• 2 months ago
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions, and have you already broken them? Or do you think resolutions are nonsense?


00:00I always make a new year's resolution every year, not that I always stick to it.
00:04And my new year's resolution this year is to get a lot fitter than I am.
00:09Rather than make a hard and fast resolution that I'm going to do this or I'm not going to do that,
00:15I think when the year turns over you have a bit of a fresh outlook anyway.
00:21If I was to say a resolution would be to kind of live my life the way I want to live it.
00:26Because I feel like we kind of just try and blend in.
00:30With the times moving, we're all trying to be how everyone else is on social media.
00:35And for me, just kind of taking a step back and going, actually, I want to do that.
00:39If I don't want to do what that person's doing, I'm not going to do it.
00:42What do I want to happen through the year? Not necessarily, you know, I will do this,
00:46because you're usually setting yourself up for a fall, aren't you?
00:49But there'll be better times ahead of you.
00:53Maybe get back to the gym as well, because I've not been to the gym for a while.
00:56But it's busy times, isn't it? You know, life gets so busy.
