Figures show positive signs for 20mph law

  • 2 months ago
Despite unprecedented backlash since it was first put into law, it seems the Welsh government’s 20 miles per hour speed limits have worked, with less road deaths in January to March this year than the same period of any year in the last decade.


00:00The Welsh Government's 20mph speed limit is undoubtedly one of the most controversial
00:06decisions in Welsh political history. It sparked massive backlash when it was first introduced
00:11last year, with a petition against it gathering over 400,000 signatures.
00:17Despite the public outcry, it seems, according to the statistics, that the policy has actually
00:21worked in decreasing the number of road accidents, with a lower number at the start of the year
00:25than any other year in the last decade. People killed or seriously injured on roads
00:30of 20 or 30 mph has decreased by roughly a quarter between January and March, compared
00:35to the same period last year, and even ranks lower than 2020 and 2021, when people drove
00:41significantly less due to Covid. If you also include minor injuries, the number
00:45still comes out at roughly a quarter drop, which shows positive signs for the policy.
00:50Whether the public's perception of the law changes given these figures remains to be
00:54said, but the Welsh Government will definitely be shouting about these stats when the plans
00:58are examined.
