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Qur'an o Ahaadees Ki Roshni Mein Islam Ka Message Zyada se zyada Logon Tak Pohchane Mein Hamari Madad Karen Is Video Ko Apne Sabhi Contacts Aur Groups Mein Share Zaroor Karen


00:00Those who entertain no fear about being present before us, nor do they expect it, say,
00:07Why should not the angels be sent down to us? For we see our Lord. They have indeed
00:14thought very highly of themselves, and have exceeded all limits of transgression.
00:20Do they not realize that the day when they will see the angels there will be no good tidings that
00:26day for those who cut off their ties with God, and they will say in distress,
00:32Would that there were some strong barrier between us and this punishment.
00:38And we have turned our attention to whatever attempt they have made against Islam,
00:43and so we will render this attempt like thin dust particles scattered about as it was in the battle
00:49of Badr. Only the owners of paradise will be better off with regard to their abode,
00:56and happier still in respect of their place of repose.
01:01Call to mind the day when the heavens shall burst and melt into raining clouds,
01:07and the angels shall be made to descend in large numbers.
01:12The true sovereignty that day shall belong only to the most gracious God,
01:16and it shall be really a very hard day for the disbelievers.
01:21On that day the unjust shall bite his hands in regret. He will say,
01:28If only I had followed the same path along with the messenger.
01:33Ah, woe is me! Would that I had not made friends with so and so.
01:41He indeed led me astray from this source of rising to eminence after it had come to me.
01:47And Satan is ever a deserter of human being in the hour of need.
01:52And on that day the messenger will say, My Lord, my people treated even this Quran as a thing
02:00abandoned. Just as we have turned them into your enemies, so do we make those who cut off their
02:07ties with Allah as the enemies of each and every prophet. Yet your Lord is sufficient to guide,
02:14and enough in respect of rendering help. And those who disbelieve say, Why has not the
02:21whole of the Quran been revealed to him all at once? But we have revealed it in this manner,
02:28piece by piece out of necessity. And in spite of the fact that it has not been revealed all at once,
02:34we have arranged it in an excellent form and order of arrangement, and free of all
02:40contradictions, so that we may thereby lend strength to your heart. And they bring you no
02:46parable by way of an objection, but we have provided you with the true fact and perfect
02:52interpretation of it in answer to the objection beforehand. And those who shall be brought to
02:59Jahannah dragged on their faces and along with their leaders are the worst placed,
03:05and they have completely lost the straight path.
03:10And we gave Moses the scripture and made with him his brother Aaron a sharer of his burden.
03:16We said, Go both of you to the people who have cried lies to our commandments.
03:23Then when they had accomplished their mission of conveying the message,
03:27and were again rejected, we destroyed these disbelievers with an utter destruction.
03:32And we destroyed the people of Noah too, when they treated our messengers as liars.
03:39We drowned them and made them a sign for people. Indeed we have in store a woeful
03:45punishment for such of the wrongdoers. And tribes of Ad and Thamud, and the people of the Rasts,
03:54and many a generation in between them, were all destroyed.
03:59And for the guidance of each one of them, we quoted excellent pieces of advice. And when
04:05they still persisted in refusal, we ruined each one of them, a complete ruination.
04:14And certainly these Meccan disbelievers passed by the ruined townships which suffered a painful
04:23rain of stone. Have they not been seeing the ruins of this? Of course they have. They do not
04:31and expect not to be resurrected after death and to be called to account for their deeds.
04:39And whenever they see you, they treat you disdainfully, saying, What, is this the man
04:46whom Allah has raised for a messenger? He indeed had well-nigh led us astray from our gods if
04:54we had not adhered to them steadfastly. And they shall soon know for certain when they see the
05:00punishment who had completely lost the straight path. Have you considered over the plight of one
05:06who has taken his own low desires for his deity? Can you then be a guardian over such a one?
05:13Do you think that most of these opponents can hear and understand what you say?
05:18They are only like cattle, rather they are even worse in their ways and behavior.
05:25Do you not see the wonderful doing of your lord, how he stretches the shadow? If he had pleased,
05:32he could have made it still. Not only that, we stretch the shadow, we make the position of the
05:40sun its indicator. Then as the sun rises higher in the sky, we withdraw it to ourselves, a gradual
05:50withdrawing. It is he who has made the night as a covering mantle for you and who has made sleep for
05:58a short rest as a sign of eternal rest and has made the day for rising up and going about to
06:06seek livelihood and also a sign of resurrection. And it is he who sends the winds as happy heralds
06:14of his mercy and we send down from above water for the purification that we may thereby bring
06:22the dead land to life and give it as a drink to most of the things whom we have created,
06:29beasts and people in large numbers. And we have explained this topic to them in diverse ways so
06:37that they may take heed, but most of the people would refuse to adopt any attitude except that
06:44of disbelief. If we had so willed, we would surely have raised in place of universal prophethood
06:51a warner in every town. So do not follow the disbelievers and strive hard against them with
06:59the help of this Qur'an, a mighty striving. It is he who has let the two spans of water
07:06loose to flow, one of them a river, sweet and thirst quenching, while the other a sea,
07:14saltish and bitter. And he has set a barrier and an insurmountable partition between them.
07:22Still both exist side by side in the world and would continue.
07:28And it is he who created human beings from water and has given him relations by descent and
07:35kinship, by marriage and thus sought to establish a civilization and social life based on oneness
07:42of humanity under oneness of God. And your Lord is all-powerful. Yet they, the disbelievers,
07:50worship apart from Allah the things which can neither do them good nor avert harm from them.
07:57And the disbeliever is ever a helper of the upholders of the cause of untruth against his
08:03Lord. But we have sent you only as a bearer of happy tidings to the doers of good and as a
08:11warner to the wicked and the unjust. Say, I ask of you no recompense for it.
08:19All that I ask is that whoever chooses may follow the path that leads to his Lord.
08:26Hence put your trust in the ever-living God who is free from death and glorify his holiness along
08:35with celebrating his praise and also tell sufficient is he as being well aware of the
08:42shortcomings of his servants. It is he who created the heavens and the earth and all that lies
08:49between them in six aeons. Besides, he is firmly established on the throne of power.
08:57He is the most gracious God. And ask concerning him who knows.
09:04And when it is said to them, prostrate to show submission to the most gracious God,
09:10they say, what thing is this the most gracious God? Shall we prostrate to whatever you bid us
09:16to show submission? So this bidding of the prophet to submit to the Lord increased in them aversion
09:24to the truth. Blessed is he who has placed stars in the heaven and has set in it the glowing sun
09:31that produces light and the glittering moon that reflects light. And it is he who has made the
09:38night and the day, one following the other. He has done it for the benefit of the person who
09:45would care to receive exhortation and who would care to be grateful. Those alone are the true
09:52servants of the most gracious God who walk upon the earth in all humility, but in a dignified
09:59manner. And when the ignorant address them, they do not wrangle, but observe a peaceful attitude.
10:07And who pass the nights for the sake of their Lord, prostrating and standing up before him in
10:13prayer. And who say while praying, our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Jahannam,
10:21for its punishment is indeed most vehement and unshakable. It is of course an evil place to
10:28lodge temporarily and an evil place to remain therein permanently. And the true servants of God
10:37are those who when spending are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but their spending
10:43follow a middle course, ever moderate. And who invoke none as God along with Allah.
10:51And who do not kill anyone whom Allah has forbidden to be killed, except for a just and
10:57lawful cause. And who do not commit fornication and adultery. And he who does these things
11:04shall meet the punishment of his sin. His punishment shall be doubled on the day of
11:10resurrection. Humiliated and disgraced he shall suffer the punishment for long.
11:16Different, however, shall be the case of him who turns to God in repentance
11:21and believes and does righteous deeds. For such people only Allah will replace
11:28their evil deeds with good ones. And Allah is great protector, ever merciful.
11:34And he who turns to God in sincere repentance and accordingly does righteous deeds,
11:41no doubt he turns to Allah in proper and true repentance.
11:46And those who do not give false evidence and when they pass by something vain,
11:51they do not indulge in it, but pass on with dignity. And who do not shut their ears and
11:58eyes to the commandments of their Lord, but listen to them attentively and with their eyes open.
12:04When they are reminded of them, so that their belief is based on convictions and not on mere
12:10hearsay. And who in their prayer say, O our Lord, grant that our spouses and our children be a
12:19source of comfort for our eyes and make us a model for those who guard against evil.
12:25It is such of those who will be rewarded the highest place in paradise for their fortitude,
12:30and they will be received therein with greeting of salutation of peace.
12:37They will abide therein forever, how excellent it is as a lodging place to rest,
12:43and how noble as an abode for permanent stay. Say to the disbelievers, My Lord will not hold
12:52you to be of any worth if you do not call on him in your prayer seeking his protection.
12:58Since you cried lies to the word of God, so you must now encounter a lasting punishment.
13:12Al-Shu'ara The Poets
13:16With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
13:21Ta-Sin-Meen Allah is benign, all-hearing, and all-knowing.
13:30These are the verses of the perfect book, which tells the right from the wrong,
13:36and which also makes the meaning and significance of the verses clear.
13:42Perhaps you will consume yourself away with anxiety because they do not become believers.
13:48If we so please, we can send down upon them such a sign from above that their necks would bend
13:54and heads bow down in submission to it. There never comes to them a fresh reminder
14:01in a form new and with new details from the Most Gracious God, but they turn away from it.
14:09Now when they have cried lies to the messages of their Lord and denied the Qur'an,
14:15there will soon come to them the great tidings about their own doom and predominance of Islam,
14:20which they used to take lightly. Do they not see the earth,
14:25how many excellent and useful things of all species we have caused to grow on it?
14:31Indeed there is a sign in this, yet most of them would not believe.
14:37And your Lord, of course, He is the Almighty, the Ever Merciful.
14:44And recall the time when your Lord called to Moses, directing him,
14:49Go to the wrongdoing people, the people of Pharaoh, and say to them, Will they not guard against evil?
14:58Moses said, My Lord, I am afraid they will cry me lies, and my bosom straightens,
15:06and my heart fails me, and my tongue is not fluent for feeling inadequate to deliver the
15:12message I am entrusted with. Therefore send to Aaron to help me.
15:19Moreover, they have a charge of the murder of an Egyptian against me,
15:24so I fear they will kill me before I am able to deliver your message to them.
15:30The Lord said, That shall not be. Go then, both of you, with our messages,
15:38and we are assuredly with you listening to your prayers.
15:43Go to Pharaoh, both of you, and say, We are bearers of a message from the Lord of the worlds,
15:51who commands you to send the children of Israel with us.
15:56So when Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh he said to Moses, Did we not bring you up among us when
16:03you were a mere babe, and you stayed with us many years of your life, and you have surely committed
16:10an act, and you are of the ungrateful. Moses said, Indeed I did it, and as I was lost for the
16:20love of my people and was in a perplexed state of mind, so I fled from you when I apprehended
16:27injustice from you. Then it came to pass that my Lord granted me knowledge and right judgment,
16:33and made me one of the messengers. And this insignificant favor of your bringing me up,
16:41that you so tauntingly remind me of, can be no reasonable excuse, for you have enslaved the
16:47whole community of the children of Israel for no fault of theirs. Pharaoh was confounded,
16:55and turning the topic of the conversation said, What is this Lord of the world by whom you claim
17:00to be sent? Moses said, He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and of all that lies
17:08between the two, if you and your companions be convinced of this true knowledge and have faith
17:13in him. Thereupon Pharaoh said to those around him, Do you not hear what is being said?
17:21Moses continued, He is the same who is your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore.
17:28Pharaoh said, Most surely this messenger of yours who has been sent to you is a madman indeed.
17:35Moses said, continuing his speech, In respect of time the Lord of the worlds is the same as
17:41the Lord of the east and of the west, and of all that lies between the two. You can be rightly
17:48guided if you could only use your senses. Pharaoh said, If you worship any god other than me I will
17:56certainly make you one of the imprisoned. Moses said, Will you do this even though I bring to you
18:03something that makes the truth of my statement clear to you? Pharaoh said, Bring it then if you
18:10are of the truthful. So he put his staff on the ground, and behold it was a serpent plainly
18:17visible, and he stuck his hand out, and lo it was shining white to the beholders.
18:26Pharaoh said to his courtiers around him, This man is surely a skilled sorcerer,
18:34who seeks to turn you out of your country by dint of his sorcery. Now what do you advise?
18:40They said, Detain him and his brother for a while, and send heralds into the cities to collect,
18:49and bring to you all skilled and very expert sorcerers.
18:55So the sorcerers were gathered together at the appointed time and place on a fixed day,
19:01and it was said to the people, Will you also assemble together in the field of contest,
19:08so that we may follow the sorcerers if they win clear supremacy? So when all the sorcerers came
19:15they said to Pharaoh, Shall we be really richly rewarded if we gain clear supremacy? He said,
19:23Yes, and surely you will in that case be among my close companions.
19:30Moses said to them, Now put forward of your things of sorcery, what you have to put forward.
19:38So they put down on the ground their ropes and their staffs, and said,
19:43By Pharaoh's honor and might, it is we who will certainly be the winners.
19:50When Moses put down on the ground his staff, lo, it instantly destroyed all that they had
19:57fabricated. Thereupon the sorcerers were impelled to fall down prostrating, and they said,
20:05We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron. Pharaoh said,
20:12Have you believed in him before I gave you leave? Indeed he is your chief,
20:19the same who taught you sorcery. So you will know your horrible end. I will most surely cut
20:26off your hands and your feet on alternate sides, for you're this opposition to me,
20:33and I will crucify you to death one and all. They said, It does not matter at all, we have after all
20:42to return to our Lord. We do hope that our Lord will forgive us our offenses, since we are the
20:49first to believe. And we revealed to Moses, directing him, Take away my servants by night,
20:58for you shall certainly be pursued. Pharaoh, when he came to know of the exodus,
21:04sent heralds to the towns to collect. These Israelites are indeed a despicable party,
21:12a few in number. Yet they have offended us by defying us and making good their escape.
21:20And we are as compared to them a united multitude, fully equipped and vigilant.
21:27So we made them leave the land of gardens and springs, as well as every place with treasures
21:34and every abode of honor. That is what we did for the wrongdoings, and we gave the like of these
21:43as a free gift to the children of Israel. And they, the host of Pharaoh, pursued them at sunrise.
21:52And when the two hosts sighted each other, the companions of Moses said, We are surely overtaken.
22:01Moses said, No, not at all, my Lord is with me, he will lead me out of the impasse and to safety.
22:10Then we revealed to Moses, saying, Strike the sea with your staff. And as he did, so it parted,
22:18and each part of the two hosts looked like a huge mound.
22:24And we caused the others, the pursuers, the people of Pharaoh, to draw near the same place.
22:31And we saved Moses and those who were with him all together. Then we drowned the others.
22:38Behold, there is a marvelous sign in this episode, yet most of them would not be believers.
22:46And indeed your Lord, he is the Almighty, the ever merciful.
22:52And narrate to them the important event of the life of Abraham. When he said to his sire and
23:00his people, What things are those which you worship? We worship idols and will remain
23:07constantly devoted to them, said they. Abraham said, Can they listen to you when you call on
23:14them? Or can they do you good or avert harm from you? They said, Nay, it is not so, but we found
23:24our fathers doing likewise. Abraham said, But have you ever considered what you have been worshiping,
23:33you and your fathers before you? They are all enemies to me, different however is the case
23:40of the Lord of the world. He has created me and it is he who will guide me to reach the goal,
23:49and who gives me food and drink, and who restores me to health through his grace and mercy whenever
23:56I am taken ill, and who will call me to death and then will raise me to life again, and who I
24:05eagerly hope will protect me from the undesirable consequences of my faults on the day of requital.
24:12Abraham then turned to his Lord and said, My Lord, grant me strong and right judgment,
24:19and make me follow and join the righteous, and ordain for me a noble, true, and lasting
24:26reputation among posterity, and make me one of the heirs of the garden of great bliss,
24:32and protect my sire, he is of course of the erring ones, and do not put me to shame and disgrace
24:42on the day when people will be resurrected, the day when wealth will not avail, nor sons be of
24:50any good, but he alone will be saved who comes to Allah with a sound and pure heart.
24:58The day when paradise will be brought near to those who guard against evil, and Jahannah shall
25:05be unveiled and placed in full view to those wretched ones who had deviated from the right path,
25:12and who shall be asked, Where are your deities that you worship, apart from Allah, can they come
25:20to your help or inflict punishment? Then they, the false deities, shall all be hurled headlong into
25:29the depths of it, again and again, and along with them all those wretched fellows who had deviated
25:36from the right path, and the supporters of Iblis, all together. They will say disputing therein,
25:45among themselves, By Allah we were certainly in manifest and deep error in holding you as equals
25:55with the Lord of the worlds, and none but those who cut off their ties with Allah led us astray,
26:02so that now we have none of the intercessors, nor any warm-hearted true friend.
26:09Could we have but another chance to return to the world, then we would surely become of the
26:16true believers. Verily there is a remarkable sign in this, yet most of the people would not be
26:24believers. And of course your Lord, He is the Almighty, the Ever Merciful.
26:31The people of Noah cried lies to the messengers. Recall the time when their kinsman Noah said to
26:39them, Will you not guard against evil? Surely I am to you a messenger, faithful to my trust.
26:49So take Allah as a shield and obey me, and I ask no reward from you for it. My reward lies with the
26:58My reward lies with the Lord of the worlds alone. So take Allah as a shield and obey me.
27:08They the disbelievers said, Shall we believe in you whereas we see that only the people of a very
27:14low status follow you? He said, I have no knowledge what good deeds they did in the past that now they
27:23have the honor to accept the truth. It is only up to my Lord to call them to account if you could
27:30but perceive. I cannot drive away the believers thinking them to be of low status. I am but a
27:39plain warner. Noah they said, If you do not desist you shall be excommunicated or done away with.
27:49Noah said praying, My Lord my people have treated me as a liar. So judge between me and them a
27:58decisive judgment and deliver me and the believers who are with me. So we delivered him and all those
28:06who were with him by means of the fully laden ark. Then after that we drowned the remaining ones.
28:15Behold there is a great sign in this episode yet most of them would not be believers.
28:23And indeed your Lord he is the almighty the ever merciful.
28:31The tribe of Ad too cried lies to the messenger sent to them. Recall the time when their kinsman
28:39Hud said to them, Will you not guard against evil? Surely I am to you a messenger faithful to my
28:48trust. Therefore take Allah as a shield and obey me. I ask no reward from you for this.
28:57My reward lies only with the Lord of the worlds. What is wrong with you? You build a monument on
29:05every prominent place in vain you do it. And you raise fortresses in the hope that you will
29:10abide till long. And when you lay hold on anyone you do it like tyrants. You should take Allah as
29:19a shield and obey me. And take him as a shield who has helped you with all the favors and blessings
29:27that you know of. He has helped you with cattle and sons and gardens and springs. Indeed I fear
29:37lest the punishment of an awful day should befall you. They said it makes no difference with us
29:44whether you admonish us or be not of the admonishers. This way of admonition is merely
29:51the manner of the ancients. And we are not at all going to be punished. Thus they cried lies
30:00and we destroyed them. There is indeed a remarkable sign in this episode yet most of them
30:08would not be believers. And in fact your Lord he is the Almighty and ever merciful.
30:17The tribe of Thamud too cried lies to the messengers.
30:22Recall the time when their kinsman Salih said to them. Will you not guard against evil?
30:29Surely I am to you a messenger faithful to my trust. So take Allah as a shield and obey me.
30:39I ask no reward from you for this service I render. My reward lies with the Lord of the worlds alone.
30:46Do you think that you will be left in peace amidst all enjoyable things which you have here?
30:54Amidst gardens and springs and cornfields and date palms having fine and heavy spades near breaking?
31:03And you hew out houses in the mountains with great skill and elated with your greatness.
31:10Take Allah as a shield and obey me. And do not obey the biddings of those who exceed the bounds.
31:19Who create disorder in the country and set not things in order.
31:26They said you are merely one of those mortals who are dependent on being given food.
31:33You are nothing but a human being like ourselves. So bring us a sign if you are of the truthful.
31:40Salih said, Here is a she-camel. She will have her share of water at the watercourse,
31:48while you will have your share of water at a time appointed for you.
31:53And you shall do her no harm otherwise the punishment of an awful day shall befall you.
32:00Notwithstanding all this warning they hamstrung her and then they became regretful.
32:06Consequently the threatened punishment overtook them.
32:10Behold there is a remarkably great sign in this episode, yet most of them would not be believers.
32:19And indeed your Lord he is the Almighty the ever merciful.
32:27And the people of Lot cried lies to the messengers.
32:30Recall the time when their kinsman Lot said to them, Will you not guard against evil?
32:38Verily I am to you a messenger faithful to my trust.
32:43So take Allah as a shield and obey me. And I ask no reward from you for this
32:51service I render. My reward lies with the Lord of the worlds alone.
32:57Is it not true that of all people you alone approach males for sexual satisfaction,
33:05and leave that abode of love which your Lord has created for you in your wives?
33:11Nay, the real fact is you are a people who know no limits.
33:17They said, If you desist not of admonishing us for sodomy,
33:23O Lot you shall indeed be of the banished ones.
33:29He said, I surely abhor your practice.
33:35My Lord save me and my followers from the evil consequences of their deeds.
33:41So we saved him and his followers, all of them.
33:45Except an old woman, the wife of Lot, who was among those who stayed behind.
33:51Then we destroyed the others, and we pelted them with a terrible rain of stones.
33:58Look, how terrible was the rain that descended upon those who were warned.
34:04There is a great sign in this episode, yet most of them would not be believers.
34:11And indeed your Lord, He is the Almighty, the ever merciful.
34:16The dwellers of the wood in Midian cried lies to the messengers.
34:21Recall when Shuayb said to them, Will you not guard against evil?
34:27Indeed I am to you a messenger faithful to my trust.
34:32Therefore take Allah for your shield and obey me.
34:37And I ask no reward from you for it.
34:40Surely my reward lies with the Lord of the worlds alone.
34:43Give full measure and be not of those who give short, and weigh with even and balanced scales.
34:51And do not defraud people of their things.
34:54Do not go about acting corruptly, creating disorder in the country.
35:00Take him who has created you and former generations as a shield.
35:07They said, You are simple, but you are powerful.
35:11They said, You are simply of those who stand in need of being given food.
35:17And you are but a human being like ourselves.
35:20As a matter of fact, we believe you to be of the liars.
35:25So let a fragment of a cloud fall upon us by way of punishment if you are of the truthful.
35:32Shuayb thereupon said, My Lord knows best all that you do.
35:37Yet they cried him lies.
35:39So the punishment of the gloomy day with dark overshadowing clouds overtook them.
35:45It was indeed the punishment of an awful day.
35:50Behold there is a great sign in this episode, yet most of them would not be believers.
35:58Though in fact your Lord he is the Almighty and ever merciful.
36:03And verily this Quran is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
36:07The spirit faithful to the trust has descended with it.
36:13Revealing it to your heart with the result that you became one of the warners.
36:18The Quran has been revealed in plain and clear Arabic language.
36:23Verily it finds mention in the scriptures of the earlier peoples.
36:28It finds mention in the scriptures of the earlier peoples.
36:33Is it not a sufficient proof for them that the learned among the children of Israel recognize it.
36:39And if we had revealed it to one of the non-Arabs and he had recited this eloquent
36:46word of God in Arabic to them, even then they would never have believed in it.
36:52That is how we cause it to take root in the hearts of those who cut off their ties with God.
36:58That they will not believe in it until they see the grievous punishment.
37:03So this punishment will come upon them all of a sudden,
37:06taking them unaware while they do not perceive and calculate it.
37:11They will say then, shall we be given some respite?
37:17Is that why they seek to expedite our punishment?
37:21Do they not see that even if we let them enjoy worldly bounties for some more years
37:26and then that punishment with which they are threatened befalls them.
37:30That respite which they were allowed to enjoy will be of no avail to them.
37:37And never did we destroy any people of a township but it had its warners.
37:43So that they may be admonished and we are never unjust.
37:49It was not the evil ones who have brought this Qur'an down.
37:53It does neither suit them nor have they the power to reveal it.
37:58In fact the evil ones are precluded from listening to the divine revelation.
38:05Therefore call on no God beside Allah for if you do you will become of those who are severely punished.
38:14And Prophet warn your nearest kinsmen and be gentle and affectionate to the believers who follow you.
38:22But if they your kinsmen disobey you say to them surely I am not responsible for what you do.
38:32And put your trust in the Almighty the ever merciful God.
38:37Who sees you at the time when you stand up in prayer and also for calling the people to the
38:42right path. And who sees your moving about among those companions who prostrate themselves before
38:49the Almighty Lord. Verily He is the all-hearing the all-knowing.
38:56Shall I tell you to whom the evil ones appear? They appear to every habitual and hardened liar
39:04and great sinner. Who listen eagerly to what the evil ones say yet mostly they tell them lies.
39:13And as for the poets it is the erring ones who follow them.
39:18Do you not see how they wander distracted in every valley?
39:22And they say such things which they do not practice themselves.
39:27Except those poets who believe and do deeds of righteousness and who mention the greatness of
39:33Allah over and over again. And who retaliate and defend themselves only after they are done
39:41injustice to. Behold those who acted unjustly will soon know to what a wretched end they are
39:49heading for. Al-Naml
39:54The tribe of Naml. With the name of Allah the most gracious the ever merciful.
40:02Taw-Sin I am the benign the all-hearing God.
40:08These are the verses of the Quran of the book that tells the right from the wrong
40:14and makes the truth manifest. It is a guidance and good tidings to the believers.
40:21Who observe prayer and regularly spend in charity and who are such people as have firm faith in the
40:28hereafter. As to those who do not believe in the hereafter. We had made their deeds
40:36fair seeming to them. But they wander on aimlessly making all sorts of blunders.
40:44It is they for whom there awaits a grievous punishment.
40:48It is these alone who shall be the greatest losers in the hereafter.
40:54And as a matter of fact you are being made to learn the Quran from the presence of the all-wise
41:00and all-knowing God. Recall when Moses said to his companions.
41:07Surely I see with feelings of warmth of love something like a fire. I will soon bring you
41:14some important information from there or at least bring you a flaming brand so that you may warm
41:20yourselves. So when he came close to it he was called by a voice. Blessed be he who is in quest
41:30of the fire of divine light and blessed are those around this place of the fire.
41:36Holy is Allah the Lord of the worlds. Oh Moses the fact is that I am Allah
41:46the Almighty the all-wise. And put down your staff on the ground.
41:53When Moses put down his staff he saw it shifting about as if it were a tiny serpent with quick
42:00movements. He turned his back retreating and did not look behind. Whereupon we said.
42:07Oh Moses do not fear. Verily I am the one in whose presence the messengers need have no fear.
42:16Nor does he fear who acts unjustly and commits some evil deed and then changes over to good
42:24after giving up evil. I am to such a person a great protector ever merciful indeed.
42:31And put your hand into your bosom. It will come forth sparkling white without any disease.
42:38These are two signs from among the nine signs which you shall show to Pharaoh and his people.
42:47They are truly a rebellious people. But when our eye-opening signs were shown to them they said.
42:55This is plain witchcraft. And they strongly rejected them out of spite and arrogance.
43:05Although their minds were convinced of the truth in them.
43:09Look then how evil was the end of those who acted corruptly.
43:15And we granted knowledge to David and Solomon. And they said.
43:20All true and perfect praise belongs to Allah alone who has exalted us over many of his believing
43:27servants. And Solomon succeeded David and he said. Oh you people we have been taught the language of
43:38the birds and also the technique of horsemanship and bestowed with everything essential to us.
43:46This indeed is a distinct favor of God and his grace. And they were gathered together before
43:53Solomon his host comprising of jinn and ordinary men and birds and swift-footed horses. And they
44:02were then arranged in separate well-disciplined columns. Once he was marching with them until when
44:11they reached the valley of the tribe named El-Naml. A distinguished Namlite said. Oh El-Naml get into
44:22your habitations lest Solomon and his host should crush you unknowingly. Thereupon he Solomon wondered
44:31and was pleased with the good opinion the Namlite expressed about his own army and his army's power
44:37in piety and said praying. My lord rouse me up that I may offer thanks for the favors you have
44:45shown me and my forefathers and that I should do such deeds as are righteous and may please you
44:52and count me through your mercy with your righteous servants. And once he reviewed the
44:59birds and the cavalry of swift running horses and said. How is it that I do not see my officer named
45:05Hood-Hood? Is he deliberately absent? I will certainly punish him severely rather I will
45:13execute him or else he must give me some valid excuse for remaining absent. But he Solomon had
45:22not to wait long before Hood-Hood came and said. I have acquired that information which you do not
45:30possess. I have come to you from the territory of a Yemenite tribe Sabah with sure and important
45:38news to tell. I found there a wonderful woman ruling over them the Sabians and she has been
45:48given everything she requires and owns a magnificent throne. I also found her and her
45:55people worshiping the sun instead of Allah and Satan has made their deeds fair seeming to them
46:02so that they take pride in their practices and has thus hindered them from the right way
46:07so that they do not follow true guidance. And Satan has done this so that they do not worship
46:15Allah while Allah is he who brings to light all that lies hidden in the heavens and the earth
46:22and knows all that you conceal in your minds and all that you make known of your designs.
46:29Allah there is no other cannot be and will never be one worthy of worship but he
46:36the lord of the mighty throne. Thereupon Solomon said we will now look into it and see whether you
46:45have spoken the truth or whether you are of the liars. Take this letter of mine deliver it to
46:53them then withdraw from them and wait what answer they make in return. When the queen saw the letter
47:01she said chieftains there has been delivered to me a noble letter. It is from Solomon and it says
47:11with the name of Allah the most gracious the ever merciful. Do not rise up against me but come to me
47:21surrendering yourselves in submission. She said chieftains give me your sound and mature advice
47:31in the matter which confronts me for I decide no important matter except when you are present with
47:38me to advise. They said we are a people possessing extraordinary power and are gallant fighters but
47:47as for the decision it rests with you. Therefore you may thoroughly consider what order you want
47:53to give. She said surely when the kings enter a township as invaders they ruin it and reduce its
48:04most honorable residents to the most degraded positions and such indeed will be their ways.
48:12I am going to send them a significant gift and shall wait to see what answer the envoys bring back.
48:20So when he the queen's envoy came with the present to Solomon, Solomon said do you mean to help me
48:28with your wealth? Well what Allah has given me is far better than what he has given you.
48:35You seem to be rather proud of your gift. Go back to them and tell your people that we shall
48:41certainly come down upon them with hosts that have no power to withstand and we shall surely
48:48drive them out from there disgraced while they are subjugated. Later on addressing the courtiers
48:56Solomon said nobles which one of you will bring me the throne befitting her before they come to
49:04me surrendering in submission. A stalwart from among the djinn said I will bring it to you
49:12prepared as you desire before you rise and depart from your place of encampment.
49:18Surely I am strong and expert enough to accomplish this task and can be trusted with it.
49:24One Israelite who had knowledge of the scripture said I will bring it to you before your Yemanite
49:32noble guests come to you and when he Solomon saw it set before him he said this is due to
49:42the grace of my lord so that he may reveal my inner self to show whether I am grateful for
49:50all his favors or ungrateful. Indeed he who thanks his thanksgiving is for his own good
49:59and he who shows ingratitude let him remember that my lord is truly self-sufficient and is in need of
50:07no praise. Oft generous and noble in his own right. He further said make her own old throne
50:17seem discredited to her in her own estimation by making this new throne of a very excellent
50:24standard. We shall see thereby whether she follows the right way by discarding her old
50:32idolatrous throne or whether she is one of those who do not follow the right way.
50:38When she came to Solomon it was said to her is your throne like this. She said it is as though
50:48it were much the same. We had been given the knowledge about your excellence and perfection
50:54before this and we have already surrendered in submission to you. And Solomon held her back from
51:02the things she used to worship apart from Allah for she belonged to an unbelieving people.
51:09It was said to her enter the palace and when she saw it she took it for a great expanse of water.
51:18She was greatly perturbed. Solomon said it is a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass.
51:28She realizing the truth that she worshipped outward objects like the sun in place of reality
51:34the true god said my lord I have done injustice to myself and now I submit myself through Solomon
51:45to Allah the lord of the worlds. And likewise we sent to Thamud their kinsman Sali who said
51:54who said worship Allah. But as soon as they heard this preaching
52:00they broke up into two factions who contended with each other.
52:06He said oh my people why do you seek to hasten on evil rather than good.
52:14And you ask for a sign of destruction instead of that of bliss for you.
52:19Why do you not ask Allah's protection so that you may be shown mercy.
52:25They said we have suffered due to you and your companions.
52:32Sali said your deeds and true cause of your sufferings is with Allah who is punishing
52:38you for your evil deeds. Nay you are a people who are being tried to distinguish the good of
52:46you from the bad. And there were in the city a gang of nine persons who had upset the order
52:54and peace in the country and would not reform themselves. They said one to another let us swear
53:02by Allah that we will surely make a raid on him and his family by night and then we will say to
53:10his claimant the next of kin if he seeks vengeance that we were not present at the
53:15time and place of the destruction of his family and most surely we speak the truth.
53:20And they hatched a plot and we likewise brought forth a counter-plan of which they were not aware.
53:30Look then how evil was the end their planning met. We utterly destroyed them and their people
53:40one and all. So their houses are lying deserted over there because of their acting unjustly.
53:49Indeed in this episode there is a great sign for a people who would know.
53:56Whereas we destroyed them we saved those who had believed and used to guard against evil.
54:03And we also sent Lot as a messenger. Recall when he said to his people do you commit obscenity
54:11while you see the evil thereof. What is it true you approach men instead of your women
54:19to satisfy your lust. Nay you are indeed a people who act senselessly.
