• 18 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ritengo che il legame tra i dati e la comunicazione sia importante da molti anni, ma ormai è indissolubile, soprattutto ora, nell’era dell'intelligenza artificiale. Da questo punto di vista iniziative come il Festival della Statistica e della Demografia, giunto al suo decimo anno, possono dare un grande impulso, in quanto portiamo il dibattito a tutti i pubblici possibili”. Con queste dichiarazioni Serenella Ravioli, direttrice centrale per la comunicazione, informazione e servizi ai cittadini e agli utenti dell’Istat, è intervenuta a margine della terza giornata di lavori di StatisticAll, il festival della statistica e della demografia.


00:00I believe that the link between data and communication has been important for many years, but it is now indissoluble,
00:12precisely in the times of artificial intelligence.
00:15From this point of view, I think that initiatives such as the Festival of Statistics and Demography,
00:21reached its tenth year, can really give a great boost.
00:25Why? Because we bring the debate to all possible audiences.
00:30Debates have taken place in this room with managers, university lecturers and institutional authorities,
00:40but we also organize laboratories and activities for the dissemination of statistical culture, even for the youngest.
00:46And this seems to me to be the classic example of the democracy of data.
00:51By teaching everyone to know the data, we are doing our part, I believe,
00:56in the construction of a conscious citizenship.
01:00Surely, as you said, the fact that there are many guests is an added value,
01:06a recognition of the importance of this festival.
01:09Yes, certainly it is a recognition for the festival and I would say that even more it is a recognition for the theme,
01:16that is, for the culture of data.
01:18Data no longer has to be a topic for employees, for technicians, for university lecturers or for sector journalists.
01:26Statistics are now part of everyday life, of our daily life,
01:31and through artificial intelligence, machine learning, but also more simply,
01:35through the Internet of Things and everywhere.
01:39So, no longer being afraid of data, giving shape to data, as I said, allows us to grow more safely.
