The Tigers NEED To Spend This Offseason

  • last month
00:00The sense of urgency to add this winter, it's code red, man.
00:10It's code red.
00:11Well, it's definitely code red.
00:12And here's, I don't want to see this.
00:13This is the most competitive Tiger team in eight years.
00:17It's the most competitive Tiger team.
00:19And now what's going to happen is they're going to fade.
00:21100% they are.
00:23And they're going to finish with a worse record than last year.
00:25No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:28Do not use that as a reason not to add.
00:31This team competed.
00:33This team showed enough that this team absolutely needs to add.
00:38They should treat it like a team that's closer than the record will indicate.
00:42They have got to add this winter and the money has to be spent.
00:47And I think, I understand that some people will yell and scream that ownership's never
00:52going to spend money.
00:53Got it.
00:54You're in that position.
00:55That's fine.
00:57Admittedly, I think, I think I'm speaking for myself and for you, we're a little bit
01:02understanding of what they've tried to do.
01:04I won't be anymore.
01:05Like do not treat this like a team that finishes with a well below 500 record when it does
01:11finish with a well below 500 record, because that's not what it was.
01:15Treat it like a team that's close.
01:17When this team is healthy and not every team is going to be healthy, of course, right.
01:23But when they are healthy, they're better than 500 baseball team.
01:27You know, with an outfield of, of, of Carpenter Meadows and green, that's that when they're
01:31healthy and when you've got a healthy resource in and a healthy case, don't, don't shake
01:36your head.
01:37I don't know.
01:38I don't know if I agree with that, but here's why.
01:39Because they were, because they were a 500 team when that happened, you said better than
01:44Well, what was the record in May 5th?
01:47Well, okay.
01:48I mean, it's pretty early in the year.
01:50It's 35 games in or 30 games in whatever, but they were above it.
01:54And then boom, Kerry Carpenter gets hurt.
01:58That was massive.
01:59Losing a guy who had an over 900 OPS.
02:01And then you move on.
02:02And then the team got well below 500.
02:04And then it got within two games of 500 again.
02:07And they're doing it without a handful of players.
02:10And when I look at the pitching even more so, because obviously Reese Olsen is big.
02:15So you're losing.
02:16They lose Reese Olsen.
02:17Now they've got no clarity.
02:19Casey Mize is done until September.
02:23You've got two starting pitchers in your rotation.
02:25And one of them is Kater Montero.
02:27And then you're going to probably bring back Maeda and then maybe go bullpen, bring somebody
02:31up from Toledo.
02:32Hey, Alex Fieto, welcome to the rotation.
02:34I mean, whatever it is, it's a mess the rest of the way.
02:37I agree with you that this is a potential for them to tank it, but let's not lose sight
02:41that this is a perhaps better than 500 baseball team when they're healthy.
02:46So yeah, they have to spend, they have to spend and find, because the key part of this,
02:51we go to the trade deadline and we're all thinking, we got, we got these thoughts of
02:55trading Scooble and fixing the left half of your infield, getting a shortstop, getting
03:00a third baseman.
03:02And it didn't happen.
03:03Now they got a shortstop, but I don't know what the shortstop is.
03:06I mean, you're looking at a situation where you've got Trey Sweeney, who they get from
03:14the Dodgers, right?
03:15He's a triple-A player who is, has, his numbers aren't even as impressive as Navigato's, right?
03:23Big kid, 6'4", right?
03:24That's former first round pick.
03:26That's Ryan Kreidler, right?
03:276'4", but Ryan Kreidler has a, at least he's got the background where he's a, he's a really
03:31good fielder.
03:32Not sure Sweeney is.
03:33So I don't know what Sweeney is.
03:35Is he the answer at short?
03:37Probably not.
03:38They still need a shortstop.
03:39What about third base?
03:41They don't have third base.
03:42They didn't address that.
03:44And Jace Young, by all counts, is not working out as a third baseman.
03:48So where do they find that?
03:50You're going to have to go and get yourself a corner infielder in free agency.
03:55And it may have to be at first base as well, because who knows what's going on with Tork,
03:59but Tork has gotten a little bit better.
04:00He's raised his OPS over 800 now.
04:03He's hitting 247, which is no great shakes, but he drew, I think he had a couple of walks
04:07last night and he had a double, and he's, he had a couple of home runs and seven RBIs
04:11the other day.
04:13He's starting to come back, but I'm not, I'm not in any rush to bring Torkelson back up.
04:17He's going to have to show that he's really, he's really earned it to come back up, but
04:22they may have to find two new corner spots on this team.
04:25And that those are areas of power.
04:27Those are run producers and hopefully they're free agent ready.
04:31So when Carpenter got hurt, they were below 500 and they had Reese Olsen and they had
04:35Casey Mize, but they didn't have a hot hitting Colt Keith.
04:38Like I, I feel, I want them to treat this like a team that was close in the off season
04:44and add, please add, you know, you can't keep talking about it, especially when you got
04:51the clock ticking on Scooble and re-sign Scooble by all means, re-sign Scooble.
04:58By all means.
05:00But the only thing we know is that you have him for two more years.
05:04And so try to win while you know you have him.
05:09And if they don't, if they don't, you're probably going to lose my support.
05:13And I think the same is true of you.
05:18I mean, they, they, they need to spend money.
05:19They that's a, it's obvious with this team that they, I think they've got some, some,
05:27some core players now that they're starting to find out a lot of that depends on how they
05:30play the last 50 games of the season here.
05:33I'm really training my eye on guys like Dingler because if, if Dingler ends up being a guy
05:39you can rely on, that's huge.
05:41It's a catcher, right?
05:42So you don't have to go shopping for a catcher or if you do, you're finding a compliment
05:47to him.
05:48That's not Jake Rogers.
05:49You, you, there'll be massive, you know, Wenzel Perez, he, he's got a lot to like, there's
05:56a lot, he's, he's a toolsy kind of player and okay, is he going to continue to show
06:00that he can hit with above average OPS so he deserves to be on a baseball team?
06:05I think so.
06:06Maloia is a big question mark, you know, because there, there are times that he looks like
06:11he's, he's, he fits the part patient at the plate.
06:14He's got some power and then there are times that he just doesn't look like he's there,
06:17but we'll see.
06:18And over the next 50 games, and it's also a key part because that's, that's a Scott
06:23Harris guy.
06:24That's the first thing that he did.
06:25That's the first piece that he moved.
06:27But I'm, I'm wondering with the moves that he has made, Scott Harris, his GM, if they
06:32go into the off season and the off season doesn't yield something that we're talking
06:36about players of substance that Scott Harris may not be here long enough to see the fruits
06:42of his labor because he's taken high school kids high in the draft and those are his players
06:48and they may end up being great players, but you won't see for three years.
06:52Well, the whole school thing, not getting traded was one of the biggest things for me,
06:57So I echo your thoughts on, then you have to do something this off season right now,
07:02because the only guarantee is scuba under contract for two more years.
07:06Scott Boris being his agent, who knows what's going to happen after that.
07:09When you don't move scuba, you have to do something because you're right.
07:13They were competing much earlier in the season and then now the rest of the year, this is
07:17going to be whatever, right?
07:18No one even cares, but he keeps, Harris keeps saying guys develop the core foundation before
07:24they spend money.
07:25So I think his words and actions are kind of different.
07:28I don't know what to expect from him.
07:29I'm worried.
07:30I'm worried he didn't negotiate a good deal more than, because I don't know these players.
07:35I'm just worried that he got taken advantage of possibly.
07:37I think he got taken advantage of on scuba.
07:39Let's just say, so low on scuba.
07:42But the fact that they didn't move scuba means we're going to try next year?
07:46They better.
07:47They better put more into looking like they're a team that's trying to add players that help
07:54them win.
07:55Not just add players that help them field a baseball team, two, four, eight, five, three,
08:00nine, 97.
