Love’s Rebellion Episode 6 (2024) English Subtitles Chinese Romance

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Love’s Rebellion Episode 6 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
The story follows Nan Yan, a young girl who ventures into the realm of immortals to save her mother, where she inadvertently creates a fateful bond with a "heart lock." As a skilled doctor, Nan Yan is compelled to navigate this mystical world in her quest to cure her mother.

Amidst a series of chance encounters, Nan Yan establishes a mystical link known as the "Spiritual Connection Seal" with the enigmatic Emperor Ji Yang, who hides his true identity. Practical and grounded, Nan Yan contrasts sharply with the aloof and mysterious Ji Yang, the epitome of an immortal. Initially, they are at odds, but as they delve into the mystery of Nan Yan's mother's illness, they uncover a conspiracy within the immortal world.
00:00Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
00:25走过你的白天 我的黑夜 Walking through your day, my night
00:29在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市的云 穿越这流年 遇见 Following the city's moon, going through this yearning, meeting
00:40相思的剑 黄昏沉淀 落在你指尖 The sword of yearning, falling into your fingertips
00:46等尘世写起永恒温暖之若初见 Waiting for eternity to write the promise of eternal youth
01:16凤凰凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰
01:46全死了 They are all dead
02:16凤凰凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰 凤凰凤凰
02:33季阳 怎么样了 Ji Yang, how are you?
02:41别说话 Don't talk
02:46来 张嘴 张嘴 Come on, open your mouth
03:17咽下去 咽下去 对 Swallow it, swallow it, yes
03:25怎么样 How is it?
03:46你醒了 Are you awake?
04:06感觉怎么样 How do you feel?
04:08没事 I'm fine
04:10看看 Let me see
04:12我没事 I'm fine
04:17放心吧 没事 Don't worry, I'm fine
04:30真的没事 It's really fine
04:32别说话 Don't talk
04:46怎么又回来了 Why did you come back again?
04:49既然帝君大人怕连累我 Since His Majesty is afraid of getting me involved
04:52那我也只好走了 I have no choice but to go
04:55走吧 Let's go
04:57走吧 Let's go
04:59走走走 Let's go
05:01走走走 Let's go
05:03走走走 Let's go
05:05走走走 Let's go
05:07走走走 Let's go
05:09走走走 Let's go
05:11走走走 Let's go
05:13走走走 Let's go
05:14既然帝君大人怕连累我 Since His Majesty is afraid of getting me involved
05:17那我也只好实去一些 I have no choice but to go out
05:20出去转一圈 顺道看看能不能就地取材 I'll take a walk and see if I can get some money
05:23顺道再救赏帝君一命 I'll also save His Majesty's life
05:26多谢大夫不弃之恩 Thank you, doctor
05:39这就是你所谓的就地取材 This is what you call getting money on the spot
05:41没事的 I'm fine
05:42我回去擦点药就好了 I'll go back and apply some medicine
05:49手给我 Give me your hand
06:11真丑 You're so ugly
06:42帝君大人 快坐 Mr. Dijun, have a seat
06:46这叫做铜饼火锅 This is called Copper Pancake Hot Pot
06:49以前我娘出去打麻将 My mother used to play mahjong
06:51经常三更半夜才回来 She often came back late at night
06:53饿了就让我给她煮宵夜 When she was hungry, I would cook for her
06:55这个可是她的最爱 This is her favorite
06:58来 帝君大人 Here, Mr. Dijun
07:01尝尝 Have a taste
07:03看看味道怎么样 How does it taste?
07:05怎么 你怕我给你下毒 Why? Are you afraid I'll poison you?
07:08你知道吗 Do you know
07:10你有求于我的时候吧 When you asked me for a favor
07:12虽然嘴上不说 但都写在了菜单上 Even though you didn't say it, it was written on the menu
07:17有吗 Really?
07:35好吃吗 Is it good?
07:38还不错 It's not bad
07:39至少比你的深阴舌头跟爆肠舌筋好多了 It's much better than your deep-throat and abdomen
07:47这段时间咱们也算互相扶持过来了 We've been supporting each other during this time
07:52我也不算亏待你啊 I don't treat you unfairly
07:55那有点事情相求不算过分吧 Is it too much to ask for a favor?
08:02让我来猜猜啊 Let me guess
08:05你也就无非两件事 You only have two things
08:08试药 解咒 试药之事 鉴于你对你娘的孝心 The drug test and the curse. The drug test is for your filial piety to your mother
08:15以及心机之药与我而言是有些效率的 And the drug test is beneficial to me
08:19我并不和你计较 I won't argue with you
08:21那 那 Then
08:23解咒之事 The curse
08:28凶残 The curse
08:32这求人办事讲求的是个你情我愿 This is a matter of you and me
08:37今日再怎么说我也算救了帝君一命 No matter what I say today, I saved the emperor
08:40帝君这样硬来的法子也太伤感情了 The emperor's method is too emotional
08:50我们俩之间有什么感情啊 What's the relationship between the two of us
08:52有什么感情啊 What's the relationship between the two of us
09:00咱俩 咱们俩之间医患之情 The relationship between the two of us is that of a patient
09:16耗费心力做什么统领的了 What's the point of spending your heart and soul to be a commander?
09:19她只配吃金针马钳子 娘扮断肠草 She's only good enough to eat a golden horse's claw and dress up as Duan Changcai
09:22什么意思 What's the meaning of this?
09:52什么意思 What's the meaning of this?
10:22孤男寡女共处一室 可见关系匪浅 这就好判断了 It's obvious that the relationship between a man and a woman is shallow. It's easy to judge
10:45该吃早饭了 It's time for breakfast
10:53怎么样 How is it?
10:56吃吧 Eat it
11:02不想吃吗 Don't you want to eat?
11:05还可以吧 It's okay
11:07还可以?还可以就是不满意 It's okay? If it's okay, it means you're not satisfied
11:10那你想吃什么 Then what do you want to eat?
11:11告诉我 我去给你做 Tell me. I'll go make it for you
11:13大鱼大肉最好吃的就是大鱼大肉 The best way to eat big fish and meat is to eat big fish and meat
11:17你不是口口声声说饮食要清淡吗 Didn't you say that the diet should be light?
11:20昨天晚上刚吃完通宁火锅 We just finished eating Tongling Hotpot last night
11:23这大清早的不是应该喝一些清粥小菜清醒肠胃吗 Shouldn't we have some light porridge and side dishes to clear our stomachs in the early morning?
11:29有道理 That makes sense
11:32吃吧 Eat it
11:34多吃点这个 Eat more of this
11:39人呢 Where are you?
11:41人呢 Where are you?
11:43人呢 Where are you?
11:45人呢 Where are you?
11:47怎么在这儿坐着呢 Why are you sitting here?
11:49来 赶紧过来陪我喝两杯 Come here and have a drink with me
11:53喝什么呀 大清早发什么疯 What are you talking about? What's the point of having a drink in the early morning?
11:56那这样 让我这个同道中人陪我吃两口总行了吧 How about this? Let my fellow Chinese eat with me, okay?
12:01他现在病着呢 你不能吃 He's sick now. You can't eat
12:05吃两口就不打紧喽 I'll be fine after a couple of bites
12:08这鸡腿腻得慌 吃一口能折腻两天瘦 This chicken leg is so greasy that it can only last for two days
12:12正所谓是今朝有酒今朝醉明日酬来明日废 As the saying goes, if you get drunk this morning, you'll get drunk tomorrow
12:18就算这鸡腿腻得慌 折瘦几日又何妨 Even if this chicken leg is greasy, it can only last for a few days
12:22吃兄弟 我支持你 Eat, brother. I support you
12:36他说得也对 也不差这一口 He's right. It's not a big deal
12:38那今日你别敞开了吃吧 Let's eat outside today
12:43我去帮你们把黄酒热一热 入秋了 刚好喝点酒暖暖身 I'll go warm up the wine for you. It's autumn now. Let's drink and warm up
12:56鸡兄 你可知道我为何这般高兴 Brother Ji, do you know why I'm so happy?
13:02为何 Why?
13:04昨日就在方氏 我差一点儿 就差一点儿我就见到邵昌了 I almost met Shao Cang yesterday at Fang's
13:17邵昌? Shao Cang?
13:19而且我立了大功 帮了他一个天大的忙 And I did a great job. I helped him a lot
13:22要不是我扮到男的 他很有可能就被刀神殿那头猪给抓走了 If I didn't act as a man, he might have been taken away by the pig of Dao Sheng Tian
13:27真的吗 Really?
13:29真的呀 Yes
13:30我知道你现在一定是非常地羡慕和嫉妒我 我也想跟我一样为邵昌保驾护航 I know you must be very envious and jealous of me right now
13:36也想跟我一样为邵昌保驾护航 Just like me, you want to protect your family for Shao Cang
13:40只是啊 你现在有病在身 藏匿于此不便露面啊 It's just that you're sick now. It's not convenient to hide you here
13:46不过没关系 不过没关系 But it doesn't matter
13:48我一旦有什么好消息 定会第一时间告知你的 Once I have any good news, I'll let you know as soon as possible
13:57来 兄弟 Come on, brother
14:00这样啊 等你的心结好了 不用在养育中藏头缩尾 到时候咱们再一块干一番大事业 干 Let's do a big business together when you get better
14:17来 Come on
14:31什么 What's this?
14:34弟兄 这是 What's this?
14:36怎么 喝酒还过敏啊 Why are you allergic to alcohol?
14:48他不是姬杨 He's not Ji Yang
14:50那他谁啊 Then who is he?
14:52我这酒里面下了毒 很快就会露出狐狸尾巴了 My wine is poisoned. It will soon show its fox tail
14:58妈 Mom
15:01真露出来了 It really showed its tail
15:03我只是打个比喻 I was just making an analogy
15:07狐妖 这是狐妖 不对啊 狐妖不都被盗生天关在那个南昌的狐妖大镇吗 这怎么还有一只漏网之狐啊 It's a fox tail. It's a fox tail. It's not right. Isn't the fox tail locked in the South Warehouse's Fox Tail Formation by Dao Sheng Tian? Why is there another one showing its tail?
15:20是你 It's you
15:22你也认识他 You know him, too
15:23姐姐 求求你饶了我吧 Sister, please spare me
15:31我试遍天下毒物 倒真还没有研究过妖物 我不知道这小狐狸身上有没有什么宝贝能让我可以炼丹入药 我听说过 我听说过 说这修成人形的妖怪身上都有内丹 And it's said that a human-shaped monster has internal pellets on its body
15:51而且都身灵力皆系于此啊 And all of its spiritual power lies in it
15:55你们想干嘛 What are you doing?
15:57干嘛 开堂抛丹呢 What are you doing? Are you going to open a hall and throw pellets?
16:03师兄 这是又给孟师妹送什么好吃的了 Senior, what delicious food did you give Sister Meng again this time?
16:07滚远去 Get out of here
16:09爷 又吃冰棒糠了 Grandpa, are you eating ice cream again?
16:11我发现你这癞蛤蟆上脚面不咬人割人是吗 I found that you're a toad on your feet and don't bite people, do you?
16:15癞蛤蟆 就你着眼 Toad? It's just you
16:17你说这毒妇 这盈盈下了什么药啊 You said this poison woman. What medicine did Ying Ying put on her?
16:22她最近怎么总是护着她呀 Why is she always protecting her recently?
16:25师兄 要不然我们去找宗主再告她一状 Senior, why don't we go to the chief and sue her again?
16:29好主意 Good idea
16:31你还嫌宗主不够烦我是吗 You still think the chief is annoying enough, don't you?
16:35他明明就是向着那个毒妇你看不出来吗 He's obviously looking at that poison woman. Can't you see that?
16:38我们得先抓到一些把柄才行 We need to get some clues first
16:40把柄 Clues
16:42等一下 Wait a minute
16:46妖气 Monster
16:50妖气 Monster
16:52走 走 Let's go
17:02好 Good
17:03好 Good
17:10大胆妖孽 Coward
17:15我真是妖啊 I'm really a monster
17:18南颜 你好大的胆子居然敢窝藏妖族 Nan Yan, how dare you hide monsters
17:23浮浪师兄还真是能给人乱扣帽子 Senior Fulang is really good at knocking people's hats
17:26人赃并获你还敢抵赖 How dare you deny that people are dirty and sick
17:34看什么看 追啊 What are you looking at? Go after her
17:47放我出去啊 Let me out
17:51放我出去 Let me out
17:52放我出去 Let me out
18:02小东西 小东西 You little thing
18:04可算让我逮着你了吧 You finally got me
18:06你再跑啊 Keep running
18:08在影阅宗我闭着眼睛闻着味儿我都能抓着你 I can catch you even if I close my eyes and smell you in the Shadow Moon Sect
18:11快跑 快跑 Run
18:13给你老娃娃给你老娃娃 Give you to me
18:16还挺有劲儿 It's pretty strong
18:18放我出去 Let me out
18:20别挣扎了 这是捆仙道 Don't struggle. This is a trap
18:22你也是掙脱不开的 You can't get out of it
18:24待我把你交给道生天再关进这风妖大阵 After I hand you over to Daosheng Tian, I'll lock you up in the Wind Demon Formation
18:29没准还能给咱们养元宗立上一功功 Maybe you can make a contribution to our Yangyuan Sect
18:32对啊 Yeah
18:35走 Go
18:40还给我 Give it back to me
18:42是我先看上她的 I fell in love with her first
18:44就是师兄 你这不行啊 That's right, brother. You can't do this
18:46你自己结了胡还反咬我们一口 You made a mess of it and annoyed us
18:48你们私藏妖族还有理了 You have manners to hide demons
18:49师兄 你可不要胡乱冤枉好人 Brother, don't blame the good guys
18:53这狐狸不知死活闯到我院子里面偷东西 This fox broke into my yard and stole things
18:56今天我非得给她点教训看看 I have to teach her a lesson today
18:59等我把她开了堂 取了丹 After I open the hall and take the elixir
19:01再交给师兄 献给道生天也不迟啊 I'll give it to my brother and give it to Daosheng Tian
19:05别演了 Stop acting
19:07你这毒妇窝藏妖族还恶意伤人 You're a vicious woman who hides demons and hurts people maliciously
19:10待我把这畜生交给道生天 After I give this beast to Daosheng Tian
19:11连你一起致罪 给我拿下 I'll take you down together
19:14我看谁敢 怕你不成 I'll see who dares to be afraid of you
19:17放肆 Nonsense
19:25宗主 Master
19:27宗主 难言胆大包天窝藏妖族 还指使这畜生暗中伤人 叫得宗门是不得安宁啊 Master, it's hard to say that you're a vicious woman who hides demons and hurts people maliciously
19:34张嘴就来啊 You're talking back
19:36不承认是吧 没关系 我有人证 You don't admit it, right? It doesn't matter. I have a witness
19:40楚靖 告诉宗主来龙去脉 Chu Jing, tell me what happened
19:47说完了啊 还不快滚去做功课 本宗主说过多少次了 能躺着别坐着 多读书少打架 I'm done. Get out of here and do your homework. How many times have I told you to lie down and not sit down? Read more and fight less
19:57宗主 难言屡次阻拦我 生怕我将这畜生交给道生天 这其中定有猫腻啊 我宗主明察 Master, Nanyan has stopped me many times. She was afraid that I would give this beast to Daosheng Tian. There must be something wrong with it. I'm sure you know
20:04你少在那儿血口喷人啊 Don't talk nonsense
20:06为何拦她 宗主明鉴 这狐狸它偷我东西 我只想剖胆炼药 顺道再给它点教训 还敢嘴硬 Shut up
20:18都给我闭嘴 这狐妖混入养月宗意图不明 许得本宗主亲自审问 在座定夺 Master
20:35混合水冷 天助时光 The water is cold and the gods are helping me
21:05是是弟子一心想超越师尊 已是糊涂 It's just that I want to surpass Master. I'm confused
21:32少苍 你若认罪 便要交出你修炼的内丹 废除帝君之位 打入水楼 Shao Cang, if you confess, you must hand over the internal pellet you cultivated, abolish the throne of the emperor, and enter the water tower
21:44那混合水凉 天助时光 你当真想好了 That mixed water and cold, the gods are helping me, have you really thought it through?
21:50徒儿甘愿认罪 My disciple, I'm willing to confess
22:20师尊 真是您彻底寒了心 Master, I know you're freezing
22:39也盼您再见徒儿时 能多听徒儿说说心里话 I hope you can listen to me when you see me again
22:50徒儿甘愿认罪 便要交出你修炼的内丹 废除帝君之位 打入水楼 Shao Cang, if you confess, you must hand over the internal pellet you cultivated, abolish the throne of the emperor, and enter the water tower
23:20徒儿甘愿认罪 便要交出你修炼的内丹 废除帝君之位 打入水楼 Shao Cang, if you confess, you must hand over the internal pellet you cultivated, abolish the throne of the emperor, and enter the water tower
23:50刚才他没伤着你吧 Did he hurt you just now?
23:58他要能有那能耐 我还能高看他一眼呢 放心吧 If he can do that, I can look up to him. Don't worry
24:03就是这为何一直不见鸡熊啊 否则咱们也不会被这臭狐狸的化形术耍得团团转了 Why is it that we haven't seen the chicken bear for a while? Otherwise, we wouldn't have been fooled by this stinky fox's transformation
24:11他今日去哪儿了 连口早饭都没吃 他不会饿着肚子出去打架了吧 Where did he go today? He didn't even have breakfast. Did he go out to fight because he was hungry?
24:20你这妖孽混入我养月宗 究竟所为何事啊 What are you doing in my Yangyue Sect?
24:30自然是因你这风水宝地 伙食不错啊 Of course, it's because of your feng shui and good food
24:34道生天自许掌管天下教华 最喜欢你这种叛逆的妖才 本宗主这就亲自下山 把你送到他们手里 Tao Sheng Tian promised to take charge of the world's teachings. I like you the most
24:42看来宗主不肯留我 那我只能下山的时候顺道把养月宗的丑闻给堵了出去 I'll go down the mountain myself and send you to them. It seems that the chief won't let me stay
24:49那我只能下山的时候顺道把养月宗的丑闻给堵了出去 Then I can only block the rumors of the Yangyue Sect when I go down the mountain
24:56养月宗一向淡泊名利 堪称修剑清流 何来丑闻哪 狡猾 The Yangyue Sect has always been weak in fame, and is regarded as the best in the world. Where did the rumors come from? It's a joke
25:06在下近日流连方式 发现珍宝阁暗自兜数的几件灵宝中都藏有养月宗的克闻 In my recent search, I found that the treasures in Zhenbao Pavilion are all hidden in the Yangyue Sect
25:17如果我猜得没错的话 是宗主拿去抵赌债的吧 胡说八道 子虚乌有 If I guessed correctly, it was the chief who took it to pay off the debt
25:24胡说八道 子虚乌有 有 还是没有 就看宗主肯不肯多留我几日了 It's nonsense. I don't need it. Yes or no. It depends on whether the chief will stay with me for a few more days
25:35嗯 Yeah
25:47养月宗啊 试探利谷 若是被道生天发现窝藏妖物 实在担当不起啊 宗主尽管放心 与人方便就是与己方便 一旦惠谷开启 在下立马离开 绝不会给养月宗添任何的麻烦 您看如何
26:05嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 成交 不过 不过什么 自今日起 你得负责宗门上下的撒走 撒走 对啊 你忽然留下总得有个说法吧 本宗主对外宣称 你因擅闯宗门 在此受罚 如此一来 你也住得名正言顺 不必东躲西藏了 当然了 你若不愿撒走 也不必留在宗门上下
26:32当然了 你若不愿撒走 没问题 只不过得立字为据 什么意思
26:48可算让我逮着你了吧 你再跑啊
26:53还得追加一条 任何人不得伤亡
27:25The magic weapon of the Pianmei Clan
27:28You think you can scare me with such a small matter?
27:39I heard that the Fox Clan has the ability to attract fortune
27:42The title is the Fairy of the Treasure House
27:44Now that the Yangyue Clan has a beautiful fox like you as a witness
27:48Today I will definitely kill all the three families
27:54Why isn't he back yet?
27:56The food is getting cold
28:14Sister, your vigilance is too strong
28:17You made me suffer twice
28:20This time, it's finally in my hands
28:26Give me your silver pearl
28:45Why do you want to ruin my plan?
28:49I will count to three and release your magic weapon
28:52Otherwise, I will cut you into pieces
28:58In such a hurry?
29:00Could it be that you also have a crush on his treasure?
29:26Are you serious?
29:40I did what you told me to do
29:42If you still want to kill me
29:44I will tell everyone that you are hiding here
29:49You know who I am?
29:53A sickly man with some spiritual power
29:55I don't care who you are
30:00I remind you to stay away from him
30:03Otherwise, I will give you a good beating
30:07Otherwise, I will give you a good beating
30:17Who is he to you? Why do you care so much?
30:23I think you have ulterior motives
30:28It doesn't matter if you don't say anything
30:33You still want to stay by his side
30:35Are you doing this for the silver pearl like me?
30:38Then let's open the window and talk
30:40So he doesn't want to leave
30:42He protects me all the time
30:44Just for the silver pearl
30:46I remind you again
30:48Silver pearl
30:50Silver pearl
30:52Silver pearl
30:54Silver pearl
30:57Don't even think about taking it away
30:59I tell you
31:01Don't scare me with this
31:03I am the chief's saviour
31:05If someone...
31:15Chief Meng told you to stay here?
31:22Chief Meng wrote this letter
31:24He asked me to stay here for a few days
31:26No one can hurt me
31:29Lanyan, the fox is...
31:31Have you arranged a place to stay?
31:35Chief means
31:37I am just a fox
31:39I am in the grass
31:41I just want to stay here
31:43It's not a big deal
31:45It's a pity
31:46My house is so big
31:48It's hard for me to stay here
31:54What do you mean?
32:00I think you are almost recovered
32:02Why don't you give him a place to stay?
32:05You want to kick me out?
32:11I am sorry, brother
32:13I am not the chief's saviour
32:20Chief Meng
32:23It hurts
32:26Are you ok?
32:29Why are you so weak?
32:32Take your document and get out of here
32:34What's wrong with your hand?
32:36It hurts
32:38Come with me
32:40Lanyan, it's the fox
32:42It's important to cure the disease
32:44Let's go
32:52Do you really allow me to stay here?
33:00You need to tell me the truth
33:02Why do you want to stay here?
33:04For your silver-carp pearl
33:07You are so honest
33:09Since I decide to stay here
33:11I need to trust each other
33:13If I don't know the truth, how can you trust me?
33:16Why do you want my pearl?
33:20You may not believe me
33:24I stole it to fool people
33:31My parents died young
33:33I was raised by my sister
33:35But now she is locked up
33:37We haven't seen each other for a hundred years
33:41I saw your pearl in Fang's
33:43I felt so close to you
33:48My sister has a silver-carp pearl
33:52Why do you pretend to be a stranger?
33:56I stole your pearl
33:58So I know you like it
34:00So I need to find a way
34:02That day, I was outside the yard
34:04I saw her leaving your room
34:06I thought
34:08The relationship between a man and a woman
34:10Must be very close
34:12Who has a close relationship with her?
34:14It's just a drug test
34:16It's no different from the big bull
34:24Fine, fine, fine
34:26Whatever she is
34:30By the way
34:32My mother gave me this pearl
34:34It can't be given to others
34:36You'd better give up
34:38You just live here
34:40If you miss your sister
34:42Don't touch my pearl
34:44Remember, just take a look
34:46Don't think too much
34:48My needle doesn't open your eyes
34:52It really opens your eyes
34:54Open your eyes
34:56How dare you talk back?
34:58I dare not
35:00I have something to say first
35:02You can't tell others
35:04About the person staying downstairs
35:08Have you seen the bottles on the table?
35:10It's up to you
35:20Didn't you want to kick her out?
35:22It's easy to do
35:24I'll report it to chief Meng later
35:28I'm doing this for your own good
35:30Have you heard of it?
35:32A barefoot girl is not afraid of shoes
35:34She has a terminal illness
35:36If she is kicked out
35:38She will wait for you
35:40She will kill you
35:46Is this a darkroom?
35:48One is toxic
35:50The other is wild
35:52Why is there no normal person?
35:56Don't worry
35:58I won't say a word
36:08Just now
36:10I was thrown around like a ball
36:12I vomited all the delicious food
36:14Now I'm hungry
36:16Can you give me something to eat?
36:18Who asked you to pretend to be a fat man
36:20To tease me
36:22You deserve it
36:24Sister, you are beautiful
36:26You pity me
36:28Do you want to eat?
36:32Have you seen the bucket behind?
36:34Have you seen it?
36:36Bring it here first
36:42You mean that one?
36:56Hurry up
36:58You have to follow my rules here
37:00You want to eat?
37:02Finish your work first
37:04It's all sister's work
37:06Why doesn't she have to work?
37:08She has a terminal illness
37:10Her body is buried in the soil
37:12Her brain is not good
37:14She can't do this
37:16She can't eat and live for free
37:18So what?
37:20How about I give you two stitches
37:22You can eat and drink for free
37:34Forget it
37:36Hurry up
37:38Go over there
37:40On the left
37:48What is the effect of this fruit?
37:52Got it
37:54Sister, I will take it lightly
37:56I won't give you any trouble
37:58You are sensible
38:08What's wrong?
38:10Why are you so careless?
38:12Let me see
38:14Did you hurt your hand again?
38:22When do you get up today?
38:26What time is it now?
38:28I haven't finished my work yet
38:32Let me do it
38:34You don't have to do it
38:36Let me cook
38:40What fire should I use?
38:42Don't touch my stove
38:50Let me help you
38:54You won't leave me alone, will you?
39:04I can cook
39:06But you can't hurt her
39:12I'm not afraid of her
39:14I feel sorry for her
39:16She won't live long
39:18I won't argue with her
39:22I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
39:24I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
39:54I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:24I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:26I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:28I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:30I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:32I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:34I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:36I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:38I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:40I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:42I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:44I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:46I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:48I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:50I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:52I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:54I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:56I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
40:58I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:00I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:02I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:04I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:06I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:08I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:10I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:12I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:14I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:16I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:18I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:20I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:22I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:24I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:26I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:28I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:30I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:32I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:34I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:36I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:38I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:40I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:42I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:44I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:46I promise I won't bury you before the sun sets
41:48When the wind blows
