• 18 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolta presso la Sala Caduti di Nassiriya del Senato della Repubblica la conferenza stampa di presentazione, su iniziativa del senatore Antonio De Poli, del Digitalmeet 2024, il più grande festival italiano su alfabetizzazione digitale per cittadini e imprese, in programma dal 21 al 27 ottobre 2024. Il titolo del convegno organizzato in Senato è ‘L’etica dell’intelligenza artificiale’.


00:00The biggest Italian festival on digital literacy for citizens and businesses is the DigitalMeet 2024,
00:12scheduled from 21 to 27 October, whose press conference of the pre-opening of the two-day, 18-19 October,
00:20opened with an agreement on the ethics of artificial intelligence in Palazzo Giustignani in Rome.
00:26The aim of today's conference is to underline how Italy has recovered a lot in Europe in recent years.
00:32We have gone from 26th, 27th place in the European graduation, which is the DESI index, to the current 19th,
00:40but we have recovered on the connection almost nothing, even lost on literacy.
00:45Here is our challenge on digital literacy and that's what we do with DigitalMeet.
00:51We bring in all territories the language of the digital.
00:54What does it mean for the edition of this year?
00:57To be present in all events and regions and from Monday, 21st to 27th,
01:02initiatives of all kinds throughout Italy to popularize the vision of digital literacy.
01:11Among the promoters, Senator Antonio De Poli, who underlines how ethics is a fundamental factor
01:17and gives clear rules to the great development of artificial intelligence.
01:21Our conscience is something fundamental.
01:25Ethics and conscience are the fundamental and precise points for the future of artificial intelligence
01:32and what will be innovation, which is fundamental, but we must take into account
01:36that in the human context artificial intelligence cannot replace it.
01:41We govern with clear and precise rules that have already been given at the European level,
01:47but I believe that even today we must give clear rules to those who do not want to use it
01:54in the best way, in the way of evolution of our society,
02:00but in a negative way we must have clear and precise rules that this cannot do.
02:05Alessandro Sperduti, professor of computer science at the University of Padova,
02:10illustrates the next practical developments of ChatGPT.
02:13ChatGPT has opened the front of natural language, something that was not possible before.
02:21The evolution will be to include, in addition to text, also video, images,
02:29and this is already happening, sound, speech, spoken,
02:33in order to allow the computer to connect more easily with the external world.
02:40The applications can be varied, it depends on our imagination.
