• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - E’ stato presentato presso il Terminal 3 dell’aeroporto Leonardo Da Vinci, il nuovo brano dei Barkee Bay dal titolo ‘Connessioni’. Una colonna sonora estiva, nata grazie alla collaborazione tra la band bresciana e Mundys, che punta a sensibilizzare i passeggeri su come spostarsi in modo sostenibile. Una canzone che si viene ad avere grazie a due realtà da sempre sensibili alle tematiche inerenti alla tutela ambientale e che è stata lanciata al grande pubblico durante un flash mob che ha visto anche la partecipazione di 10 allievi ballerini dell’Accademia Artisti di Roma.


00:00It was presented at the Terminal 3 of the Leonardo da Vinci airport, the new song of the Beeda boats, entitled Connessione.
00:24A summer soundtrack made of a mix of musical genres connected to each other,
00:28which distinguishes the group composed of three songwriters, all under 30,
00:32that will accompany in the coming months all the people in traffic in the Mundis infrastructures.
00:36A song born thanks to the collaboration between the Bresciana band and the group,
00:40which aims to sensitize passengers on how to move in a sustainable way
00:44and that comes to be thanks to two realities that have always been sensitive to the themes inherent in environmental protection.
00:49Yes, definitely the collaboration of Mundis was...
00:53I don't know, we found each other, both ideologically and musically,
00:59it has always been a good relationship, also humanly,
01:02and it is something that we liked and we hope to continue and that someone arrives.
01:07It was born in a very spontaneous way, especially for a sharing of values,
01:10which goes from travel to sustainability, and so when this thing was proposed to us,
01:15we immediately accepted it and we couldn't wait, in this case,
01:19to unite and say, let's unite art and bring it also in a more institutional context.
01:24Connessione was launched to the general public during a flashmob
01:27that saw the participation of 10 students, dancers of the Academy of Artists of Rome,
01:31who performed wearing t-shirts with the logos of Mundis.
01:35An initiative that was strongly wanted by the group to continue to keep the spotlight on an important theme,
01:40which is green travel, but not only, but also to continue to connect people and infrastructures,
01:45allowing Mundis to keep the focus on travelers, as it is doing through the The Line project.
01:51We started to say, let's communicate the beauty of nature, of everything,
01:55we travel a lot in vans and our communication,
01:58that is, our vacations, our communication goes around that,
02:01so it was born from that, and what we hope people will receive is to say,
02:05in a small way, let's preserve this thing, which is the most beautiful thing we have.
02:11We hope so, clearly, we make music, our influences are children of our age,
02:18of the time we live, so maybe our audience tends to be a little younger,
02:24but we hope that as many people as possible will arrive, our goal is that, of course.
02:29The initiative held at the Leonardo da Vinci airport was therefore an artistic moment of great thickness
02:34that allowed the components of the band to launch their song,
02:37which illustrates the important pillars that guide Mundis' business,
02:40such as simplifying everyday life and satisfying the needs of people
02:44to move in an increasingly sustainable, integrated and smart way,
02:47making the travel experience unique and favoring the connection.
02:51Our actions are the future, we bring the rhythm of the movement,
02:55raising the volume, lowering the emissions.
