• el año pasado
Destino y Amor Capitulo 16 Español Audio Latino : Beautiful Gong Shim


00:00:00Destino y amor, una encantadora coincidencia.
00:01:01Destino y amor, una encantadora coincidencia.
00:01:04Perdido, se busca.
00:01:33Te contaré toda la verdad a JonSaw en la tarde, que soy JonPyo, y su madre es la culpable
00:01:42de esto.
00:01:43Le pondré fin a este asunto.
00:01:47Él no tiene por qué pagar los crímenes de otros.
00:01:53Así será.
00:01:56JonSaw es inocente.
00:01:57Hola Dante, soy yo.
00:02:16Oha Kongshim, ¿entramos?
00:02:24Es grano tostado en polvo, lo compré cuando venía de regreso, sabe como a nuez.
00:02:40Gracias, es deliciosa.
00:02:44¿Por qué hablas de ese modo?
00:02:46Creo que esta forma de hablar queda bien con mi personalidad.
00:02:51Yo no creo.
00:02:52No hables así, por favor.
00:02:55Bébelo antes de que el polvo se seque.
00:02:59Oh, es cierto, esto sí sabe a nuez.
00:03:08¿Crees que te pueda pedir un gran favor?
00:03:11Sí, pídeme lo que quieras.
00:03:14Es solo que pasé el proceso de selección en la empresa que solicité.
00:03:20¿Es en serio?
00:03:23Y aquí viene el favor.
00:03:25Tendré una entrevista.
00:03:29Este es el formulario.
00:03:31¿Podrías preguntarme sobre esto?
00:03:33Por supuesto, tú me diste tu grano tostado.
00:03:41Siéntate aquí.
00:03:44Escuché que las compañías ejercen presión sobre los solicitantes durante las entrevistas.
00:03:49¿Te parece bien si empieza fuerte desde un inicio?
00:03:53De acuerdo.
00:03:54Ya estoy lista.
00:03:55Haz las preguntas.
00:04:01Kong Shim, tu carrera es la horticultura.
00:04:04Dime, ¿por qué pedir un puesto de diseño?
00:04:07Es solo que desde que era joven, mi sueño siempre ha sido dibujar.
00:04:10Sin embargo, lo tuve que abandonar debido a mi situación familiar.
00:04:14Aún así, yo creo que tengo talento.
00:04:17Así que si ustedes me contratan, yo siempre daré lo mejor.
00:04:20Estoy dispuesta a seguir aprendiendo todo lo que se pueda.
00:04:24¿Por qué aprenderías en el trabajo?
00:04:28¿Crees que esto es una escuela?
00:04:33Veo que tus calificaciones son bastante bajas.
00:04:37Dime, ¿a qué se debe esto?
00:04:47Se debe a que tenía que trabajar mientras estudiaba, así que no me lograba concentrar.
00:04:52Sé que son bajas, pero en mi trabajo me iba bien.
00:04:56Además, yo creo que la experiencia que obtuve es mucho más importante.
00:05:01¿No crees que una beca te habría ayudado a no desgastarte tanto en el trabajo?
00:05:09Esto me suena a que estudiaste mucho para conseguir una, pero no lo lograste.
00:05:14Por lo que no creo que seas muy inteligente.
00:05:19Kong Shim, no me digas que estás apretando los puños.
00:05:26¡Claro que no! ¡Solo estoy muy nerviosa!
00:05:33Dice aquí que a menudo cambias de empleo. ¿Por qué razón?
00:05:38La primera empresa quebró en cuanto me contrataron.
00:05:41En la segunda, ellos me despidieron, pero fue injustificado.
00:05:45En la tercera, el director huyó con todo el dinero, así que yo tuve que renunciar.
00:05:50El que solo hayas conseguido empleo en esas compañías significa que no eres competente.
00:05:57Y tu expresión facial me está diciendo que estoy en lo correcto.
00:06:01¿¿¿Y tu expresión facial me está diciendo que estoy en lo correcto??
00:06:19¡Kong Shim! ¡Déjame! ¡No te puedes alterar tan fácilmente!
00:06:22¡Yo solo hice el favor que me pediste! ¡Ahora suéltame!
00:06:26I'm sorry. I think I got really mad.
00:06:38Kong Shim, do you have anger issues? You almost killed me.
00:06:47You can't do this in the interview.
00:06:50I'm sorry. See you.
00:06:53Don't go.
00:06:54Why not?
00:06:56Kong Shim, do you think we can meet tonight?
00:07:07I lost control, didn't I? I'm sorry.
00:07:13Where do I see you?
00:07:15On the terrace is fine. Or it could be in the park.
00:07:19What time do we meet?
00:07:21I also have to see Jon-So today, so I'll see you later.
00:07:25Can I call you once I'm done talking to him?
00:07:28Yes, sure. But just tell me if there's a reason why you want to talk to the director.
00:07:37It's a deal.
00:07:40So you don't want to tell me?
00:07:43Okay. See you tonight.
00:07:46Sure. See you later.
00:08:10But... why would he want to talk to me?
00:08:22Kong Shim, tonight I'll tell you why I couldn't tell you anything.
00:08:30I'll tell you the truth. You'll know that I'm not Dante. I'm Jon-Pyo.
00:08:42Results report.
00:08:45Result of the relationship.
00:08:47It doesn't match.
00:08:52Hey, Jon-So. I don't understand why you're taking so long.
00:08:57Hurry up and tell us. It's frustrating.
00:09:00It really is.
00:09:02Aren't you worried?
00:09:06What? Ah, yes.
00:09:22Dante isn't Jon-Pyo as I thought.
00:09:25But I was sure Dante was Jon-Pyo. How is that possible?
00:09:31Jon-So, what are you waiting for? We're all impatient.
00:09:36Oh, yes. We all want to know. Hurry up and tell us.
00:09:52What I wanted to tell you today...
00:10:00...is that now I don't belong to the company anymore. That's all.
00:10:05Really? Jon-So?
00:10:07Ah, quit? But it's our company. Why do you want to quit?
00:10:14Just tell us what happened. Why would you do it?
00:10:19I want to start my own business.
00:10:21I didn't want to live like this. Always full of comforts.
00:10:26I want to be successful and I will do it on my own.
00:10:31Are you saying you'll start a business outside of Group Star?
00:10:36Oh, no. I don't understand.
00:10:39Someone make him understand. Why don't you want what's right for you?
00:10:43Jon-So, what's happening to you? This doesn't make sense.
00:10:47I'm sorry. I'll sign my resignation.
00:10:53I don't understand why he's doing this. Jon-So!
00:10:56No, wait. Let him go.
00:10:58No, no, no.
00:11:17Here's the towel.
00:11:18Thank you.
00:11:48Dante, I have it.
00:11:51Put it here.
00:11:57By the way, why is my toothbrush used?
00:12:01Because you need to make the same toothbrush you sell in your store.
00:12:04What are you going to do with my toothbrush?
00:12:06Is this the one you've been using?
00:12:08Yes, I've been using it for a week.
00:12:10Excellent. Now I owe you a toothbrush.
00:12:47I'm sorry.
00:12:49I'm sorry.
00:12:50I'm sorry.
00:13:16Hey, why did you make that announcement?
00:13:19I could become president. Why would I quit?
00:13:22Tell me if something bad happened.
00:13:24No, not at all.
00:13:25Then why did he say that?
00:13:27He said it's just because he doesn't want the comforts.
00:13:30Oh, how strange. The truth is, I'm worried they'll find Jon-So.
00:13:34I feel like he's acting like that because he has suspicions.
00:13:38Now that you mentioned Jon-So, do you remember Sojong?
00:13:42He was your friend in the army, and he was the one who lost Jon-So.
00:13:47Yes, I found out where Sojong is.
00:13:52I found out recently that he's in a coma in a hospital.
00:13:58I just don't know why.
00:14:00Maybe it's because he's sick, or maybe it's an accident.
00:14:05But what are we going to do if he wakes up from the coma?
00:14:09If Sojong wakes up and talks about Jon-So,
00:14:13you and I will be dead.
00:14:15It's because Dante is Sojong's son,
00:14:18and if he wakes up, he'll probably tell him everything.
00:14:22Yes, I think so.
00:14:25It's because when Sojong lost Jon-So,
00:14:27you were the one who gave the order not to look for him.
00:14:30I'm the only one who knows.
00:14:32Don't forget your brother.
00:14:37Stop. Why are you mentioning this?
00:14:40Just make sure he doesn't talk.
00:14:42I'll take care of that. Don't worry.
00:15:13Sojong, I'm with you.
00:15:43Nurse! Nurse! Nurse!
00:16:05What's going on?
00:16:06Sojong woke up.
00:16:08What? Are you sure he woke up?
00:16:11Yes. He opened his eyes.
00:16:13So he got out of the coma?
00:16:15Yes. What do I do?
00:16:18Don't do anything.
00:16:20First I need to go see him, okay?
00:16:23So please don't move from there. Wait for me.
00:16:41Let's go.
00:17:04What happened?
00:17:08My father woke up?
00:17:11My father regained consciousness?
00:17:14Yes, I understand.
00:17:16I'll be right there.
00:17:27My father finally woke up.
00:17:29It's amazing.
00:17:31I think everything is getting better now.
00:17:47He's awake.
00:18:10He's a young soldier.
00:18:13Hello, how are you?
00:18:14Good afternoon. I'm Sojong's friend, the one you spoke to last time.
00:18:18Yes, I remember now.
00:18:21Are you in the hospital?
00:18:23Yes, I'm in the hospital.
00:18:25That's great.
00:18:27I'm also in the hospital, at the entrance.
00:18:30I wanted to give you the gift I couldn't give you last time.
00:18:34You know, now is not a good time.
00:18:37I'm just going to give it to you and leave.
00:18:39I'll be waiting for you at the entrance.
00:18:41Yes, okay.
00:18:43Wait for me there. I'll come down for you in a moment.
00:18:46Of course. Thank you very much.
00:20:56Oh, Dante.
00:20:57What's going on, aunt?
00:20:58Your father has opened his eyes.
00:21:00He just doesn't recognize people yet.
00:21:03The doctor said he'll regain consciousness very soon.
00:21:07It's amazing, don't you think?
00:21:09And it's all thanks to your effort.
00:21:11But what are you doing down here?
00:21:13Oh, it's nothing.
00:21:15I'm just taking a walk.
00:21:17I'm just taking a walk.
00:21:19I'm just taking a walk.
00:21:21I'm just taking a walk.
00:21:23What are you doing down here?
00:21:25Oh, it's just that a friend of Sojong's came and brought him something.
00:21:28But now I can't find him and he doesn't answer his phone.
00:21:31Oh, okay.
00:21:32I'll go up to see my father.
00:21:34I'll catch up with you later.
00:21:43Thank you.
00:21:53Thank you.
00:22:23Thank you.
00:22:54Excuse me.
00:22:55Hurry up.
00:22:56Run, run.
00:23:13What happened?
00:23:16Let's go.
00:23:24Close and go immediately.
00:23:39Doctor, can you tell me what's going on?
00:23:42They told me my father had regained consciousness.
00:23:45Calm down.
00:23:46It's no use getting upset.
00:23:48We'll try to save him.
00:23:49We'll talk later.
00:23:57What's going on?
00:24:05My father is probably dead.
00:24:13I don't want to, no.
00:24:19Please, no.
00:24:20Please, no.
00:24:37He was your friend in the army and he was the one who lost Jongpyo.
00:24:43What will we do if he wakes up from the coma?
00:24:45If Sojong wakes up and talks about Jongpyo, you and I will be dead.
00:24:50It's because when Sojong lost Jongpyo, you were the one who gave the order not to look for him.
00:24:57Only I know.
00:24:59Don't forget your brother.
00:25:30Listen, Doctor.
00:25:32Thank you.
00:25:33I thank you for saving my father.
00:25:38But I think someone took the life support line on purpose.
00:25:44There are signs that someone did this on purpose.
00:25:48So we'll call the police.
00:25:51So it means that this was intentional.
00:25:56Doctor, someone tried to kill my father, right?
00:25:59I don't know the reasons.
00:26:01But I'm sure they disconnected him completely on purpose.
00:26:13Let's go.
00:26:24Doctor, are you sure?
00:26:27You're telling me it wasn't an accident, right?
00:26:32That's right.
00:26:34I can assure you of that.
00:26:42Let's go.
00:27:13You're back.
00:27:15Yes, I did.
00:27:17Did you have a good trip?
00:27:21You arrived before we agreed.
00:27:24Did you arrive here directly from the airport?
00:27:32I arrived this morning.
00:27:34I rested before coming.
00:27:35If we're here, it's because we have things to say.
00:27:43What did you want to talk to me about in such a quiet place where no one can hear us?
00:27:49I'm curious.
00:27:55I wanted to ask you.
00:27:58What did you want to talk to me about?
00:28:01I wanted to ask you.
00:28:06Don't insist anymore.
00:28:08You have to stop looking for John Pio.
00:28:13Because of your expression, I will assume that my request was understood.
00:28:21But you also wanted to tell me something.
00:28:25I think the same.
00:28:31I wanted to tell you what you just said.
00:28:35It was enough.
00:28:36Don't look for John Pio.
00:28:42There's something I'm going to do.
00:28:48The one I'm going to find...
00:28:51Will be his kidnapper.
00:29:00John Pio
00:29:21Yes, Gong Shim.
00:29:23I just got home.
00:29:26Can I see you now?
00:29:28What time is it now?
00:29:29I'm not going up yet. I'm waiting in front of the house.
00:29:33Okay. I'll go down now.
00:29:56I'm too late, right?
00:30:00Yes, I'm a little late.
00:30:03Let's go.
00:30:05Where are we going?
00:30:27I love you.
00:30:37It's my first time watching a horror movie.
00:30:45The movie has started.
00:30:57I love you.
00:30:58I love you too.
00:30:59I love you.
00:31:00I love you.
00:31:01I love you.
00:31:02I love you.
00:31:03I love you.
00:31:04I love you.
00:31:05I love you.
00:31:06I love you.
00:31:07I love you.
00:31:08I love you.
00:31:09I love you.
00:31:10I love you.
00:31:11I love you.
00:31:12I love you.
00:31:13I love you.
00:31:14I love you.
00:31:15I love you.
00:31:16I love you.
00:31:17I love you.
00:31:18I love you.
00:31:19I love you.
00:31:20I love you.
00:31:21I love you.
00:31:22I love you.
00:31:23I love you.
00:31:24I love you.
00:31:25I love you.
00:31:26I love you.
00:31:27I love you.
00:31:28I love you.
00:31:29I love you.
00:31:30I love you.
00:31:31I love you.
00:31:32I love you.
00:31:33I love you.
00:31:34I love you.
00:31:35I love you.
00:31:36I love you.
00:31:37I love you.
00:31:38I love you.
00:31:39I love you.
00:31:40I love you.
00:31:41I love you.
00:31:42I love you.
00:31:43I love you.
00:31:44I love you.
00:31:45I love you.
00:31:46I love you.
00:31:47I love you.
00:31:48I love you.
00:31:49I love you.
00:31:50I love you.
00:31:51I love you.
00:31:52I love you.
00:31:53I love you.
00:31:54I love you.
00:31:55I love you.
00:31:56I love you.
00:31:57I love you.
00:31:58I love you.
00:31:59I love you.
00:32:00I love you.
00:32:01I love you.
00:32:02I love you.
00:32:03I love you.
00:32:04I love you.
00:32:05I love you.
00:32:06I love you.
00:32:07I love you.
00:32:08I love you.
00:32:09I love you.
00:32:10I love you.
00:32:11I love you.
00:32:12I love you.
00:32:13I love you.
00:32:14I love you.
00:32:15I love you.
00:32:16I love you.
00:32:17I love you.
00:32:18I love you.
00:32:19I love you.
00:32:20I love you.
00:32:21I love you.
00:32:22I love you.
00:32:23I love you.
00:32:24I love you.
00:32:25I love you.
00:32:26I love you.
00:32:27I love you.
00:32:28I love you.
00:32:29I love you.
00:32:30I love you.
00:32:31I love you.
00:32:32I love you.
00:32:33I love you.
00:32:34I love you.
00:32:35I love you.
00:32:36I love you.
00:32:37I love you.
00:32:38I love you.
00:32:39I love you.
00:32:40I love you.
00:32:41I love you.
00:32:42I love you.
00:32:43I love you.
00:32:44I love you.
00:32:45I love you.
00:32:46I love you.
00:32:47I love you.
00:32:48I love you.
00:32:49I love you.
00:32:50I love you.
00:32:51I love you.
00:32:52I love you.
00:32:54It wasn't called yours and it was totally not mine
00:32:57The love burned inside me
00:33:04Lawyer Kong
00:33:08I did not expect that you're here today
00:33:12We need to talk
00:33:14Do you have time now?
00:33:17What do you want to talk about?
00:33:20Ah, I want to talk outside
00:33:36Did you know that John Soh was the director of the group Star the first time you met him in the workshop?
00:33:43Yes or no?
00:33:44How is it possible that being the secretary's sister you didn't know he was the director?
00:33:50You made fun of me all this time. I really can't believe it.
00:34:00Here is what you ordered.
00:34:02Thank you.
00:34:09Drink it.
00:34:16My mother told me what happened.
00:34:21Oh, yes.
00:34:25Director, I'm very sorry.
00:34:28No, don't apologize for that.
00:34:34I don't care.
00:34:37Let's not talk about that anymore.
00:34:41The reason I wanted to see you today is because I want to ask you something.
00:34:47Ask me something?
00:34:49I decided to be an independent company and I wanted to know if you would be interested in working there with me.
00:34:59I would like you to be the leader of the legal team. Do you agree?
00:35:05Are you serious?
00:35:06Well, it's still a very large company, but I would like to be able to count on your help. It would be a great contribution.
00:35:16But the truth is that I'm not sure how much I could contribute to the company.
00:35:23I'm asking you because I know your abilities, but I don't want it to be a burden for you.
00:35:30You just have to meditate it. You can say no.
00:35:36Okay, well, then I think I'll think about it.
00:35:40It's yours.
00:36:11Being able to count on your help would be a great contribution.
00:36:22Where did you learn to draw?
00:36:24I received drawing lessons when I entered the art academy.
00:36:28I wanted to do a career in art, but I couldn't do it anymore because of my family situation.
00:36:32And I learned on my own.
00:36:34Your drawings are original and warm.
00:36:36You don't see this individuality in people who learned on their own.
00:36:41Oh, I appreciate it.
00:36:43In fact, I wanted to go study in Italy, so I decided to start studying a little Italian.
00:36:48If you want, I'll show you.
00:36:50Piacere. Mi chiamo Kong Shim.
00:36:53Grazie per i complimento.
00:36:59You have passion.
00:37:01I'm glad to hear that.
00:37:03Kong Shim.
00:37:04Director, hello.
00:37:06What are you doing?
00:37:07I'm applying for a position here.
00:37:10Oh, really?
00:37:11Was the interview for this company?
00:37:13Yes. In fact, I've already been interviewed.
00:37:16What are you doing here, director?
00:37:19Oh, I had to do something.
00:37:21Oh, I see.
00:37:22I'm sorry.
00:37:23I'm sorry.
00:37:24I'm sorry.
00:37:25I'm sorry.
00:37:26I'm sorry.
00:37:27I'm sorry.
00:37:28I'm sorry.
00:37:29I'm sorry.
00:37:30I'm sorry.
00:37:31Oh, I had to take care of some business.
00:37:35Kong Shim, I really had no idea.
00:37:38I'd like us to have some tea.
00:37:41But I don't have time now.
00:37:42Oh, maybe next time.
00:37:44When I have time.
00:37:46Yes, okay.
00:37:56Hello, director.
00:37:58Hello, how are you?
00:37:59How are you?
00:38:00Director, will you have a new company?
00:38:03Yes, I plan to.
00:38:05How did the interviews go?
00:38:08Good. There are good candidates.
00:38:10The reports.
00:38:12Thank you.
00:38:18Kong Shim.
00:38:21Do you know any of them?
00:38:23Do you have any that you would like to recommend?
00:38:27In fact, I don't want to get involved in all that.
00:38:31I trust that you will choose based on your skills.
00:38:34I think the same way.
00:38:39One moment.
00:38:45Did you go out?
00:38:46Yes, I had things to do.
00:38:48I want to talk to you as soon as possible.
00:38:51Okay, I'm on my way, Grandma.
00:38:53Thank you.
00:38:57John Soh.
00:38:59I need you to go to Jojo.
00:39:03I asked Mr. Kang for ceramics.
00:39:05In fact, I asked him a month ago.
00:39:07And he told me he wanted to see you, so he asked me to send you to pick it up.
00:39:11Will you help me?
00:39:12Yes, I will.
00:39:19Were you looking for me, ma'am?
00:39:21The director will go to Jojo and I want you to accompany him.
00:39:27Ah, the last time I saw Mr. Kang,
00:39:29Secretary Dante was so kind to accompany me to his workshop.
00:39:33And it's not that easy to get there.
00:39:35I trust that Dante will be a good guide.
00:39:41Go, so it won't be late.
00:39:46Yes, Grandma.
00:39:51Thank you.
00:40:02What are you doing?
00:40:04Jojo is not in this direction.
00:40:06I have to make a stop on the way.
00:40:09I wanted to do it before because we still have time.
00:40:12Do you agree?
00:40:37Where are we?
00:40:40In a tree.
00:40:42Someone left me something that I have to pick up.
00:40:46Well, do it.
00:40:47Actually, there are many things and I don't think I can do it alone.
00:40:50Do you think you could help me?
00:40:56Sorry, it's just a favor.
00:41:05Thank you.
00:41:16Yes, I see.
00:41:17Give me a second, please.
00:41:20The discount applies if there are more than 30 people.
00:41:24Younger children come in for free.
00:41:26Yes, of course, it was a pleasure.
00:41:30How can I help you?
00:41:32I just came to see someone.
00:41:34He's an employee here, his name is Kim Gil Bong.
00:41:37Kim Gil Bong?
00:41:39He stopped working here today.
00:41:41I understand.
00:41:43But surely there must be a way to contact him,
00:41:46since it is an urgent matter.
00:41:48I don't know.
00:41:50There's no time.
00:41:51We should go.
00:41:55I'm supposed not to give you his number, but try to call him.
00:42:06Yes, thank you very much.
00:42:14The number you have dialed is not available.
00:42:19He says it's not available.
00:42:29Here, it's yours.
00:42:31I don't know.
00:42:32I'm not sure I can accept this.
00:42:36You just have to change your phone
00:42:39and enjoy this.
00:42:41I assure you that I will find you a job near your house.
00:42:45You don't have to worry.
00:42:47Thank you very much.
00:42:49Really, thank you.
00:42:52You're welcome.
00:42:54Let's toast.
00:43:29I don't believe it.
00:43:32It's John So and Dante?
00:43:42It's all I'll do, right?
00:43:47Just change your phone and don't contact your old job.
00:43:51If they ask you,
00:43:53just don't say anything about the lady you gave the note to.
00:43:58I'll act as if I've never seen that lady.
00:44:01I assure you.
00:44:04Go ahead.
00:44:11Go ahead.
00:44:36What's going on?
00:44:41Explain to me.
00:44:43What did you just do?
00:44:45You took me to that place on purpose, didn't you?
00:44:49I need you to explain to me what's going on.
00:44:53Is all this related to finding John Pio?
00:44:57I think I was pretty clear.
00:44:59I told you to stop looking for John Pio.
00:45:02Why should I do it?
00:45:05I don't understand.
00:45:06Why do you want me to stop looking for John Pio?
00:45:09I can't believe you haven't noticed.
00:45:13What were you trying to do when you took me to that place?
00:45:18The person disappeared
00:45:20and didn't answer the phone.
00:45:22That means you have to stop.
00:45:25Because you're messing with the company
00:45:27and you're acting in a ridiculous way.
00:45:30Everything indicates that you stop doing this.
00:45:33Do you understand?
00:45:35You got rid of the arboretum employee.
00:45:39Dante, enough.
00:45:41I know you went to the arboretum that day.
00:45:43I have proof.
00:45:45Then you got rid of him because you knew everything would be revealed
00:45:48if I managed to contact him.
00:45:50Watch what you say.
00:45:52Whether it was the arboretum that day
00:45:54or you who got rid of the employee,
00:45:58the reality is that I don't care about those things anymore.
00:46:02The only thing I care about
00:46:05is who you're trying to cover up.
00:46:09And what are you trying to hide?
00:46:13I want to know that.
00:46:16Don't be stupid.
00:46:19If you keep acting the same way,
00:46:23I'll do something about it.
00:46:25It's a warning.
00:46:28John So...
00:46:34You can still regret it.
00:46:39You can still regret it.
00:47:00So now Dante is suspecting John So.
00:47:08This is getting extremely interesting.
00:47:29Are you okay?
00:47:30You look strange.
00:47:33It's all my fault.
00:47:35It was all because I left him alone.
00:47:38And that's why he was hurt.
00:47:41He could have died.
00:47:45That's not true.
00:47:48I already spoke to the hospital staff.
00:47:50They increased the security.
00:47:53Now you can't enter this area without a card.
00:47:57In fact, the police also came.
00:47:59They said there was no security video.
00:48:01The cameras didn't work.
00:48:05Hey, tell me what happened in detail, please.
00:48:08Actually, there's not much to say.
00:48:10I just got off because I got a call.
00:48:13It was John So's friend who had brought him something.
00:48:16So I went to pick him up.
00:48:18That's when you and I met at the reception.
00:48:24I could never find his friend.
00:48:26I even called him, but he didn't answer.
00:48:30When I got back, all this had already happened.
00:48:35Aunt, do you think you can give me my father's friend's phone number?
00:48:43Here it is.
00:49:00I don't know the number.
00:49:06He doesn't answer.
00:49:07The number you dialed is not available.
00:49:09He didn't answer.
00:49:26Hello, Mr. Park.
00:49:28I'm Director Yeung.
00:49:30I want to find out the number of one of your employees.
00:49:33The president's secretary.
00:49:37Ah, perfect.
00:49:55Thank you.
00:49:57See you later.
00:50:14So Dante just called me.
00:50:25Hey, Dante.
00:50:29You don't look very well. Is something wrong?
00:50:35I'm fine.
00:50:36And you? How did the interview go?
00:50:40I think...
00:50:41Actually, I did pretty well.
00:50:43I felt calm.
00:50:48I'm sorry.
00:50:54Do you remember the interview you gave me?
00:50:56When we were practicing?
00:50:58Of course!
00:50:59I'm sure it was of great help.
00:51:01I already knew it.
00:51:02All thanks to my support.
00:51:04It wasn't anything like that, actually.
00:51:07So it didn't help me at all.
00:51:09I should never have practiced with you.
00:51:14I don't even want to remember it.
00:51:23I don't think I felt nervous thanks to that anymore.
00:51:26That being said, I think it did work.
00:51:30I just wanted to help you, and I assumed...
00:51:32that by putting pressure on you during the practice interview would help you.
00:51:35And that's why I did it.
00:51:38Cong Shim, congratulations.
00:51:41I haven't been hired yet.
00:52:00We should eat.
00:52:04Let's stay like this for three bites.
00:52:09Two bites.
00:52:12Just two.
00:52:14Yes, that's fine, Cong Shim. Whatever you say.
00:52:21Why aren't you eating?
00:52:23I don't want you to eat both bites.
00:52:27We'll let go when either of us eats both bites.
00:52:30Then don't eat.
00:52:43This isn't fair.
00:52:45It doesn't have to be.
00:52:47It doesn't have to be.
00:52:50Eat, come on.
00:53:11I'd like a tattoo of these.
00:53:13They're temporary, right?
00:53:15Sometimes they only last a few days.
00:53:17And if you take care of them, they can last a couple of weeks.
00:53:20Oh, great.
00:53:21You should get one.
00:53:31Should I get one too?
00:53:34Do you want to walk like this for two streets?
00:53:42Of course I want to.
00:53:44Oh, you're speaking in a bad way.
00:53:49This is better than two bites.
00:53:51Two streets.
00:53:53Two streets.
00:53:54Two streets.
00:53:55Two streets.
00:53:56Two streets.
00:53:57Two streets.
00:53:58Two streets.
00:53:59Two streets.
00:54:00Two streets.
00:54:01Two streets.
00:54:03It's not that much, so that's enough.
00:54:06Well, actually, it is.
00:54:16How cute.
00:54:29You testified.
00:54:31You said she said,
00:54:33My Jompio, Butterfly.
00:54:35Yes, I heard that clearly.
00:54:37She said, My Jompio, Butterfly.
00:54:41But she wasn't referring to Jompio's tie.
00:54:44Actually, she was talking about Jompio's kidnapper
00:54:47when she said, Butterfly.
00:54:53That won't lead me to Jompio.
00:54:55But it will lead me to his kidnapper.
00:55:04I don't know why they haven't called.
00:55:08Did I do it right?
00:55:10Oh, no.
00:55:15Call me.
00:55:17Call me now.
00:55:18Come on, call me, please.
00:55:20Call me.
00:55:21Call me.
00:55:27Corporativo VOU.
00:55:28Corporativo VOU.
00:55:36Good morning.
00:55:37This is Kong Shim.
00:55:44I'm going to start working in the new company
00:55:47of director Jon Sol next week.
00:55:49Oh, great!
00:55:51I hadn't been feeling well about Taiji,
00:55:54but this improved it.
00:55:56That boy is choosing a very difficult path.
00:55:59A young man like that is rare.
00:56:01He's totally different from his mother.
00:56:03I'm glad he considered our daughter.
00:56:06Yes, I'm happy.
00:56:09Mom! Dad! Sister!
00:56:11I did it!
00:56:13Are you serious?
00:56:14What you're saying is real?
00:56:17Oh, great!
00:56:18We have to celebrate!
00:56:20It's great news!
00:56:23You know, it's a great day.
00:56:24Our two daughters came home with good news.
00:56:28I'm so happy.
00:56:30Thank you all so much.
00:56:32I did it!
00:56:41I'll let Dante know right away.
00:56:44Yes, Kong Shim?
00:56:46Yes, I was hired!
00:56:48Are you serious?
00:56:49You did it!
00:56:51I truly congratulate you.
00:56:53Thank you very much.
00:56:54And what are you doing today?
00:56:55I'm going to the company this afternoon.
00:56:57Then I'll stop by to see you at work.
00:56:59We'll eat together.
00:57:00We have to celebrate this.
00:57:02I invite you.
00:57:03I invite you.
00:57:04I invite you.
00:57:05I invite you.
00:57:06I invite you.
00:57:07I invite you.
00:57:08I invite you.
00:57:09I invite you.
00:57:10I invite you.
00:57:11I invite you.
00:57:14I got the job.
00:57:16You can't pay.
00:57:17I'll pay for it.
00:57:18Well, you'll pay today.
00:57:21See you later.
00:57:38Good morning!
00:57:40My name is Kong Shim and I'm going to work here today.
00:57:41Congratulations! You did great!
00:57:45Good morning!
00:57:49How are you?
00:57:53Kong Shim!
00:57:55You didn't tell me. Did you get hired?
00:57:57I'm here because this is my new job.
00:57:59But what are you doing here? I don't understand.
00:58:01I work here.
00:58:03Director, did you know Kong Shim?
00:58:11Then I guess
00:58:13the new company I was talking about
00:58:15has to do with this company, right?
00:58:19Yes, you're right.
00:58:21Oh, good.
00:58:25Did you have anything to do with me being hired?
00:58:27Of course not.
00:58:29I don't have the authority to do it.
00:58:31In fact, I just found out
00:58:33about all this.
00:58:35It's true.
00:58:37Kong Shim, we decided to hire you
00:58:39because of your skills.
00:58:41Oh, good.
00:58:43We'll see each other again.
00:58:47I'll do my best.
00:59:01I just got a call
00:59:03from a number I didn't recognize.
00:59:05I answered and hung up.
00:59:07Are you sure it wasn't my father's friend's number?
00:59:11Yes, I know it wasn't that number,
00:59:13but I have a bad feeling about this
00:59:15and that's why I called you.
00:59:17Tell me,
00:59:19haven't you tried calling him again?
00:59:23He's not answering yet?
00:59:27I'm going to try again.
00:59:35My father's friend.
00:59:37When are you going to start working?
00:59:39I was told I'd start tomorrow.
00:59:43Dante will come to see me this afternoon.
00:59:49I think it would be nice if the three of us ate together.
00:59:51I'll invite him this time.
00:59:53Do you happen to have time?
00:59:59My father's friend.
01:00:07I think your phone is ringing.
01:00:09My phone?
01:00:15The sound is coming from your bag.
01:00:35There he is!
01:00:47There's Dante!
