• 2 months ago
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00:00But his people had no reply except that they said drive the followers of lot out of your township
00:07They are a people who would pose and parade and be extra pure and righteous
00:14So the result was that we saved him and his followers except his wife
00:20we had ordained about her for her foul deeds to be with those who stayed behind and thus would not be saved and
00:29We pelted them with a terrible rain of stones
00:33So look how evil was the rain which descended upon those who had been warned?
00:41all kind of true and perfect praise belongs to Allah and
00:46Peace be upon those of his servants whom he has chosen
00:50Who is to be preferred?
00:52Allah or the things they associate with him
01:00Who is it that created the heavens and the earth and sends down water for you from the clouds?
01:07It is we
01:09Then we cause to grow with it orchards full of bloom and loveliness
01:14You had no power to cause their trees to grow. Is there any God with Allah?
01:21There is none
01:22Yet there are a people who ascribe to him
01:26Equals and all these works and deviate from the right path
01:31or who is it that made the earth a resting place and made the rivers flow in it and
01:37Raised on the earth firm mountains for its advantage and put a barrier between the two waters
01:44Is there a God with Allah as an associate with him in his works?
01:49Nay, not so
01:52Yet most of them do not know the truth
01:56or who is it that answers the distressed person when he calls on him and removes his distress and
02:04Who is it that makes you the rulers in the land? Is there any God with Allah?
02:11Little is the heed you take
02:14Or who is it that guides you to the path of salvation in all kinds of darkness and vicissitudes
02:21On the land and the sea and who is it that sends the winds as heralds of his mercy?
02:28Is there any God with Allah to do such things?
02:32Highly exalted is Allah above all the things they associate with him
02:38or who is it that originates the creation then keeps on repeating and reproducing it and
02:44Who is it that provides for your sustenance both physical and spiritual from the heaven and the earth
02:52Is there any God with Allah capable of being a partner with him in all these works?
03:00Bring forward your proof in support of your polytheistic beliefs if you are truthful in what you claim
03:09There is no one in the heavens and the earth who knows the hidden realities save Allah and
03:17They the disbelievers do not perceive when they will be raised up to life again after death
03:25Nay, the fact is their knowledge about the hereafter has found its limit
03:32Rather they are in doubt about it
03:34Rather they are totally blind to it
03:39And those who disbelieve say
03:42Is it that when we and our forefathers have been reduced to dust we shall really be brought forth alive again?
03:52We have been surely given this promise once before this and
03:56Also our forefathers, but such a thing is nothing but tales of the ancients
04:04Travel through the land and behold how evil has been the end of those who cut off their ties with God
04:13Prophet do not grieve for them nor feel distressed on account of their hostile intrigues against you
04:22They say when will this promise of your victory come to pass if you are truthful?
04:30It is possible that a part of that victory which you are keen to precipitate may be close on your heels and
04:39in fact, your Lord is full of grace to humankind yet most of them render him no, thanks and
04:47Surely your Lord knows the things which they hide in their hearts and those which they profess
04:56There is nothing hidden in the heavens and the earth
04:59But it is recorded in a book revealing the divine decree
05:05Verily this Quran explains to the children of Israel both the Jews and the Christians
05:11most of the things concerning which they are at variance and
05:16Surely this is a source of guidance and mercy for the believers
05:22Your Lord will rightly judge between them the believing and the disbelieving people with his command of the Quran
05:31He is the Almighty the all-knowing
05:35So put your trust in Allah for surely you stand on manifest truth
05:43Of course, you cannot make the dead here
05:46Nor can you make the deaf hear your call when they retreat turning their backs on you and
05:52You cannot guide the blind as well out of their error
05:56you can make only those to hear who believe in our messages and so have surrendered themselves in submission to our will and
06:05When the judgment becomes due against them, we shall bring forth for them a grossly materialistic
06:11Person which will rule over them
06:15that is because the people did not have firm faith in our messages and
06:21Remind them of the day when we shall gather together from every people a
06:26Large group of those who cried lies to our messages then that they shall be arranged in separate columns
06:35Until when they arrived before their Lord he will say
06:39Did you not cry lies to my messages before you had gained full knowledge about them or
06:45what else was it that you had been doing about them and
06:49The judgment becomes due against them
06:52Because they acted wrongly and they will not be able to speak in their defense
07:00Do they not consider that we have made the night for them to rest and have made the day for giving light
07:07surely in this there are signs for a people who would believe and
07:12Remind them of the day when the trumpet will be blown
07:16Then accepting those whom Allah will to keep them safe from terror
07:21all those who are in the heavens and all those who are in the earth will be stricken with fear and
07:29Everyone shall come in submission to him
07:34See the mountains and think them to be firmly fixed while in fact they are passing away like clouds
07:42Such are the works of Allah who has made everything perfect in every way
07:49Verily he is fully aware of your deeds
07:53Those who come with good deeds before their Lord shall have even better reward than they actually deserve
08:01Such people will be secure from fear that day
08:06Those who come with something evil shall be hurled
08:10Headlong into the fire and it will be said to them. You are certainly reaping the fruit of what you have been doing
08:18say in
08:20Fact, I am commanded to worship only the Lord of this city Mecca
08:26Which he has declared sacred
08:29Everything belongs to him and I have also been commanded to be one of those who submit to his will and
08:37to recite to the people and
08:40Follow the Quran
08:42so one who on listening to it follows guidance does it for his own good and
08:48tell him who goes astray from the straight path that my mission is only to give warning and
08:56And also say all true praise belongs to Allah
09:01he will soon show you his signs and you shall recognize them and
09:07Your Lord is not at all
09:10unaware of
09:11What you do?
09:17Al Qasas
09:18the narrative
09:21With the name of Allah the most gracious the ever merciful
09:25Paul seen mean
09:28the benign
09:30the all-hearing
09:31the all-knowing
09:34These are the verses of the perfect book which explains everything vividly
09:41We recount to you a portion of the true account of Moses and Pharaoh
09:45With all accuracy for the benefit of the people who would believe
09:51The facts are Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in his land
09:56He divided its inhabitants into parties
09:59He oppressed them and thus sought to weaken a section of them the Israelites
10:05He killed their sons and sought to make their women immodest by sparing them in fact
10:12he was of the evildoers and
10:16we chose to confer favor upon those who had been rendered weak in the land and
10:22to make them leaders and to bestow a kingdom upon them thus make them inheritors of our blessings and
10:30We chose to establish them with all powers in the country and to visit Pharaoh and Haman and their hordes
10:38With that power and supremacy
10:41Which they dreaded from those Israelites rendered weak by them
10:45And we revealed to the mother of Moses saying give him suck
10:50but when you have fear about him cast him placing him in a chest into the river and
10:57Entertain no fear nor grief about his welfare
11:02Verily we shall restore him to you and shall make him one of the messengers
11:09his mother cast him into the river according to the revelation then one of the family of Pharaoh picked him up and with the result that
11:17He one day became an enemy to and a source of grief for them
11:22verily Pharaoh Haman and the hordes of them both were all wrongdoers and
11:29A woman of the family of Pharaoh said
11:32This child will be a source of joy and comfort to my and your eyes
11:38Do not kill him. He may prove to be useful to us or we may adopt him as a son and
11:46They did not perceive our purpose
11:51And the heart of the mother of Moses became free from anxiety
11:56She would have nearly disclosed his identity out of joy how Allah had become guardian of her child
12:05Had we not strengthened her heart to help her remain of the firm-minded believers
12:11She said to his sister
12:14Follow him
12:15so she followed and watched him from a distance while they
12:20Pharaoh's people took no notice that she was keeping a watch over him and
12:26We had already ordained and made him refuse the wet nurses to be suckled
12:32So when the question of his suckling arose after Moses was picked up from the river
12:37She Moses's sister said
12:39Shall I point out to you the people of a household who will bring him up for you and will be his sincere well-wishers
12:48This was how we restored him to his mother so that she might be
12:52Consoled to see her child and should no longer grieve and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true
13:01a fact which most of these disbelievers of the Holy Prophet do not know
13:09And when he Moses
13:11reached the age of full growth and
13:15attained perfection
13:17We granted him wisdom and knowledge
13:20that is how we reward the doers of good and
13:26One day
13:27Moses entered the city at a time when its inhabitants were idling in a state of heedlessness and
13:34found therein two men
13:36Fighting with one another one of his own party and Israelite while the other belonged to that of his enemies
13:44The one who belonged to his own people sought his help against the other who belonged to those of his enemy
13:53There at Moses struck him with his fist and this brought about his death
14:01He Moses said
14:03This death of his has occurred owing to his satanic action
14:09He Satan is of course an enemy of yours
14:12misleading and cutting your ties with God
14:16Moses said praying my lord. I have involved myself into trouble. So protect me
14:23Thereupon he protected him from the evil consequences of his act
14:28Verily, he is the great protector the ever merciful
14:34He also added my lord
14:37Since you have always been kind and gracious to me. I can never be a helper and a supporter of the guilty
14:45The next day early in the morning. He entered the city
14:50apprehensive of the enemy and
14:52Observing the situation and lo
14:55The man who had sought his help the day before
14:59Again that day cried out to him for help
15:03Moses said to him you are a misguided fellow away from the path of peace and piety and
15:11When Moses intended to lay hold of the man who was now an enemy to both of them the man said
15:19Moses do you intend to kill me today as you killed a person yesterday?
15:25You are only trying to figure as a tyrant in the country
15:30You have no mind to be of the promoters of peace
15:34Then it came to pass that a man came running from the far end of the city and said
15:41Moses the chiefs are consulting together to kill you therefore leave this place at once
15:46I am of course your sincere well-wisher
15:50So Moses left that city in fear and he kept watching around carefully
15:56He said praying at that time my lord deliver me from the unjust people
16:04When Moses set out turning his face towards Midian he said I hope my lord will put me on the right course till I reach
16:11the goal and
16:13When he arrived at the water of Midian he found there a party of men
16:19Watering their flocks and he found two ladies standing apart from them holding their flock back
16:26He said what is your problem?
16:29They replied we cannot water our flock until the shepherds depart
16:34Having driven their flocks away and our father is a very old man
16:40So Moses watered their flock for them. Then he retired to a place with the shade and said
16:47My lord, I stand in need of whatever good you may bestow on me
16:53Now one of the two ladies came to him walking bashfully
16:57She said my father calls you so that he may reward you for your having watered our flock for us
17:04so when Moses came to him and
17:07Told him all that had taken place
17:10He the father of the two ladies said have no fear you have escaped from the unjust people
17:17One of the two ladies said my dear father take him into your service
17:23You cannot do better than employ a man who is strong and trustworthy
17:29He their father said to Moses I
17:33Intend to marry one of these two daughters of mine to you
17:37Provided you stay in my service for eight years
17:41But if you extend your stay
17:43Making it complete ten years. It will be an act of grace on your part
17:48I have no desire to be hard on you by laying any more burden of responsibility on you
17:55Allah willing you will find me an upright person
18:00Moses said accepting the proposal
18:03This is a covenant between us
18:06Whichever of the two terms I complete I will be free from obligation and there shall be no injustice to me and
18:14Allah is witness over what we have agreed
18:18And when Moses had completed the agreed term and
18:22Set forth with his family
18:25he saw with feelings of warmth of affection and love a sort of fire on
18:31The way at a place in the direction of the mount
18:35He said to his family
18:37You stay here. I
18:39Have seen with feelings of warmth of love and affection a fire
18:44I hope to bring you some useful and important information from there or at least a burning brand from the fire that you may
18:52warm yourselves and
18:54when he came close to it a
18:56Voice called out to him from a blessed spot on the right side of the valley from the direction of a tree
19:05surely, I am Allah the Lord of the worlds and
19:10Put down your staff on the ground
19:13Then no sooner did he see it shifting like a tiny quickly moving serpent
19:19Then he turned his back and retreated and would not even look back
19:24God said Moses come forward and have no fear
19:30Surely you are of those who are safe
19:33Insert your hand into your bosom. It will come forth flawless
19:39sparkling white and
19:41Draw your arm towards yourself to compose yourself when you encounter fear
19:46So these two signs are two proofs from your Lord to be presented before Pharaoh and his courtiers
19:53For surely they are lawless and disobedient people
19:59Moses said my lord
20:02I killed a person from among them accidentally and I fear that they will kill me before I am able to fulfill my mission
20:12And my brother Aaron is more fluent and eloquent in speech than I
20:16So send him with me as a helper to bear me out for I fear that they will treat me as a liar
20:24God said
20:26We will surely strengthen your arm with your brother and we will give both of you so much power that they shall not reach you
20:33To do you harm?
20:35So go armed with our signs you two and your followers will come out victorious
20:43So when Moses came to them
20:46with our clear signs they said
20:50This is but a forged and unprecedented fraud
20:54We never heard such a thing in the time of our forefathers and
21:00Moses said
21:01my lord knows best who it is that has brought true guidance from him and
21:07Who shall meet a good end in this world and will have the reward of final abode in the hereafter?
21:13the truth is that these wrongdoers shall never prosper and
21:19Pharaoh said Oh
21:20Chiefs of my court. I know for you. No God other than myself and
21:27Oh, come on
21:29Light a fire for me on the bricks of clay and get a high building high like a tower
21:36Let it be built for me that I made by climbing over it. Have a look at this
21:41God of Moses for I take him to be certainly of those who tell lies
21:48He Pharaoh and his host
21:51behaved arrogantly in the land without any justification and as if they thought that they would never be brought back to us
22:01So we seized him and his host and we cast them into the sea
22:08behold how evil was the end of these wrongdoers and
22:12We made them archetypes of evil who invited people to the fire and on the day of resurrection
22:19they will find no help and
22:23We have made them to be followed by a curse in this world and on the day of resurrection
22:29They will be among those deprived of all good
22:35After we had destroyed the earlier generations
22:38We gave Moses the scripture which contained enlightening arguments for the people of Israel and
22:45Served as a guidance and promised to them mercy so that they might take heed
22:54You were not on the western side of the Mount of Sinai when we granted Moses the commission of prophethood
23:00Nor were you personally present with the witnesses?
23:06We have raised many a generation since then and a long period of time has passed over them
23:13Nor have you been living among the people of Midian?
23:17Reciting our messages to them
23:19indeed, it is we who have sent you as a messenger and have revealed all this information to you and
23:28You were not present at the foot of the mount with Moses when we called to you
23:33But all these revelations are from the mercy of your Lord
23:37so that you may warn the people to whom no warner had come for a long time before you that they may attain
23:45eminence and
23:47We have sent you to them lest when some evil befalls them because of what their hands have sent forward
23:54They should say our Lord. Why did you not send a messenger to us?
23:59If you had sent one we would have followed your commandments and would have been of the believers
24:07But now that the truth has come to them from us they say
24:11Why has he not been given the like of what was given to Moses?
24:17Did the people the disbelievers not reject before this that which was given to Moses?
24:24they say
24:26They are both frauds who support each other
24:30They also say we reject the claim of each one of them
24:36Say if you speak the truth then bring a book from Allah, which is a better guide than these two
24:45That I may follow it
24:48If they do not accept the challenge and do not answer you
24:53Know that they are just following their own low and evil desires and
24:58Who should be more erring than one who leaving aside the guidance from Allah only follows his own low and evil desires?
25:07Verily Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people to success
25:13We have been sending uninterrupted revelations to them so that they may rise to eminence
25:19Many of the people to whom we gave the scripture before this believe in it, too and
25:26When this Quran is recited to them they say we believe in it
25:31It is a revelation from our Lord full of truth and wisdom
25:36Indeed we had submitted to him even before it
25:40They are the people who will be given their reward twice
25:44For they have been suffering patiently for the cause of the truth
25:49they meet evil by repaying it with good and
25:52spending the cause of Allah out of that which we have provided them with and
25:57When they hear something vain they turn away from it and say
26:02We shall reap the fruit of our deeds and you shall reap the fruit of yours
26:09Bidding them. Goodbye then say peace be upon you. We have no desire to have any concern with the ignorant
26:19It is not possible for you to guide whomsoever you wish but Allah guides whomsoever he will
26:27He knows fully well those who would accept guidance
26:32Some of the people say if we join you and follow this Quranic guidance we shall be snatched away from our country
26:41Tell them on our behalf
26:43Have we not settled them in a safe and secure place to which all kinds of fruit are brought
26:50It is a goodly provision made by us
26:54Yet, most of them do not know this true fact
26:58We destroyed so many people of many a township who were proud of their civilization and
27:05Their easy and plentiful means of livelihood
27:08There lie their dwellings all in ruin
27:12They have been but little occupied since it is we alone who are everlasting
27:20Your Lord would never destroy the towns
27:23Until he has raised a messenger in their central place to recite to the people thereof our messages
27:30nor would he destroy the towns unless their citizens be unjust and
27:37O people
27:39Whatever of anything you have been given is only the passing enjoyment of the present life and its mere
27:46pump and show
27:48But that reward which Allah has for you is much better and more lasting than this
27:54Will you not then make use of your understanding?
28:00Can the person to whom we have made a fair promise
28:04Which will be also made good to him be compared to the one whom we have provided with good things of this life and
28:12Who will be among those brought before us to render an account of his deeds?
28:17Let these people not forget the day when he will call to them and say where are my so-called
28:24Associated partners about whom you had made such pretensions
28:30Those who have been doomed to condemnation will say our Lord
28:35These are the people whom we led astray. We led them astray even as we had gone astray ourselves
28:42Now we declare before you that we have nothing to do with them and we turn to you
28:49It was not us that they worshiped
28:52It will be said to them
28:55Call on your so-called associated partners with God
28:58So they will call on them, but they will give them no answer and they will actually see the punishment
29:06How good it would have been if they had followed the right path
29:12Let these disbelievers not forget the day when he will call on them and say
29:18What response did you make to the call of the messengers?
29:22But on that day they will become confused and
29:26Forget all their excuses and they will not even be in a position to consult one another
29:33yet he who repents and
29:35believes and does deeds of righteousness is likely to be of those who attain the goal and
29:43Your Lord creates what he will and chooses for humankind
29:48Whatever is best for them
29:50People have no such power and choice
29:54Holy is Allah and far above all that they associate with him
30:01Your Lord knows what they keep secret in their hearts and he knows all that they profess and
30:08He is Allah. There is no other cannot be and will never be one worthy of worship, but he
30:15All kind of true and perfect praise belongs to him in the beginning and the hereafter
30:23The sovereignty and the judgment belongs to him and to him shall you be brought back?
30:32Have you ever considered that if Allah should make the night continue over you perpetually till the day of resurrection?
30:39There is no other God other than Allah who could bring you light
30:45Will you not then give ear to the message of God?
30:51Have you ever considered that if Allah should make the day to continue over you perpetually till the day of resurrection?
30:59There is no God other than Allah who could bring you night wherein you might take rest
31:07Will you not then use your eyes to witness the signs of Allah?
31:14it is through his mercy that he has made the night and the day for you so that you may take rest therein and
31:21Seek of his bounty and so that you may render him. Thanks and
31:26Let these disbelievers not forget the day when he will call to them and say
31:32where are my so-called associated partners about whom you had so many pretensions and
31:39We shall on that day bring out a witness from every people and then say
31:46Bring a clear proof of your claim
31:49Then they will know that the true right to godhood only belongs to Allah and all their false
31:55Deities that they used to forage will be lost to them
32:00Verily Korah belonged to the tribe of Moses, but he rose against them
32:07We had given him so much riches that his hoarded wealth would have weighed down a party of strong men
32:16Recall the time when his people said to him
32:20Do not exalt too much for Allah surely does not love those who exalt beyond measure
32:29and seek the home of the hereafter by means of that which Allah has given you and
32:35Do not neglect to acquire your portion of the righteous deeds in the present life and
32:40do good to others as Allah has done good to you and
32:45Do not seek to promote evil in the land for Allah does not love the evildoers who create mischief
32:53Korah said all this wealth that I have been given is because of the knowledge I possess
33:00But did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him
33:05generations of people who were mightier than he and greater in riches and number and
33:11The guilty shall not be questioned about their sins
33:14their sins being self-evident
33:18Then it came to pass one day that he Korah
33:23appeared before his people in all his pomp and show
33:27Thereupon those who were desirous of the provisions and enjoyment of the life of this world said if
33:35Only we could have the like of all that Korah has been given
33:39He is truly speaking the master of a great fortune
33:45But the men of knowledge said woe to you
33:49The reward which Allah has for those who believe and to do good deeds is much better than all this
33:56But it shall be granted only to those who are patiently persevering
34:02Then it came about that we made him and his household
34:07Extinct into the bowels of the earth so that he had no party who could help him against Allah
34:13Nor was he of those who could defend themselves and could ask for help
34:19Now the very people who had coveted his lot and position the day before began to say
34:26Ruin sees you it is indeed Allah who multiplies the means of livelihood for such of his servants as he will and
34:34Makes them scant for such of his people as he will
34:38Had not Allah been gracious to us. He would have sunk us also into the bowels of the earth
34:45Ruin sees you the fact is that those who are ungrateful
34:50never prosper
34:52This is the abode of the hereafter we assign it to those only who do not seek self-exaltation in the earth
35:00nor corruption
35:02Indeed those who guard against evil shall meet a happy end
35:07He who brings good deeds into the presence of his Lord on the day of judgment shall have a reward at his hand
35:14better than he merits
35:16But he who brings evil let him bear in mind
35:20That those who do evil shall only reap the fruit according to what they did
35:28He who has made the teachings of the Quran binding on you shall most surely bring you back to your ordained place of return
35:38My Lord knows him best who has brought guidance as well as those who are steeped in clear error
35:47You had never expected that the book would be revealed to you
35:51It is only the mercy of your Lord that it has been revealed to you
35:56so do not be a supporter of the disbelievers and
36:00do not let them turn you away from the commandments of Allah when once they have been revealed to you and
36:07Call humankind to your Lord and be not of those who associate partners with him
36:14Call on no other God besides Allah
36:17There is no other cannot be and will never be one worthy of worship, but he
36:24Everything is liable to perish but that those righteous deeds by means of which you seek his attention
36:31The sovereignty as well as judgment belongs to him and to him you shall all be brought back
36:43Ankaboot the spider
36:47With the name of Allah the most gracious the ever merciful
36:52Alif Lam meme I am Allah the all-knowing
36:59Do the people think that they will be left alone and not tried with hardships for the mere fact that they profess belief
37:08Whereas we did already try those who were before them with hardships
37:13Allah will surely bring to light those who are true in their faith as he will bring to light also the liars
37:21Or do those who do evil deeds think that they will escape our punishment how ill they judge
37:29He that looks forward to meet Allah
37:31Let him be prepared for it for the time appointed by Allah is bound to come
37:38he is the all-hearing the all-knowing and
37:42He who strives hard in the way of Allah
37:46Does it in fact for his own good?
37:49verily Allah is independent of the world's and
37:53Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness
37:57We shall invariably
37:59Rid them of their evils and we shall of course reward them according to the best of their deeds
38:07We have enjoined on a human being to be kind to his parents
38:12But should they stress upon you to associate with me?
38:16Things which you know to be nothing at all. You shall not obey them
38:21You shall all have to return to me after all. I shall tell you all that you have been doing in your life
38:30And as to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, we will certainly admit them to the fold of the righteous
38:39There are some hypocrites among the people who say we believe in Allah
38:44but when they are made to suffer in the cause of Allah they regard the
38:49Persecution by people as if it were the punishment from Allah
38:54Yet if help comes from your Lord and he gives you victory they are sure to say of
39:03We were with you
39:06We should also have a share in it
39:10Does not Allah know well enough what lies hidden in the hearts of all beings?
39:16Indeed Allah will bring to light those who believe and he will also reveal the hypocrites
39:24and those who disbelieve say to those who believe
39:28Follow our way and we will bear the consequences of your sins at the time of judgment
39:34Whereas they can bear nothing whatsoever of their sins
39:39They are as a matter of fact
39:43on the other hand
39:45They will certainly have to bear the burdens of their own sins as well as some burdens of leading others astray
39:53over and above their own burdens and they will be questioned on the day of resurrection about the lies that they used to fabricate and
40:02We indeed sent Noah to his people and
40:06He his teachings stayed among them for as long as a thousand years short of 50 years
40:14While his people were steeped in wrongdoings. They were caught in the deluge
40:21We delivered him and along with him all
40:24those who were in the ark and
40:27we made this event a sign for the people's and
40:32We sent Abraham
40:35Recall the time when he said to his people
40:38Worship Allah and take him as a shield. That is best for you if you but knew
40:45The things you worship apart from Allah are only false gods and in calling them gods you forge lies
40:53Those gods whom you worship besides Allah do not have the means to provide sustenance for you
41:01therefore seek sustenance and provision for yourselves from Allah and
41:06worship him and give thanks for you will be brought back to him one day and
41:12And if you deny me
41:14then you should not forget that people before you have also cried lies to their respective messengers and
41:21The messenger is responsible only for conveying the divine message to the people in clear terms
41:29Do the people not ever consider how Allah originates the creation then continues repeating and reproducing it
41:38This work of creation and reproduction is indeed easy for Allah
41:46travels through the earth and observe how he brought about the first creation
41:52Allah will as well bring about the second creation in the hereafter
41:57Verily Allah is possessor of prudential powers over all his desired things
42:04he punishes whom he will of the guilty and
42:07Shows mercy to whom he will and to him you shall have to be turned back
42:14You cannot escape him on the earth or in the heaven and you have no patron nor even a helper
42:21apart from Allah and
42:24Those who deny the signs of Allah and deny that they will meet him are
42:30Actually despaired of my mercy it is they for whom awaits a grievous punishment
42:38His people had no response to make to Abraham, but they said kill him or rather burn him
42:46But Allah delivered him from the fire
42:50There are sure signs in this episode for the people who would believe
42:56Abraham said you have certainly taken for yourselves
43:01Idols for worship apart from Allah as a mark of mutual love between you all
43:08polytheist brethren in the present life
43:11but on the day of resurrection you will disown one another and
43:15curse one another and your resort will be the fire and you will have none to help you and
43:23Lot became a believer because of him and
43:26Abraham said I shall migrate where I have been commanded to by my Lord. He is the Almighty the All-Wise
43:36We bestowed on him
43:38righteous offsprings
43:40Isaac a son and
43:42Jacob a grandson and
43:45we perpetuated the gift of prophethood and the scripture in his descendants and
43:51We gave him his reward in this life and he will most
43:56surely occupy an eminent place among the righteous in the hereafter and
44:02We sent a lot
44:04Behold, he said to his people you indulge in such an obscenity as is
44:10unprecedented and unsurpassed in the whole world
44:14Is it not true you approach men?
44:17Lustfully and commit highway robbery
44:21Is it not true? Also you commit indecent action in your gatherings
44:27But his people had no response to make
44:30Yet they said
44:32Bring upon us the punishment of Allah if you are of those who speak the truth
44:39Thereupon lot said help me my lord against these people who work corruption
44:49When our messengers came to Abraham with important news
44:52They said we are going to destroy people of this township for its inhabitants are certainly wrongdoers
45:01Abraham said but lot is living there in that township
45:05They said we know very well who are living in it. We will surely save him and his family
45:12Except his wife who is among those who stay behind
45:17When our messengers came to lot he felt distressed on account of their coming for he felt
45:24Helpless to give them protection
45:26But they the messenger said
45:29Have no fear and do not grieve
45:33Allah promises you protection saying we will deliver you and all your household
45:39except your wife
45:41Who will not leave the place stricken with calamity and who is among those staying behind as
45:49for the inhabitants of this township
45:52We are going to bring down upon them an unavoidable calamity for they have been behaving disobediently
46:01Behold we have left there in the ruins of this township a clear sign for a people who would care to understand
46:11to Midianites we sent their kinsmen Shuaib
46:15He said my people
46:18worship Allah and
46:20Hope putting your faithful confidence in it for the last day and do not act corruptly
46:28behaving lawlessly in the country
46:31But instead of obeying him they cried him lies
46:36So they were caught in a violent earthquake
46:39and they became corpses laid down on their chests on the ground in their dwellings and
46:47We destroyed the tribes of odd and famood and
46:52This must have become clear to you from their dwellings
46:56Satan made their evil deeds fair-seeming to them and by making them take pride in their doings
47:02Turn them away from the right way
47:04though they were enlightened and seditious people and
47:09A similar was the fate met by Korah Pharaoh and Haman
47:15Moses had come to them with manifest signs
47:19But they behaved arrogantly on the earth yet. They could not outstrip us and thus escape our punishment
47:28In short we took each of them to task for his sins
47:33Against some of them we sent a violent storm of sand and stones
47:38while others were overtaken by a roaring blast and
47:42Some others we made extinct in the bowels of the earth and yet others we drowned
47:48It was far from Allah to have done injustice to them
47:52Rather they were doing wrong to themselves
47:56The case of those who take helping friends apart from Allah is like the case of the spider
48:02That takes to itself a house
48:05Yet of all houses the house of the spider is the frailest
48:10If they but knew the flimsiness and fragility of their idols, they would not have sought their protection
48:19Verily Allah knows whatever they call upon apart from him. He is the Almighty the all-wise
48:28These are the various situations which we set forth for the benefit of humankind
48:34Yet except for the learned nobody tries to grasp them
48:41Allah has created the heavens and the earth to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom and
48:47for a significant end in
48:50This there is in fact a great sign for the believers
48:58Preach follow and meditate on that which has been revealed to you of the book and observe prayer
49:06verily prayer restrains the observer from indecency and abominable things and
49:12Loathsome deeds and from all that runs counter to reason and moral sense
49:19Yet of all the greatest thing is that Allah will remember you and help you rise to eminence and
49:26Allah knows all that you do
