January habits: What are the most common New Years’ Resolutions for 2024?

  • last year
You might have made a vision board for 2024, detailing all your aims and manifestations for the year ahead. Or, perhaps you’re not particularly one for resolutions and would prefer to see how the year pans out for itself. With this in mind, what are some of the typical habits Brits adopt every January?


00:00 With a new year comes new resolutions, the adoption of new habits and a pocket full of
00:05 dreams that we more than intend to pursue, whether we actually do or not being up for
00:09 discussion.
00:10 Now, according to Forbes magazine, almost a third of Brits are planning to set New Year's
00:15 resolutions in 2024.
00:18 Research showed then that the prevailing theme of resolutions revolved around individuals
00:22 looking to enhance their physical well-being, with more than three in five with a resolution
00:28 opting to make physical or dietary changes in 2024.
00:31 35% said they'd aim to lose weight and 13% intended to reduce alcohol consumption.
00:36 Whilst financial goals and ambition to cut down on time spent on social media also top
00:41 the list for most common resolutions, it remains clear that Brits intend to get fit and prioritise
00:46 their physical and mental well-being above all else.
00:50 But the way I motivate myself is knowing that when it gets to January/February I'm going
00:56 to be on the gym bars wanting to get fit for the summer because the summer's coming.
00:59 We all do it, we all want to get summer ready.
01:02 People that struggle to motivate themselves think that the people they see on Instagram,
01:06 like me, who are training quite a lot, we just really want to do it and we love it and
01:11 we wake up buzzing to train.
01:12 That's not the case.
01:13 Nobody enjoys, nobody likes the feeling of "I'm about to train".
01:22 People like the feeling of after they train and that's what they need to get in their
01:25 head.
01:26 This is how I'm going to feel after so that's why I'm going to get up and do it.
01:30 But you're not meant to be excited to work out.
01:32 If you are then hats off to you but I'm never excited to work out, I'm just excited for
01:36 the way it's going to make me feel after.
01:38 January also seems a time for changing habits.
01:41 We have Dry January which sees people giving up alcohol for the whole month and there's
01:45 Veganuary which sees people avoid consumption of animal products for the whole month long.
01:51 But with nearly one in five British people feeling under pressure to set New Year's resolutions,
01:56 the 18-34 age range in particular, perhaps Goalsetting consists of also remembering that
02:01 we ourselves are only human.
02:04 You should be in competition with yourself, not anybody else.
02:07 Life's about balance.
02:08 I'm a massive believer and advocate for balance.
02:10 It gets to the weekend and I'll have a beer or two and I'll eat my takeaways, I'll indulge
02:15 in the foods I want to indulge in.
02:16 When I get to Monday I want to go again.
02:18 I'm not in the gym 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
02:21 I'll do three sessions, maybe four a week and have the other three or four days off.
02:26 I'll relax on my diet the weekend.
02:28 So don't get caught up in feeling like you have to be in the gym the whole time because
02:32 that's when it will get upsetting and get a bit depressing.
02:35 You need to just sort of have that balance but I promise you having the gym and diet
02:41 balance in your life will make you feel a lot happier mentally.
02:45 Training I think, you don't want to be doing the same thing.
02:48 I'll play a bit of paddle tennis, a bit of golf, a bit of football, go for walks with
02:51 the dogs, go for runs outside, go for runs inside, hip workouts inside, weight sessions.
02:56 I just like to do all different forms of exercise, boxing, because if you do that you won't get
03:01 bored doing the same thing.
