• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il governo sta facendo molto sull'intelligenza artificiale: il dipartimento che dirigo ha istituito una commissione che ha prodotto una relazione estremamente corposa inserita nel disegno sull'intelligenza artificiale che in questo momento è all'esame del Senato: si tratta di proteggere il copyright e il diritto d'autore, rendere trasparenti i contenuti fatti con intelligenza artificiale istituire una nuova fattispecie di reato cosiddetta deep fake". Lo ha detto Alberto Barachini, sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio con delega all’editoria, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione, su iniziativa del senatore Antonio De Poli, del Digitalmeet 2024, il più grande festival italiano su alfabetizzazione digitale per cittadini e imprese, in programma dal 21 al 27 ottobre 2024. Il titolo del convegno organizzato in Senato è ‘L’etica dell’intelligenza artificiale’.


00:00The government is doing a lot on Artificial Intelligence, in the meantime the department
00:08that I direct, that of the Presidency of the Council with the Delegation for Information
00:12and Publishing, has established a commission, chaired by Father Paolo Benanti, who is the
00:16advisor for Pope Francis' innovation, which is a commission that has produced an extremely
00:25corporeal commission, and this commission has produced a reflection that has been inserted
00:30in the drawing on Artificial Intelligence, which is currently under review by the Senate.
00:35It is about protecting copyright, it is about making the contents made with Artificial
00:41Intelligence transparent, and it is about instituting a new kind of crime, the so-called
00:46deepfake. Of course, the debate between those who want to regulate or govern Artificial
00:51Intelligence and those who just want to make the process of innovation easier is an interesting
00:55debate, but we have to start from a premise. Let's think of Artificial Intelligence as
01:00the invention of the car. No one wants cars to circulate on the roads, but we want there
01:05to be a code of the road, we want there to be guardrails, we want there to be safe
01:10roads to circulate the car of the innovation of Artificial Intelligence.
