Juz' 17 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 2 months ago
Qur'an o Ahaadees Ki Roshni Mein Islam Ka Message Zyada se zyada Logon Tak Pohchane Mein Hamari Madad Karen Is Video Ko Apne Sabhi Contacts Aur Groups Mein Share Zaroor Karen


00:05With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
00:09There has drawn nigh for the people the day of their reckoning, yet they turn away in
00:17No new reminder comes to them from their Lord, but they listen to it in a playful mood.
00:25While their minds are inattentive, those of them who have transgressed the limits keep
00:30their counsels against the Prophet of their time secret and say, ìHe is only a human
00:36being like yourselves.
00:38Will you be seduced by his skillful eloquence while you see and know?î
00:45On the contrary, the Prophetís way is different.
00:49He replied, ìMy Lord knows what is conceived in the heaven and the earth, and He is the
00:55all-hearing and all-knowing.î
00:57ìNay,î they say, ìthis Qurían is no revelation but a jumble of confused dreams.
01:07Rather He has forged it Himself.
01:09He is a poet.î
01:11If it is not so, let Him then bring us some sign of destruction, just as the former prophets
01:18were sent with.
01:20Whereas before them no people of a township whom we destroyed had ever believed.
01:25Would they then believe to escape destruction?
01:29Prophet, we sent none as messengers before you, but they were men to whom we made our
01:36Therefore, O disbelievers, ask the followers of the Reminder if you do not know this.
01:44Nor did we give them such bodies as could go without food, neither were they people
01:49given unusually long lives to enjoy.
01:53We sent our revelations to them, then we fulfilled the promise we made to them, so that we delivered
01:59them and those whom we pleased beside them, and we destroyed the transgressors.
02:05People, now we have revealed to you a highly perfect book wherein there is a provision
02:12for your eminence.
02:14Why do you not then make use of your understanding?
02:19And we have utterly destroyed many a wrongdoing people of townships, and we raised up another
02:26people after them.
02:28No sooner did they perceive our punishment than they began to flee from it.
02:34Thereupon we called out to them, ìFlee not, but return to that state of luxury in which
02:40you were provided comforts, and to your dwellings, so that you might be called to account for
02:46your conduct.î They said, ìWoe to us, we were indeed wrongdoers.î Then they continued
02:55repeating this cry of theirs, till we made them like a mown-down field, and extinguished
03:03their spark of life, leaving them like smouldering ashes.
03:09We did not create the heaven and the earth, and all that is between the two, in idle sport.
03:17If we had meant to make something vain and idle, we would surely have made it so on our
03:23part, but we were by no means to do such a thing.
03:27Nay, we hurl the truth at falsehood, so that it knocks out its brains and defeats it, and
03:33behold it vanishes, and you deserve to be punished with Jahanna for what you ascribe
03:40to God.
03:42And whosoever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him, and those who are close to
03:50Him do not disdain to worship Him, nor do they ever grow weary to serve Him.
03:56They glorify Him night and day, and they flag not.
04:02And yet some people have chosen false gods from the earth who are supposed to raise the
04:08dead to life.
04:11Had there been in them the heaven and the earth, other gods besides Allah, then surely
04:17both would have gone to ruin because of chaos, disorder, and confusion.
04:24Glorified then be Allah, the Lord of the throne of power, far above what they attribute to
04:32He cannot be questioned for what He does, because the cause for an objection does not
04:37exist, whereas all others will be questioned for what they do.
04:44Or have they chosen other gods beside Him?
04:47Say, bring forth your clear proof if there are other gods.
04:52This unity of God is the message of those who are with me, and the message of those
04:58who have gone before me.
05:00The only thing is that most of them have no knowledge of the truth, and that is why
05:05they have turned away from it.
05:08And we sent no messenger before you, but we revealed to him, saying, The truth is that
05:15there is no other, cannot be and will never be one worthy of worship but me, therefore
05:21worship me alone.
05:24And they say, The most gracious God has taken to Himself a son.
05:30Holy is He, rather they whom they so designate are only His honored servants.
05:37They do not precede Him in speech, and they only carry out His biddings.
05:44He knows all that is before them, their future, and all that is behind them, their past, and
05:52they do not intercede except for the person for whom He is pleased to accord permission,
05:59and they are full of awe and reverence out of His majesty.
06:05Should any one of them say, I am a deity apart from Him, Him we will recompense with Jahannah,
06:13for that is how we recompense the unjust.
06:19Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were once one mass all closed
06:26Then we rent them apart, and it is from water that we created all life.
06:33Will they not believe in the face of all this?
06:38And we have made firm mountains on the earth, so that they may be a source of benefit and
06:45provision for the people, and lest it should quake with them, and we made on it wide pathways
06:52that people may find right guidance to reach the goal.
06:58And we have made the heaven a roof, well protected, still they turn away paying no heed to its
07:05heavenly signs.
07:08And it is He who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon.
07:14They are all gliding along smoothly in their respective orbits.
07:20And we have not assigned to any human being before you an unusually prolonged life.
07:27If you should die, then shall they live unusually long while here.
07:35Every soul is bound to taste of death, and we prove worthy of you now with evil, now
07:42with good, by way of trial.
07:46And you shall be made to return to us.
07:50And when those who disbelieve see you, they hold you for a mere trifle, and say, Is this
07:58the fellow who speaks ill of your gods?
08:02While it is they themselves who deny disdainfully the great eminence of the most gracious God.
08:10A human being is hasty by nature.
08:13I will certainly show you, O people, my signs, but do not ask me to hasten them before their
08:20appointed time.
08:23And they say, When will this promise of punishment be fulfilled?
08:29Let us know if you are truthful.
08:32How good it would be if those who disbelieve could know the time when they will not be
08:38able to ward off the flames of the fire from their faces nor from their backs, and they
08:43shall not be helped.
08:46Nay, it, the punishment, shall come upon them unawares, so that it will confound them completely,
08:56and they will not be able to avert it, and no respite shall be given them.
09:01And certainly messengers have also been treated as mere trifles, even before you with the
09:07result that those who made light of them were caught by the very thing they held as
09:12vain and unimportant.
09:14Say, Who can protect you by night and in the daytime from the punishment of the most gracious
09:23But rather thank Him they are truly averse to proclaiming the greatness of their Lord.
09:30Or do they have gods that can defend them against us?
09:34They are not able to help even themselves, nor shall they receive any help from us.
09:41The thing is that we provided those and their fathers with the good things of this world,
09:47until a long period of enjoyment passed over them, and now they are steeped in negligence.
09:53But do they not see that we are invading the land of disbelief and are gradually reducing
10:00it from its outlying borders?
10:02Can they even then be the victors?
10:05Say, it is on the basis of divine revelation that I warn you, but the spiritually deaf
10:13do not hear the call when they are warned.
10:17And if the slightest punishment of your Lord befalls them, they would surely cry out,
10:23Oh, woe to us, we were indeed unjust.
10:29And we shall set up scales of justice to weigh their deeds on the day of resurrection,
10:36so that no soul shall be done the least injustice.
10:41And even if it, the deeds of a person, were as little as the weight of a grain of mustard
10:48seed, we would bring it forth for accurate account.
10:52And sufficient are we as reckoners.
10:57And we gave Moses and Aaron the arguments, telling the right from the wrong, and a light
11:04and a reminder for those who guard against evil.
11:09Those who stand in awe of their Lord, even in their heart of hearts, and who dread the
11:16hour of judgment.
11:18And like those earlier scriptures, we have revealed this Qur'an as a reminder full of
11:26Will you then be the rejecters of this perfect book?
11:33And we gave Abraham his rectitude before this.
11:37We knew him fully well for his personal qualities.
11:42Recall the time when he said to his sire and his people, What good are these images to
11:49which you sit down to worship with so much devotion?
11:53They said, We found our fathers worshipping them.
11:57He said, Surely you yourselves and your fathers have been plainly mistaken.
12:03They said, Is it really the truth that you have brought us, or are you of those playing
12:09a joke on us?
12:12Abraham said, I am playing no jokes on you.
12:15Your true Lord is the only Lord of the heavens and the earth, who originated them, and I
12:21am of those who bear witness to the truth of this before you.
12:25And by Allah, I will indeed plan a stern plan against your idols after you have left turning
12:32your backs.
12:35So he smashed them all into pieces except one, their chief idol, that they might return
12:41to it for inquiry, as he planned.
12:45When they saw their idols broken, they said, Who has done this to our gods?
12:52He who has done this must be of the wrongdoers indeed.
12:58Some of the people said, We heard a young man speaking ill of them.
13:02He is called Abraham.
13:05They said, Then bring him before the eyes of the people so that we may bear witness
13:10against him.
13:12When he was brought, they said, O Abraham, is it you who did this to our gods?
13:22Abraham said, Well, of course someone has done it.
13:25Here is their chief.
13:27So better ask him and them if they can speak.
13:31Then they turned to their leaders and to one another and said, You yourselves are surely
13:36in the wrong.
13:38Then they were made to hang down their heads in shame and said to Abraham, Indeed, you
13:44know very well that these idols do not speak.
13:49Abraham said, Do you then worship apart from Allah the things which can do no good to you
13:57nor can do harm to those of you who are their destroyers?
14:03Shame on you and on the things you worship apart from Allah.
14:07Will you not then make use of your understanding?
14:11They said among themselves, Burn him and help your gods if at all you would do anything
14:17against Abraham.
14:19We said, O fire, be you a means of coolness and safety for Abraham.
14:26They intended a mistreatment of him, but we made them the worst losers and they could
14:32not carry out their evil design of burning him.
14:36And we delivered him and Lot as well and brought them towards the land of Canaan, which we
14:43had blessed for the peoples.
14:46And we gave him Isaac out of our bounty and Jacob an additional bounty as a grandson.
14:54We made all of them righteous and we appointed them leaders who guide people by our command
15:01and we revealed to them the doing of good deeds and the observing of prayer and the
15:07giving of alms.
15:09And they were all worshippers of us alone.
15:13And we showed our favours to Lot, we gave him wisdom and knowledge and delivered him
15:19from the people of the town who indulged in abominable practices.
15:24They were indeed wicked and lawless people.
15:28And we admitted him to our mercy for he was surely of the righteous.
15:36And we showed our favours to Noah, behold he called to us in the days bygone.
15:43So we heard his prayer and delivered him and his companions from the great distressful
15:52And we helped him against the people who cried lies to our messages.
15:57They were surely people given to evil so we drowned them all.
16:02And we bestowed our favours on David and Solomon, behold they gave their respective judgment
16:09in the disputed matter about a certain crop when the sheep of a certain people strayed
16:15into it at night and we were bearers of witness to the judgment they gave them.
16:21So we gave Solomon the true appreciation of it, to each one of them we gave wisdom and
16:26knowledge and we had subjected the mountains and the birds who celebrated our glory along
16:33with David, that is what we always do.
16:38And we taught him the art of making coats of mail for you people, that they designed
16:44to fortify you against one another's violence in your wars, will you then be grateful?
16:52And we subjected to Solomon the violent wind, it blew according to his commandments towards
17:00the land of Canaan, which we had blessed and we have knowledge of all things.
17:08And we subjected to him some of the expert deep divers who dived for him and did other
17:15sundry works besides that and it was we who kept watch over them.
17:21And we showed our favours to Job, behold he called out to his Lord, I am afflicted
17:29with some distress and you are the most merciful of all who show mercy.
17:36So we heard his prayer and removed the affliction which he had and we restored his family to
17:42him and as many more followers with them by way of mercy from ourselves.
17:48This event serves as a reminder for our devotees.
17:55And we showed our favours to Ismael, Idris or Enoch, Dhul-Kifl or Ezekiel, possessed
18:04of abundant portion, all of them were of the patiently persevering people.
18:11And we admitted them to our mercy, they were of the righteous indeed.
18:17And we showed our favours to Dhul-Nun, Jonah, behold he left in anger his people for the
18:25sake of God.
18:27He was sure in his mind that we would not cause him any distress, but when we did he
18:33cried out in the midst of afflictions, there is no other God but you, holy are you, I have
18:41indeed been of those hard pressed with difficulties and distress.
18:47So we heard his prayer and we delivered him from grief and in this way do we deliver the
18:53true believers.
18:56And we showed our favours to Zachariah, behold he called out to his Lord and prayed to him,
19:03My Lord, do not leave me solitary, alone and airless.
19:09You are the best of those who remain after, you alone are the everlasting God.
19:16So we heard his prayer and granted him a son, John, and cured his wife of sterility, making
19:23her fit for bearing children for him.
19:27They used to vie one with another in doing good deeds and call upon us with mixed feelings
19:33of hope and fear and they were humble before us.
19:38And we showed our favours to the woman, Mary, who preserved her chastity.
19:44So we revealed to her some of our words and we made her and her son, Jesus, a sign of
19:49eminence for the nations.
19:52People surely this your religion is the one single religion of all the prophets and I
19:58am your Lord, so worship me.
20:02But they the latter generations split up their affair of religion among themselves
20:08and became divided into factions and all will return to us.
20:15So whoever does deeds of righteousness and is a believer will find there is no disapproval
20:21of his endeavours and his strivings are not lost and surely we are recorders of his virtues
20:28for him.
20:29And it is not permissible to the people of a township whom we have destroyed to come
20:35back to life of this world.
20:38This inviolable law will remain in force even when the great powers like Gog and Magog are
20:46let loose and come crashing down from every height and from the crest of every wave and
20:53when they occupy every point of vantage dominating the whole world and when they excel all other
21:01And when the time of the fulfilment of the true promise about the destruction of the
21:06forces of falsehood and materialism as represented by Gog and Magog draws near behold the eyes
21:15of those who do not believe in the triumph of truth will be transfixed and they will
21:21exclaim, Ah!
21:23Woe to us!
21:26We were really forgetful of this day.
21:29Nay, we were of course unjust.
21:34It will be said to them, Surely you and the things which you worship apart from Allah
21:40are of course fuel of Jahanna where you shall enter.
21:45Had these things been true gods as you claim to be they would not have come to it, but
21:51as it is they shall all enter it and abide in it for long.
21:57Groaning shall be their lot therein and they will not hear in it anything else.
22:04But those to whom we have already promised a most fair treatment from us shall be kept
22:09far removed from it.
22:12Not to speak of entering it they will not hear the faintest sound of it and they shall
22:17be abiding in the midst of all the blessings which their souls desire.
22:23The great terror of the judgment day will cause them no grief and the angels will receive
22:30them with the greetings, This is your day which you were promised.
22:36This is the day when we shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of the written
22:40scrolls by a scribe.
22:43Just as we started the process of the first creation so shall we reproduce it.
22:49This is a promise binding on us, we shall certainly bring it about.
22:56We have already stated in the Zabur, the Psalms, the book of David, after stating it in the
23:03reminder, Torah, that my servants with right capacity to rule shall inherit the land.
23:11Certainly in this Quran is an important message for a people who worship us.
23:18And we did not send you, O Muhammad, but as a blessing and mercy for all beings.
23:25Say, Indeed it has been revealed to me that your God is but one God.
23:32Will you then be the ones who submit to him?
23:36But if they still turn back, say, I have given you clear warning in all fairness.
23:43I do not know, however, whether that threat held out to you will be fulfilled in the near
23:49or distant future.
23:52Verily he knows the words you speak openly and he knows the thoughts which you hide.
23:58And I do not know whether it, the respite referred to above, is meant to put you on
24:04trial or it may be affording you a worldly provision for a short while.
24:11The prophet, praying to his Lord, said, My Lord, judge with truth.
24:18Our Lord is the most gracious, whose help is ever to be sought against what you, O disbelievers,
24:26ascribe to him.
24:28Al-Hajj The Pilgrimage
24:34With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful
24:38O people, take your Lord as a shield, for as a matter of fact the shock of the hour
24:47is a tremendously dreadful thing.
24:50On the day you behold it you will find every woman giving suck, abandoning even her suckling
24:56in the confusion, and every pregnant one miscarrying, and people will appear to you
25:02to be drunk while they are not actually drunk.
25:06The punishment of Allah will be so severe that it will leave people in a terrible state
25:13of horror and dread.
25:17And there are some people who argue about Allah without any knowledge and follow every
25:23satan who is devoid of all good, about whom it is decreed that whoever makes friends
25:31with him, he will invariably lead him astray and conduct him to the sufferings of the flaming
25:40O people, if you doubt the resurrection, then consider our scheme of unformed things.
25:49We have indeed created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a blood clot,
25:56and then from a lump of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, that we make our power
26:03and the real state of things clear to you, and we cause to stay in the wombs that drop
26:10of fluid when we please to make a perfectly formed being for a given period of time.
26:18Then we bring you forth formed as infants.
26:21Then we bring you up with the result that you reach your prime.
26:25And there are some of you who are called to death early, and there are others of you who
26:31are made to live to the worst part of life, a miserable very old age, with the result
26:39that they know nothing after having had knowledge.
26:43While the earth appears to you lifeless and barren, it throbs with life and swells with
26:49growth and puts forth every kind of beautiful herbage when we send down water upon it.
26:57Such is the cycle of life and nature, to prove that Allah alone is the truth, and it is He
27:04who brings the dead to life, and He indeed is possessor of power to do all that He will.
27:13And that the hour is bound to come, there is no doubt about it, and that Allah will
27:20raise up those who are in the graves.
27:24And among the people there is He who argues about Allah, though He has neither knowledge
27:30nor guidance, and nor an illuminating book, turning His side out of pride, with the result
27:39that He leads some astray from the path of Allah.
27:43There is for Him disgrace in this world, and on the day of resurrection we will make Him
27:49suffer the punishment of burning.
27:53And to such it will be said, This is the result of what your own hands have sent on before,
28:00and Allah is not the least unjust to His servants.
28:06And among people there is such a one who worships Allah, as it were, on the very verge in a
28:13wavering state of mind.
28:16If any good befalls him, he is satisfied with it, but if there befalls a trial, he returns
28:23to his former ways.
28:25He has lost both this world as well as the next.
28:29That indeed is the obvious loss.
28:32He calls, apart from Allah, upon the things which can do him neither harm nor good.
28:39That indeed is straying far away.
28:44He calls upon Him whose harm is much more likely than His good.
28:48How evil is this false god to be his patron, and how evil is he to be his associate!
28:58Allah will surely cause those who believe and do righteous deeds to enter gardens served
29:04with running streams to keep them green and flourishing.
29:08Surely Allah does what He has a mind to do.
29:13Whoso thinks that Allah will not help him in this present life, nor in the next, let
29:20him help himself to go into the heaven by some means, and cut the divine help off, and
29:27then see if his device can take away that which enrages him.
29:32That is how it is.
29:34We have revealed this Quran comprising clear arguments, yet the truth is that Allah guides
29:41him to the right way who wishes to be guided.
29:45Let those who believe, and those who Judaized, and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the
29:52Magians, and those who associate other gods with God, know that Allah will decide between
30:00them on the day of resurrection.
30:03Surely Allah is witness over all things.
30:07Have you not considered that whoever is in the heavens, and whoever is on the earth,
30:13and also the sun, the moon, and the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures,
30:21and many of the people make obeisance to Allah?
30:25Yet many of the people are those who become deserving of punishment because of their disobedience.
30:32None can honor the person whom Allah disgraces.
30:36Surely Allah does what he pleases.
30:41These two, the believers and the disbelievers, are two adversaries who dispute about their
30:49As for those who disbelieve, garments of fire have been tailored for them, and boiling water
30:55shall be poured down over their heads, whereby whatever is in their bellies will be melted,
31:02and their skins as well will come off their bones.
31:06And furthermore, there will be whips of iron for punishing them.
31:13Every time they seek to escape from there in their anguish and from its sorrows, they
31:18will be hurled back into it, and it will be said to them, Keep on suffering the torment
31:24of burning.
31:26As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah will admit them to gardens served
31:33with running streams to keep them green and flourishing.
31:36Therein they shall be given ornaments, bracelets of gold and pearls, and therein their raiments
31:42shall be of silk, because they were inspired to speak noble words and do noble deeds, and
31:51were guided to the path of the highly praiseworthy God.
31:55As to those who disbelieve and hinder people from following the path of Allah and from
32:01going to the holy mosque, which we have made a source of goodness and benefit for all people,
32:08and where the inhabitants thereof and the visitors from outside are equal, and whoever
32:15seeks wrongfully to promote crookedness in it, we shall make him suffer woeful punishment.
32:22And recall the time when we assigned to Abraham the site of the holy house, bidding him, Associate
32:30none with me and keep my house clean and pure for those who go round it, perform the circuits
32:38and for those who stay in it for worshipping me devotedly, and for those who bow down and
32:45fall prostrate in prayer before me.
32:49Prophet, call on people to make the pilgrimage.
32:53They will come to you on foot and riding on all sorts of lean and fast means of transport,
33:00coming from every distant deep highway and mount track, so that they the pilgrims may
33:07witness benefits that lay therein for them, and that at the time of making a sacrifice
33:13On days prescribed they may mention the name of Allah over the beasts of the family of
33:19cattle he has given them.
33:22When you have sacrificed the animal, then eat from this yourselves, and also feed the
33:28poor distressed one and the needy on that.
33:33Then let the people perform their needful rituals regarding the cleansing of their bodies
33:38and shaving, and fulfill their voluntary promises made to Allah, and perform the last
33:45circuit of the ancient, free, invulnerable house.
33:51That is the purpose behind the construction of the house, so he who honors the things
33:56declared sacred by Allah will find that it is good for him in the sight of his Lord.
34:03And remember that all the cattle are made lawful to you, except those already mentioned
34:09to you, as unlawful in the Quran, and abstain from unclean practice of idolatry, and shun
34:18false speech.
34:21Remaining upright, devoting yourselves in worship and obedience entirely to Allah, not
34:27associating anything with him.
34:30Indeed, he who associates anything with Allah falls as it were from on high, and either
34:38the birds snatch him away, or the wind blows him off to some deep place very far away.
34:47That is the law which you should bear in mind.
34:50He who respects symbols appointed by Allah will find that this respect proceeds from
34:59and leads to the piety of hearts.
35:04It is lawful for you to take benefits from these, for an appointed term.
35:10They can be used for riding, carrying burdens, for milk, etc.
35:16Then the lawful place of their sacrifice is by the ancient, free, and invulnerable house.
35:23And we have prescribed certain rites of sacrifice for every people that they may mention the
35:29name of Allah over the beast of the family of cattle he has provided for them.
35:35So, O people, your God is one God, therefore you should all submit to him alone, and give
35:45glad tidings of success to the humble and the submissive ones, whose hearts are filled
35:52with awe when the name of Allah is mentioned, and who are patiently persevering in whatever
35:58of the afflictions befalls them, and who observe prayer and spend from that which we have provided
36:07We have made these sacrificial animals among the symbols appointed by Allah for you.
36:14They are of immense good to you, so whenever you offer them for sacrifice, do it in the
36:20name of Allah while they stand drawn up in lines.
36:25When their flanks collapse on being slaughtered, eat from the meat of them, and feed him who
36:32is in need but contented, and him who begs.
36:37In this way we have made these animals subservient to you, so that you may render thanks.
36:45It is neither their flesh nor their blood of these sacrifices which matters to Allah,
36:52but it is guarding against evil and devotion to duty on your part that matters to him.
37:00Thus he has made them subservient to you, that you may proclaim the greatness of Allah
37:06for his guiding you, and give glad tidings to the doers of good to others.
37:12Allah will certainly defend those who believe because Allah loves no perfidious ungrateful
37:23Permission to fight in self-defense is now given to those Muslims against whom war is
37:28waged because they have been done injustice to, and Allah has indeed might and power to
37:35help them.
37:37Those who have been driven out of their homes without any just cause, their only fault was
37:42that they said, Our Lord is Allah.
37:46If Allah had not repelled some peoples by means of others, cloisters and churches and
37:53synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is mentioned very frequently, would
37:59have been razed to the ground in large numbers.
38:04And Allah will surely help one who helps his cause.
38:08Allah is indeed all-powerful, all-mighty.
38:14They are the persecuted people who if we establish them in the land, giving them power, will
38:20observe prayer, and keep on presenting the zakat, and enjoin people to do good and forbid
38:28evil, and Allah will finally settle all issues.
38:34And Prophet, if they cry lies to you, there is nothing new in it.
38:40Even so before them, the people of Noah and the tribes of Ad and Thamud also cried lies
38:48to their apostles of God.
38:51So did the people of Abraham and the people of Lot, and the inhabitants of Midian.
38:59And Moses also was cried lies to.
39:02But I granted respite to the disbelievers for long.
39:06Then I took them to task.
39:09Imagine how terrible was the result of their denial of me, and how awful the change I effected
39:16in them.
39:18And how many a township have we destroyed, because the people thereof were given to wicked
39:24ways so that they have fallen down on their roofs.
39:29And how many a well is completely deserted, and how many a strongly built lofty castle
39:37met the same doom because we destroyed their occupants.
39:42Why do they not travel in the land so that they should have hearts that help them to
39:47understand and ears which can help them hear?
39:53As a matter of fact, when going astray, it is not the physical eyes that are blind, but
39:59blind are the hearts which lie in the bosoms.
40:04And they, the disbelievers, demand of you to expedite their punishment.
40:10Allah will not fail his promise.
40:13Remember however that one day with your Lord is sometimes equal to one thousand years by
40:19your counting.
40:21And how many people of a township were given to wicked ways, but I respited them long.
40:28Then I took them to task, and to me alone shall be the return of all of them.
40:34Say, O people, I am but a plain warner to you all, against the evil consequences of
40:43refusal and misdeeds.
40:46There awaits protection and a generous and honorable provision for those who believe
40:51and do deeds of righteousness.
40:53But those who strive hard against our messages, seeking to frustrate us in our aims and ends,
41:01it is they who will be the inmates of the flaming fire.
41:06And we have sent no messenger nor a prophet before you, but when he longed to attain what
41:13he sought, Satan interfered and put hindrances in the way of what he sought after.
41:20But Allah removes the hindrances that are placed by Satan.
41:25Then Allah firmly establishes his messages, and Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
41:35Allah permits the interference of Satan so that he may make the hindrance which Satan
41:40puts in the way of the messengers serve as a trial for those whose hearts carry disease
41:45of hypocrisy, and for those whose hearts are hardened because of disbelief.
41:51In fact, the wrongdoers have gone far in their antagonism.
41:57And he permits this so that those who have been given knowledge may know that this Quran
42:03is the truth from your Lord, and may believe in it and humble themselves before him from
42:09their very hearts.
42:11And Allah will indeed be the guide of those who believe to the straight and right path.
42:19And those who have disbelieved will continue to have doubt about this Quran until the hour
42:26overtakes them suddenly, or the scourge of a destructive day befalls them.
42:33On that day the kingdom shall belong to Allah alone.
42:38He will judge between people so that those who believe and do deeds of righteousness
42:44will be admitted into blissful gardens.
42:48But those who disbelieve and cry lies to our messages shall suffer a humiliating punishment.
42:57And Allah will certainly provide forever a goodly provision to those who leave their
43:04homes for the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die a natural death.
43:11Surely Allah, He is indeed the best of constant providers.
43:17He will make them enter a place which they will like.
43:21Verily Allah is all-knowing, forbearing.
43:26That is how it will be.
43:28And whoso retaliates in proportion to that injury which is inflicted on him and again
43:36is transgressed against, Allah will certainly help him.
43:41Verily Allah is all-pardoning, absolving people of their sins, all-protecting.
43:50That system of requital is to prove that it is Allah who makes the night gain on the day
43:56and makes the day gain on the night, and that Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.
44:03That is also to show that it is Allah who is the ultimate truth, and that which they
44:10call upon apart from Him is falsehood and perishable, and because Allah is the High,
44:17the Great.
44:19Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the clouds and the dry earth becomes
44:26Verily, Allah is the knower of subtleties, the all-aware.
44:33All that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth belongs to Him and Allah is self-sufficient
44:41and worthy of all praise.
44:45Do you not consider that Allah has made subservient to you all that is on the earth?
44:51Do you not see that the ships sail through the sea by His command, and He holds the rain
44:56back from falling upon the earth, saved by His permission?
45:01Verily, Allah is most compassionate to people and ever-merciful.
45:08And it is He who gave you life, then He will call you to death, then will He bring you
45:14back to life again.
45:16The thing is, a human being is most ungrateful.
45:22We have prescribed for every people modes of worship which they should observe.
45:29Let them not, therefore, dispute with you in the matter of Islamic mode of worship and
45:34call the people to your Lord, for you are indeed on the exact and right path of guidance.
45:44And if they still contend with you, say, Allah knows best all that you do.
45:51Allah will judge between you and us on the day of resurrection concerning all that in
45:56which you differ.
45:59Do you not know that Allah knows whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth?
46:04Surely, this is all recorded in a book of laws, and indeed it is easy for Allah.
46:14And they worship apart from Allah the things for which He has revealed no authority and
46:21about which they themselves have no knowledge.
46:25And the wrongdoers will find no helper.
46:29And when our clear messages are recited to them, you will notice an expression of disapproval
46:35on the faces of those who disbelieve.
46:38They would almost assault those who recite our messages to them.
46:42Say, Shall I then inform you of something even worse than this?
46:48It is the fire.
46:51Allah has promised it to those who disbelieve, and what a vile resort it is.
46:58O people, here is a parable, so listen to it.
47:03Those whom you call upon apart from Allah cannot create even a fly, though they may
47:10all join hands for it.
47:13And if the fly should snatch away something from them, they cannot recover it from it.
47:20Feeble indeed is the seeker and feeble the sought-after.
47:26They do not appreciate Allah as He should be appreciated.
47:30And no true concept of His attribute they have formed to pay Him the respect He deserves.
47:39Surely Allah is all-powerful, all-mighty.
47:44Allah chooses His messengers from among angels and from among men.
47:49Verily Allah is all-hearing, all-seeing.
47:54He knows the future of the people and their past, and to Allah do all matters stand referred
48:00for judgment.
48:02O you who believe, bow down and prostrate yourself and worship your Lord and do good
48:09deeds so that you may attain your goal.
48:15And strive your hardest to win the pleasure of Allah, as hard a striving as is possible
48:21and as it behoves you.
48:23He has chosen you and has imposed no hardship upon you in the matter of your faith.
48:29So follow the creed of your father Abraham.
48:32He named you Muslims, both before this and again in this book, the Quran, so that the
48:38messenger may be a guardian over you and that you may be guardians over people.
48:45Therefore, observe prayer, keep on presenting the zakat, and hold fast to Allah.
48:53He is your patron, what a gracious patron and what a gracious helper.
