FTS 10:30 01-07: Pres. Maduro to release 100% of the tally sheets that confirm his triumph

  • last month
FTS 10.30
*Funeral processions begin in Tehran for Hamas leader
*Colombia intends to have a dialogue with the National Liberation Army
00:00Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro went to the Supreme Court of Justice and filed a writ
00:18of protection before the electoral chamber of said court to validate the elections of
00:23July 28th.
00:26Funeral processions began in Tehran on Thursday for the head of the Politburo of the Palestinian
00:31Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed on Wednesday in an attack on his residence
00:36in Iran.
00:39And the government of Colombia confirmed its intention to continue the dialogue with the
00:43National Liberation Army to fulfill the commitment to seek the protection of the civilian population.
00:53Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:54My name is Belén de los Santos and from Celestro Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the
01:00Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro went on Wednesday to the Supreme Court of Justice
01:05and filed an appeal of protection before the electoral chamber of said court to validate
01:09the election of July 28th.
01:11He was received by the President of the Highest Court, Magistrate Carizlia RodrĂ­guez, also
01:17President of the Electoral Chamber, to whom he handed the document.
01:21He did so in company of the General Prosecutor of the Republic, Reinaldo Muñoz.
01:26The writ is for the electoral chamber to address this attack on the electoral process and make
01:31clear everything that needs to be clarified.
01:34President Maduro pointed out that 100% of the tally sheets of the past elections will
01:39be made available.
01:41He affirmed that he is willing to publicly present all the tally sheets of the votes
01:45cast in the elections, the results of which are disputed by the extremist opposition.
01:56In this context, President Nicolás Maduro called on the people to defend the country's
02:01peace from the violence that the Venezuelan extreme right wing wants to perpetrate.
02:06From the People's Balcony at the Miraflores Palace, President Maduro asked the Venezuelan
02:12people to resume their daily and commercial activities, alleging they would be safe under
02:16the watch of the citizen security forces.
02:19In this sense, the head of state expressed his rejection of what he described as intentions
02:24of the Venezuelan ultra-right wing and its U.S. allies to establish radical neoliberalism
02:30in the country through citizen violence.
02:32Also, Maduro announced that in Venezuela there would be justice against the more than 1,000
02:38people arrested by the security forces that provoked acts of violence in the country.
03:08Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, addressed
03:18the actions of far-right groups who he accused of seeking to tarnish the results of the elections.
03:25In the meantime, William Saab pointed out that as they had been warning for months there
03:30were plans of the extreme right wing to declare the election as a fraud after July 28th and
03:35begin with terrorist acts throughout the nation.
03:38On the other hand, William Saab pointed out that the public ministry is investigating
03:42each of these criminal groups and assured that 20 subjects were apprehended for crimes
03:48that included attacks on military officials.
03:51Furthermore, he also emphasized that the far-right is using a structured group of organized crime
03:56known as El Tren del Llano associated to paramilitary groups.
04:07A group of international observers reaffirmed transparency in Venezuela's presidential
04:11elections as well as the effectiveness of the electoral system.
04:16The joint preliminary reports highlighted the normality of the electoral process and
04:22full guarantee of the citizens' right to vote, in peace and in an organized manner,
04:27for which they recognized the work of the National Electoral Council.
04:32They further praised the republic plan for thoroughly conducting the citizen security
04:37and the custody of the electoral material without any kind of incidents.
04:42Likewise, they congratulated the Venezuelan people who, despite multiple pressures and
04:48interfering actions, gave an example of civility during the peaceful, orderly and transparent
04:54exercise of the right to vote.
04:56The Argentine and American Juris Associations, the Chilean Human Rights Commission, among
05:00other organizations, denounced the siege of the Venezuelan embassy in Buenos Aires,
05:05which they described as an unacceptable violation of the Vienna Convention.
05:15In this context, the Cuban government also condemned the interference position of some
05:19member countries of the Organization of American States, who met in a permanent council with
05:24the purpose of analyzing the presidential elections in Venezuela.
05:28Precisely, the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs specified, through an official statement on
05:34its ex-account, that Cuba denounces the irresponsible attempts to resort to violence and destabilization
05:42with the aim of producing a coup in Venezuela.
05:50Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUS or English
05:53where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
05:58Other stories coming up, stay with us.
06:28Welcome back to From the South.
06:41In Iran, thousands of people attended a funeral ceremony to honor Hamas Palestinian leader
06:47Ismail Haniyeh, assassinated by the Israeli regime in an attack against his residence
06:52in Tehran.
06:53On Thursday, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Zayed Ali Khamenei,
06:58led the prayers to bid farewell to the political leader and his bodyguard, Wasim Abu Shaban.
07:04Their remains were draped with the Palestinian flag during the ceremony held in the courtyard
07:10of the Tehran University, which was attended by the President-elect Massoud Peshashkian,
07:16senior Iranian military and officials from the resistance movement.
07:20Ismail Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital to participate in the inauguration of the
07:25new president, which took place on Tuesday.
07:33And on Wednesday, thousands of people in Iraq, Turkey and Morocco went to the streets to
07:39condemn the assassination of the leader of the Palestinian resistance Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh,
07:45and in support of Palestine, a nation under constant attack since October 7th last year.
07:51In this regard, the demonstrators condemned the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation
07:55against the Palestinian people, carrying Palestinian flags and flags of their own countries, as
08:01well as signs of disapproval of the occupation.
08:04They also called on the international community to assume its commitment and force the Israeli
08:09occupation to contain the attacks in the Gaza Strip, open the Rafah crossing and allow the
08:15entry of aid.
08:21In this context, the Foreign Ministry of Pakistan condemned Israel's assassination of the Palestinian
08:27leader Ismail Haniyeh and offered its condolences to the family of the leader.
08:34Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the chief of the political bureau of Hamas in Tehran,
08:39was an act of dangerous escalation in an already volatile region and undermines efforts for
08:47We express our condolences to his family and the Palestinian people.
08:51His killers must be held to account.
08:54Furthermore, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry denounced that Israel has unleashed a campaign
08:59of terror and war crimes against the Palestinian population.
09:04Since October 2023, Israel has unleashed a campaign of terror against the Palestinian
09:10This war on Gaza and the inhumane siege in violation of international human rights and
09:15humanitarian law have resulted in misery, death and destruction.
09:22These acts constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity.
09:26We call upon the United Nations to uphold international law and to bring an end to the
09:31genocide of the people of Gaza.
09:34And we stay on topic as Palestinian citizens claimed that Israel's attack represents
09:39a violation of Iranian national security and that the U.S. government is a complicit in
09:45these crimes.
09:47This is a violation of Iranian national security and I think events are leading to a regional
09:52war and the U.S. administration will pay the price because Washington gave the green light
09:56and the U.S. government is an accomplice in these crimes and the White House is managing
10:00this war as the U.S. is giving orders to Netanyahu to continue to send a message that
10:05there is no immunity for any leadership in the axis of resistance, nor for any country.
10:13On the other hand, on Wednesday, Iran's permanent representative to the United Nations, Amir
10:18Saeed Iravani, condemned during a Security Council meeting the attack launched against
10:23Tehran in which Haniyeh, the leader of the Islamic resistance movement, was killed.
10:28The diplomat expressed that Iran condemns in the strongest possible terms this horrible
10:33terrorist act as the most serious violation of international laws and the UN Charter as
10:40a major violation of Iran's sovereignty and national security.
10:44In this regard, Saeed Iravani denounced that the Israel regime had a political objective
10:50with this attack by disrupting the first day of operation of the new government.
10:55Likewise, he added that the aggressive act of terrorism requires immediate and effective
11:01measures by the UN.
11:13Meanwhile, the United Nations warned of a dangerous escalation of the conflict in the
11:18Middle East and insisted that new clashes must be avoided.
11:22In this sense, after Israel attacked the southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanese capital,
11:27and assassinated the Hamas leader in Iran, the UN urged restraint and to avoid actions
11:34that could further destabilize the Tor Wennesland area.
11:38The Secretary General of the organization, Antonio Guterres, called for maximum restraint
11:43and for all parties to avoid further escalation.
11:46Guterres also expressed deep concern following reports of the Israeli assassination on the
11:52Lebanese capital and reminded the parties of their duty to comply with their obligations
11:59under international law.
12:06On Wednesday, in the framework of the UN Security Council meeting, the Deputy Permanent Observer
12:11of the State of Palestine to the UN condemned the genocide perpetrated by Israel in the
12:16Gaza Strip and affirmed that the UN fails to its duty to impose a ceasefire.
12:41Israel has flagrantly violated the UN Charter, including the cardinal principle regarding
12:47the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, a war that threatens international
12:53peace and security.
12:56Yet Israel is being permitted to wage this war in broad daylight with no restraints and
13:02no consequences.
13:04It is doing so willfully and wantonly.
13:07In spite of this Security Council's resolutions, in spite of the ICJ provisional measures orders,
13:14in spite of the global demands for a ceasefire, and still the Council is failing its duty
13:22to impose a ceasefire and bring a halt to this depravity.
13:28In this regard, the UN Authority referred to the daily sufferings of the Palestinian
13:32population due to the war crimes committed by the Syrian regime.
13:37Every day brings more horror, loss and suffering for our people as Israeli occupying forces
13:44massacre Palestinian civilians, assassinate officials, kill humanitarian workers, medical
13:51personnel and journalists, abduct civilians and torture and rape them in Israeli jails,
13:59bomb and destroy Palestinian homes and infrastructure, and attack UN premises, including UNRWA schools
14:08sheltering millions of forcibly displaced civilians who are being deliberately starved
14:15and denied access to medical care and the most basic needs for human subsistence and
14:20dignity by an occupier, mercilessly chasing and hunting them down, repeatedly displacing
14:28them as they desperately search for safety in a place where no one and nowhere is safe.
14:36Now, we move on to other topics.
14:48Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview to French media on Wednesday
14:53acknowledged that Ukraine, as well as other countries in the world, want Russia's participation
14:59in global peace forums on the current conflict.
15:03He assured that the majority of the world says that Russia must be represented at the
15:08second summit, otherwise they would not achieve significant results.
15:13He added that since everyone wants Russia to be at the table, they cannot oppose it.
15:19During the interview, Zelensky urged Beijing to force Moscow to cease the conflict and
15:24clarified that he would like China not to play a role of mediators, but to put pressure
15:30on Russia.
15:36And now we move on to other topics.
15:38On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Defense said in a statement that Khalid Zayed Mohammed,
15:44accused of being the main perpetrator of the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United
15:48States, and two other accomplices agreed to plead guilty.
15:53The Pentagon revealed that Zayed Mohammed, Walid bin Attas and Mustafa al-Hausani have
16:01entered into prejudicial agreements with the Military Commission's Supervisory Authority,
16:06which terms are not available to the public at this time.
16:10Nevertheless, according to prosecutor's statements, the defendants accepted the deal in exchange
16:14for life imprisonment instead of the death penalty.
16:18The three defendants are expected to testify next week before the Military Commission at
16:23Guantanamo Bay Base.
16:31We have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
16:34community for our English-speaking audience.
16:37You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and also share the link to reach
16:40more people.
16:41Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the rest of the
16:46Stay connected and informed with Telesurf.
16:48Final short break, don't go away.
17:09Welcome back from the South.
17:10The Government of Colombia confirmed its intention to continue the dialogue with the National
17:15Liberation Army in order to fulfill the commitment to seek the protection of the civilian population.
17:21Representatives of the Colombian state expressed their interest in renewing the bilateral national
17:26and temporary ceasefire as a viable and necessary measure to avoid an escalation of the conflict
17:32in vulnerable areas.
17:34The officials expressed that they will make the necessary efforts to continue negotiations
17:40with the armed movement, but that the measure depends largely on the decision of the latter.
17:46The government's statements come just days after the deadline for the extension of the
17:52ceasefire that was signed in early February of this year.
18:01On Wednesday, after the Bolivian authorities announced the existence of 57 blockade points
18:05in five departments, the President Luis Arce assured that the current national road blockade
18:10of long-distance transport has political purposes.
18:14The coincidence of the mobilizations of those who have been behind the coup d'etat also
18:19had as a trigger this issue of heavy transport.
18:24An experience has always told us that, unfortunately, heavy transport has been a key player in all
18:30kinds of situations.
18:32This is not a novelty.
18:34You simply review the events before any political event in the history of the country and of
18:40It has always been like that, unfortunately.
18:44In other news, after the winter judicial recess in Argentina, justice resumed on Wednesday
18:49the investigation of the attacks suffered by former President Cristina Fernández de
18:53Kirchner on September 1st, 2022, when she was shot in the head at the door of her home.
19:00The defendants are three members of the so-called Gang of the Copitos, Fernando Zabag Montiel,
19:06Brenda Uliarte and Nicolás Carrizo.
19:09For the fourth hearing of the trial, it is expected the testimony of a private secretary
19:14of the former President, Diego Bermúdez, who was next to Fernández de Kirchner when
19:20Zabag Montiel shot at her with a Bersa pistol.
19:25BermĂşdez Bringe was the one who asked the custodians belonging to the federal police
19:30to remove the then vice president, but got no response.
19:39Also in Argentina, workers of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research,
19:44the CONICET, gathered this Wednesday in front of the former ministry to protest against
19:49the situation and budget crisis sustained by the government of Javier Millet.
19:54They attributed to the Argentinian president responsibility for the dismissal of almost
19:59a thousand scientists who will lose their grants as of August.
20:04The General Secretary of the Association of Workers that Work for the Government said
20:09that they have 955 colleagues who competed last year and their appointments are still
20:16According to those who mobilized, contrary to what was said by the presidency of the
20:20organization, the CONICET is in an emergency situation.
20:43Mexico's National Water Commission, CONAGUA, reported that this Wednesday, Tropical Depression
20:483E intensified and formed Tropical Storm Carlota in Pacific waters.
20:54The institution indicated that for now, Carlota is not expected to make landfall in Mexico.
20:59However, it predicted that the cyclone will intensify to a hurricane in the next few days.
21:05The CONAGUA indicated that the tropical storm is beginning to intensify slowly.
21:12are causing very heavy to occasionally heavy rains and winds with strong gusts in the states
21:20of Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima and Michoacan on the Pacific coast.
21:25They added there will be high waves and possible formation of water sprouts on the coast of
21:31the aforementioned states.
21:37And in Brazil, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned on Wednesday the integrated
21:42management bill to prevent and improve firefighting in the Pantanal and throughout Brazil.
21:48The environmental legislation was passed in Corumbá as part of the presidential tour
21:53over the affected areas.
21:55In this sense, the head of state stressed that he arrived in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do
22:00Sul, to sanction the law that establishes the national policy of integrated fire management,
22:06a fundamental policy to fight forest fires.
22:09The president also indicated that the Pantanal is a World Heritage Site and said he was proud
22:15of the work of the members of the brigade and IBAMA in fighting the fires in this biome.
22:40We go now to the Olympics.
22:41The Colombian women's national football team qualified for the first time in history to
22:46the quarterfinals of the Games.
22:48Although the Colombian team lost 0-1 to the Canadian national team in the third match
22:54of Group A of the women's soccer at Paris 2024 Olympic Games, it managed to get a place
23:00in the quarterfinals.
23:01The national team, which dominated the ball for most of the game and played the best soccer,
23:07advanced to the next round as one of the best third-placed teams in the tournament
23:12on goal difference.
23:14The Colombian team, which scored four goals and conceded the same amount in the group
23:19stage, overcame Australia, which finished with minus three to reach the next round of
23:26the Olympics.
23:30We have come to the end of this news brief.
23:32You can find these and many other stories on our website at www.telus4english.net.
23:37You can also join us on social media.
23:38We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
23:42For Telus4English, my name is Belén de los Santos.
23:46Thank you for watching.
