Juz' 14 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

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00:00Al-Hijr The Rock
00:04With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful
00:08Alif Lam Ra I am Allah, the All-Seeing
00:16These are the verses of the perfect book and of the Quran that distinguishes the right
00:22from the wrong.
00:25Even those who disbelieve in the verses of this perfect book would wish they had been
00:32Leave them alone to eat and enjoy themselves and let vain hopes beguile them, but they
00:38will soon know the reality.
00:42And never did we destroy a township, but it had a decree made known.
00:48No people can outstrip its term, and none can ever remain behind.
00:55And they say, O you to whom this reminder has been revealed, you are a madman indeed.
01:03Why do you not bring the angels for punishment to us, if you are of the truthful?
01:10We send no angels until the punishment becomes rightly due, and when once we do send them,
01:16these disbelievers will not be the respited ones.
01:21Verily it was we, we ourselves, who have revealed this reminder, and it is we who are
01:28most certainly its guardian.
01:32Indeed we sent messengers before you to the sects of the former peoples.
01:38Yet not a single messenger ever came to them, but they treated him scornfully.
01:45Just as we made this a habit with the peoples gone by, so do we cause this tendency of scornful
01:51treatment into the minds of these people who sever their ties with God.
01:57They will not believe in this Quran, though the precedence of the former peoples has already
02:03gone before them showing them how the opposition of truth makes them deserving of the punishment
02:09of God.
02:11And if we open to them a gate of the heaven, and they the angels began ascending through
02:18it, even then these people would surely say, our eyes have only been dazed, rather we are
02:26a bewitched people.
02:30We have indeed set up constellations in the heaven, and we have decked it fair for the
02:37And we have guarded it against the intrusion of every rebellious rejected Satan.
02:43As to one who wishes to steal a hearing of the revelation to distort it, a bright fiery
02:49flame pursues him.
02:52We have spread out and put fertilizers in the earth from outside and set up firm mountains
03:00And we have caused to grow upon it every suitable thing in due proportion.
03:07And we have provided in it means of livelihood for you, and even for all others whom it is
03:12not for you to provide.
03:15And there is not a thing, but we have the vast treasures of it, and we have not sent
03:21it down but according to a proper and prescribed measure.
03:26And we send impregnating winds, and pour forth water from the clouds, and give it to
03:32you to drink.
03:34You are not the ones to store it up.
03:37And surely it is we ourselves who give life and cause death, and it is we who are the
03:44sole survivors after everything perishes.
03:48And indeed we know those among you who are the foremost in accepting the truth, and we
03:53indeed know those who are the laggards.
03:57And certainly it is your Lord who will gather them together, verily he is all-wise, all-knowing.
04:06Surely we created human beings from dry wringing clay, transformed from black mud molded into
04:13And we created the Djinn before him from the fire of intensely hot wind.
04:21And recall the time when your Lord said to the angels, I am indeed going to create a
04:26human being from dry wringing clay, formed from black mud molded into shape.
04:34So when I have shaped him in perfection and have breathed my revelation into him, fall
04:40you down in submission to him.
04:44And when he created the human being, the angels submitted, all of them together.
04:51But Iblis, though he was separately bidden to do the same, did not.
04:56He stubbornly refused to be with those who submit.
05:01The Lord said, Iblis, what is the reason with you that you would not be with those who submit?
05:08He replied, I would never submit to a human being whom you have created from dry wringing
05:16clay, formed from black mud molded into shape.
05:21The Lord said, If it is so, then get out from this state, for surely you are rejected.
05:30And of course my disapproval shall be on you till the day of requital.
05:36He said, My Lord, then grant me respite till the day when these human beings shall be raised
05:43to spiritual life.
05:46The Lord said, You are indeed of those already granted respite.
05:53Till the day of which the time is known to me.
05:57He said, My Lord, since you have condemned me as a stray and erring, I will surely make
06:05evil of straying from the straight path, fair seeming to them, as long as they stay
06:10on the earth.
06:12I shall seduce them all, except your sincere servants from among them, your chosen and
06:19purified ones, whom I shall not be able to seduce.
06:24Lord said, The path that my sincere servants follow leads straight to me.
06:32As for my servants, you have no authority over them.
06:36Different, however, is the case of such of the deviators who choose to follow you.
06:43And of course, Jahanna is the promised place for such of them all.
06:48It has seven gates.
06:51Each gate shall have an assigned portion of them who have gone astray.
06:57Only those who guard against evil and are dutiful to me and humankind shall live amidst
07:04gardens and fountains.
07:07It will be said to them, Enter therein to live in peace and be secure.
07:13And we shall remove every vestige of rancor that may be in their hearts.
07:19They will be like brothers, seated cheerfully on raised couches of happiness, face to face.
07:29They shall suffer no fatigue, nor shall they ever be ejected from there.
07:35O Prophet, give my servants the important news that I, I alone, am most certainly the
07:43one great protector, the ever merciful.
07:47And also tell them that my punishment is a very grievous one.
07:53And also give them the important news about Abraham's guests.
07:59When they entered upon him and greeted him, saying, Peace be upon you, he answered, We
08:05feel afraid of you.
08:07They said, Have no fear.
08:10We give you good tidings of the birth of a son endowed with knowledge.
08:15He Abraham said, Do you give me the good tidings in spite of the fact that old age
08:22has come upon me?
08:23So on what basis are you giving me this good tidings?
08:28They said, We give you good tidings on the basis of the revelation of truth.
08:34Therefore do not be of the despairing ones.
08:38He said, And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord but the erring ones?
08:45He added, O you messengers, what is your real business then?
08:51They said, We have been sent to destroy a guilty people.
08:58Accepting the followers of Lot because they are not guilty, we shall invariably deliver
09:03them all.
09:06Accepting his wife, of whom God says, We have decided that she will not accompany those
09:12ordained to be delivered, but shall be really of those staying behind.
09:18When the messengers came to Lot and his followers, Lot said, Surely you are an unknown people.
09:26I apprehend evil from you because of your coming.
09:30They said, You need no apprehensions, but we have come to you with the news of that
09:37punishment about the truth of which they doubted.
09:40And we have come to you with the sure news, and most certainly we are truthful.
09:46So set forth from here with your people in the latter part of the night, and yourself
09:51following in their wake.
09:53Let none of you look about and lag behind, but proceed to where you are commanded.
10:00And we appraised him with certainty of this decree, that the roots and last remnants of
10:07these people are to be cut off when they rise at dawn.
10:12And the residents of the city came rejoicing to the house of Lot.
10:17Lot said, Surely these are my guests.
10:21Therefore do not put me to shame by your disrespectful behavior towards them.
10:27And keep your duty to Allah, and disgrace me not.
10:32They said, Have we not told you not to entertain all sorts of unknown people?
10:40He said, Here are my daughters as hostages to serve as a guarantee that the strangers
10:46will not make a mischief, if you must do something to make any investigation against me.
10:53Prophet, by your holy life and by your true faith, these your opponents are also wandering
11:00distractedly in a fit of frenzy.
11:04Then a dreadful punishment overtook these at sunrise.
11:09We turned it upside down, and rained upon the people petrified hard stones of clay constantly.
11:17Surely in this narrative there are many signs for such as can interpret signs.
11:23And the ruins of these townships lie on a road that still exists.
11:30Behold, in this narration is indeed a sign for the believers.
11:36Certainly the dwellers of the thicket of Midian were also a wrongdoing people.
11:43Therefore we inflicted punishment on them, and the ruins of both their cities, the city
11:49of Sodomites and the city of Acre, lie indeed on the open highway traversed by the caravans
11:56from Hejaz to Syria.
11:59And the dwellers of the Hijr, a township of Thamud lying between Tabuk and Medina,
12:06also cried lies to the messengers.
12:09And we gave them our commandments, but they were averse to them.
12:13And they, in search of a life of peace and security, used to hew some parts of the mountains
12:20into houses feeling secure therein.
12:24But the dreadful punishment overtook them in the morning.
12:28So that all that they had accomplished was of no avail to them.
12:33And we have not created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between the two, but
12:39to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom.
12:43And the threatened hour of punishment is sure to come.
12:47So turn away from them with goodly grace.
12:52Surely it is your Lord who is the Great Creator, the Possessor of Perfect Knowledge.
12:59And in fact, we have given you the seven oft-recited verses of Surat al-Fatiha and the Grand Quran.
13:08Extend not your eyes desirously towards the fleeting enjoyments we have bestowed on some
13:14classes of people among them, nor grieve over this destruction of them, and be kind and
13:20gentle to the believers.
13:23And proclaim, I am indeed the plain warner promised by God.
13:29Since we have decided to send down this revelation full of warnings to those who have formed
13:34themselves into factions by taking oaths against you, and who have pronounced the Quran to
13:41be a pack of lies.
13:44So by your Lord we will surely question them all about their misdeeds.
13:52Therefore declare openly what you are commanded to deliver, and turn away from the polytheists.
14:00We do suffice you to punish those who treat you scornfully, who set up another god beside
14:07Allah, but they shall soon come to know the consequences.
14:12And we know indeed that your mind is distressed because of polytheistic things that they say.
14:20So the remedy of this distress is that you glorify your Lord with all His true praise,
14:27and be of those who prostrate themselves before Him.
14:30And go on worshipping your Lord until there comes to you that which is certain and you
14:35breathe your last.
14:44With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
14:51The command of Allah regarding the punishment to the disbelievers has come.
14:57Therefore you need not seek to expedite it before its appointed time.
15:02And He is beyond and far above all the things they associate with Him.
15:08He sends down the angels with the revelation by His command to such of His servants as
15:14He will, saying,
15:23BUT I.
15:29He has created the heavens and the earth to suit the requirements of truth and wisdom.
15:35He is beyond and far above all the things they associate with Him.
15:40He has created human being from a mere drop of fluid, a small life germ.
15:46Then look what a prospicuous and sound debater He has turned out to be.
15:53And the cattle too He has created.
15:56They provide you with the things giving warmth and various other benefits.
16:01And through some of these cattle you obtain your food.
16:06And in them there is for you provision of graceful beauty and a matter of pride and
16:12honor, when you bring them home in the evening and when you drive them out to pasture in
16:17the morning.
16:19And it is these cattle that carry your heavy loads to lands that you could never reach
16:25except by putting yourselves to great hardships.
16:29Indeed your Lord is most compassionate, ever merciful.
16:35And He has created horses, mules and donkeys that you may ride them and look graceful.
16:43And He will yet create for you things of which today you have no knowledge.
16:50And because He is our Creator, upon Allah lies the responsibility of leading to the
16:56right path.
16:58For there are some paths deviating from the right and moderate course.
17:04And so they lead astray.
17:06And if He had enforced His will, He would have guided you all.
17:12He it is who poured down water from the clouds for you.
17:16It provides you with drink.
17:19It produces the plants on which you pasture your herds of cattle.
17:24He thereby grows for you the crops of corn and olives and date palms and vines and all
17:32kinds of other fruit.
17:35Surely in that there is a sign for a people who reflect.
17:40And He has made subservient to you the night and the day and the sun and the moon.
17:47And similarly the stars too are made subservient to you by His command.
17:54Verily in that there are many a sign for a people who make use of their understanding.
18:00And consider over that what He has created for you in the earth which is of varying colors
18:07and qualities.
18:09Verily in that is, of course, a sign for a people who take heed.
18:16And He it is who has made subservient to you the sea that you may eat of its fresh flesh
18:23of fish and may bring forth out of it precious and beautiful things of ornaments for your
18:31And you see the ships cleaving through it.
18:34They do so that you may journey with ease and that you may seek of His bounty in other
18:40ways and that you may render thanks to Him.
18:44And He has placed firm mountains in the earth lest it shall quake and that they may be a
18:51source of benefit and provision of food for you and has made rivers flow on it and many
18:57routes that you may take the right way to reach your goal.
19:02And He has established many other landmarks as well.
19:06It is by these and by the stars too that the people can follow the right direction.
19:15Can He then who creates out of nothing be like those who can create not?
19:21Will you not then take heed?
19:24If you count Allah's blessings and bounties upon you, they are so many that you will never
19:30be able to number them.
19:32Most surely Allah is great protector, ever merciful.
19:38Allah knows all that you conceal and all that you profess to do openly.
19:44And the things whom they call upon apart from Allah can create nothing.
19:50Rather they are themselves created.
19:54They are dead not alive and they do not perceive when they shall be raised to life again.
20:02Your God is one God, but as for those who do not believe in the hereafter, their hearts
20:08are strangers to the truth and they are full of vanity.
20:13As a matter of fact, Allah knows what they conceal and all that they profess and do openly.
20:21Surely He does not love such vain persons at all.
20:26And when these disbelievers are asked, what is in your opinion that which your Lord has
20:33sent down, they say, they are mere stories of the ancients.
20:40They say it with the result that they will bear their own burdens in full on the day
20:45of resurrection and also a portion of the burdens of those who are without knowledge
20:51and whom they are leading astray because of their ignorance.
20:56Look how evil is the burden which they bear.
21:01Their predecessors did also hatch schemes against the prophets.
21:06Allah struck at the very root of their foundations so that the roof fell down from above them
21:12and the punishment came upon them from quarters they did not perceive.
21:17That is not all.
21:19Then on the day of resurrection, He will disgrace them and will say, where are my so-called
21:26partners associated with me by you?
21:29For whose sake you used to oppose my prophets and the believers in truth?
21:35At that time, those who have been given the knowledge would say, surely this day disgrace
21:41and calamity shall be the lot of the disbelievers.
21:45Those whom the angels cause to die while they are still engrossed in doing wrong to themselves.
21:53When they are on the point of death, they will offer submission saying, we used to do
22:00no evil.
22:02The angels will say, it is not as you say.
22:07Surely Allah knows well all that you have been doing.
22:12Therefore enter the gates of Jahanna to abide therein.
22:17Evil indeed is the abode of those whose hearts are full of vanity and pride.
22:23And when it is said to those who guarded against evil, what do you think is that which your
22:28Lord has revealed?
22:30They said, the best.
22:33There is a good reward in this world for those who do good, but the abode of the hereafter
22:38they shall have is indeed far better.
22:43How excellent is the abode of those who become secure against evil.
22:48These abodes they shall enter are gardens of eternity, served with running streams to
22:55keep them green and flourishing.
22:57They shall have therein all that they desire.
23:01That is how Allah rewards those who become secure against evil.
23:06Those are happy indeed whom the angels cause to die while they are pure saying, peace be
23:12upon you, enter paradise because of those noble deeds you have been doing.
23:21These disbelievers only wait for the angels to descend upon them with the punishment or
23:26that the decisive decree of your Lord should come to pass.
23:30Their predecessors acted in a wrong way as they do.
23:35Allah did not deal with them unjustly, but they have been doing injustice to themselves.
23:42So that the evil consequences of their deeds afflicted them and that punishment which they
23:47used to look down upon encompassed them.
23:53Those who associated partners with Allah said, Had Allah so willed, neither we nor
23:59our fathers would have worshipped anything apart from him, nor would we have forbidden
24:05anything without sanction from him.
24:08Their predecessors acted as they do, but there is no other responsibility upon the messengers
24:15except the delivery of the message in plain terms.
24:20And we raised a messenger among every community, teaching, worship Allah and shun the transgressor.
24:28Thus there were some among them whom Allah guided and there were some among them who
24:33were condemned to be lost.
24:36So travel in the land and behold how evil was the end of those who cried lies to the
24:43Prophet, if you are solicitous of their guidance, then know that Allah never guides those who
24:51lead others astray knowingly, and they shall have no helpers to protect them against the
24:57evil consequences of their deeds.
25:00And they have sworn by Allah their most earnest oaths that Allah will not raise the dead to
25:08Why not?
25:09It is a promise binding upon him.
25:12He has guaranteed it, but most people do not know this true fact.
25:19It is a fact that he will raise the dead to life, so that he may make plain to them the
25:25things over which they were at variance in the present life, and so that the disbelievers
25:31may know that they were truly liars.
25:36Our word to a thing, when we intend it to come into being, is only that we say to it,
25:42Be, and it comes to be.
25:46We will certainly provide a goodly abode in this world for those who emigrated from their
25:51homes in the cause of Allah after they were dealt with unjustly, and truly the reward
25:58that they shall have in the hereafter is greater still.
26:02If the disbelievers but knew it would have been much better for them.
26:07These are those emigrants who patiently persevered and put their trust in their Lord alone.
26:15And we sent not as messengers before you, but they were men to whom we revealed our
26:20teachings, so ask the people of the reminder if you do not know.
26:27We sent these above mentioned men with clear proofs and scriptures, and similarly now we
26:33have revealed to you the reminder that you may explain to humankind the commandments
26:40that have been sent down to them, so that they may ponder and reflect over it.
26:46Do they who have been hatching evil plots against you feel secure that Allah will not
26:53abase them in this very earth, and that punishment will not befall them from quarters they perceive
27:01Or do they feel secure that he will not seize them in their going to and fro, so that they
27:07shall not be able to frustrate him in his designs and plans?
27:13Or it may be that he will take them to task through a process of gradual diminution until
27:20disbelief is completely annihilated, for surely your Lord is all-compassionate, ever-merciful.
27:29Have they not considered that the shadow of everything which Allah has created shift from
27:34the right and from the left, prostrating themselves to Allah in obedience to his laws in humble
27:44All that is in the heavens and on the earth of the crawling and moving creatures and the
27:49angels too make obeisance to Allah and they do not disdain to worship him.
27:56They fear disobedience to their Lord above them and do whatever they are commanded.
28:03Allah has said, Take not to you two gods to worship.
28:07He is the only one God.
28:10Therefore stand in awe of me and I repeat, me alone.
28:16All that is in the heavens and on the earth belongs to him.
28:22Obedience is due to him forever.
28:24Will you still take something other than Allah as your shield?
28:29And whatever blessings you have come from Allah and when affliction befalls you it is
28:35to him that you cry for redress.
28:38Yet as soon as he removes the affliction from you some among you begin to associate others
28:45as partners with their Lord in his worship.
28:50With the result that they show ingratitude for the favors which we have bestowed upon
28:54them, well enjoy yourselves a little, for soon you will know the evil consequences of
29:00your ingratitude.
29:03And they set apart for the false gods a portion of that gift we have provided them with, about
29:09the reality of which they know not.
29:12By Allah you will be called upon to account for all that you have forged.
29:18And they assign daughters to Allah, holy is he, whereas they wish to have for themselves
29:25what they desire.
29:28When one of them is given the tidings of the birth of a female his face clouds up and darkens
29:33in sorrow and he is full of grief and anger suppressed up.
29:39He hides himself in shame from the people because of the so-called bad news he has received
29:46considering whether he should keep her alive in spite of disgrace or commit her somewhere
29:52in the dust.
29:54Look evil in every way is the judgment they make.
29:59Evil in every way is the state of those who do not believe in the hereafter, while sublime
30:05are the attributes of Allah in every respect and he is the Almighty, all-wise.
30:14And if Allah were to seize the people immediately for their committing injustice and their inscribing
30:20partners with him, he would not leave any unjust and polytheistic living and crawling
30:27creature on the face of the earth.
30:30But he gives them respite till an appointed term.
30:35So when their time of punishment comes they cannot delay it by a single moment and escape
30:41it, nor can they go ahead of it to save themselves from it.
30:46And they ascribe to Allah what they dislike for themselves, nevertheless their tongues
30:52utter the lie that they shall have the best of everything in the hereafter.
30:57As a matter of fact there awaits them the fire, and indeed they are the ones to be sent
31:03therein in advance and abandoned.
31:08By Allah we did send messengers to all nations before you, but it so happened that Satan
31:15made their evil deeds fair-seeming to them.
31:18So he is their patron again this day, and there awaits them a grievous punishment.
31:27We have sent to you this perfect book for no other purpose but that you may explain
31:32to the people things over which they differ among themselves, and that it may serve as
31:38a guidance and a mercy for a people who would believe in it.
31:44And Allah has sent down water of divine revelation from above, and with it he has given life
31:52to the whole of earth after its death.
31:56Surely there is a sign in this for a people who would listen to the truth.
32:01And most surely you have an evidence in the cattle also which should lead you from ignorance
32:07to knowledge.
32:09We feed you with pure milk which lies in their bellies, betwixt the feces and the blood,
32:16which is agreeable and sweet for those who drink it.
32:20And we feed you with the fruits of the date palms and the vine, too.
32:24You obtain from it intoxicants and wholesome food.
32:29In that there is a remarkable sign for a people who make use of their understanding.
32:36And your Lord inspired the bees, saying, Make your hives in the hills, and in the trees,
32:43and in the trellises which the people erect.
32:47Then eat of every kind of fruit, and follow the ways and laws of your Lord, as that have
32:53been made easy for you.
32:55There comes forth from their insides a fine fluid of varying hues, which is a cure for
33:02the people.
33:03In fact, in this there is a sign for a people who reflect.
33:10Allah has created you, then he causes you to die, and there are some of you who are
33:16driven to the worst part of life, with the result that he knows nothing after having
33:22had knowledge.
33:25Actually Allah is all-knowing, all-powerful.
33:30And Allah has given to some of you better means of sustenance than to others.
33:35But the preferred ones would not give away and restore to their bondsmen their share
33:40of sustenance, even though they are equal sharers with them.
33:45Do they then deny the bounty of Allah?
33:49And Allah has made for you mates from your own species, and has given you sons, daughters,
33:57and grandchildren from your mates, and has provided you with good and pure things.
34:03Will the people still believe in vain and false things, and deny the blessing of Allah?
34:10And they worship apart from Allah such things as possess no authority to grant them any
34:16provision from the heavens and the earth, nor can they ever have such power in fact.
34:23So coin not similitudes to Allah.
34:27Allah knows its evil and you do not know.
34:31Allah sets forth for your knowledge an excellent description of a slave who is owned by another,
34:37and who has no power over anything.
34:40On the other hand there is another, a free man, whom we have provided with goodly provision
34:47from ourselves, and he spends out of it secretly and openly in our cause.
34:53Can they both be alike?
34:55No, not at all.
34:57All true and perfect praise belongs to Allah, but the thing is most of these people do not
35:05And Allah sets forth an excellent description of other two men.
35:10One of them is dumb and has no power over anything, and he is a useless burden on his
35:17Wherever he sends him he fetches no good.
35:20Can he be like the man who enjoys justice, and who follows the exact right path?
35:26No, not at all.
35:29And to Allah belongs the knowledge of the hidden realities of the heavens and the earth.
35:35The matter of the coming of the promised hour is just like the twinkling of an eye.
35:41Maybe it is nearer still.
35:44Behold, Allah is possessor of every power to do all he will.
35:51And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers, while you were void of all
35:57He gave you ears, eyes, and hearts, so that you might render him thanks.
36:04Have they not seen the birds held under subjection while flying in the vault of the heaven?
36:11None withholds them from falling down but Allah.
36:15In this there are signs for a people who believe.
36:20Allah has made your houses a place of rest for you, and he has also made for you of the
36:25skins of the cattle houses of tents which you find light to carry at the time of your
36:31journey, and useful at the time when you halt.
36:36And out of their wool, and their furs, and their hair, he has supplied you with household
36:43goods and other articles of temporary use and utility.
36:48And Allah has provided you shelter from the sun in the things that he has created.
36:53He has made places of retreat in the mountains, and he has made for you such garments as protect
36:59you from heat and cold, and coats of mail to guard you in intensity of your wars.
37:07Just as he has given you these things, thus does he complete his favors upon you, that
37:12you may submit wholly to him.
37:15But if still these opponents turn away, you should know that upon you is only the responsibility
37:21of delivery of the divine message in plain terms.
37:26They recognize the bounty of Allah, yet they deny it.
37:30Most of them have no sense of gratitude for his favors.
37:36And beware of the day when we shall raise a witness from among every nation.
37:41Then those who were ungrateful shall not be given leave to make amends, nor shall they
37:46be afforded an opportunity to approach the threshold of God, to offer a plea or an excuse,
37:54and thus solicit his goodwill.
37:58And when those who behaved unjustly actually face the punishment in the hereafter, it shall
38:04neither be reduced for them, nor shall they be given respite.
38:10And when those who associate partners with God will see their associate gods, they will
38:16say, Our Lord, these are partners associated with you by us, whom we used to call upon
38:24instead of you.
38:26But they, the so-called partners, will retort to them with the words, Most surely you are
38:36And on that day they shall tender submission to Allah, and all that they used to forge
38:42shall forsake them.
38:44As to those who disbelieve and hinder the people from Allah's way, we shall enhance
38:49many times over their punishment because of the evil they wrought.
38:55Beware of the day when we shall raise from every people a witness who shall hail from
39:01among themselves, and who shall testify against them, and we shall bring you, O Muhammad,
39:08as a witness against all these.
39:11And that is why we have revealed to you this perfect book explaining every basic thing,
39:16and which serves as a guidance and a mercy, and gives good tidings to those who submit
39:22to God.
39:24Allah enjoins justice and the doing of good to others and giving like kindred, and He
39:30forbids indecencies and manifests evil and transgression.
39:36He admonishes you that you may take heed and attain eminence.
39:41And keep your covenant with Allah when you have once made any covenant with Him, and
39:47do not break your oaths once you have ratified them while you have already made Allah your
39:54Verily, Allah knows how you conduct yourselves.
39:59And be not like the woman who breaks her yarn after spinning it strong, with hard labor
40:05into thread.
40:06You use your oaths to deceive one another for fear lest one nation should become more
40:11powerful than the other nation.
40:14Surely Allah tries you thereby, and on the day of resurrection will make clear to you
40:20all the things about which you had been differing from one another.
40:25Had Allah enforced His will, He would surely have made you all one nation, following one
40:31and the same faith.
40:33But He leaves in error him who wishes to remain so, and guides him who wishes to be guided.
40:42And you shall surely be called upon to account for your deeds and conduct.
40:48Do not use your oaths to deceive one another, or you will lose your foothold again after
40:53having gained stability, and you will suffer evil consequences for your barring the people
40:58from following Allah's way, and for forsaking the path of Allah, and you shall receive great
41:07And do not sell the covenant you made with Allah for a paltry price.
41:12That reward of righteousness which is with Allah is better for you if you only knew.
41:19Did you but know that which is with you shall pass away, being transitory, but that which
41:25is with Allah is enduring and will last?
41:29And we will certainly give those who patiently persevere their reward according to the best
41:34of their deeds.
41:36Whoever acts righteously, whether male or female, and is a believer, we will certainly
41:43enable him to lead a pure life, and surely we will bestow on such their reward according
41:49to the best of their deeds.
41:52And when you recite the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from Satan the rejected.
41:58Surely he has no authority over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
42:04His authority is over those only who take him as their friend and who associate partners
42:10with him under his influence.
42:13And Allah knows very well the need of what he reveals, yet when we replace a revelation
42:20with another revelation, they say to you, you are only a fabricator of lies.
42:26The truth is, however, that most of them know nothing.
42:30Say, the spirit of holiness has brought this Quran down from your Lord to suit the requirements
42:37of truth and wisdom.
42:39Allah has revealed it so that he may strengthen those who believe in their faith and so that
42:45this may serve as a guidance and good tidings for Muslims.
42:50And we know fully well what they say by way of objection, that this Quran is not revealed
42:56by God, but it is only what a human being instructs to him.
43:00What strange it is that the tongue of him to whom they unjustly allude of making this
43:06insinuation is foreign and wanting in clearness.
43:10Whereas the language of this Quran is chaste Arabic, plain and clear.
43:18Surely Allah will not guide those to success who do not believe in the messages of Allah
43:26There awaits them a grievous punishment.
43:30It is only those who do not believe in Allah's messages who forge lies.
43:35And it is they who are the liars themselves.
43:40Those who disbelieve in Allah after they have believed in him, but not those who are
43:46compelled to recant while their hearts find peace and are firm in the faith.
43:51And those who accept disbelief from the core of their hearts shall incur the displeasure
43:56of Allah and shall receive a stern punishment.
44:02That is because they have preferred the present life to the hereafter.
44:07And because Allah does not guide the disbelieving people to their goal.
44:13It is these people on whose hearts, hearing, and eyes Allah has set a seal for their disbelief.
44:22And it is these people who are really heedless.
44:26Undoubtedly it is they who will be the very losers in the hereafter.
44:32Soon those who emigrated from their homes after they had been persecuted and strove
44:38hard in the cause of Allah and patiently persevered will ultimately find that your Lord, yes your
44:47own Lord is indeed great protector ever merciful to them.
44:53The perfect manifestation of such a recompense will be on the day when every soul shall come
44:59pleading for protection for itself and every soul shall be repaid in full for its deeds
45:07and they shall in no way be dealt with unjustly.
45:11And Allah sets forth an excellent description of a township.
45:16It enjoyed a state of security and peace.
45:20It received its provision in plenty from every quarter.
45:24But it so happened that it began to show ingratitude for the bounties of Allah.
45:30So Allah made the citizens of it taste a pall of hunger and fear which covered it like a
45:38The conditions of famine and war prevailed there because of what its citizens had wrought.
45:46And certainly there had come to them a great messenger from among their own men.
45:51But they cried lies to him.
45:53So the promised punishment overtook them while they were behaving transgressingly.
45:59So believers eat of the lawful good and pure things Allah has provided you and give thanks
46:06for Allah's bounty if it is in fact him that you worship.
46:12He has made unlawful for you only carry on that which dies of itself.
46:19Blood flowed out, the flesh of swine and that which has been sacrificed in some other name
46:26than Allah's.
46:28But he who is constrained to do this, not desiring it and having no intention either
46:34to disobey or to exceed the limits of necessity will find that Allah surely is great protector,
46:42ever merciful.
46:44And do not say because of the lies which your tongues utter, this is lawful and that
46:50is unlawful, lest you should forge a lie against Allah.
46:55Those who forge lies against Allah will never attain the goal, though in forging lies they
47:02may enjoy themselves for a brief spell in this life, yet a grievous punishment awaits
47:08them in the hereafter.
47:10We have already made unlawful to those also who Judaized, all that we have related to
47:17you already.
47:19And we did not deal with them unjustly, rather they wronged themselves.
47:25Again, those who commit evil in ignorance and then after that turn to him in repentance
47:32and mend their ways will find that surely after that, for those who repent, your Lord
47:39is great protector, ever merciful.
47:44The truth of the matter is that Abraham was a paragon of virtue, obedient to Allah, upright
47:51and he was not of the polytheists.
47:55Highly thankful for his favors, he chose him and guided him on to the exact right path.
48:02And we granted him great success and all comforts of this life.
48:06And in the hereafter he is most surely among the righteous.
48:12Again Prophet, to complete our favors on Abraham, we have revealed to you, saying, follow the
48:19creed of Abraham, who was an upright devotee of God and was not of the polytheists.
48:27The punishment for profaning the Sabbath was made to recoil on those only who were at odds
48:33over it.
48:34And your Lord will surely judge between them concerning all their differences on the day
48:39of resurrection.
48:41Prophet, call the people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly and kind exhortation.
48:49And argue with them in the most pleasant and best manner.
48:53Surely your Lord knows very well who has gone astray from his path and he knows very well
48:59the guided ones to the path.
49:02Believers, if you have to punish the oppressors, then punish them to the extent you have been
49:11But if you endure patiently, remember, it is far better for the patiently persevering.
49:19And be patiently persevering, verily you can exercise patient endurance only with the help
49:26of Allah.
49:27Do not grieve at their state, nor feel distressed on account of their intrigues, out of enmity
49:34for you.
49:35Allah is, of course, with those who guard against evil and those who are doers of good
49:42to others.
