Tigers Playing So Well, It's Hard To Believe

  • 2 months ago
00:00I would love to see them start the second half as hot as they are as they went into the all-star break
00:07So can they can they keep this up?
00:11It feels like there's more evidence that suggests that they cannot now can Colt Keith
00:17Who is an undefined player yet? We don't know what he's gonna be. Can he keep it up this month?
00:22He's hitting 370 with a 463 on base percentage and he's hit five home runs. I
00:27Don't I mean no matter how
00:31Optimistic you are about what Colt Keith is going to be
00:35hitting 370
00:37the rest of the way
00:39feels like
00:40like a virtual impossibility
00:43But can he be?
00:45Can he be really good? He could be and I hope that he they can be I
00:50Mean the idea that he could be a 300 plus hitter
00:54Which isn't the only stat anymore, but can he can he have a
00:57400 on base
00:59You know that feels like the high end of what he could be. Can he can he hit five homers a month?
01:04Yeah, I mean these things aren't that's not
01:08unattainable 370 with a
01:10463 on base probably is Riley Green's hitting 380 with a
01:14446 on base percentage this month george shell is hitting 298 this month
01:19Justin Henry Malloy is hitting 303 with a 398 on base percentage this month
01:25Those are a bunch of guys that have really I mean, they're they're they're humming. They are raking this month and
01:33And they've scored they've scored a bunch of runs their home run total this month in April
01:40They hit 23 home runs in May. They hit 25 in June. They hit 24
01:47Through 13 games in July the Tigers hit 23 home runs
01:5323 home runs and they just took four days off and
01:58They are three home runs away from this being their most productive month in terms of
02:03hitting home runs and
02:06So and there's 13 games to go
02:09Like it's it's easily going to be their best power month of the season. And so
02:17You talk about sustainability
02:19Most of this doesn't feel sustainable
02:22Which is why I don't change the approach to sell
02:27But you know AJ was on the morning show saying hey, I want to buy and
02:34You know the guys at MLB trade rumors do a really good job, and it's a it's a it's a it's a good website
02:41I enjoy going there and they kind of
02:44You know a place where they aggregate all of the trade reports that are out there
02:49They were going so far. They were they were taking questions from from people on their website and some Tiger fan asked
02:56Hey, can they keep this up? And could they actually be buyers?
03:01they made the point that the Tigers have nine games before the deadline against, Minnesota in Cleveland and
03:10If they went and they said seven and two in those nine games
03:15They thought that the Tigers could shift gears and think about buying and
03:20I'm I mean, I'm I'm skeptical. I want them. I
03:25Want them to but I just gave the reasons why?
03:28Unfortunately, I don't think this is sustainable. But like I said before the break, I'm not conceding anything
03:36So let's watch but they threw names out there
03:39Would you trade for Louise Robert
03:44Would you do that and the name they threw was Jackson Jobe
03:54It's it would be one hell of an aggressive move and
04:00It would imply
04:02That they think they can win something
04:04That they think they can win something
04:07But you're trading a young talented arm for a mid-twenties center fielder
04:16But if you're trying to win now
04:19He would help last year he hit 38 bombs this year he's not quite as productive I
04:27Would not
04:28They suggested it
04:31Would you trade for a Brent Rooker outfielder from Oakland who's got 20 home runs here 20 plus home runs at the break
04:41Could you get him for less than Jackson Jobe
04:45Again I don't I don't foresee doing this but they suggested it
04:54Would you trade for Randy
04:57Rosarito a
04:59Decent hitter but struggling this year with Tampa I
05:05Would not unless it's a
05:09You know that the asking price wasn't much
05:13but they suggested it and I'm OB trade rumors and
05:16And I'm just like look these guys cover the game and cover it like you know they're not
05:21This isn't just two fans
05:24They're wildly throwing things against the wall
05:28Hey, man
05:30Okay, it's out there. We'll talk about it
05:33it really would have to be a
05:37Massive I mean a continue the hot start of the second and and how can they keep that up?
05:44Why the greens not gonna hit 380 Colt Keith's not gonna hit 370. I mean is Justin Hemmerman Lloyd gonna hit over 300 I
05:52Mean these are things these are trends
05:55That I just you know I want to believe it in the worst way
05:58I mean I think if you're familiar with this show Gator and I always try and find ways
06:03To get to a better place. How can how can they get?
06:08It just doesn't feel sustainable god bless him at MLB trade rumors
06:13for making these suggestions and and
06:16Then talking about the Tigers. It's not all doom and gloom
06:20which is awesome, but I
06:24Guess I just still looking to sell and come back next year
06:30with more ammunition to try and compete
