Juz' 13 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Yet I do not hold myself to be free from weakness, for the commanding self is surely prone to
00:07enjoin evil, except on whom my Lord has mercy.
00:12My Lord is, of course, protector against sins, ever merciful."
00:18And the king said, Bring him to me, I will make him my special attache.
00:26And when he, Joseph, came and spoke to him, he the king said, From this day you hold a
00:34notable position of honor and trust with us.
00:38Joseph said, Appoint me over the treasurers of the land, for I am a careful keeper and
00:45possessed of knowledge of the jock.
00:48That is how he granted Joseph high power in the country.
00:52He wielded authority therein wherever he chose.
00:56We bestow our mercy on whomsoever we will, and we suffer not the reward of the doers
01:02of excellent deeds to be lost.
01:05Yet those who believe and have been guarding against sin and dutiful shall have a much
01:10better reward in the hereafter.
01:13And in the years of famine, Joseph's brothers came from Canaan to Egypt, and they presented
01:20themselves to him.
01:22But though he knew them, they recognized him not.
01:26When he had provided them with their provision, he said, When you come next, bring me your
01:32brother from your father's side.
01:34Do you not see that I give full measure of corn, and I am the best of hosts?
01:40But if you do not bring him to me, there shall be no more measure of corn for you from me,
01:46nor shall you find access to me.
01:49They said, We will certainly persuade his father to part with him, and we are sure to
01:54do it.
01:56And he said to his servants, Put their cash they paid for the corn in their saddlebags,
02:03and to himself that they may recognize it as benevolence when they return to their family,
02:09and perhaps they may come back with his brother on this account.
02:15So when they returned to their father, they said, Our father, a further measure of corn
02:20has been denied us, unless we take our brother Benjamin with us.
02:25Therefore send our brother with us that we may have our measure of corn, and we will
02:29surely be able to take due care of him.
02:33Jacob said, Shall I trust you with him, as I trusted you with his brother before?
02:40God is the best guardian, and he is the most merciful of those who show mercy.
02:47And when they unpacked their goods, they found their cash to return to them.
02:51They said, Our father, what more should we desire?
02:56Here is our cash returned to us, and if Benjamin accompanies us, we will make the best use
03:03of it.
03:04We will bring food for our family, and we will take care of our brother, and we shall
03:09have the measure of a camel load in addition.
03:13That measure of corn we have already brought is a light one, and so little and insufficient.
03:20He said, Never will I send him with you until you give me a solemn pledge in the name of
03:26Allah that you shall surely bring him to me unless it be that you yourselves are beset
03:32with difficult circumstances.
03:34When they had given him their pledge, he said, Allah shall be guardian over what we
03:39have agreed.
03:42And he also said on their departure, My sons, reaching Egypt, enter the city not by one
03:49gate, rather enter it by different gates.
03:53Yet I can avail you not against the decree of Allah.
03:57The decision only rests with Allah.
04:00In him do I put my trust, and in him let all who would trust put their trust in the
04:06like manner.
04:08And when they entered the city after the manner their father had bidden them, it could not
04:13at all help them against the decree of Allah.
04:17All that it came to was that Jacob's desire he had in his mind was thus satisfied and
04:23his purpose achieved, and he was surely possessed of knowledge, because we had imparted full
04:30knowledge to him.
04:31But most people do not know these things.
04:36When they entered upon Joseph, he betook his brother to himself for restful lodging, making
04:41him his personal guest.
04:42He, Joseph, said to Benjamin, I am your real brother, Joseph, so now do not grieve over
04:50what they have been doing.
04:53When he had provided them with their provision, someone put a drinking cup in the saddlebag
04:58of his brother, Benjamin.
05:00Then it so happened that a crier called, O men of the caravan carrying the corn, you
05:06are most surely thieves.
05:09They, men of the caravan, said, turning towards them, What is it that you are missing?
05:17They said, We find the king's measuring vessel missing, and added, Whoever restores it shall
05:23receive a camel load of corn as a reward.
05:27And one of them said, I am surely responsible for it.
05:32They replied, By Allah!
05:35You know well that we did not come to commit mischief in this country, nor are we professional
05:41They, the Egyptians, said, What shall be the punishment for this theft if you are proved
05:47to be liars?
05:50They replied, The punishment for this is that he in whose saddlebag this vessel is found
05:56shall himself be the penalty for it, and so he himself shall be confiscated as his
06:03This is how we punish the wrongdoers.
06:07Then he, the king's herald, began the search with the sacks of others before he came to
06:12the sack of his brother, Benjamin.
06:16Finding the vessel therein, he brought it out of his brother's sack.
06:20That is how we contrived for Joseph to keep Benjamin with him, otherwise he could not
06:25have taken his brother according to the king's law.
06:29Yet it came about as Allah willed.
06:32We raise in degrees of rank whomsoever we will.
06:35And over and above every possessor of knowledge there is one Almighty God who is all-knowing.
06:44Joseph's brother said, If he has stolen, no wonder a brother of his had also committed
06:50theft before this.
06:51But Joseph kept it secret in his heart and did not disclose it to them.
06:56He simply said, You are a worse case, and Allah knows best what you are alleging.
07:03Brothers of Joseph said, O noble chief!
07:07Surely he has an old father, advanced in years, so retain one of us in his place.
07:13Surely we see you to be of the doers of good to all.
07:17He said, God forbid that we take anyone except the one with whom we found our property, for
07:23otherwise we would, of course, be unjust.
07:29When they were despaired of moving him, they retired to confer together in private.
07:34One of their leaders said, Are you not aware that your father has bound you to a solemn
07:40pledge in the name of Allah?
07:43And how before this you fell short of your duty in respect of Joseph?
07:48Never will I, therefore, leave this land until my father gives me permission, or Allah who
07:53is the best of judges decides the matter for me.
07:59Return all of you to your father and say, Our father, your son has committed the theft.
08:05And we say no more than what we know, and we did not witness him stealing, and we could
08:10not be guardians over what was unseen by us.
08:15And you may inquire of the inhabitants of the city we were in, and of the people of
08:20the caravan, carrying the corn we accompany.
08:23We speak nothing but the truth.
08:27So when reaching home, Jacob's sons gave all this information to him.
08:33Jacob said, Nay, it is not so, rather your baser selves have embellished to you another
08:40abominable thing.
08:42So now showing patience is befitting.
08:45It is not far from the grace of Allah to bring them all to me, for he is indeed the all-knowing,
08:52the all-wise.
08:54And he turned away from them and said, O my grief for Joseph!
08:59And his eyes were drowned with tears for the pangs of grief, and he was suppressing his
09:06They said, By Allah!
09:09You will not cease mentioning Joseph until you are consumed away for some disease or
09:14become of the perished.
09:16He replied, I complain of my anguish and of my sorrow to Allah alone.
09:22I know from Allah what you do not know.
09:25Go my sons, and make a thorough search for Joseph and his brother.
09:30Do not despair of Allah's soothing mercy.
09:34Verily, none but the people who deny the truth can ever lose hope of Allah's soothing
09:42And when they, Joseph's brothers, came again before him, they said, O noble chief, distress
09:50and poverty due to famine has befallen us and our family.
09:54We have brought only a scanty amount of money.
09:57Give us, nonetheless, full measure of corn, and show us charity.
10:03Verily Allah rewards the charitable.
10:06Joseph said, Are you aware what you did to Joseph and his brother in your ignorance?
10:14They were startled and said, Are you Joseph?
10:18Yes, you are Joseph indeed.
10:21He said, Yes, I am Joseph, and this is my brother Benjamin.
10:28Allah has indeed been gracious to us.
10:31As a matter of fact, he who guards against evil, seeking refuge in him, and patiently
10:37perseveres will find that Allah suffers not the reward of the doers of good to others
10:42to be lost.
10:45They said, By Allah, Allah has surely exalted you above us, and we have indeed been guilty.
10:54Joseph said, No reproach from me shall be on you this day.
10:59May Allah forgive you.
11:01He is the most merciful of those who show mercy.
11:05Go with this, my shirt, and lay it before my father.
11:09He will come to know the whole affair and as well believe.
11:13And bring to me the whole of your family.
11:17So when the caravan with the corn departed from Egypt, their father said, If you do not
11:23pronounce my judgment to be weak and unsound, let me tell you that I do scent the power
11:30of Joseph.
11:31They, people of Joseph's household, said, By Allah, you are still suffering from your
11:38old delusion.
11:40And when the bearer of the happy tidings came to Jacob, he laid it, the shirt, before him,
11:46and he became enlightened about the true state of affairs.
11:50He said, Did I not tell you that I know from Allah what you do not know?
11:55They said, Our father, pray that our sins are forgiven to us, for certainly we have
12:01been sinful.
12:03He Jacob said, I will certainly pray to my Lord to forgive you.
12:09Surely he is the most forgiving, the ever-merciful.
12:14And when they all came to Joseph, he betook his parents to himself for a restful lodging,
12:20and said, Enter the city, if Allah will.
12:24You shall always be safe and secure.
12:27And he took his parents to the royal court, and they all fell down prostrate before God
12:32because of him, and he said, My father, this is the real fulfillment of my vision of old.
12:39My Lord has made it come true.
12:42He has been gracious to me, indeed, when he released me out of the prison and brought
12:47you from the desert.
12:49This all happened after Satan had stirred up discord between me and my brothers.
12:55Surely my Lord is beneficent to whomsoever he pleases.
12:59He it is who is the all-knowing, the all-wise.
13:04Addressing his Lord, Joseph then said, My Lord, you have bestowed a part of the sovereignty
13:10upon me, and it is you who have imparted me true knowledge of the significance of divine
13:16O you, the originator of the heavens and the earth, you alone are my patron in this world
13:22and the hereafter.
13:24Let it be that I die in a state of complete submission to you.
13:28Let it be that I join the righteous.
13:31Prophet, this narrative is a part of the important news of the hidden realities which we reveal
13:38to you.
13:39You were not present with these enemies of yours when they agreed upon their plan against
13:44you, and they are still hatching subtle plots.
13:48And many people, even though you ardently desire it, will not at all believe.
13:54While you ask them for no wages for it.
13:58On the other hand, this Quran is but a source of eminence and glory for all humankind.
14:05And many are the signs in the heavens and the earth which they pass by turning away
14:10arrogantly from them.
14:13In fact, most of them believe not in Allah without at the same time ascribing partners
14:18to him.
14:20Do they then feel secure from the coming of an overwhelming punishment on them from Allah,
14:26or the sudden coming of the hour upon them, taking them unaware?
14:31Say this is my path.
14:34I call to Allah.
14:36I am on sure knowledge verifiable by reason, and so are those who follow me.
14:42I believe that holy is Allah.
14:45I am not of the polytheists.
14:49And we sent none as messengers before you, but they were men from among the people of
14:54the townships to whom we revealed our will.
14:58Have they not then journeyed in the land, and seen how was the end of their predecessors?
15:04Indeed, the abode of the hereafter holds out better promises for those who guard against
15:09evil and keep their duty.
15:11Will you not then refrain from disbelief and unrighteous deeds?
15:16It always happened with the previous messengers as well.
15:20They went on with their teachings, till when those messengers despaired of believing on
15:25the part of their people.
15:27And they, the people of their nation, thought that they have been told only lies in the
15:32name of revelations.
15:34Our help reached these messengers suddenly, delivering those whom we pleased.
15:40Surely our punishment is not averted from the people who sever their ties with us.
15:46Most assuredly, the narratives of the people gone by contain lessons for the people possessed
15:52of pure and clear understanding.
15:55This Qur'an is no forged narrative.
15:59It is a fulfillment of those prophecies contained in the scriptures which were before it, and
16:04is a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to a people who believe.
16:14Al-Ra'd, The Thunder With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
16:22the Ever-Merciful.
16:28I am Allah, the Best-Knowing, the All-Seeing.
16:33These are the verses of the perfect book, and that which has been revealed to you by
16:38your Lord is the complete truth.
16:41But most people do not still believe in it.
16:46Allah is He who raised up the heavens without any pillars that you can see, and He occupied
16:53the throne of sovereignty, and He made the sun and the moon subservient to you.
17:00Each one of these planets pursues its course for a specified term.
17:05He regulates all affairs of this universe.
17:09He explains in detail His messages so that you may have firm conviction of the meeting
17:15with your Lord.
17:17And it is He who drew forth the earth from another heavenly body, and made it productive
17:24and fertile by means of particles of other planets, and made firm mountains and rivers
17:31on it.
17:32He has grown therein fruit of every kind in a pair comprising both sexes, the male stamens
17:40and the female pistils.
17:43He causes the night to cover the day.
17:46Behold, in all this there are signs for a people who reflect.
17:53And in the earth are diverse tracts, side by side, and in them there are gardens of
17:59vines and different kinds of cornfields and date palms, growing in clusters, many together
18:07from one root, and others growing separately from different roots.
18:12They are all watered with the same water, yet we make some of them excel others in respect
18:18of bearing fruit and their taste.
18:21Behold, in all this there are signs to recognize their Lord, for a people who use their understanding.
18:32And you, O reader, are right, if you would wonder at the disbelievers, for wondrous indeed
18:39are their words.
18:41Is it true that we shall be raised to a new creation when we are reduced to dust after
18:50These are the ones who disbelieve in their Lord, and these are the ones who shall have
18:55halters around their necks.
18:58They shall be the fellows of the fire wherein they shall abide.
19:04They want you to hasten on their punishment in preference to your doing them good, whereas
19:11there has already been awarded to the people before them exemplary punishment.
19:18Verily your Lord is full of forgiveness to humankind, despite their unjust doings, yet
19:24your Lord is likewise strict in inflicting punishment.
19:31And those who disbelieve say, Why has no sign of destruction been sent down to him from
19:37his Lord?
19:39While you are naught but a warner and a guide for every people.
19:46Allah knows what every female carries, and He knows what the wombs miscarry and what
19:53they nourish and help to grow.
19:56He has the proper and fixed measure of everything.
20:00He is the knower of the hidden realities and the visible, the incomparably great, the most
20:09He among you who conceals his thoughts and he speaks them aloud, and also he who lurks
20:17by night and he who goes forth openly by day are all alike in his knowledge.
20:25He the messenger has companies of angels successively raised before him and behind him.
20:33They guard him by the command of Allah.
20:37Verily Allah does not change the condition of a people until they first change their
20:42ways and their minds.
20:46When Allah decides upon punishing a people there is no averting it.
20:52At that time they have no helping friend apart from him.
20:57He it is who shows you the lightning to induce fear and to inspire hope in you, and it is
21:03he who raises the heavy clouds.
21:07And the thunder glorifies him with his true praise, and so do the angels in awe of him.
21:14He sends the thunderbolts and therewith smites whom he will.
21:20Yet they dispute about Allah, though he is mighty in prowess.
21:27He alone deserves being called upon in prayer.
21:31Those they call upon apart from him give them no response whatsoever, but these polytheists
21:37pray to them like one who stretches forth both of his hands towards the water, wishing
21:42that it may reach his mouth, while it never reaches it.
21:47And the call of the disbelievers is naught but in vain.
21:52All those that are in the heavens and on the earth submit to Allah alone, whether they
21:59choose to obey willingly or not, and likewise do their shadows, in the mornings and the
22:05evenings, and they are all subject to the divine law, his law of nature.
22:13Ask them, Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?
22:19They will not be able to answer it.
22:21Therefore say, It is Allah.
22:24Say again, Have you even then taken apart from him such other helpers as have no power
22:31to receive good or avoid harm, even for themselves?
22:36Say, Is the blind person as good as the person who can see?
22:42Or are the different kinds of darkness the same as the light?
22:46Or have they ascribed to Allah associate partners who have created the things as he has created,
22:54with the result that the two creations look similar to them?
22:57Say, Allah alone is the creator of all things, and he is the one, the most supreme.
23:07He sends down some water from the clouds, so that the water courses flow up to their
23:13capacity, and the torrent carries on its surface swelling foam.
23:19And out of that metal which the people heat in the fire, seeking to make ornaments and
23:24other articles, a similar foam rises to the surface of it.
23:29In this way does Allah illustrate truth and falsehood.
23:33As for the foam, it goes away as does all dross.
23:38But as to that which does good to humankind, it stays in the earth.
23:44That is how Allah sets forth excellent description of things.
23:49There is an everlasting good in store for those who respond to the call of their Lord.
23:55And as for those who do not respond to his call, even though they had possessed all that
24:01is on the earth and as much more, they would certainly offer it to ransom themselves with
24:08And it is these for whom an evil reckoning awaits, and their refuge is Jahannam.
24:14What a wretched place to rest!
24:18How can then he who knows that what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth,
24:24be like the person who is blind?
24:27Only those possessed of pure and clear understanding do give thought.
24:33These are the persons who fulfill the covenant they made with Allah and do not break their
24:38solemn pledge.
24:40These are the persons who keep the ties of love and relationship Allah has commanded
24:46to be kept, who hold their Lord in awe, and who dread the evil reckoning.
24:54And these are the persons who patiently persevere in virtues and in guarding against evil, seek
25:01the favor of their Lord and observe prayer, and who spend out of what we have provided
25:06them, secretly and openly, and who avert evil by repaying it with good.
25:14It is these who shall have the best end of the present abode.
25:20These are the people who shall have the most amazing gardens of paradise, where they themselves,
25:25and also such of them as are righteous and fit for earning a place in heaven, from among
25:30their fathers, and their spouses, and their children, shall enter, and angels shall attend
25:39on them from every door, saying, Peace be ever upon you, because you patiently persevered
25:46in virtues and guarded against sin.
25:49How excellent and blissful is the reward of this abode in the hereafter.
25:55But as for those who break the covenant they made with Allah, after having ratified it,
26:01and sever the ties Allah has commanded to be kept, and disturb the peace of the country,
26:08it is these on whom lies the disapproval of Allah, and they shall have an evil end of
26:14this abode.
26:16Allah amplifies the means of livelihood for such of His people as He will, and straightens
26:23them for such of them as He will.
26:26Some people are happy with the present life, whereas the present life, as compared with
26:31the hereafter, is but a fleeting and insignificant enjoyment.
26:38And those who disbelieve say, Why has no sign of the destruction of His opponents been revealed
26:45to this prophet from his Lord?
26:48Say, Verily Allah lets him go astray who wishes to be left in error, and guides to himself
26:57only those who turn again and again to Him.
27:03Those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah, look, it is in
27:09the remembrance of Allah alone that the hearts really find peace.
27:17Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, an enviable state of bliss is theirs in this
27:23world, and an excellent and blissful place of return awaits them in the hereafter.
27:31It is therefore we have sent you to a people before whom other peoples have passed away,
27:39so that you may recite to them that Qur'an which we have revealed to you.
27:44Yet they disbelieve in God the Most Gracious.
27:48Say, He is my Lord, there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship
27:56but He.
27:57In Him do I put my trust, and to Him is my complete return.
28:06Had there been a Qur'an whereby mountains could be moved, or whereby the earth could
28:11be torn asunder, or whereby the dead could be made to speak, it is this very Qur'an indeed.
28:20Behold, the commandment and all power belongs to Allah.
28:27Have not those who believe realized yet that if Allah had enforced His will, He would have
28:33indeed guided all humankind?
28:36And as for those who disbelieve, one calamity or the other will continue to befall them
28:42owing to their evil activities till you come to a light in their neighborhood, until the
28:48promise of Allah about the conquest of Mecca comes to pass.
28:54Verily Allah will not fail this promise of His.
28:59And surely messengers before you were treated scornfully, but at first I granted respite
29:05to those who disbelieved.
29:07After that I took them to task, and behold how exemplary was then my punishment.
29:15How shall he who stands watchful over each and every soul as to what it accomplishes
29:22let them go unpunished in spite of his knowledge?
29:26And yet they ascribe to Allah several partners.
29:30Say, would you name their attributes?
29:34And would you inform him of something important which is on the earth but unknown to him?
29:40Or are these merely empty and false words?
29:43Nay, the fact of the matter is that their designing and their activities are made fair-seeming
29:50to the believers by Satan.
29:52And they have been barred from the right path.
29:56And he whom Allah forsakes has no guide.
30:01They are doomed to punishment in the present life and the next.
30:05But the punishment of the hereafter will of course be graver still.
30:10They will have no savior at all from the punishment of Allah.
30:15The likeness of the garden of paradise which has been promised to those who become secure
30:21against sin and are dutiful is that of a garden served with running streams to keep
30:27it green and flourishing.
30:29It has everlasting fruit and so will be its shade.
30:34Such is the end of those who guard against sins but the end of disbelievers is the fire.
30:40And those to whom we have given the insight of the book rejoice at what has been revealed
30:45to you.
30:46But there are some factions of other religions who deny some of its parts.
30:52Say, I have only been commanded to worship Allah and not to associate anything with Him.
31:00To Him do I call you and to Him is my return.
31:06Just as we revealed other scriptures so have we revealed it, the Quran, as a clear judgment
31:14couched in Arabic.
31:16And if you, O reader, were to follow their vain desires after the knowledge has come
31:21to you, you will have not a single helper nor a savior against the punishment of Allah.
31:30And most surely we sent before you many messengers and we gave them wives and children.
31:39Yet it was not possible for a messenger to bring a sign but by Allah's command.
31:45For everything that has an appointed term there is a divine law to regulate it.
31:53Allah repeals the law relating to punishment what He will and He establishes and confirms
32:00what He pleases and with Him is the source and origin of all laws and commandments.
32:08We will indeed let you witness, O Muhammad, the realization of some of the punishments
32:15with which we threaten them, the disbelievers with, before we cause you to die.
32:21You are responsible only for the delivery of the message and the reckoning is our own
32:29Do they not see that we are invading the land of disbelief and are gradually reducing and
32:35curtailing it from its sides?
32:38Allah judges the matter.
32:40There is none to reverse His judgment.
32:43Swift is He at calling to account.
32:46And their predecessors did devise plans against the truth, but all effective devising and
32:53the success of the plans rests with Allah.
32:58He knows what every person accomplishes.
33:01The disbelievers will soon come to know who will gain the good and successful end of this
33:08And those who disbelieve say, You are not a sent one of God.
33:14Say, Allah suffices as a witness between me and you, and so are those who possess knowledge
33:22of the divine book.
33:24Ibrahim, Abraham With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,
33:33the Ever-Merciful.
33:34Alif-Lam-Ra I am Allah, the All-Seeing.
33:41This is a great book which we have revealed to you, that you may bring humankind by the
33:46leave of their Lord out of different kinds of darkness into light, to the path of the
33:52Almighty, the Praiseworthy.
33:56To the path of Allah, to whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in
34:01the earth, and woe to the disbelievers for a dreadful punishment that will befall them.
34:09Such as prefer the present life to the hereafter, and forsake the path of Allah, and hinder
34:16the people from it, and try to paint it as crooked, seeking to undertake it by remaining
34:22crooked, it is these who have gone far off in error.
34:27And we sent no messenger, but he spoke the language of his people, so that he might make
34:33all our messages clear to them.
34:36Yet Allah leaves in error those who wish to remain in error, and guides him who wishes
34:41to be guided to the right path.
34:44And he is the Almighty, the All-Wise.
34:49And we sent Moses with our signs, saying, Bring forth your people from different kinds
34:54of darkness into light, and remind them of Allah's favors and punishments.
35:00Behold, there are signs in these narratives for every patiently persevering and grateful
35:09And call to mind when Moses said to his people, Remember Allah's blessings upon you, when
35:15he delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who afflicted you with painful sufferings,
35:21and slew your sons and spared your women, to make them immodest, and in that deliverance
35:28there was a great reward from your Lord.
35:31And recall when your Lord made it known to you, If you indeed be thankful, I will bestow
35:37more favors on you, but if you are ungrateful, you will find that my punishment is of course
35:44most severe.
35:48Moses said, If you turn ungrateful, you and everyone on this earth all together, remember
35:55that Allah stands in need of no thanks.
35:59Verily, Allah is self-sufficient, praiseworthy in his own right.
36:06Has not the important news come to you of your predecessors, the people of Noah, the
36:11tribes of Ad and Thamud, and those who came after them?
36:17None know them now but Allah.
36:19Their messengers of God came to them with clear proofs, but they put their hands again
36:25and again on their mouths, showing great resentment and out of rage, saying, We have already rejected
36:33that revelation you have been sent with, and in fact we are in disquieting doubt as to
36:38that faith you call us to.
36:41Other messengers of God said, Is there any doubt about Allah, the originator of the heavens
36:48and the earth?
36:49He calls you to himself that he may protect you against your sins and grant you respite
36:55till an appointed time, to the end of your lives.
37:00They said, You are nothing but a human being like ourselves.
37:06You desire to stop us from worshipping that which our forefathers have been worshipping,
37:12so you better bring us some manifest authority.
37:16Their messengers of God said to them, It is true we are nothing but human beings like
37:21yourselves, but Allah shows his favours by sending revelations and prophethood to such
37:27of his servants as he will.
37:30It is not possible for us to bring you an authority except by the leave of Allah.
37:37We put our trust in him, and in Allah alone should the believers put their trust.
37:45And why should we not put our trust in Allah while he has guided us in our ways?
37:51We will surely endure patiently all persecutions you have subjected us to, so in Allah alone
37:59let those put their trust who have learnt to put their trust in him.
38:04And those who disbelieved then said to their messengers of God, We will assuredly turn
38:11you out of our country, for you will have to return to our creed.
38:17Then did their Lord send his revelation to them, saying, We will invariably destroy these
38:26And we will surely make you occupy the country after them.
38:31That promise shall hold good for every one of them who fears to stand before my tribunal
38:37and fears my threatful warning.
38:41They sought a judgment, but when it came, every haughty person and enemy of truth met
38:48with no success and was utterly disappointed.
38:54Allah lies before him where he shall be made to drink boiling and repulsive water.
39:00He will try to sip it but will not be able to swallow it easily, and death shall come
39:06to him from every quarter, yet he shall not die.
39:12Moreover, he shall see before him further harsh doom.
39:20The works of those who disbelieve in the messages and blessings of their Lord are like
39:25ashes on which the wind blows violently on a tempestuous day.
39:31They shall have no power to reap the fruit of their deeds.
39:36That is indeed an extremely ruinous error.
39:40Have you, O reader, not considered that Allah created the heavens and the earth to suit
39:46the requirements of truth and wisdom?
39:50If he so will, he can do away with you and bring forth a new creation.
39:56And that is not at all difficult for Allah.
40:01Beware of the day when people shall appear before Allah in a body so that the weak shall
40:08say to those who consider themselves great, We were your followers definitely.
40:13Can you not help to save us today in any manner against the punishment of Allah?
40:20They will reply, Had Allah guided us to a way of deliverance, we would surely have guided
40:28It makes no difference for us now whether we show impatience or remain patient.
40:34There is no way of escape for us this day.
40:40When the judgment of God has been passed and matter decided, Satan will say to these
40:46people, Verily, Allah made you a true promise, and I also made you a promise, but I failed
40:55I had no authority over you, however, I called you and you obeyed me.
41:02Therefore blame me not now, but you should blame your own selves.
41:06I can render you no help, nor can you render me any help, inasmuch as you're associating
41:13me as partner with God.
41:16I have already declared that I have nothing to do with it.
41:20As for the wrongdoers, there awaits them a grievous punishment.
41:27But those who believe and do righteous deeds shall be made to enter gardens served with
41:32running streams to keep them green and flourishing.
41:36There they shall abide in forever by the leave of their Lord.
41:40Their greeting therein shall be, Peace.
41:45Have you, O reader, not considered how Allah compares a holy word to a good tree whose
41:52each root is firm and whose every branch spreads out to the very sky?
41:59This tree goes on bringing forth its fruit at all times by the leave of its Lord.
42:06And Allah gives excellent descriptions of things for the people so that they may take
42:13And the likeness of an evil word is as an evil tree, which can be uprooted from above
42:19the earth.
42:20It has no stability.
42:23Allah strengthens those who have believed with the true word firmly established, both
42:28in the present life and in the hereafter.
42:32Allah perishes the wrongdoers, and Allah does whatever He will.
42:39Have you not seen those who have done away with Allah's favor for their ingratitude?
42:45They have landed their people into the abode of ruin.
42:49In Jahannam they shall enter it.
42:52What a wretched place to settle in!
42:55And they set up compeers to Allah, to lead people astray from His path.
43:01Say, Well, enjoy yourselves a while.
43:05You are heading towards the fire.
43:09Say to My servants who have believed, to observe prayer, and to spend secretly and openly out
43:16of that which We have provided for them, before there comes a day of reckoning when neither
43:22bargaining nor fast friendship shall help them to get salvation.
43:28Allah is He who created the heavens and the earth, and He causes water to come down from
43:34the clouds, and He brings down fruit therewith to be your sustenance.
43:41He has made subservient to you the ships that they may sail through the sea by His leave,
43:48and He has made subservient to you the rivers also.
43:54And He has made subservient to you the sun and the moon, both moving constantly according
44:00to some fixed laws, and He has made subservient to you the night and the day.
44:08He has given you of all that you wanted of Him by your natural demand, and if you try
44:14to count Allah's bounties, you will not be able to number them.
44:19Surely a human being is very unjust, very ungrateful.
44:25Recall the time when Abraham said, My Lord, make this would-be city of Mecca secure and
44:34a haven of peace, and keep me and my children away from worshipping idols.
44:42My Lord, a large number of people has gone astray because of these idols, to be sure.
44:49Then whoso follows me, he is certainly of me.
44:54As for the person who disobeys me, I can say only you are indeed great protector against
45:01the false, ever merciful.
45:04Our Lord, I have settled some of my children in an uncultivatable valley of Mecca, in the
45:12vicinity of your holy house.
45:15Our Lord, I have done so, so that they may observe prayer.
45:21Then make the hearts of the people inclined towards them, and provide them with fruits
45:26so that they may always give thanks.
45:30Our Lord, you know all that we keep secret and all that we make known.
45:36There is nothing, either in the earth or in the heaven, that may be hidden from Allah.
45:43All true and perfect praise belongs to Allah, who has given me, despite my old age, Ismail
45:51and Isaac.
45:53My Lord is, of course, the hearer of prayers.
45:58My Lord, make me a constant and steadfast observer of prayer, and my children as well.
46:05Our Lord, bestow your grace on us and accept my prayer.
46:11Our Lord, protect me, my parents and the believers against false on the day when the reckoning
46:17takes place.
46:20And O reader, do not think that Allah is unaware of all that these wrongdoers do.
46:26He only defers their punishment to the day when the eyes of the people will fixedly stare
46:32in horror.
46:34They will be running in panic, with their necks outstretched and their heads erect.
46:40They will not be able to wink their eyes and their hearts utterly void of courage and hope.
46:48Warn these people of the day when the threatened punishment overtakes them, and those who are
46:53unjust will say, Our Lord, grant us respite for a short term.
47:00We will respond to your call and follow the messengers.
47:05It will be said to them, Did you not swear before now that you would never have a fall?
47:13You said this, though you occupied the dwelling places of those who had wronged themselves,
47:19and it had been clear to you how we had dealt with them, the unjust.
47:25We have set forth all these descriptions for you clearly.
47:30They have already hatched their plots.
47:34But even though they have plots that can move mountains, Allah has power over rendering
47:40their plots ineffective.
47:44So O reader, do not think that Allah is going to break his promise he made to his messengers.
47:52Allah is Almighty, Lord of Retribution.
47:57Beware of the day when this earth will be changed into another earth, and the heavens
48:03as well shall be superseded by other heavens, and they, all people, shall appear before
48:11Allah, the One, the Most Supreme.
48:16And on that day you shall see these guilty bound together in chains.
48:22Pitch will form their raiments, and the fire shall envelop their faces.
48:28This will be so that Allah may reward every soul according to his deeds.
48:36Verily Allah is swift at reckoning.
48:40This Quran is a message too, and sufficient to meet all the requirements of all humankind.
48:51It has other aims to serve, and that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know
48:58that He is the only One God, and that those possessed of pure knowledge may take heed.
