselves
46:49created, and who have no power of averting harm or doing good to themselves, nor have
46:55they any control over death or life or resurrection.
47:00But those who believe say, This Qur'an is nothing but a big lie, which he, the false
47:06claimant to prophethood, has forged, and other people have helped him in this.
47:13By so saying, they have perpetrated a great injustice and a big falsehood.
47:22They also say, This Qur'an consists of fables of the ancients that he has got written down,
47:30and now they are read out to him morning and evening.
47:34Say, He who knows every secret of the heavens and the earth has revealed this Qur'an.
47:42Verily he is great protector, ever merciful.
47:47They say, What sort of a messenger is this, that he even eats food and also goes about
47:54in the marketplaces?
47:55Why has no angel been sent down to him that he may help him and be a warner along with
48:02Or a treasure should have been sent to him, or there should have been a garden from which
48:07he might eat.
48:09Not only that, these unjust people say, You follow none but a mere man who is given food.
48:16Look what fantastic stories they concoct with regard to you.
48:21It is therefore that they have gone astray and are unable to find a way.
48:28Blessed is he who is pleased to assign to you, better than that, gardens served with
48:35running streams, and will also assign to you palaces.
48:41Nay, the real fact is, they, the disbelievers, cry lies to the hour of the evil doom of the
48:49disbelievers and final victory of the Muslims, and we have in store a blazing hell for him
48:55who cries lies to the hour.
48:59When it, the blazing fire, sees them from afar, they will hear its raging and roaring,
49:08and when they are thrown into some narrow place of it, chained in fetters, they will
49:13call out for total destruction there and then.
49:18It will be said to them, This is no time to call out for a single death.
49:22You had better call out for a series of deaths.
49:27Say, Is this end better, or the everlasting paradise which is promised to those who guard
49:34against evil, and which is their due reward and ultimate resort?
49:39They shall have there all that they desire, and they will abide in this state of bliss
49:46It is a promise binding on your Lord, and to be always earnestly prayed for from Him.
49:54Beware of the day when He will gather them together and the things they worship apart
50:00from Allah.
50:01He will ask, Was it you who led these servants of Mine astray, or did they themselves stray
50:07away from the right path?
50:10They will say, Holy is your name.
50:13It did not behove us to take patrons apart from you, but you bestowed on them and their
50:18fathers the good things of life to such an extent that they gave up remembrance of you
50:24and became a ruined people.
50:27Then we shall say to the idol-worshippers, Now these deities have given you the lie and
50:32contradict you with regard to what you said, so today you have no power to avert the penalty
50:39or get help of any sort for yourselves.
50:43Remember whosoever of you acts unjustly and goes wrong, we shall make him suffer a great
50:53And we sent no messengers before you, but they surely ate food and walked in the marketplaces
50:59and were human models for you to follow in every walk of life, and we try you one with
51:05another to show if you will then patiently persevere, and your Lord is ever all-seeing.
